A New Adventure

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#1 of Pokè-Treat

A young boy, whom had just come of age, traveled the lands in search for adventures. His first stop was to the Professor's to get his travel companion and guardian. His young, energetic brown eyes scoped the lands as he traveled to avoid potential dangers. His strong, overly white legs pumping as he ran down the Route. His bright grin flashing with the thought of the choices, if he got there early enough, he would have nine different Pokèmon to choose from. Of which, he knew little about, he knew that there was three of each elemental types; fire, water, and grass. He just cared about the fire types right now, night travel with no light was dangerous, he had to have an easy cooking fire as well.

He arrived at the laboratory a day early from the other scheduled beginners. He silently cheered as he looked at the directions on a card that offered the Pokèmon. He went into the lab and went to an assistant, then went to the back of the building as directed and waited at the table with the nine Pokèballs. He looked over the red and white capsules that he knew held the Pokèmon. He reached up at one, an elderly voice yelled at him to stop. He jumped and turned to find a white haired woman in a bright white lab coat.

"You are a day early, let them rest. Who are you?"

"I-I am Jason, ma'am." The boy trembled slightly.

"Hmm, well, I am Professor Jaclyn, now how about a little knowledge about these Pokèmon?"

"I want to know about the fire-types."

"Right, first there is Charmander: a spunky young thing that will grow large and vicious. Second there is Cyndaquil: a close cousin in attitude and strength, don't let the size fool you. Last there is Torchic: a pure type at first then evolves into a dual type. Anything else you wish to learn?"

"When can I choose?"

The professor sighed and squeezed the bridge of her nose. "Tomorrow, if you are lucky."

"Why? Why can't I choose now and get to my other appointments?"

"What can a child have to do that is important? Besides whine..." Professor Jaclyn turned her back on him and sighed, "Fine, choose, but know this, you will make the other beginners your rivals."

"So? I'm heading to far off lands. I choose Charmander, then I shall ask where Cyndaquil can be found."

"Ask all you want, only the masters and we Pokèmon Professors know their whereabouts."

The Professor went and grabbed the ball containing Charmander and tossed it to the boy. Without a word, Jason ran out and hurried into the world. He battled wild Pokèmon and learned how his Charmander, he named Champ, moved. He only named the Charmander that because he found the Charmander a male, like most captive Charmanders, and did not seem right to give it a female name. Hours became days, days became weeks, until his third month on his own his Charmander evolved into Charmeleon. Then on the night of the anniversary of his independence, he rolled out his bed roll and leaned against a stump with Champ at his side.

Jason sighed and looked at the Charmeleon, "Ya know, Champ, things do get boring with only us. We need to find your homeland and see what happens, but I am afraid we might lose our friendship along the way."

"Char..." Champ crossed his tiny arms and flicked his tail as he thought of what could end their partnership beyond death.

"What's on your mind, pal? Death? Don't let those thoughts into your mind, it only corrupts you. It's late we should head to bed..." The boy sighed then slid down to lay, his Charmeleon grumbled then climbed on top of the stump and watched for anything harmful.

"Chaaaar.." Champ growled as he spotted a moving light coming towards them. He stood ready, waiting for an attack.

Out of the bush came stumbling out a ransacked Charmeleon, by the way it looked, it lost a big fight and was forced out on its own. Champ growled at it and jumped in front of his boy. The injured Charmeleon looked at the boy then at Champ, it opened its mouth as if to explain itself but passed out before it could. Jason sat up and saw the new wanderer laying facedown in the dirt. He hurriedly grabbed his bag and pulled out a healing potion and clambered over to the Pokèmon and used the spray. The Pokèmon stirred little but did not wake, the trainer cradled the beast making Champ hiss in anger. He hushed his Pokèmon and felt for any serious injuries. Champ smacked his trainer's hands as he felt the injured one, he picked up a rock and cradled it near his stomach. Jason looked quizzically at the Charmeleon for a moment before realizing what he meant. This Charmeleon was a rare female that had been beaten somehow. He shuddered to think that she had been kicked out of her family group.

"Well, I am not going to leave this little one here alone, no matter her gender or your liking, what if she's someone's missing Pokèmon? Did you ever think of that? How would you feel about being separated from me?"

"Meeleon..." Champ grimaced and ground his foot into the ground. He looked up and saw the blank look of the female, he backed away as he saw her pain through her eyes.

