Chapter 4- Five Years

Story by KJwulf on SoFurry

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#4 of His Own Path

Finaly! Found a computer to post this damn thing on. This one is a bit long...a result of me haveing like three months to work on it. As usual it pretty no-yiffy untill the end, and there is a long story from here to the bottom of the page...sorry.

The odds of me haveing to change things on this are high, I got tired of waiting for my editor and just posted XD

Warning: This chapter contains sexual acts between two male teenagers, if you are underaged or offended by this, please do not read further.

But you're going to anyway...and its not like I can stop you.


Five years. It's been five long years since the incident with Zack. Kellan was sixteen and in the tenth grade. He was still a diminutive little guy, he was much smaller then all the other furs around him, standing at 5'6 in height and only weighing 140 pounds. He had gotten through seventh through ninth grade with very little problem, he was usually only picked on because of his size; but his friends, especially Dante, stood behind him all the way.

As Kellan matured, he discovered he was gay. He watched painfully as his friends did things with their girlfriends. It was hardest for him to watch Dante; he'd fallen deeply in-love with him. He knew the big wolf would never feel the way he did for him. They were best friends and nothing more, they still hung out and slept over at each others' house, but nothing more. He wanted desperately to tell him his true feeling for him, but he was afraid how he would react, so he kept his muzzle shut.

Brianna moved out of their father's house and into an apartment with her boyfriend Randy. She still took care of Kellan though, she sometimes cooked for him when their father was out of town on business. She was going to engage the fox soon.

Their father was busier than ever now, he had hardly anytime for Kellan. He was only home maybe two or three times a week. He missed all of Kellan's track meets, his son made it on the Varsity track team, and a lot of other father-son functions. He tried to spend as much time as he could with Kellan, but his work kept him occupied. He never stopped his drinking habit either, so the few times he was home, he was either hammered and stumbling around, or passed out on the floor or various other locations; Kellan once found him out-cold in the garage.

Zack was hardly seen after what he did to Kellan, though word never got out of what he did. He hardly ever went to school now, and if he did, it was usually to make trouble. He had some encounters with Kellan, but he never did anything to him, probably because Dante was always around when he was.

One day, mid-fall, Kellan woke up and stared up at his white ceiling. He didn't want to go to school today. It was Wednesday and the school was having a couples dance; which was odd because it was in the middle of the week. He knew he'd be asked by at least ten people who he was going with, and when he would say, ‘no one, I'm not going', they'd tease him for not having a girlfriend to go with. His father wasn't home, so he decided to just skip school for the day. He threw the covers of his bed off of him and stood up; he was wearing his gym shorts and no shirt. He stood in front of his mirror and flexed. He had no visible muscle like Dante and his other friends had. His whole torso was nothing but smooth grey and white fur. He sighed and grabbed a white t-shirt from his dresser and put it on.

The house was completely silent, he walked down the stairs and sat down on the couch. He watched his tail sway side to side between his legs. He grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. He turned to the Military channel since nothing worth watching was on. There was some kind of documentary on the Marines back east.

He felt something when it showed the men. They all were like brothers. For the first time in his life, he saw something he might want to do after high school or maybe even college. He sat in awe and sadness as he watched the documentary for hours, then someone banged on the door.

"Kellan open the door!" It was his sister and she sounded pissed.

"Shit..." He groaned and got up off the couch to walk to the door. He unlocked it and jumped out of the way as it almost hit him. His sister walked in.

"Why aren't you at school?" She growled at him, glaring her teeth, her ears stood straight up. Her tail was also tensed up, it curved near its end, like she was ready to attack.

The younger, and ever-so-slightly taller, wolf ignored the question. "How did you even know I wasn't at school?"

Brianna growled at him for ignoring her question. "You Principal called me." She calmed herself down, taking deep breaths, and letting her ears and tail relax. "Now answer my question, why aren't you at school?"

"There's a stupid dance at school and everyone is just going to want to hang out with their girl friends." He said; his tail in between his legs. "Even Dante." He said under his breath.

"So what? The dance isn't going on during school, you need to go; and Dante isn't your only friend."

"He's the only one I care about." He growled.

"Just because you don't have anyone to go with doesn't mean you can skip school."

"Dante will probably ignore me the whole day." He was getting irritated.

"Why do you care about him and what he does so much?!" Brianna raised her voice, she was getting angry from his stubbornness.

"Because I love him!" His eye's widened. ‘Oh shit.' He thought to himself. He let the truth slip.

"What did you just say?" She didn't sound angry anymore, her voice was softer.

