
Story by Jamboree on SoFurry

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A lot of things had gone wrong for Arthur the otter. Certainly, on the surface, everything seemed fine; he was healthy, financially well-off, doing okay at school, and involved in many of the school's sports, including the football team. But for Arthur, there had always been something missing. Ever since his eighteenth birthday, his girlfriend had gotten pushy with him. It wasn't exactly hard to figure out why. Arthur was a pretty attractive guy; he had the body of a jock but also the brains and manners that made the girls practically fall into his arms. Which was probably why he was treated with such hostility by his male peers. It didn't help that he liked his hair long, and dressed colourfully, and that he wrote poetry, and that he was quiet, and that he never had too many friends.

But the biggest problem for Arthur was his sexuality. He never wanted to pick out a girlfriend, but at the same time he didn't want his parents to worry and ended up giving it a go. So when the pushiness arose, he knew it was time to make a choice. After a month of repeated but futile attempts to light a spark in the bedroom, the couple split up; despite his best efforts, Arthur couldn't make it work. At the time, he thought it was for the best; after all, he didn't want to lose his virginity to someone he never loved nor could ever hope satisfy. But it had some profound implications that only made life more difficult from then on.

So began a period of sexual exploration for the otter, starting, naturally, on the internet. Almost immediately he confirmed the suspicions that he was hopelessly gay, which was depressing at first, but over a period of a few weeks he began to catch up with his sexuality, allowing these repressed desires to take over his evenings at home, spent alone in bed with his private laptop. But that phase passed fairly quickly and he found himself needing more satisfaction than a mere paw could offer, and this presented a problem. He couldn't be too open about homosexuality, for fear of his family finding out and putting himself in danger around his homophobic class and teammates. But he hadn't the first idea of how to meet people who he might be interested in.

And so things began to spiral into decline. Tensions between him and his family rose as Arthur refused to find a new girlfriend. Sexual frustration was abound as Arthur now knew exactly what he had been holding back all these years. The school situation only got worse as the buildup to exams got everybody worked up. And, of course, all the guys Arthur found attractive in were taken by women, including his team captain, who had actually hooked up with Arthur's ex-girlfriend, a fact he made sure to rub into the poor otter's face.

This left him in a desperate position. Years of hiding from the truth of his sexuality had only made the urges stronger, and now he found his horniness bubbling over his insides constantly. It was distracting him from everything he did, to the point that Arthur thought he might go crazy if he didn't get some action. So he started trying avenues he'd never have considered before. He thought about trying to find a date online, but remembered that he was a bit of a technological illiterate and found the whole process of hooking up with a stranger from the internet both daunting and a little creepy. Plus, he was worried about being caught in front of family or friends. Really, the only safe way to do this would be to move out, which thankfully looked like it would be happening soon.

But until then, Arthur had to satisfy himself. And so, it was with this in mind that he had come to the grimy sex shop on the edge of town, underneath the rail station and nestled on the corner between far more respectable establishments. It was probably the most gay-friendly spot in town, but that was of little comfort to Arthur, hiding among the tall aisles of sleazy videos and erotic toys, even despite the weird kind of privacy from the knowledge that anyone who showed up would probably either not care about him or be too embarrassed to say anything. He'd never explored the sex shop before, although obviously he had heard the tales, and so far he was impressed by the sheer breadth of pornographic material laid out before him, as well as the rows of dildos ranked by size, from small and manageable to huge and daunting. The only other guy he could see was the one behind the counter, a young man a bit too skinny for Arthur's taste, covered in tattoos and piercings and ignoring the otter completely. So he took the liberty of taking his time and looking around.

It was while he was walking through the condom aisle that he noticed something intriguing. At the back of the shop, opposite a rack of fetishy gay porno, there lay a wooden door. It would have been a simple mundanity were it not for the host of spray-painted obscenities and suggestive pictures that made Arthur's loins begin to churn to arousal. The otter peeked over both shoulders to see if anyone was around. They weren't. He swallowed quickly and put a hand to the doorknob. It wasn't locked and fell open easily. He thought he heard someone coming closer so he hurried inside quickly.

The door shut a lot harder than he expected, resulting in a loud bang. Arthur waited nervously in silence for a moment to try and hear if anyone was coming to check on it. They weren't. The room itself was surprisingly large and rather dark, being lit by a single lonely-looking lightbulb in the centre. Opposite Arthur were 3 partitioned rooms that looked like changing rooms with about a foot of empty space between the bottom of the door and the floor, presumably so you could see if they were occupied or not. Cautiously the otter pushed the door to the closest one open (it was the middle partition) and crept in, shutting it quietly behind him. It was very bare-bones and rather dusty. There was graffiti on the wall, including a few telephone numbers and a whole host of dirty messages. Arthur quickly noticed a strong smell of something stale but decidedly masculine that kept him hard as he ran his hands along the cheap wooden planks that separated each room. The place was bare of furniture aside from a simple wooden bench, no more than a plank nailed to the wall really, presumably for the otter to sit on.

