Because You're More Than A Friend

Story by CysSub on SoFurry

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#2 of New Day

Hey guys, I apologize for how late it took for this one to come out... One thing you'll...

Hey guys, I apologize for how late it took for this one to come out... One thing you'll learn about me is that I'm rather slow when it comes to writing...!

Anyways, enjoy the second chapter of this series!

Immediately a bright light blinded me as I opened my eyes. I panicked and I sat upright on the bed I was lying on, throwing my wolf paws around myself, trying to find something to hold onto. However, all I could find was the thin blanket that was covering my waist and legs. Slowly the light started to become dimmer as my pupils contracted and everything around me came into focus. I was hit by sudden realization as to where I was as my eyes examined my surroundings... I was in a hospital.

There was a table next to the bed, several green-wrapped presents placed on top of it, my favorite color. My eyes drifted across to the other side of the small room. My clothes were stacked in a neat pile on a chair, against the wall. Sleeping on the other chair next it was my father. My brother was sleeping too on my father's lap, his head tilted back, resting against my father's chest.

I slowly lifted my legs off the side of the bed and got up. I stood up straight for a brief moment, taking a deep breath and then letting it out. I took a step forward with my right leg, only to suddenly collapse onto the cold floor because of a sharp pain that shot up of it.

I hit the marble floor and let out a yelp, instantly turning my head towards my father and my brother, hoping that I didn't wake them up. They were still asleep, thank god. I slowly picked myself up, making sure I didn't put any of my weight on my right leg. I limped over to the chair and grabbed my fresh clothes. After changing into them, I made my way to the door and opened it slightly, slipping through the small gap. I didn't want to be here... what happened before I arrived here wasn't supposed to happen...

The hospital seemed quite empty; I saw only a few furs as I limped through the hallways. I kept my head down as I made my way to the lobby, trying to avoid eye-contact with the few furs whom I passed. They all shot glances at me as I limped across the hallway, but I couldn't figure out why. It was probably because of my limp, especially considering the fact that I often stumbled and needed to put my hands against the walls for support as I made my way to the lobby.

Suddenly I bumped into another fur when I reached the lobby, "I'm sorry," I said quickly while keeping my head down, stepping to the side. However, something caught my eye... a green-wrapped present in the wolf's paws, similar to the ones that were on the table next to the bed. I slowly lifted my head up until I was face-to-face with the wolf I had bumped into. Those familiar ruby-red eyes stared into my own emerald eyes, starting to tear up.

"F-...Fell" breathed the wolf with the mahogany coat.

"Gil..." I responded to him, unsure of what else to say because I was pained by how sadly he looked at me. Before I knew it, Gilbert lunged forward and threw his arms around me, embracing me. The moment he put weight on me, causing me to step backwards with my right leg to keep balance, that same pain form earlier shot up my leg again, causing the both of us to collapse as I couldn't support the two of us with the condition my leg was in.

"Aghh!" I screamed in pain as I hit the floor again with Gilbert landing on top of me. Many of the furs who were in the lobby turned to see what was going on.

"Oh god, I-I'm sorry!" Gilbert apologized as he lay on top of me, he was crying now. not caring what others in the lobby might've assumed about us, I wiped away the tears flowing out of his eyes and then hugged him as he was still lying on top of me. I was happy that I ran into him.

"It's alright," I said softly. When we finally picked ourselves back up, I put an arm around his shoulder and slowly lead us out of the hospital, Gilbert was still crying. "Gilbert, stop crying man," I begged him, "you're going to make me cry too..." I wasn't lying, Gilbert has been my best friend for quite some time and I sympathize him... a lot.

"I--I-... I'm sorry," he explained shakily, wiping away some of his tears. "It just pains me to see you like this af-after so long."

"What do you mean?" I asked, slightly confused. Maybe he was refering to my limp. Gilbert managed to hold back his tears now and grabbed me by the arm and walked me over to a car in the parking lot.

