Bump In The Night

Story by Rotten730 on SoFurry

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A rottweiler and wolf meet up for a sexualized night of video gaming. However, when one of them reveals their new pair of purple boxers does the night get messy.

"God damn it, why do you always convince me to play Counter Objective," Russell shouted, "I suck at this game." The half naked rottweiler's torso collapsed back into the soft cushions. An angry look to his face that contrasted the grey, furred, wolf. A smug grin was plastered across the timber wolf's snout whose head was turned to look over at the rottweiler. Two controllers extended from two pcs, monitors propped up on a center table. Their screens displayed the main lobby of the game and shined a cool light across their forms. It clashed with the warm, ambient, light from the incandescent bulbs of ceiling lights. "I know, it is amusing," Fobo said with a snicker. "Watching you squirm is a lot of fun," he added with a small poke to the rottweiler's side. Russell grunted and caved into the poke, "you're lucky I like you." "Quit complaining, you know you like being naked in front of me," Fobo teased and brought his hands to Russell's pants. His fingers flicked the jeans buttons and pulled down the zipper, "if you didn't you would have practiced more over the years." "Right, like it always comes down to stripping," Russell said with a hint of a growl. But the bear-built dog lifted his hips to allow the wolf to remove his pants and leave him in purple boxers. "If I could bottle your whine I'd be drunk every night," Fobo confidently gave the rottweiler's package a grope. "Purple, it looks good on you." "Yeah yeah," Russell removed the groping hand from the cotton fabric, "too early for that. But glad you like them, just gotem in the mail today." "Oh," Fobo's tail thumped the couch, "they show off your assets well enough.""Assets? You haven't even seen my ass in these yet," Russell's muzzle finally cracked a smile. "Well, let me see it," the wolf said with a grin.The grey paw rolled over Russell's side and began to push the dog in encouragement. Russell's annoyance manifested again with a small growl."You know I don't like showing off," he said."Sure you don't, that is why I'm in a t-shirt and shorts and you're in your boxers," Fobo cracked a lopsided smirk. "Fair point," Russell yielded and stood. For a man with as much fat as he had, his body didn't look it. Thick legs spilled from the boxer's legs and covered his tight ass cheeks. The slightly stretchy fabric hugged the globes tight and defined them below his nub. The black and brown tail swayed lazily as he stretched his arms out and popped his back. "So? How does it look back there Fobo," Russell asked head turned over his shoulder."Looks like I can find your cheeks for this," the wolf gave the rottie's ass a firm spank.Russell yelped and jumped, "hey! Jerk," he grumbled and rubbed his ass. "Not so hard," he said and turned. "No beer for you," the rottweiler threatened half heartedly. "Fine, I guess we won't have fun then," the wolf sat back in the couch arms splayed across the back of the couch and arm rest. Russell grumbled as he walked away to the kitchen and grab a few more beers. But as he left Fobo's nose flared and caught the scent from the other canine. It was familiar to him, but something seemed more alluring than usual. A rich musk of sandalwood mixed with masculinity it drew the wolf to him. What was more, when he struck the ass cheek he felt a spark roll through his body and right to his crotch. Arousal. Fobo adjusted himself and ignored the dull throb that continued to pump in his sheath. He heard a noise come from the kitchen followed by a kurt curse."Everything alright," Fobo asked.There was  a period of silence before Russell responded, "yeah everything's all good."For the most part it was, even as Railex stood above the rottweiler. The purple and green furred hyena creature still had features of the cotton texture. But soon the familiar purple, fur fluffed from his figure. Russell was naked and on the kitchen floor, body wiggled in the puddle of slick, slime. The black fur was slicked with the goo as several purple and mottled, green tentacles ensnared his limbs. His maw stuffed full of veined, rough, tentacle that had forced itself into the male's esophagus. The mass of tentacles looked like a spider with noodly legs had wrapped itself around the rottie. Russell's eyes glazed over in lust as the slime artificially introduced oxytocin, testosterone, and phenylethylamine. The rottie's red rocket soon began to make a puddle as well as the knotted shaft spewed fresh cream onto the tiled floor. "You enjoy that for now," Railex said with Russell's voice. The spotted, hyena's body soon began to shift and bulge until it had both Russell's height and mass. Purple coloration shifted to black as his spots turned brown and gathered at his front. Railex moved to grab the beers off the floor before he grumbled and strolled into the other room. The rottweiler's legs twitched as a thin, tapered, tip of a tentacle slipped into his ass and pushed into his warm hole. Dulled moans and the wet surface helped him squirm and kick in pleasure but kept him from going anywhere. The spider like creature shifted and moved until its spine like body aligned itself with Russell's. If it

