First Time's the Charm

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Don't you hate it when you run into a heat stricken husky lady at a bar, and she demands you fuck her over and over again until she's laden with your pups? Yeah. That's just... terrible. ^^

This story was written for Aurawolf. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults!

First Time's the Charm

As Aura watched the last of his friends slip out of the bar, he raised his beer and nodded after them affectionately. The blue furred wolf sighed and settled back against the leather interior of the booth in which he was seated, relishing the quiet after what had been a rather hectic evening full of laughter, socialising, and perhaps a little too much booze for some members of the group. He however had paced himself, and wasn't about to stop now. The already rather empty bar was going close in less than twenty minutes, but that was more than enough time for him to finish his drink in peace.

Raising the bottle to his lips, Aura closed his eyes as he took another sip. He savoured the complex, hoppy rush and the citrus overtones. He enjoyed the subtle carbonation dancing over his tongue. He...

"Excuse me?"

He swallowed abruptly, a little of the mouthful running down the wrong way and causing him to start coughing as his eyes sprang open. For a moment or two he doubled over against the table before him, clearing his throat and fighting for breath. Only then, red faced through exertion and the slight embarrassment of having been caught so off guard, did he look up towards the source of the voice that had startled him so much.

Standing there, bouncing up and down lightly upon the pads of her feet, was a woman that Aura did not recognise. A husky, her grey and white patterned fur clad in a rather skimpy pink spaghetti strapped top and a flowing, sky blue skirt. She was shorter than him, and either younger by a few years too, or just particularly youthful and innocent in her demeanour. This fact in particular was exaggerated when their eyes met, and she immediately descended into a playful fit of the giggles before actually managing to speak any further.

"This is... um... this is really silly, and feel free to tell me to go away, but... are you single?"

Aura's eyebrows shot upward, and he barely managed to keep his muzzle from falling agape. Was this pretty young thing hitting on him? Surely not. No-one, not even an outgoing and perhaps intoxicated college age individual like this was that forward. Besides, there was a reason why Aura had never had sex with a woman before. Despite his having been curious about it, he seemed to attract almost exclusively guys, and until now that had been absolutely fine with him.

"Uh, yeah. I am actually. Can I ask why?"

The husky giggled once more, nodding and leaning in conspiratorially. She pouted playfully when the wolf didn't lean in towards her in return, but simply shuffled forward until her muzzle was practically brushing up against one of his ears.

"Coz I don't wanna fool around with a guy who has a girlfriend. That's rude, and mean."

Again the wolf's eyes bulged. He glanced to his left, then to his right. There was no way he could reach one end of the booth before this woman figured out what he was doing, and while he was taller than her by at least several inches and far more substantially built, he didn't exactly want to have to tackle his way past her in order to make his escape.

"F-fool around? Why would you... w-why would I... uh... I mean, I don't. I... I haven't... um..."

Before Aura could say another word, he whimpered as he watched the husky stuff her left hand down the front of her skirt. Shameless and clear as anything, she reached down with her right hand, pulled the elasticated waistband of her lower garment out, and simply buried her left hand within it. The husky's paw wiggled and squirmed around for a few moments, her legs spreading a little further apart and a momentary expression of giddy, almost pleasure-stricken delight crossing her features, before she removed it once more. To Aura's surprise, and quite frankly his dismay at that moment in time, it was wet.

Without another moment's hesitation, the husky lady stuck out the now wet fingers of her hand, and held them underneath Aura's nose. He tried not to breath in, but only succeeded in drawing an even deeper breath as he tried to rid himself of the need to take another one after it. The scent of her juices, quite obviously having come from her pussy, smacked him around the head like a baseball bat. They weren't just fragrantly pleasant, they weren't simply exotic and thrilling. Those fluids were producing the most mindlessly intoxicating aroma that Aura had ever experienced, and though he knew exactly what that meant, it didn't stop him from succumbing to their thrall.

Groaning softly, the wolf could already feel his cock twitching and beginning to emerge from his sheath.

"Y-you're... in heat..."

The husky giggled yet again, nodding and beaming at the male as if genuinely proud of him for having figured it out.

"Yup! And I haven't taken my pills either. This is my first heat living out away from mom and dad... and, can I be honest with you, u-um... oh gosh, what's your name? Or shall I just call you cutie-wuff?"

Aura, now helplessly fighting a war with himself as he rationalised why he should get out of here as quickly as possible against why he should stay and breed this bitch until her belly was bulging with his puppies, whimpered in desperation. His cock was now swelling rapidly towards full erection, and with each time it throbbed and twitched hungrily, all that he wanted to do was reach out, grab the husky's still extended paw and lick ever last drop of her delicious juices off it. In the meantime, he settled for answering her question in an urgent, almost subservient moan.

