A Colorful Life Story - poetic story

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This is Fane's background story. The dirty version of it. This is also my very first attempt at a story. I've been wanting to write this for awhile. I just couldn't find the confidence until I read Sharp Teeth by Toby Barlow. I gained the confidence to try and I don't think it went too horribly. This might get edited in the future and it will be one of the few works I ever edit if I do. This was written on 6/22/2016.

All characters are mine.

Written by me, Fane Star.

This is a story, very personal to me. It's the history of me and how I came to be. It's a long one, and I'm feel generous, I'll tell you the story behind my conception.

I shall begin with my parents. An odd pair if there ever was such a thing. My mother, so quiet and shy, is a 9 foot dinosaur. A Parasaurolophus, named Minerva, To be specific. She's covered from bill to tail In blues and purples that I wear. Her toes are each a different color, green, pink, yellow, and more. Her eyes are her treasure, emeralds set gracefully in her skin. Deep green with a shine that's prettier than the gem. There was a time when she was happy. A gentle giant full of love. Then she met Rupak. A 6 foot horror. He's my father, a no good fox that bullies all. Using physical strength to harm those That interfere with his wantonness. His face and back are scarred From a fight with an unknown vulpine. His cold eyes are blue, Dark, like the frozen ocean. His right foot is black up to his knee. Rupak's thumb claws are red like blood. Rumored to be from the lives he's taken.

Minerva and Rupak met late one night At a local bar, full of the lonely drunks of Glendale. A small town outside of a major city. It's an eventless place not worth description. Minerva had been sitting alone, drinking, for hours At a table in the corner, contemplating going home. Rupak, who'd been watching the cheerful dino, Finally approached her and offered her a drink. "Just a beer is fine," she replied. He gladly bought them beers and sat with her. He was pleasant, kind, and funny despite his gruff appearance. A few drinks in and she's clearly drunk. "One more and I'll get you a cab. Okay?" Murred Rupak, keeping up his pleasant charm. Little did Minerva know that the last beer Would forever change her life. As he order the last round of drinks, She saw him wink at the giraffe who was bartending. The giraffe kept the beer down low before giving it to Rupak. Not thinking anything of it, she quickly gulped it down. She began to feel tired and dizzy. Rupak smiled, a mischievous, malevolent grin, But it was too late for Minerva As the drugs overwhelmed her body.

As Minerva passes out, Rupak drags her body out of the bar To his dirty, pitiful apartment. A few hours later she wakes on her belly. She panics as she realizes she's tied To the dingy bed in the dimly lit room. The bed creaks loudly under her weight. It seems to call out for Rupak, who materializes in the doorway. "Shh. There's no need to struggle my sweet." Rupak nearly whispers before approaching Minerva. He sits by her head and strokes her crest. "Don't touch me!" She shrieks and attempts to wiggle free. Slap! Rupak's hand smacks her face causing her to be still. "You won't enjoy this and you will stay quiet." Before Minerva could respond, he's between her legs. Knowing it's useless to struggle, she just cries silently as Rupak licks her. His fingers enter her, his claws scratching her walls. She screams as the tears roll down her face. He quickly shuts her up and gags her as she tries to kick him away. "I told you to stay quiet filthy whore." Growled Rupak While he returns between her legs. He relentlessly used his claws in her, forced his knot in her. She can only stay still and sob, wishing it all away. After he finishes in her, he removes her gag. "I'll untie you if you live with me and work for me." Minerva reluctantly agrees and moves in that night. After a week of rape and beatings, she discovers she's pregnant.

Shortly after Minerva lays her eggs, she realizes most of them are dead. Her heart breaks, but this is normal for interspecies couples. At least she has the one survivor, who she protects with her life. The day this egg hatched is the day Rupak nearly beat her to death. "I refuse to take care of that abomination! He's your responsibility." He dumps her off at the hospital and returns to the apartment, Where the 'abomination' snoozes in the make shift nest of pillows. Minerva returns a few days later to find her son starved, But not beaten. Relieved she takes him to the hospital. There he was named. I was named.

Life was beyond miserable for years. Arguments, fights, drugs, and alcohol dominated. My mother never put a harmful claw on me. She tried to take my beatings, but when she wasn't home Rupak was unstoppable. The forever cruel fox. Finally at the age of eight, he left. Out of the blue with no warning he disappeared. I still don't know what happened to him. I can only hope I never do. The following years were horrific. Mom stopped working, stopped leaving the house, And finally stopped getting out of bed. She was torture to watch and I had to find a way to care for us. I began hunting. My old bow and quiver are still in use. I hunted, not for our consumption, we are vegans. Food was never an issue because of this. I hunted for rent, clothes, water, and for medicine. At the age of 12 I became the best hunter in Glendale. A year later I left my mother. I couldn't take that life anymore. I moved into an abandoned shack behind the town's high school. I continued hunting in the forests and I survived. No one knew where I slept at night. I never saw my parents again. Depression and self-harm were at its worst during high school. I was a friendless outcast. My history was no secret. Due to this, I gave myself a last name, Star. I became my own leader and the name fits. That day I became my true self, Fane Star. Things got a little easier after that and I finished high school in solitude.

Leaving school meant leaving town. You reach a point when you're done being alone, purposeless. I left in search for that purpose. I found several mates during this time, they were abusive. None physical, but emotional abuse is just as hard. As time had passed I moved from town to town just to realize That my life kept pointing to college for my next journey. So I settled down temporarily, just until I go to college. Hunting is still my way of life, but it's harder in these places. As you know I've become more social over time. Less of an outcast and more of a friend.

This story is far from over. My daily life adds to it. Future events may turn it upside down. For now, I live a peaceful life with those I love close to me.

Written by: Fane Star

A Colorful Life Story - poetic story

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