Chapter 4- The Slave Pen

Story by Maelandra on SoFurry

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Summary** : A chance encounter will stay with them for the rest of their lives

© Maelandra

10th October, 2009

All Rights Reserved.

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Chapter Four- The Slave Pen

It had been ten years, ten years since that fateful day when Markus had told him about that little seven-year-old. Retired from the army because his tail had been cut off and the ligament in his right leg had been stretched beyond repair, the fox was in the shipping business now, his lover, Leonard, having retired with him, was in politics. Markus was still serving the army, though. But since it was peace time, he was training pups and cubs now, or so Dorian had heard. The leopard had come to visit less and less, saying something about how Leonard was doing something strange and it made his fur stand on end. But it didn't matter. The fox loved the lion and together, they had a large, beautiful home in the middle of the city and had at least a dozen human slave girls and boys. And every once in a while, Dorian would limp down to the docks where his ships came in with hundreds of human slaves and would pick the select few.

Now, he was looking through the selections and his memory told him what Markus had told him all those years ago. The leopard had told him everything, what she had looked like, what she had sounded like, what she had even smelled like. The girl Dorian was seeing looked even older than her seventeen-years but perhaps the fox should have suspected that, perhaps. She was dressed in a dirty, tattered tunic, dress, that barely covered anything of her form, as tiny as it was. A leopard cub, no older than four, clung to her legs, and bared his fangs at the fox, growling low in his throat. The young woman just stared at him, her gray eyes old and tired. She was about five feet tall, and was so thin she was almost gaunt. Her head was shaved but the stubble on her crown looked to be a dark brown over a small nose, a heart-shaped mouth and a small, rounded chin on her oval face.

The leopard cub, her leopard cub- though she smelled virgin- looked less thin, like he'd eaten every day, at least once. Dorian stared. She hadn't eaten anything on the entire journey because she was feeding her son? He had to know...

"Are you called Nadera?"

"No," she answered weakly. She looked like she could barely stand. "I'm Nedira. Why?"

It was her. It was really her! He had found her after ten years! Markus would be so happy. "I know the leopard called Markus," the fox grinned. The girl's eyes widened then they darkened in suspicion.

"And what are you to him?"

"His best friend," Dorian replied truthfully. "I will bring you to my home and you can see him again. I promise." The girl asked what choice she really had and the fox shrugged. "None, I suppose. You are, after all, only human." The cub hissed. Dorian didn't exactly know what to think of the brat. "Is he yours?"

"Of course." Her eyes had suddenly turned from tired to pleading him not to say anything so he would ask later, after the cub slept for the night. So the fox bought her and a few more girls and took them home to get washed and prepared for their duties. Dorian kept glancing at Nedira who held the paw of the leopard cub as if he truly were her son and the little one seemed to think he was her son so who was he to question what went on between the two of them?

Getting home, he could smell sex in the air and frowned. His main servant girl, Liena, whom had been with him for almost nine years came running up to him as he entered the parlor and whispered to him frantically, "Lord Leonard has been raping all of the newest serving girls for the past hour, almost since the moment you left! I didn't know what to do." The fox's eyes widened and he followed the young woman to the bed chamber where he found the three newest slaves he had purchased last week tied to different pieces of furniture, blood and cum covering their bodies; all three were sobbing as the lion pounded into a fourth one, her hands tied to the bedpost.

"What are you doing?" Dorian demanded. Leonard looked up, startled, then sneered, "Doing what I want in _ my _ home. What does it look like, my little kit?"

"But... I thought... I thought you were only going to do that to me..." Dorian whispered, his eyes tearing up.

The lion resumed pounded himself into the young human girl as he snapped, "You haven't _ been putting out and _I have been having major hard-ons so I'm _ dealing _ with it, since you won't." He groaned as he came and pulled himself out, the girl's blood coating his now limp eight inches. "Do you have new bitches for me to fuck?" The lion wasn't even ashamed of himself.

"If you rape any of these girls," Dorian hissed, "I will throw you out of my bed, out of my house, and out of my life, Leonard, I promise you." The lion looked unimpressed and Dorian didn't want to deal with him anymore so he stormed out of the bedroom and back down to where the new slave girls were waiting for him. He led them to the bathing room and they stripped off their dirty, ripped tunics.

Nedira helped her son out of his pants and helped him into the deep hot spring, the warm water instantly relaxing everyone's nerves. Dorian watched as she washed the cub's fur tenderly before washing her own skin and stubble. "Mama?" the cub asked. "Are we going to live here for ever?"

"Yes, Ian," Nedira whispered. "This is our home now." The cub frowned, saying he wanted to see Nana and the forests again. The girl smiled sadly, answering, "I wish we could, but do you see that fox?" The cub glared at Dorian with anger and hate before turning back to her. "He's going to take care of us if we do things about his house, okay?"

"I dun wanna," the cub whined. The girl sighed, saying that sometimes, people had to do things they didn't want to do. And the more they did the things they didn't want to do, but had to, they proved they were very grown-up and very smart. Dorian smiled. He liked her already. He would just have to have his friend come around to see how his little human had grown up so well and wise. First she'd just have to keep her distance from Leonard and he could make that happen.

Stepping out of the hot spring with her cub in her arms, Nedira rubbed her son's fur dry before rubbing herself down and Liena came with servants' clothes for the new girls. Nedira and Liena stared at each other before both girls shrieked and hugged tightly, both their faces lighting up happily. Dorian's brows rose and the other slave girls stared in surprised horror; the cub, Ian, seemed unfazed, as if this was actually normal behavior for his mother to do when she was very excited and joyous.

"You've been here this whole time, Lie?" Nedira asked, grinning.

"Yeah," the older woman said. "And look at you. I didn't recognize you with all the slave grit on you. But your hair..." The light brown haired woman ran her fingers over the shorter girl's stubble and she seemed sad. "You had such long, beautiful hair.

Nedira shrugged. "It'll grow back, eventually."

"And he is your son?"

"Yeah... Ian, come meet my sister, your auntie." The cub, still naked and damp furred stepped over to his mother and her sister, staring up at the older woman with wide, green eyes. Scooping the fur ball up, Ian played shy, peeking at his aunt from where he buried his head in his mother's neck. "He's just flirting, Lie... You look different, happy."

"I like it here," the older woman said. "Lord Dorian is a good master. Lord Leonard... never mind..."

"No, I agree with you, my dear," Dorian sighed, limping over to the three. "Perhaps it is time I kicked that lion out. He has been getting worse and I never listened to Markus but I don't know what I'll do without him." Neither girl said anything, as it was not their place to do so. "Anyway, you should get dressed before you catch cold. And then I will show you around the house and find something for you to do. I have been waiting for you, after all... Markus will be so pleased."

Nedira just smiled, remembering the leopard as if she had seen him just yesterday. It was funny how destiny played out but she was liking it so far.