Slag Part Two

Story by randomman29 on SoFurry

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#2 of Slag

So here's chapter two of my dream life and I am a Transformers fan if you couldn't tell already, I did enjoy the LA movies but don't like the hype and other shit everyone puts into two token humans. GOD DAMN IT YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES GET IT IN YOUR FUCKING HEADS THEY WEREN'T NESSARY OF ANY FUCKING THING I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT TWO PIECES OF TOKEN HUMAN FILTH.

........Yes I'm still not letting go of the issues I have of those movies and I'll never get over the issues I have mostly because I only really enjoyed the first Transformers show and Beast Wars and the things said about the twins, even though it did make the ones I'm loyal to look better it still reflects badly on them as a whole.

Slag Part two

All original characters Copyright RandomMan28/RandomMan29

He would have gone back in right after making his decision but he would have still been stone, the game took place in real time so he could only play his character at night. He looked at the time on the bottom corner of his computer he had a few hours before sunset at least where he was in the game. Out of the game he lives in Alaska, he chose it for isolation though it was still to warm or sunny for him at times, after getting used to being alone he couldn't stand being around others anymore that and some of his early actions in the game led to some real world problems. Mostly it was the detainment and torture of the characters based off Megan Fox, Shia LaBeouf, Michael Bay, and Michael Myers he still has them detained to this day, it was part of the deal he made with the game owners. When asked why he did the things he did he answered, "Because it was fun." Then laughed.

The truth is his subconscious mind usually made decisions for him and doesn't tell his conscious mind anything but leaves him clues, like why he gave her the same name of his favorite Latias a Pokemon he still had impure thoughts about. He didn't know if this Primal knew about the other, he had thought about her a few times in the game but didn't care about that anymore all he cared about was telling her that he had feeling for her. He never cared about much, his mind is really a dark place with no memories or desires, that's why he still is allowed to be in the game, he doesn't do any of the quests-except for the one that got him Primal Pow-or take anything from the other players that often, he just does this to be a insane villain. He was kept on as an elite as long as he toned down his violent acts so others would have a chance to enjoy the game in their own way, it was easer to let him pay him to play then to have a programmer try to create something with his disregard for life and still be controllable, he still had to follow some of the rules that were programmed into the game but he was allowed to bring his choice of music into the game instead of having to buy it in-game. It was supposed to be like his world in terms of physics, like most anything that the avatar felt the player would feel as well, however he challenged them by causing a total solar eclipse, he could bend almost anything to his will but if he wanted to keep playing he had to stop messing with the program and let the sun shine again. He didn't mind it that much-he got to keep his avatar and would just not play when the sun was out-especially now it gave him some time to think up a story to tell her why he was still alive when the rest of his in-game race is dead, and find a castle he liked if he was to deal with the after affects of their love. The castle would be the harder of the two since he did have a talent for good tales, well dark tales anyway. "I just can't tell her the truth. It would be fun but I'm to much of a cowered." He said then laughed manically, "I must stop doing that."

"Primal...I heard you this morning." He struggled to get out.

She swallowed hard not caring how he heard her but thinking he was going to be angry with her, "I meant every word and I won't take them back."

"Then let me tell you I will always be the monster you've been with the past three years and nothing will ever change that." He took a deep breath then took off his helmet, "Also the past three years have been the best years of my life because you were part of it."

They both looked at him taking in the sight of his face the thought his face wouldn't be scared but there was a large gash along his forehead, he had only one horn over his right eye, there used to be three but the one over his left eye and beak were stubs his skin was as red as his armor. Primal was the first to move after seeing him, she reached up with her left hand and touched the stub on his beak, "Did you get this during the attack on your race?"

"No I wasn't there, I was banished before the attack. I got these scares, lost my wings two of, my horns, and was cursed with black eyes for causing the death of another and enjoying it." He said with a shrug.

"Oh," She was surprised by the answer, it was honest but still lacking something, "You couldn't have told me that you fought to save your kind?" She asked moving her hand up to the other stub."

"Would you have wanted a lie?" He asked as he closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of her hand on his face. Everything he had done before felt so real and now there was really only one thing left to do, the one thing he was still afraid to do. Even after all he has done in front of her this was the thing he feared would result in losing her but it was also the one thing they wanted the most.

"No but a fib would be nice once-in-a-while."

