Which Way Is The Guatemalan Way?

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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#8 of The Amazing Race 3

Previously on the Amazing Race, the remaining teams dived right into the interesting sights of Honduras. Then after scarfing down a local delicacy and motoring to an ancient mayan temple, the teams were able to check in. The strippers surprisingly came in first place. Meanwhile, one dysfunctional team (Josee & Ryan) went haywire after arguing. Upon check in, said team came in last where Ryan proceeded to end their relationship on live TV! Thankfully, none of it was elimination. When they found out, you could really see the... "love" on their faces.

Which team will drop dead this week? Oh, they've all got a possibility. Stay seated and grab some popcorn because this is... the Amazing Race.


"Welcome back to the Copan Ruinas," Toner introduces. "Normally we start departing at seven a.m. sharp, but thanks to the daters' late arrival yesterday, it's now noon and the first team is finally getting the first tip of the day."

He steps aside. Pepper grabs the tip from the clue box and reads it to himself. "We're going to Guatemala," he tells Cinnamon.

Guatemala; a Central American nation famous for its very sloped volcanoes along with vast and majestic rainforests. It shares the common characteristic of Mayan history with its neighbor, Honduras. Today, teams must take a local form of transportation known as the "chicken bus" across the border and towards the capital of the country, Guatemala City. Only they'll find their next tip in the middle of a nearby rainforest.

"Alright dude, to the rainforest!" Pepper grabs Cinnamon's paw and heads off to the bus.

The friends with benefits and cab drivers grab the clue next and race off to the bus stop. Donna quickly steps on first and pulls Vito aboard before Felix & Toby. She feels a sense of pride as she sits down. Yet that pride goes away and is replaced with anger when the other twenty contestants get on the bus and get comfortable.

"I'm not happy, you know," Donna grumbles.

"Why's that?" Vito asks.

"Because all the teams are on the same bus; which means we're at a disadvantage. We're going to need to up our effort more to stay on top."

The officers sit near the back. Nick glares at the back of Vito & Donna's heads, thinking about how irritating they are and how satisfying it would be to send them home finally. "How did we go from top three to thirteenth, Carrots?" he asks.

Judy shrugs. "We came in eighth yesterday. That's good, right?"

"Yes. But I still want nothing more than to get rid of those cabbies. And I've seen how they've been treating Felix & Toby; they've got to go."

Josee & Ryan sit slightly apart, facing away from each other as they travel. Each time they turn to glare or growl at each other, they quickly turn back. Josee isn't happy Ryan dumped her and Ryan isn't happy with how his ex has been acting on the race thus far. In fact, it's to the point where Toner's been considering changing their label from daters to haters.

Karen & Carol sit with the actors, not because of a newborn alliance, but because the shop owners want to work on Carla loosening up a little bit. "So, what's one thing you're so uptight about?" Karen asks.

"Well, Carrie's always complaining about how long I take to put my makeup on," Carla explains.

Carol perks up. "That's easy to start with. Lesson number one on being chill: be comfortable with how you look naturally." The white cat takes Carla's makeup bag away from her and carefully cleans her face of any she has already put on her. "See? You don't look too shabby. Look..."

She holds up her mirror. "Really?" Carla asks. "You don't think I look too green or you don't think my eyes are too pale?"

Karen shakes her head. "No way. You look amazing."

Cal is never really aware of his surroundings when he's asleep. So when he catches a few Z's against the bus window, he doesn't know when Zack comes across the aisle quickly with a sharpie in paw. With an approving nod from Ren, the sneaky orange fox draws a fake mustache on the snoozing bear. He snaps a pic and shares a quick laugh with Ren.

Chris takes his fox and pulls him down onto his lap. "What are you doing?" he asks/growls. "You're supposed to be focused on the game."

"Awww, come on!" Zack whines. "I can't have a little fun every now and then in this game? Besides, I would rather hang out with them than I would someone who doesn't tolerate every single thing I do." He gets up and goes to sit with Ren & Cal.

On the other hand, Chris is slightly disappointed as Zack had left. He briefly remembers the second ago when he was sitting down on him (albeit it was forced, but he was sitting on him) and he grasps onto that memory. Why must I act rude to him, he thinks to himself.

