Splash Damage

Story by Crashley on SoFurry

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Story Contains: Rape, Internal Cumshots, and Video Games. If you're bothered by that then click anywhere fuckin' else.

This is my crack at slightly more conventional furry porn.

Anyone else remember that one time a LAN party turned into a frat house style bukkake from those cautionary college tales pamphlets they give you? Yeah, me neither.I wish it was based on a true story, but sadly the only similarity to my life is how much I suck at FPS.

Dexter was the last to show up to Eddie's LAN party. He'd never been to one before and so was absolutely ecstatic when the alpha wolf on campus had extended an invitation to the typically withdrawn computer geek. It's not that Dex was a bad looking young badger, far from it really. He was tall, healthy, well groomed, with the most gorgeous pair of smiling green eyes you would ever set your sights on. It was just that he spent so much time locked up with his computers rarely anyone saw hide or fur of him.

He nearly tripped on his way in the door to Eddie's house, barely catching himself before he dropped his computer and found himself with much bigger problems than a touch of nervousness. He bumped into someone decidedly smaller than him, staggering and sending his own glasses flying, as well as almost knocking them down in the process.

"J-jeeze I'm sorry," Dexter sputtered, setting his computer on the table and bending down to grope about for his glasses.

"Yeah? Watch where you're goin'," a sing-songy voice chirped back at him. It was a girl... A pretty one too. The gryphoness kicked the glasses into his hand and raised an eyebrow at him expectantly as he stood up and brushed himself off. She was a head and a half shorter than he was, but the fiery glare she shot up at him made it clear she wasn't any timid pushover. "You going to stand around staring like a slack jawed idiot or are you going to plug that in?" she said, pointing at his computer.

Dexter nodded swiftly and began setting up his computer, more nervous than ever as he cautiously connected himself to the network of other PCs.

"Badger Boy! Glad you could make it!" a firm hand slapped Dexter on the back as a bright eyed gray wolf grinned at him. He glanced at the badger's expression, then over at the grump gryphon and laughed. "That's just Crash, lil' spitfire, don't mind her so much. She's harmless," the wolf nudged Dexter in the rib's gently then reached over and gave the girl a firm smack on the ass.

"Eddie, you lay one more paw on me and I'm gonna riddle your body so full of lead the coroner's gonna think you were a pencil instead of dog," she snarled, her cat like ears flattening back against her skull as she stared down the canine.

"Relax Crashey babe! I'm just messing with you," Eddie grinned, holding his hands up and shrugging coolly. She seemed to relax in turn, rolling her eyes at the overly suave dog. "Hey, be nice to Badger Boy, it's his first time out, alright? Don't scare him too much, he needs some sun," Eddie teased, bumping Crash on the shoulder before walking over to another pair setting up across the table and engaging them in a similarly over friendly way.

"Crash... right. I-I'm Dexter," the sheepish badger extended a hand towards the gryphon and smiled.

"Yeah yeah, Crashley, charmed," she shook his hand with as little effort as she could muster.

Dexter couldn't help but find himself sizing her up as she looked away. She wasn't overly slim, but far from fat. She had a generous amount of cushion wrapped in tawny fur and chestnut feathers. Her chest wasn't quite so generous, each looking to be a mere handful, though it's possible the tight pink tank concealing her breasts was constricting them some. Her hips more than made up for any lacking above the waist, wonderfully wide with a fantastically soft and squishable round rump. Dex could feel a rather uncomfortable sensation sparking below his waist and quickly staggered to get his mind off how delicious the bird girl's drumsticks looked.

"So... do you feel weird about being the only girl here?" he asked tepidly.

"The fuck's that suppose to mean?" she jerked her hand away and glared at him more fiercely than ever. "You think I can't play a goddamn video game because I have a vagina or something?"

"What? No! I just meant-"

"The fuck outta my face! I'm gonna wreck you, you cunt," she snaps, marching off and throwing herself down in a chair on the other side of the table.

Dex bit his lip, feeling the stares of some of the other party goers on him. Quietly he slunk into a chair and hid his face in his computer until they were ready to begin.

"Alright bees and birds, let's get this party started," Eddie's voice broke above the general chatter. "We got a decent turn out tonight, awesome. So we're gonna have two teams of ten, left table versus right, got it? So party up dogs and cats!" More a showman than a technical specialist for sure, Eddie passed the prestigious position of 'team captain' to a tired looking falcon sitting next to Dexter.

"Just humor him," Dex heard the raptor grumble as he set about organizing the game while Eddie continued to socialize and flirt with his guests.

"Alright, alright, who's going to be captain of your team," he said pointing to the right side of the table with a wolfish grin.