"A-aura. My name is... Aura."

Still bouncing up and down on her toes, her modest breasts jiggling with such freedom that Aura swore he could see flashes of her nipples rising above the upper limit of her top, the husky squealed happily.

"Aura. The name of my pups daddy, is gonna be Aura. W-well, Aura.... like I was saying. This is my first heat away from the family, l-living in my very own dorm room, and I don't wanna deny it. I don't wanna hide it with medication, o-or even lying on my bed for days fucking myself raw with my hairbrush. I want a man. Not just any man. I... I want you."

The wolf shuddered in uncontrollable delight, his face flushing beneath his royal blue fur. His cock was beginning to win its war with his mind, and the more victories it scored, the less nervous he rapidly found himself feeling.

"Why me? W-why do I get the... the privilege?"

With a wry smile, the husky leaned in close to Aura once more. Before she said anything, she licked him. She dragged her tongue squarely along the side of his face, along his muzzle and up as far as his forehead, only to giggle and then answer his question.

"Easy. B-because my dorm building is right over the road, and you're the first canid I've seen since I got here who wasn't with someone else. I don't wanna steal you away from anyone. I don't wanna cause drama. I just... I just wanna fuck you, Aura. Again. And again. A-and again."

Before the wolf could react, She'd grabbed his right hand with both of hers. She'd pulled it towards her, hiking up the front of her skirt shamelessly without any regard for the bar staff or the other few customers who could easily turn and see what was going on at any moment. In a matter of moments, Aura could feel his paw being pressed against what should have been the husky's panties. Instead, he felt only fur and flesh. Soaked fur, and flesh that was hot and swollen. His fingers brushed through what felt like a valley of warm, utterly hairless flesh, and as his eyes bulged with realisation, the husky's whole body tensed up.

Right in front of Aura's eyes, the husky rose up on her tip-toes, arched her back, and bit down hard on her bottom lip; visibly drawing blood in order to keep herself from yelping in pleasure as a wave of juices splashed out over the wolf's wandering paw. She fell limp a moment later, practically collapsing against the table and urgently humping at the male's hand as several smaller squirts of liquid painted his palm and trembling fingers. Soft, breathy grunts escaped her, and it was only when these had ceased some ten seconds later that she pulled herself upright and released Aura's hand back into his possession.

The wolf stared at his hand for a few moments. He watched the liquid dripping from his fingertips. He watched it trickling down the length of his furred paw, and groaned under his own breath as he watched the whole limb getting closer... closer to his face with each passing second. Before Aura knew it, he was inhaling the scent of the woman's fresh orgasmic juices. An instant after that, he was greedily licking at his palm and suckling upon his fingers. Then, before he could even think about it, he was on his feet. Pulling himself out from behind the booth, leaving his still half full beer behind as he grabbed hold of the husky's fluid-dampened paw with his own, nodded at her urgently, and practically ran with her out of the bar and onto the street beyond.

True to the husky's word, it took less than five minutes for them to cross the road, slip into her seven storey dorm block, and ascend the three flights of stairs to her very own room. No sooner had they slipped through the door, the female's giggling and squirming trailed off, and as she released Aura's hand from hers, she actually took on a rather serious expression for a moment or two.

"T-take off your clothes, and lie back on the bed."

The wolf's cheeks reddened as he felt himself being ordered around by this heat-stricken husky. Under the circumstances though he would have currently walked through fire to get another taste of her pheromone laden fluids, so being told to make access to his own body easier wasn't exactly asking the world. He did as commanded, pulling off his hoodie and t-shirt all at once, falling back onto the bed even as his fingers began fumbling with his belt. A helpless whimper escaped the husky standing and watching him as he pulled down his black trousers, revealing a substantial bulge within his tight, deep red boxer briefs.

"O-oh god... t-there it is..."

She whimpered in such a lustful, awe-struck manner at the sight of Aura's cock that the wolf couldn't help but flush with pride. Already his fears at the idea of being with a woman for the first time were rapidly diminishing in the face of his heat induced stupor, but to hear her speaking like that certainly helped lessen any lingering doubts about what a woman might think of his inexperience.

What the husky next next, however, did slightly unnerve the wolf.

"Now... j-just let me tie you down..."

Aura pulled himself up on his arms, peering down the length of the bed to where the husky was now kneeling, reaching down under the bed and pulling out what looked like a length of elasticated cord.

"Let you... uh, what?"

