Brotherly Love - Sticky Paws - Chapter Three

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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Brotherly Love

Chapter Three â€" Sticky Paws

© Cederwyn Whitefurr

4th October, 2009

All Rights Reserved.

Kes woke a few hours later, then looked at his still sleeping sister, before carefully pushing her

over and climbing off the bed. He stretched languidly, feeling his tired muscles rippling beneath his fur, and he scratched his side with his blunt claws - before deciding a shower was *most* definitely on the cards. Leaning down on the bed, Kes gave Kelsie a gentle kiss on the cheek, and Kelsie merely moaned softly and rolled over, clutching the pillow and going back to sleep. Kes smiled, knowing Kelsie was exhausted from their lovemaking earlier - and he promised he'd let his beloved Sister sleep as long as she wished.

Naked, his furred body still damp with sweat, and reeking of musky scents, Kes wandered into the shower and slowly shut the door behind him. Turning on the shower, he didn't wait for the water to warm up - preferring the cold shower to try and cool him down, and help to wake him up. As Kes turned his muzzle into the water stream, he sighed in pleasure, feeling the water washing over his muzzle and ears, rivulets running down his chest and soaking into his sticky fur. Grasping the soap bar, he began lathering himself up, starting with his arms, paws and moving on to his chest, belly and groin. Feeling the desire rising once again, Kes quickly looked at the door to the bathroom, noting it was still firmly closed - before he vigorously began lathering his paws with the medicated soap - then taking his half-erect penis in his right hand. As Kes began pleasurably masturbating himself, grasping his rising erection firmly, kes let his mind wander and his imagination turned to thoughts of Kelsie doing this for him.

Slowly, sensually and using the webbing between thumb and first finger - Kes clutched his paws together, then interlaced them and used them as a poor substitute for Kelsie's tight, hot folds.

"Oh...oh yes - " Kes gurgled, tipping his head back and masturbating himself faster and faster.

For over half-an-hour, Kes pleasured himself with his paws, sliding down the back wall of the shower, until he sat on the floor with his legs folded flat, and his tail laying limply between them. His paws made soft, squishing type sounds, as he pushed them down his penis - then slid them back up again. Oh, he knew it was a poor substitute for making love with Kelsie - but it still brought him pleasure â€" and just as his breathing came ragged and in short, sharp gasps - his ears flicked and his eyes snapped open, right as the bathroom door cracked open and Kelsie staggered in, yawning and rubbing her eyes.

Helpless to stop himself, Kes moaned and bucked against his paws, before he began ejaculating in thick, runnels - that spattered his chest, belly and thighs - instantly cooling in the warm water and soaking through his fur. Kelsie heard his gasps, and as her eyes focused and she woke herself up more - she looked through the clear glass of the partition, seeing Kes slumped in the shower - his paws still holding his wilting erection, and his face a look of shock, embarrassment and outright pleasure.

"My my," Kelsie whispered, as her eyes widened and she then burst into laughter, unable to give Kes a stern glace of disapproval. "Do I not pleasure you enough - you need to take matters into your own paws, dear brother?"

Kes blushed and flattened his ears, then began hurriedly scrubbing his semen from his fur, embarrassed and more than a little humiliated at being discovered. Oh, he had been caught before by Kelsie, but in his mind - masturbation was always something done alone - and hence, being caught carried a stigma of shame.

Kelsie merely smiled at him, then opened the shower and stepped in - instantly turning herself about, to soak both her front and back, before turning back around and glancing over her shoulder at Kes, who still sat slumped on the floor of the shower.

"Mind washing my back for me, my love?" Kelsie murmured, favoring Kes with an inviting wink.

Kes chuckled, then carefully pulled himself upright and reached around Kelsie, to grasp the soap. As he began lathering her wet fur on her back, Kelsie rested her paws against the shower front wall and leaned forwards - her tail sliding aside and hips wiggling against Kes' groin suggestively. Kes groaned and shuddered, then turned Kelsie back around, before he began lathering her fur from throat to toes. As he reached for the shower rose on its flexible head, Kelsie pressed herself tight against him and wrapped her arms around his back and pulled him tight. Her wet, soap lathered body slithered up against his, and Kes groaned in longing, wishing now he'd been more patient - as it was obvious, Kelsie was once again feeling her libido temperature rising. Kes took the shower rose from her, then began washing her clean, using his free hand to rake through her fine fur, ensuring he got all the soap out. Kelsie tolerated her brothers attentions with good humor, especially as Kes caressed and rubbed Kelsie's pubic mound with his fingers - teasingly tickling her dark folds with a claw-tip, before finishing rinsing her off.

