Starting Anew - Chapter 1

Story by RedneckShakle on SoFurry

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#1 of Starting Anew

I'm back! I'm leaving years in this storyline a mystery for the time being so you may enjoy them without having to worry about time continuity. If you're under 18, get out! This part of the story may get a little...naughty.

The Calm

June 24, 20xx

Saphyra yawns, getting up and stretching, looking out across the clear morning at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia. She loves the ocean, and the view of it in the morning is incredible. There are aircraft in the air, but now, two years to the day after the end of the war, the humans are more trusting of the dragons, especially with the enormous gains that have been achieved during the interim time. Most of the damage had been repaired to the US cities that were raided, and many dragons actually have jobs helping humans! There's only one more thing she could possibly hope for, but that wasn't something she looked out for much, considering all that had happened, all that had been learned after the war had ended. All she could do was keep the instigators of the war away from their new home.

At about that same time, Davis is yawning as well, as he sips on his coffee and heads to the worksite he had been assigned to. About two weeks after the war's end he had resigned from the Air Force, much to the displeasure of his superiors, his squadron mates, and, surprisingly, one very large, very blue female dragon. She had followed him from the headquarters after his resignation was turned in and had talked to him, wondering why he was doing this, and upon finding out Davis never wanted to be military to begin with, she had nodded, her only response was that he had felt what it was like to fly, and it would never again be the same, being on the ground and looking at the sky he had been a master of.

Soon he was at his work site and got out, strapping his tool belt on and making sure his drill was fully charged. A job as an electrician. They were needed most, and electricity is cool, so he did it. Now, however, he finds himself looking at the sky more and more, at the clouds inviting him up to them.

"What's up, Tex?" A journeyman nearby comes up to him, planting a hand on his shoulder.

"Not much Oscar." He says, turning to head to their truck. "What's up for today?"

Oscar grins. "Today we get to hook up that transformer." He says with a grin. "If it don't rain again." He starts the truck and they head off, Journeyman with Apprentice, to downtown Washington, where they are working to help expand the city to make it more dragon friendly. Davis watches some of the dragons wheeling in the sky in the distance, young ones playing tag before school, while over the city, dragons are making jumps up from one part of the city and going to another. Davis himself had been on one of those dragons not long ago, moving from his house in Jamestown to a house nearby, the dragon carrying him, his stuff, and his car all the way over in one hop. He doesn't notice the slight pull in the back of his mind anymore.

McLintock, at this point in time, is wide awake, flying in a C130 high over Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The red light in the 130 comes on, and he stands up and looks back at his troops. "Stand up!" He calls out, motioning up with his hands. "Hook up!" He calls, making a hook with his right hand. He then turns and looks at the jump master standing in the open tail of the Hercules. From the tail they can see six other C130s, laden with the rest of the 82nd Airborne, and five red dragons flying in the formation, guarding them. This was the first divisional jump they'd had since the start of the land war in South America during the dragon war. Damn it was good to do the jump without having those dragons out to kill him. The light turns green. "GO GO GO!" he says, and runs out the back of the plane, all 127 men coming out right behind him.

From the ground, it was quite a sight, Wallace admits to himself. The dragons flying with the big hercy birds, and the air filling with parachutes as the soldiers jump. Every time a 130 had emptied it pulled up, and the dragon guarding it swooped down along the ground, blasting targets with fire as the paratroopers came down. Once the troops were on the ground, they began moving. Then came the Para dropped tanks. With new airframes, new materials, and new engines, came new abilities, and he smiles as a fully crewed and loaded M1 tank drops from the back of a c7, its fall retarded by parachutes, the scales on the tank glistening. As soon as it was down on the ground it started rolling too.

Gharna was just as impressed. Such a large thing dropping from an airplane and not breaking when it hits the ground. She looks over to Diamond. "They get hurt at all?" She asks. Diamond shakes her head.

