I'm Not a Slut!

Story by akeroh on SoFurry

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#1 of Slut Series

This is a story about a slut.

Akitai ended up visiting his good sergal friend, Rellen, and his big husky, Magnum. It takes a bit to realize, but the cute bunny has been fantasizing about his friend and his dog for a very long time. If he'd ever asked, this whole situation would have probably happened much, much sooner. Either way, though, Akitai may have ended up biting off more than he could chew... Not like that's gonna stop the horny sergal, or the horny dog!

"God, you are such a slut!"

"What? No way, I'm not!" Akitai protested.

"Really, you literally just said, 'Rellen, you know what I need? Cock, in my ass, all the time.' Those were your exact words."

"Well, I'm not a slut. I'm just super gay." The rabbit huffed, trying to keep a blush from his cheeks.

"Oh, give it up, man. You're almost as much of a whore as my dog." Rellen rumbled, waving his glass at the husky.

Akitai squirmed. The nineteen-year-old bunny had to take a moment to formulate a comeback to that one. The lithe sable rabbit simply hunkered himself back a bit into the couch, trying in vain to hide his four-foot, nine-inch frame (measured, of course, on his tiptoes) in the cushy black leather sofa. His actions were compromised by a few factors; Rellen's eyes that bored into him almost predatorily, the fact that he was in nothing more than a tight purple thong that was rapidly tenting, and the feeling of Rellen's husky, Magnum, dragging his hot, wet tongue over the plush pads on Akitai's broad bunny toes.

Rellen couldn't help but admit that he was enjoying his twink friend's squirming far too much. The beefy sergal leaned a bit further forward in his computer chair, the bright blue strong arm he was holding in his lap a stark contrast to the pure white fur of his underbelly and the bright orange of the rest of his pelt.

His fur was short enough to show the lines of his relatively chiseled muscles that decorated his seven-foot body. The color of the bright blue boxers that clad the large sergal. That tight fabric was stretched almost to its limit across the sergal's swollen bulge; his huge nuts and swollen sheath pushing aggressively at his tight boxers. A soft blue light also glowed through the strained fabric - a dead giveaway that the sergal's bioluminescent cock was far out of his sheath. The sergal's large feet, with their dexterous, long toes, were propped up on the coffee table in front of both the dog and the rabbit, wiggling every so often after his own tongue bath from the husky.

Finally, Akitai opened his mouth to give his comeback, but before he could get any words out, Rellen's smirk parted and he interrupted, "You're such a slut, aren't you? I'll bet every time I tell Magnum, 'what these toes' you have to stop yourself from getting down and licking my feet."

Akitai's face turned bright red, the small rabbit squirming in place. His cock strained against his thong as Rellen's amorous growl hit him. Magnum's lapping didn't help, either, the dog's slick, hot tongue slurping over his sensitive pads, even pushing eagerly to press between the rabbit's wiggling toes. "S-so? A foot fetish doesn't make me a slut. That's not even fair, you just have great feet." He whined.

Rellen chuckled, taking a sip of his drink as the rabbit squirmed. "What if I told you to come over here and kiss my bulge and beg to suck my cock?"

Akitai gulped, squirming in his seat. He couldn't help but let a small moan escape his lips, especially as Magnum slurped all the way from heel to toes. "Oh, come on..."

"Oh Rellen, come on me~ Work that throbbing cock and let me hold your knot while you cum all over my face!" Rellen teased with a wicked grin, "Just like that."

Akitai huffed, biting his lip. "Oh, god, that's not fair at all..."

Rellen chuckled to himself, reaching down to grope over his pulsing bulge, adjusting his straining tent to really show off his thick, dog-like length. "You know, you're probably enough of a whore that I could tell you to suck off Magnum and you would."

The rabbit blushed furiously, trying to ignore his own shaft as it strained against the confining fabric across his crotch. The darker spot on the fabric spreading from his overeager cocktip certainly wasn't helping his image, either. "Well, uhm, it's not my fault that the two of you are gorgeous..." Akitai muttered.

"Well then, why don't you?" Rellen challenged.

