Fanning the Flame (Full)

Story by Wolfwind on SoFurry

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The first thing I did upon waking was groan. Just by getting up I was agreeing to suffer through another day of school. I sighed and got up anyway. At least it's Friday I thought.

I pushed myself off the camo comforter and dragged my lazy blue tail to the shower. After quietly soaking in the stream of hot water I got out and dried myself in front of the bathroom mirror. I let the mirror de-fog a bit until I could inspect myself. Every morning I examined my face to make sure some unfortunate acne had sprung up during the night, but I took in other aspects too. I was glad I didn't have to worry about hair like most of the lupine, feline, or otherwise furry schoolmates did. My moonlight white skin shone in excellent contrast with the blue that covered most of my body. I never really told anyone, but I was secretly proud of the shade of deep blue that most Flamedramon weren't lucky enough to be born with. Once in a while I would see a Flamey with an attractive red or serious black, but no one in the whole school had matched my tint of royal blue. I sighed; except for one very certain classmate.

After I was satisfied that I wouldn't have to undergo high school with acne, I picked some clothes out and got dressed. Thinking of my crush, I tried to pick out what would appeal the best, so I chose some dark jeans, white shirt and blue jacket. I reached for the deodorant to put in my backpack, and then remembered the tennis season was over. I would definitely not miss the after school training sessions that had taken place every day.

After shoving a few textbooks in my backpack I strolled downstairs and snagged a bowl of cheerios. I was lucky enough to be an only child and my parents must have already left, so it was nice to have a quiet house.

I finished my bowl then headed for the bus.

When I got to school, I instantly sought out my best friend Chris. I made out his furry hair over the crowd of the cafeteria. When I was finally able to get to him through the crowd, I saw he was texting. Not that it was much of a surprise. Even being skinny, his Byakko good looks kept him constantly busy texting one girl or another.

He raised his head when he saw me.

"Hey Nate, what's up?"

"Not much," I replied.

"Kewl," he nodded then asked, "What's today's schedule again?"

I sifted through what I could remember of the finals week schedules they had posted. "Um it's periods 2, 3, 4, 5," then winced as I remembered I would have to face him the first period of the day.

My reaction didn't go without notice.

"Still haven't talked to him huh?" Chris asked with a smirk. He was the only one who knew about my crush. He's really the only one I can trust with this secret, I thought with dry humor to myself. I was really surprised that such a womanizer didn't have a problem when he found out his best friend was bi.

"Nah," I said lowering my head, embarrassed. "We really haven't talked since the library." I sighed again. "I don't know why I do this to myself. It's such an insane longshot. I should just move on already."

Chris laughed (not exactly a reaction I was expecting) and shoved his cell in his pocket. "Why don't you ask him if he wants to go to the movies with us tonight?"

I snorted as the bell rung. "Yeah, that wouldn't be obvious," I said as we started heading to class.

"What?! Nah! Just be like 'Yo, Brandon, do ya wanna chill with me and some homies at the theater tonight?'"

I laughed. "Only you talk like that, dude. And we seriously haven't talked enough for it not to be awkward."

He shook his head, his pale blue mane flying "Awww dude, you are such a pansy. Maybe you should give up. I've been counting and at least 5 girls have checked us out since we started for class," he sniffed and casually flicked up the collar of his button down shirt, "of course, probably three of them were for me, but hey that means about two were checking you out. You got options man."

I laughed again, this time at myself. "I know...It's just...I can't even think of anyone besides him."

Chris shook his head in mock despair. "Your choice bro. See ya at lunch," he said and turned down the hallway to the left.

I continued along the crowded halls until I reached my classroom door on the right. I opened it and immediately looked towards Brandon's spot near the front of the class. It was empty. I frowned slightly to myself in the doorway, and then I heard pawsteps behind me and held the door open for the person...

...and found myself looking into the deep eyes of the most amazing Windragon in the whole school. Brandon was a little short for being a Windragon, but I was pretty tall for a Flamedramon, so he was looking me right in the eyes as I felt heat rush to my face.

He grinned his magnificent, crooked grin.

"Thanks," he said and held the door so I could get into the classroom and unblock the doorway.

I glanced down; I could never concentrate if I looked straight into his sky blue eyes, and somehow managed to breathe, "No prob," and kept any quivering out of my voice.

As he walked past I was finally able to take more of him in than just his face, not that that was bad. But now I got to respect his other features like his perfectly groomed, white wings, his shock of blond hair and the streak of blue that colored the strip down his back, starting from an arrow on his face all the way to the tip of his tail. Having compared it many times, I knew that we were almost the exact shade of deep blue on white. He was slender, but a definition of lean muscle could be ascertained.

