A New Love Blossoms

Story by Mnementh on SoFurry

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A New Love Blossoms

By Nemmy


This story is part of a trade I did with Zyleeth for her and her new mate.

May you two share many wonderful years together ^_^


Zyleeth busied herself about her den, tidying up and laying down extra bits of foliage to almost double her nest in size. I'm finally going to do it, finally going to ask him to come spend the night here! She hummed lightly in response to her thoughts, thoroughly excited and eager to see how the day's events would unfold.

Back and forth she scurried all throughout her den, continuing to hum in a rather cheerful tone. To an outsider her den would have that rich aroma of a florist's shop, very heavy in the air but quite pleasant. And that was due to the fact that Zyleeth was part of a rather unique breed of western dragons, a flower dragoness. An array of petals covered her body instead of scales, predominantly white along her back, flank and belly. Peach colored petals adorned her chest with yellow petals marking the border between them and the white ones. Bright green eyes flashed about as she looked over her den, the tip of her tail, covered with lilacs, flicking about as she held it rather high in the air. Each of her legs had a ‘sock' of pink petals and a frill of large, pink petals ran down the back of her neck and atop her tail.

With a satisfied snort, Zyleeth trotted out of her den and headed towards the nearest puddle of water on the ground. She peered at her reflection, tilting her head this way and that, checking for any imperfections. As it turns out, dragons are rather vain creatures. Noticing a bit of grime, likely from the rebuilding of her nest, she dipped her left paw into the water and then rubbed it along her muzzle, her claws weaving between the three little spikes at the tip of nose. She took a big drink of water once done grooming, drying the puddle up, leaving just a wet stain on the rocks as the only evidence that it had once been there. Satisfied, and with a lick of her chops to dry off any water, she set off on her way throughout the forest.

The cause of her excitement was actually an intruder to her territory. A few weeks earlier, a male dragon had come into her life, instantly warming and winning over her heart though she was doing her best not to appear too smitten. His name was Mizehra and he hailed from the northlands, quite far from where Zyleeth claimed her territory. It was a stroke of luck that they met at all; apparently they had both been hunting some poor human whom was delivering Domino's pasta bread bowls. Mizehra had been the one to silently swoop down and pluck him up while Zyleeth had been stalking in the bushes. She had chased him, bellowing in challenge and ready to fight him for her meal.

But Zyleeth could never have guessed how events would end up unfolding. Instead of acting like your average male, Mizehra actually offered to split the bounty with her. He had let the human drop into a lake, not from too high, of course, after taking the food from him. And together the two dragons landed on the far shore, sharing their first of what would be many meals together under the moonlit sky.

Since that moment they have been hunting together, growing closer and closer as the days wore on. He was everything she could ever imagine having in a mate and she could tell how much he wanted to be more than just hunting companions with her. But the poor beast was rather shy so Zyleeth was hoping to maybe kick-start a little passion this evening. She grinned toothily as she imagined she wouldn't complain if things went even well beyond passion. It had been far too long since another male had properly mated with her and she could already feel her loins aching at the thought of making love to the red dragon.

With a low growl to herself, Zyleeth shook her head as if trying to physically make the images drop from her mind. The last thing she wanted to do was to appear desperate to him, she still held her draconic pride, of course. But I certainly won't make it difficult on him if he goes for it she thought to herself with a soft hiss of a chuckle.

A loud bellow suddenly echoed throughout the air as Mizehra announced his presence. She couldn't help but continue laughing a bit longer, how typical it was of him to make his appearance when she had just been entertaining unwholesome thoughts. Once she recovered, Zyleeth lifted her head up and roared in response so that he knew where to find her. His form blotted out the sun, briefly casting his shadow over her while he circled down and landed in a clearing nearby.

"Hi Meezay!" she shouted, walking over to greet him with a warm nuzzle against his shoulder.

He returned the gesture, nuzzling lightly against the back of her neck, the warmth of his breath making some of her petals stand up on end, both dragons purring to each other. "Hello Zy," he smiled, pulling his head back up. "I hope the day finds you well."