"I will," Crash spoke up first, her voice full of searing venom aimed directly at the badger sitting across from her.

"Ooooh, feisty tonight. Alright, well, go team pink!" Eddie said, clapping for her as he sauntered over to his own far too expensive looking rig at the end of the left table. "Alrighty then does and deers, this party's goin' all the way till 2am, then ya'll gotta get out because my folks will be back at sun up and I gotta clean this place. Feel free to stay and help once you got your shit outta here," he laughed, slapping the table next to his computer.

"Alright alright alright, let's do this!"

The game launched and immediately the hail of gunfire from over a dozen different computers blocked out all other sound in the room. Dex ducked his head low, avoiding any casual glances from the girl across from him and allowing himself to focus on the game.

All nervousness melted away in a rain of molten lead. The other players were somewhere between poor and mediocre with a few odd skilled ones, but no one even began to approach Dexter's skill with a keyboard and mouse. Bang. Bang. His kill streak skyrocketed as he remained completely untouchable. He was simply playing on a completely different level.

The funniest or maybe saddest of all was the other team's captain. The gyphon girl, blinded by some sort of petty rage ran face first into magazine after magazine of bullets. Each time the badger put her in her place he could hear her grunting and grinding her beak. She was trying so hard to prove herself. Maybe she fit in among a bunch of amateur dudebros like Eddie and his friends, but she simply could never even hope to get so much as a shot on Dexter.

The night drug on with one team completely decimating the other the whole time. Some party goers straight up quit and left, others simply tried to give Dex a wide berth and play 'normally' between themselves. After all, Crash's constant attempts to kill him gave him more than enough amusement to keep to himself. Every suicidal sprint, every demented dash, his confidence grew. He began to toy with her, stalking her, mocking every attempt she made with a talent that completely eclipsed hers.

Something about it triggered something strange in Dex. He found himself getting rock hard each every time he put her down, hearing her whines of frustration from being unable to beat him. He completely dominated that stuck up bitch and it was so immensely satisfying.

Well, not COMPLETELY dominated....

2am was within sight, though the game had more or less worn down. Many had already packed and left, some had switched to other games, and others were tidying the place as the last few shots rang out. Crash slumped against her computer, utterly defeated and humiliated. She clasped her hands over her ears as she heard one last death grunt from her speakers before the game timed out.

"Well, uh, looks like the winning team was pretty decisive, huh?" Eddie said, scratching behind his head as he gave everyone a sort of apologetic look. "Badger Boy! Way to be MVP. I'm for sure gonna have to invite you back to play for my team next time!" Naturally this meant he wasn't going to get an invitation back. Dexter looked at Crash crumpled by her computer, his cock still pulsing in the confines of his briefs. He'd better make this invite worth it then.

"Good game," Dexter said as he approached the girl as casually as possible. She looked up, her expression a twisted mash-up of shame and anger. "Just kidding, I completely blew you away. I really hope you weren't even trying, because if you were you should just junk your PC now and get it over with." Each snarky, venomous word made her flinch, the shame and sadness overwhelming the anger now. The look of defeat in her eyes made Dexter's cock throb with an intensity he'd never felt before. "Guess you really showed me, huh," he leaned in and whispered, pressing his hips into her back lightly. She bolted up, feeling the rock hard flesh pushing down on her. He wouldn't dare... "Showed me that the only place women belong is on this dick, slut." He gave her a hard shove down against the table with one hand, the other swiftly unfastening his belt and jerking his pants down. He took a little more time undoing her pants, sliding them down slowly, letting what was happening sink in. He lined up the head of his cock with her entrance, sliding back and forth teasingly as she looked around helplessly.

Most of the party goers were long gone, the only ones remaining busy packing and cleaning, not taking any special notice of the two most dedicated gamers in the group having a little post game chat. "Go ahead and scream for help, everyone will know you're just another weak, helpless girl that doesn't belong around real men," he teased, watching as her mind raced to find another alternative. She was trying so hard... but her hardest was nothing compared to his.

The badger thrust himself in unceremoniously, groaning as the tight, wet heat encased him. "You feel pretty good. A lot better than you look," he snarled as he began to make sharp, shallow thrusts inside her. His hands clenched her hips tightly, fingers running across the pillowy perfection of her ass as he hammered into her. Each time he sunk a little deeper, stretching her cunt a little wider to take him all. With a frustrated grunt he felt himself slamming against her back wall before even bottoming out. "You're not a virgin, are you? Your cunt is so small and tight. You need a real man to split you wide open. Make a REAL woman out of you."

