The Mourning After - Aceh & Reece

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#12 of Malakye's Story - Part 3 (The Mourning After)

So this is a follow up of the events in Chapter 11, picking up immediately from where we left off at the end, where Aceh shows Reece just how pleasurable sex can be, He's got a lot to teach the young drake but is going to take it slow.

"Stand up." I said in a tone that was quite a command but left no doubts as to the fact I expected him to do it. "Good." I purred as he obeyed.

I would make sure Reece knew of the pleasure that two males could share with one another. And first I would build up his anticipation until he begged me for release. I slowly began to strip him of the thin white fabric that made up the dojo uniform. First pulling the tunic from him, easily done with the design for it to fit around the dragons wings. I leaned in close and inhaled his scent. The heavy scent of the exertion of the days training hung to him delightfully. I ran my rough tongue up his chest into the nape of his neck which made him gasp in delight.

I ran my paws across his belly, feeling the hardness of the muscle beneath his scales. He was still a little thin, but he was healthy and the muscles visible to the naked eye. I felt him quiver at my touch and could smell his arousal growing with each passing second. A quick glance dawn at his crotch showed me the bulge in the white pants he wore confirmed what my nose had told me. I grinned and a slow, heavy purr vibrated in my throat as my right paw trailed down his stomach and slipped beneath the waist band of his pants.

He gasped as my paw neared his crotch but I didn't touch him there. Not yet.

"Lie down on the bed." I rumbled lustfully.

I grinned as he did as he was told. As he sat down I pushed him down onto his back and leaned over him. I stared him in the eye and I could see the nervous excitement he was feeling. I leaned down and kissed him. The kiss was awkward, his inexperience obvious, but after a few moments of hesitation he began to kiss me back with eagerness; making up for his inexperience with enthusiasm.

I lay atop him as we kissed, treating him not as a conquest but a lover. Reece deserved as much. A kiss is the most intimate of acts that I knew, something not given away lightly. His paws began to roam my body, slipping between the black fabric I wore and eagerly explored my body.

Our kiss only stopped when we were both panting and desperate for air. As he recovered I quickly shed my own tunic, casting it to the floor carelessly before pressing my body back against his. I could feel his arousal pressed against my thigh, and I'm sure he could feel mine; both of them still confined within our pants. I wondered silently how long it would take before he reached his limit just from this, before he could no longer resist spilling his seed.

"You're so soft." He muttered softly, his paws still pressed into my sides.

Of course I hadn't realised how much my fur would affect him, but then of course Zangarians aren't used to having partners with fur. So he liked my fur, then I would let him enjoy it to the fullest. I rolled over onto my back and lay down, putting my paws behind my head and relaxed.

"Have fun." I purred.

It only took a couple of seconds for him to realise what I meant. He clambered atop of me, shoving his snout into my chest and inhaled deeply, his paws pressed firmly into my fur as the felt the softness of it, running his paws through it as if it was the most fascinating thing that he had ever encountered. I would let him explore and have his fun,

I purred a little louder as he found my nipples and lapped at them with his tongue and rubbed them gently with his paws. Very nice. He seemed to like my nipples but eventually he began to move lower and lower, until he was sitting between my legs on the floor, staring at my bulge straining with in the confines of my pants. He stared at it nervously, apparently scared to take the next step he wanted to.

"Go on." I purred. "I know you want to."

Tentatively he reached up, as if he was afraid it would burn him, hooked his paws into the waistband of my pants and began to pull them down. I reached down and undid the button over my tail and raised my rump to allow them to slip off easily. He pulled them do around my knees and stopped. He stared at my arousal, standing proudly and throbbing in need. I could smell the musk of my own arousal strongly now, I could only imagine how strong it was at the source as Reece pressed his snout to it and inhaled deeply.

I just lay back and purred loudly as Reece explored my cock with his paws and his tongue. As inexperienced as he was he was certainly making me feel good right now. His youthful enthusiasm made it seem like he was worshipping my cock like a deity of some kind. He trailed his tongue up and down my cock, teasing the sensitive barbs at its tip, his paws rubbed and caressed me with care and determination.