His ears flattened against his head as he turned and walked away and rested his head on a wall and began to cry. "I l-love him." He pounded the wall with his fist.

"Y-you're gay?" She didn't sound as surprised as he thought she would be.

"Y-yes." He fell on his knees. "I don't know why! I can't help it!" His eyes were like rivers now; his tail curled up in its own little ball. "I just...don't feel anything for any girls, I try," He coughed. "B-but I j-just cant."

Brianna never saw her brother fall apart like that. She walked over to him and kneeled beside him and pulled him into her arms. He turned into her and cried onto her chest. "Kellan..."

"You hate me now, don't you?" He sobbed.

Brianna stroked his head and lifted his head up so they were looking eye to eye. "No. I don't hate you. I love you with all my heart; you're my ‘lil bro." She smiled. "I don't care if you're gay." She kissed him on his nose.

"R-really?" He dried the fur beneath his eyes, and perked his ears up slightly.

"Yes." She nuzzled her nose against his. "So, Dante?"

Kellan nodded.

"Hm. You always were close to him. Does he know?"

"No...I'm afraid to tell him. He might leave me, or hate me." Kellan began to cry again.

"Kelly, he's your best friend. He won't leave you. Tell him how you feel about him."

He thought about it. Dante stood by him his entire life, why would he leave him just for saying he liked him? "C-can you take me to school?"

Brianna smiled. "That's what I came here to do." She stood first then helped him up. "Let's go." She led him out the door and to her car. He got in on the passenger side and she got in the drivers seat. They pulled out of the driveway and were off to Kellan's high school.

It was five minutes to lunch, so he went straight to the cafeteria. He got his lunch and sat down where he and his friends always sit, and quickly devoured his food; he'd be too nervous to eat if Dante was there.

The bell rang for forth period to be let out. His tenth and eleventh grade peers began to enter the building. He saw Susan, Dante's girlfriend, a brown wolf, walk in. Dante wasn't with her though. She walked off to a different part of the cafeteria than he was. He looked back and saw Dante and the rest of his group walk in. Dante had his head and ears down, but when he noticed Kellan they perked up and he gained a smile. He walked faster then everyone else to get to him.

"Hey Kellan, I haven't seen you all day!" He sounded extreamly happy and his tail was wagging. "Where've you been?"

"Tried to skip school because of the stupid dance, but Brianna caught me." He chuckled a bit. Dante looked back over at Susan and sighed. "What's up with her?" Kellan asked.

"I dumped her today."

"What?" Kellan's heart jumped. "Why would you do that? You've been going out with her for two years."

"I don't know...I just did." He smiled at him. "It doesn't matter though." He took out a soda and opened it. "Still gonna go to the dance with the guys though." He took a sip.

"Oh." Kellan sighed a little, but then his heart began to beat faster as he thought of what Brianna said. "Dante? Can me in the library after lunch?" It felt like he could hardly catch a breath.

"Yeah sure, what for?" His tail brushed against Kellan's, but he quickly swept it away.

Kellan's ears dropped like they always did when he was scared or nervous about something. "I...want to show you something." He lied; he couldn't say he wanted to talk in front of his other friends, they'd get suspicious.

"Sure no problem."

Kellan smiled faintly and stood up. "See you soon." He said and walked out of the cafeteria to the library. When he got there the library was locked, because the librarian was on vacation. Kellan had a key though, because for his fifth period class, he was a library aid. He unlocked the door and stepped into the large building.

It was dark because the shutters were pulled down, but he turned on a couple of lights, just enough so he could see. He sat up on the checkout counter, which faced the entrance, and waited for Dante. His eyes wandered, the large steel bookshelves were filled everywhere he looked. This was one of his favorite classes, he got to do whatever he wanted, as long as he kept quiet. He could listen to music, text, use the computers, sometimes the librarian even let him roam around the campus.

Ten minutes passed and no one came in. he began to think Dante blew him off, but then he herd the knob turn and the door open.

"Hello?" The tall black furred wolf stepped into the library.

"I'm right here." Kellan waved to get his attention. "Could you, um, could you lock that door please?" His heart and mind were racing now having heard the lock slide into place.

"What's up?" Dante asked, tail still wagging.

Kellan stood up and couldn't find his breath at first. "Dante, I-" He stopped. "I just wanted to-" He stopped again. Dante tilted his head in confusion. "Dante..." He couldn't bring himself to say it, but he had too. "Dante, I'm gay, and you." He finally got out. "I love you...I don't know why, but I love you!" His knees gave out from under him, and he fell on them, crying into his hands. ‘Why am I such a baby?!' He scolded himself.