She gave a slight bob of her head in response, smiling back up at him and gazing into his own green eyes. Mizehra was pretty much entirely red though his body was covered with thicker plates that were a deeper crimson color along his back, belly, and on the front of each of his legs. He also had a few silver plates covering the top of his snout from behind his nostrils, stopping at his eye ridge. Two brown horns curved up from the back of his head and a series of black spines ran along the top of his head and down his neck. His eyes, too, were a deep green and the two dragons seemed to lose themselves in each other's gaze for a moment.

The sound of Zy's stomach growling ruined their reverie and the dragons shared a laugh together, their tails mingling a bit while they swayed about. "Well I'm hungry Meezay, let's go pick up our dinner!"

He rumbled in acknowledgement and they walked off together throughout the woods, sharing some more stories of their lives with each other. Neither one of them could get their fill of the other, the two carrying on all along the walk, wings flaring and tails flicking when they were coming to a point on a topic.

They arrived at a small clearing not far from the edge of the woods. Sitting down and slightly leaning on each other they waited, the only noise that of the birds yelling at them and their stomachs growling back in response. "He's late, ugh.." Zyleeth growled.

The sound of a stick breaking caught their attention and both snouts spun to face the noise. That same delivery boy whose capture had brought them together was making his way tentatively through the woods, carrying a box full of food. His eyes went wide when he saw them and he almost tripped over some roots. He managed to catch himself on the trunk of a tree but both dragons growled at his clumsiness nonetheless.

When he had managed his way out of the lake that first night, they stopped him and struck a deal with him. He was to deliver a few pasta bowls each as well as a couple of lava cakes every week. If he didn't, Zyleeth and Meezay had threatened to take a collective dump on his fancy sports car. So far he had been true to his word but he always acted like a timid mouse, trembling and floundering about as if they would suddenly change their minds and eat him instead.

"G... good dragons..." he stuttered. Zy and Meezay looked at each other and rolled their eyes. The smell of the food was flooding the air around them and their hunger pangs were practically shaking the ground. The delivery boy hastily emptied the contents of the box and ran off back to his car, his tires screeching as he sped away.

They quickly forgot about him anyways as they pounced the food, making quick haste to divide it out before burying their snouts into the pasta. Meezay ended up pushing his bowl closer to Zyleeth's in his eager consumption, their muzzles brushing against each other, cheek to cheek. Meezay lifted his head up with a surprised snort, his red scales hiding the blush that was forming on his cheeks.

"Umm, sorry about that.." he stammered, his eyes looking off to the side.

"For what, you silly dragon?" Zyleeth was grinning back up at him, enjoying his moment of embarrassment. She giggled as her tail happily swished along the ground. "I thought you were trying to be romantic for a moment there," she teased, still grinning widely.

Meezay's blushing grew only deeper and now it could actually be seen, much to Zy's amusement as she flopped to her side with a fit of playful laughter.

The two went back to their meals a few moments later and finished without any further interruptions which Zy was secretly disappointed about. However, as they were about to start on their lavacakes, the red dragon stopped her with a paw gently placed on her head.

He grinned and spoke with a huskier voice than usual, "If you liked that accidental nuzzling how about we try this?" It was like Meezay had flipped some mental switch, suddenly becoming an entirely different dragon. Zy looked up at him, confused, softly rumbling quizzically. Meezay didn't say anymore though, just continuing to smile. She could see a bit of a twinkle in his eye now and she purred softly to encourage him to continue.

With a single claw, Meezay poked through the top of the lavacake and cut the top off, exposing the liquid chocolate inside. He flipped the slice of cake up like someone flipping a coin and snapped it out of the air with his jaws, making quick work to swallow it. Growling pleasantly, he made a motion with his forepaw, beckoning Zyleeth to have the first taste of the warm chocolate insides.

"Since when do you share your lavacakes? Surely you're not the same Meezay I've known these past weeks," Zy said with a laugh. She was growing rather excited now, unsure what Meezay had planned for her now. Never had she seen this side of him before, it was almost eerie how an accidental brushing of their snouts had changed his demeanor.

"Oh I am the same Meezay, don't worry." He motioned towards the cake with a dip of his snout. "Go ahead, ladies first," he snickered.

