Goddamn Keys II

Story by Tigh on SoFurry

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#2 of Goddamn Keys

More for you! I'm in college and stuff, so time is premium. I'll try and post these as often as possible. Comments fuel me, like any other internet-dweller.


Chapter 2

Mrs. Rohoada was in no mood for anything but her folding chair and a glass of peach iced tea. She sipped with one paw and began rubbing the feeling back into her hip joint with the other. Already today the old raccoon had a flower pot stolen from her shop and more than one complaint about the new water enriching powder she had accidentally ordered. Of course she used the cheaper supplier this monthâ€"for the fact that her business was performing in the redâ€"and there was a fairly strong no-return policy in place.

She loved her little shop, which was passed down from paw to paw in a line of florists that went back well over a century. But what had once been a location in the center of the business district had slowly been pushed farther and farther to the periphery. Now there were only those who parked in the eyesore of a lot next to her business and walked right past. But for all her complaints, the slow days were easier on her bones, if heavier on her wallet.

Stretching her ankles Mrs. Rohoada blew hot breath into the iced glass, causing it to fog over the same way she had enjoyed since childhood. Through the receding fog line she saw a blob of orange and brown zip by so close she almost splattered the drink all over her blouse. "Hey, watch it!" she called, rattling her fist at the young men who were already turning the corner to the parking lot. Really, the wolf was dragging the little fox like a sack of potatoes.

"What's their hurry?" she grumbled, easing back into her chair. A moment went by and she suddenly popped up from the chair; the orange fur of the fox had triggered her memory of the chore she'd been forgetting to complete all morning. "Damn it all, the tiger lilies haven't been potted!" She let out a low growl and stalked off to the greenhouse that was attached to the back of her building. She would use the side path around the building, of course, as it was faster.

Mr. Rohoada didn't have a clue how well she'd regret choosing the side path.

A blue car shook slightly where all the rest were still. Pausing to squint mid-stride, she breathed, "You've got to be..."


Wren moaned from deep in his chest, but the sound was lost to the kiss. He couldn't remember the last time a hot touch had brought a moan from him without him damn well supplying it. A paw slid over his thigh to rest on his hip bone. He loved being pressed underneath, well, anything, especially a willing body with lips and tongue plugged into his own. He was being grilled into the sun-baked leather seats an inch deep, Reyan's knee, which was planted under his crotch the only object keeping him from sliding into a suffocating position.

"Gods, Wren," the wolf growled, biting, "you tasteâ€"you smellâ€"so fucking..." The wolf breathed deep the scent of musk and sweat and city and growled deeper, jamming the fox into the door as he replaced his knee with a paw, suddenly masturbating the mound of pink flesh that grew from his submissive partner's pure white sheath. The fox licked up at anything his tongue would reach, lapping the wolf's nose and face appreciatively. Reyan's large paw tossed the whole package off, wildly stimulating the whole area so private to the unsexed fox.

With a reach in edgewise, Wren curled one paw around the already dripping member in front of him and grabbed the wolf's ass with the other, vying for a deeper kiss than before. He tugged with the same timing as the wolf and then got naughtier. Reyan practically howled as his tail was pulled just as the soft, leathery paw jacked his dick with a tight grip. The larger creature forgot what he was doing and simply humped back and forth into the touches on either end of his most sensitive parts... it was so... where was it?

"Reyan!" the fox yipped.

There was a sharp rap on the window.

Wren shoved his partner on his back and fell atop him, as if his stature would be enough of a modest blanket against the angry stare searing right throughâ€"and probably magnified byâ€"the glass. Reyan caught on and made the appropriate noise to go with the phrase, "seriously?"

Gingerly, Wren rolled down the window a crack. With nothing fitting to say, the tried, "Err, can we help you?"

The old raccoon bristled, apparently knocked out of a reverie of violence by his question. "Well yes you very well can help me, young man. You two bastards almost knocked me over in front of my own shop and I turn the corner to tend to flowers and thisâ€"thisâ€""

"Fornication? Fucking in your parking lot?" Reyan wasn't so diplomatic.

"Yes! I mean, no!" Mrs. Rohoada blushed, despite herself. She could smell the sex wafting from the car window. "That's not what I was going to say at all. This is just notâ€"decent! You should show a little more respect for public places!"

Reyan pulled himself up to a sitting position, erection still flopping from his sheath. "Yeah? And you should mind your own business, lady. You're standing, so we didn't knock you about too much or you'd have an old, broken hip. And this isn't your parking lot so go back to your flowers, yeah?"

Mrs. Rohoada's lips pursed tighter than a virgin hole and her eyes took on the same fire as her alcoholic father's. "I'll have you know, wolf that my family has been in this very spot long before your kind was even allowed in this country!" She spread her arms wide. "This parking lot you're so lovingly fucking in used to be the greatest garden within the city limits andâ€"well as long as I'm living here it will not be reduced to some..." she appraised the fox, seeming to scan his gender so poignantly. "...some dirty hook-up spot."

Reyan's eyes narrowed as he translated ‘dirty' into ‘faggot'. In a split second the door was unlatched and he stood well over the hunching, elderly figure. "Go on," he treated, "say what you really mean." This caused Mrs. Rohoada to frown, not fully understanding what she had implied. "Tell us what's really bothering you, how ‘bout it, hmm?" She took a step back at the dangerously low tone he took.

Reyan wasn't going to let her answer, anyway. "You're some washed up old hag with a failing business, is that right?" Wren grabbed at the wolf's wrist from behind, sensing where this was about to go. "And all you have left is to watch everyone go by and feel sorry for yourself."

"Reyan, hey. You don't have toâ€""

"And every once in a while you get to inject yourself into someone's life like an old, dying poison, bringing the whole world into old age along with you." His voice was nothing of the smooth silk it had been to Wren's ears just five minutes earlier. Wren was ready to pull him back with some force, but it was too late."Pathetic. You just can't stand the fact that no one will remember you, lady. I'm a wolf and a faggot, thank you. At least you had the guts to call me one of those things."

The old raccoon was an icicle. It wasn't fear that bit into her. Her eyes blurred over and as fast as her nimble legs could go, she retreated into her greenhouse before the first sob escaped.

Wren closed his jaw, which had been open pretty damn wide. "Harsh, Reyan. Real harsh."

"I..." The wolf slumped against the side of the car, suddenly embarrassed in front of his new love interest, maybe guilty. "My... temper isn't the best. Or my filter. Sorry." He half-smiled. He took a moment and then added, "Guess you don't wanna finish, do you?"

Reyan felt a hug from behind and a head swishing back and forth, ‘no'. "Not here, at least." And a moment later, "We need to come back soon and apologize." Small paws rubbed circles around his chest, which had an instant calming affect. "You know, she never actually called us faggots, Reyan. And you can't fault the old for how they were raised."

The wolf leaned into the touch briefly before moving to start the car and leave the scene. "Guess I didn't have the privilege of having such a nice opinion, not where I came from." He looked down, knowing he might be opening up too soon by explaining himself. But somehow he already felt comfortable enough in the fox's presence to allude to such things. "Assumption is half of why I'm still here." Reyan didn't look up as he brought the car to life, but he knew there was a nod.

"So where's your car parked, Wren?"

"Company lot down the street." The fox took on a decent, moral expression. "You know... they let us keep our cars there overnight." The wolf's almost completely sheathed erection twitched.

"Oh yeah?"