"Kelsie - " Kes asked, then bit his tongue and frowned, nervous and confused - as to how to ask his beloved sister a question, he felt deeply personal.

"Hmm?" Kelsie asked, as she turned around, so he could wash her back and tail.

"You - I mean we - err - " Kes stammered, his paws beginning to quiver, as his mind fought with itself - wether to ask her - or to remain silent.

Kelsie looked over her shoulder, her green eyes narrowing in confusion. "Speak, brother mine - "

"Are you...I mean - " Kes began, then coughed and hung his head. "Are you - I mean - will we...will *you*..."

Kelsie's frown remained for a few moments, then she smiled and twisted around in her brothers

weakening grasp - then she rose up on her tippy-toes, and kissed his forehead adoringly and smoothed his ears flat.

"Kes, my love - no, I won't fall pregnant, if that's what is worrying you, my sweet, shy, adorable

buck." Kelsie told him, as she kissed his forehead again and drew him close, cuddling him. "I take - precautions - let me put it to you that way. I have since my first heat - "

Kes squirmed and wriggled in Kelsie's gentle grasp, torn between his embarrassment and relief at finally knowing the truth. He knew what his father would say - if he knew about *them* - but if Kelsie fell with Joey from his and Kelsie's love for each other... Kes closed his eyes and shuddered deeply, the shiver running from his ear tips to his toes and Kelsie noted it - but merely kept cuddling her brother and soothing his fears.

Relieved - Kes seemed to relax, and Kelsie continued to kiss, nuzzle and nibble his strong, muscular chest - knowing he'd grow to be quite the buck indeed - in a few months - a year at most. Already, his body was starting to fill out the hollows and round off the wine-glass like look of Kes' body, and Kelsie murmured to herself - wondering - if the sex with Kes was this great already - when he was still young, when he become an adult - it promised to be even greater.


After they had showered and dressed, Kelsie went downstairs and began preparing lunch for them both, and Kes stripped off the sheets from Kelsie's bed - his nostrils flaring as he smelt the conflicting scents of Kelsie's sweat, his own, and a dozen other scents - all of which flared his imagination and libido. With a sigh, he carried the sheets to the hamper in the bathroom, and stuffed them in. In the hamper, Kes saw a pair of Kelsies' frilly panties she liked to wear, and hurriedly glancing over his shoulder, Kes grasped them and held them to his nose. As he inhaled Kelsie's scent, Kes groaned and hurried buried the panties back into the hamper - feeling more than a little guilty for his secret fetish. Hurriedly, he went downstairs, to help Kelsie prepare lunch - and he was sure, after lunch - she'd be more than eager to try something Kes had long desired.


After their lunch, which consisted mostly of salad, cheese and some fresh, crusty bread, Kes cleaned up as Kelsie helped, then she paused and her nostrils flared slightly, as she glanced sideways at Kes. He caught her glance, then blushed beneath his muzzle fur and coughed softly.

"I CAN smell your scent, perfectly well Kes," Kelsie smiled, then kissed her brothers cheek. "What is brewing in that thing you call a mind, now?"

Kes coughed and blushed even deeper, his inner ears reddening with the rush of blood. "I - I mean, if you'd like too - "

Kelsie stood, one paw on her slender hips, and she tapped her right foot slowly on the floor of the kitchen, favoring Kes with a gaze that she knew made the young Buck wilt and relent.

"I - I'd like - to try something...with you." Kes stammered, then hung his head and giggled nervously.

Kelsie grasped Kes by the paws, and gently squeezed them - as she then lifted up his chin and her furred lips pressed against his, and she passionately kissed him. Kes moaned deep in his throat and his eyes closed, savoring the pleasure of his sisters warm breath mixing with his, before she broke the kiss and smiled adoringly at him.

"Kes, you don't have to act so shy around me - you know I would do anything for you - anything at all." Kelsie smiled, caressing his cheek.

"It - you'll probably think it silly - " Kes whispered, feeling embarrassed and ashamed again, for

bringing it up. "I'd try a little...role playing with you."

Kelsie frowned, not quite understanding what exactly Kes had meant. Kelsie had a few faint tinglings of ideas, but she merely smiled at Kes and kissed him again, leading him upstairs.

"Help me make my bed again - and then you can tell me exactly what you want to do!" Kelsie told him, and winked suggestively.

Kes nodded eagerly, and the two Kangaroo's walked paw in paw upstairs.


