Game Story: Magic Trials, Part 3

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: DrakeHavok is this little chapter of his trip through the magical labyrinth. Through purification now, and on towards the next. So many things to do, so many things to see.

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Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3: (You are Here)

HP: 13/25

Strength: 10 (+0)

Dexterity: 14 (+2)

Constitution: 10 (+0)

Intelligence: 18 (+4)

Wisdom: 18 (+4)

Charisma: 14 (+2)

Corruption: 22/30 (corruption is how far along you are to losing your base form to the ravages of magic. High wisdom slows this)

Libido: 5/40 (High libido affects magic as well as other actions. If it goes up, your ability to resist things gets harder, dice rolls get more difficult to make.)

-Fire spells: 3

-Healing spells: 2

-Transformation spells: 4

-Agility: 3

-Melee attack: 2

-Stealth: 4

Special Equipment:

-Student's Staff: A basic magical staff, adds +2 to magic spells. Has several slots to add new ability stones to.


Two great challenges down, and potentially the greatest one yet right in front of you. The mists of Transformation still linger around you, wisping about at your feet, leaving trails behind you with every step that you take. Everything seems so...insubstantial in this realm, and you can only hope that Purification will be better than what you've been through so far.

Then again, it would have to be. Wouldn't it? After all, you've lost most of your human form, if not all of it, to this new goo-shape that you have. Your body is almost completely made of it, now, with so little of your original flesh left. It's like you've been taken by this realm and molded to be what it wants instead of what you want.

Purification is also the only realm where you might get part of your body back, too; you know that the magic there is a counter for pretty much anything else here, purifying it away and restoring things. You just don't know how it works.

You do know, however, that you are in PAIN. Your body is still aching from the fight with the master of Transformation, and you know that you can't take too much more in the way of punishment.

You stand at the edge of the worlds, right where Purification begins and Transformation ends.

What do you do?


//: I know exactly what I will do; I immediately cast a healing spell, my gift from the green section of the maze, in hopes of mostly - if not entirely - healing my body from the damage it has sustained. (End)

(Roll Healing Spells, DC 12)


(Roll 1d6)


You heal yourself for a fair bit of damage, the burns and marks on your goo body starting to fade away, as well as a lot of the discomfort that you suffered. Sure, it costs you a little in the energy department, but it makes you feel a lot better than you had been feeling, that's for darn sure.

[Health increase by 9]

Mastan emerges from his little hiding spot, looking you in the face.

"I think...It's going to be difficult. Purification doesn't like things being in different forms, and it'll try to...restore us. Um...that's not as fun as it sounds, by the way..."

Not that it sounds that fun to start with, but you can see why he might have said that it would hurt going through. You're feeling more confident than ever that you made the right decision.


//: I elect to ignore the few remaining injuries that the spell failed to heal and walk through to Purification, expecting to be instantly bombarded with pain. (End)

You aren't entirely wrong. As soon as you step through the mists, you feel like you've walked into fire. The world around you glows in painfully bright light, and you feel like you might have been blinded if you hadn't closed your eyes a little bit on the way through. Your liquid body helps in this matter, at least a little bit, but you can feel a bit like you're being boiled away, like the 'fires' of Purification are cooking you down to your most basic self. It stings, but at the same time, it feels...good? Good in the way that accomplishing a goal does, anyway.

Mastan hisses, digging himself further into your goo body, almost like he's using you as some armor to keep from being incinerated himself, and you can feel him lingering deep inside of you, almost like some other creature, or a huge worm in your stomach.

"Keep moving! We can't stay here long!"

Of course you can't, but where do you go? It's hard to see...

(Roll Intelligence, DC 12)


But you do remember that your teacher mentioned that there are safe spots in Purification. Safe ledges where people meditate over the flames rather than leaping into them. Glancing around, you can see one, looming over the firepit that you're in, with a pair of scaly legs dangling over it. Doubtless someone has already seen you, but since they aren't attacking, maybe they're friendly?


//: I could run to the safe spot... but I'm not sure how 'safe' it really is if someone is already in it. Then again, if the safe spots are for meditation, perhaps creatures inside them would prefer to not fight. I decide to chance it and head for the safe spot, but I keep my staff at the ready just in case. (End)

The safe spot is a ledge that overlooks the fire that you're in, and the closer you get to it, the more you recognize the type of legs that are hanging down. You've walked alongside someone with similar ones before, after all, though your teacher had black scales rather than these green ones. Glancing up, you can see a dragon looking down at you, his eyes half closed, his nostrils flared as he takes in the smells of the fire.

There is a rope beside him, and you can only imagine what kind of crazies would be here that would actually willingly climb down into the fires. It's so hot, and you can feel yourself getting gummier and gummier, thicker and thicker the longer that you're in it.

(Roll Constitution, DC 13)



(Fire damage, 1d8)


It's not too much yet, but you can already feel your body losing what you healed. You are panting, dripping, and you almost feel like your goo body is trying to turn into a puddle, or lose bits of itself to evaporation.

"Hmm? What is this?"

The voice from above. It seems the dragon has noticed you.


//: "Hello," I say, straining under the extra heat that's begun to eat away at my body. 'Safe zones,' my teachers had said? Yeah. Sure. "Any chance I could get directions to the center of this zone from you? Preferably the fastest route so I don't melt to death?" (End)

"You wish - ah, I see. You are an aspiring mage. And truly an aspirational one, to come all this way to Purification. I do believe that you would melt long before reaching it, if you continue down there."

The dragon stands up, his legs disappearing from view. However, he soon comes back into view, stepping down into the fire with you. His robes - if he had been wearing any - disappear, leaving a naked green dragon at your side. And one that you are probably too overheated to really ogle, for a change. He gestures to the rope.

"I think you will talk easier if we step upwards, into the safe zone. Perhaps you can climb?"

(Roll Dexterity, DC 13)


You try to climb, but the rope is too much for you. That, and you are losing more and more of yourself to the heat. The dragon shakes his head.

"Hmm, a predicament...Perhaps I can fly you up."

(DM Roll, DC 12)


Unfortunately, the dragon can't get a strong enough grip on you to really help, and you remain in the fire. Speaking of which...

(Roll Constitution, DC 13)


(Fire damage, 1d8)


You're not sure if you're just taking less damage because you're getting thicker and harder skinned, or if you're just getting used to the heat. Either way, this dragon is not exactly proving the most helpful, is he? He is climbing back up the rope, muttering about normal people always needing a platform.