Crash endured it all quietly, her hands between her chest and the table to prevent her from smacking into her computer with each increasingly brutal thrust. He was trying to really break her in, to leave her a gaping wreck after he was through, and she was worried he might with how hard and deep his cock had worked already. It was painful, but she could endure it. Then when the bastard was spent she'd rip his cock right off with her beak. It was embarrassing now, but she'd get over it. He wouldn't just get over being neutered.

His thrusts picked up in tempo, his breathing increasingly ragged as he pumped away. He was trying his best to hold it in, to draw out his victory as much as possible. It felt like any moment he would burst, and as if to compliment the worry a small jet of cum shot off a bit early. Crash made her first noise of protest, moving her head so she could look back at her attacker with a look of dire urgency. "Don't cum in me," she said quietly.

"What was that?" Dexter leaned in with one particularly rough thrust.

"I said don't cum in me, I'm not on the pill," Crash whispered her eyes refusing to meet his as begged him.

"Hmmm, you're saying you're worried about getting knocked up," Dexter said, thinking it over as he slowed his rhythm slightly. One of his hand reached up, a claw tearing through the tight fabric of her tank and roughly grabbing a modest breast. "Don't wanna fatten up these pathetic little excuses for tits?" he jeered, squeezing her boob roughly as he upped the pace again. He could swear he heard the gryphon girl cry for just a moment.

"I'm the alpha male here, bitch. I won, you lost. If I want to shoot my load up into your womb you better be happy for the opportunity to carry my cubs around for nine months, you cheap whore. Now smile while you get seeded." A truly evil smirk spread across the badger's muzzle as his breathing turned frantic again, nearly at the edge of orgasm. Crash frantically shook her head, actual tears forming in her eyes. She was pleading frantically in hushed whispers for him to stop or pull out, anything, just not that...

Dexter crammed his full length inside her, exploding as he pressed himself deep inside, shamelessly gushing into her waiting womb. Every last drop emptied in one violent burst, his cock aching and twitching as it tried to work up even one more drop to spill. If the situation was really as serious as she had acted like it was, there was no doubt she'd be skipping lectures to barf up breakfast within a week.

The weight of what he had just done washed over the badger as his dick softened and slid out along with a torrent of white slime. He'd just raped a girl. He'd raped a girl at a party in another guy's house. He looked over the gryphon girl, her clothes torn, tears streaming down her eyes as she laid crumpled against the table silently. Quietly he tucked himself back into his pants, straightened up, and brushed himself off. He thought about saying something, maybe trying to apologize. Was there even a point now? He frowned slightly, waving timidly to the girl before turning to go retrieve his computer and go.

As he spun around he bumped into the exasperated looking falcon that has sat beside him during the game. Dexter glanced from the bird before him the over at the cum-leaking cunt beside him. "Oh, uh, I was just, go...ing"

The falcon raised an eyebrow, then shrugged as he undid his pants as well. "It's not the first time Crash has lost a game," he said in a casual, matter of fact tone. He seemed almost bored as he whipped his cock out and mounted the abused gryphon girl. She barely even made a noise as the next male began to use her as nothing more than a glorified cum rag.

Sure enough as Dex gathered up his things he noticed the few remaining party people idling around the sulking gryphon's body, each in various states of undress and erectness. Eddie caught Dex's eye as he was untying his pants and grinned. "Great game tonight man. Hope you enjoyed yourself," the wolf beamed from ear to ear, knowing full well what was implied. "You've gotta come back next week. Maybe jump into the game a little later though, give someone else a chance to embarrass her. Everybody gets one," He winked at the badger boy as his pants dropped to his ankles and he began stroking himself.

"Alright, alright, save some for me why don'tcha. Wooh, it's sticky! Someone went all out!" Dex could hear Eddie's absurdly loud voice carrying out even to the street as he piled into his car with his things and drove back to his dorm.

What a bunch of weirdos.

Bad Moon Rising

**Bad Moon Rising** Crashley groaned and rolled over in her tangled nest of blankets. The gryphon roused slowly and stretched herself out with a rumbling yawn. She sat up and gingerly pulled apart the blinds on the window near the bed. The sun had...

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Cinnamon Twisted

Cinnamon sat on the grass in front of the dorms, pouring over her latest, fancy imported cookbook. She was so engrossed in wondering how she'd even get a hold of some of the more exotic ingredients she didn't even notice the figure approaching right in...

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Cynical Cinders

"David! David we're not done talking! David!" SLAM. The young man locked the door with the same ferocity, though the gentle click was nowhere near as impactful as the childish door slamming. He then poured himself into his desk chair, laying in it...

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