wasn't for the induced sensations he would be yelling in pain as the tentacles began to merge with his flesh. Tentacles dug into his body and began to connect with his spinal column. "Took you long enough," Fobo teased as he saw Russell enter."Yeah, yeah, had to adjust some things," Railex replied. Railex extended a hand to Fobo to pass along the beer, "adjust? Adjust what? You're naked you fool!"The wolf barked in laughter and snapped open the beer can. But he brushed his palms against his shorts as he felt a slime on his hand from the can. "What? I thought a little change of pace was in order," Railex shrugged his shoulders and flopped himself onto the couch. His body was closer to the wolf than it was before and Fobo caught more of that intoxicating scent come from the rottweiler's body. It caused his cock to thicken, or at least that is what he thought, as he took it in more. That buzzing feeling had begun to travel through his body as he continued to enjoy another sip of beer. But when he set the can down and looked over at the rottie he was surprised. "Wooah, when did that get whipped out," Fobo asked, green eyes on the ebony length that sprouted from his the rottweiler's sheath. "Hmm? Well I mean I peeled back my sheath and let it all hang out," Railex said, "I know you've had your eye on it for some time." The rottweiler grinned, "besides why not, we're friends right? What is a little harmless fun between friends aye?"Fobo chuckled with a blush, "you're joking right? This is when the cameras come out right?""Nope," Railex brought a rottie paw to his shaft and lifted it from between his legs. "Go ahead, enjoy

yourself man."Fobo watched as his best friend began to stroke his glistening length right next to him. That musk grew unbearable the more the rottie smeared thick pre over the black surface. His heart throbbed and he could feel his underwear grow wet with arousal. It wasn't often that something made the wolf leak as much as he was. He looked into the rusty-red eyes and then back down at the length presented to him before he leaned over and began to lick Railex's cock. The rottie cooed and let his hand pool at the base of his cock keeping it upright as the wolf hungrily licked away sweet, salty, pre."That's it man, I know you want this," Railex said and leaned back in the couch. Fobo didn't reply as his black, soft, lips parted and took the tip into his maw. His spit soaked the smooth flesh and allowed his lips to glide over the flesh. Tongue flicked around the hot length sucking hard and swallowing corrupting pre-cum. A warmth grew in the wolf's belly as he began to bob his snout and it only grew the more he swallowed. Pre filled his mouth and stomach faster with each pass as he felt the cock begin to flex and even grow longer. Fuller, the rigid meat pumped and throbbed an unnatural pulse. Drawn into a trance the timber wolf sucked noisily even as the cock began to grow long enough to tickle the back of his throat. Soon the tip crested his throat and pushed deeper than it had before. Fobo lost track of time but when he briefly broke the spell of sucking on an addicting, piece, of cock he realized his clothing had been removed. Grey toned body exposed to the light of the room, computer monitors long gone black and in sleep mode. He felt an unfamiliar sensation between his legs, pleasurable, but alien. He attempted to pull back from the black meat skewered in his throat and found his body locked in place. His eyes darted over the purple legs  on either side of his head, the rottweiler no longer there. They flicked up and could see Railex's toothy, drooly grin, black and green eyes locked onto his own. "Ahh, awake at last," the hyena said with a shrill, scratchy, tone. "Guess it is my turn to have some fun."The green stripes that arched across Railex's