Dante stood there stunned and somewhat shocked, his tail had stopped wagging. "You're gay and me?" His voice was shaky.

Kellan nodded as he sat on his knees, crying. "I'm sorry Dante." He sobbed.

Dante didn't know what to say or do, so out of confusion, he ran out of the library.

Hearing the other male run out the door and it shut made Kellan's heart drop completely. He fell to his side and curled slightly into a ball. ‘He's...gone.' He cried harder now. ‘Why did you tell him? You're so stupid! Why did you tell him?!' He ranted in his mind. He didn't have the will to get up off the floor, or to do anything for that matter.

The bell rang for 6th period to start, but he didn't budge. He stayed there for the rest of the day, crying until he was too tired to even do that. When the final bell rang, he slowly rose to his feet, and even more slowly walked to the door and off campus to the buses. His body was so sore from lying on its side for the last hour. He found a seat and flopped into it; several people asked if he was ok, he just told them he felt sick.

The bus ride home seemed to take hours. Dante used to ride the bus with him, but ever since his grandfather gave him his old truck, he's driven it to and from school. When it finally stopped at his stop, he picked up his bag and walked off the bus. Everything seemed so much heavier now, even his tail. He dragged himself to his house, then unlocked the front door and stepped in. He went straight to his bed and didn't even take off his clothes; he just crawled under the covers and cried himself to sleep.

The next morning he felt someone nudge him. "Kelly, wake up it's already seven, you have to get to school." It was Brianna again. She pulled the covers off him and saw he was still in the same clothes he wore yesterday. "Why didn't you change?"

Kellan said something so quietly he barely even heard it.

"What? Speak up I can't hear you."

"He hates me..." He whispered.


Kellan got out of his bed and stood firmly in front of her. "He fucking hates me! I told him and he just ran off!" Tears were already rolling down his face.

"Oh Kelly, I'm so sorry." She rubbed his shoulder. "I'm sorry things didn't turn out the way I thought they would."

"I shouldn't have listened to you." He went to his dresser and changed right in front of her, he tried to pretend she wasn't there. ‘If it wasn't for her this wouldn't have happened!' He stormed out of the house and to his bus stop, before Brianna could even say anything to him.

Brianna's ears flattened and she whimpered slightly. "I'm so sorry." She watched as her little brother walked down the sidewalk alone, with his head, ears and tail down, crying into his hand.

The school day went by painfully slow, Kellan couldn't focus on anything he was given to do, and he couldn't care less now. First and second period, he didn't even hear the lessons being taught. He was dreading third period, because he had Dante in that class. The tardy bell rang and Dante never showed for the class, so now Kellan was distracted by his absence instead of his presence. Fourth period was his PE period.

He walked up to his locker and sat on the bench behind him. He was usually the first one in the locker room, so he didn't have to worry about anyone. He grabbed the lock, ‘3...13...36' he turned the dial and thought the numbers as he did. He took off his pants, but didn't grab his shorts, so he sat there in his underwear, still thinking of Dante. Suddenly, he remembered that one night, the first time he saw Dante's cock, he remembered jacking off with him, and how good it felt.

As he remembered that night, his cock began to unsheathe itself and grow stiff; he was brought back to the present by this. He scrambled to put the shorts on, but they didn't really hide anything, they were like any other basketball shorts. Hopefully no one saw him. After a few turn-off thoughts, his cock slipped back into its sheath and he relaxed.

They had to run the mile, which was no problem for him, mostly because he ran track, but his classmates hated it. They all moaned as the teacher blew her whistle to begin. As usual, most started out running, but soon faded into walking. The wolf made short work or the mile, he ran the track four times, equaling a mile, and stopped in front of his teacher.

"Well, you beat your record Wulf, six twenty-three. Great job, I only wish the others were like you." She said. She was a cheetah, so she admired someone who could run.

"Thanks." He huffed. His knees wobbled a bit as he walked to the water fountain. He leaned over and pushed the button, then lapped up the water that came out. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone approach him.

"Hey there."

He turned to see a female orange furred fox. He stopped drinking and wiped his mouth. "Hey." He'd never seen this fox before, she wasn't dressed out and she still had her backpack. "Are you new here?"

The fox giggled and she flicked her tail. "Yeah, my family just moved here. This is my brother's and my first day."

Another orange fox walked up from behind her; Kellan thought he was actually pretty cute, if he wasn't in-love with Dante he probably would have fallen for him. He wasn't very tall, but taller then him, and he was also somewhat muscular. His tail had a black tip, his legs from his knees down and his arms from his elbows to all his hands and his ears were also black. The fur on his lower muzzle down into his shirt was white; Kellan assumed his white fur was just like his, down his upper body and on his arms and down his crotch onto his legs. He had a cute nose and he had light brown eyes.