"Yeah, she's in pain, we just have to let her rest for now. Come on, to bed with you, you will need your rest to help me with her, she may not be used to humans if she's is from the homelands."

Champ grunted and climbed back onto the stump and sprawled out.

Morning came far too soon for Champ as he found himself on the ground with the injured female next to him and his trainer gone, his bag still laid open next to the stump. He knew the boy would not be gone long. The female moaned and rolled over and coughed then spat up a little blood.

"By the flame," She muttered in Char. "Where am I?"

"In the middle of nowhere with a trainer's partner. He calls me Champ, you are...?"

"I don't remember, all I know is that I was running from something and followed a light then woke up here. Can you help me?"

"I don't have a choice, can you move on your own?"

"I think so."

"Good, because I doubt my partner will carry you."

Jason returned with berries and passed a handful to the two of them, he kept a few for himself and munched on them as he sat down. "Good to see you up, feeling well, I hope?"

"Chaaar..." Champ straightened and ate his breakfast.

"So, do you have a trainer?"

She shrugged and took a bite out of a bitter berry, she squinted and spat it out. Champ laughed at her.

"Knock it off! Ignore him, he tends to show off. Well, there is one way to tell us if you have a trainer if you agree to it." Jason pulled out an empty Pokèball and faced it towards the female. "Up to you."

She glanced at Champ then back at the ball, she clearly had no clue of what the ball was. She dropped the berries and went to grab the ball. She fondled it and accidentally touched the capsule button, it pulled her inside. For a moment she saw red, blinding red, then black. Not frightening black, it was homely, peaceful, she smiled and closed her eyes. She started to drift off to sleep when she heard the boy's voice call out to her, she was then dragged out in the same blinding red light then she found herself standing next to Champ. She was startled by the action and gasped and flailed for Champ as her knees gave out. He caught her and muttered something to her she did not comprehend.

"Guess that answers that, welcome to the team. Guess I need to give you a name...how about Clair?"

"Char Meleon!" The female jumped to her feet and looked at Champ.

Champ slight closed his eyes and tilted his head back as he laughed at her. She threw a claw full of dirt at his face.

"Enough of that, get used to each other or some one will be spending a lot of time in their ball. Got that?"

Both Pokèmon went silent and looked away from each other.

"Better, Champ, get things cleaned up, I'm going to show Clair what we do for camp pickup."

Champ nodded then started his duties and watched his trainer walk around camp showing the female how to look for things that might endanger the environment. Then he shows her how to incinerate the garbage in her tail fire, which she tried to reject at first then gave in.

After an hour of policing the area, the two joined Champ and helped with the final pickup and policing. Jason hefted the pack of gear then rubbed Champ's head as he always had. He then asked Clair if she wanted to rest, she shook her head and looked at Champ. He never looked at her.

Jason shrugged then slid behind the two by a couple paces. Intent on learning his new Pokèmon's movements, he stared at her. Clair eased closer to Champ but found he was willing to keep the space between them, he growled and clenched his claws. He went silent as Jason cleared his throat then ran forward a few paces.

Clair slumped as she wanted to get to know him better, Jason placed his hand on her shoulder and told her to give him time. She sighed then jumped as Champ growled and took a defensive pose. Jason grabbed her and held onto her trying to protect her from unknown dangers. Jason looked around but saw nothing, just hearing the bustling sound of water.

"Water types...great, think you can hold your own, Champ? I am not one to let her fight just yet until we find a Center."

"Char." Champ chuckled envisioning the smaller, weaker water types. I'll rip them all to pieâ€" "Char!?" He caught sight of what he smelled, a Blastoise and a Feraligatr sunning themselves. He gulped and backed up slowly not wanting to lose sight of them.

Just before Champ was about to turn and run, Jason came up behind him and stopped him. "Come on, we'll go around, I rather not pick a fight with them either."

The three ran into the thicket away from the larger threats. They came back to the road and found themselves ahead of the water types. They sighed and moved on, but they still managed to find a Totadile and defeated it. Champ boasted as he shook the last of the water from his tail. Clair watched him curiously.

They followed the road avoiding the grassy areas from there on, very few people were traveling this region for there were too many threats of being trapped by fully evolved wild Pokèmon. But it also allowed trainers to grow with their Pokèmon in battle with the elements and in battles. They came to the guardhouse of the Route and quickly entered it. Only the guard was in the building, he was fast asleep in his chair with the television channeled on a shopping network. Jason opened the other door and ushered the Pokèmon through. He went into awe as when he saw the city on the other side. The heart of his country, Vecillium. Jason drew a deep breath and coughed it out as the scent of pollution hit him.