"I could have stretched the truth but that's not something I want to falsify. At least not to you." He told her as he rubbed her head shield. "You've been at my side for three years, watched me execute thousands, torture hundreds, you know that I don't have it in me to protect others."

"This is all very touching but I would like to know if you plan to mate here or do you want to get a castle?"

He gave a low growl while she blushed at the question from the dragoness. "I wouldn't care where we mated, I would only care that it was you I mate with."

He smiled thinking about the time she danced for him to the song "Living Dead Girl" and he said, "You really know how to excite me."

She saw him think back to the time she danced for him though there was no image to go with it, it was still nice, "Telepathy is a wonderful gift." She told him with a smirk then backed away from him a little and slid off her one-peace letting them get a full look at her body, "Now come get me, I know you want me."

He took a good long look at her and for the first time his armor was uncomfortable, he gave a growl "I should tell you I'm not that well endowed."

"I am a shape-shifter."

"And I haven't had sex in a long time."

"Are you staling?"

"...." He had no answer, he just blushed.

She could see there were many things he wanted to tell her but couldn't work up the nerve to, she didn't try to see what they were she just said "Take off your armor and take me."

"My love" He said then tapped his left arm twice and his armor fell off him, they were surprised that he had had nothing on underneath it.

The dragoness left them to their pleasure after seeing that he didn't have wings but raggedy growths coming out of his back, while the shape-shifter couldn't see them she stood firm taking in the sight of the front of his body. It was covered with scars, his height didn't change that much, his size did though, he wasn't as muscular as she thought but still well built though with all his feats she thought he would be bigger. His feet were arched his tail had a spiked club at the end of it his armor hid his features well. She didn't care how he looked she still wanted him and would not stop him from doing with her as he pleased.

He was giving in to his desires but then it was hard not to with his dream girl naked and wanting sex he grabbed her right breast then sucked on it his beak was sharp but he was careful not to bite hard enough to break her skin. She was surprised at how fast he was on her she gave a small "Eep" then wrapped her arms around his head and started grinding against him, the heat his body gave off was amazing she wondered how he didn't burst into flames.

He did wanted do a bit of foreplay out but it was clear she couldn't wait, the way she came close to impaling herself on his arousal, and he would have more chances to play with her. He let go of her breast came up to her face, stared at her feeling the juices coming from her sex, he growled as grabbed her ass, and kissed her then he slammed her down on his member. She moaned feeling him inside her, he did tell her he wasn't well endowed. He was actually about average, it felt good not to be forced onto a mammoth cock and not giving a chance to adjust her tunnel to a larger size, she dug her hands into his back enjoying the feeling of him inside her.

He lifted her up a little then slammed her back down, he was loving the feeling of her insides, he came after a few more thrusts, she was surprised that he didn't last that long even after he told her he hadn't had sex in a while, it was still enough to set her off. She came feeling his seed launched into her by his hot pulsating member, their first mating was short but still pleasurable for both of them. She smiled at him then she went limp on him.

He carefully pulled her off him, set her down, and dressed her, then snapped his fingers causing his armor reassembled itself on his body. He scooped her up then went to where he thought the dragoness was, "That was quick." The dragoness said seeing him approach holding her in his arms.

"I couldn't help it. It's been a while since I had sex."

"I figured you the type to rape..." She stared but was interrupted by his growl.

"I may be a brutal savage animal but I'll never be a monster, that's a line I'll never cross." He paused looked down at her as she slowly opened her eyes, "I love you more then anything and will cherish you forever." She smiled and rubbed her head against his chest plate.

"Couldn't you have left your armor off a little longer?" She asked sadly.

"Maybe but then I wouldn't be that focused on getting us a castle for later fun."

"Okay" He spirit rose hearing that. "But then I'm not letting you go for a good long while."

"Alright, but you have to ask yourself do I want you to let go of me?" He asked as he rubbed her a little.

"That was corny, but it still worked."

"Well how about this? I was dead inside before I met you, and though I still feel that way, as long as my body exists I would kill anyone that even thinks about harming you."

"That's better." She said with a big smile. "That makes me want to melt."

"Please don't."

"Why do you think I'll stain your armor?"

"I like holding you."

"Okay we really need to get a castle now." The dragoness said wanting to go to a safer location, "I didn't think that you would actually mate out in the open."

"Vary well." He propped the shape-shifter on one arm then put his free arm on the dragoness then told her, "Hold on." Then in a flash they all vanished.

