chapter 3: it begins

Story by kid of chaos on SoFurry

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#3 of strags adventures

As I rode back to the temple I heard a voice.

"Strag... bring spyro and Cynder and hurry!" said the voice in my mind, I knew who it was.

"Chronicler, what's wrong?" I asked while screeching to a halt.

"No time hurry! I can't contact them because they have been blocked off somehow before you asked" he replied.

"O.k. be there tomorrow." I replied.

"From the temple it two days of non-stop flying!" he moaned

"right, calculations, the distance 2400 miles, top speed of spy and cyd's is 50 mph which means two days but my runner goes 100mph so it means on my runner it's 0ne day of non-stop driving." I replied.

"Get spyro and Cynder here as fast as possible." He shouted

"K, be there A.S.A.P" I replied and set off.


Kiari was on the balcony looking out until she heard an engine.

"STRAG! Slow down or there will be a crash!" kiari shouted while I was driving to a wall. "I can't look" she whispered. I started to drive up the wall and I stopped above the balcony.

"What are you doing Kiari? No look up." I said. She looked up to see I was on the wall with spikes on my tires.

"How are you doing that?" Kiari asked

"Crampons which are spikes on the tyres so the can stick to any surface." I replied and deactivated the crampons and landed on one wheel then two.

"Cyril said you were going to stretch your wings." She said hugging me while I was still on.

"Kalin. We dueled." I whispered in her ear and she started to cry. "He wasn't our friend anymore, he was a dark signer and once you're a dark signer, you can never go back." Just then spyro and Cynder came out.

"Hay Strag, what that?" spyro asked pointing to my runner

"it my duel runner but there is no time to explain anything else, the chronicler needs you two, but its two day off non-stop flying, unless we take my runner." I replied and my duel runner grew enough to seat them both. They got on with spyro in the middle and Cynder at the back and I revved my engine. "Hang on. Kiari, I need a countdown." I smirked

"O.k. 3...2...1... eh GO!" she shouted and I set off with both dragons

"So how long before we get there?" spyro shouted over the engine.

"One day of non-stop driving. Don't worry when its night this converts the extra spaces to a sleeping area so you and sleep while I drive and no I don't need sleep." I replied. Half way there it was night and the two went to sleep, while I continued. "Oh a gap, no problem" I whispered not waking the others up. I went to a wheelie and jumped the gap.

In the morning I was still driving went the two awoke.

"Are we there yet?" Cynder asked sleepily. I nodded

"About 2 miles let we should see it soon" I replied and we did indeed see the place. We went in and I screeched to a halt and the chronicler came out.

"Spyro Cynder you came! Quick inside." He said quickly. We all got off and I walked with my runner inside. "Spyro your book." And spyro's book came off the shelf and a page appeared and it had 10 dragons apart from spyro.

"Let me guess he has to mate with the right one or and it a big or a child of Darkness while be born. Now is that correct or is that correct?" I butted in.

"Correct but I don't who is." The chronicler sighed.

"I'll check. Future sight. Mmmmm no, no, nope, no, defiantly, no, no, no, no so that leave one. The correct one is, the one, the only Cyndeeeeeeeeeeeeer! Yes it is Cynder and I am NEVER wrong." I replied.

"ME!" Cynder gaped. I nodded.

"I read your minds and I have conferred you two are in love. It wasn't hard to figure out, there is the hard to speak to each other, the pain when you are together and lots more." I smirked. They looked at each other and blushed. "My point exactly."


"Cynder" they said in union.

"Both of you go into the next room and settle it." The chronicler said. They walked into the other room but it was sound and mind proof so I don't know what happened. Just then 9 other dragons appeared.

"Where Spyro" one asked.

"Not here." I replied

"He is here because I sensed him." Another replied.

"If you want him you have to get though us." I said

"Us?! But there is on-" the other was cut short when he saw 8 more of me appeared.

"You were saying" said one of the clones.

"Never mind attack and kill him" a green dragon said and we engaged in battle. It was 1 on 1. I attack a dragon witch looked like the leader.

"We had enough!" all the dragons said at once and punched the clones, shattering them, I winched in pain.

"Combine our attacks and destroy him." Said the leader. They merged the attacks and before it hit me I flipped a switch on a hexagon device and a blue crystal appeared and stopped the attack but not only did it stop but it also got reflected.

"Like that? That is a reflect crystal, it reflect any attack." I shouted and the attack went back and injured all of them. The chronicler looked at the book and all the dragons disappeared.

"Our mission has failed." Said the leader and all but one flew off.