The male fox walked up next to his sister. "Already made a friend?" He joked with her.

"Hehe. My name is Christa, and this is my brother Alastair."

Kellan stood and saw he was only about an inch or two shorter then Alastair. He put his hand out before them. "I'm Kellan, welcome to Black River High."

First Christa shook his hand, then Alastair. "Thanks." The both said at once, which made them look at each other and laugh. Both their laughs sounded alike, and made Kellan want to laugh just hearing them. "So what's this place like?" Alastair asked.

The wolf sat back down. "Well, as long as you have someone to sit with during lunch you should be fine."

Alastair tilted his head. "Uh, I meant what are the teachers and classes like?"

"Oh, well, let me see your schedule." The male fox pulled a slip of paper out of his back pocket and handed it to him. A quick scan of the paper showed the fox had four classes with Kellan. "You have four classes with me, Language, history, PE, and chemistry." He handed it back to him. "All the good and cool teachers."

A smile appeared on Alastair's muzzle and his fluffy tail wagged behind him. "That's cool." He thought to himself, ‘Wow, my first day here and I've already met somebody.' As he smiled, he noticed the grey wolf seemed sad about something. "Hey, you ok? You look sad."

Kellan blushed and turned away. "Just, a little depressed about something, sorry." His tail dropped and his ears flopped over.

"Oh sorry." His smile disappeared and the curves of his mouth went down. He comforted his old friends, but he just met this wolf and he didn't want to seem weird, but, he had no doubt they would be friends.

The bell rang and Kellan stood up. "See ya later Alastair, Christa." He waved at them then walked off to the locker room, changed, and went to the cafeteria.

Lunch time came and he sat in a corner of the cafeteria instead of his friends' spot. He watched for Dante, but the black wolf never showed up for lunch, but he still didn't join his friends; he did see some of his friends look around, possibly looking for Dante or him.


Kellan flinched. He turned around and saw Alastair, standing with his tray in hands.

"Oh sorry, hehe, didn't mean to sneak up on you." He walked up closer to Kellan. "Mind if I sit with you?"

Kellan shook his head and scooted over to make room for the fox.

"Thanks." Alastair sat down next to him. He tried to make conversation with the wolf, but he didn't seem to hear a word. He nudged his shoulder. "Hey, you ok?"

Kellan rubbed his eyes. "Sorry, I can't really concentrate on anything right now." He played with the food on his tray. He couldn't help but look at the fox next to him. He was about to scoot over to put some distance between him and Alastair, but someone jumped into the spot next to him.

"Hey Kellan!" Someone enthusiastically said.

‘Aw man...not now.' Kellan moaned and turned to face the fur. It was a black and white husky named Rosa Black.

"How are you today?" She smiled and tilted her head. Rosa had the biggest crush on Kellan ever since the seventh grade, and it was no secret to him; she was painfully obvious.

"I'm good." Kellan said without turning to her.

"Jenny told me you were crying when you got off your bus yesterday, something about not feeling good; and that's why you didn't go to the dance."

Kellan had forgotten about Jenny, Rosa's best friend, rode his bus. "Uh, yeah, I just had a really rough day. His ear flopped over.

"Aw, are you feeling better today?" Rosa put her hand on Kellan's shoulder.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks for asking." He got out a weak smile.

"No problem cutie, uh, I mean Kellan!" She blushed and looked away. After a few seconds of an awkward silence, the husky got up and walked away.

Alastair watched as the black and white dog walked out of the cafeteria. He turned to Kellan. "You don't like her?" He asked.

"Uh, no I do. She's great but...I don't know." Kellan starred down at his tray, then pulled out his phone to check the time.

There was only five minutes till the end of lunch, so the wolf stood up and grabbed his tray. "See ya tomorrow Alastair." He waved at the fox with his free hand and dropped the tray in the trash.

"Ok cool. See you later Kellan." The fox waved back.

Kellan walked alone to the library. He opened the door and locked it when he got in. He sat at the desk and pulled out his phone again. He scrolled down his contacts until he found Dante's name. He hesitated at first to push the call button, but he eventually gained the courage to. He held the phone up to his ear and listened to it dial.

"Hey, you've reached Dante's phone, leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can." It was his answering machine.