Kelsie sat on her newly made bed, smelling the crisp, clean scent of clean sheets - and she scratched the back of her head, bowing it slightly as Kes explained his desires to her. He wanted to play some mild dominant/submissive play - with Kelsie tied to her bed by long, soft scarves - and blindfolded. Kelsie trusted her brother implicitly, and she agreed, but felt a few twitches of concern and fear - and ensured he understood that if at any time, she felt uncomfortable by it - he would stop immediately and let her go. Kes agreed, nodding his head, and Kelsie lay on her back then watched as Kes began gently binding her ankles and wrists to the bedposts, with some scarves. He didn't tie them tightly, and Kelsie soon realized her trust in her brother - as she felt with one sharp tug - she could slip the bonds that bound her to the bed. He smiled at her, then kissed her forehead, before tying a scarf over her eyes like a blindfold. Blind, almost deaf from the thick scarf over her ears, which were folded back against her head and bound around her throat gently, Kelsie placed her faith in her brother, who stood at the end of the bed and looked down at the seemingly 'helpless' doe.

He hurriedly walked down to the kitchen, coming back with a tray which glistened with frost - and he set it down on the floor at the foot of the bed. From his back pocket, he produced a long feather - and he slowly trailed the feather over Kelsie's sensitive foot-pads. Kelsie squealed and bucked, her foot-pads being sensitive, and Kes giggled.

"Oh - that's cruel - " Kelsie moaned as Kes stopped tickling her foot-pads and looked down at her.

Kelsie was still dressed, in the emerald green knee length skirt and thin blouse - which in Kes' mind, did little to hide her firm breasts - whose nipples even now, began to press against the tight fabric. Kes slowly unclasped the skirt - and slid it down Kelsie's hips, thighs and he untied first one foot, then the other - and pulled her skirt off and laid it aside, before retying her ankles again. Once he was sure Kelsie couldn't move - well - almost couldn't, he smiled and tickled her foot-pads with the feather again. As Kelsie squealed and giggled, Kes would pause, then tickle her somewhere else - Kelsie never knowing when the ticklish feather would strike next. Soon, Kes tired of the feather torture, and he quietly unwrapped a long, frozen ice-block. It was tubular shaped - and Kelsie's sensitive nose detected the scent - then she gasped as Kes teasingly stroked it against Kelsie's groin.

"Oh...oh no - not...not that!" Kelsie gasped, arching her hips against the restraints.

Kes sniggered, then he used the very cold ice-block to sexually penetrate Kelsie - yet doing it slowly and gently - hearing her gasps and giggles, as the cold parted her sex and slid it way in as far as Kes dared - before he left it there for a moment and then withdrew it, his moist, eager tongue then following in its wake - savoring the pleasure of Kelsie's vaginal depths - and the sweet taste of the ice-block he held in one paw. Alternating between the ice-block and his tongue, Kes worked Kelsie to the height of her orgasm - before resorting to the ticklish torture of the feather. Soon, Kelsie was beside herself, squealing and struggling - tears soaking the scarf over her eyes, as she gasped and panted - her throat locking as she laughed so much, she thought her lungs would surely explode in her chest. Finally, when Kelsie thought she could withstand no more - she felt Kes' paws on her pouch - and she growled in pleasure - as he moved between her thighs and pressed his penis to her groin.

Kelsie grunted in agreement - as Kes carefully mounted her, then braced himself on his paws, placing them either side of Kelsie's chest.

"Oh, yes my buck - " Kelsie nodded and shivered.

"Shh - " Kes whispered, as he giggled and gave a short, quick lunge - pushing himself deeper into

Kelsie's willing body, then he lowered himself down and slipped his nose beneath Kelsie's blouse and began nuzzling her nipples.

As he began suckling like a hungry Joey, he kept rocking his hips against Kelsie's groin, sliding

himself in and out of her willing body. Kelsie moaned and wriggled, but knowing she could get her paws free at any time - she relent and let her brother explore her body with his tongue. Indeed, Kes did exactly that, contorting himself in ways, whilst making love to her - that Kelsie was sure must be unnaturally stretching muscles in his back and neck. His tongue and cold nose trailed over each nipple, between them and around them - before he would nuzzle and lick at her throat - then kiss along her jawline and back down to her pouch. Occasionally he'd caress and stroke Kelsie's nipples with his claws - tracing over the aureole's and giggling, as Kelsie would draw a sudden inhalation of breath - and her vaginal muscles would squeeze in a tight contraction as her nerves fired off sensations of incredible pleasure.

