Between Adventures

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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When on the fantasy campaign trail, beware magical amulets. Or, if you like growing a hyper cock and cumming uncontrollably, don't avoid them! :3

This story was written for Shiro Longtail! It contains male masturbation and hyper growth/cum!

Between Adventures

It was a good day. Sven's belly was full of ale and goose. His pack was heavy with gold, and the tavern table he was sharing with his fellow adventurers rang with the sounds of their triumphant laughter. The werewolf leaned back in his chair, not really paying attention to what was going on around him but simply soothed by the warmth and energy of his companions. His powerful body was entirely at ease, and aside from the idea of taking his group's gnoll thief to bed with him that night, there wasn't a thing in this world that Sven felt he wanted but did not already have.

Fumbling with the small jewelled pendant hanging from a leather cord around his neck, the buff lupine male sighed happily. Never in his life had he felt so fulfilled as this. So satisfied with his lot in the world. The more he revelled in his contentment, the more he zoned out of the conversation going on around him. He wasn't quite sleeping, still lifting his beer-stein from the table periodically and raising it higher when he wanted it refilled, but everything he did was performed in an almost trance-like state of calm relaxation. Again and again the fingers of his right hand teased and fondled the deep red ruby inset into the pendant he had discovered at the start of their most recent adventure, and with each touch, Sven found himself more and more at ease with the world around him.

It had been early afternoon when the four adventurers had stowed their gear and begun their marathon feasting session, and late afternoon when Sven last recalled looking at the sizeable grandfather clock behind the bar. In what seemed like the blink of an eye to the werewolf though, it was dark. A mixture of candles and enchanted, glowing glass orbs were now lighting the tavern itself, and the building as a whole must have been twice as crowded as when Sven last looked. The werewolf raised his head, confused as he tried to catch a glimpse of the actual time over the crowd milling around the bar in search of refreshment. He thought that maybe he had fallen asleep in his chair, but upon looking down in front of him, the row of empty tankards and silver platters showed that he had not only been keeping pace with his companions, but outdoing most of them by a considerable margin.

Sven shifted in his seat, and was about to open his muzzle to call for more food when he felt something. A sharp jolt of sensation bursting through his crotch. He looked down, and growled under his breath. The front of his brown cloth britches were tented, his cock so rigidly pointing upward from its grey furred sheath that as he'd moved it had brushed along the underside of the table at which he was seated. The werewolf might have considered where that erection had come from, again having no memory of feeling aroused nor of any manual stimulation occurring that would have resulted in such an occurrence. Before he could do so though, a larger wave of pleasure swamped his now fully conscious mind. His clawed hands dug into the upper surface of the table, and he tensed his whole body in order to hold back the howl of ecstasy that he would have released if his muzzle had been given the freedom to do so.

Eyes wide and fixed upon his crotch with horror, the werewolf watched his cock jerking wildly beneath his britches. Twitching, throbbing, and pumping wave after wave of hot cum into his thick cloth garments with no regard for the situation or the complete lack of any reason behind this sudden burst of orgasmic bliss. Sven stared, trembling and panting under his breath, as the front of his britches grew dark and began to glisten as the sheer volume of his seed began to soak through the fabric. He waited for it to stop, for the feelings to come to their inevitable end. He waited... seconds passed, and yet more cum gushed into his increasingly sodden and sticky britches, but no relief came to him. If anything, he could feel himself cumming harder, and though it didn't seem possible, his cock felt as if it was getting tighter and tighter within his already straining lower garments. Almost like it was still swelling. Still getting bigger.

Without a word, Sven rose from the table and span sharply around to face the rear wall of the tavern. He left his companions to their drink, no questions following him regarding where he was headed given the amount of beer he had downed over the course of the day, and though his legs were shaking and his cock still pumping thick ribbons of cum into his britches, the werewolf managed to navigate his way through the crowd of thankfully drunken revellers without being caught out. As quickly as possible he found himself stumbling into the tavern's restrooms, and as he felt cum beginning to drool down his legs and drip onto the floor below, he flung himself forward and into the nearest cubicle.

Thank the gods for the dwarves, that was all the werewolf could think as he finally reached down with trembling paws and began to unfasten the cord which held his britches tightly shut. Thank the gods for the dwavers that had helped construct this settlement bringing indoor plumbing with them, and removing his need to make it all the way to a cramped, foul smelling outhouse to get some privacy. Here, at least there was a locked wooden door between him and the rest of the world. Space and solitude enough to hopefully drain his impossibly pent-up cock of whatever lust had seized it so violently, and wring out his sodden britches in peace.