Then I realized that I was still standing at the door. Glad that we were the first there and no one had noticed my session of staring, I quickly walked over to my seat. Just as I sat down, careful to put my tail through the hole in the base of the seat of the chairs, I panicked. How long had he been behind me? I wondered silently but fervently. Did he hear me and Chris talking? I risked a peek over at him just as he seemed to look at me. I quickly lowered my head again.

Before I could panic some more, other classmates started filing in, along with our Taomon language teacher. As she started the lecture on symbolism, I started pondering if maybe I had talked to him enough for it to be ok for me to invite him. I quickly reviewed our encounters. The very first had been in the computer room the class had borrowed for the week of researching an essay. He had sat to my left and, back then I had been completely straight. But all it took was that one day next to each other for me to notice him. For a couple of days I wondered why I was feeling so weird around him. I had never had a reaction for a guy like this before. Confusion turned into denial, then, finally, I accepted that I had actually fallen for a guy. From that day, there hasn't been one that's gone by without me daydreaming of him. It also made maintaining my night life almost impossible.

But, in my defense, he's really hot.

After that we had talked in the library when our class went down there to choose a book to do a report on. It wasn't much of a conversation, just recommending each other books that we though might not be entirely boring. Then again in the career center, he asked me what I was thinking about for a career.

Looking back on it now, it had always been Brandon that had initiated every conversation. And he was such a shy, quiet guy (that was another thing that made him so irresistible; I was pretty much the same). He didn't talk much to other classmates, I started to notice as the months went on. Maybe he did have an interest in me.

I looked at the calendar with depression as Taomon continued to give example about some green light in the book The Great Gatsby. I noticed that almost 4 months had gone by in school. And I hadn't really talked to Brandon once. Like, really talked.

Maybe I will invite him to the movies, I thought as I pulled out a notebook to start some notes. At least I will have tried something. Now I was convinced that I would ask him.

I switched between staring at the clock and stealing glimpses of the guy I had so mysteriously fallen for. I was both dreading and anticipating when the class ended, which was when I planned to make my move.

I somewhat jumped when the bell actually did ring. Slowly I rose from my chair and shouldered my already-packed bag. As I walked over to his desk I felt blood start to rise to my face again. He was still packing when I spoke.

"Hey Brandon," I started and he looked up with those damn beautiful eyes. Shit I thought as I lowered my gaze and continued in a forced strong voice "Um, me and some friends were gonna go see Hangover tonight at about 7:30. Did ya want to come with?" Shit shit shit, why can't I look him in the eyes! I screamed silently at myself.

I heard his quiet voice reply, "Uh where?" Damn it, he even had to smell sexy. As if he needed it.


Longston Place theater," I answered and forced myself to look at him as we walked to the door.

He nodded. "I'll have to see if I can go, but maybe," he finished.

"Ok," I said, but inside I was crestfallen. 'Maybe' wasn't a very encouraging response. "Well I'll see you there if you can make it." I said before the crowd separated us as we turned to go to our respective next periods.

I groaned as soon as he was clear. That was horrible I thought miserably.

"He could still show," Chris said as he paid for the popcorn. He and I were at the concessions stand at the theater lobby.

I grimaced. "Nah dude, you should have seen it. There's no way he's coming."

"Why not?" he questioned.

I sighed as he handed me my tub of popcorn. "It was terrible. I couldn't look him in the eyes, I was muttering... It was too obvious. There's no way he doesn't think I'm a fruit." I shook my head, trying to clear it of that embarrassing memory.

Chris just laughed as we strolled over to stand by the front door. Some of his friends were supposed to meet us here. "Maybe you'll just have to live with the fact that he doesn't like you like that."

I shook my head again. "No, that I would totally understand. Really it would be great just to be friends with him." I knew Chris was still new to the whole concept of me liking guys, so I held back the part where I incredibly happy just to have Brandon in my life at all.

Although I knew that he probably wouldn't come, for the next 5 min while we waited for the other friends, I scanned the parking lot for that blast of white feathers and shock of blond hair. But to no avail. Pretty soon we saw the group of furs getting out of a truck and Chris raised his hand in greeting. Then he turned to me as he saw my face fall. He punched me in the arm playfully.

"Don't worry about it bro. He probably just got tied up."

I painted a smile on my face, for his benefit. "Yeah." No need for me to ruin his night because of my hopeless obsession.

Chris met his friends at the door and walked to the concessions stand while I leaned against the pillar by the door. I watched them mess around in line for a bit before I looked at the clock above the ticket booth. 7:22. The previews will start soon, I thought absentmindedly.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I wondered if one of Chris' friends had shown up a little late as I turned around.

