Sharing His Toys (Jarokk, Part 3)

Story by Arakk01 on SoFurry

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Here it is, the third part of Jarokk and Joseph's story. It got worse for Joseph, of course- now the family dog is in on it.

Joseph used to keep track of the days since he was enslaved by Jarokk. He lost count and started over when he finally had to drop everything- his job, school, friends- to move in with the drake, just to stave off that burning under his tail on a daily basis. Somewhere along the line, he realized that was pointless- complaining to Jarokk that he still hasn't cum after three weeks in this awful chastity cage only aroused the sadistic drake more, and reminding himself was painful after that point. Now, the wolf just tries to stick to Jarokk's original suggestion- behaving as best he can, hoping to every god he's ever heard of that the black drake gets bored of him some day.

Today isn't that day. Joseph's routine starts like it has every day since he moved in with Jarokk. A dog bowl full of blended foods topped with fresh piss from the dragon is served as his breakfast, immediately before Joseph- without being told- crawls to worship his 'Master's paws and thank him profusely for the meal, muzzle burning in humiliation the entire time. Crossing his fingers that today will be like the last few, the next thing Joseph does is turn around, lift his tail for Jarokk, and whimper, "Please.. Get it over with, I'm already burning."

Unfortunately for the wolf, today he strikes a nerve. With a soft hiss, Jarokk circles around to make eye contact- that in itself is a promise of a new, innovative and incredibly awful form of punishment. "What was that, mutt? Did you give me an order? I don't think you've learned your place- I've been soft on you. I'm not going to fuck you today. My pleasure is going to come from your maw- you aren't going to feel a drop of anything good." Continuing to circle, Jarokk traces a sharp claw lightly along Joseph's jaw, drawing a fearful whine from the wolf. "P-please, I didn't mean it like that! Please, Master, just fuck me. It's burning!" the wolf pleads, but his desperation is shrugged off coldly.

"Oh, no. In fact, I think this is a great time for a little surprise I've been saving. Remember your beloved family dog? Wulf, I think his name was.. A wolf-husky mix bigger than you are, crawling around like that." Jarokk grins, giving Joseph a chance to process that. Right before moving in with the dragon, Joseph's parents had called to tell him Wulf ran away, but Jarokk couldn't have... "Yes, that's right. Lost and found. I had him brought here in case I needed a little leverage- but since you've been such a cooperative bitch, I think I'll be treating you." A murmured spell and a sharp whistle later, the familiar heavy padding of canine paws makes its way down the staircase.

Joseph blinks as the dog comes into view, dazed by disbelief. It's Wulf alright, but.. Different. Younger, for sure. The massive dog had been on death's door last time Joseph was at home, and now he appears to be in the prime of life. White and grey fur shines healthily, Wulf's tail wags enthusiastically, and the dog's friendly blue eyes fix right on Joseph as he gallops forward with an excited bark. Gathering his wits even as his old best friend practically drowns him in slobbery licks with no heed of his nakedness, Joseph looks to Jarokk and questions, "How did you do this? WHY did you do this? ... You're not going to hurt him now, are you?" All the while, his arms disbelievingly run through Wulf's fur, caressing and holding the wuskie close.

Throughout the reunion, Jarokk smirks and regards Joseph coldly, tail swaying side to side as his eyes flicker with devious plans. He answers the questions in order, smirk growing into a dark grin. "Oh, much the same way I healed you when my knot tore you open that first night. Magic. As for why I did it.. You'll see very soon. And no, I'm not going to hurt the dog- why would you think that? He's an animal I've taken into my home, not some worthless toy." Clearing his throat theatrically, Jarokk points to the corner of the room. "Wulf, go. Sit and watch while I tie up your old master," the dragon orders. To Joseph's surprise and displeasure, Wulf obeys eagerly, that big tail still flailing back and forth manically.

