Chapter 2- The Prophecy

Story by Maelandra on SoFurry

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#1 of Torn


Summary** : A chance encounter will stay with them for the rest of their lives

© Maelandra

4th October, 2009

All Rights Reserved.

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Chapter Two- The Prophecy

Markus was frowning when a white rabbit captain came up to him with a summoning from General Kroger to report to his tent; it was not something the leopard wanted to deal with this early in the morning but the dragon was his general and he had to obey or else it was his neck on the chopping block. Telling the fox that he would tell him everything when he got back, if he got back, the leopard followed the rabbit to the largest tent, his jaw set stiffly.

Pausing outside the front flap, the rabbit proceeded him and the leopard heard the dragon's voice command, "Come in here, you stupid puss, before I gut you this time." His claws were pricking from their sheathes but he restrained himself and stepped through the flap. His stomach knotted in disgust as he looked on his general, sitting in a fanciful chair at ease with the world as a human slave kneeled between his spread legs and was using her mouth to pleasure the dragon's length. The leopard's claws slid out a fraction of an inch more but still he held himself back from using his hostility and anger against the general.

The dragon grinned at the leopard darkly and hissed, "Remind you of something, Markus? Your sister did this for me, long before I killed her. She was skilled with her mouth and knew how to get me good." The leopard clenched his paws tightly, drawing blood.

" What did you want me for, General Kroger?" Markus bit out gruffly. The dragon grunted and came all over the human's face. The rabbit grabbed her about the shoulders and threw her from the tent, following her out. "Is there a purpose to this summons?"

The dragon raised a brow and steepled his fingers, not bothering to cover himself as his pink cock slid back into its sheath. "Are you questioning me, leopard? You remember what I did to you last time you questioned me. How about you lose your tail this time? And instead of your sister, perhaps I will take that foxy friend of yours instead." The leopard's claws dug deeper into the pads of his paws and his blood dribbled out, falling and pooling on the grass below. The dragon smirked. "Am I striking a nerve of yours, leopard? Good."

"What did I do to you in a past life that makes you hate me this much," Markus finally demanded.

The dragon smirked. "Your sister loved you more than she could ever love me. Every time I took her, she would whisper your name when she came. She never saw me. I wasted ten years of my life, trying to win that stupid bitch over and still, she loved you to the end." Markus stared at the dragon. Surely the scaly beast was mocking him but when their eyes stared into each other's there was no lie in the dragon's depths. He had known his sister had loved him, but... loved him enough to wish it were he taking her to bed? That was disgusting.

"Now as to the point of bringing you here," General Kroger finally got to the point. "Where were you last night?"

Markus stared at the dragon and decided the truth would be best. "I was chasing a human girl. Unfortunately she died and I had to take shelter in a cave because it was dark when I finally started to head back." The dragon stared at the leopard for a long time and the younger male wondered if the general could read the lie until the dragon said, "You are dismissed." Markus bowed his head and left the tent. He had a lot to think about, now.

The Fifth Company returned from the Black Forest loaded for bear with both male and female slaves after they had found another human camp and captured all their women. Markus kept thinking about Nedira, that strange, little, seven-year-old human girl. He wondered if she was alright or if she had been murdered by one of the Company but he could get no answers from any of the men; they were usually having too much fun with the slaves to care about some human girl-child. Dorian thought he was silly, worrying over a stupid, human, girl, but the leopard couldn't get her out of his head. In his dreams, he saw her sitting there, before the fire, smiling up at him, as if to tell him she was alright and it comforted him, somewhat.

Inside the city, the humans had to be separated by gender and age. There was one elder woman, about fifty whom they were about to slay because she was too old to sell, when she said something that Markus had to hear the end of. He grabbed the bear before he could slice the old woman and told her to say what she had said. "The girl, Nedira, she is safe and you will see her again. I have _ Seen _ it." Then the bear killed her but the human woman's soothed an ache in the leopard's heart. He would see her again. He smiled to himself and went about his business.

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Nedira woke, hearing the leopard slip out of the cave. She sighed as she sat up, yawning and stretching. He was a strange leopard but she guessed he was sticking to his promise to not enslave her further. She had had a strange dream. She had dreamed that she was sitting in a strange, white, stone building, following a kind fox, holding the paw of a leopard cub. And then she had seen him again, Markus. His face slightly more scarred but he looked relatively the same. His eyes still held that sadness but had lit up when he saw her.

The girl smiled. She would see him again.