//: Though tempted to try once more to climb the rope after him, I decide to cast another healing spell first, to stave off the damage the fire has done to me. (End)

(Roll Healing Spells, DC14)


Unfortunately, the power of the fire around you and the heat and everything else makes it a little too hard to concentrate, and the spell fizzles in your hands. It doesn't hurt you - thank heavens - but the fire seems more than willing to do that for you, as the creaking, clanking sound of the platform lowering fills your ears.

(Roll Constitution, DC13)


And for once, either through sheer stubbornness or through the fact that your outer flesh has been cooked to a crisp, you take no damage from it. No damage from this fire, not anymore. You are done with that nonsense. You climb onto the platform with the dragon, and sigh with relief as it lifts you out of the flames.

As you reach the top, the 'safe zone', you look down and realize that the entrance had dropped you right into a pit of fire. There was no exit but one of the safe zones, meaning you could have wandered through that fire until you died if you hadn't remembered that little bit of information. Mastan shivers inside of you, and it somewhat reflects your own feelings on the matter.

The dragon sits down, crossing his legs, and as you glance down, you notice that your goo body has started changing. All that damage had done something; you are now more akin to the strange, sleek substances in the southern parts of the world, rather than the goo that you were. More solid, but just as stretchy.

[Rubber body, gained.]

Not only that, but you feel a little less...corrupt, like even though it hurt, the fire burned away some of the stuff the world had done to you.

[-4 Corruption]

"So...I suppose I can try and help you. What did you wish again?"


//: "I seek an audience with the master of Purification at the center of this section of the maze," I say as politely as possible. "And also, thank you for helping me out of the fire with this platform. I truly appreciate it." (End)

"Your manners behoove you. A change from most of those that come through Transformation; their minds are as changed as their bodies."

Thunk, thunk. The platform shakes under you, and the dragon shakes his head.

"Do not mind them. They are imps, now, burned down to the base forms that they had left after Transformation had changed their minds as deeply as it had. Mischief makers, seeking to drag others after them."

The dragon gestures towards the distance. You can see numerous firepits in the distance, as well as several dragons in the sky about you.

(Roll Wisdom, DC 15)


You can also see bits of fire rising from the pits, moving around among the different living things on the flat ground. You see several of them get struck by the fires, and rather than die, shift. You can see a number of them take on different forms, not so much transformed, but distilled, purified by the touch of it. And the fires, as you can see, are...perhaps not sentient, but definitely controlling where they move.

The dragon gets your attention again.

"The Master of Purification lies at the end of the Plains, in the Cave Beneath. You will find him in perhaps a half hour of walking. But perhaps you can do me a small favor, for the favor that I did for you."


//: "Most certainly," I say. "As long as it is within my ability to do so." (End)

"I appreciate your eagerness."

The dragon gestures towards your middle, where - due to your continued semi-transparency - Mastan is rather visible. The goo creature within you shirks back, but the dragon does nothing.

"There were several other students, in a state like his, that attempted to make their way here and change back. Purification has many powers, but they misunderstood it. It is not merely a means to restore something to its original form; in some cases, it will never do that. Purification takes what you are at the core, and brings that out, removing the extraneous things to allow you to be nothing more than the center of yourself.

"In the case of these students, they were...less than good things. They have been clustered around one of the fire pits for a week now, harassing other dragons. They are nothing but an annoyance, but they are one that is causing problems, and one that we cannot circumvent due to old treaties. You, however, can deal with them, and remove them. Should you accomplish this...I can promise a reward for you. Of your choice."


//: "Hmm..." I hum, taking a moment to think. "I could certainly do that for you... if you can point me in their direction, or better yet take me directly to them. Though I have to ask first, are you including Mastan here in this group of problems?" (End)

"I am not including him; he has yet to become a problem, nor does he seem interested in bothering us. Isn't that the case...Mastan?"

"It is, it is, don't have to ask, it is."


The dragon gestures in the same direction as he had when he mentioned the cave.

"They are four or five pits in that direction. They aren't terribly strong individually, but they do like to work together. They were turned into something rather...demonic, I suppose, would be your term for it, and their desires shaped their forms. You will see what I mean when you see them. When you've finished, I'll know, and I'll be with you a few minutes after."

The dragon turns back towards the fire and places his hands on his knees, closing his eyes as he loses himself to the fire and the smells from it. You don't really know why, but you can sort of understand the appeal. The slow crackle, almost silent as the flames are more ethereal than physical, is rather soothing, and you could imagine sitting here for a long time...


//: Sadly, such actions, while preferable, are off the table. I prepare to head in the direction of the former students, and I begin by attempting to cast yet another healing spell. (End)

(Roll Healing Spells, DC 12)


Frustratingly, it fizzles out again, and you shake your head at the magic. It just wasn't coming very easily anymore, and you have the feeling that if you kept trying without getting a little rest, it might have a few adverse effects. After all, magic is not that easy to work with at the best of times, and when you're tired...well, there was that time when you turned your blankets into a swarm of snakes instead of a warmer comforter. Perhaps best not?

The dragon does seem to notice your magic, though, even without turning around. He smiles.

"You should be relatively safe, in this fight. As long as you do not do something stupid, you should triumph over the three of them."


//: "I'll take your word for it," I say, bowing slightly. "Again, thank you for your help with this safe zone." And with that I take off for the fire pits where the students should be, staff at the ready. (End)

As you make your way along the Plains, you are incredibly conscious of just how warm it is. The other areas have been warm, even tropical, but this place feels more like a desert. You would have thought that the zone of fire would have been the worst, the place for a ton of heat, but if it's worse than this, you are feeling more than a little grateful that you came this way instead.

Your rubbery body sweats as you continue, and you can see it shimmer whenever you let your hand swing forward as you walk. Dragons here and there turn to look at you, but it's more a casual interest in your passing rather than the eager looks that you've received from other labyrinth denizens thus far. They seem to be quite happy to let you go by without molestation, at the moment, and it seems that will continue so long as you don't bother them.

(DM Roll, DC 15)


Unfortunately, the same can't be said for the fire wisps that you saw earlier. As you pass by the third firepit, one lurches into the air like a rock thrown from a volcano, and floats around before seeming to set eyes on you. It holds its position before darting forward, moving fast enough to at least keep up with you while you run, if not overtake you. Having seen what these things did to the wildlife around - anything from burning them to a crisp to transforming them into an exaggerated form of themselves - you aren't sure that you want to get touched by that thing.