"Yesss....." I hissed as I felt him take me into his maw. The wet warmth was sublime, but I could feel him struggle with my girth. "Easy now." I said placing my paw atop his head. "Don't push yourself." He made a noise of confirmation and continued.

He was certainly enjoying himself, and was doing pretty well in pleasuring me. I could smell his own arousal over my own, a subtle spiciness that was not my own. He was ignoring his own pleasure, or at least was so enthralled with my cock that he had forgotten his own. Well I would fix that.

I lifted my foot-paw up and pressed into where I expected his crotch was. He let out a cute gasp round my cock as I pressed against his erection which was still confined within his pants. I smirked and began to rub it as best I could in this awkward position. I felt his cock pulse beneath my foot-paw, he pulled off my cock with a loud gasp and his entire body shuddered under the sensation of an intense climax. I could feel the warm stickiness against my foot-paw as his seed soiled the thin fabric of the pants he still wore.

"Ma... Aceh." He corrected himself, a little breathless from his orgasm moments ago. "That..."

"I know Reece." I said and sat up, cupped his chin with my paw and angled his muzzle upwards to meet mine in a kiss. "Come up onto the bed."

He nodded and eagerly complied, climbing on the bed on all fours. I pushed him onto his back and immediately set about stripping him of his soiled pants, a large wet stain graced the front of the white dojo pants. I cast them aside and positioned my muzzle over his crotch. His cock was still half hard, and his hairless crotch was covered in his own seed. I set about cleaning him with my tongue, enjoying his gasps and moans as my tongue ran over his sensitive flesh, licking up his salty seed.

By the time I had cleaned him he was already hard again, but extremely sensitive. His breathing was ragged as he tried to control himself due to his sensitivity. I could tease him longer, but that could be as unpleasant as it could be fun but I don't know what side of that line he would fall on yet, but since I want this to be a good experience I won't push it.

I sat on my knees straddling his waist and thrust my crotch towards him.

"I think it's my turn now." I rumbled throatily, enjoying the wide eyed stare he was giving my cock.

I was pleased when he smiled and leant up to suckle on my length. I murred as he worked my length, suckling on my barbed head while his paws stroked the rest of my length. He was good, if a unrefined in his technique. I could certainly teach him how to please a male, but perhaps I should get Cody to give him a few lessons on pleasing 'larger' males like myself.

After a few minutes I could already feel myself approaching climax. Normally I would hold back, drag it out, but Reece was already tired and he had been working hard for this. I wouldn't hold back his reward.

"I'm going to cum!" I warned him.

A few seconds later I came, growling in pleasure I squirted the first stream of my cum into Reece's maw. He released my cock after the second stream, coughing and choking on it as the rest of my load sprayed over his muzzle, chest and shoulders. I felt a warm wetness on my rump and looking behind me I saw that Reece had cum again. That would be awkward to clean if I allowed it to dry. I felt myself smirk as the idea of having Reece clean me with his tongue entered my mind. However the young adolescent drake looked exhausted and just about ready to pass out. I'd let him rest a bit before getting him to clean me. The best part of having such a young partner was they recharged fast.

I began to clean Reece with my tongue as he struggled to remain conscious. His eyes nothing more than mere slits as he tried to remain awake.

"A... ceh...." He mumbled sleepily as I finished cleaning the worst of the cum off him.

"Rest now Reece." I said cupping his muzzle gently with my paw.

I leaned down and kissed him gently, and for a moment I felt him kiss me back but as I pulled away I saw that Reece had already fallen asleep. I chuckled quietly to myself and just stared at him. He looked so peaceful and innocent. And he was quickly becoming more than just a student to me. It had been so long since I had felt this way about anyone... not since Doma... not even with Cody, Eric, Jason, Michael or Malakye. I loved them as family but not like this.

If I was lucky perhaps Reece would return my feelings. But if he doesn't I would try not to hold it against him. He was young, perhaps too young to understand such feelings. Barely into his adolescence... but perhaps maybe just maybe...

In either case I would treasure the time we have together.

I settled down next to Reece, pressing myself against him gently so as not to wake him and closed my eyes. I would take this slowly, taking it as far as Reece wanted to take it. Was I hoping for too much hoping that he would love me, love me as I felt myself already falling in love with him?

Only time would tell.