"Nope. Not in the least." The tanks were covered in dragon scales over their normal composite armor, the light weight scales adding another layer of protection to the already sturdy tanks, one that could be 'healed' if the tank took a hit. The dragons had shown humans how to use their flaked off scales as armor, something the elves did, and they put it on all their tanks and tracked vehicles. A small infantry armor was being designed. Humans had a whole lot of ingenuity, Gharna had to give them that. They were the perfect race for dragons to be hanging around with.

Saphyra has finally had enough of just staring at the water. She walks to her hangar and grabs her purse, the small item having a strap long enough to wrap around her wrist. She then goes to headquarters, checks out for the day, and takes flight once more, heading south a ways, finding a nearby beach, humans all over it, children playing happily in the water, adults lounging around on the beach, soaking up the sun's rays. She smiles and sets down in a special area for dragons to do just that, and shifts down to her bipedal form. She takes a swimming suit from the purse, which now fits over her shoulder and across her back. She fits the bikini top and bottom onto her, and even puts a pair of specially made sunglasses on. After shifting her shoulders a bit, she flares and refolds her wings and heads onto the beach.

She didn't appreciate it much before, but now, she loves her shape, and takes pride in the fact that unlike some other dragons, she has not overeaten with the abundance of food. Her belly is flat and toned, even a little muscular, though she still looks very feminine, with a nice C cup. The white of her bathing suit also shows off her curves and makes her more noticeable. She grins at a whistle from a dragon nearby and otherwise ignores him entirely, getting herself a suitable spot in the sand, laying down, spreading her wings, and relaxes.

She stays there for a good thirty minutes before she gets up, looking around. Everyone was there, and for once, there were no humans staring at her. With a smile, and a very good feeling inside about this seemingly small thing, she walks to the water and wades inside, murring at the nice feeling of cool salt water washing her scales clean, though those scales had more of a skin like texture now. She can just barely make out a boat and a dragon in the distance, no doubt scaring off a shark that had wandered too close. It was a perfect day to be here. She feels a peace she had not known before, but who's absence is as real to her now as it had been unknown before. She was home. Truly home.

Sorahaught, Allileiya

In the capital building, fifty High Elves were gathered in a Congress-like auditorium, the prince of their race standing before them. "We have discovered why we lost contact with those who were to be our bonded, the dragons, two years ago." He says. "They were in a war for their old home world, and during the war, their king and queen were killed." He says. "Now, they live at peace with the race they once fought, the humans." A murmur goes around the crowd of noble elves. Those had been who they had pushed the king of the dragons into fighting. Their prince had pushed him into it, promising that after they had shown they could unite the dragons, the Elves would bind themselves to their race, making them the most powerful races in the galaxy. "My military advisers tell me this peace was likely made because of heavy dragon losses. As such, to finish the job and show our future bonded race that we support them, I intend to send a strike force to this Earth and wipe the humans out, thus freeing the dragons to join us in glorious Union." The nobles are nodding now. "For this, I need each of you to send 50 of your best warriors to the plains of Eldosa, that we may gather the force."

Fayetteville, North Carolina

Cynder looks out over her class of young dragons and humans. She loves children, and at the first opportunity she volunteered to teach wherever they may need her. Now she's here, teaching classes in a middle school. It amazes her how these young dragons had already mastered shifting back and forth between their forms. Necessity was a good teacher, when they needed to be bipedal to come into the school, and natural to fly back home after. She smacks her tail lightly to the metal side of her desk, the noise catching the class' attention. "Alright students, settle down..." She says. "Today you're going to learn more about graphs." She says, drawing the two axis on the board. "What does this line represent?" She asks, pointing to the horizontal axis.

"X axis." the class responds.