Zyleeth lowered her snout down and dipped her tongue into the warm chocolate, unable to hold back a rather pleasured sounding moan at the taste. She closed her eyes and took another lick, the chocolate just so unbelievably good. By the third lick her thoughts became absorbed in the meal once again, unaware that Meezay was now moving down to join her.

Their tongues met inside the bowl of chocolate and Zy uttered a soft squeak of surprise, her eyes flitting wide open again only to see the warm gaze of Meezay meeting her. He stroked her tongue again to make sure she knew it was no accident this time. They continued to share the cake but soon the dragons began to focus more on licking each other instead of the chocolate and on an unspoken cue they both raised their snouts, pushing them closer together. Zyleeth didn't resist at all when Meezay made the move to slide his tongue inside her maw. Instead she closed her eyes again and thrummed pleasantly, her body leaning forward with her tail slightly arching up behind her. Their heads tilted in opposite directions so that their jaws could properly lock together, Meezay emitting quite a throaty growl in return, their two tongues swirling about together, each trying to steal that last bit of chocolate.

The intimate moment sent a rush of warmth through Zyleeth's body, the likes of which she had not felt in the longest time. As their jaws clamored to get as close as they could to each other she could feel herself getting a bit wet beneath her tail, the scent of her arousal like that of the sweetest nectar. She blushed quite noticeably when she caught whiff of it and could hear Meezay taking deep breaths, no doubt noticing it as well but he didn't show any indication that he had.

With their jaws still locked together, Mizehra raised a forepaw and gently traced his claws over the petals of Zyleeth's snout. Their purrs drowned out all the noises of the forest, not that they would notice them anyways. For at that moment it was just the two of them in the world, their souls joined together along with their tongues. Zy leaned towards the direction of the paw, blushing a bit deeper. All the traces of chocolate in their mouths had long been swallowed away but their appetite was only for each other at that moment.

After quite some time they were finally feeling the need to take a real breath again, reluctantly parting from each other. A bit flushed all of a sudden, Zyleeth plopped down on her haunches, sitting there and eyeing the big male up. Meezay gave her a wide grin and a hearty chuckle, teasing her now as she had teased him earlier for the accidental nuzzling.

"Too much?" he asked, knowing full well what the answer would be.

"No! Oh gods no! If anything it was not enough." Zyleeth recovered herself and stood back up on all fours, walking over to nuzzle firmly up at the muscular red neck, happy to hear him give a pleased rumble at the affection.

He continued to sniff the air, though, tilting his head this was and that. "Something smells really sweet though, did you notice that?"

Zyleeth could feel all the blood rushing to her cheeks again. Of course Meezay wouldn't recognize that smell right away, he has likely never mated with a flower dragon before. "Oh sheesh, Meezay.. How do I explain that.. Ah, maybe I'll just show you" She flicked her black tongue at his nose tip and then turned around in front of him, hiking her tail up and showing off the mess of her wet nethers. Zyleeth kept her head curled around though, watching him with a sly grin, eyes half lidded.

His own eyes, however, widened at the sight being presented to him and he stammered a bit. Zyleeth was afraid he was about to lose his bravado from the earlier moment. But after the brief hesitation, Meezay lowered his snout level to her haunches and took a big whiff under her tail, the scent flooding his senses, seemingly skipping the analysis by his brain and instead rushing straight to his loins. He staggered slightly as he moved his hind legs further apart, Zyleeth giggling when she noticed the bulging scales between them. "Well, I see now... What an intriguing scent that is."

She lowered her tail, letting it playfully slap his cheek on the way down, and spun around to face him again. "Oooh, you like it, hmm?"

"Yes, yes I do." He frowned down at her, "Though I am disappointed I don't get to examine it further."

