Dark Origins: Kralken Four, Part Three

Story by Drakeil Braega on SoFurry

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#7 of Dark Origins

This story and all the characters within it are the copyright of the author.

This story contains adult material and should only be read by those 18 years or older.

Dark Origins:

Kralken Four, Part 3

Matt gave off a low growl of pleasure when he removed himself from Feih and rolled onto his back.. Her substantial chest rose and fell with each breath, then, almost as if on cue, they both turned their faces toward each other.

"That," gasped Feih, "was the best since we were back on Dessla." She took a few more deep breaths. "You seem to have gotten better and stronger." She licked her snout clean and smiled.

Matt, with a slight blush under his thin facial fur, looked up at the ceiling. "Maybe it's the food here." He turned back to her and saw a grin on her face then looked to where her eyes were focused, down to his groin where his cock was still at near full attention. This was not new to him as, like all Dorzeli, his sexual stamina was higher than most known sentient species, but it was what he felt that was different from all the other times; he had already recovered and was ready for another go, much sooner than at any time since his initial change into a Dorzeli.

"Why don't you try doing it now?" asked Feih.

He became worried by her request, "I don't think I should do it while we're on the surface. What if..."

She interrupted, "We're safe with Soct guards at the end of the corridor and even if someone tried something you know the process would reverse itself just like it would in a Prime." She still saw that he was reluctant because of the knowledge that he would be in a feral state if that happened so she added. "And I won't let anything happen to you if trouble occurs so please make the attempt. Show me what you've learned from Jason on our trip here."

His training sessions had tested the limits of what powers he had and he had been somewhat successful in many areas except one; "But it didn't work all the times I tried before and if it does what'll happen if they pick it up on their sensors?"

"It won't be enough for them to sound an alarm," she smirked, "Like you're going to bring down the entire building on top of us." She became a bit more serious. "If you're successful I'll make it up to you, like our first night together." She showed most of her teeth in a threat free smile.

His cock had started to flag but the mention of their first night together when he was still a full human had caused it to jump back to full hardness. He relented jumped off of the bed then joked, "I hope I can get it back up after I do this."

Feih smirked, "The only Dorzeli that have that problem are either dead or haven't been born yet."

He shrugged and concentrated. A light blue glow soon surrounded his body, but, unlike the first time he tried to assume his human form, the glow intensified until almost all of his physical features had vanished.

Feih's eyes traveled downward and she smiled when the glow faded after he had shrunk down to his original size few seconds later.

Matt opened his eyes and had to look up to see her face. Then he looked around and shouted, "It worked! I..." then he looked down, "Oh shit." He had forgotten to put on his uniform which his limited powers would have downsized and adapted to his human form.

She licked her snout. "I don't see anything wrong. Matter of fact I see a lot I had always liked in you."

Exasperated he waved his arms; "But now I can't do anything until I get my energy back up."

"Or when I'm done with you," She licked her lips again and grinned.

He had always enjoyed the times he was with her in his human form, but he had only been able to maintain the split from his Dorzeli body up to when things got too heated and he had to merge back into his larger form to finish things off; now he did not know what would happen. The one thing was the same was that his member had maintained its Dorzeli proportions and that the feminine like folds behind his now much larger scrotum (which was external only in his human form) was still with him.

He tried to take a step toward her but found it difficult to lift his legs. He looked down at them and asked, "What's wrong. I..." he stumbled but managed to catch himself before Feih could move to help him.

"You must be having a reaction to the compression of your true mass down to your current size." She swung herself off of the bed and knelt next to him. "The same thing happened to me after I discovered my ability to increase my size during the occupation. The amount of food you ate is the only thing that's keeping you from fainting." She caressed his head. "You should get use to it in a few minutes."

Matt took a few deep breaths then said, "It's a good thing I didn't try this before dinner. I don't mind snakes but those two Fashke were a bit too large for me to feel safe around like this despite how friendly they were with Captain Harding. I mean the way they coiled around and nuzzled him you'd think that they had known him all of their lives."