Cynder smiles happily about that and nods. "Very good." She says, going on with the lesson. When lunch comes around, she marches her kids to the cafeteria and hands them over to an older human female, she's about 50, and smiles. "I have a meeting with my mate." She blushes just a little bit. The older woman grins knowingly and waves her off. Cynder heads out to the shifting area for faculty dragons, changes out of her clothes and into her larger form, and takes flight. She flies out a few blocks and sees Him. Her Silven. Her boyfriend, since Spyro left her for some bronze tramp. She nuzzles him as he pulls up next to her and the pair sets down nearby an Olive Garden. They shift down, head inside, and immediately get a table. "Mmmm, thanks for coming today, honey." She says, getting lost in Silven's silver eyes. Silven nods, his scales shimmering just a bit. "I know how hard it is to get a sub." He says, chewing on some of the bread sticks. "Wouldn't miss this for the world either."

After lunch it's a quick flight home, and once home, Cynder gives Silven a grin, a twinkle in her eye. "Want to come inside?" She asks, flicking her tail up. Silven gets the hint and grins, starting to strip off his clothes.

"I would be happy to." he says, following her into her bedroom, stepping over the skirt and blouse let onto the ground, and getting onto the bed, pushing his girlfriend down onto her back.

A few minutes later he's balls deep inside her, thrusting as hard as he can, listening to her moans of pleasure. "Harder!" She calls out, gripping his hips with her legs, driving him in deeper every time he thrusts himself into her. Cynder was in heaven, her eyes half closed and mouth partially open, tongue hanging out as her boyfriend pounds that solid rod deep inside. Every thrust is sending a wave of hot joy thru her body, so much that she curls her toes down onto his back and moans out loudly as she cums, her hot juices coating his cock and hips. "Cum, baby!" She calls out, lost in the moment. Her Silven is all to happy to oblige, growling as he goes off himself, a single spurt rushing into her, then his cock is out and his cream is covering her belly and chest. He collapses beside her, letting her have the freedom to rub that cream into her scales.

"Baby...." Cynder whispers into his ear as she lays there, almost asleep. "I want to have babies." She says. "Do you want babies?" She asks. Silven nods, though his belly is suddenly dropping out. He waits, watching Cynder as she falls asleep, then gets up and gets dressed, cleaning himself off, and leaves the house, flying hard away, wanting to be out of her range before she wakes up. The prospect of children scares him. He should of known better than to get with a teacher. All those kids.

Washington, D.C.

It takes Saphyra a little while to pull herself off the beach. Dragons don't need to worry about sunburn, but they do need to watch their time in the sun, otherwise their colors may fade just a bit, and it takes hours to get their shine back when they do. In the air, she looks around and sighs. It was awful lonely for her. Her family was all dead, her friends are off at other places helping strengthen the alliance between human and dragon in their own way, or so she tells herself. Teaching will help strengthen the societal bond between the two races, but serving in the military? It's mutual defense, not alliance strengthening. Still, it was needed.

She had recommended binding the two races together to the US President, seeing as Canada, Mexico, and Japan, as well as all those survivors they had found around the world, had merged into the United States. The President had felt that time was needed. More than the year and a quarter that had already gone by. She only hoped he decided soon. Forming such a bond would give her more to do than the standard patrols she flew with Wedge out of Langley. She sets down at base and shakes herself, sending a grains of sand flying. She then shrinks down and goes to check in, meeting up with Wedge along the way. "You should go visit him." Wedge tells her, around a sandwich in his mouth. He had rushed over upon seeing her land.

"He doesn't want to see me." She says. "We killed his family during the war."

Wedge shrugs. "It wasn't you who did it."

Saphyra shakes her head, though she knows he's right, she can't find it in her to track him down. "I can't." She says. She still remembers the sadness of finding out she couldn't fly with him in the service, that he had resigned. For some reason, she feared him pushing her away if she went to find him. Absurd really, since she had no fear at all facing his military in the war.

"Stuff..." Wedge says, waving his hand dismissively while holding the ham sandwich. "Go find him. At the very least, you could talk with him. Especially since you have that bond with him." He grins at her wince. "Ignored but not forgotten, eh? Ah well, head out and find him. I know the Force has been trying to get him back. Maybe a visit from you will finish the job." Saphyra looks at him. "You think it might?" She asks, and once Wedge nods, she sighs. "I guess..." She says, figuring if she didn't agree he'd badger her until she did. "I'll be back then." She says, turning off, heading out to the outside, changing, and taking flight, heading in the direction she knew he was.