Gilbert let a out a long sigh, "look in the mirror..." I was taken aback for a second. If it wasn't my limp, then what was it?

"What is i--..." I trailed off as I noticed the multiple scars on the left left side of my face. The permanent scratches started from the left side of my muzzle and ran all the way back up to my left ear. The outside of my left eye was scratched up as well. "What happened...?" I breathed, almost terrified by the way I looked with the new features on my face.

"After you were..." he paused for a while, "hit by the c-car," he said finally, "the impact made you slide a few meters across the gr-ground. You slipped into a..." another pause, "coma for two and a half weeks." Saying that seemed almost impossible to him. I guess he didn't want to remember.

"Hmm... well, don't worry about it," I said in a cheerful tone, smiling widely at him, trying to pretend I didn't care, "I'm not!" I just didn't want to see him in such pain. Gilbert managed a weak smile and I put a paw on his back. "C'mon, let's go," I said, directing us toward the bus stop.

The open door and the faint smell of what seemed like washing detergent was almost too inviting. I took a step forward onto the soft carpet with my left footpaw to avoid falling over again. It felt almost too good under my left footpaw which made me want brush it lightly with my right footpaw. After taking another deep whiff of the heavenly scent that filled the whole house, I turned back around and faced the wolf who was smiling warmly at me. We held a gaze of admiration with each other for a long moment.

"Is anyone home?" I asked, suddenly finding the moment a bit awkward.

"No, I don't think so," he said, still gazing at me. I took a few steps sideways, pretending to look around. It was a bit uncomfortable with him staring at me for this long. "So, wanna head up to my room?" Gilbert finally asked, turning his gaze up the stairs.

"Yeah, sure," I said nodding, relieved that his attention had turned to something else. "How about a game of Brawl on your Wii?"

"Aww," he groaned, "come on... don't take advantage of the fact that I haven't touched my Wii in months and that you play it almost everytime you come over." Gilbert started up the stairs now.

"Alright, fine, but what will we do then?" I asked, tilting my head to the side. Gilbert stopped midway up the stairs and turned to face me.

"How about we just relax and watch a movie?" Gilbert suggested, "you look like you need the rest, you can't even stand up straight." He started heading back down the stairs to help me after seeing me struggle with the first few steps.

"Sure, sounds great," I responded as he put my right arm over this shoulders and supported me up the stairs.

When we finally reached the door to his room, Gilbert opened the door with his left paw that was originally positioned around my back. "I can manage here by myself now, thanks," I told him, taking my arm off of his shoulders and hopping into his room, onto his bed. Gilbert made his way over to the television opposite to the bed and started up a movie on his DVD player.

"I hope you're alright wi-..." Gilbert was cut off by his homephone that was ringing loudly outside his room. "One sec," he said, walking out. After a minute or two, Gilbert came back into the room. "Hey that was your parents calling, they wanted to know where you are."

My ears shot up in alarm, "did you tell them I was with you?" I had completely forgotten about the fact that I had just snuck out of a hospital.

"Yeah, they said you could stay over for the night," he said, allowing me to relax again, "but they also said they're coming to pick you up first thing tomorrow morning to take you back to the hospital for a quick check-up... They uhh... sounded kind of angry."

"Dammit, why'd I ever sneak out of there...?" I mumbled, feeling stupid now. If my parents ever got angry at someone it would always end with them temporarily mentally crippling the fur they verbally assaulted. I guess you could say I've had my fair share...

"Hey, don't worry about it," he said cheerfully, approaching the bed, "you've still got today until you have to deal with your parents." Gilbert sat down on the bed next to me and put his right arm around my shoulder and started to stroke my gray fur. I leaned my head again his chest.

I paused for a long moment. "I guess," I said finally, letting out a long sigh. There was a long awkward silence in the room as the both of us sat there together, unmoving. Gilbert's warm body made me feel a lot more relaxed than before.