Feih looked a bit concerned; "They're known to be affectionate, even with their prey, but that display was very unusual." She tried to ease his fears when she saw the look on his face. "But I don't think Jason's decision to leave him with them overnight is anything to worry about."

He relaxed, took a deep breath and stretched, "If you say so."

Feih caressed his back then asked, "Feeling better now?"

"Yeah, I seem to be getting used to this ‘high density' form." He lifted each leg and moved his arms around to show that he had gotten over the initial effects of his transformation.

Feih grinned and prepared to take him into both of her hands, "Then let's find out how much..." She stopped and went on alert when he spun around and stared at the door.

Over their short range link she asked, "What's wrong?"

"Didn't you feel that?"

"I sense only the normal background energy of this building."

He walked toward the door. "No. It was different than that."

Before she could object he pressed the door's control panel and it slid open to reveal an empty hallway.

Baffled he ventured out into the warm corridor, looked down to the corner which lead to the human quarters as well as Jason's and Freerah's suite, then to the opposite curve that lead to where the guards were located and found nothing. He sniffed the air and picked up something he could not identify. It was not until he walked to the opposite wall and took a few steps toward the curve that he realized that he was still naked and that the door had closed behind him.

Before he could turn he picked up a familiar scent; it was not Feih's. He spun around and saw a gun pointed at his head in the hand of a nude and aroused Jolle.

He glanced down and saw that hir large member was erect, pointed at his chest, was moist and dripping. That was when he smelled something else: human blood.

Shi looked him over and growled, "What are you doing out here."

He kept his anger in check and tried to revert to his Dorzeli form but found that he still could not.

Shi sniffed him and hir eyes widened. Shi lowered hir weapon, "You're..."

"Lieutenant Matthew Thorn."

He hoped that that information would halt any action shi might take until shi said, "...and very cute as a human, but you shouldn't be out here."

He held back his nervousness and tried to explain, "I thought I sensed something out here..."

"And you thought you'd investigate?" There was an awkward moment of silence before shi continued and searched the corridor with hir eyes. "You may be tougher than a normal human but you still couldn't hope overpower most of those on this planet."

Matt thought; "That's what you think", then realized too late that he had left his link on an open channel in case of an emergency and shut it off, but it was too late.

Jolle crossed hir muscular arms across hir large chest, looked down at him and grinned, "I would love to find out but I don't think your mate would allow it."

He followed hir gaze when shi turned hir head and saw that Feih had reopened the door and had been ready to come to his aid, but her angry stare was only on him and he knew the reason why; the Kromad's chief security officer's appealing form had, to his shame, caused his erection to return to its previous firmness. He was so fixated on Feih that he did not see that Jolle eyes were on him and that shi was impressed.

Feih eyes stayed on him when she addressed Jolle; "If this weren't a diplomatic mission I might have allowed it, but..."

"I know," sighed the big lizard, "My position does not allow for such familiarities with any representatives of any of the member races until my term is over."

He was surprised at this revelation. "You consider me a full Dorzeli?"

Shi gave an affirmative nod. "You came as one and will leave as one so yes."

He made full eye contact with hir and asked. "Is that why you chose to be with both a human male and female?"

A smile formed on hir snout. "Your nose is better than a normal human's," she looked downward, "Among other things." Before he could say another word shi added, "The blood you smell is from a minor scratch which was the result of carelessness on my part." Shi smiled and continued to look his body over. "When I heard that humans had made it into deep space and were on their way here I became curious to see if they would be as open-minded as some other species. Your marital status with Chire Desslat and, from what I've experienced so far, I can say with some confidence that some are."

He became nervous when he saw hir grin and hir organ start to throb. He tried to back down without backing away; "Since we haven't found anything wrong out here I'll return to my room." He gave hir a short bow.

Shi returned it and added, "Good night."

"Good night." He turned back to Feih who did not look too pleased at what had just occurred. Then he saw a look of surprise on her face when she looked behind him.

"It has been one so far."

He turned to see that Jolle had disappeared around the corner and that Farada, who was nude and had a big smile on her draconian face, had taken hir place. He also picked up the familiar sexual scents of both Jason and Freerah as well as what he identified to be her species pheromones which was evidence that the shower she had taken had not done that good a job.