The husky was still looking at him with surprisingly coherent sincerity, nothing like her former giggly, rather ditzy self that she had presented at the bar. She nodded, holding the rope out in front of her with total transparency.

"I want you to have a w-wonderful night too, Aura. But... don't get me wrong. You're here for me. You're here because I want you to be here, and I'm n-not gonna let you get off and then leave me in an even more horny, fucked up state than before you got here."

She half walked, half stumbled around her bed, and with a pleading whimper offered one end of the cord to the wolf.

"I'm g-gonna tie you to my bed, so that you stay with me all night long. All day long too if that's what it takes. And you'll do it. You'll do it... because it's either that, or you walk out of this room right n-now and know that there's a woman right here who wanted you, who needed you, but who you turned down just because she wanted more sex than you believed you could handle."

Needless to say, less than a minute later, Aura's arms were being tied to the posts at the base of the husky's headboard. It was only after that, as she was busily tying his feet together at the far end of the bed, that something occurred to the rather dazed, lust-drunken wolf. A realisation that made his face redden deeper than anything thus far, and set his cock twitching and quivering with bashful excitement within his underwear.

"U-uh... can I... can I ask you something?"

Raising her head from where she was apparently having some effort tying a solid knot, the lust and uncontrolled desire of her heat clearly beginning to break through whatever temporary barrier the husky had erected to keep herself sane during this more sincere request, Aura's soon to be lover nodded.

Aura tried to think of some polite, non-forward way to say what he was thinking. He fought with every last ounce of brain-power he possessed to find a way to word it more tactfully than just simply saying it. But really, there was no other way, other than to just go right ahead and ask.

"Before we fuck... c-can you tell me your name?"

The husky's ears perked up. Her muzzle twitched, then burst into a helpless, mirthful grin. A similar rosiness even brighter than that which already hung upon her cheeks flooded all over her face, and she giggled in sheer disbelief upon only now realising that they had both overlooked that rather obvious step in the process.

"I'm Holly..."

She spoke coyly, playfully as she gave an exploratory tug on the knot holding Aura's ankles together. It held, and her tail wagged gleefully behind her. Without another moment's delay, she scrambled up onto the bed, and began to climb her way up the length of the wolf's body towards his tented, straining undergarments.

Aura groaned softly as she hooked her thumbs around the waistband of his boxer-briefs, and slowly, teasingly began to tug them downward.

"P-pleased to meet you... Holly."

The husky let slip a delirious moan of her own as the male's amply sized cock sprang free, twitching and bouncing in the air as it found itself suddenly under the hungry scrutiny of this husky's gaze.

"Oh... Aura. It's my pleasure to... to have your meat. I mean... t-to have met you."

Holly kept on giggling and staring at Aura's throbbing canine arousal as she began to undress herself. Up and off came her top in a matter of seconds, and just as Aura had suspected earlier she wore nothing underneath to hold her modest but gloriously perky breasts in check. Her skirt didn't last much longer, a hidden clasp at one side opening it up and allowing Holly to simply toss it aside, suddenly entirely nude as she tugged Aura's underwear down past his knees, and scooted up closer and closer to his exposed erection.

"I h-had so much planned, Aura. All day, I was imagining what we'd do tonight."

The husky's eyes darted to the far side of the room, shuddering and moaning as she looked upon the wooden chair sitting in front of her small dressing table. Only now did Aura notice that the carpet beneath the chair was a slightly darker shade of cream, and that resting at the edge of the dressing table was a hairbrush with a smooth, thick handle but not a single hair trapped between its many bristles. He groaned happily at the thought of what Holly had been doing there, but was soon drawn back to reality as the husky caught her breath once more and continued to address him.

"I wanted to suck your cock. T-to have you eat me out. I wanted to tease you, and to drive you c-crazy with my heat s-so that when we started fucking, you'd beg me not to stop no matter how many times I'd already cum..."

Both the female's hands were resting between her legs now. One hand was peeling apart the swollen outer lips of her flushed pink pussy, while three fingers of the other were exploring that dripping, glistening and obviously immensely sensitive flesh. Aura's sharp ears could already hear the steady tap-tap-tapping of droplets of her juices raining down onto the bedding between his and her legs, and he could see in her eyes that she was waiting for something. That despite how much she so obviously and desperately needed this, she was still waiting for something more to happen.

He whimpered bashfully, as much desperate to see her satisfied and no longer so obviously stricken by desire as he was eager to have his own inflamed passions quelled.

"Y-you don't need to feed me any more pussy juice to drive me crazy, Holly. Just looking at you, j-just seeing you like this... I won't let you stop. I c-can't. You have to let me fuck you... h-have to let me make you cum, now..."

