A Bear and a Wolf

Story by Inotamira Orani on SoFurry

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The grey wolf with his cute black tail and adorable white tum boogied to the beat of the music playing over his job sites sound system. He was working on a client's hair a smile on his face as he enjoyed his work. After finishing the somewhat extravagant hair style the patron had requested he flipped the hair bib off and made a few final adjustments before exchanging final comments and letting the last cut of the day walk out the door.

Wolfric sighed as his fellow workers began to sweep up and clean the stations while he headed into the back to calculate the day's till. After a few moments the tell, tell sounds of his mate entering the store flowed into his ears and he smiled as his crew greeted the big brown bear with their usual warm greeting. Malcolm gently pushed the door open and wrapped his arms around the wolf giving the golden hoop on the tip of his right ear a little nibble as Wolfric inhaled pleasantly.

"Hi Malcolm, have a good day working on your songs?" The bear growled and griped at Wolfrics white paws nibbling at his ear before giving him a small peck on the cheek.

"Don't I always? Come on hun, how much longer do you have to work on this stuff, I wanna get home and have some "alone" time." Wolfric giggled and nosed at Malcolm.

"Gimmie time hun, I need to add today's customers to the balance as well as calculate the cost of some of the materials we'll need to restock on." The bear growled and nibbles on wolfs ear a little more before sitting down so he could finish his work.

After about an hour wolf put down his pen and let out a satisfied sigh, the store was empty and it was just Malcolm and wolf. Malcolm smirked knowing his mate was finished and scooted the wheel chair in close to the back of wolfs and wrapped his arms around him. Wolf giggled and bent back giving Malcolm a light kiss winking at him.

"When we get home hun, don't want to make a mess of this room, I spent hours yesterday getting it organized." The bear growled in response and lifted the canine up in his arms and carried wolf back to the pairs car gently placing wolf in his seat. The bear got in on the driver's side and began to drive home.

"Did you get a lot done at work today Wolfric?" Wolf nodded and eeped as Malcolm gave his bum another quick squeeze.

"You know I did you dork, you where sitting there drooling over me as I did, I mean I got plenty of customers today, but for the most part balancing the company's budget was the biggest thing I did that day." They came to a stop light and the bear leant over and gave wolf a very deep and loving kiss as their tongues played around waiting for the light coming through their eyelids to shift to green. The bear was in a very frisky mood today, should be seeing as the last time they had mated was nearly 4 days ago.

The light shifted and the quickly broke the kiss flipping off a few horns obviously meant for them as the bear sped home as quickly as he could. They pulled into their garage and Wolf giggled as Malcolm walked over and lifted wolf out of his seat and carried him directly to the bed room kissing him just as he had at the light all the way there. Malcolm gently placed the canine on the bed slowly rubbing his soft chest all the way down to his warm sheath.

Wolf panted and moaned into the kiss as he slowly spread his legs feeling his mate's excitement press up against his side as Malcolm climbed onto the bed placing himself above wolf all the while not breaking the kiss or stopping the rubbing. Malcolm slowly broke the kiss and lifted Wolf's rump up so that his cock was gently pressing against the canine's warm hole as wolf gave a gentle giggle moaning lightly. The bear slowly pushed himself inside Wolf's warm tight insides rurring as he panted his cock giving a few throbs of excitement inside wolf making him moan aloud as his own cock began to throb and drip pre.

Malcolm hilted himself and slowly began to thrust himself deep inside Wolf as the canine griped at the covers letting himself be taken feeling his own cock pulse and drip wonderfully as the pleasure swirled and pulsed through his body. Malcolm leant over and bit down on Wolf's neck as he continued to pound his mate's fluffy tail hole. Malcolm gently slid his hand down Wolf's stomach griping at the canine's shaft and slowly began to pump it his paw getting covered in Wolf's sticky pre.

The bear began to grunt as he felt his cock begin to throb heavily his climax quickly approaching as Wolf moaned loudly his cock shooting hot cum over the pairs tum's as Malcolm thrusted violently a few more times letting out a low growl as he filled his canines fluffy tail hole with his warm ursine seed. The both laid panting arms wrapped around one another as they panted in unison gently rubbing each other's noses together. "I love you my cute little Wolfy."

Wolfric giggled and gave Malcolm a small kiss. "As I do you Malcolm


Sorry Wolf, I tried, but i just really couldn't put my heart into this one, I hope it suits you well enough any way though ^~^;;;;