Champ drew close to his trainer as he spotted several Pokèmon wandering the streets without care nor did the humans take notice of them. He growled then felt a hand on his shoulder. The three walked together to the PokèCenter then they let Nurse Joy take a look at Clair then Champ took his turn. They both returned with perfect health, Jason thanked the nurse then turned to leave. He was stopped by a skinny girl whom wore a scowl and pink clothes. He pardoned himself and was about to pass her by when she grabbed him and told him to beware of thieves.

He warily thanked her and pushed the two Chars outside. He shivered at the thought of what she meant and hoped it was not what he tried to push out, Pokèmon thieves. He moaned then decided it was time for a decent meal, he asked for a restaurant that would serve his entire crew of three. He found there was only one restaurant available, a small building on the square that hosted multiple humanoid Pokèmon that catered the tables.

The cooks were human, but that was enough to calm Jason's nerve about odd tastes. He sat at a table and watched his Chars seat themselves. The waiter, a Machop, came over with a menu with words for the trainer and two dedicated to Pokèmon. One of the cooks came out and sat a tray down on a table of obviously picky customers then came over to Jacob.

"Ah, you must be new to town." His voice sounded like he had gargled tin nails every morning of his life. "I'm Big Frank and your waiter is Little Frank. I am trainer friendly, if you don't gots the money, you can run a task for me or do some work around the place your choice. Easy deal, right?"

"Uh... you hold a lot of trust in people. I have the money anyway."

"Ah, good. As I said, I am good to trainers, I did not say I did not have a blacklist. Anyway, do you have your selection?"

"Yes, I'll have the roast."

Champ pointed at ribs while Clair pointed at the salad and a fish sandwich. Jason refused to ask what they were really eating, but there were those Pokèmon that were kept for butchering and eating.

"Good selections, the fish just came in today so it is very fresh. The meal will be ready shortly." Frank left them to themselves.

Jason watched their waiter bus tables, for a short ‘mon, the Machop did quite a bit of work. Before long, the food came out, they dined quietly as they enjoyed the warm food. The guys finished and slouched as they waited on Clair, she took her meal slowly enjoying the taste. It was clear she had never eaten with humans before Jason. He sighed wishing he could speak their language and learn even more.

That, he thought, would be an experience every trainer should share. Yes, there was an emotional connection between a trainer and their Pokèmon, but if that connection was more than emotions then the world could change. He shivered as a breeze went down his spine. He looked up and saw Clair pale and wide-eyed, he turned to see what had her frightened. A big brute of a trainer had walked in with a club heaved onto his shoulder and a heavily scarred Grovyle stood beside him.

"There's the wretch that stole your food, kill it then take the rest out." The brute chuckled evilly.

Jason stood, Champ rushed to place himself in front of his partner.

"Aww, a little wimp and his protective lizard. Tank, you know what to do."

Before the Pokèmon could move, Little Frank acted and tossed a tablecloth onto the Grovyle and wrestled it down. After tying it up, Little Frank pointed at the sign at the register. ‘No fighting allowed inside,' the brute grabbed the Machop by the throat and tossed him across the room. He then grabbed the tied Grovyle and hefted it onto his shoulder. Big Frank rushed out with a butcher's knife and went to aid his partner. He went to the VidComm and called the local officer then he went to Jason and apologized.

"It's fine, we'll wait for Officer Jenny to arrive before trying to leave. I don't think we could beat the two easily."

"You couldn't, that brute is Reggy Grats, an obvious moron. He'll keep fighting until one side or the other lies dead even if you get away, he'll find a way to get to you."

"Yay...we'll find a way to knock some sense into him if he tries to come after her again."

"Good luck with that. Here's the bill, and be safe out there. Yell at me when your ready to pay."

Jason looked at the bill and moaned and pulled out the cash from his wallet. He muttered at himself for not keeping an account with the main bank but for now, his wallet was his safe for most small things. His bag was for the rest. He went to the register just as Jenny came up to the brute and arrested him and confiscated his Grovyle. He turned just as the detention ball flashed and locked the Grovyle inside. He smiled momentarily then noticed the deadly glare from the brute. His stomach dropped and made him feel nauseous.