Akitai blinked a couple times before glancing down at the husky. Magnum was still happily slurping over his footpaws, the black and white husky lapping warmly over Akitai's feet. One of the dog's big forepaws was placed over the rabbit's shin, holding that foot in place idly as the big dog drug his slick tongue over the rabbit's soles and toes. "What, you mean-"

Rellen grinned wickedly, slowly squeezing over his barely-hidden cock. "Yeah, go ahead. Get down on your knees, look him in the eyes, and repeat after me." Rellen said.

Akitai gulped, glancing quickly between the two. He couldn't lie, though, he knew about the sergal and his dog; and he knew about the many nights he'd ridden his canine dildo that he'd affectionately named 'Magnum' while moaning about the sergal. Another hot lick from Magnum, all the way along his sole, solidified his thoughts, leaving his cock straining even harder in his thong.

His chest burned as he turned his gaze down to the husky. Akitai bit his lip, chewing slowly as he admired the big dog. Stress churned in his stomach, but the naughtiness of what he was thinking about doing to the dog coupled with the feel of Magnum's tongue slurping warmly along his sensitive soles left him squirming. He tried to think straight past the horniness clouding his thoughts. His heart pounded in his ears as he looked at the big dog, the bunny squirming in his seat as he realized that this was actually going to happen. "F-fuck... O-Ok, fine..." He managed.

Rellen relaxed back, his toes splaying and wiggling for the rabbit to watch. One hand brought his drink up to his lips for another sip, his other stroking and squeezing all along his cock's bulge. He let out a teasing grunt as he visibly shot a small pulse of precum from his tip, showing off the darkening spot in his tight boxers.

Akitai let out a soft huff, his ears reddening in arousal as he eye fucked the sergal. With a deep breath and squirm, he slowly pulled his paws away from Magnum's tongue.

Magnum's glanced up, standing with a slow wag of his tail as his toys were pulled away from him. Akitai blushed even more as he ogled the dog; his eyes catching the husky's huge prick. The throbbing red shaft was halfway out of the well-endowed dog's thick sheath, the bright red flesh on display in the air in front of the horny bunny.

Akitai took a slow breath, standing up with his heart pounding in his throat. He bit his lip, reaching down to adjust his cock in his thong. His face burned red as he brought himself to his knees. Finally, he found himself on all fours in front of the couch. Magnum had already turned around to give Rellen's footpaws an affectionate lick, giving a light whurf as Rellen grabbed that slick tongue with his nimble toes for a few seconds. His lifted, fluffy tail gave Akitai a perfect view of the husky's ass and his large, furred pouch. He could even see the dog's dick, throbbing as the large cock lengthened, dipping down towards the ground. Akitai glanced up at Rellen, the sergal gesturing for him to go ahead as his other hand slowly worked along his throbbing, tightly clothed dick. "M-magnum, come here." Akitai called.

Magnum's tail swayed back and forth a bit faster as he turned around in trained response to the order. The large malamute cocked his head slightly, his pointed, expressive ears searching around to pull together on top of his head as he looked curiously at the bunny. Akitai swallowed, squirming slightly as he stared into the dog's ice blue eyes. His breath caught for just a moment. This dog was gorgeous.

Finally, he glanced back up at the reclining sergal. "What do you want me to say?"

Rellen grinned, showing off his teeth in an ear-to-ear smile. His toes splayed and wiggled slightly to show off those plush, grabby feet that the bunny loved so. "Hm... Magnum, you're a sexy wolf." He began.

"Magnum... You're a sexy wolf." Akitai repeated, earning himself a warm lick right on the lips, "Pah, dog breath."

"I want to wrap my lips around that drippy doggy dick." Rellen chuckled.

"I...I want to wrap my lips around that drippy dog dick." Akitai continued.

"I want to feel that hot, bestial cock sliding over my tongue and I want to choke on that fat knot."

Akitai's ears burned bright red. He had to gulp, the dog wagging his tail as he looked over the rabbit happily. Akitai took a slow breath, trying to gulp his pounding heart back down into his chest, before starting. "M-magnum... I want to feel that hot, beastly dick grinding over my tongue, and I want to choke on that beefy knot..."