Then again, Purification...perhaps it might take you closer to your human form...if with a cost.


//: I'd rather not chance it if I don't have to; I begin running away from the wisp, keeping my eye on it and preparing to dodge to the side if I can't outrun it. (End)

(DM Roll, DC 14)


Well, one thing's for sure. This wisp is eager for you; it shoots through the air like a bullet, putting on speed the closer that it gets to you. Looking over your shoulder as you run, you can see that it's growing, almost the size of your fist, compared to most of the wisps that were barely the size of your pinkie finger. Something is driving this thing to get you.

"Don't let it get me! Don't let it get me!"

Mastan begs inside of you, seemingly far more afraid of it than you are. Not something that you can deal with at the moment, however; this thing is getting closer and closer, and you need to dodge. Now.

(Roll Agility, DC 11)


You dodge to the side at the perfect moment, the fire wisp shooting past you. It has just enough solidity to bounce off of the ground, leaving ghostly fire behind it. It swings up in the air in front of you, looking down at you like an angry cartoon sun.

"I, um...don't suppose you know any water spells?"

You don't, but you do know transformation, at least, and if you can transform the right thing, you might be able to get some advantage. Or, if that fails, you notice that a lot of wisps do run out of steam. Lead it on a long enough chase, and even this big one might fade.


//: Though tempted to try something insane, I hold back my urge to throw fire at the wisp and instead decide to try transforming the air around the wisp into water, or at least some form of non-flammable liquid. (End)

(Roll Transformation Spells, DC 15)


You almost get the spell formed when the creature suddenly darts forward, moving through the magic that you are weaving around it. You barely dodge out of the way before it can hit you, and you slam your hand on the ground in frustration.

"Okay...that was really close..."

Still, you're not sure how much longer the wisp can last. It's shrunk at least to half of its original size, and its fading further as it comes around for another pass. It can't be that hard to deal with, if you try the transformation spell again. Then again, you can also try running; the only problem there is that it is incredibly fast, and might catch you before it fades entirely.


//: I decide to do both. Now that it's not in my way I can run for my original goal once more, and while doing so I can attempt to transform the air around me into a protective dome of water in case it doesn't fizzle out fast enough. (End)

(Roll Transformation Spells, DC 13)


Thankfully, this time the magic listens to you. About time; you were starting to get the thought that it wasn't anymore. The air shimmers behind you as you touch it with magic, and suddenly it turns wet. The air around you is remarkably humid now, soaking you and drenching you even more than your sweat had been doing.

The wisp definitely zooms after you at high speed, and as you glance behind, you can tell that it isn't ready for the water blast. It hits the water dome -


The air fills with a hissing steam, the wisp pushing harder and harder, the edge of the dome almost seeming to pull in towards you, before -


A gigantic steam explosion goes off as the wisp's heat superboils the water, and it goes off like a bomb behind you. Thankfully, you are far. You're currently flying through the air, tumbling head over heels in the direction you were going, and screaming at the top of your lungs. A few dragons turn to look at the strange, rubbery, delusional 'bird' that is flying past them, but none seem interested in coming to your aid.

The ground is coming back up pretty fast now...You really, really hope that your new body can take the hit.

(Roll Agility to reduce/eliminate damage, DC 16)


(Roll 1d10, -3, minimum 1)


You hit the ground hard enough to bounce, and then a second time enough to boing along a bit further. It doesn't 'hurt', exactly. Not as much as the fire did. It feels more like you took a heck of a hard knock, more than anything else.

Eventually, you come to a stop by another firepit, and judging by the trio of voices that seem to linger just on the other side of it, out of sight for now, it's probably the one the dragon mentioned.


//: While it likely is the trio I'm after, I can't risk firing in blindly and ending up pissing off a trio of dragons instead. I carefully inch closer, hoping to sneak up on whoever is there and, if it is my quarry, catch them off-guard. (End)

(Roll Stealth, DC 11)


Unfortunately, the combination of the steam bomb and your less-than-successful sneaking doesn't quite keep you unobserved. As you poke your head up, you see a trio of red-skinned demons. They look horned and, well, horny, with two spikes atop their heads, spade tails, thick muscles, and a third 'spike' sticking up between their legs.

"They've...they've been purified to incubi form? How the hell does that work?!"

You don't know either, but it looks like they're eager to deal with a non-dragon, someone that the treaties don't forbid them from messing with in a more...permanent fashion. One is staying back at the far side of the pit, gathering fire for a magical purpose, while the other two start circling around the center pit, obviously avoiding the flames, as they make their way closer and closer to you, obviously with a flanking maneuver in mind.


//: Wonderful. Just wonderful. Deciding that the one in the back is the most problematic, I decide to do pull of my crazy idea from before, and send a fire spell directly at the fire he is casting - hoping to overload whatever spell he is performing and blow him up first. (End)

(Roll Fire Spells, DC 13)


A quick wave of your hand and a thrust of your staff, and a fireball goes shooting out from the tip of it. You follow it with a glance, and you see it impact his spell just as he is ready to let it go. The resulting explosion sends the incubus up into the air, much like the steam bomb did to you. Unlike you, however, he comes down right into the fire pit, and the screams that come after...well, it's pretty clear that he's not having a good time in there.

You definitely have the upper hand for a moment, at least. Both of the incubus creatures that were circling the pit have stopped now, staring down after their fallen comrade, as if they can't believe someone has actually fought back against them. They're shocked into place, even their erections flagging as they're starting to think maybe they made a mistake.

This would be a good time to take the initiative, or you can set yourself and wait for them to come to you. They are strong, but they don't look too magically inclined, despite being former students.


//: I take a moment to laugh at the first dispatched demon, grinning intentionally maniacally at the other two. "Oh I get it. You three have spent so long pissing on dragons that can't fight back that you have no idea how to fight anymore yourselves! Oh this is too perfect." I fire off another fire spell, this time into the fire pit in front of us with the intent of causing an eruption, or at least an overflow. (End)

(Roll Fire Spells, DC 14)


The spell gathers at the end of your staff with a greater, more devastating glow than usual. There seems to be something to this particular world; even your magic seems to be getting purified, made stronger, bringing out the core of its function as you use it. And fire? Fire...consumes.

It hits the pit, and a hundred, two hundred, three hundred of the wisps go shooting up, but they aren't white or golden the way that the other wisps were. No, this is an angry, burning red that comes shooting upwards, and each one grins malevolently at the demons that dare to fight you. Then, they come down like a rain of holy vengeance, burning them to bits as they scream.

