the wet fox

Story by mugman on SoFurry

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It was evening, a light shower had passed though the forset it was very wet and slippy.

Dean was walking home from college, he is a fox about 20-23 he was about 5'11 or there abouse he had just finshed a three year course on hair dressing of tails.

He had top makes and he was a real girl, or that's what his so called class mates called him, he was stright but some times he did look the other way, he did have a girl but they dieced to see other people.

When walking home he thought he herd a noise not just any noise a noise, a bad noise, a couple of days ago he had split hair remover on a student who was dating a rugby person, "she didn't look too bad and it will soon grow back" he thought to him shef but around the next tree was trouble.

Walking a bit quicker he walked around an old fallen tree he never jumpped it seeing as a friend had done this and broke his leg after witch Dean never jumpped it.

It was a big old log it was a chestnut tree and okay walking around it took a few minutes but it's better to be late then sorry.

After walking round this dead tree the path went dark and was very hard going, then looking in a puddle he saw his face and then three others faces.

He jumpped the three where "friends" of the girl he had made build, then it happened he knew how to get out just say "hot nude dragon chick" then he run but as he said this they had not fallen for it seeing as he'd said too many times now so they looked for a second and Dean made his move he pushed one of them and then tripped the other up, the ground was so wet they couldn't get up even with help.

Dean ran and then it started to ran now he would at this point stop and find shelter bue he kept running like mad.

the rain was comming down hard then he herd three voices

"we're going to get you gay boy"

"not it i get you first gays"

He held a branch and waited, when there big feet came up a hill he let the branch go but they cought it and he ran more but this time it was so wet a lake had the path wash away and yes Dean slipped and fell down the others left him.

As he fell as he saw was tree, drit, sky, and after a while he stopped falling, as he tryed to get up he felt a pain in his lag and arm, he checked himshelf out, a sprain in the leg and the arm was just saw "help" he cryed out but it was like a wisper in the forest, the rain was now comming down down quite hard and he was getting very wet "help" he cryed again but still nothing no one awswered back except the wind howling though the woods then for some reason he thought he herd a voice an angel he thought, but no it was just his mind but just in case he yalled "help" again and the voice came again.

The voice was sweet but far far away but close like high, then woosh and a gust of wind though the tree and then in front of him was a dragon not just any dragon a very nice dragon.

"I herd you cry out help and I came as soon as I could".

She was the most beautiful dragon with a green top and a very nice brown under side she was very young for her size like very big.

She picked Dean up and carried him off as she flew Dean felt safe and he fell asleep in her hand/claws.

After a while he woke to the smell of food by his side, it was a very large bowl of soup and a note saying; "sorry this is the smallest bowl I could find, the soup is my mums hope you enjoy".

The bowl was big but it smelled good plus it looked good Dean sipped it and then drank more and more.

About half way though he was quite full and the bowl was very empty then something cought his eye, a big box of stuff as he moved it hurt but not as bad as before he looked and it had been bandaged up, he found a branch and walked over to the box and found all his stuff he'd lost and all the money he'd lost some old and some was a bit forgen.

"I've been collecting stuff from the woods for ages, some of it is yours ans some of it is other people's"

Dean jumpped

"How long have you been there?"

"Only a few minutes"

"Oh, oh wow my pen that's a pencil"

She sat on the bed and finshed off the soup in one big glup.

Soon I was joining her on the bed with stuff i'd not seen in years and yes she was cuoious on what every thing was.

After a while of saying what stuff was she was fast asleep but she had gone to sleep on my legs/lap and some of my cheast, i'd never touched a dragon before I touched it and started to stroke it to which she started to purr and yes she did roll over and go to sleep.

In the night I awoke to the arger of needing the loo, not knowing where it was I got up and went for a walk, the rain pounded down out side and now it was thundering and lighting, a flash went pass and I ran nealy wetting my colthes? as I looked down there where no clothes covering my my bits just me.

Isoon found the loo and was much better now then a drip fell down my back and it was icy cold, I let out a srcem and the dragon came running.

After a bit of a talk I came up with a silly idea...........

"Look I was thinking is it okay if I stay here for a few days like erm a year or more I can pay".

She just smiled and said "yes" and then saw a mark on the floor it was a mud patch she went on the floor and was cleaning it up and she was nude too.

I hope you enjoy this story, another one I made up but this time it was put on paper, I hope you like it there will be more I think ????

editted 04/09/10

david's college days part twenty

This is the truth of Mr. STORM and miss dragon this is to read only by the people of yiffstar it is top secret so if you read it keep it to your selves. It all happed a couple of years ago now, after the fieldtrip were David and pippin had...


david's college days part nineteen

After he came out of his two week coma David set about getting better and finding out who tried to kill him or stop him from walking seeing as a wheelchair was not very good skip gear yes to carrying things but no good for rummaging and most places...

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david's college days part eighteen

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