"I never said you couldn't, now did I?" Zyleeth walked parallel by him, leaning against him as she went, much like a cat rubbing up against something to leave its scent. Meezay shivered at the feel, each of her petals like a soft brush stroking his scales and he couldn't help but growl in delight. They were standing head to tail now and he didn't hesitate at all this time, moving his head down a good deal closer to her swollen bits. His hot breath blew against her sensitive flesh each time he exhaled, causing her to hiss in delight, claws curling into the ground. Inspired by her reaction, Meezay pushed his snout closer until he was nuzzling between her legs, each cheek rubbing against Zy's thighs. The tip of his nose was then pressing against the wet folds of flesh and she growled in encouragement, relaxing her tail down to drape along Meezay's back. He began to slide the narrow end of his snout back and forth, spreading her outer lips, stroking over her vaginal opening and the hood of her clitoris.

This gentle foreplay served to arouse Zyleeth rather quickly, her thick nectar making short work in coating Meezay's muzzle. He had to pause now and then to lick himself clean, making sure he could still breathe through his nostrils. Zyleeth didn't seem to notice nor care, her haunches dipping down and using his smooth, plated nose to pleasure herself.

The pleasure was quickly building up for her, it was amazing how he seemed to use the shape of his muzzle perfectly, like it was meant to fit the grooves of her slit. Her clitoris had since poked out of its protective hood though he was ignoring it for now, having a perfectly good time just basking in the scent and warmth of her body.

Meezay lightly moved his hips and bumped his flank against Zy's head. She huffed and opened her eyes, growling at being distracted from focusing on the feel of his attentions. But one look between his legs mollified her and she blushed, feeling a bit guilty at having neglected him all this time. His penis had fully swollen up to its full length and it throbbed impatiently, a puddle of pre having already formed on the ground beneath him.

She tilted her head towards the aroused flesh to get a closer look. A lovely, ebon, tapered length. Well thick at the base and thin at the tip, much like a dolphin, though quite a good deal longer.

"Oooh!" Zyleeth gasped when Meezay found the firm nub of her clit. The tip of his tongue pressed firmly upon it and stayed in place while he continued sliding back and forth, applying different levels of pressure upon it with each stroke.

She groaned and clenched her jaws, getting used to the new feeling. Lifting a forepaw, she took Meezay's length and began to slowly stroke along the tip. He rumbled in approval, his cock flexing at the initial touch, making her giggle as it was rather powerful, pulling her paw with it all the way up to his belly. It relaxed again and she resumed stroking the slick length, giving his tip extra firm squeezes now and then. Zyleeth tested him gently at first, pointing his cock to the side a bit so that she could push her maw forward, scenting at him. Meezay gave no apparent protest, far too busy under her tail and quite enjoying it down there, evident as a bit of pre suddenly squirted on her cheek. His scent was nice and rich, very masculine but not over powering by any means. The musk was pleasant enough that Zyleeth braved a quick taste, daintily taking a sip of his pre while he was drinking down her nectar as if he just came from a drought.

With the air thick with his musk his cock took on a taste very similar to it. Zyleeth felt hungry for more and slowly moved her lips over his flesh, inching forward until more than half of him was swallowed up. Her tongue snaked out beyond her lips and wrapped around the portion of his shaft she couldn't take in, holding him steady, sliding her maw back again before moving into a slow rhythm of going back and forth.

Meezay was certainly enjoying it, his body was leaning more against her now and his hips were starting to twitch and buck slightly in time with the bobbing of her head. He returned the favor with quick, light strokes over her clit with his tongue. Faster and firmer he went, always stroking in a slightly different direction than the previous lick. Her thighs were clenching his head between them and he could feel her haunches starting to shake, clearly he was doing quite well for her.

Try as she might, Zyleeth was finding it very hard now to focus on giving Meezay the same pleasure he was giving. He was pushing all of the right buttons for her and it was all she could do to just keep sucking and stroking his length. And apparently he wasn't done finding them as the sudden feel of a knuckled finger just barely penetrating her, applying firm pleasure all along her vaginal opening and just inside, sent her over the edge. Her entire body tensed up and her slit began contracting against his finger, her cries of pleasure muffled by the thick shaft in her maw. Meezay moved his snout forward and firmly sucked on her clit while continuing to give it plenty of flicks with his tongue, keeping her orgasm going longer than she had thought possible.