Rellen's grin spread just a touch more, his hand squeezing and working along his bulge, obviously masturbating. "Mn, Magnum, mount."

Akitai started before he thought about the words. "Magn-" was all he managed.

Akitai suddenly found his head against Magnum's hot belly. He blinked, clearing soft fur from his sight as the husky was on him, strong paws pressing down on the rabbit's hips. Magnum wasted no time. Before Akitai could even finish saying his name, half his veiny cock was inside the bunny's mouth.

Akitai only managed a 'glrk' as the taste of the dog's throbbing penis filled his mouth, mingling almost immediately with the salty taste of the pet's precum. The rabbit reached up in surprise, grabbing at Magnum's hips as the dog pushed eagerly into his muzzle. His coughs were automatic as the dog pushed right against his throat, interrupting the reflexive spasm's cadence with a few quick humps.

Akitai was glad for the strong husky thighs that blocked his blush from view. He was also glad that the dog's huge cock choked his moan right back into his throat. If that had slipped out, it would have been more than apparent to Rellen that the bunny was really that much of a slut after all. Akitai was already enjoying the dog's cock enough that the thought that he was eagerly sucking off Rellen's dog would tell the sergal just how much of a slut he really was didn't even cross his mind.

The twinky male squirmed as Magnum levered down, his surprisingly strong form dominantly pushing down on the small bunny. Akitai gulped and squirmed, huffing hotly as his moans were stopped every so often, interrupted by the throbbing dog cock pushing into his throat. Rellen grinned, his tail wagging as he watched his dog pound his friend's muzzle, slowly stroking along his drooling bulge. "That's right. Who's a good boy~?" He rumbled, "Pound that slut."

Magnum's tail wagged slightly as he acknowledged his owner's praise, though he was obviously a bit too distracted to really revel in it. He thrust quickly, the dog humping fast and hard into Akitai's muzzle. The rabbit's ears bounced underneath the husky, the dog's hot, soft belly pressing down against his head as Magnum worked his hips forward quickly. His hind paws scrabbled against the ground as he reamed into Akitai's muzzle, his forepaws still wrapped in a vise-like grip around the rabbit's hips.

Akitai's cock bounced between his legs, his erection betraying his feelings towards the thick dog cock pounding his muzzle. Messy 'glrk' and other noises sounded fro his muzzle as the dog pistoned into and out of his throat without a care towards the twink male, simple following his master's order; Magnum was certainly getting his enjoyment out of that order. Akitai managed to reach up to grab one of the husky's powerful thighs, holding onto that muscular leg in an attempt to steady himself and control the dog's thrusting to some degree.

The husky's heavy balls bouncing against his lips showed just how much that hand was able to control the big dog. Akitai's jaws were already starting to ache as the dog made sure to thrust his beefy knot into the rabbit's jaws with each throat-swelling thrust. The dog panted hotly above the male, his eager huffs and pants in time with his quick pounding of the rabbit's throat. Akitai only managed a little whine as his maw was punished between the wet, lewd noises that the dog dick plunging into his throat drew out.

"Magnum, hold." Rellen ordered firmly.

The dog squirmed, humping just a few more times before hesitantly stopping, with his knot all the way in the rabbit's maw. Akitai's throat spasmed and gulped along the throbbing length of the dog's cock, the bulge that Magnum's thick, veiny cock made in his throat very visible. Rellen chuckled, shaking his head at the dog. "Horny animal..."

The sergal had finally drawn his cock out of his boxers as he'd watched his dog go at his friend. The big male had a similar cock shape to his pet, the pair sharing in the knotted, blunt tip shape of the canine persuasion. However, where Magnum had the bright red, veined coloration that tended towards a whiter tip, Rellen's fat dog dick was a bright bioluminescent blue.

The uniform shade pulsed slightly with each beat of his heart, the flesh there showing off how the skin squished against the rock-hard core of that pulsing animal cock underneath the sergal's massaging fingers. He noticed Akitai's eyes glancing up at him from underneath the dog, the sergal's fingers slipping down to his huge knot to squeeze around it, arching up from the chair with a hot groan of pleasure in order to spurt a messy shot of precum over his legs and the floor.