Tugging against the elasticated ropes binding him to the bed, the wolf whimpered loudly at his own lack of control. All he wanted to do was make this woman feel good, but he couldn't even do that right now. To his relief though, he didn't seem to need to do anything. Before his wide and already glazed eyes, he watched as Holly closed her eyes and with an obviously pained effort managed to drag her hands away from her drooling pussy. As soon as the husky's eyes sprang open once more, she advanced upon him again. She scooted further up his trembling legs, and with a joyous, strangled yelp found her pussy already aligned with his swollen cock.

Helplessly, uncontrollably, she sank down and groaned happily as she felt his warm, rigid erection pressing against her pussy. Not into it, the length of his shaft simply pinned between the spread lips of her nether regions and the male's own lower torso, but so very close that it still drew a blissful wail from her lips.


She groaned and gurgled, eyes rolling back in their sockets and her upper body beginning to tremble violently as she slid back and forth upon the length of his cock. With each twitch of his erection, Aura could feel his hard-on straining upward, pushing against her warm depths. He wasn't entirely well versed on female anatomy, but judging by the angle of his cock and the look of abject euphoria spreading itself rapidly over Holly's face, Aura was fairly certain that his cock's pointed tip was grinding itself against the husky's clitoris. A fact that he felt almost convinced of when less than ten seconds later, a flood of hot, slick sexual juices erupted over his cock from within the howling, panting dog's pussy.

"Ohhh god. Ohhhh god yessssss!"

Holly whined and slurred her way through a potent orgasm, but both she and Aura knew that this was only just the beginning. The first scent of the appetisers before the banquet's initial course had even reached the table. Sure enough, before she was even done cumming, her pussy still drooling liberally over the length of Aura's erection, she was grinding against him again. Her hands were clutching at the sides of his torso, and she was staring at him with an insistent, almost angry look upon her face.

"F-fu_uahhhh_... fuck me, Aura. Stop fooling a-around and... fuck me. Now!"

All she needed to do was rise up just a little, take a small portion of the pressure off Aura's cock, and it would rise every bit as much as she needed to allow her pussy to swallow him up. But as the wolf watched this heat-stricken beauty writhe and thrash atop his trapped, trembling member, he knew that she wouldn't. Her body was too desperate for pleasure, so much so that nothing made sense to her. She claimed to want to remain in control, even going so far as to bind him to the bed in order to achieve it, but in truth she was already completely out of control. Her heat was commanding her. Driving her every action, every emotion, and demanding a constant stream of blissful sensation just to hold it over until it could finally get what it craved.

With a gruff, forceful growl, Aura bucked his hips, realising that if he was going to give Holly what she wanted it would have to fall to him to make it possible. He watched as Holly bounced slightly, her eyes widened, and a desperately happy whimper escaped her lips. Whether she knew what he was trying to do, or was simply reacting to the additional pleasure his motion caused it was hard to tell. But as the wolf did so again, and again, the husky's yelps and happy, strained little whines continued to follow in his wake.

Over and over again he bucked and humped up at the husky, trying desperately to launch her off his cock far enough to grant himself a little space with which to manoeuvre his shaft to the correct angle for entry. He too began to let loose pleasure-stricken grunts and snarls as he thrust up at the gorgeous, soaking wet pussy that was his target, but just like Holly's giddy whimpering they grew increasingly desperate and frustratingly savage after a dozen or so failed attempts.

"Come on!"

With an angry bark of desperation, the lust-ridden wolf stopped just bucking his hips and thrust the entirety of his body up off the bed. The full power of his legs propelled him several inches into the air, and the husky riding him too. She let loose a shriek of mixed shock and desperate anguish as she was catapulted helplessly upward, away from his member and the pleasure helping to keep her anywhere close to sane. Her facial features contorted through a thousand different emotions, ranging from fury to sorrow to relief and finally to helpless, pleading despair. All those feelings took place within a mere fraction of a second though, for soon she was falling once more. Falling down back towards the wolf's rampant arousal, which now stood semi-upright; poised and drooling with its own lustful anticipation.

Both canid's eyes bulged as they felt Holly's swollen lips wrapping around the tip of Aura's trembling cock. Both their muzzles fell wide open, slack-jawed as the first few inches of Aura's shaft found themselves being gripped by the husky's pulsating, unceasingly convulsing inner walls. Two heads snapped back, and two bodies grew taut and rigid as all their muscles tensed up in a single, glorious moment of unexpected over-stimulation. And finally, two matching howls of rapture rang out around the room as Holly drove herself feverishly down upon Aura's cock until every last inch the wolf possessed was throbbing and urgently quivering deep, deep inside her heat-stricken pussy.