"I'm not a genius, but I'm pretty sure that those are chicken cages," Majira answers when Echo asks what was above them. In the shelves towards the top of the bus are metallic boxes the size of punching gloves.

"I guess that explains the term 'chicken bus'," Echo jokes. No one laughs, though.

Five hours later, all twenty-eight racers are half to completely asleep on the bus. The transit vehicle stops and everyone jerks awake. "Huh? Where are we?" Toby asks as if he hadn't read the tip from earlier.

Outside, nothing but trees and the sounds of crickets and wet vines surround them in all directions. They do, however, see the next clue box; prompting everyone to get up and off quickly to come in first. The doors burst open and all the teams pile out. Clues are soon distributed to those who press the button.

"It's a One-Way," Sally observes.

"'Rainforest Rundown'?" Judy asks.

For this One-Way, teams must navigate their way out of the forest. Preferably southeast into the Guatemala City until they reach the local textile museum. Every pair is armed with only a map, compass, and a flashlight as sunset is within the next to hours. They're allowed to work together, of course, but it's their choice.

"'Note: lost teams in need of the search-and-rescue unit will result in automatic disqualification'," Kaleb reads on. He pulls his son closer to him. "Wow. They, uh... really thought of everything, huh?"

One by one, the teams are handed their supplies and they scout to find southeast. Felix places a compass on the ground and has everyone back away from it incase someone had metal on it. The sharp end of the needle points to the fox's right. "Ok, if that's north, then southeast is... that way!" He points another direction he's sure is the right way.

"Good enough for me," Toby says. He picks his friend up and starts running that way. The cab drivers follow them. Slowly at first because Donna has a plan to boomerang them into a lower rank.

Pepper glimpses at the map some more then says, "Ready to go?"

"I'm ready when you are," Cinnamon says with his paws. Soon, all fourteen teams are dashing through the forest, with the daters-turned-haters still trailing behind.

Cal & Ren run pretty fast despite the bear's larger size. The marines slowly catch up to them and Zack gives a friendly wave to Ren. Kaleb hugs his son to his chest as they run through the wilderness. Chloe & Parker slowly jog as they're afraid something will jump out and attack them.

"Is it weird that I'm scared despite being a tiger?" Parker asks.

"No, you're completely fine," Chloe answers, but she's unsure. Suddenly, a two-winged beast comes from nowhere and scares the magicians. "Ah!!!!! Fruit bat!!!"

The telephone operators went alone like most other teams. "Hey, Sally?" Sindy asks with something on her mind.

"Hmm? What is it?"

"I never thanked you for that speech yesterday. If you hadn't done that, I probably never would've been able to do it. I'm glad you came on this race with me."

Sally blushes. "Awww, well, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't at least try to help you get over something as small as picky eating?" They soon hear another pair of footsteps and see a pair of shadows join them. One is a fox and the other is a wolf. That can only be one team...

"Hey guys!" Max greets as they run.

"The emperors?" Sindy asks, shocked. "I didn't know you boys run that fast."

"You'd be surprised," Lucius says. "You should've seen me at that marathon last year. I may have came in second, but I was fast."

"And you looked so cute in your orange running shorts," Max giggles. The gentlemen start to outrun the girls, but they push their legs to slide past them.

The haters run in silence. Ryan holds the map in front of him and Josee holds the compass. "Looks like we're about at the end of the forest," the wolf says, mostly to himself.

Josee replies, "About time. We probably would've been there by now if you had given me the map."

"You're holding the compass! You know where southeast is!"

"You just followed the rest of the teams!"

"So did everyone else!!!" Ryan's bark echoes throughout the seemingly empty forest. Both of them stop momentarily, the sounds of crickets and rattlesnakes filling their ears. Fear starts to pound their chests. At the sound of grass rustling about, both haters drop what they have, scream, and resume running forward as fast as they can.

In another neck of the forest, a sly fox carries his partner over his shoulder as the stealthy bunny was nauseous from yesterday. "I told you it's a simple street equation," Nick explains. "A large amount of food plus five hour bus right multiplied with a two-mile jog equals only one thing: vomit."

"You've already said this," Judy groans.