Akitai squirmed, blushing slightly with Rellen's show. He would have moaned his appreciation, but his throat was still occupied by inches of hot, drooling dog dick. He huffed hard through his nose to try to get enough air, his throat spasming around the husky's cock. Rellen licked his lips, returning to stroking over his glowing prick, a finger teasing the tip to smear precum down over the thick shaft. "Mn, you've probably had enough of that... for now. Magnum, down, boy, down."

Magnum let out an annoyed grrf, pushing down on Akitai's hips to drive them down as he slowly pulled his throbbing cock out of the rabbit's maw. The rabbit squirmed, gasping for breath as soon as that thick cock slid out of his throat, panting softly as he tried to keep his moans quiet enough that the sergal wouldn't hear them. Magnum squirmed slightly, plopping down on his rump as ordered, his tail wagging quickly over the floor while his thick dog cock stuck right up between his forelegs, throbbing in the air as clear precum drooled down the underside of his throbbing penis. The husky whined needily, wiggling a bit on the ground as he looked hopefully up at the sergal.

Rellen grinned, slowly standing up to pad over to the rabbit - bopping the dog on the nose with his own cock as he passed. "Now, Akitai, I know you're not a slut, but this poor pup really needs to cum. Now, if you were a slut, I'd order you to offer him that cute as of yours, but-" Rellen started.

"Yes! I mean, uhm, t-the poor guy does deserve a treat..." Akitai said.

Magnum perked up, giving an inquisitive tilt of his head as he heard the magic word.

Rellen laughed, licking his lips as he reached down to drag the rabbit back over in front of his chair. Magnum squirmed on the floor, eying over the bunny hopefully, his eyes locked onto the twink's twitching, puffy tail. Akitai yelped, squirming a bit, but he was too caught up to really protest the muscular sergal. "Hey!"

Rellen just grinned, sitting back down to unceremoniously prop his feet right on the rabbit's head. Akitai yelped again as he was driven down under the sergal's soft paw pads and grabby toes... but he could only protest with a soft whine as he almost immediately started to lick warmly over the sergal's soles wherever he could reach. "I'll let you give the order to Magnum. Tell him to fuck you." He growled.

Magnum's head turned again, his ears peaking up above his head as he heard his name... followed by the command he really wanted. He squirmed on the ground, still entranced by the rabbit's ass, but he was trained well enough that he didn't instantly jump it without the right command. Akitai yelped under those warm soles, before the sergal reached down, grabbing his muzzle with his toes to draw it up a bit to look the rabbit in the eyes. "Say it."

Akitai gasped, blushing furiously as he couldn't help but nuzzle into those nimble toes, the sergal's plush paw pads pushing warmly against his face. "M-Magnum..."

"Go on..."

"M-Magnum... Magnum, fuck me!" Akitai finally gave in and cried out.

Magnum did not need to be told twice. He leaped over to the rabbit, instantly hopping atop the bunny to mount him. The rabbit squirmed, gasping into Rellen's soft feet as Magnum's drooling, throbbing cock humped spastically against his tight ass, grinding between and over his cheeks as the dog simply fucked hard and fast against the rabbit, not caring that he wasn't lined up. The simple fact that the dogs quickly working hips pounding as fast as they were made sure that it was only a matter of seconds before that blunted, pre-and-saliva soaked cocktip found the rabbit's entrance.

Akitai let out a loud moan right into Rellen's soles as Magnum barked eagerly, the dog shoving half his cock into the rabbit's ass in one fast motion. Akitai's tunnel clenched down tightly around it, but his rump was not nearly strong enough to attempt to keep out the muscular hunting dog.

The husky's throbbing cock pushed hard into his rump, the dog pounding hard and fast into the rabbit's right rump. It only took a few humps before the dog's fat knot started to slam against the rabbit's sphincter, battering mercilessly against it as the dog's slick cock plunged deep into the effeminate bunny's ass hard and fast, the husky's fat nuts smacking against the rabbit's orbs with each fast hump. Akitai couldn't do much more than moan and grab onto Rellen's ankles, trying to keep himself centered by slurping over the sergal's soles.