The wolf knows better than to struggle or run as Jarokk walks to the back room to fetch gear. He's been bound before, had horrible mixes of toys used on him- some of the worse ones have required his chastity removed, and that leaves Joseph half hoping the cage stays on. As usual, Jarokk returns to ruin his hopes with just a handful of gear. A mysterious round strap with a floor clip, a pair of reinforced cuffs, and a spreader bar that fits above the knees. First, his hands are bound behind his back, followed by the spreader being applied to his legs. Lastly and most terrifyingly, Jarokk removes the cage around his sheath and balls, leading Joseph to notice he's been positioned right above an anchor ring on the floor. That makes sense quickly, as the round strap is secured around his balls and then tied down to the floor with a length of nylon cord.

Jarokk moves off, and Joseph takes the time to test his bonds. It seems like hunkering down puts a little pressure on his knees, hips, and lower back- but keeps the ball strap comfortable. As Jarokk settles in front of him and starts to toy about with his slit, coaxing that dangerous-looking shaft from his slit, Joseph looks between the dragon and Wulf, thinking. It'd definitely be uncomfortable and humiliating for Jarokk to fuck his muzzle in front of the family dog, and the position he'd have to take would hurt his balls.. But for the first time with Jarokk, the wolf thinks he's ready for what is about to happen to him.

Of course, Joseph's best guess wasn't nearly cruel enough. Apparently, Jarokk has little to do aside from think of cruel torments for Joseph. The wolf can barely wrap his head around what the drake says next. "Alright, mutt. This is how things will go. You are going to suck me off," Jarokk begins, pointing to his shaft with a smirk, padding forward to sit just out of Joseph's reach. "While you do, I'm going to call Wulf over. Normally, he wouldn't want to fuck you- he'll be forced to mount you and become unbearably aroused magically. Then, we'll have a little game; you win by finishing me before your dog reaches his orgasm. If you win, I tell you a date next month and promise you as many orgasms as you want that day. If you lose... I surgically remove your prostate. Your body will be functionally usable for any use I want- but you'll never release again. And before you ask- no, you don't get a choice. Playing this little game is your punishment."

A sinking feeling overwhelms Joseph from the moment Jarokk sits down and mentions Wulf. He should have known that the drake would swing back with something worse than he could imagine, but this.. The wolf finds himself sick to his stomach as Jarokk whistles for Wulf, finding this wrong on every possible level. Still, all he can do is whimper and nod defeatedly. "I understand, Master," he responds, shuddering and immediately trying to force himself toward Jarokk's shaft. The tugging on his balls grows, inch by inch, until finally- he gets his lips around Jarokk's tip. It's a dull ache from the strap around his balls at this point, and Joseph thinks he can manage it- and then, a heavy weight on his back dislodges him and pushes him to the floor with a soft whine. Wulf- and as promised, he's already feeling the dog's shaft prodding sloppily around his rear, spreading watery canine pre everywhere.

Regardless of how abhorrent he finds the thought, as he struggles to sit back up with Wulf's weight on him... Joseph's mind can't help but wander. As big as Wulf is, the dog's shaft is a little smaller than Jarokk's, especially the knot. Plus, without the barbs.. It might actually feel pretty good. As wrong as it feels, the wolf clings onto that hope of pleasure and grunts as he sits up again, wiggling forward, putting more pressure on his balls to reach more of Jarokk's shaft. The pressure isn't just from the strap, now- he can feel the strain on his balls, trying to pull back in, denied completely. It hurts- but he has to bear it. Again, Joseph manages to get his muzzle around Jarokk's menacing shaft, and right as his tongue gets to work- a gasp is drawn from him.

Wulf finally found his mark, and under Jarokk's magic every instinct the dog had screamed for him to take it. That's what Joseph tells himself, but it still feels like being raped and betrayed by his oldest friend as that feral dog cock is shoved inside him so roughly. Unlike with Jarokk, though, there's a distracting tickle of pleasure under the burning and the pain of that rough penetration. Swallowing heavily, reminding himself he doesn't have another option, Joseph tries to ignore it and focuses on Jarokk's shaft, desperately bobbing his muzzle over what he can reach and before terribly long realizing- Jarokk isn't going to release anytime soon without his knot being pleasured, and that's more than an inch of movement.