"Luckily it'll be my turn if it ever comes to a Roadblock." They see a road up ahead of them (must have veered off course). Headlights come into sight, prompting Nick to wave up paw out. "Taxi!" Tires screech as it stops and lets the officers inside. "To the textile museum and step on it!"

Vito & Donna finish the One-Way next, doubled over, panting. "That... was a close one," Vito gasps and collapses on the ground.

"Yeah," Donna agrees. "At least we... beat the... friends with benefits..."

"Did you?" Another voice comes from next to them. A quick turn of their head reveals Toby & Felix, paws out to try and hitch a ride into the city. Seeing them makes Donna growl and ball up her fists.

The shop owners and actors make it out the doors next. "Whew! That was fun," Karen pants. "Am I right, Carla?"

"Easy for you to say," Carla whimpers. She waves a cool paw in her face. "You're not sweaty and exhausted. How do you do this stuff so easily?"

Carrie walks to the side of the road and holds her thumb up. "Carly, we do have gym memberships. How come you never use it?"

"Because it's much harder than doing what I do best: act."

Karen's gears start turning like they normally do. If Carla can only act, maybe it's time for little experiment. "I've got it," she says. "Then how about you act like someone who goes to the gym a lot?"

"Does that mean I have to act like a tomboy?"

"Guys! We've got a taxi!" Carrie whistles loud and the cab slows to a halt. All four girls squeeze into the car and they give directions to the driver.

The marines exit the woods next along with the engaged couple. "Good luck guys!" Zack calls to Ren & Cal. Chris clamps a paw over his muzzle to shut him up.

"Are you trying to make us lose?" he whispers angrily.

"I was just saying 'hi'. Is that so wrong?" Before Chris can answer, they hear a distant screaming that soon grows louder with each passing second. All before leading up to the haters bursting out of the forest and onto the road.


Two taxis stop in front of the Ixchel Museum of Indigenous Textiles and Clothing. The cab drivers and beneficial friends continue their fight for first place. "Haha, still first!" Vito taunts. They run inside and find the next clue box, which the foxes make it first. "Roadblock: 'Fair and Square'?"

For this Roadblock, whoever didn't gorge themselves on baleadas must search through one of the grand displays of textiles and search for one with the Amazing Race logo. Once found, it's a foot race to Campo Marte where the next checkpoint lies. Last team to arrive, could be heading home.

Another taxi shows up just as Vito and Felix begins to search. "How did we catch up?" Ryan asks. "Weren't the marine and Cal & Ren way ahead of us?"

"Don't question it," Josee says, "just run inside so we can do the task." However, when they read the tip, she corrects herself. "So I can do this task." Ryan smirks.

Karen & Carol and Carla & Carrie soon arrive. "I don't understand why someone would waste their time on something like textiles," Carla frets. "It's mostly the same thing over and over again."

"Carla! The game?" Carrie snaps her partner back into focus. "You and Karen have to search for the logo." Both women get right to is (one albeit a little slower than the other).

Meanwhile, the rest of the teams begin to come out of the forest to catch a ride into town. The former first place strippers come out covered in sweat and water. "I told you that short cut wasn't such a good idea," Pepper says. Cinnamon nods in agreement.

Father and son make it to a roadside with Kaleb tired from carrying his son. He sets Mac down and searches around him for any bug bites. "Dad, I'm fine!" Mac claims. "Let's just get into town so we don't fall in last." He gets out of his father's paw range and goes to the side of the road.

Sindy & Sally and Max & Lucius complete the One-Way next. "Last time I ever try to navigate," Sally says, out of breath.

"I'll get us a ride," Max says.

As the fox holds his paw up for anyone who drives by, the operators turn to the wolf. "So, he your husband or something?" Sindy asks.

"How can you tell?" Lucius asks.

"You have blue diamond rings on your fingers." Sally holds up Lucius' left paw to demonstrate while Sindy points to Max's. "And you both have matching rings."

The YouTubers and Magicians make it out next, yet both of them oblivious to the fact they're in last place. "Oh man, are we in last?" Parker asks. Chloe shrugs.

"I hope not," Echo worries. Though she perks up when she sees headlights. "But maybe if we hurry, we can catch up. Taxi!!!"

