Goodbye Sex

Story by tygerboy on SoFurry

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#8 of Wonderful world

Shane watched from his window as the mail truck pulled away from his house. The pleasant old mailman had been replaced by a pleasant old cougar during the change. He ran down to the mailbox and searched through advertisements until he found the plain white envelope marked UFA, United Furs of America. The change 6 months ago sparked fears of whether children would be accepted in society if they changed. This ended in forming several groups to help promote the Furs. This one was to help young furs get acquainted with their new identities. All of the local parents were so worried that they enrolled their kids at once even if they were "too old" for camp.

Shane tore open the envelope partially mangling the paper inside. He scanned hastily until he read Cabin Assignment: East Alder. He quickly pulled out his cell phone and dialed Wezz with his extended claw.


"Hey Wezz hows it-"

"East Alder?"

"Sweet! Same cabin!"

"I know right? I just got a text from Jay he's in it too"

"What are the odds?"

"Laurie wont be with us, she will be across the camp"

"well they wouldn't have coed cabins..."

They chatted some more and eventually hung up. Shane then realized that he would be away and out of contact from Kari for two whole weeks. He called her, he suspected she would use this as an excuse to have him over right away. His suspicions were quickly confirmed.

As he approached her house on his bike he saw her sitting out side. She walked up to him urgently and put her finger to his lips. "My sister is home," she whispered. She entered her home and walked around the corner and began chatting with her sister. Shane noticed her hand appear from around the corner and wave toward her room. Shane walked quickly into her room and moments later she appeared behind him and closed and locked the door.

She moved toward him and kissed him deeply and hugged him tightly. Shane was in heaven, he held her close to him and kissed her back. "If this is what you wanted you don't have to make up an excuse." She whispered into his ear. "I thought it was you making the excuse." Shane replied defensively.

Kari Grinned innocently and shrugged. She tore off her clothes so fast she had time to help Shane out of his boxers. She lay down on her bed arms out to her sides. Shane knelt on top of her licking her neck. Kari's Chest heaved as Shane moved from her neck to her breasts do her clit.

As her breathing quickened she moaned, "Come already." He positioned his legs between hers and pushed his cat cock inside. His black shiny fur rippled on his back with sensation. Her silky walls were wet with her arousal and his saliva. She gasped and hugged him close as he pushed deep into her. He hadn't had release recently his first thrust could have brought him over the edge. As he pounded again and again he had to try harder and harder to hold off.

Kari was enjoying it too much to stop now. He bared his teeth in a last failing effort to hold on longer and growled as he exploded deep inside her with a final energetic thrust. Kari grabbed his arm and shuddered as she felt the hot jets of his cat spunk filling her up. After a moment he collapsed beside her catching his breath still oozing cum slowly.

Kari reached over and began playing with Shane's deflating sticky cock. Despite her efforts he had deflated completely. Shane sat up and reached for his pants. Kari grabbed them and threw them across the room and pushed him back down. He protested but eventually gave in. Kari turned on her tv and flipped through the channels. Shane rolled over into the spooning position and began to play with her. He found a surprising amount of cum. He made circles around her clit with his paw and she began to moan again.

Shane stopped when he herd another moan coming from the other direction. He stopped and looked behind him at the wall. Kari stood up and went to her door throwing her nightgown on. She pitched her blanket over Shane before she swung the door wide open. Her sister lay totally nude in the hallway with the cat vibe humming merrily between her legs and a look of bliss on her face which instantly turned to shock.


"Took my cat listened in on us?!"

"You can have it b-"

"I don't want it back you can keep it."

She turned around and slammed the door in a huff. Shane emerged from the blanket looking surprised. Kari got back under the blanket Shane moved his paw down her moist thigh. Kari moved his hand aside, "I'm not in the mood now..." She turned around and looked at Shane. "I see you are though." She signed in mock displeasure at this awaiting chore he had presented her with. She began to work his member gently with her hands.

It must have been something about today because within moments the feeling of her hands sliding over his panther cock had him straining his neck and purring. He twitched lying back enjoying the pleasure in complete oblivion with his tongue hanging out the side of his open mouth. Like a cannon he spurted on the wall, on her arms, in her hair, on her blanket, on her face, and on his chest.

Shane looked at her sheepishly as she licked the cum off her lips. "Okay." She said flatly "now you owe me."