They run, they dodge, but it's like a little butterfly trying to get away from a seeker spell. There is no escape, and as each wisp burns another hole in the demons, they are slowly consumed until there is nothing left. The pair of them fall in piles of ash, nothing left behind afterwards, nothing to show that they were students, or demons, or anything but ash.

And then the wisps devour that, as well.

You can feel Mastan shivering in you at that display of power, obviously terrified. You have won, though. Very, very thoroughly have won.

And in the air behind you, you can hear the wingbeats of a dragon approaching.


//: "Hello!" I say exuberantly as I turn around and wave at the approaching dragon. "They're all dead now!" (End)

"Yes, I can see that," the green dragon says as he alights on the ground, his talons clicking against the hardened earth. The fire wisps seem to have charred it and hardened it in response to how many you summoned. He shakes his head in some amazement.

"I have seen many people combine Purification with other magics to become more powerful, but you are perhaps the only one that I have ever seen use the environment this way. The third I have heard of, but the only one I have seen.

"At any rate, you have more than earned a reward."

The dragon makes a couple of gestures, and the ground shifts around you. His hands glow, and you realize that he is 'purifying' the world to reflect his intentions. Three different things appear on the ground, each one different.

"Your choices are as follows.

"I am a near-master of Purification myself; if you wish, I can use the magic to restore your form, and give you back what you have lost. There will be no cost; a practitioner of it may pay the cost of the reversion on his own, and I am happy to do this for the favor that you have given us."

He passes his hand from the image of a smoke puff to the second option, a wisp image.

"Or I can teach you the spell of wisp control, to summon ones such as emerge from the pits for your own use. They can serve you and distract others, even fight, though only for a short time."

He turns it again, and you can tell he's almost amused as he gestures to a third image, one more...obscene.

"Or, if you are like many who come through, we may share some time together. I have been accosted a number of times, but I have yet to offer anything to anyone. But for your help, I'd allow you the first time," he says, though whether he's smirking or nervous, you can't quite tell.

Quite the array of options. But what do you choose?


//: "Hmm... they all sound good in their own ways," I say as I think, my manhood perking up slightly on the dragon's last offer, "but I think I want the spell of wisp control the most. But first I have to ask, would I be able to summon wisps outside of the Purification zone with that spell?" (End)

"Of course it will work," the dragon says, looking slightly confused - though not quite offended - that you would have even asked. "After all, it is true magic, not simple worldly manipulation. It will be more difficult in the world above, but you will be able to use it there."

He gestures towards the symbols that he'd made on the ground, and soon, they've disappeared completely. Only the one marking the wisp is left, and he stands by it, holding out his hand to you.

"Is that what you want, then?"


//: "Yes, thank you," I say, holding my hand out to his, though I'm a little unsure if that's what I'm supposed to do. (End)

The dragon smiles, taking your hand. It is what you were supposed to do, you realize, as the magic swells around you. The air seems to crackle, coming to life with a fiery energy that feels incredibly empowering.

"The wisps are the essences of purification. Not merely the realm, but the concept. The idea is brought to life through magic, and empowered to act through your will, your control. It is a means to reach out, and create something that may improve the things around it, or at the very least, give them a hint towards their true nature.

"Now, open your mind...and receive the spell."

You reach out for him, and you feel something slide up your arm, energy, magic, something that pushes past all barriers. You feel a moment of fear, but it passes as it shoots through you quickly. Your mind opens -

And so many different spell runes, different pieces of information enter your mind. As if you were reading a book in seconds, the information for the spell is implanted in your mind, in raw form. It takes you a second or two to realize it, but you now know the spell. It is there, like you've studied it for ten years, even though you've never so much as seen a book on the subject.

The dragon takes his hand from yours and nods.

"Your reward is given. May it serve you well."


//: "Once again, thank you very much," I say with a bow, before looking back at the fire pit I had used to incinerate the three former students. "The center of this section is around here, correct?" (End)

The dragon smiles a bit.

"I don't think you quite listened, earlier."

He points off towards the distance, where a hint of a mountain looms in the shimmering heat waves that fill the air. He drags his finger down, and you can just, just make out a cave entrance near it.

"The Masters of the different sections are not necessarily at the center. They merely usually are. Purification...Purification's master simply made a home for himself, and decided to remain there where he was comfortable."

The green dragon unfurls his wings, and gives you a final nod.

"Be well, and be safe."

He takes off, leaving you alone with Mastan, and a general sense of directions.


//: "Thank you!" I say, waving goodbye before moving in the direction of the Purification Master's home, recalling it to be a cave of sorts. (End)

As you walk along the plains, you encounter a couple more of the wisps, though they seem to ignore you now. The touch of Purification magic seems to have done a number of things, beyond simply turning you into a rubberized version of yourself. If anything, they seem to see you as a part of the realm, now, rather than as an intruder.

The longer the walk goes on, the more you notice two things.

The first is about your body. You can feel your arms stretching and then pulling back as you swing them back and forth, almost like the motion stretches them on its own. The momentum makes them get pretty long sometimes; if you guessed, you could imagine using them almost as projectiles, swinging out and hitting things further away before the rubber effect dragged them back in.

The second thing you notice is that the mountain is getting closer and closer, and looking more and more solid as it gets closer to you. Everything seems to loom bigger and bigger, until you reach the cave opening, and you realize that it's probably about four times taller than you are, and a little more than six times as wide.

"I've never been here...but I've heard that the Master of Purification is large. Kind of like Transformation..."

You can feel Mastan wriggling inside of you, like he's looking to get out.


//: "Not like we can just avoid him," I mutter as I step into the cave opening cautiously, looking around for someone or something that looks like a master of purification. That, and to make sure that the cave entrance isn't actually a mouth. (End)

(Roll Agility, DC 14)


Due to the fact that you are distracted by the cave mouth, Mastan has enough time to wriggle out of your body and hit the ground, starting to squirm away. He seems very, very intent on not going into that cave.

You can't exactly see why, though. The cavern, while huge, is shaded and actually feels cooler inside than the rest of the world does. There are no teeth, no stones that look like they could be disguised for it. The walls themselves are definitely stone, and the mountain itself doesn't move, nor does it register that you are even there. It seems as welcoming as a cave is ever likely to be.

Yet, Mastan is definitely opposed to entering. He's wiggling away like a comedic worm, trying to get away from the cave.