Kellan waited for the tone to leave a message. "Hey Dante...its Kellan, can you call me back? I want to say I'm sorry about what I said yesterday, I hope I didn't freak you out or anything. I hope you're still my friend." He bit his lip, on the verge of tears. "Just give me a call back when you get a chance, bye." He hung up and cried for a short while. He waited for the next forty minutes for the bell to ring. When it did he walked to his final class, did his work, checked his phone, then left when the bell rang.

He again dragged himself home, tail and ears heavy. When he got to his house the door was unlocked. He turned the knob and poked his head in. His dad was asleep on the recliner, with a beer bottle in his hand.

Kellan sighed and went to the closet and grabbed a blanket. He tossed it over his father and took the bottle from him. His held it up to his nose and took a quick sniff. "Ugh, how does he drink this shit?" He threw it in the garbage then went back to his dad. He bent over and kissed him on the side of his muzzle. "I love you daddy." He whispered.

The teen dragged himself up the stairs and into his bedroom. He undressed down to his underwear and crawled under the sheets of his bed. He looked at his phone one last time and choked up when he still didn't see anything from Dante. He put his phone on the night stand then looked over at his clock. It was only four pm.

Regardless of the time, Kellan shut his eyes and faded into sleep.


"Kellan." Someone nudged his shoulder. "Kellan wake up."

Kellan rolled over and opened his eyes. His dad was hovering over him.

"Time for school." He grabbed his covers and threw them off of him. "You should sleep in shorts or something." He walked out of his bedroom and shut the door.

The grey wolf moaned and looked down at the little bulge in his briefs, then got up out of bed to shower and dress for school. ‘At least it's Friday.' Kellan thought.

Just as the day before, Dante didn't show up for the class he had with Kellan. When gym class rolled around, he walked to the locker room.

He opened his locker and pulled his shirt off, then dropped his shorts.

"Nice tighty whites Wulf." He heard someone say. He knew who it was but he didn't feel like saying anything, he didn't want to get into a whole debate on such a stupid subject.

He sat and talked with Alastair and his sister again for the whole period until the bell rang for lunch. They all sat together at lunch and had a good time with each other.

The bell that ended lunch and started fifth period rang and he walked to the library to isolate himself from everyone once again. He sat in a chair behind a desk and rested his head. Then he remembered he forgot to lock the door, so he got up and just as he was about to grab his key, the door opened, and in stepped the last fur he expected to see.

"Dante?" He said almost excitedly; he couldn't help but wag his tail.

"Kellan?" He walked in and closed the door behind him. "Hey I, um. I don't know how to tell you this." He seemed tense and afraid.

The smaller wolf's heart skipped a beat. ‘Oh no...'

Dante walked closer to him. "I'm sorry I ran off yesterday." He paused. "I got your message." He paused again. "Kellan, I-" He stopped and took a deep breath. "Kellan I li-" He stopped again. "Kellan I love you too!"

Kellan was shocked to hear what he just did. His muzzle almost dropped open. "What?" He breathed; Dante was standing inches way from him now.

It was Dante who started crying now. "I don't know!" He cried onto Kellan's shoulder. "When I was with Susan, I never felt, happy. I always caught myself checking out other guys, and, always you." He hugged Kellan tightly. "I was just scared, I thought it was just because you were my best friend, but now I know, I really love you." They fell to their knees and stayed like that for seconds, but it seemed like minutes, hours.

Kellan couldn't believe it, ‘He's been gay this whole time?' His knees started to hurt, so he fell on his back, dragging Dante with him.

Dante landed on all fours above Kellan; their muzzles where centimeters away from each other, they could feel each other's breath. Dante closed his eyes and pushed his lips against Kellan's. He used his tongue to push at Kellan's lips when he didn't open at first, but soon, he did and they explored the other's mouth. It turned into a big sloppy kiss when their tongues met outside their maws. The taste of the other's saliva drove them on, until Kellan, surprisingly, broke the kiss. Both their tails were wagging fast. He looked up into the black wolf's brown eyes. "I love you, Dante."

"I love you too, Kellan." He smiled and licked his muzzle.

The little wolf underneath him giggled and licked him back.

They lost track of how much time Dante spent laying on Kellan, kissing and licking him. They were in their own world, and they were the only two in it. He put his hands behind Kellan's head and brought him into a deep kiss. He pulled the fur on the back of Kellan's head. Suddenly, the knob on the door began to shake up and down.

"Oh shit." Kellan got out from under Dante. "Hide!"

Dante looked around for a place to hide, but there wasn't a lot of cover. Kellan grabbed him by his arm and lead him under the book check-out counter. He couldn't see what happened next.

"Kellan?" The librarian, Mrs. Right, was home early from her vacation. "Good to see you! Why are you in here?" She was a collie with white and brown fur.