Back at the museum, five teams are already searching through the textile squares for the logo, yet none of them have any good progress. The marine furs, strippers, and Ren & Cal arrive at the museum next. Zack, Ren, and Cinnamon dive into the textiles. Carla and Karen search around the corner, flipping them around each square, but coming up short. Josee rips them off the wall to see if she can find them easier.

Felix tries his best to outdo Vito. "Come on, where are they?" he asks himself.

"Aha! Found one!" Vito holds up a maroon square with the race logo on it. "Have fun coming in second!" He taunts the brown fox before heading out the door with Donna.

The cab drivers pass another taxi, which comes to a stop. The telephone operators and emperors arrive to collect the next clue. "Great. Looks like I have to do it," Sally observes.

"Hey, wanna search together?" Max asks.

"Sure!" Sindy and Lucius hang back with the others sitting out as their partners start the challenge.

By the time the rest of the teams arrive, the cab drivers run up the street towards the park. All on Donna's mind is finally getting bakc on top of things. Toner lies on the ground with a magazine covering his muzzle. He does snap awake when they land on the rug. "You guys again?" he whines before standing up, dusting himself off, and clearing his throat, back in professional mode. "I mean, great job. First place. Again."

"Wooohooo!!!" Doona shouts with glee and hops in the air.

With the race for first place done, the last four teams are battling to get out of last. Chloe, Mac, Echo, and Nick head inside and joins the others looking for the textiles. It's gonna be a real rush here, folks. All thirteen contestants pick up their pace in a panicking speed. Especially when some start to finish the task.

Ren finds one underneath a bench. "Let's go, honey." Cal follows his future spouse out the door.

One textile that Josee throws ends up knocking Sally on the back of the head. "Ow! That hurt!" she says, rubbing her head. But when she looks over at the moss green square, she sees the logo. "Never mind. Thanks!" Sally takes the square and takes off with Sindy.


"Second place," Toner announces. Cal & Ren hug each other. "Third place." Cinnamon & Pepper hi5 each other.

Sindy & Sally- 4th place

Max & Lucius- 5th place

The haters continue to grow more anxious over the other teams. Ryan, though, calmly whistles while he watches his ex-girlfriend freak out during the task; only for her to end up helping other contestants. "Hey, here's an idea," Ryan says. "How about you actually start finding these textile for yourself?!"

"I'm trying!" Josee growls. She tosses some more and one with a logo hits the back of Nick's head. "You've got to be kidding me!"

Felix finally finds one in a secret slot on the floor. "Toner, you find the weirdest places to hide stuff," he mutters.

"I've got one!" Zack holds up a sky blue square with the logo on it. Chris rolls his eyes and grabs his paw to pull him out. The marines and friends with benefits race up the street for the next available spot.

Toner calls their ranking as they pass. "Sixth for the marines. Seventh for Felix & Toby."

Nick & Judy- 8th place

Josee & Ryan- 9th place

Kaleb & Mac- 10th place

Chloe & Parker- 11th place

Echo & Majira- 12th place

"Found one," Karen claims. "Now let's go check in."

"Agreed," Carla says. The last two teams are in an unaware race for last place. It's going to be heartbreaking news for Toner to deliver to them. All four ladies run up the street with the next checkpoint in their sights.

"And thirteenth goes to..." Toner starts out. One pair of women runs faster then the other. "... the actors."

"Yes! We're in... thirteenth?" Carrie realizes what has just happened. "You mean?"

"Yep. Looks like the shop owners are the last team to arrive. Which means, Karen & Carol, you're eliminated." Toner walks away without another word.

Carol sighs. "It was fun playing with you guys. Good luck." They quickly hug each other goodbye. "And, Carla? Just lay loose, ok?"

"I'll do my best," Carla promises.


Karen walks with her tail limp and her ears down. Carol wraps an arm around her and says, "I'm glad we went to see the Carribean. That was pretty fun."

"Yeah. I suppose North Carolina was pretty exciting as well. Maybe we should head back there sometime if we ever get time off."

"It's funny. We came onto the race to win some money, but instead, I think we can go home knowing we had some great times here. Now, how about we reopen the shop once we catch a flight home."

"Sure thing. How about we go zip-lining again soon?"

"Haha. Anytime, Karen."

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