He went back to his Charmeleons and tried to make himself calmer. He then asked them if they were ready to leave, Champ jumped down to the floor and stretched, Clair gently pushed the salad plate away then wiped her face with a napkin before joining her counterpart. Jason watched as her mannerisms showed class, but she was never captured before. He pondered on this for a short moment then pushed it aside so he could concentrate on his growing family. They left after Officer Jenny had dragged the brute to her car then they moved onward. Making a stop at the local gym, it was closed for renovations.

"Lovely..." Jason sighed and moved on, the Route gate was in sight, The only thing he could think of getting information about the rare Pokèmon would be by gaining all the badges. He opened the gate door for his followers and sighed. Inside, the guard listened closely to a news report about a rare event that sounded like a scam to Jason, but he listened anyway.

"-- Friday night, at the full moon, the Celestial Pokèmon will make their appearance and really dance. So if you are on Route Four-nineteen at that time, watch for these pink beauties and don't forget your earplugs, their singing can put you to sleep faster than watching paint dry!"

The news cast ended, Jason went to look at the Country Map on the wall, from his current spot, Route Three-forty-nine, it would take four days to reach it that Route. Two days past the event placing, like he truly cared, but it would not hurt to look into events like that he may get lucky and find something about the homelands of the Chars. He grinned as he dreamed. Champ poked him with a claw and got him moving again.

They headed off to wherever the Route would take them, Jason did not look. He planned on going to the mountainous regions then finding the volcanic hotspots, where the nursery stories said the families stayed. He could not wait to see if they were right. He just hoped it was in this land and not some odd Country across the sea. Though that would not bug him, the expense of the trip did. Money was of short supply and he did not want to take trainers' money if he won battles, so he simply conserved and lived off the land. The meal itself told him that the money would not last long and he would have to invest in finding a job as a courier. Something that would take him across the oceans would be the best as long as he did not have to pay for the trip himself.

Jason whistled lightly, Champ looked back then grabbed Clair as she strolled by. The trainer nodded towards the trees, Champ took the silent order and slipped into the cover, Clair followed slowly.

Champ growled and scared a young Caterpie, it squealed and squirmed away. Jason just shook his head and urged them on, preferring to be out of sight before trainers saw them. They moved on, stirring little Pokèmon, mostly bug types, none of them offered a fight. Jason continued to look for a clearing, mostly hoping to sit for a bit. He glanced at his two Pokèmon and noticed Clair was starting to huff and puff. He grunted then stopped them.

"Alright, it is time for some training, Clair. Rest up for a moment, then I'll get you started with exercises that Champ and I have learned."

"Chaaaar..." She moaned as she slumped to the ground. Champ watched her for a moment then sighed.

"You better shape up..." Champ muttered to her before rushing to his trainer.

"Hey, Champ, I'm going to let you work her over. Just don't kill her. Remember: she may not be like us, but she will eventually be there for you to sire children off of."

Champ was speechless, he never thought of the female that way, and now his partner was bringing this up. He went pale, and jumped when Jason rubbed his head.

"Yep, this is what I want of you two, since it is rare enough for a Char to wander alone but even more rare for that Char being female as well. We lucked out. If we cannot find the homelands on our own, then we just have to make our own. So try to get to know her well, this I ask of you. Make her strong not just for me, but for the future. Alright?"

Champ nodded absently, so this is what the old lady in the white coat had spoke of so long ago. About pleasing his future master with any request giving to him. He sighed and composed himself before turning to Clair and spat an Ember attack at her, immediately she jumped out of the way and looked at him quizzically. He took a fighting stance and urged her to attack. She looked over him to Jason, he nodded, she growled and rushed him. Champ dodged and swiped at her back, she gasped as the force sent her down. She rose and gasped, Champ did not wait long before he rushed her and smacked her back down.

"Clair, always watch your opponent, even if it is by your hearing. Know where they strike... always." Jason remarked as he found a decent limb and took out his knife and started whittling it.

Clair rose again and tossed dirt into Champ's face then ran to gain some ground. He grunted as he wiped his muzzle then spat a flurry of Ember attacks at her, dodging the fire was easy for her. She charged again, but this time, she slid and tried to kick his feet from under him. He barely dodged her being surprised by the odd attack. He growled and went to stomp on her tail but was stopped by a Fury Attack to his face. He was struck, he could not figure out how it happened. The attack stopped, his nose dripped lightly with blood. She stood a few feet from him licking her claw. She had used Double Team on him, a defensive move made offensive. He roared let out a spinning kick, he missed but his tail flame brushed her flesh.