Joseph tries to steel himself for the pain he knows he'll have to endure, and tries to get as far as possible with what he can reach- bobbing, twisting, sucking, offering all the stimulation he can to the dragon while ignoring the painful pricking and snagging of Jarokk's barbs against his tongue and cheeks. Then, a jolt of pain reminds him of how urgent his task is, Wulf on top of him starting to push down a little harder on his back, the dog's knot bumping against his clenching tailhole alerting him to how little time he has left before losing the game. With a whimper of intense pain, he forces himself forward. He's sure the strap will tear off his balls, or crush them to dust- but his muzzle makes it the rest of the way down, Jarokk's tip nearly gagging him as it pushes into his throat.

Right then, he gasps, choking on Jarokk's length- Wulf's knot just slipped in. He's lost! It's over- at least, he thinks so for a moment. With a little growl, the dog on top of him pulls his knot back out- not enough to take him over the edge, it seems. Desperately, he sucks and bobs his muzzle over that length the limited amount he's able, feeling Wulf's shaft throb and push against him again, more urgently than before. He has seconds left... With no other options, the wolf takes a risk. He knows Jarokk loves to show him pain, and he knows the drake loves pressure on his knot.. So Joseph gently but firmly bites down, right around the widest portion of Jarokk's knot.

The firm flesh doesn't yield easily, the dog's canines barely drawing two drops of draconic blood as they sink into Jarokk's knot. Above him, Joseph can hear Jarokk gasp in surprise- and some mix of pain and pleasure. Regardless of anything else, this last-ditch effort seems to work. With a familiar mighty throbbing, the dangerously barbed shaft floods his throat and mouth with potent seed, more than a little overflowing onto the floor. Seconds later, Joseph finds himself choking again- another jolt of pain accompanies Wulf managing to knot him again, properly this time. The canine's entire shaft swells, tying the hapless anthro from both ends. This is a state Jarokk is perfectly content to leave him in until he nearly passes out, before yanking that massive draconic length free to allow Joseph to cough up or swallow the last remnants of seed.

While both canines pant in their respective mixes of exhaustion and pain or pleasure, Jarokk purrs approvingly. "Very clever, mutt. I was wondering when you'd figure out you could do that... I won't punish you for it, not unless you're really trying to tear off my cock," he snorts playfully. "Wulf, pull out. Joseph, hold steady or I'll cut your poor dog's shaft off inside you," he threatens, watching intently, tail flicking. Left with no choice, both canines again obey, Wulf going through the uncomfortable process of breaking his mating tie early while Joseph grips the floor tightly and whimpers in pain. When all is done, watery dog seed splatters to the floor from Joseph's ass, with more leaking from Wulf's cock.

Jarokk nods, seemingly pleased with all of this. "April Seventeenth, twenty six days from now," he states plainly, smirking. "Wulf, wait until you're done leaking and go play. You can piss on Joseph if you need to go. Mutt.. I will return and unbind you when there are no fluids in the floor. Have fun!" And with that, as with most of their sessions, Jarokk wanders off amiably, up the stairs, out to do his mysterious errands in the city.

The Worst Doctor's Visit

Without a doubt, this was the worst doctor's visit Joseph had ever experienced. Bent over a table in his apartment, rectum exposed by a medical-grade speculum, not even noticing the rawness of several sample swabs scraped over the area past the...

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Unlucky (Jarokk, Part 1)

It was late on a Saturday night when Joseph stumbled out of the club, as drunk as he's been in his life. To his exhausted, inebriated mind, home isn't far; he walked here, after all. So with very little thought on the matter, the silver-furred wolf...

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