Rellen grinned, looking down past his huge cock at his dog pounding the rabbit, splaying his toes out for the male's tongue. He purred out, his tail flicking back and forth a bit as he enjoyed the view. He gripped that thick prick, working the precum drooling messily from his tip back over his now-glistening glowy cock as he simply relaxed. He couldn't help but admit that the little huffs and moans of pleasure form the rabbit tongue bathing his plush toepads were certainly driving him wild. He let out a hot huff while he worked his cock, alternating pushing it to the left and right as he watched. "Mngh, good boys. That's a good boy, Magnum, pound that slut."

Magnum woofed lightly, the noise turning into a low, possessive growl as he hunkered down more, reaming deep into the rabbit's rump. The dog's forepaws pushed down harder on the rabbit's back, one slipping off to leave the other pressing down between his shoulder blades with that third leg on the ground added even more force to the dog's overeager humps. Akitai squirms, moaning and whimpering a bit into the sergal's footpaws, the effeminate male managing to suckle on the ball of the sergal's right foot to muffle his noises. Precum dripped from his tip, unable to accumulate as each thrust from the dog bounced his cock between his legs and knocked those glistening drips from his tip.

Rellen let out a soft groan, taking a slow breath as he settled himself down - his fingers holding still, simply groping and squeezing his glistening cock. He settled back into his chair, focusing more on splaying his warm, long toes against the subby bunny's face instead of working his own shaft. Akitai squirmed against those feet, pushed forward into the sergal's soles by the eager humping from the dog atop him. He let out a hot whine, releasing one of Rellen's soft paw pads from his lips as he moaned, "O-Oh! I think he's about to-"

Akitai was cut off with a yelp as the husky growled and fucked his hips forward, hard, finally forcing his fat knot right into Akitai's pre-slick rump. Akitai shivered, moaning loudly as his hot breath poured right between the sergal's toes. The rabbit was unable to control himself, shaking as that knot pushed in... his cock flexing as Akitai shared in Magnum's orgasms, his orgasm splattering over the floor while the husky's prodigious orgasm poured deep inside of him.

Rellen grinned cockily, resting back to grind his soles all the way along the panting rabbit's face while hie gave his growling cock a few more squeezes, precum dripping off his shaft onto his heavy sac. He let the dog's pants hang in the room before the husky stepped around to rest rump to rump with the tied rabbit, giving the bunny only a few moments of flexing around his throbbing dog dick. The husky gave a soft growl, tugging a few times, teasing a whine from the rabbit, before that cummy cock popped free of the twinky rabbit's tight ass.

Akitai yelped softly, though the sound was much more of a moan than anything pained, as the husky's huge cock slide free of his slick rump. Dog cum drooled out of his tight rump, a bit drooling down the inside of his thigh as he was left panting, squirming softly on the ground as he tried to recover his breath. Magnum simply flopped down lazily, leaning under a lifted leg to start slurping his throbbing dick clean.

Rellen grinned, licking his lips as he smirked at the pair, giving one more warm press of his soft soles against Akitai's muzzle before drawing his feet back, wiggling his toes as the rabbit's saliva cooled his plush pads. Akitai was left panting and squirming on the floor, trying to recover his back as the dog's seed dripped down his legs. "Oh, gods..." He managed.

Akitai managed to finally open his eyes as he recovered, revealing the sergal in his vision. The muscular sergal had framed himself with the arms of the chair and his legs, his spread thighs leading up to his throbbing cock and heavy sac, pushed out slightly by the elastic band of his boxers tucked under his throbbing package. The sergal's underwear was marked with darker spots from where the male's precum had dripped off his glowing, glistening cock onto the fabric. The sergal licked his lips slowly, a hand on his thigh gesturing the rabbit closer with a finger.

Akitai squirmed on the floor, taking a few moments to drink in his view of the sergal while the long toes of the big sergal wiggled against the floor. Akitai's eyes glanced nervously between the sergal's beckoning finger and the male's throbbing cock. The pulsing shaft was jutting up into the air stiffly, the bioluminescent shaft gently glowing with the sergal's heartbeat, drooling large beads of precum down over the underside of the spire as he did. Akitai squirmed softly, the bunny blushing brightly before he crawled forward, nuzzling gently along the sergal's leg until his muzzle pressed warmly against Rellen's large sac. "There we go. Not a slut, my ass. You just came with my dog's dick inside your ass, and you're already ready for more. You're really a whore."