He looked her long body over and was caught off guard when she said "I can see that you appreciate the different forms females not of your birth species can take." Embarrassed he brought his eyes back to her face which was now very close to his.

Her eyes looked up then a grin came to her face just before she nuzzled Matt. Surprised at this show of affection he returned the gesture but was once more surprised when she licked him from his member up to his face. He could only stare up at her when she said, "I'll see you both tomorrow. Have a good rest of the night." She withdrew from him back through the doorway, turned and walked down the hallway toward the section's entrance.

He could not help but look after her and blushed when he saw that she had her tail raised high to tease him before she disappeared around the bend.

He lost the smile that had formed on his face when he turned back to Feih and saw that she looked very annoyed. He decided to get back into the room as soon as possible. She allowed him just enough time for him to pass her before she pounced.

He felt one of her two tail tips thrust up between his legs, insert itself into his slit and lift him into the air. He felt no pain when his weight forced the sensitive appendage deep into his body's new and unusual orifice, only greater arousal as she lifted him up to her face where she took a firm hold of his body with her hands while her other tail touched the door's panel which closed it behind them.

He heard a hint of playful anger in her voice when she growled, "I see that I have to remind you who your primary mate is and that you only get to be with others when I give you permission." His eyes went wide when she opened her mouth and leaned forward.

He moaned not in pain but in pleasure when she stuck out her tongue out and licked him from where her tail had entered him, all the way back to his tip. Her tongue then curled and enveloped and thrust up and down his length. He tried to squirm from her grasp but her hold was too strong.

He moaned, "Oh god...so good...unnngh," then gasped when she laid him on the center of the bed and picked up speed. He did not realize that she had to do this because she could no longer hold him up.

She took all of him into hir mouth and suckled and licked him with increased intensity and smiled when he started to revert to his Dorzeli form.

Each thrust from her tongue was answered with a bit more growth and change in his physical appearance: his face and head elongated and became snake-like; his ears lengthened, curved and became pointed.

She smiled at his progress then swirled her tongue around his length as two amber colored horns grew from the sides of his skull and took on an amber glow. She churred from the wonderful taste of his human pre, the vibrations of which caused his moans to become more like guttural growls as his vocal chords adapted to Dorzeli speech and his front teeth to grew in size and sharpness; his canines elongated and developed ducts through which his venom would soon flow.

He nearly came when a tail forced its way from the base of his spine then split in two.

She soon had to back away from the bas of his member; it also grown in size to match the growth of the rest of his body, so much so that she had to release his body so that she could use one hand to pump what she could not contain in her mouth and throat. When she used the other to help her tail stimulate his slit even more he was pushed over the edge.

He roared and, with two heavy spurts, filled her mouth with a tasty mix of human and Dorzeli fluids. She swallowed it all then tasted a change when third and fourth spurts took on the powerful nutmeg like taste so many Dorzeli and many humans had grown to love.

She released him from her hot mouth when his copious flow stopped and crawled along side his full brown furred Dorzeli-Ki form.

He opened his eyes, stared into hers and panted, "Oh my god; that was good."

"I thought you'd like that." She stroked his chest. "Sex is one way of restoring your form but you should be able to do it on your own from now on."

"If not I know you'll help me again."

She rolled over onto him so that her breasts pressed into his face, lowered her rear onto his still turgid member and whispered, "You can count on it."

No amount of struggle could free the human from the iron grip of the being who had somehow pulled it through the wall at the last second and carried it away from a possible certain death.. A full minute passed before they stopped and the human's feet were placed onto the floor of the dark passageway. It backed into the nearest wall when it was released, looked up and saw its rescuer, who wore a similar black stealth suit which hid all facial and body features except for her large breasts.

Krassa stood up to her full height then hand signed, "If I had not opened that access panel had and grabbed you when I did we would have both been killed."