" Yes! Yes yes yes yes yes oh my f-fucking god yes!"

After that, it was pointless for Aura to try and keep track of what was happening to Holly. The simple answer was, she was cumming. No matter what, no matter when, no matter how, she was cumming. The stream of screams, howls, grunts, moans, whimpers and profane cries that erupted from the wolf was ceaseless. The floods of feminine cum laden with heady, sweet scented pheromones came thick and fast with each time Holly lifted herself up and slammed herself down upon Aura once more, soaking the wolf's crotch, thighs, and swiftly beginning to saturate the bedding beneath them. Her face was wild and alive with every drop of the ecstasy she was feeling, tongue lolling out and eyes either bugging out of their sockets with stunned amazement or half-lidded and fluttering helplessly. She was truly a beautiful mess to behold, and as she worked herself to climax upon climax with the help of Aura's body, he did about the only things of which he was still capable.

He lay there. He moaned in ecstasy as her inner muscles milked and squeezed him, the knotted base of his cock already beginning to swell and threatening to lock them together. And of course, without even trying, he held within him the very purpose of all this. Of her heat, and of her desire to find and secure not just a lover for the night, but as she herself had said... a canid lover.

It was only now, perhaps a tiny little bit late in the game, that Aura realised what had happened all the way back in the bar. Back when he had been lost in the first moments of Holly's heat's potent thrall, and she had asked his name.

He had told her, and then... then she had repeated it back to him.

Aura. But, not just Aura.

Aura, the father of her pups.

Trembling in undeniable bliss as the beautiful, oh so fertile woman above him bounced and writhed in constant orgasmic rapture atop his cock, Aura whimpered in dismay.


He didn't want to have pups. Not yet, and certainly not with this woman he'd just met.

"O-oh god..."

Tugging at his arms, tied tightly to the headboard above him, and trying without success to pull his legs even the slightest bit apart where they were bound together by the ankles, Aura groaned as he felt his knot swelling more and more. Already each time Holly plunged herself down upon it, it entered her with a thick slurp and exited again soon after with a blissful scream as her pussy was stretched and stimulated beyond belief. Soon though, she wouldn't be able to escape it any longer. Yet another tying would occur, this time not just binding him but locking the two of them together. And soon... very soon after that... he would cum.

Aura howled in ecstasy as he began to buck his hips once more, and shook his head in unbearably joyous frustration as upon his member Holly bounced wildly, only to land and clamp down so tightly around him as she climaxed once more that he could feel his knot swelling even faster than before. He couldn't escape of his own accord. He couldn't knock her free from the length of his cock, nor keep her away even if he succeeded for a second or so. It seemed like the only source of hope that remained to him was... to hold back.

To deny the pleasure he was feeling. To fight back every motion she made, every beautiful scream from the husky, every flood of her juices, and the rush of bliss that accompanied each tender, perfectly attuned caress to his cock with the inner walls of Holly's needy pussy.

All he had to do was keep from cumming, until this heat stricken husky was finally and complete sated, or at the very least too physically exhausted to continue.

He could do it.

He had to. For the sake of... well, of not letting his first time with a woman becoming the same day he sired a whole litter of pups, he had to be able to resist.

It was eight hours, roughly speaking, before Holly finally collapsed atop Aura. Before her last, frantic scream of over-stimulated ecstasy trailed off mid-way through, and she slumped limp, trembling, and helplessly giggling down against the bound and feverishly panting wolf.

And it was a grand total of four minutes and twenty two seconds from the moment that Aura promised himself he wasn't going to cum in Holly, to the moment when he came in her for the first of what would be an even dozen times.

With his knot locking them together, his body rising back up to meet each and every one of her urgent, pleading humps as she writhed and squirmed around his thick, engorged knot, Aura had forgotten all about his worries by the time those four minutes and twenty two seconds had passed. He was howling with joyous relief as he pumped his hot seed into Holly. He was grinning with pride and savage, primal delight as she shrieked at the sensation of his cum lashing her clutching inner walls. And even as she continued to sob and howl joyously at the top of her lungs, riding the orgasmic and emotional high of having felt the male let his life-giving seed loose within her fertile body, Aura found himself growling tenderly to the beautiful, pleasure-mad husky.

"Again. A-again. We... we have to be sure. I need to know our babies are growing within your beautiful body. Cum for me, Holly. C-cum... keep cumming, and I swear, I promise you, I'll make you a mom. The first... t-the only mom of my puppies."

By Jeeves