The two females appeared on a hill without him, they wondered what magic he used to transport them and where he was, they looked around briefly but stopped once they saw the castle in the distance. It was a standard castle, it would still fulfill their needs so it was clear he was there, they took a step toward the castle thinking he didn't have the skill to transport them all when one of the towers exploded.

He had purposely left them on the hill so they wouldn't be caught up in the conquest of the castle. He chose to materialize in the dinning hall as the resident lords were eating, "Who are you and what are you doing here?" The king asked seeing Slag sitting at the end of the table without his helmet.

"You should know who I am as for what I'm doing I though I would let you enjoy your last meal." He responded then took a glass. "Cheers!"

Everyone but the king ran out of the room in a panic, they glared at each other once the room was empty, "I'm not going to let you take my castle." The king declared, "Guards!"

Thirty castle guards surrounded him all with their swords pointed at him when he asked, "Is that all you have?" the king swallowed not wanting to give up his castle but he finally realized who he was up against. "Pity really, but a win is a win."

He stood up slowly not paying attention to those surrounding him he took a breath as the king barked an order, "KILL HIM!"

Ten of them lunged forward in attempt to kill him, he didn't move as ten swords impaled him, the king smiled, until the heads of the ten that attacked fell off their bodies. Everyone left was in shock as his body vanished from the chair and reappeared standing on the chair. He stood on the chair as the headless bodies gushed blood some fell but others still had a grip on their sword that was stuck in the chair. He calmly said, "Okay now you have two choices flee or die."

The remaining guards fled as the king begun, "I'll never give" He never got to finish for he was blown away by large ball of dark energy.

It not only destroyed him but the tower behind the dinning hall not that he cared, he had no use for that tower or a dinning hall. He only chose this castle because he just wanted to have some fun scaring the residents of the castle before taking it. He did a quick look at several others that would still be having dinner party he could crash this one he just chose at random he had always enjoyed doing things at random.

"Does my lady wish to see her new domain?" He asked in a suave voice after reappearing before them on the hill.

Primal smiled seeing him and replied, "After I get a good look at the sleeping quarters."

"As you wish my lady." He continued in the suave voice, the dragoness snorted a little annoyed by their antics. He turned toward her, "If you don't want to come you don't have to."

"I'll be good" She quickly said scared at being left here.

"I was just joking." His voice retuned to normal, "You are free to think and do whatever you want to around me, I don't care what you think or do, I never care about my followers that's why I don't have any."

"What about me?"

"You're my mate, my equal, my one and only desire. And I can't resist you anymore."

"I'll see you at the castle tomorrow night, I'll get there my self." The dragoness said seeing the desire for each other on their face.

He nodded then teleported away with his mate.

"What do you think of this room?" She asked as she presented herself to him spread-eagle.

"I like it but there is one thing I would change." He said with a smile as he approached her.

"And what is that, my lord?"

His smile didn't change as he removed his armor for the second time, got on the bed between her legs, enjoyed the sight of her sex, then grabbed her waist and flipped her over, "You aren't in a position where I can hump you."

"You could have just asked me to get in position for you."

"Maybe but then I wouldn't get to feel your skin as much." He told her as he rubbed her skin.

"You could feel it more if you left your armor off."

"I might but it wouldn't be as memorable."

She gave a loud sigh knowing he wasn't going take off his armor unless they were going to make love, he had made a lot of enemies that would love to get back at him, and without his armor he would be considered an easer target, still it was nice to feel his skin against hers even for a short while. "If that is how you want it my lord, I will love you no matter what."

"I know I love you too." He said as he rubbed his tool against her lower lips.

She gave a light growl-moan, fighting the urge to push back into him, she wanted him inside her badly, but it would be worth a little bit of torture to feel his love. After a bit of rubbing and teasing he finally pushed himself into her with a loud grunt. She clawed the bed as he pounded her, he was still gentle when they made love, she felt weird experiencing this side of him, incredible but weird. He lasted a little longer then the first time but he still came into her quickly, and the blast of hot seed into her was enough to set her off as well.

She collapsed after their orgasms, she and been trained to last a long time, but it wasn't with anyone she loved. He laid down next to her, draped his arm over her, licked her ear, then said "You are a Goddess."

She smiled after hearing that, and rubbed her tail against his before passing out. It was still amazing how real this felt and how good it was knowing he loved her after all that he's done it was a weird feeling to him, good but weird.