"" said I and the other screamed and flew off. ‘Thanks guy with out you four the crystal would be shattered and not reflected.' I thought to four dragons, a red one, a blue one, a brown one and a green one.

‘You are welcome sir' all four said.

‘Fira, Mira, bahaumt and aegis. How many times have I told you?'

‘Sorry' all said at once.

‘Strag?' Aegis asked.

‘Yes?' I asked

‘When can we come out as in our dragon bodies?'

‘When we get to the temple. Now behave'

Spyro and Cynder walked out in their afterglow. "I take it, it is done?" I asked and spyro nodded. After they got cleaned up we all hopped back on my runner and set off. On the ride Cynder hugged Spyro tightly to hold on and not on the bars.

‘Fira, do you sense that?' I asked

‘Yes, danger.' He replied, ‘summon dark dragon to protect us.'

‘k. I will'

"I summon Blues eyes dark dragon!" I shouted and throw the card forward, a light came out and them my dragon came. Cynder was frightened and hugged Spyro tighter.

"I... can't... breath!" he gagged and Cynder loosed her grip. "Strag, What that?"

"Blues eyes dark dragon, I summoned him because I sense danger." I replied. And it was true 50 apes appeared but my dragon obliterated them. "Thanks blue. Came back." I shouted and Blues eyes dark dragon when back into its card and came to my hand.


When we arrived at the temple the next day I stopped and let everyone off.

"Thank you for choosing the runner service. Bye, goodbye, goodbye now." I said in my best airplane attentions voice. I pulled out a fire, earth, ice and wind sword and put them drown and chanted a spell. "From swords of metal, to bodies of flesh arise by dragons of fire, earth, ice and wind!" and the four dragons that was in my head appeared in front of me.

"It good to be back." Mira said.

"Let's good meet the others" said Bahaumt. We walked out and I told them who the dragons were.

"Everyone. This is bahaumt, fira, mira and aegis." I said and when I said their names they said hi. I walked out to the baloney and stared out just then spyro came out. "Dark aurora. Where is it?" I whispered and blinked slowly, when I opened my eyes they were glowing with a blue fire behind them. In my view I saw blues clouds inside of people, it was their aurora.

"Strag are you O.K?" he asked.

"Yer." I replied and looked around; he caught a glimpse of my eyes.

"What wrong with-" he was cut off

"My eyes? Now and again this happens, it will go soon." I stared back out and saw a black strip flash by. "Dark Aurora. But who was it." I whispered and put on a helmet and pulled down a red screen to one of my eyes. By this time Spyro was inside. "Replay. Slow, pause, swap view, figure, name." I whispered and the screen did what it was told. The figure was covered in black scales with a white underbelly. The name, I was horrified, I was Cynder Mum. I gasped. "Can it be reverted." I whispered. A word came up said ‘NO can't be reverted back to good' I gasped again and Cynder came out.

"Strag?" she asked. I toke off the helmet and put it away.

"I coming." I replied.


That night I was thinking, fira, mira, bahaumt and aegis when back to their swords.

‘How she react when she finds out.' Aegis asked

‘There are two paths, a good and bad but I can't go down any path.' I replied.

‘She will be horrified when she finds out.' Fira sighed.

‘We will talk about this A.S.A.W.C' I replied. (It means as soon as we can)


"My purple Knight, what can't you do?" Cynder sighed in Spyro's arms.

"Anything when you are here my black princess" he replied and gave her a peck on the cheek. Spyro soon became aroused and his long dragonhood poked at her.

"Take me again." Cynder said sedately.

"Anything for you" he replied with a grin and climbed on top. He slowly slid his dragonhood into Cynder's clit. They moaned together as Spyro was hilted. He pulled back and started a rhythm, which Cynder really liked.

"Mmmmm but what... about... the others... won't they... hear? Mmmmm your good." Cynder moaned.

"For some reason when Strag is here the rooms became sound proof. Oh you're tight." Spyro replied. Spyro started to speed up and Cynder moaned louder, all that can be ‘heard' is moaning grunting and smacking. (But that can only be heard in their room because it was sound proof.) A whole ten minutes passed when spyro finally released at the same time Cynder did, when he did, Spyro when as far in as he could go.

In my room

I just said four words

"And so it begins."

chaper 2: the duel

For this story you need the song ‘lugia's song'. The best place is. []( I will tell you when to turn it on. Me and Kiari talked while we flew about stuff that...

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chapter 1 Strag revenge

DISCLAMER: All characters belong to their rightful owners. If you are under 18 get lose or have mercy on your soul Hi I am a human call Strag, I also have a nickname with is super dragon because my parent saw I had a great interest in...

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