As Zyleeth's climax began winding down she only then began to notice that Meezay's thrusts into her maw were becoming a bit more hurried. She endeavored to give him a great orgasm as thanks and took even more of his length into her maw, nearly swallowing it all. It had the desired effect as Meezay growled in lust. She held her head mostly still, allowing him to thrust as he liked while focusing on suckling firmly upon him, using her tongue to massage the rest of his shaft as if a snake had wrapped around him. It didn't take much more of this before his own stores of pleasure surpassed the limits of what his body could contain. With a feral roar, lessened a bit by the fact that his head was still held between her thighs, Meezay's climax hit and he began to pump out his thick spurts of seed with each ragged thrust of his hips. Zyleeth took all she could but the big male was producing more than she could swallow and soon it began to leak out between her lips.

She gulped down the rest and stroked her tongue along his urethral opening until his hips stopped thrusting and he began leaning against her heavily. Meezay was panting now and pulled his snout away from her legs, shaking his head a bit to send droplets of her nectar flying in all directions. Zyleeth let his spent member slip gently from her maw and she staggered away, her body feeling shaky after such a powerful orgasm. Unable to stand any longer, she let herself flop upon her side.

Meezay looked at her with concern, or at least he tried but his expression was rather silly looking with strands of her juices still dripping from his jaws. "Are you ok, Zy?" he asked, nosing at her neck lightly.

"Hmm? Oh.." Zy stuttered, still feeling a bit high and flirty. "I am fine, it's just, wow. I haven't had an orgasm like that in ages." She smiled and planted a small kiss on his cheek, her head tilted so that she could spy on his member with one eye. Sadly it had grown rather soft already and was retracting back up within his belly slit.

"Well, I'm glad to hear it!" he laughed. "I have to say I quite enjoyed the feel of your muzzle as well, that tongue of yours is quite talented."

"Oh stop!" Zy exclaimed, the blush forming again on her cheeks. She growled lightly and playfully bit him several times on the cheek until he relented in defeat.

He huffed and sat before her. "Well aren't you going to allow me to be a proper male and cuddle with you?"

"But I don't want to end up falling asleep out here."

Mizehra cocked his head at her with a low rumble. "What do you suggest, then?"

"Hmm, well I do believe my den is closest..." she replied rather coyly.

"So you want me to sleep with you tonight?"

Zy frowned at being found out so easily. "It's convenient, is all. And what makes you think we'll be sleeping?" She giggled as it took him a few seconds to catch her meaning and he looked away shyly.

"Well it would be nice not spending the night alone, I don't think I would mind whether we sleep or not," he chuckled.

"Then it's settled," Zyleeth purred, "follow me then!" She launched herself to the air with a push of her rear haunches, flapping her wings in a sharp angle to slip through the treetops. Once above, Zy stretched her wings out to their full extent to catch the breeze, lazily circling around, waiting for Meezay.

Being bigger and a bit more bulky, he had to stroll over to a bigger clearing before was able to similarly take to the skies. Zyleeth darted playfully underneath him and then angled towards her den, the waving of her bushy, lilac tail luring the big male on.

Their flight took only a few minutes over the woods. Zyleeth began the lazy downward spiral and touched down on the rocks outside her den, her talons tapping as she hopped to a stop, sounding like a complicated tap dance routine. Meezay landed beside her and craned his head up to look around at the surroundings, softly rumbling to himself. "A nice place you have here, I think this spot actually caught my eye at first when I was looking for a spot to stay."

"Now that would've been a surprise to see that you stalked out my den!" Zy laughed, sticking her tongue out at him.

"Perhaps. But it would have saved me the troubling of making a den look respectable if I had a beautiful dragon already living in it."

Zy could feel herself beginning to blush again and turned her head away though the fidgeting of her tail gave its owner away.

Meezay chuckled and moved closer to her, gently nuzzling at the base of her neck. "And I truly mean that, you know. It's not just because you gave me head tonight. We've had so many wonderful nights together since I found you here and, well..." Meezay's courage left him again as he tried to put his thoughts into words.

"Go on, Meezay..." Zyleeth tilted her head back around to look into his eyes, no longer caring if she blushed or not. "I agree with you, it's been a treat meeting such a male as yourself."