Finally - three hours of being mercilessly tortured, in every way possible - by this gentle, loving

and quite imaginative young Buck, Kelsie slipped the scarf bonds and tore the blindfold off her eyes, then grabbed Kes by the nape of his neck and pulled him down. He squealed and pushed against Kelsie, making her arch her hips against his groin - before she rolled over and pinned him to the bed. He stared up at her - never seeing Kelsie this aggressive before - and as she sank her claws into his shoulders, Kes began to grow increasingly afraid - but his fears were silly, as Kelsie laughed and began rocking her body against his - each downwards motion stronger than the first one - until within a few moments, Kes was grunting beneath Kelsie and she slapped her groin against his - their lovemaking turning from a slow, sensual and gentle experience - to one that seemed feral and almost pure animal-like in its intensity.

Kes gasped and moaned, as Kelsie's eager thrusts grew stronger and stronger - yet even though his body ached for the sweet release of his orgasm - his exhausted scrotum had nothing to offer. Kelsie smiled and began nibbling eagerly at Kes' muzzle and throat - before she gave a short, sharp barking grunt and Kes moaned - as Kelsie's body writhed in the pleasures of orgasm. Her claws dug into his shoulders almost painfully tight - yet he didn't mind - and Kelsie collapsed onto him and began panting like a dog who had just run a hundred yard spring in record time. Tenderly, Kes embraced his sister and cuddled her tight, smiling to himself as he felt Kelsie's heart hammering away in her chest - her breathing nothing but short, whistling gasps.

"Kelsie - " Kes whispered, caressing her ears. "Could I - if you don't mind - could I try...something else?"

Kelsie, breathless - merely nodded and carefully sat up - and kes moaned as he was dismounted, and his wet, sticky penis slapped down against his lower belly with a whack. Kes moaned and felt slid his paw down, gently lifting up his sticky length off his belly, and Kelsie giggled, looking down at him. As Kes stood up, he stretched and Kelsie heard his spine crackle, and she winced, but he merely smiled weakly - then whispered his secret desire into her ears. Kelsie blinked, then frowned, before turning herself about and kneeling at the edge of the bed. She looked back at Kes, who moved in behind her - then gently shunted aside her tail and rested his paws on Kelsie's back.

Kelsie nodded eagerly, then Kes guided himself back inside Kelsie's tight depths, before he grasped her tightly around the belly with his hands and began humping eagerly - just like a pair of feral Kangaroo's would mate naturally in the wild.

Kelsie grunted with each sharp thrust - feeling new pleasures from this awkward - but not unpleasant way of lovemaking - as Kes' member rubbed and thrust inside her dark tunnel in new and interesting ways. Kes' penis ridge kept rubbing against Kelsie's clitoris as Kes pulled back - then pushed himself back in, pulling Kelsie back against his groin as he gave into his ancestral instincts and really began mating his sister like a Buck takes a Doe. He gasped and panted, leaning his upper body over hers, and Kelsie grunted with each bestial like thrust - wondering why she and Kes had never made love this way before - or even more interestingly - what the pleasure would be like, with him in this position, and Kes eagerly pounding against her buttocks. For three and a half exhaustive hours, Kes thrust, grunted and clutched hungrily at Kelsie - bringing the gasping Doe to four orgasms, each greater than the one that preceded it. Right as Kes was about to bury himself in his eager, willing sister - and release his long awaited orgasm - both Kangaroo's froze in terror - hearing the front door slam closed...and the unmistakable sound of their parents talking downstairs...and heading this way!

~ Continued in Chapter Four ~

Brotherly Love - Kelsie and Kes - Chapter Two

Brotherly Love ~ Chapter Two ~ © Cederwyn Whitefurr 4th October, 2009 All Rights Reserved. Early the next morning, Kelsie awoke to the shrill, insistent ringing of the bedside telephone. Still intertwined with her lightly snoring brother,...

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Brotherly Love - Kelsie and Kes - Chapter One

Brotherly Love ~ Chapter One ~ Kelsie and Kes © Cederwyn Whitefurr 4th October, 2009 All Rights Reserved. (Authors Notes - This was to be a stand-alone story, but there remained much to be said (and done!) by these two juvenile...

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An 'Evolved-One's' Tale - Chapter Three - Exploration and Discovery

Tales of the Evolved Ones Chapter Three - Exploration and Discovery (c) Cederwyn Whitefurr 2nd October, 2009 All Rights Reserved A year after being given to Kendra as a birthday present, the bond between evolved-one and human grew beyond...

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