If it hadn't been obvious before, the tell-tale holes in the wall were enough to tell Arthur this was a cruising spot. His heartbeat quickened. The safe thing to do here was to get out. And yet he found himself firmly on the bench, paws stroking a raging erection beneath his shorts. Tentatively, he peeled off his shirt, and then the rest of his clothes. He figured nobody was likely to come, and if he was gonna get off anywhere tonight, this spot was probably the naughtiest.

Unfortunately, he didn't get very far before his plan began to backfire. To his horror, the door opened without warning in the middle of his self-pleasure. He could only see the lower paws of the new arrival, but they were big and brown, most likely belonging to an older bear. Arthur froze, overcome by fight-or-flight, as the intimidating figure pushed his way into the partition to his right. He heard a deep chuckle and the sound of clothes being thrown to the floor. All too quickly it seemed he had run out of clothes, the pair both in silence. Arthur wondered if the bear had even noticed him.

"You all right there, kid? Seem a bit quiet, is all." So much for that. Arthur didn't know how to respond. Perhaps he was going to say something, but nothing came out, and his mouth just gawped a bit. He couldn't even see this guy, but the voice was deep and authoritative, which was enough to get the otter blushing deep red. His erection wasn't going down, either. A dribble of precum descended across his glans and down the uncut organ, pooling at his fingers (now frozen in terror around the base) and dripping onto the floor.

"What's up, kid? You can tell me." The bear's gruff voice seemed to hold a certain power over Arthur, preventing him from running away. "Or maybe you're not feeling talkative... I can work with that." The otter gaped even wider as a large cut penis, nearly 8 inches along and much thicker than his own, poked its way through the hole in the wall, the dark brown, almost black, head poking out at him and contrasting with the lighter brown shaft. It stood there, erect, staring at Arthur, strangely hypnotic. The otter swallowed audibly and moved towards it.

Awkwardly he fell to his knees. The height was about right. The object itself was bigger and heavier than he anticipated. As he watched a drop of precum form at the slit in the tip, his heart pounded and his stomach filled with butterflies. This wasn't how he had planned it to happen, but somehow something primal in him managed to muster up the will to open wide and swallow. He didn't swallow all that much, it had to be said, perhaps half of the total length, but quickly his senses were overwhelmed by the thick, musky taste and scent.

Clearly he had made the right move, as the bear behind the partition chuckled and groaned appreciatively. Arthur started to travel back up the length to the round head and pause for a moment. He teased it with his tongue, growing in confidence as it leaked salty precum into his mouth, and began to work the shaft properly. His hands tentatively moved towards the large brown balls that hung beneath his chin, feeling them gently so as not to hurt the hidden stranger. As his sucking grew more fervent, he surprised himself with the amount he could fit down his throat, at least until he overshot and nearly threw up from the gagging.

The otter recovered quickly. He made a mental note of his limits and started accelerating his movements, albeit more cautiously. A part of him was wondering why he was doing this, and a big part of him knew it was bad, but the rest of him didn't care. Arthur needed this. And so he carried, on, stopping the sucking motion for a while to plant kisses along the cock. God, he didn't even realise they got that big in real life. He made sure to get to know the shaft intimately, including all the veins along each side.

The guy on the other side was growing more enthusiastic by this point. He was starting to thrust gently into the otter's mouth and was becoming more audible. "Not too bad, kid... you can do better, I know it... yeah, that feels good, keep it up..." The body of the bear shuddered as Arthur took in as much as he could in one go, holding his breath and willing himself not to gag. The sensation was incredible. The scent and taste of the bear overwhelmed him and he wanted more. Generous amounts of precum flowed down the back of his throat and he held the cock there for a few seconds, swallowing it as much as he could. And then he suddenly started to suck much faster and with more energy than before. The bear let out a long, low moan as Arthur put everything he'd learnt to use, eagerly slurping up the shaft backwards and forwards and playing with those exposed balls.

Every fantasy over the past few months suddenly took on a whole new meaning. This was what he had been missing in his life the whole time. No girl could make him feel like this. And as he hungrily worked the shaft, his hands noticed the balls they were fondling rise slowly, and he could hear the bear panting to himself. Arthur knew what was coming next. He readied his throat and massaged the cock between his lips, and as the head began to swell he took it in deep once more. The bear let out a long, low rumble and a deluge of cum blasted into the young otter's throat. He did an impressive job of swallowing the sticky load down as best he could, before pulling off the limpening dick and falling back onto the ground. He was panting slightly, but not as much as the bear who sounded like he had been really enjoying himself. Now that the cock was out of the way, he could see the bear had a bit of a belly on him.