"H-Hey, Fell?" Gilbert said, shaking a bit. I could feel his heartbeat quickening.

"Yeah Gil, everything alright?" I asked, a bit concerned for him now. I kept listening to his heartbeat which was still progressively getting faster.

"I uhh..." Gilbert hesitated, seeming unsure about how to phrase what he was going to say.

Finally, after letting out a long sigh, Gilbert bent down and put a paw under my chin and raised my head to face his. For what seemed like forever, we were lost in each other's eyes. Those ruby-red eyes that gazed gently into mine seemed more beautiful now than I had ever realized. It seemed almost as if there was a fire alive in them, burning with an eternal flame.

Slowly, Gilbert closed his eyes and leaned in and placed his lips on mine, his tongue slowly slid into my maw. I closed my eyes too as I submissively accepted it, my heart starting to beat faster as well. For the first time in my life, I was in love with another fur, and I didn't want to let go of him. The two of us sat on his bed, kissing each other passionately, his paws placed on both of my cheeks.

"I love you, Fell..." Gilbert whispered as we slowly pulled away from each other, causing me to blush.

"I love you too..." I whispered back to him. Gilbert's eyes opened widely in joy after hearing those words from me. I spotted his tail wagging back and forth through the corner of my eye. I think he was turning red too, but it was hard to tell because of the little contrast with his fur.

Suddenly, Gilbert leapt onto me, causing the both of us to tumble off the side of the bed and roll over each other on the carpeted floor. I held back a loud yelp that attempted to force it's way out of my throar as I tried to ignore the sharp pain that shot up my leg, yet again. We both came to a stop with Gilbert on top of me, keeping me pinned down with his arms.

"You do not know how happy I am right now..." He leaned in while grinning and licked my muzzle a few times, causing me to let out a few muffled moans. I was feeling unimaginably happy too, on the inside. I didn't want this moment to end. I just wanted to reach up and hold onto him tightly, forever-... Uh oh... I could feel myself starting to get a bit hard...

"Someone's excited," Gilbert smiled at me, noticing the rising bulge that was poking into his rump. At this point, I could see his own shorts being tented by his manhood, a wet spot starting to appear on the cloth.

"I guess I'm not the only one," I said, smiling back at him. I placed my paws on the back of his thighs and pulled him up to my chest. From there, I slowly undid the leather belt to his blue jeans, then proceeded by slipping my paws up from under his loose black t-shirt and feeling his nicely-toned abs. My paws continued to feel up his body until they reached his pectorals where I felt his nipples that were hard too. I decided to play with the sensitive flesh for a little while, tugging gently at them. This forced out a short moan from the mahogany-furred wolf.

My paws came back down to the bottom of his shirt and went back up after gripping the sides, removing it for him. With Gilbert's belt already undone on his jeans, he stood up for a second to kick them to the side and slowly slipped out of his boxers, completely revealing his red shaft that appeared to be full. He easily could've been around 8 inches or so.

As Gilbert sat back down on my chest, my paws reached up and gently tugged at and massaged his incredibly warm balls, causing many spurts of precum to shoot out the tip of his shaft and land on my neck and muzzle. Gilbert threw his head back and let out another moan, however, this time a lot longer than before. When his head finally returned to its original position, he leaned down towards me and started to nuzzle my cheek, murring as he did, but also panting lightly in my ear.

Soon after Gilbert started to nuzzle me, I put my paws on the back of his thighs again and pulled him even futher up my body. Taking his pulsating cock, I bent my neck forward and licked the base of it to the tip which was coated in the precum that was oozing out of it. Gilbert arched his back and started massaging the back of both of my ears with his paws, he continued to moan in ecstasy.

"Oooooh, Fell," Gilbert moaned, "that-... that feels so good..." Ample precum was oozing and spurting out the tip of his cock into my maw, forcing me to stop every once in a while to swallow.