He brightened a bit more at that compliment and cleared his throat before trying again. "Well, Zy... I feel I have fallen for you, everything about you warms my soul and well.. I love you, Zyleeth." Meezay lifted a paw and caressed the side of Zy's warm cheek, smiling a bit nervously, worried about his true feelings now hanging out there between them.

Zyleeth could feel her head swooning at the words and it took her a few moments to remember how to speak again, so choked up with emotions now. "Meezay... I love you too... I don't know what-" She was stopped when he pressed one of his talons against the tip of her snout.

"You don't have to say anything more, dear. Just hearing that you share my feelings is all I could ask." With a deep purr, he moved his head beside hers and nuzzled firmly along her cheek and she joined him in the affections, scales and petals rubbing together in their first intimate moment together as mates.

After standing there and nuzzling for some time, Zy finally whispered back to him again, "We should go inside, Meezay."

"Mmm yes, it is getting a little chilly out here." He pulled his head back after kissing her lightly at the tip of her muzzle. "Ladies first!" Meezay said with a grin.

Zy hummed and spun around in place before trotting off towards the entrance of her den, Meezay close behind. Even though it was well into the night by then her den was rather well lit with the combination of the moonlight and their sharp, draconic eyes. Meezay noticed the rather large nest and laughed, "Looks like you've been waiting to entertain a sleep over."

"Pssh, I just like a big bed! Just watch yourself at night as I might push you out by accident."

"Oh I think you're fibbing, you naughty girl," he growled, though in a teasingly tone. "I don't think you want to sleep just yet anyways." Meezay sniffed at the air and grinned.

Zyleeth could indeed feel her body yearning for a bit more entertainment but she of course had to tease back a bit. "Oh sheesh, we haven't even been mates for 15 minutes and you already want sex! Males, I swear." She huffed indignantly, and tilted her head away, swinging her tail about to bat him in the flank.

"Yeah, I could certainly go for some. And I know you could too so don't play all innocent with me." Meezay grinned wide, showing off all his fangs as he paced towards her. Zy squeaked softly and tried to keep her playful indignation showing but it was a futile effort when she began imaging the feel of making love with him.

He nudged her rather firmly to lie on her side in the nest and then grabbed her hind legs, fully rolling her onto her back. This side of him surprised Zy but the feral mannerisms he was showing served greatly to help turn her on and she eagerly submitted to him, holding her four paws up in the air, cooing to him in a not so subtle mating call.

Meezay straddled over her body and lowered most of his weight upon her to pin her down. He angled his belly a bit until their slits were rubbing together. Meezay was already peeking from his slit and he began to grind himself down along the wet petals surrounding Zy's warm flesh.

She absolutely loved the feeling of being pinned as such and began to groan in eager anticipation, her paws having since wrapped around his back, claws curled and clenching his scales. Closing her eyes she concentrated on the feel of his body, the beat of his heart steadily getting faster, the shaft of his penis growing longer and harder against her belly, his hot breath blowing down in her face as he looked at her.

Meezay grew quite hard rather quickly but he waited, seemingly satisfied to just slowly thrust between their bellies. He knew how aroused that Zyleeth had become and he was teasing her with that thick, hot flesh. With a low growl she tried to finagle her hips and arch her back so that Meezay would slip inside her slit but still he avoided actual penetration, instead thrusting himself between the folds of her slit, basically giving her every pleasure except that of being filled and taken.

But even he couldn't resist the lure of her hot, yearning nethers and, after what seemed like an eternity to Zy, Meezay positioned himself so that the tip of his member caught between her lips and found her vaginal opening. He slowly pushed himself into her body, joining them physically together at long last. Both dragons hissed, Meezay in pleasure, Zy in a brief discomfort as her body adjusted to the girth of her lover's tool. She could feel herself being stretched so wonderfully wide and once he was fully hilted inside of her body Zyleeth exhaled a breath she hadn't known she was holding.

Meezay looked down at her and she purred with a slight nod of her head, her tail coiling about his. That was all the encouragement he needed and he lifted himself back up a bit more than halfway before thrusting fully back down again, his head having curled up to stare at the ceiling of the den. He began to mate her at a moderate pace then, her body quite wonderfully wet by now which allowed him to go as he pleased. They growled and hissed passionately to each other, their bellies meeting halfway in the air now as Zy began to thrust her haunches up to meet him.