purple chest began to glow before a thick, milky, stream of slime muffled the light. It ran from the stripes and covered the hyena's torso and gave the toned, bulky, hyena an even more imposing body. From the stripes pulled free two, then four, and then six thick tentacles. Four of the muscly, green, undulating limbs were flattened near their base, suckers adorned one side. Fobo could feel the length and heavy weight in his body grow lighter as the cock in his maw began to retract from his body. When the flared, spade, tip popped free of his throat his mouth was instantly filled with musky, sweet, seed that spilled from between his lips. Railex's cock slipped from between black and cream tinted lips spraying the rest of a slimy, thick load across Fobo's head. Fobo coughed up the seed and spilled it across the couch cushion and rug. Even more of the fluid forced its way from the wolf's mouth as Railex cackled. The tentacles swiveled in the air and soon latched onto the wolf's torso with a wet slap. The lubricating slime the tentacles secreted quickly began to sink into the wolf's grey fur. The wolf could feel the thick muscles in the tubes flex as his body was hoisted away from the licking sensation between his legs. Two more suckling tentacles wrapped themselves around the wolf's legs and hoisted them as well. Suspended by the strong, suckly tentacles, he was turned around to face away from the hyena. On the ground he could see the Russell's hips twitching into the air as slimy pre continued to soak his already saturated body. Black tentacles of his own tickled his red, knotted, spear while another worked his asshole wider. It was all a shock to the wolf but the magic that ran through his body kept him calm. Nerves were alight with euphoira as he watched the rottie begin to stand and face him again. The glazed look in his eyes had not diminished as he looked at the properly displayed wolf. Railex's head poked over Fobo's shoulder."I hope you didn't have much planned wolf, because I'm horny," Railex said as his cock dropped further. It took began to snake between Fobo's legs and slip against his rounded cheeks. "I'm sure your friend is too, especially after making your new pussy squirt five times while you sucked me off.""P, pussy," Fobo stuttered and curled his body in the tentacles to look at his crotch. An aroused, swollen, set of pink cunt lips was where his cock and balls should have been. Clit engorged and exposed from its hood sloppy and messy with fluids. The rottweiler eyed it hungrily as he approached. Ebony tendrils similar to the squid like ones wrapped around the wolf's limbs darted toward the pussy.  Their suckers latched onto the sensitive, pink, flesh as they spread Fobo's lips and tickled the hot, vagina. They popped and rolled in waves against the exposed flesh before they latched on to the labia and spread the slit wide. Cool air washed into Fobo's tunnel as the rottie stepped up and brought his cock to it. With very little ceremony, the dog forced his red cock between tentacles and pussy flesh sinking himself in. Fobo moaned and arched into the thrust as he felt the hot meat spread his virgin hole. Railex grumbled in lust hearing the Rottweiler moan and growl. Two thin, tentacles slipped behind the rottweiler's thrusting hips and  poked at the stretched ass. Their ribbed, surface made wet, schlick, schlick, schlick noises as the green limbs rubbed against the rottweiler's pucker. The slick slime helped the rottie as dual tentacles shoved their way into Russell's ass. The ring of muscles gaped easily as they began to fuck into the dog vigorously. Fobo could feel the rottie's cock throb as the first load of cum was dumped into his box. But as the dog's hips continued to thrust and bounce a thick knot against him he knew it wouldn't be the last. Fobo barked at each thrust and throb as he felt thick cum begin to leak from his pussy. Railex chuckled as his long, green, tongue unrolled from his drooling maw. The triangular tongue slithered along Fobo's chest adding to the slime that continued to cover his fur. The air cooled the drenched and darkened fur as the tongue tip found one of the wolf's nipples. It flicked against the nipple before it slid up and traced along Fobo's jaw line. It was mere seconds later when that unnatural tongue pierced the black lips and began to tickle Fobo's broad, pink tongue. Although Railex could extend it further he decided to instead allow his own black, lips press against Fobo's. The hyena-creature growled as he felt the wolf's teeth attempt to weakly fight back, squeezing his tongue, but he knew the more the wolf consumed the more compliant he would become. Green eyes began to haze over much like the Rottweiler's, teeth loosening as that triangular, smooth, green tongue to slip in to continue dancing around the wolf's tongue. Russell's cock continued to piston as Railex's