Akitai's cheeks reddened furiously, an action he did his best to hide by press his muzzle even more firmly into the sergal's sac, nuzzling warmly against those large balls. "I'm not-" He started.

"Give that cock a kiss and beg me to take sloppy seconds with your ass." The sergal cut him off.

Akitai couldn't help but let out a soft moan into the sergal's sac. He glanced up at the sergal, who was looking down at him with the same dominant grin that told the rabbit that he was waiting. Akitai started, opening his mouth to speak, but the words caught in his mouth. He let out a soft sigh, squirming a bit between the sergal's legs before deciding to buy himself a bit of time.

The rabbit's lips pressed warmly against the sergal's thick knot, that throbbing erection slick against his lips with the big male's slick precum. The rabbit gasped softly as the shaft slid off his lips, smacking him lightly in the face. Akitai squirmed, his blush tainted by the precum the shaft left over it. He squirmed, reaching up to warmly grab the base of the sergal's cock, rubbing the bigger male's swollen sheath between his fingers. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, before dragging his tongue slowly all the way up to the sergal's tip, keeping his eyes squeezed shut as the bunny laid his lips to the sergal's warm, drooling tip.

The rabbit's heart pounded in his chest, the male squirming on the floor as he made out with the sergal's huge cock. As much as he wanted to protest and keep up the facade of decency that was getting more and more tenuous by the moment, he couldn't deny the fact that the feeling of the sergal's cock throbbing against his lips while Magnum's cum dripped down his legs was something he'd fantasized about...at least once a week. He shuddered softly, stroking his fingers gently over the sergal's thick knot before he gently opened one eye, looking up at the relaxing sergal, starting to slowly slide that cock into his muzzle.

He shuddered as he tasted that thick, throbbing cock push into his muzzle. Each pulse sent a shiver of pleasure through the rabbit as he felt it on his sensitive oral flesh. Rellen's thick shaft drooled out a prodigious amount of precum over his tongue, each thick dribble of salty precum hot against the rabbit's tongue. Akitai moaned out softly around his mouthful of the shaft, the bunny bobbing slowly along that thick cock.

Rellen relaxed back lazily, resting his arms behind his head as the rabbit bobbed along his thick shaft. He gave a short thrust of his hips to bounce the tip of his cock against the cute male's throat, making the smaller rabbit squirm in front of him a bit as he blew the edging Sergal. It didn't take more than a few minutes of this treatment before Rellen was getting a bit closer than he'd like... and he still had that cute bunny butt to think about. His toes reached up to wrap a set of soft, grippy toes wrapping around the rabbit's stiff cock.

Akitai gave an awk as those nimble toes grabbed his shaft. He squirmed, still sucking and bobbing on the sergal's big cock, before the sergal slowly pushed him back with that footpaw, leaving the rabbit barely able to press his lips to the very tip of the sergal's cock. "Well?" Rellen asked.

Akitai squirmed softly, gasping a little as he panted over the sergal's cock, his stiff cock straining against the male's warm toepads. "Mnf..." he started, "R-Rellen...Fuck my ass, just like your dog just did."

Rellen growled appreciatively as Akitai finally admitted his need. His cock was already on edge from the long fap and the Rabbits eager blowjob. He took a slow breath, nodding slightly as he spread his legs, his foot releasing the rabbits cock to slide his toes up the male's chest, tilting his chin up from that shaft. The flexible foot rubbed lightly along the rabbit's throat as the sergal guided the male up, tail flicking behind him.

Finally, the Rabbit was left standing in front of the sergal. Rellen sat back up a bit, dropping his foot back down to the floor, leaving his legs spread in front of the rabbit. Akitai squirmed a bit, biting his lip as he watched the glowing cock drool precum down its length. "Well? Come on, slut, get that dog-toy ass wrapped around my tool like a good whore." Rellen growled.