Faster and harder he went as his loins began to burn with pleasure, the snug depths of Zyleeth's body massaging every bit of his shaft each time he penetrated her. Meezay began to give in to more of his feral instincts and Zy gasped in delight when his powerful jaws clasped her neck just beneath the chin. He held her firmly but not hard enough to actually puncture her hide. But it was more than enough to throw Zyleeth into the throes of orgasm once again. With a pleasured yowl that echoed all through the den and probably for miles around outside, Zyleeth came and came hard. Her claws dug roughly into his back, almost piercing his scales which caused Meezay to groan in response. Zyleeth's tail lashed back and forth, still clinging to Meezay's as the muscles of her vagina contracted in an equally erratic manner all around him. She cried out in pleasure again, softer this time, but no less intense, bucking herself up against his weight and using his warm belly to stroke her lips and clit while he continued to take her hard. All this stimulation was way too much for Meezay to handle and he couldn't hold his own release back any longer. He withdrew nearly to the tip and then slammed himself back within, breaking a few branches of the nest as he pushed Zy's body firmly down and back against it. Still holding her neck Meezay simply growled rather ferociously as his body began to empty its hoard of seed within her, his length throbbing and flexing against the contours of her slit's depths. He kept himself hilted within her as he came, simply grinding his hips about, unconsciously prolonging Zy's own climax with the constant stimulation to her clitoris.

The warmth of his seed filling her up was the most wonderful feeling once Zy's body began to calm down. She was panting as Meezay continued to twitch and shiver above her, apparently her body was being very good to him and milking him for all he had. After a few more seconds he too finally felt his climax come to an end and he flopped down on her with a satisfied huff, releasing her neck so he could simply lay there like the lazy, spent dragon that he was.

Zyleeth wasn't quite so tired though and she nipped at him a few times on his neck. "Urrgh, you're heavy, roll over or something!"

All Meezay could do was groan in reply and he let himself roll off onto his side next to her instead, his cock slipping out of her body which led to a mess of their juices dripping from her and pooling on the floor of the den. Zyleeth didn't care though and rolled to her side to face him, hugging him close with her upper foreleg. Meezay returned the gesture and the two nuzzled each other warmly before sharing another kiss, a short one this time as they both were still short on breath.

"This sure has been some night..." Zy spoke at last, her purrs echoing throughout the den. "You really seem to know what you're doing for being a shy dragon, or was that all an act before?"

Meezay laughed and couldn't do much more than nudge at her with his snout. "Well I never said I wasn't a good lover, now did I? Being shy about it doesn't necessarily make one bad." He gave a long, drawn out nod with his big head to emphasize his point before snickering again.

"Hah! Well, I suppose you do have a point there. And such a nice point it was indeed..." She let the bushy lilacs of her tail stroke over the pointed tip of Meezay's spent member when she said that, making the male gasp and squirm like a big hatchling now that he was extra sensitive.

"You should appreciate him for giving you so much pleasure tonight, not tease him." Meezay said, speaking of his penis.

"Oh I know how they act, always in it for themselves," Zy chuckled, nuzzling up underneath his chin. "Though indeed he was very good to me tonight, I'm sure I'll keep you both happy."

"I am already the happiest dragon in the world right now, my love." He grinned. "It feels good saying that now, calling you my love... It feels so right." With a smile he laid his head down upon the nest and closed his eyes, his breathing becoming heavier.

Zyleeth joined him and laid her snout just above his so that her chin rested along his nose. "It really does feel good to hear that, my love. Feels good to say it too..."

Meezay smiled and rumbled sleepily, close to dosing off now. But he was able to utter a few more words before he drifted off, saying, "I love you, Zyleeth."

She smiled and stroked his flank lightly before curling up comfortably with his legs. "I love you too, Mizehra."

And with that the two dragons fell asleep purring together, basking in each other's warmth and affections. It would be the first night of many, many more they would share together. Together with souls and hearts entwined as one.