thick, length flexed and began to press the spaded tip against the wolf's ass. The thick tip began to spread open the wolf's tight ass as it squirmed in protest. The tentacles gripped tighter around the limbs and torso, muscles flexing and shimmering in the light. Russell's black tentacles that held the pussy lips wide for him let the folds relax over his knot, which quickly popped free again. Shallow thrusts continued to force the red knot deeper and deeper into the pink flesh. With powerful knot fucking and deep  thrusting, anal, tentacle the wolf's toes curled. Russell's tentacles focused their attention on Fobo's chest, suckling their suckers over his wet fur and nipples. Another tentacle, thinner than the others began to tease Fobo's clit. The ribbed surface vibrated and began to flick at the wolf's clit. The tip hooked under the hood and began to circle the pussy's urethra just before Fobo's body struggled involuntarily. Wet, fragrant, fluid flowed and doused the rottweiler's legs and balls in female ejaculate. The puddle of fluids that were under the trio's body continued to grow and spread as toes dug into the carpet in pleasure. Fobo's body was a mess as orgasms and climaxes came and went along with the Railex and Russell's own. All of their bodies were soaked in slick, milky, slime holes leaked with copious amounts of cum. Railex's tentacles speared both Russell's ass and mouth while Russell's violated Railex in return. Fobo's holes plugged full the same way, even his urethra penetrated and teased by Russell. The splashes of fluids grew as another orgasm rolled through the trio. Different positions were tried as the night grew younger and the day began to grow older. But soon both the Rottweiler and Wolf couldn't stand the pleasure any more bodies collapsed into each other. Railex's breaths came and went as he fel satisfied by the raunch. His tentacles had retracted from the passed out bodies and back to his own the slime had begun to dry and evaporate from their bodies. He debated removing Russell's parasitic, tentacle, mass, but decided not to because he knew the dog's body could handle it."Till next time we bump in the night," Railex snickered to himself knowingly.The hyena creature walked into kitchen and soon faded into the shadows. The sun rose above the horizon and spilled across the two men on the floor. Their fur unclumped as the slime evaporated away and left no traces of the night. The only remnants was the patches and streaks of seed from Russell's cock. It leaked from Fobo's cunt as he slept and recovered from the night's

events. Morning turned into noon when the two finally began to stir. Russell groaned groggily and lifted his chest from the ground, head pounded as the light reached his eyes. "Son of a bitch, we must have gotten wasted last night," the rottweiler said."Ugh my head," Fobo groaned and dug his snout into his arm."Yeah man," Russell agreed and then looked over the naked, wolf's back. He looked down at himself and found himself completely naked, the scent of sex wafting from his body. Nub wagged before he looked around the room, body still tired, he decided to lay down and spoon up against Fobo. Arms wrapped around the timber wolf's chest and hugged tight. Head tilted and nuzzled into the soft fluff on the wolf's back. Unconsciously, a thin tentacle slipped from Russell's back and slipped between  Fobo's legs and tickle the tired cunt. "Dude, stop tickling my cunt," Fobo complained and attempted to roll away from the touch."I'm not, wait," Russell said into Fobo's back, "you have a cunt?""Apparently I do."

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Pump It

Copyright © 2015 by RottenCover photo © by RottenAll rights reserved. This book or any portion thereofmay not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoeverwithout the express written permission of the publisherexcept for the use of brief quotations in...

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