Kellan laughed. "Good to see you too, I was just cleaning this place up for ya."

"Aw, thank you so much honey." She hugged Kellan. "You're my best aid." She walked towards the counter that Dante was hiding under.

"Uh wait! I have to show you something I found on the computer." He pulled her away.

"Ouch, ok you don't have to pull so hard."


Dante's ears pocked out from the counter as he peeked out from the counter; now was his chance to get out of there. He quietly walked to the door, but it was locked, and he knew the lock made a very loud noise when it retracted back into the door. He tried to slowly unlock it, but it made a loud screeching noise.

"What was that?" Mrs. Right turned around and saw Dante standing still, knowing he'd been caught. "Dante! Haven't seen you in here in a while." Her eyes narrowed. "Wait, what are you doing in here?"

"Uh, helping Kellan clean this place up, it's a little big for one wolf to do himself, right?" He didn't sound anywhere near convincing.

She looked back at Kellan, who was nervously playing with his tail. "Kellan, you're scared about something, I can hear your heart beating from here." She again looked back at Dante. "You know, in my years as a librarian, sitting behind that desk watching people, I gained the ability to see people's emotions and feelings," She paused. "Kellan I've never even seen you talk to a girl." She paused to see his reaction, which was fear and surprise. "You're gay aren't you?" She turned to Dante. "And you are too, aren't you?"

Dante was shocked and scared at her perception of them.

"Please don't tell our parents!" Kellan blurted out before Dante could say anything, he knew it was helpless lying to her; she was like a living lie detector.

"Ah, so you are? Don't worry, I won't tell."

"We are, we've known each other for the longest time." Dante said, his ears folded back as a result of being scared.

"Well," She walked over to Kellan and put her arm around his shoulder. "You should be able to be with the one you truly love, no matter species, or gender." She shook her head towards Dante, then looked at her watch. "Oppes, fifth period is almost over, Dante let me write you up a pass so your teacher doesn't think you were ditching." She walked over to the counter and got a slip of paper and wrote something on it. "Here you go." She handed it to Dante.

"Thanks a lot Mrs. Right." He bowed his head slightly, and then took off out the door.

She turned to Kellan. "You two didn't do anything in my library did you?"

"Woah what? No! I'd- we'd, we don't even, I mean..."

The collie laughed and waved her hand to dismiss the conversation. "I was just kidding."

Kellan paced back and forth, waiting for the bell to ring.

"Oh just go ahead." Mrs. Right pointed at the door.

Kellan smiled and thanked her, then walked to his sixth period class. It was the second class he had with Dante, the first being algebra II and he sat right next to him. The subject was history though, the teacher was cool, but the lessons were boring as hell.

The bell rang and furs left their fifth period classes to go to their sixth. Kellan waited outside his class for Dante. He arrived shortly and they walked in together to their seats.

Once the bell rang the teacher stood up to take roll. "Sarah Renée Ann." The teacher, Mr. Frank, called people by their full names when taking roll, mostly because it made everyone laugh if there was a long or unusual name, which they had. He went through the list of names. "Dante Martin Wilkins."

"Here." He raised his hand.

"Ok...Kellan James Wulf."

Kellan raised his hand. "Here."

"Everyone's here, good. Take out your text books and read section 13-4." Mr. Frank was a short, but taller then Kellan, otter. He was in the Navy and sometimes took up the whole class period talking about things that others brought up in class; which was better then work.

Kellan took out his book and started to read, but he couldn't stop looking at the beautiful wolf next to him, and vise-versa. The entire class wasn't talking doing their work, but talking about the dance. One of Kellan's friends turned around in his seat to face them.

"So, how was the dance?" He asked.

"I didn't go." They both said at once, which made them look at each other and smile.

"Ah man, frigin no one I know went." He turned back around.

The class period surprisingly went by really fast. When the bell rang, everyone got up and headed to their cars or the buses. Kellan followed Dante to his truck. "Can you drive me home?" he asked.

"Hehe, sure." Dante smiled and started the engine.

They drove off the campus and straight to Kellan's house.

When they got there Kellan didn't exit right way. He turned to Dante. "So, we're like...together now, right?"

"Like a couple?" He giggled. "Yeah, I guess so."

Kellan felt a warmness fill his heart. "Do you, um, do you want to stay here tonight?"

"I was actually hoping you'd ask." He turned the truck off and got out with Kellan. He waited as Kellan unlocked the front door, then stepped in. "Hey." He tapped Kellan's shoulder. "Do you...wanna dance?" He sounded hopeful.