//: I step back from the cave entrance and point my staff at Mastan threateningly, not liking this incredibly suspicious behavior. "What exactly are you running away from here for?" I growl. "I thought you wanted to return to your old self. And you heard the Master of Healing, the Master of Purification is the only one who can do it." (End)

Mastan pauses as you threaten him with your staff. Despite his gooey body, almost nothing more than a puddle, you can feel him pulling on magic as well. Perhaps it's an attack, perhaps it's something to defend himself. You can't be sure at the moment, but it does worry you.


He looks around, shaking his head.

"I don't want to go in there. It, uh, it will make it harder for me to help you! You heard what they said. They said that Purification doesn't always give you back your old body. I mean...It's better to stay out. Let's just go for one of the other things? Maybe Fire or Ice. Then we, uh, we can go back, and - I bet someone back home can fix me! Just give me a ride out with you, and I'm sure it'll be fine."

You do remember that people aren't supposed to bring things back with them. The only things that are meant to be brought out of the labyrinth, out of the different magical zones, are the stones that mark mastery. To bring a fallen student back, or a creature, would break the rules completely.

Mastan shivers, and you can feel the energy building up from him. Something is in the wings; you're not sure what, but something pretty powerful is in that goo blob's hands. Metaphorically speaking, of course.


//: I knew there was something suspicious about that little blob. "You idiot," I say, before loosing fire magic around him - but not directly at him. I'm not ready to kill him yet. First I want answers, and a ring of fire slowly melting him should give him motivation to talk. Or make him attack me, in which case oh well. (End)

(Roll Fire Spells, DC 12)


The magic surrounds him immediately, and you can tell that he - or at least, whatever gender the goo is - is definitely not comfortable. It pulls itself tighter and tighter together, making a tiny, dense ball in the center of the ring of fire.

"I'm not the idiot! I'm not the one that isn't listening! You...You! I'll just...I'll get another person to get me out of here! I've waited this long!"

(DM Roll, DC 14)


A sudden burst of transformation magic hits the fire around the goo blob, turning it into mud. It leaps into it, and from there, seems to start absorbing the material, sucking the moist earth into itself and becoming bigger, stronger. It doesn't take long before the goo has become as tall as you are, and you can feel a much, much, much stronger magical presence from it. Stronger than anything but a Master, so far, and this thing could give some of them a run for their money.

"You...Why didn't you just listen to me?! I just had to ride in you for a bit longer, get you one more stone, and we could have gotten out. So what if it breaks rules? So what if it might get you killed? I could have gotten out!"


//: "Are you kidding?!" I shout angrily, throwing my own transformation magic into the air, to create a great deluge of water. "I don't care about the rules of this test! You heard what I said to the Transformation Master, I would've gladly carried a piece of him out with me if he'd been honest up front! But he wasn't, and neither were you! You never wanted to get your real form back, did you?! Are you even a failed student?!" (End)

(Roll Transformation Spells, DC 17)


The air gets very, very thin as you conjure up a deluge of rain down along the pair of you, though that is to be expected. After all, you're not creating rain, you are transforming something else into it. That does mean that you can keep going for a while, but it also means that the more transformation on the air you do, the more likely you're going to get dizzy, perhaps even fall unconscious.

At any rate, the water falls upon the mud creature, but rather than discorporating, it seems to pull it in, absorbing it. You recall that Mastan - or whatever this is - pulled away from heat; it seems the moisture only seems to make it feel better.

"Of course I'm not a student! Do you think I'd have gone so far if I was? Do you think that I could have helped you the way I did if I was?"

A fireball charges in his hand, and he throws it forward.

(Roll Agility, DC 15)


However, you are quick enough to leap out of the way, the fireball shooting past you into the cavern. It explodes with enough force for you to feel the heat from a hundred feet away. The creature shouts out loud.

"Sure, sure, you say you would have let me hide along. Suuuuure, you say that now. But if I told you the truth, that you'd lose your body, lose your mind, that you'd be nothing more than a husk, would you offer then? Would you let me take everything from you? Noooo, I don't think so. Nooooo, not for any little creature here. But for a student, for someone you might have some sympathy for, you'd at least let me ride along. You were supposed to get some gems and go, but you came here. HERE! Where there's no way I can hide, no way I can stop the Master from removing me."

He is utterly insane sounding, ranting and raging. Whatever he is, sanity seems to have gone a long time ago, but his power is very, very real.


//: "Ahahahahahaha!!!" I laugh, a little insanely myself, as I cast transforming magic once more to turn the moisture he absorbed into solid ice. "You really are an idiot! I was always going to come here! Here, Fire, Ice, and everywhere else! Your plan was screwed the minute you tried to piggyback off my test, and now you're going to pay for it!" (End)

(Roll Transformation Spells, DC 14)


The water that the creature absorbed is completely frozen, momentarily keeping him completely still. You can feel his magic building up again, though, like a steady roar that is coming from deep within the muddy creature. But you do have an opening, where you can try and strike at him before he breaks through. Then again, if you're not fast enough, you'll be right where he can get you. Do you want to try?


//: Yes, I want to roast this bastard like a turkey. I use my newly-acquired wisp-summoning spell, and attempt to infuse it with my fire magic as well. (End)

(Roll Wisp Spell, DC 15 for normal, 18 for fire)


Mostly because of exhaustion, the spell fizzles in your hand, and you are left panting and shaking from so much magic so fast. You have never had to pull a marathon session of spellcasting like this in your life, and you're feeling the wear and tear from it now. You feel like if you push yourself too much harder without rest, it might start affecting your health.

(DM Roll, DC 17)


With a roar of fire and smoke, the creature bursts through the mud and ice, turning it back into water with that burst of heat. He glares at you and - with a wordless scream - charges headlong at you. He moves faster than you can believe, and there's no time for another spell. The only thing you can do is either set yourself and hope to take the charge, or dodge out of the way.


//: Only one option here, I dodge. (End)

(Roll Agility, DC 14)


Well...that didn't work out quite as well as you wanted. You leap to the side, alright, but you are just a bit too slow. Your rubbery feet are caught in the mud-monster's lunge, and you are pulled along by the sheer momentum of the thing. He rolls around, spinning about as you are kept stuck, your feet pulled into his body, and as he moves, you can feel the rest of your body getting sucked in as well, almost like quicksand.

And it doesn't seem to bother the monster.

"Heh...Well, if you won't carry me...I'll just hollow you out...pull you in and fill you up until I'm in charge. Ice and Fire will be easy to fool...just wear your body, and I'll get what I need...and head out..."