She chuckled, a fire in her eye made her gain an evil disposition. Champ gulped and protected his face as he saw another quick Fury Attack coming. He could not hold her back, he tripped over his own tail and tumbled onto his back. She pounced him and pinned him down keeping herself on splayed over him, she panted and had gained her innocent look back. She grinned and kept him there.

"You're beaten." She whispered before giving his nose a lick and getting up.

Jason's jaw had dropped, he did not know what to say. Though she did not have the lung power, she had the strength to make up for it.

"Meleon!" Champ shouted as she retreated to Jason.

She flashed him the underside of her tail, he grunted at the silent retort his cursing would not be extended further with her. He turned his head and clutched the dirt.

"Great battle, Clair, but you do need to work on your breathing. If you do not have the air, you cannot fight for an extended time. Go rest for now." Jason rose and went to Champ while opening his pack for a minor healing herb.

Champ sighed as his partner knelt down beside him, he started to refuse being cleaned up but gave in to the gentle hands. Dirt-filled scratches were wiped clean then sprayed with the potion. He hissed as the alcohol based healer stung him, Jason reassured him then helped him to his feet. The Charmeleon was silent but his eyes said much to his trainer. Jason hugged him then brushed off the dirt off the Pokèmon.

"Don't let it bother you, we can't always be alone. We need allies, she's the first one. But we do need other types to join us, especially the ones you are weak against."

Champ crossed his arms and grumbled.

"Listen to me, it's only going to get better for us. The only way we can go down is if we lose someone. Let's just hope that never happens."


"Buck up, we need to be strong and brave. Let's get some rest."

Champ nodded then walked over to Clair and sat next to her as she twisted and weaved grass leaves together. He said nothing as he watched her.

She glanced up at him momentarily but remained silent, she finally sat the weaving down and glared at him. He shrugged and studied her further. Clair growled quietly as his eyes traveled down her body, she quickly crossed her legs and wrapped her brightly flaming tail around her. Finally he broke the silence quietly since Jason had begun to snore after eating some kind of dried meat and berry juice.

"Our trainer wants us to be mates." Champ dropped the bomb quickly.

"Not surprising, we being the only two companions he has. But don't think I'll let you touch me without me letting you."

"Un-huh. So what do you remember before we found you?"

"Still nothing, don't care to, so drop it."

"As you wish. I'm going to get some sleep, take the first watch. Hard telling what kind of hostile creatures are living nearby." Females... Champ turned and went to lay beside Jason almost wishing the boy could speak his language, just so he could tell him there was no way his wants could pass through.

Champ sighed and closed his eyes. He just that his boy would not come across a water user to annoy him daily. But then again.... He pushed the thoughts from his head and forced himself to relax. Not everything could be dealt with by violence, he knew that too well. Soon the comforting blackness of sleep took over. His mind tormented him with dreams, ones that toyed with his body in many ways.

Mostly of flight, which meant he was nearly his final stage of maturity, then there was the disturbing visage of him lusting for a mate. He gasped as he started, awaked by a sudden touch. He looked around and saw Clair hovering over his left side. She briskly pulled him up and pushed him aside as his shift was to begin. He gladly took it, feeling sweaty and a need to pace. He watched her lay next to Jason and squeeze herself as close to him as possible, he just could not understand her. He sighed and made laps around the area while holding his tail in his claw to light the way.

He could not find the sky to tell where the moon was, and he would not dare venture away from Jason to find a clearing just to do so. He stopped briefly to relieve himself then shuddered as he thought he heard something move in the darkness behind him. When the sound did not return, he continued his walk. Nothing but his nerves seemed out of place. He finally went back to his partner and the female to watch them for a bit as they slept.

She grimaced in her sleep, a foul dream had taken over her mind. Champ listened to his surroundings but drew closer ready to awaken her if need be. He did not know why, but even though he loathed the thought of being around her, he felt like he should protect her from anything. Was this what it meant to be a team? To protect each other? He grumbled and spat a short flame as an Oddish waddled into their camp, it yelped at the sight and fled as quickly as it could. He did not see it.

Clair trembled and rolled towards Jason then quickly bit his arm. He yelped himself and awoke sharply. "Clair, what was that for?"

She just drooled and muttered still deep asleep.