Akitai huffed softly, squirming a bit as he slowly turned around to grind his ass against that cock. He let out a soft whine of pleasure as he worked himself back, feeling that thick cock press between his cheeks, hotdogging his tight cheeks around the sergal's beefy cock. Rellen reached forward, a hand gripping those rump cheeks as he ground his hips slowly forward, teasing the entire length of his pulsing, throbbing dick over Akitai's used hole, even working his knot against that clenching pucker. His fingers kneaded into those muscles, helping the rabbit to grind forward and back along that throbbing shaft. Akitai let out soft, little moans of pleasure, gasping each time one of the sergal's ridges or his heavy knot mashed against the rabbit's tight hole. "R-Rellen, c-come on..." Akitai whined quietly.

"What was that?" Rellen ordered, giving another long, hard grind between those cheeks.

"R-Rellen, please..." The bunny managed, just a bit louder.

Rellen growled, reaching up to warmly nibble over one of the rabbit's ears, reveling in the soft whine that motion teased from the smaller male. "Say it." He growled quietly into the rabbit's sensitive ears as his lips worked warmly over the finely-furred, soft ears.

Akitai squirmed on the sergal's lap, grinding hard back against that thick cock as he huffed out. "Rellen... Dammit! Come on, put that cock in my slutty ass already! Fuck, Rellen, I need your cock in me now! I can't take it, please, just fuck me, fuck me already!" He cried out.

Rellen grinned nomfing warmly over that ear as he suddenly hefted the rabbit up. The bunny reached down to hold onto the sergal's thighs as he felt his hips rise into the air, supported by the sergal's strong hands, shuddering while the sergal's throbbing, drooling cocktip planted itself right against his tight hole...and held there. "R-Rellen! P-please!" Akitai whined out, wiggling his ass to try and stuff himself down onto that pre-slick cock.

Rellen growled lowly. As much as he was enjoying teasing the cute whore, he had spent far too much time teasing himself already. His cock needed that ass, just as much as the rabbit needed that cock, and he simply couldn't help him back more as Akitai found himself needier and needier. He kept the bunny suspended with one hand, his other one moving to rest on the male's shoulder... sliding forward to run his fingers across his muzzle and press two against his lips, as he finally lowered his hand, driving his huge cock into the husky-slick rump of the horny rabbit.

Akitai let out a loud moan, drowning out the sergal's growl as that huge cock spread his messy ass. That tight tunnel clenched down as that hot cock slid into his tunnel. The rabbit whimpered out, squirming softly as inch after inch of that throbbing glowy cock sunk into his rump. Each ridge popping in teased a hot squeak out from the rabbit, until the sergal's knot pressed against the rabbit's clenching hole. "Mmnf... Tight, even after Magnum..." Rellen growled, his hot breath pouring over Akitai's sensitive ear.

Akitai let out a hot whine, his tight tunnel clenching down hotly on the sergal's thick erection. He huffed and squirmed, sinking down as he squirmed his hips, working his tight hole against the sergal's knot. The rabbits cock was already throbbing between his legs, the rabbit finally bringing his feet up to the sergal's knees to brace himself before he started to work himself up and down on the sergal's lap with a gasp and moan. "G-gods, you're big, Rellen.... I've been dreaming about this for so long." Akitai said.

Rellen rumbled warmly, grinning a bit as he tugged lightly on the rabbit's ear, enjoying the feel of the bunny quivering with that motion. His shaft throbbed in that tight tunnel, the sergal leaving the bunny to work his eager rhythm. "Oh, is that so? How long have you been thinking about this cock?"

Akitai whined, panting as he nearly pulled the entire length of that thick cock from his rump, Rellen's cock glistening with precum and the thicker, whiter cum from Magnum's coupling. Akitai panted out, gently tugging his head as he tried to free his ear from those teasing nibbles in vain, sinking himself down yet again as he answered. "Y-Yeah, I've wanted to, mmngh... every time I see your bulge, I've... I bought a toy shaped like...." Akitai admitted with a deep blush.

"Oh, you kinky bunny." Rellen growled, "I'm gonna pound you like you always wanted."