//: I set myself on fire. Again. (End)

(Roll Fire Spells, DC 13)


If the Master of Transformation screamed when you burned him, this creature seems to roar. You turn yourself into a towering inferno, including your feet buried within the creature's body. You can actually see the light of the heat inside of him, glowing through the layers of mud so brightly. You can only imagine how much pain he's probably in.

Due to your masterful casting of the fire spell, you slide right back out of the creature, melting your way through his body until you come sliding out of his chest. Mastan - or whatever he's called - is left staring at the huge hole that you left in him, cauterized by fire so that he can't refill the hole, or make it come together and stop hurting again. He pants, shivering, and lifts a finger towards you.

(DM Roll, DC 18)


However, the lightning bolt that he tries to summon fizzles on his finger, and he collapses to his hands and knees. He's shrinking, you realize, and is likely trying to run away.


//: I'm not giving this thing any quarter. I fire more, well, fire at him, intending to completely incinerate the fucker. (End)

(Roll Fire Spells, DC 13)


A constant stream of fire shoots out of your staff, burning and exploding around the creature. The mud hardens further and further, until there is no way that the creature can even move. You see its eyes move up to meet yours just before they burn into a hardened clay, and even then, they continue to stare with hate and fear.

It crackles and breaks with the continued fiery explosions, coming apart and hitting the ground with clatters and thuds and breaking bits, and even then you don't stop. Burning it apart, taking it down, ensuring that nothing is left but dust. Fire burns through the clay, breaking it, shattering it, hardening it, and repeating the cycle again and again until nothing is left.

Only then does the fire stop. Only then is the fight over.


//: "Goodbye Mastan." I sit down for a moment, resting to recover the energy spent in my onslaught, before finally continuing on to meet the Master of Purification. (End)

As you rest, you feel that you pushed yourself very hard from all the spellcasting. The pain in your body isn't just from being tackled and being knocked around. The spellcasting drained you, and a fair bit.

[-8 HP]

However, you are able to walk - albeit with a limp - towards the opening of the cave. It is a smooth trip further in, and you can feel yourself...recovering. Not physically, but inside of yourself, like the power of Purification is settling in, helping take away some of the impurities of the former transformation. The rubbery feeling of your body gets stronger, almost like someone or something is leaving you malleable for your eventual true self to emerge.

It gets to be a stronger and stronger feeling the further you go, and eventually, you reach the end of the cave.

It opens up onto a massive chamber, sprawling and surprisingly empty. A great hole has been carved into the floor, a good fifteen feet deep, and in it rests a large, white, feral dragon. The dragon lifts its head, and smiles.

" have been searching for the Master of Purification...Here I am."


//: "Hello," I say wearily, still feeling drained from my fight with the thing that called itself Mastan. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir." (End)

The dragon nods its head toward you.

"As it is yours. I have heard several things about you, young mage. Considering you have come through the route of Healing and Transformation, it is rather clear that you prefer a more subtle and gentle path to the aggressive one that others travel upon. Then again...your recent actions do display a most heated side to your personality."

The dragon chuckles a bit to himself, shaking his head, which is about your size. He settles himself comfortably, and rests his head on his forepaws.

"You have heard conditions, choices, and chances for easier paths all along your journey. This is no exception. With Purification, there are two choices. To master me in battle, or to take the trial of Purification; to accept yourself, not as human, but as what Purification finds in your heart. If you wish to maintain what bits of yourself you have left, I would not suggest it; if you are willing to change, then the trial will spare your life, if not your body.

"It is up to you. Choose."


//: "Well... I'm certainly not opposed to change," I say with a tired smile. "And considering what effects my recent actions have had on my health, I don't think I would be capable of direct combat at this point. I'll undergo the trial, please." (End)

"You are correct. Such a challenge would be difficult for you, even in a well-rested state. As you are...You would die."

With a nod, the dragon gestures towards a small platform about halfway around the pit that he's in. It's marked with similar flame symbols as you have seen near the safe zones by the firepits. You walk around towards it, limping on your staff, and the dragon follows you with his eyes.

When you reach it, you can see it glowing already. The dragon holds up one forepaw, making sure you are paying attention.

"When you have stepped upon this rune, there is no turning back. You will be changed, permanently. No transformation spell may alter you again, and no healing spell may restore your former flesh. But in return, you will be brought to the best you can be. Your potential, the core of you, will be seared and forged to the best of its ability, to the best it can be. You will be different, you will be alien, but you will be the best you can be. That is the power of Purification.

"If you accept...step forward."


//: I nod once, my choice already made, and step forward onto the rune. (End)

Unlike the burning heat before - which you now realize might have been trying to burn Mastan more than you - it feels like you are surrounded by a hundred, thousand flames that are...caressing you? It feels almost like tongues, warm and soft, licking along your bare, exposed flesh. The rubber slips away a bit more with each lick, and as it disappears, a strange white material is left behind. You turn your arm as it starts sliding up your hand, and then up your forearm, watching as it turns from flesh to little bumps.

It tingles under your feet, and as you look down, you can see your toes getting thicker, the very ends getting tipped with thick claws. The same white bumps start to spread, running up your legs, your soles turning hard, yet so very smooth. The licking flames...they make it feel...good.

Yet, at the same time, you feel so tired, weakened from all the spellcasting. You stumble a bit, and then force yourself up once more.

The transformation continues, the purification burning away the shards of humanity. It spreads up your legs and arms, turning you whiter, your muscles growing lean and small, rather than bulging. As it reaches your neck, you feel it lengthening. Not much, but slightly, lifting your head higher than before, and you feel a bit of a blush coming on as the flames lick further and further towards your core, up your legs to a rather...intimate area.


//: Indeed I do begin to blush as the flames start to touch that particular area, but I remain in place as best I can, despite the weariness I feel. (End)

The tickling, tingling feeling of the flames rushes over you, pulling away all that black rubber and leaving white...white scales, you can see that now. You are not a fleshy creature, but scaled like the dragons. Your legs feel strong, limber, and quick, and while you aren't receiving the wings of dragons, you are not...too disappointed. You feel good about it, about the scaly body that you're getting, more than you expected to.

You gasp as the flames reach your hips, feeling them caressing, tingling, 'licking' over your still human cock. It stretches, pulled along by the flames towards an erection. It throbs and twitches, getting longer, longer, longer by the second, until it is almost a foot long, barely an inch short. Your balls twitch and drop, swelling up, getting heavier, and you moan from the lust that seems to come from nowhere.