Before long, I found Gilbert's paws on the back of my head, pulled me closer to him, forcing his cock deeper into my maw. Without much choice, I let it slowly slide in, trying to relax the back of my throat as much as I could to avoid gagging. After taking in a bit more than half of his length, he stopped pulling and I took the time to lick under the head a few times with my tongue, and clearly he enjoyed the sensation as he shivered and moaned my name.

I slowly started to attempt to take in more of Gilbert's cock into my maw, but I could feel his muscles in his whole body start to tense up as his panting became even more heavy and rapid now. Gilbert's paws were running through my fur, often stopping to grip onto it tightly.

"F-Fell... I--..I'm..." I gave a grunt to tell him I understood what was going on.

Suddenly Gilbert gripped onto my fur tightly one last time and let out a long howl as he unleashed wave after wave of his tasty seed down my throat. Realizing that there was too much of his seed to contain, I had to pull my head back to avoid choking on it, not to mention I needed to breathe. The last few ropes of creamy seed that fired out the tip of his member splattered across my face, most of it landing on my muzzle.

When the intense pleasure finally died down for Gilbert, he let go of me and fell forward, rolling off of me, panting for air. "Oh god... that was... amazing..." Gilbert said, still breathless.

I rolled over to face him and put an arm around him, burying my face in his fur. "I love you," I told him again. Forgetting that I was still hard and aroused, I accidentally pressed up against him and poked into his side.

Gilbert lifted his head in realization of what it was. "Your turn to relax," he said smiling, rolling onto me. Slowly, Gilbert moved down my body until he reached my waist, where he helped remove my shorts. I took off my shirt and closed my eyes, taking a moment to inhale the scent of heavy musk that hung in the air.

Immediately after Gilbert tossed my shorts to the side, he started to stroke my member which finally got the attention it was throbbing for, the precum smearing into his paw. I could hear Gilbert murring as he gripped lower down my shaft and ran his tongue all the way up the underside more than once. My eyes shot open widely at the sensation, and I quivered in sexual delight.

I looked up to see Gilbert smiling at me. Those cute and innocent eyes staring into mine made me smile back at him. Futhermore, there were a few thin strings of precum that dangled from his muzzle, making me chuckle a bit too.

Returning to my cock, Gilbert started to bob his head, slowly taking more and more of it into his maw. My fingers dug into the carpeted floor under me while I let out a long moan, throwing my head back down. I could feel Gilbert lapping greedily at my precum as it spurt into his maw.

"Gilbert..." I let out another moan, loving the things he was doing to my sentitive member. My hips started to instinctively give little thrusts upwards almost each time he bobbed his head down. The pleasure that was filling me was too good, and I didn't know how much longer I would last until I would reach my climax.

The wolf that was on top of me started to try and force more of my length down his throat, but it was already enough for me. With one final flick of his tongue against my member, I cried out to the sudden climax that struck me relentlessly with pleasure. My hips made uneven thrusts upwards and my whole body went tense.

I could feel my seed firing straight up into Gilbert's muzzle. There was so much that Gilbert couldn't hold it all. I heard Gilbert coughing as he quickly pulled away, my warm and sticky seed pouring from his maw and dripping down his chin. The rest of my seed fired into the air and landed onto the more white-ish area of fur on my chest, matting it completely.

While I lay on the floor, panting hard now, Gilbert slowly crawled back up onto me and started nuzzling my neck. After a long moment, my body finally relaxed and I could control my breathing again. I wrapped my arms around Gilbert. The pair of us lay together in his room, both pressed up tightly against each other, the still-wet cum sticking our fur together. I licked Gilbert's muzzle, which was still covered in my cum, and gave him one final tight squeeze before I closed my eyes again and slowly drifted off into my sleep...

I love you Gilbert.

I Did It For You

The open window welcomed the sound of chirping birds and bristling leaves on a warm and sunny day. A gentle breeze slipped in, followed by the smell of fresh-cut grass, enough to convince anyone to take a step outside. All around the small room was...

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