Kellan's ears flattened and a shy smile appeared on his muzzle. "Dance?"

"Yeah, I mean, we both missed out on the school dance yesterday."

Kellan couldn't believe this was actually happening; he ran and got a CD, and stuck it into the stereo system. A slow paced, quiet, dance song started playing. He walked up to Dante and grabbed his hands. He let the larger wolf lead, and they slow-danced together. Kellan was so happy he could hardly contain himself. He hugged Dante close to him; this was the best day of his life.

After about six songs, Dante stopped and turned off the music. "I don't suppose you have anything to eat here do you?"

The grey wolf smiled. "I could make us something." His tail was wagging behind him. "Spaghetti alright?"

"Mmm." Dante loved spaghetti, and Kellan knew it. "Sure, that's great."

Kellan walked into the kitchen and searched through the cupboards for the ingredients. When he had them all he got the pot and pan he needed and started the stove. "It'll be about twenty minutes." He yelled into the living room.

"Ok, thanks so much Kelly." The black wolf said as he poked his head into the kitchen. He backed out back into the living room and looked upstairs. He walked up the stairs and into Kellan's room; he hadn't been in there for quite some time.

The room was slightly messy, as it always had been. Dante walked over to Kellan's drawers and pulled out a shirt. ‘He's really this small?' He asked himself as he looked the shirt over. He put it back and pulled out a pair of pants and held them up to his leg. ‘Hm.' He again put the piece of clothing back and opened the top drawer. It was full of different colored underwear.

Dante grinned and picked up a pair of underwear, a pair of blue briefs. A closer examination of the drawer showed that Kellan didn't even own a pair of boxers, a few pairs of boxer-briefs, but most were briefs. Dante giggled as he envisioned Kellan wearing a couple he found.

"It's ready!" Kellan yelled from downstairs.

Dante put everything back and headed back downstairs and into the kitchen. There was a big steaming pot on the stove and two plates next to it. He and Kellan put what they wanted on their plates and walked over to the table. They sat across from each other and began to eat.

"This is delicious Kelly." Dante said as his tail wagged.

Kellan's ears folded back as he smiled shyly. "Thank you." He day-dreamily watched as Dante ate the meal he made for him and couldn't get over how attractive he was.

They both finished eating and walked into the living room. Dante flopped down onto the couch, and Kellan sat next to him and cuddled up against him. They tried to watch a movie, but they couldn't get off of each other. Kellan wanted to cuddle, as did Dante, but he also wanted to kiss.

Dante looked up at the grey wolf as he sat on him and smiled. "Let's go upstairs."

Kellan was almost positive he knew what Dante wanted to do, because he wanted it too, for the longest time he's wanted it. He walked upstairs with Dante and into his room. They shut the door behind them. Kellan turned to say something, but Dante playfully pushed him on his bed, then crawled over him.

"Want to?" He asked nuzzling his Kellan's nose with his own.

"Y-yeah." He was both excited and nervous. He lifted his head up and kissed Dante.

"Hehe, ok." He ran a hand up Kellan's shirt and rubbed his furry belly and chest.

Kellan murred happily and Dante's hand moved from his torso, to his pant's zipper. He undid the button and unzipped them, then slowly tugged them off. Kellan lifted his waist so he could get them off.

Neither of them had seen the other in anything less than their pants in such a long time, so Dante smiled when he saw Kellan in his white briefs. He pulled Kellan's shirt over his head, leavening him only wearing the briefs. He leaned and crawled back to examine Kellan's, almost feminine, physique, he looked irresistible to him. After he had the image of the wolf in his briefs saved in his mind, he grabbed the waistband of the underwear and slowly pulled them off.

‘Aw...he's so cute' He giggled. Kellan's three inch sheath was exposed to the room's cool air. His tip was already poking out from it. "Hehe, you're so small." Dante lowered his head and licked the fuzzy object, and took in a deep sniff of it.

Kellan squirmed and murred softly in delight as the Dante's tongue worked over his sensitive area. He felt his cock unsheathe itself further.

When Kellan was fully erect, at his small four inches, Dante stripped himself naked, and crawled back over Kellan. His crotch was directly above Kellan's, and they were both surprised at the sight. Dante's member was only half way out and was already longer then Kellan's, his balls were also bigger.

Kellan blushed as he looked down at the black wolf's pink organ. He always thought his were average size, which it was, only slightly smaller. Dante's was just larger then average. He looked at his diminutive four inch cock. "Yours is so much bigger..." He said.

"Yeah, but yours is so cute." He licked his chest.

Kellan wanted to see Dante's full length, so he reached up and pawed Dante off.