The dragon watching you smiles.

"It seems that you hide your needs, most of the time. Purification brings it out."

And in a big way, as you feel the flames licking along your rear. As your tail grows out, encouraged the way that your cock was, you can feel the flames around your hole. They lick, tease, nudge at it, and you can feel your ass cheeks parting, coming open. You've seen this a few times with other students, how it looks when one pulls their cheeks apart, but now it seems to happen without you needing to touch. Like a horse, your hole is exposed...

And twitching. Every few seconds, you feel it clamp, twitch, begging for something.

It's not uncontrollable, though, just...pleasant. Like you've admitted something to yourself. Like you've admitted that you want this, and it's okay to want this.

As the last scales come over you, as the dragon form takes you, you feel something else. A feeling of...potential. Of trueness. As you glance around, you can see things, feel what something is at its core. The trial seems to have gifted you with the power, rather than a simple stone, this time around.

And just like that, the flames die away, leaving a bipedal dragon where once was a rubber creature.


//: This... this is so strange, I think, as I look myself over. Though wingless, I am otherwise like a bipedal version of the creatures that inhabit this zone... and quite honestly, it feels good. Especially down below. "This is amazing," I say, turning towards the dragon as I happily bow. "I never would have thought... thank you so much, sir." (End)

The dragon smiles at you, nodding his head once.

"It is good that you took the trial. I believe that you will have an interesting life ahead of you; such is the lot of dragons, no matter where they might take themselves. I can only assume that you will take the harder path of going down the other side of the labyrinth; I wish you luck in the lands of Ice and Fire."

You can tell a dismissal when you hear it, and you start walking off, the feeling of the ground rather different under your scaly feet. It is both more sensitive and more protected than before, letting you feel the details beneath you.

It takes you some time to make the trip south across the Plains, but you aren't too bothered by that. The staff you carry aids your steps, and it gives you a chance to recover after all the spellcasting. Even knowing that you'll need to heal before crossing the barrier, you feel like you'll be in a better place for magic use after the long, relaxed walk.

Soon, you come to the barrier. It's a thick, hard block of ice, with an archway of Purification fire creating a hole to slide inside. You don't think the Purification could do any more to you, considering you've been through the trial, and it actually looks rather nice.

Though, annoyingly, you can't see through it.

It seems like this is the last bit of time you have in Purification. Will you step through, or is there something else you want to do first?


//: I shall attempt to cast another healing spell before stepping through, to prevent any sudden deaths. Would prefer to avoid those. (End)

(Roll Healing Spells, DC 11)


(Roll 1d8+4)


[Health up to 19]

You feel much stronger as you cast the spell, the green light of healing magic running over your body and leaving your wounds and your wearied muscles feeling much, much better. It is as though you've had days to rest and recover from all your trials, rather than just a few minutes. Truly, magic is a wonderful thing.

That seems it is time to step through. As you take a step forward, you can feel the cold of the icy barrier pressing against you, a remarkable difference compared to the heat of the Plains. You can already tell that this part might be a bit chilling, but if you want all the different marks of mastery, you have to step through.

Do you?


//: Yes I do, and as such I step through the barrier and into the ice section of the labyrinth. (End)

You step forward -


And immediately start falling. Apparently the portal was built on a higher level than the rest of the area, and the actual platform for people walking into Purification was raised up on a high ledge of ice.

You fall for perhaps ten seconds before hitting a large pool of water, belly-flopping into it with all the weight of your body behind it. The water is utterly freezing cold, and as you struggle back to the surface, the change in temperatures leaves you shivering, despite your newfound dragon body. It seems that it doesn't retain heat quite as well as you'd like.

Looking around, you can see that this particular segment is actually the most open of all the places you've been in. You can even see the barrier to fire in the distance, though it is some distance. The rest of the zone seems to be divided between an ocean of freezing water and the ice blocks that provide some grounding in it.

Most of all, though, you can see large, black, slippery fins breaking through the surface, swimming through the ocean, and with one of them heading towards you.


//: I hurry my way to solid ground, not wanting to be in the water for an encounter with one of the locals who obviously have an advantage in it. (End)

(Roll Agility, DC 14)


Fear is a powerful motivator, even for a dragon, and you go shooting through the water as fast as anything that has ever swum before. You outpace the local in seconds, and shoot out of the water to land on your belly, almost like a penguin. You slide halfway across the smaller island, and come to a stop right in the middle of it.

You turn to look over your shoulder, and see that the fin has gotten bigger, as the creature it is attached to has come closer to the surface. It bends back, and a black and white face looks at you, a mouth opening with so many sharp looking teeth inside...and it smiles.

"Heh, you are one hell of a swimmer, man."

The orca - for that's what it is - raises a hand. White sparkles flare across his palm, and as he presses it to the water in front of him, he makes an ice block. He taps it a few points under the water, and then walks up on top of it, as if he had created a stairway.

"Haven't seen a dragon out here before; Purification ritual?" he asks.


//: I nod once, shivering a bit due to the cold. "Y-yes, that's correct," I say. "I'm a mage taking my mastery test, and I'm looking to find the Master of Ice next." (End)

"Heh, you ain't gonna have to look that hard for him. He's just swimming around. Keep bumping into us, and you'll find him eventually."

The orca rests one hand on his hip as he looks you over, and his humanoid shaft - a big, thick one, resting against his thigh - starts twitching, almost lifting a bit as he takes in your naked form. Chuckling, he makes a leap from his little platform over to the island, landing on the edge. His toes clench, and you can see the muscles in his legs and feet as he manages to grip with those big, strong feet without slipping off the edge.

"Hey, man, you look like you're freezing. Why don't you come a little closer, huh? Can't take on the Master when you're shivering like that."

He sits down by you, lifting an arm, as if to give you room to pull in close.


//: I graciously do so, hoping that despite having been swimming in the water himself, the orca will have a warm core that can help me warm up as well. (End)

Whether it's because of basic biology or because all that ice magic throws out all the heat that the orcas have, he definitely is warm. And smooth. And so very cuddly, inasmuch as he wraps his arm around you tightly, not quite crushing you to his chest.

"Heh, see? Ain't that better?"

As he squeezes you, you are kind of stuck with your head against his chest, and with that angle, you can see his cock twitching, rising up. It is a pretty massive member, thick and fleshy, compared to the goo stuff that you've been dealing with recently. You can already think of how much it would stretch you, and how the tip would really have to force its way in, but how good it would feel...