She took a few deep breaths and watched the terror stricken human become a bit more at ease with her presence. She took this time to appraise her ‘catch" and concluded that it was a male by its body shape but due to their suit's scent masking capabilities she could not tell for sure by scent, which was for the best as she could not afford to give herself away if she recognized that individual when she met the humans the next day. It was also true that the human would not take back any of her scent as they could not afford for the others to detect a Dorzeli scent that was not of his party.

She signed, "Do you have what I need?"

The figure nodded, took a few steps forward, kneeled down and placed a metallic disk in a protective sleeve onto the floor then backed away to a safe distance.

She took a step forward, leaned down, picked it up and placed it in a slot in the portable unit she had brought with her and turned it on. What she saw on it screen shocked her.

She stopped the playback and signed, "Your people must be mad to do something like this during a war they can't win without help." She thought for a moment then smiled as she signed, "But this may still work to our mutual advantage, thank you."

She moved to give the human a proper send off but the black suited figure backed further away from her.

Disappointed she signed, "You should not be so fearful of your allies." She checked the real feed of the corridor and found that it was empty. "You have two of your minutes to get back to your room before normal monitoring resumes. Just press the lower right hand panel when you get back to this side of the wall then walk through it, but before you go take this." She reached into a sealed pocket and placed a similar disk on the floor the stood back up. "You should find the information on that disk of value in case you run into trouble on board the ship that brought you here.

The human picked it up, bowed then turned and ran back the way they had come..

She watched the human's departure and grinned at the thought that soon she would know the true identity of that male and maybe make that one hers, with Shiru's permission of course. Something many other allied Dorzeli could look forward to with every compatible human on earth once his plan took effect. And for those that refused them; she licked her snout and ran back to her room. At one point she frowned at that prospect but could not figure out why.

The suited human was amazed when the wall became transparent, but kept the awe at the level of technology involved in check and verified that the corridor was vacant before he made a quick retreat back to his room. Once secure that discovery was no longer a problem he ripped off the suit and activated its self destruct. Seconds after the disintegrated garment has been flushed down the room's multi-species toilet he checked the disk in his personal reader and discovered that it contained detailed plans for the Dessla, the ship he and the others had arrived on. He smiled and came up with a contingency plan.

Krassa contacted Shiru and transmitted the encrypted data to him after she put her suit away.

He read it and laughed, "I cannot believe these humans can be so foolish as to do something like this." Seconds after his claws had raced across a virtual keyboard copies of the message were sent to every diplomat in the building via an untraceable pathway. He next initiated a call to his personal pilot Hassais at the city's spaceport. The eyes of the unusual black Dorzeli that appeared on his screen averted when he saw who had called him.

"What is your wish Chire Grevais."

"Ready my personal ship for a quick departure in the morning."

Hassais raised his eyes but did not look directly at his master, "Is there a problem sir?"

"I fear that due to some new developments this planet may become unsafe for me to stay on after sunrise."

Fear tinged Hassais' next question, "Freerah and her new mate?"

"Especially her mate if what I have heard of him is true."

Hassais bowed, "Then it'll be ready by sunrise."

"Good." He turned off the screen and made one more call.

Farada had felt very good about her meeting and having some fun with her old friend Freerah and her new mate when she entered her quarters but that all changed when she saw the message that had been left for her on her communications console. She snarled and almost dug three gouges into it table with hir claws when she read it and saw the suspected sender smile at her from the screen. "I know you're behind this Shiru and I swear that after I deal with the blowback from this I'll deal with you once and for all."

He laughed at her, which only caused her anger to increase, "You know full well I have too many allies on the council that will never allow you to carry out your threat and even if they couldn't stop you..."

Her anger turned into fear when his eyes glowed blue. "Th-that's not possible."

"Possible?" His eyes returned to normal. "Oh but it is and soon even Freerah and her new pet won't be a hindrance to my plans so even if you somehow get past tomorrow's coming storm, and I doubt that even your considerable skills can, I just may take up on your offer.." He laughed and cut off the transmission.

Farada closed her eyes, shook her head and a tear rolled from her left eye when she thought; "Then there's no hope left." Then an idea came to her and she made a few calls.