The beginning of the end

Story by Alar on SoFurry

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Within the darkest pits of hell, at the furthest corners of the sixth circle of hell stood a figure unlike any other, it's crested, eyeless head stood on top of slim shoulders, but to the shoulders no arms were attached, no they hung there, floating in mid-air with the tips of the talons brushing the ground with each swinging motions brought on by a shrug, a shake or a twitch of the demon himself. Down the length of the tall, slim torso there were many runes and cuts evident, even cracks upon the tough chitin covering the demon from head to toe, and where the waist was supposed to begin he seemed to have been bent in half, for even as his legs did grow out from the waistline, that was where the anomalies began.

Four pair of long, scrawny, chitinous legs were spread out, supporting the mass of the torso and the abdominal part on the back, shaped and covered in chitin like with any common household bug. Resting, and why not covering it up, on top of the abdomen laid a pair of leathery wings, both merely a decor for their ridiculous wingspan, when stretched, would be far too much for the wings to be functional, but they did serve a purpose when rubbed against one an other as well as the rough chitin upon the demons body.

Lastly came the part of the demons body that was indeed rarely seen, a pair of large scythe-like blades attached to an other set of arms, these securely attached upon to the creatures shoulders, but unlike the floating pair these two were very useless for any kind of crafting, casting or even pondering, so they awaited the day they might be used neatly against the more humanoid-like torso that simply was there, straight, nearly motionless and in wait, eager almost and the reason for it was running towards him.

A lesser devil from an outer-ring was coming at him, snapping its jaws and claws as it came to a halt at a respectful distance away from the high ranking demon."Speak..."Came a single word from the mantis as he moved one of his massive arms through sheer will, pointing a single clawed digit at the lesser devil, and with the will he had moved his arm he now commanded the lesser being."Master...he's here...we got him now." The smaller of the two spoke out, it's voice like an old woman's broken, hissing and groany, that and the fact that each time the ddevil moved the many spikes and talons, as well as it's teeth clacked against one an other, breaking it's voice even more.

A smile seemed to form upon the demons face as he heard the news, and why would he not attempt at a smile? After all he had awaited for this day for a long, long time indeed, and now he had the means to achieve his greatest of ambitions, freedom. Standing up straight he set off after the smaller devil who had brought him the news, snapping his jaws every now and again as they moved through the many corridors, hallways and bridges linking one level of hell to the other and upon the out-most ring, within the center of a gathering of lesser devils lay the much sought price of Al'ar the mantis demon.

Within the ring of spectators lay curled up a single figure who's tall, muscular frame was covered by a silky jet black fur that had several pure white stripes here ad there to define, with a pair of strong paws clutching at the large head, attempting to cover up his ears no doubt, for who could stay sane within the chaos that was hell?. Once more did Al'ar conjure up that wicked smile of his as he shoved aside and stomped over some of the lesser beings so he could get himself over there, eying the creature that had been dragged from the mortal realm down here, to chaos and torment.

Still grinning like the arch-devil himself Al'ar reached his arms out, letting them grab hold of the whimpering figure and haul it over to the demon himself."Get back to your sculking maggots."Al'ar growled out to the demons and devils around, letting loose a sharp hiss to scatter them as he promptly hauled the shaking feline over his torso, laying him over his wings for the time being, he still had plenty of things to do before the ritual of binding.

Taking his little captive from the outer ring of hell, through fire and brimstone and the wailing souls of the damned, Al'ar carried his vessel-to-be all the way to his little domain. At the entry to his little nest Al'ar grouched up, hauling the unconscious feline from his abdomen over to his lap, held protectively by his chitinous arms, less anything bad happened to the feline, it'd be a damn long time before anything like it would be born again.

Down the narrow passage, through which Al'ar himself could only fit when grouched down as low and compact as he could go, awaited the daemons chambers, a single circular room lit by thing, but brightly glowing lines of light that snaked along the rough brimstone walls, and in the center, pressed against the wall as much as it could, was a single, large bed covered by nothing more than layer of thin, comfortable black silk and onto that the mantis laid his little vessel, walking off to the opposite wall, grouching, no curling up there to await for the feline to wake...his little shadow offspring