(Roll Wisdom, DC 16)


You realize that Mastan - or whatever he was - might have been lying about a lot, but he might not have been lying about one thing. He was keeping the corruption off of you, and now that you're out of Purification, the whole thing is pushing down on you again, leaving you panting and hornier than you should be.

The orca doesn't seem to be pushing you, but he doesn't seem to have to. You feel an immense hunger for fun, for fucking, and the way that your hole has been twitching and your cock throbbing - even when soft - since you were transformed isn't helping things.


//: Blushing a little at the feelings coming from my groin that Purification seems to have brought bare to the surface, I turn to the orca with a sheepish smile. "I... don't suppose you'd be up for making things a bit... hotter, would you?" I indicate my throbbing shaft to clarify my question, so that he doesn't think I mean to start a fire. (End)

The orca chuckles at your question, reaching down and grabbing your cock in a firm, slippery grip. It is so different from the feeling of the goo creatures who last touched you, who filled you and shaped themselves to you. While the orca's flesh is smooth, it still has that warm, fleshy feeling of another person, and he squeezes your new, bigger dick hard.

"Heh, I was hoping you'd say something like that. You more of a top or a bottom?"

The fact that he asks is strange enough, but it doesn't seem like you care at the moment. His own dick is throbbing, but as he leans back a little, you could probably feel down between his legs towards his hole. His toes curl as his cock reaches full erection, those big, smooth orca feet certainly looking like an option as well.

"Doesn't bother me what we do. Ain't had a lot of fun lately, so I'm not too picky."


//: I moan a little when he grabs my shaft, instantly becoming hard at his touch as my lust is brought to bare. "It... it doesn't matter to me either," I say, blushing harder. "But I think I would enjoy being the bottom a lot." (End)

Nodding, the orca gets up and nudges you down towards the iceberg that forms the island that you're standing on. Despite losing some of the heat he was giving you, it is comfortable enough...particularly when he waves his hands and shapes it so that it's curved beneath you, under your legs and hands, making it so that you aren't slipping or pressing down against something too hard and flat.

"Heh, can't have my hot little dragon getting too uncomfortable, can I?"

The orca smiles as he strokes a hand down your back, warm and smooth. He reaches out, grabbing your tail and tugging it up, before running his free hand over your ass. A few fingers, thick and chunky, rub against your hole. Despite Purification, you are still kind of loose from all the fucking that you received before, and he chuckles.

"Heh, I'll fit in here just fine...Just one more thing."

He waves his hand, and you feel ice magic stretching over your hands and legs, like loose straps to keep you in place. You're stuck on all fours, now, and you can feel that huge, thick orca cock rubbing between your ass cheeks. It feels like it's much bigger than it looks, and you can only imagine how it's going to stretch you out.


//: I blush hard as his cock rubs against my hole and buck back as best I can in the restraints, hornier than I've ever been and incredibly eager to be filled by his thick shaft. (End)

He smiles at your eagerness, and gently grips your hips to get you to stay still. His cock head grinds against your hole, rubbing against it, bumping against it before he starts pushing against it. The twitching rim sucks against his tip, opening slowly. You can feel every bit of that stretch, feel the way that it's pushing your hole to go wider and wider. The thick head is bigger than three of your fingers, four, and it is so good that it almost hurts.

And suddenly, it's in. You gasp at the feeling of the orca cock slipping deep inside of you, the shaft running in easily after the rounded edge of the cock head. It fills you up, making you feel like you are taking something gigantic right into your ass, all the way up to your stomach.

And yet, your cock feels so good, throbbing and slapping against your belly.

"Heh, enjoying this, little dragon? You like a big orca cock in your ass?"

He asks as he starts pulling back, dragging himself backwards. It feels so much better than anything you've had so far, and you're not sure if it is the fact that the orca is so good, or because you're getting hit with corruption non-stop that's making it feel so good. You're starting to appreciate how much of an advantage Mastan had given you before.

(Roll Wisdom, DC 14)


Unfortunately, knowledge isn't protection without sufficient willpower, and yours is not sufficient at the moment. The corruption around you is slowly seeping in, filling the gap that was left after Purification.

[Corruption, +5]

But whether that matters to you...well, that's up to you, as that heavenly orca cock starts pounding, sliding deeper and deeper into you, that big, muscular, warm orca pressing down against your back.


//: At the moment I'm too lost in the throes of sex to care about the corruption seeping in, and even if I were I would have brushed it off as something I could later purify with my new magic. At the moment however, I press back against the orca, loving the feeling of his thick shaft filling my ass, almost not wanting this moment to end. (End)

You can feel him adjusting his position, pulling back so that he can rest one big, meaty foot on your hip, letting him thrust down and in deeper than usual. He groans under his breath as he pounds your ass, his crotch slapping against your ass hard with every thrust, his big balls slapping down against yours.

"Yeah...that's know what you want...Take it good, boy..."

He grips you hard, and you can feel his cock swelling to the point where you know he's getting close. He must not have had that much action, considering how quickly he's gotten to this point, but you can't complain too much. Your cock is as swollen with need as his is, and you can tell that you're going to blow soon, as well. It's just a matter of who goes first.

(DM and Player Roll, Constitution.)

(Orca, 10+4=14. Player, 14+0=14)

And as luck would have it, you cum at the same time. His cock throbs and swells even as yours slaps against your stomach, and you both cum hard. You feel every hot, splattering rope of cum sliding into your hole, even as your own delivers shot after shot of it across your chest. It is warm, and musky, and so, so hot...

(Roll Wisdom, DC 15)


But you are able to hold against the corruption this time. You pant and shiver, but you stay yourself...for now. The orca slowly pulls out, his cock making a wet, slurping, pop sound as it leaves your hole, and he sits down by you.

"Welcome to Ice," he says.


Ending Stats

HP: 19/25

Strength: 10 (+0)

Dexterity: 14 (+2)

Constitution: 10 (+0)

Intelligence: 18 (+4)

Wisdom: 18 (+4)

Charisma: 14 (+2)

Corruption: 13/30 (corruption is how far along you are to losing your base form to the ravages of magic. High wisdom slows this)

-Fire spells: 3

-Wisp Spell: 3

-Purification spells: 2

-Healing spells: 2

-Transformation spells: 4

-Agility: 3

-Melee attack: 2

-Stealth: 4

Special Equipment:

-Student's Staff: A basic magical staff, adds +2 to magic spells. Has several slots to add new ability stones to.