The awakening

Story by Alar on SoFurry

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The constant screams echoing through the vast dimensions that made-up for this chaotic place most knew as Hell, kept ringing within his ears, stirring him from within his slumber, summoning forth his consciousness. With a twitch, an arch and a shiver the muscular form was brought back to life once more and one after the other the deep purple eyes opened to see the rough brimstone walls all around him, stopping to wonder the strange source of lighting within the room.

All over the walls ran lines that snaked about, spiraling around the rugged walls lighting the entire room, except for a big, black lump several feet away from the bedding he lay upon. Ears twitching to the tortured shrieks and cries of the damned the feline sat himself up and rubbed his head, such a burning agony, a thousand voices screaming at once, it hurt like hell.~Welcome to it...~Said a chilling, eery voice within his head, driving away the agonized screams telling him to flee, to escape while he could.~Finally awake...~The voice spoke again, making the feline perk his ears and look around, the first waves of terror running through him, if only it had been the last.

The dark lump the vines of light did not illuminate began to move, cracking and growling as it did, soon revealing the mantis daemon for the felines terrified eyes. Saliva dripped from the daemons jaws, pooling on the floor between his first pair of legs, long, narrow, yet overfull arms just hovering there by his sides, awaiting for now.~Been waiting for you Kageshi...~The eery voice spoke again, but this time it came directly from the daemons direction."W-where am i."He spoke in a frightful voice, trying to press as back against the wall as he could, trying to get away from the imposing figure.

A cold, emotionless chuckle was the solemn answer to the felines answer, though not a muscle, not an atom upon the daemons face moved to indicate he did anything and that sight alone terrified the feline more than anything he heard within his head and the look within his eyes showed it far more clearly than the smell he was producing.~No need to be afraid...I assure you that nothing will hurt you.~ The mantis spoke out into the felines mind, knowing full well that his true voice would blast away the felines, Kageshi's, head clear off his pretty, defined shoulders.

What happened next made the feline jump and cry out in fright, and all that too late, however, to be of any help to him. There was a tendril, thin as a pencil, but as powerful as a bear snaking up along his legs, binding them together, moving higher, restricting more and more of the flailing cat's motions and as Kageshi's fear levels rose, so did his body control drop low enough for his bladder to work on it's own, emptying itself all over the front of the felines black fur, soaking it in urine from below the chest, further increasing the stingy scent of a fearful feline around him, and little did Kageshi know that was just what the daemon, Al'ar, was looking for to begin with.

As the tendril snaked up, binding the felines arms tight against his sides and finally wormed it's way around the felines lower jaw, tugging, forcing it down to force Kageshi's mouth open and drooling over his front, pathetic gurgles of pleading escaping him now as he watched the monster take slow, casual steps closer towards him, the will of the being slowly growing stronger upon him, forcing his muscles to begin relaxing and give-in to the mantises desires.

At the foot of the bed Al'ar stopped, his arms twitching before bending up, palms pointing at one an other, fingers bent slightly, channeling the will of the daemon towards the feline, or more so to the tendril holding him pinned, causing more gurgling whines to escape Kageshi's mouth as he felt himself be slowly hauled down the silken bedding towards the being who took a step more, placing his front legs down upon the foot of the bed, rearing himself up effortlessly.~You'll be mine little shadow...You want it or not, you will bend to my will and accept me.~The demon spoke again, enforcing more of his will upon the resisting will, watching, no, feeling the resistance begin to slowly melt away as the will of the feline was slowly, but surely being broken, all the while Al'ar had to keep in mind not to overdo it, it would be another five hunred thousand years before another vessel would be born, such a pity if this one failed him.

Whining and gurgling out useless pleas of mercy the feline couldn't help but to look up at the crested head, somehow unable to draw his eyes away from the imposing figure, there was something about him, no it wasn't the sheer force with which he manipulated the shadow itself, it wasn't the will he could feel pressuring upon his own, no it was something else, it tickled his nostrils making them flare out to catch more of it, and then it hit him, it was the combination of the bitter drool dripping onto his piss-soaked stomach and the scent of arousal coming from beneath the figure, and boy did that smell make his fur stand on end, he was being humiliated by other male!.

Growling, or more so attempting to seeing how his jaw was, the feline began to trash himself about again, like HELL he was about to submit to another male, no fucking way, well that was how he thought before he felt the vice-like grip upon his shoulders, and taking a moment to look he noticed the demons arms clutching his shoulders, slowly hoisting him up to sit again, having slid onto his back when he was struggling against Al'ar's hold upon him.~Struggle more and I might not be able to hold my word.~Al'ar hissed into the felines mind, feeling him still struggle against his tightening grip, stopping only at the first sound of a whimper, brought on by the claws digging to the soft skin beneath the fine fur.~You're mine...~ The demon whispered into Kageshi's mind while uncoiling the tendril from around the felines lower jaw, but long before the male could speak-out his displeasure Al'ar had stuffed the broad snout right against his supposed crotch, sticking the felines nose right into the slide between his front legs, forcing his pre-come all over the others snout and face in heavy spurts.

Gagging and squirming the feline pinned his ears back and tried pulling away from the suffocating feel of the others slit around his nose, murmuring out pleas to be let go, only earning his muzzle being stuffed deeper, up to a point where the feline couldn't even breathe, forcing him to hold his breath for as long as he could, the demon above him moaning in it's delight. At the dawn of blacking out from the lack of oxygen in his system something sparked him, a slimy feeling upon his nose, something was rubbing on it, but he didn't know what.

Finally when he was let go with an audible pop as his muzzle slid out of the hole it had been forced to invade, and with each deep intake of air did he draw in the heavy, musky scent of the demon, but like before he now found it out too late, his body already in motion of things, his sheath bulging, peeling back from the way of his growing shaft.~Give yourself to me...~ Al'ar spoke into his little slaves mind, testing his resistance and the reply given was most pleasing.

The look within the felines eyes had changed entirely, from a fearfully aggressive to a submissive lust the feline now looked up, writhing in burning want upon the bedspread, moaning, whining, drawing in the scent of the musk covering his muzzle."Please...please...take me...anything but..this..."The feline whimpered, licking his lips, wanting more of the smell, more of the nectar upon him and the moment the tendril let him go he lunged up, grasping the daemons front legs and burying his snout against it's slit, sniffing, licking and probing, earning himself growls of pleasure.

Such was the power of the daemon mantis, such was his will over the feline, and so it was needed to be for him to mate Kageshi over...and over...and over again repeatedly within a day, nurturing the feline with only his potent seed, giving it to the feline as often as he wanted it, just waiting for his time when the cat was ready for the final step of their little unison.