"Ohh...that feels good." He said. His member quickly came out, but the knot didn't.

Kellan was amazed at how much longer it was compared to his. It was at least two times bigger than his, like eight or even nine inches. He wanted to feel what it would be like to have it inside of him. "Dante...I want you in me."

He flopped over on his back next to Kellan. "Sure, if you want..." He sat up on the edge of the bed and rested his back against the wall, waiting for Kellan to assume his position.

Kellan rested his upper body on the bed and lifted and swayed his rump, then looked back at Dante, who seemed to be enjoying the sight of Kellan's tail-hole. From Kellan's breathing, Dante could tell he was nervous, meaning he was probably tense as well. "Hey now, you gotta relax, I don't want to hurt my puppy." He began to massage Kellan's anus.

"Mmm, oh that feels so good." Kellan moaned, feeling his muscles relax.

As Kellan eased more, Dante had to see if he could really receive him, so he inserted his index finger into his anus. It didn't bother the other wolf at all, so he inserted another, still, he moaned in pleasure. Kellan groaned as he inserted a third and final finger. Deciding Kellan was ready; he got down with him and aligned his cock with the smaller wolf's white furry asshole. Kellan murred loudly as he felt Dante's thick tip rest on his ring of muscle. Grabbing his hips, Dante slowly pushed into him.

"Agh...ow ow ooww!" He whimpered in pain as his virgin tail hole was pushed into.

Dante didn't want to hurt his, now, boyfriend, but it was going to hurt at first. He stopped pushing. "Are you ok Kelly?"

At first the pain from having the thick cock inside him was almost unbearable, so Kellan didn't say anything, but soon, after his whimpering, he said something. "Yeah. Keep going." He moaned as Dante got deeper and deeper and brushed against his prostate as he did, pleasure replaced the pain. "Agh...its, so big." He panted. "But it feels sooo good." He murred; Dante's full nine inches were now inside of him, it didn't even feel like his or Dante's fingers. He'd gotten into the habit of fingering his anus when he jacked off, and always kept the image of Dante, naked on his bed, jacking off, back when they were cubs in his mind.

The sensations Dante was feeling were incredible, he let his cock rest inside Kellan's anal passage, letting them both get used to the feeling, before he began to pull out of the tight entrance. Almost out, he pushed back in. "Ohh...fuck this feels so good." He commented, now moving into a steady rhythm with his thrusts.

Kellan moaned. He'd imagined and fantasized about this moment for the longest time, he couldn't believe it was actually happening. Mixed yips of pleasure and pain began to escape his muzzle each time Dante pushed fully in. His tail flicked up in the air and brushed against Dante's face.

"Hehe, hey now, watch it." He rested on Kellan's back and playfully nibbled on his neck and ears. His large sac bumped into the smaller white one with every motion. He reached down and felt Kellan's rock-hard member, and decided to give it some attention. He slowly stroked it, making Kellan gasp from the new feeling.

"Oh Dante!" He yowled. "Oh...." He yipped happily. "Ugh," He grunted. He gave himself completely to Dante, wanting him to continue fucking him with his large, thick, cock.

Dante liked how Kellan was so willing and wanting to receive him; his submissevness. He felt Kellan's member drip with pre cum as he continued jacking him off, he also felt his climax approaching. "I can't last much longer pup."

The grey wolf felt the dominant wolf's knot form, and it begin pushing at his already stuffed tail-hole. He howled in ecstasy as he just began to cum.

Dante couldn't hold it anymore; he released his load into Kellan with a final buck of his hips. He also shoved his knot in, stretching his anus further. Kellan's tight ring of muscle clamped down on the other side of it, tying them together.

Kellan yelped as he felt Dante stretch his entrance further, but then murred as he felt the warm cum, and knot, fill his insides. He came all over the side of his bed.

Dante had the most powerful orgasm he'd ever had inside Kellan, filling him with more cum then he thought he could produce in one go. "I'm not going to be able to get out of you for a while, we're tied together until then." He sat down, bringing Kellan with him, then laid back on the floor. The other wolf boy laughed weakly.

"More time with you in me then." He laid back on Dante and closed his eyes; this really was the best day of his life. "Dante...I love you." He loved saying that to him.

Dante closed his eyes too, they were going to be like this for a while so he rolled them over onto their sides and hugged Kellan. "I love you too Kelly." He licked the back of his ears. "And it's your turn next time." He giggled.

‘I wouldn't have wanted to end this day any other way.' Kellan thought to himself. He was extreamly tired, so even with Dante's large dick inside him, he faded into the dreamland.