Those hopes only lasted mere seconds of course, for as soon as Sven untied his britches, any illusions he had that this occurrence was anything other than supernatural were dashed once and for all. His cum-soaked britches fell to the floor with a wet splat, and his cock erupted upward like a spring-loaded trap. It slapped against Sven's stomach, and the wolf yelped in shock as a jet of cum shot out from its swollen red tip and caught him square on the base of the jaw. The force of the impact wasn't enough to hurt, but it did make contact firmly enough to splatter the cum across the top of the werewolf's chest, his shoulders, and of course the floor of the bathroom cubicle on which he was standing.

"Ahhhh! Ahhhhhhhh!"

Sven wailed in pleasure, not sure whether he was overjoyed or terrified by the intensity of the sensation that surged through him as he wrapped both hands around his uncontrollably straining erection. He squeezed tightly, half to attempt to drain his member of what remained within it and half wanting simply to see how good it would feel. The answer came in the form of an even more violently ear-splitting howl, and a deluge of cum that shot past the wailing lupine's chin, not stopping until it hit the bathroom's wooden beamed ceiling. Again Sven squeezed himself, this time rubbing his hands hurriedly up and down the length of his still swelling erection, and he stumbled backwards, only finding balance against one of the cubicle's wooden side walls, as a volatile barrage of cum sprayed up the opposite wall of the cubicle, up against the ceiling, and back down the wall again before his cock paused in readiness for the next savage wave.

It didn't take long for the werewolf to lose control against the relentless onslaught of pleasure, his eyes wide not with fear any longer, but with joyous disbelief as he watched his cock getting bigger and bigger, thicker and thicker with each eruption of cum. He had started off a more than ample foot in length, but by now was at least two and a half times that size and still growing. He was so thick now that even with both hands wrapped around his shaft he could barely make his fingers meet, and Sven had the sneaking suspicion that if he craned his neck downward and pulled his cock close to his chest once more, he would easily have been able to suckle upon his own gushing tip had it not been for its ever increasing girth.

"Oohhhh n-no... no more, please..."

The werewolf wished he could have believed his own pleas for mercy, but the harder and more that he came, the better it felt. And the better it felt, the more his body, his mind, his heart craved more still. And more. And more. He massaged urgently at his vast erection, leaning his body back against one wall of the cubicle and leaning his mammoth member forward against the opposite wall. By now it was too big to hold onto, so he simply rubbed it with the flat of his hands while humping at the wall against which it was pressed on the tips of his toes. Cum was pouring out constantly by now, no gap between each fresh eruption of pleasure and thick white seed. It gushed over the top of the cubicle in which he stood, flooding down into the next one over and adding to the veritable lake which now coated the bathroom floor.

"Ahhhhhgods... yessssss!"

The werewolf's begging turned to joyously savage snarls as the pleasure coursing through him grew even more phenomenally potent. By now the bathroom's ceiling and walls were coated in cum, and the wolf's footpaws were paddling ankle deep in his seed. It was a miracle that no-one had disturbed him yet, but then even if they had, Sven wouldn't have stopped. Nothing could, or would stop him from cumming. Nothing!

"Harder! Yes... ohhhhh..."

Nothing... except...

A shred of the werewolf's sanity pierced the lustful veil threatening to engulf him entirely. For a single shining instant, he had a thought. A sudden realisation about what had been different today. What had been the one constant through all of this; his disconnection from the rest of the world in the tavern, the missing time over the last few hours, and finally the beginning of his cock's impossible growth and productivity.

The pendant. The damn pendant! All day he had been playing with that thing when for the past couple of days he had barely noticed it hanging around his neck. And now, suddenly, he was supposed to believe that this was all happening by mere coincidence?!

With a frenzied howl as much of terror as anything else, his body convulsing in rage at the idea that he would dare even consider bringing these feelings to an end, Sven tore the pendant away from his chest and hurled it over the cubicle wall. He heard it land in the sea of cum flooding the bathroom some distance away, and waited. Waited for these feelings to abate. For his cock to stop growing. Stop cumming. For heaven to abandon him, and cast him back into the hellish reality of his former life.

"O-oh... oh gods..."

Instead, he just felt himself cumming. Felt his cock continuing to swell and throb, felt his balls continuing to somehow feed the output that his straining erection demanded each and every second.

His eyes bulged, and the werewolf howled in delight as he realised the truth.

This wasn't the fault of the pendant after all. It was nothing he could think of. Nothing that he had done.

He couldn't stop it... and as a result, he would have no choice but to keep on feeling this way. To keep on climaxing; keep on enduring the blissful fury of non-stop orgasm now, and as far as he knew, indefinitely.

The wolf tossed his head back, running his hands wildly over the surface of his vast, thick, cock, and roared with bestial rapture.

"Ohhhhh _Gods! yes _!"

By Jeeves