"Heavy sleeper... great, she drew blood. Wonder if those potions can work on me." Jason leaned over and grabbed his bag and pulled out a minor potion, he sprayed himself and groaned as the alcohol stung then he loosely wrapped a bandage around his arm. When he was done he prodded Clair's gut. "Clair, wake up."

She shifted but did not wake, Champ stepped up to her and pressed a foot claw into her tail. She squealed like she was being beaten then curled into a tight ball and rocked herself.

"Thanks, Champ, just what we need. A spastic fire breather. Go see if there is a shallow water source nearby while I calm her." He reached down to her only to get snapped at, he pulled away quickly and just stared at her. "Okay..."

She stared blankly into the trees in front of her not truly thinking straight. He sighed then quickly just dove for her and grabbed her shoulders, he was bitten, he did not shout but just pulled her close even as Champ came back and growled.

"I'm coming," He picked her up, not caring that her teeth drove deeper into his arm, and followed Champ to a small creek that lead to the main Route out of the forest.

He quickly sat her into the cold water at the edge allowing her tail to lay on the muddy shore. She started and looked around tasting blood on her tongue. She glanced at Jason then realized where the blood came from. She cupped her claws and poured the small amount of water onto his arm and scrubbed lightly seeing what the damage was, the other arm was bandaged.

The wound was deep but not anything that needed to worry about unless infection took hold. She whined trying to apologize, he removed his hand from her leaving one to support her and cupped water himself and poured it over her head. He cooed her then realized Champ sat down next to her actually looking worried, whether it was because of himself or not, Jason could not tell. The two males took care to make sure that their companion had calmed down and returned to reality before even letting her move. She remained silent, apart from starting to cry.

Jason just wrapped his arms around her and cooed loving words to her. Champ went to sit on the dry ground as he toyed with Jason's pack and found his partner's Pokèdex and flipped it open listening to the description it gave about himself. He chuckled as it listed off the health status of him then wanted to toss the thing into the water as it stated that he was sexually immature. He growled and gave it a small curse before turning it towards Clair.

In a monotone male voice it stated her stats: Charmeleon, experience level thirty. Health status, normal, no anomalies detected. Sex: female, mature. Original TID: Nine-nine-seven-two-six-five-three.

The voice silenced itself with no more data to provide. Their trainer identifications were the same, she definitely was not a released nor escapee. This just made him more confused.

"Champ! Put that back, I don't need that broken. Without that, I cannot tell if you are hurt in a way I cannot see." Though he was glad to hear the data that he did not even think to try himself, he really did not want to see that device broken.

"Chaar..." Gladly, the Charmeleon put the device back, though he wondered how she was so experienced to make her six levels ahead of him, but her actual age remained hidden. He would have to ask an elder if he ever met one on how to guess ages by sight. "Meleon." He muttered as he zipped the pack up and hefted it onto his own shoulders determined to carry it for the day, it proved too much for his back. He grumbled as he was forced to drop it.

"Alright, let's get moving. Clair, do you want to rest in your Ball today?"

She shook her head and stood with her trainer. She reached up and grabbed his pants and refused to let go.

"I know you're sorry, don't worry about it. You had a bad dream and you just reacted to it. I will remember to watch myself when trying to wake you though." He smiled down at her. He felt like he was comforting a young child, in a way, he was and he knew it.

He picked up his pack and tossed it onto his shoulder. He looked at Champ and offered his free side then. Champ took it and his boy's hand, he knew he was quick to change his mind recently, being just a few days with her. But he had to, for Jason, he would not separate himself from the team even if it was just starting to grow. Their journey continued on not knowing what would lay ahead.

Manny and Merrlon Book Four

Adventures of Manny and Merrlon Book Four Two days away from the creek, there had been more signs of vehicle travel. Manny suggested hijacking a carrier but then they wanted to be on good terms with the nation, which Merrlon reminded him...

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The Adventures of Manny and Merrlon Book Three

I'd like to thank everyone for faving or watching me, I appreciate it. I do look forward to comments on how to improve my work and all that...enjoy The Adventures of Manny and Merrlon Book Three Manny woke sore the next morning,...

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Pup Gang

CUB!!! Don't Like it? Don't READ it! Little eyes glowed in the dark shadows from the surrounding buildings. The young golden fox smiled as he walked up on a cardboard fort. He walked up to the door and knocked on the cardboard wall....

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