Arthur was about to get dressed and leave when the bear spoke up again. "That was pretty good. Your turn, I guess." A muzzle poked its way through the top of the hole, wide open, the eyes hidden behind the wooden partition. Only now did Arthur realise how hard he was. A strand of precum fell from the tip of his erect cock down to a slick spot on his inner thigh, where it had no doubt been collecting during the entire affair. Arthur swallowed again, but figured that since he'd come this far...

He fed his dick to the anonymous stranger slowly. The bear was gentle and wrapped his lips around it. It felt amazing. The otter could still smell and taste the bear, which added to the sensations. Soon the bear was speeding up and tonguing the shaft as well. Arthur leant against the wall and gritted his teeth. He knew there was no way he could have the stamina of the bear, but he hadn't expected to be this turned on by the act of cocksucking.

Soon it became unbearable, and he thought he was about to come. But the bear slowed down, to Arthur's confusion. The bear played with his dick gently, and Arthur couldn't help but moan out loud, something he had never down while masturbating. Somehow, the bear was keeping him on the edge, and the pleasure was intense. Just as he thought he could hold in no longer, the bear pulled away from him entirely, and gruffly ordered the otter to turn around. He was in no condition to refuse. The bear roughly grabbed the otter's ass through the hole with two paws and pulled it until it was bulging into the bear's partition. And then Arthur felt a tongue lapping its way between his rear cheeks.

He had heard about this - rimming. Immediately a dozen concerns popped into his head. He was a clean guy, usually, but was he clean enough down there? Was it going to hurt? Could he get away if it did? But all those concerns popped out of his head as a thick tongue poked its way into the otter, causing slight discomfort but overwhelming pleasure. The otter was taken totally by surprise as the bear poked around a place he had never had the nerve to explore before. He was having every sexual taboo he had ever been taught broken, one after the other, and his mind was reeling.

Then it happened. The bear suddenly pulled out his tongue and replaced it with a paw. A paw coated in something slippery and cool. He poked it around, coating the otter's hole both outside and in. And then, almost as quickly, Arthur felt something thick and hard (but slippery) poke against his entrance.

"Now, kid, you're the best thing I've found around here for ages. I want you to enjoy this as much as me, so lemme know if I'm goin' to quick... but I reckon' you can handle it..."

Arthur bit on his lip as the head pushed through. The guy wasn't kidding when he said he was gonna be quick. But he was just slow enough in pushing through the tight hole that Arthur could suppress the urge to cry out. Once he had taken the whole thing, the bear's movement came to a halt. Suddenly, Arthur wished there was no barrier between them. It occurred to him that he was about to lose his virginity, and he hadn't even seen the guy's face properly. But any twinge of remorse was replaced with shock as the bear started to move again, causing Arthur to gasp in shock but curiously not in pain. It seemed his ass had adapted to the invader and was almost comfortable with it, and Arthur started to lean into the fucking.

It was his prostate, of course, that was driving him crazy. He'd read up on it, but never tried touching it before. Now, a whole new pleasure had been discovered, one that he knew he would be rediscovering as much as possible for the weeks to follow. But he was caught up just trying to keep up with the bears thrusts, which were quickening in pace. They were both sweating quite a lot, and the bear had seemed to have lost his ability to form proper words and replaced them with encouraging grunts and moans. The otter started to touch himself, working his dick back up to the edge, and savouring the thrill of his first ever fuck. He managed to keep himself there for a fair amount of time, remembering the lessons of the blowjob he had received before. But eventually, temptation and clumsy technique got the better of him, and with a small cry he came all over his hand and stomach. He felt himself spurting over and over, and the combined pleasures of the event overtook him at once, producing unquestionably the best and messiest orgasm of his life. Even after it was over, the continued prostate stimulation kept him semi-hard and needy.

Which was just as well, because suddenly the bear let out a louder moan and started thrusting more violently. Gritting his teeth, Arthur leant backwards into it as he felt spurt after spurt within him. The bear continued to thrust for the entire duration of the orgasm, and a little bit afterwards, much to the otter's pleasure. Eventually he withdrew, and the otter pulled himself to the bench to collapse, exhausted.

"That was fun, kid," the bear called out over the partition, a few minutes later after he was dressed. The otter had only recovered enough to pull on a shirt. "I left you a present. Take a look when you're ready." And with that, he was gone. Arthur got up and dressed quickly, nervous but also highly curious. He left his partition and turned into the bear's one. It was much like his, empty and covered in graffiti, but sure enough there was a small object lying on the bench. It was a dildo, about 8 inches long. If the otter had to guess, he would have said it was the bear's proportions. Sure enough, there was a note taped onto it; "Something to remember me by," and a phone number. The otter smiled to himself a bit. It would be a while before he had the courage to try something like this. But he knew that the dildo had just found a good home. And he pocketed the phone number anyway, just in case.