Lair Invasion

Story by iconmaster on SoFurry

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A certain grey dragon is hunting for food... But he finds a whole lot more.

This was a request piece done for chomanderjake! I had fun brushing up on my M/F skills.

Devos padded through the trees of the forest, trying not to make noise. Only a soft crunching could be heard as he stalked. His hunger led him to hunt through these woods, and hunt he did. He sniffed the crisp air...

And smelled a different smell. Devos sniffed again. It smelled like another of his kind... But different. And, perhaps more importantly, female. The grey dragon stopped in his tracks and turned around. He crept, more slowly now, on his four claws.

There was another around. And he had to find her.

After much sniffing and searching, Devos came to a clearing in the forest. The land sloped up steeply here, forming a ridge. It was close...

He walked close along the ridge, trying to find something. Eventually, when taking a step, some foliage covering the rocky area moved. He stopped, and bent closer to the greens.

There was nothing but a thin layer of plant life between him and a cave! Devos brushed aside the greenery and peered into the cave. The smell of dragon grew stronger. He stepped inside and silently crept into the depths.

After a long walk, Devos began to hear a new noise. It was the slight sigh of rhythmic breathing... Whoever was here, she was sleeping! Devos smiled and padded further towards the noise and smell.

Devos eventually came across the source. She wasn't quite a dragon... She lacked wings, for one. She appeared more serpent-like, curled up into a ball as she slept. As Dave approached, the smells grew stronger...

She was also in heat.

At the smell, Devos's member peeked out of his slit, arousal filling the air. He hadn't released in quite a while... And this female seemed receptive, even if asleep...

As he approached his quarry, it dawned on him how much larger she was than he. She was probably a good 2 feet taller than him! But the scent was too strong to be scared now... He was fully erect as he got to the dragoness's side.

She was sleeping... And he had a plan.

Devos grabbed on to her tail with his teeth and slowly lifted it away from her body. She huffed once, bet remained sleeping. Devos, very lightly, stepped forward, pushing her tail upwards. There, he saw his goal- those nether's lps, glowing a surprising blue color. He smiled and got closer.

He raised his foreclaws onto the female's back, trying to get purchase. Eventually, he got to a position where he could easily mount her.

And then she woke up.

She got up with a gasp, head going straight back to Devos. He responded by forcing himself closer to her. She only let out a moan and tried to get up, but only raised her rump into the air.

"Ack! Who... Are you?" She said angrily.

Devos only grunted as he brought himself forward, rubbing his member close to her lips. "Why are- Ooh..." She moaned mid-sentence. Devos could smell the smell of heat even stronger now. He bucked forward.

She responded further by trying to dislodge the grey assailant, moving around wildly. But Devos stayed on, getting a better grip on the dragoness. Despite her larger size, she wasn't impossible to overpower...

Eventually, Devos had her pinned, hind legs on the ground and forelegs wrapped around her. She moaned as Devos moved his member up to her pussy and touched it with his cock tip, it dripping precum already.

Devos slowly inserted his member into her. It wasn't hard at all; she was already so wet... He began to thrust inwards and out, lightly at first.

He started to hump the helpless dragoness harder. She could only groan as Devos penetrated her, foreplay entirely skipped. He pushed up her tail with his snout as he bucked against her hard, pushing her towards the ground. The slick walls of the dragoness felt amazing to Devos as he came closer and closer to orgasm...

He humped harder and harder. Eventually, he couldn't handle it any more... With one last hump, he came into her. He could feel pulses of warm seed eject from his cock and into the dragoness. She grunted and bucked upwards as she got filled with Devos's cream.

Devos's humps slowed and slowed, until he breathed a sigh and pulled out. A trail of thick, mixed cum came roping out of her sex, going all over them and the ground. She shuddered, and then fell to the ground, spent.

Devos ever so slowly unmounted her and sat down near her back legs. He admired his work and smiled.

Devos just stared at that juice-soaked behind, and thought... And his stomach grumbled. He grinned devilishly... He still needed to eat! He got up, claws still a tad shaky, and stepped forward once more.

"You were my plaything... Thank you." Devos smiled as he talked.

"I... Am S...Selicia." She said, weakly.

"Ah, is that your name? Well, you didn't even need one to be filled... Nor do you need one to become fat in my gut."

"N- No!" She stammered, but was unable to get up.

Devos only laughed as he approached, head down.

Devos made quick work of Selicia. He roughly grabbed her hind claws in front ones, and stuffed them into his mouth. He worked up her body with powerful gulps, dragging her in against her will. Selicia screamed, but that didn't stop Devos- soon, her head disappeared down his expanding throat.

Soon, she was inside his stomach, making an obscene bulge in Devos's stomach. His scales were stretched taut around his prey. He could do nothing but rest on top of his meal, it being larger than himself. He could hear whimpering as he rocked slowly on top of his huge gut. He let out a belch of digestion.

With his claws, Devos felt out all the bumps inside him. He could feel each of Selicia's limbs in there, each making their own bulge. As she squirmed, Devos rumbled.

He groaned in pure pleasure as he felt his prey slowly being broken down. His stomach did all it could, churning vigorously and rumbling. He would have certainly woken up any sleepers in here now, with his huge, gurgling belly!

He looked down at the creases the huge prey made under him. He watched as the form weakly struggled, lines in his belly shifting. Soon, as the gurgling increased, the lines of the trapped Selicia began to soften, losing their edge. He moaned as a particularly large rumble shifted her inside him. His stomach was working overtime...

He rubbed his gut with his foreclaws as it grew softer and softer. Soon, the lines were only barely visible, and the struggling was non-existent. He sighed in contentment as a gurgle brought him lower into his belly, it collapsing into a more compact position.

Devos blinked slowly. The meal was getting to him... He lounged on top of his food as it digested. Ever so slowly, she was being converted into his nutrition...

With time, the belly became completely smooth, nothing being the indicator that a living being was ever in there. His belly continued to churn as he dozed off into a deep sleep.