"I don't know." Davis says, scratching his head and looking at all the wires tangled about in there. "Whoever put all this in place must have been drunk." He says, grinning at Oscar.

"'Ey, just cuz my flaggon has whiskey in it doesn't mean I did every crap job piece of work around here. This used to be Commey's work site, remember?" Davis nods. Being a Russian national, commey had come naturally. What's better is he didn't resent it, since the Americans didn't mind 'yank'. Oscar wipes his forehead, then settles his hardhat back into place. "Well, we'll just haf'ta find the right wire and trace it." he says. "While we do, we'll straighten it out." With that, he starts pulling on the wires, while Davis starts pulling on the other side. Soon all the wires are poking out of the box like a porcupine's quills. "Alright, I'll read off the numbers, you connect them in the right order." Oscar says, backing off and picking up the prints nearby. He promptly starts reading off what number wire goes in what letter slot.

"So this is what you've been doing the whole time." A female voice comes from behind.

Another voice, this one male, comes up. "Oscar, y'all gots a visitor."

Davis puts up the wires, knowing this means a quick break, while Oscar rolls up the prints and whistles. "Well holy shit." He says. "Look at that. What's a celestial dragon want with us grunts here in the site?" Davis turns around, only then noticing how strong the pull in the back of his mind had gotten, and sees Saphyra standing there, hand on her hip, leaning against that hand, with Air Force dress blues on, that is to say, a skirt that goes down to her knees, the typical Air Force blouse, and a small salad bar of decorations. "Hello Saphyra." He says.

Oscar gapes. "You knows her?" He asks, then remembers who he's talking to. "Wait, I remember." he says, then points to the east. "I'll be over there." He says, and walks away, giving the two privacy.

Davis grins. "So, what brings you here?" He asks. Saph grins and looks at him, biting her lower lip. Davis gets that loud and clear. "Right, guess they would send you, when all their letters weren't answered." He looks down for a second, taking off his tool belt, remembering how the 'please come back' letters had really picked up when he was unemployed, showing how he could make this much money. "How's Wedge?" He asks.

Saphyra smiles. "Oh, he's fine. Wondering when you'll stop by for a barbecue." She turns. "Walk with me." She says, heading towards the trees nearby. Davis falls into step with her. "It must be dull, standing around on the ground all day long." She says, and grins when he looks up at the sky, though she doesn't show that she's watching him, at least not directly. Davis is grinning himself.

"You would know, wouldn't you?" He asks, referring to the bond he hasn't entirely forgiven her for making. He still hadn't forgotten when, a few months ago, he had shocked himself bad. While he was waiting for the ambulance to arrive, she had, and she had a limp in her left foreleg, where he had shocked himself. It had been a rude reminder, having her hover over him, making sure he didn't die, and not letting anyone else close, that he had a bond with a dragon he barely knew.

"It doesn't take the Bond to figure it out." She says. "You look subdued." She stops just short of the trees. "Come back with me." She says. "Fly on my wing, and leave this job behind for what you were meant to do." She watches him expectantly, hoping that he'll nod and she could carry him back. Her reward, however, is a sigh and a shake of his head.

"No, I like it on the ground." He lies. He had thought about rejoining a couple of times. He can feel her disappointment across that link, even with his shielding up around it. But more than that, it surprises him to feel sadness on her part.

"Alright." She says. "But if you change your mind..." Saphyra pulls out a card and writes her number on the back. "Give me a call. I'll come and bring you in." She turns to walk away, then stops and looks at him sideways. "If you want to do anything else, give me a call too." She says, and then turns, blushing, and heads into the woods to get changed. Ten minutes later, the shadow passes over his workplace as she flies away, and he spends the rest of the day fending off questions from Oscar about the war and, as he terms her, the blue temptress from the sky. The only thing Davis does admit to is the fact that her sky blue scales look good under the dark blue of Air Force blues.