Akitai blinked, flushing deeply before the sergal suddenly shifted. Akitai managed a yelp, squirming as the muscular sergal wrapped an arm around his front, quickly kneeling down to dump the rabbit halfway on the coffee table without ever leaving his ass. Akitai reached out, grabbing the table before he managed to look back - just in time to feel the sergal's hands gripping his hips. "R-Rellen, I-Gods!" Akitai cried out.

Rellen just growled, loudly, as he suddenly pulled back and thrust in, starting up a punishing thrusting rhythm. Akitai couldn't do much but scrabble at the table for a handhold and moan as the sergal's nuts smacked against his own. Rellen panted out, his fingers digging into the twink's hips as he slammed his thick cock into the effeminate male's tight ass, hard enough to force his knot against that unyielding hole.

They worked like this, the dog watching from across the floor, his tail wagging slowly as he watched the pair go at it. Akitai's moans blended in with Rellen's grunts, highlighted by the hot slapping noises of that thick cock pounding the rabbit's full hole and the sergal's heavy, hot sac smacking against the rabbit's own. The pair worked like this for several minutes, but it was obvious that neither of them was in a state to tease, and it didn't take long before their pants turned more ragged.

Finally, it happened. Rellen let out a loud, growling roar as he slammed into the rabbit's tight ass, popping that knot past the bunny's tight barrier. Akitai let out a yelp that quickly tapered down into a wet moan, his rump flexing hard around the sergal's thick cock.

Akitai was the first to cum, but only by a hair. The moment that knot started to force itself past his tight entrance his shaft flexed, the rabbit's cock spurting another load over the side of the coffee table and over the wooden base shelf below it. Rellen, however, kept his orgasm mostly contained in the slut, his knot slipping into that poor rabbit rump as he went off. His thick cock pulsed inside of the rabbit, releasing his pent-up orgasm in thick shots into Akitai's ass, mixing with the husky's cum already inside.

Akitai moaned, pressing his ass back against the sergal's hips as that knot spread him out, the rabbit shuddering and panting as he reveled in each pulse and throb of the sergal's thick shaft. Each shot of cum from the productive sergal sent another blossom of heat through his gut, the rabbit forced to bite his lip while he rode out the sergal's heavy orgasm.

Finally, he left off, groaning softly as his shaft throbbed softly inside Akitai's rump. He took a breath, giving a slight tug back. Akitai groaned, and it was obvious that they were going to be tied for a bit. Rellen relaxed a bit, panting softly as he fought to control his heartbeat and breathing. Akitai was left flopped out over the coffee table, barely able to keep himself from drooling onto the wood as he clenched slowly around the thick cock deep inside of him. "Mn, gonna be a minute...." Rellen rumbled.

Akitai nodded slightly. "Mmnfugh." He replied.

Rellen chuckled, licking his lips as he reached around the rabbit again, suddenly lifting him back up to pull him back into their original position the chair. A horny whimper from Akitai made the bunny's toes wiggle as that thick cock moved inside of him, the rabbit lifting a leg to place one foot on the sergal's legs to help stabilize that thick cock in his sensitive ass. Rellen smirked, returning to nibble softly over the rabbit's neck. "Mn, Magnum." He called, patting the inside of the rabbit's thigh.

Magnum perked up, stretching as he padded over quickly - his shaft still mostly stiff between his legs. He unceremoniously shoved his muzzle right between the rabbit's legs, starting to warmly slurp at the stretched rump of the rabbit and the base of Rellen's tied dick. Akitai squirmed, gasping again as he blushed deeply, his toes gripping Rellen's leg. "Oh, fuck..." He managed as the dog started to work all over his underside.

"Mn, enjoy your break, slut. You're gonna have to be ready for round two...." Rellen said with a sinister grin.

[Comm] Boulder Valley Ranch

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Inside the Studio: Intro, Pt.1

"What the hell kind of situation is this? I walk in to wax your car and then we just fuck on it? No characters, no dialog to speak of, no..." "Aktil, we're in a film called "Gay Collar Workers 7". It's not gonna be the pinnacle of plot." Quinn...

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Dungeon Diving

Rellen's staff dug into the barely-traveled grit of the small path. The summer sun beat down harder than it had any right to this high up in the mountains, filtering through the gaps in the pines to turn the aged granite blocks scattered over the...

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