Then my heart stopped as I looked straight into sky blue eyes for the second time today.

And he was smiling. Not the normal, small grin he had displayed in class, but a wide, breathtaking smile.

"Hey Nathan," he said in that always-reserved voice.

Thankfully, my heart started up again. "Um...hi." No one had called me Nathan for years. For so long it had always been Nate, even among my family. But I loved how he said it now.

"Sorry I was almost late. I had a tough time finding a ride here," he continued. There was still only about a foot between us and his scent drifted over me again. The first time I had smelled it months ago it had instantly captivated me. Since then it had become very close to an addiction, and now I was enjoying my favorite drug.

I grinned shakily. "Oh, it's ok. The movie hasn't started yet."

From the corner of my eye I could see Chris and his buddies walking back from the concessions stand. I saw his eyes widen in surprise when he spotted my company. With a mischievous wink and a smile to me he walked up to Brandon with a hand out.

"Hey I'm Chris. You must be Brandon," he said and shook his hand. "Nathan's talked a lot about you."

­No way. I couldn't believe it. I stared down my 'best friend' in shock, and then my gaze fell to the floor when Brandon looked at me. Then I heard him laugh.

"Really? Cool."

I looked up in surprise to see him grinning again...and was that a hint of red against his white cheeks?

"Well we should probably get in the theater," Chris said. "The previews are the best part."

Everyone nodded in agreement and started toward the theater door. Brandon took his place right beside me. Every time our shoulders brushed my back stiffened a bit.

We filed in while Chris held open the door. I came in last so I gave him a good punch to the chest on my way through.

"Hey." He grinned and rubbed his chest.

We chose the row about midway up the room. I sat down to the right of Brandon just as the previews started. I tried to watch a few of them, but my attention kept returning to the legendz on my left.

At some point the movie did start, but I didn't pay any attention to it. I gave a chuckle or two when everyone else seemed to laugh, but for the most part I examined Brandon in my peripheral. He had changed from the black t shirt he had worn at school. Now he was wearing a dark blue zip up hoodie with a gray undershirt and I realized that it wasn't unlike the outfit I had chosen for the day.

Eventually, regretfully, the credits began to roll. We all got up and followed the crowd to the door. When we managed to squeeze through the door Brandon tapped me on the shoulder.

"Do you have the time?" he asked as Chris and his friends went on ahead.

"Sure," I dug out my cell. "It's 9:07." I looked back up to him. At least that was getting easier.

"Oh." His face looked a little disappointed. "Do you know if there's anything to do around here? My aunt dropped me off to do some errands but she said she wouldn't be back to pick me up til 10. I was hoping to movie would last longer."

I laughed a little. "Sorry but there's not much to do on this side of the river." Then my stomach clenched slightly at a though. "My house is just behind the theater though, if you just wanted to come over and hang out for a bit."

His eyes lit up, almost like that was the answer he was waiting for. "Yeah? Thanks."

"Sure," I grinned. I couldn't believe he was actually coming over.

So we started toward the road to my neighborhood. Houses peppered the sides that were mostly taken over by trees and forest.

"So what kinda errands did your aunt need to run?" I ventured. It was getting easier and easier to talk to him.

Brandon shrugged, his wings lifting a bit with his shoulders. "Just some party things," he said nonchalantly "Tomorrow we're throwing a surprise birthday party for my mom. I was supposed to help today."

"Oh," Suddenly that 'maybe' from earlier made a lot more sense. "Crap dude, sorry. I didn't mean to pull you away from that."

He waved off my guilt with a smile. "Don't worry about it. This was a lot more fun anyway."

I grinned back. "Good."

"So what was your favorite part of the movie?" he asked.

Crap. "Umm," I quickly racked my memories for a funny part from the movie trailer. "Probably the part where he opens up the car door and hits the baby."

Brandon laughed again. "Yeah that was awesome."

I was so fascinated by his laugh that I almost passed right by my driveway.

"It's right here," I said and walked up to the door. It took me a moment to realize he wasn't at my side. I looked over my shoulder to find him standing near the mouth of the driveway, gawking up at my house.

"You live here?" he almost whispered. I guess it was understandable. It was a three story with Victorian style architecture. Understandable as it was it still didn't stop me from blushing.

"Yeah," I chuckled a bit. "Both my parents work and we saved up for a while."

"...Damn," he said and started to catch up.

At least he bought it, I thought with relief.

We walked up the porch steps to the door. It opened just as I reached up for the handle though. My parents looked at us in surprise in the doorway.

"Hey Mom," I stepped back to let them through. "This is Brandon. Is it ok if he hangs out for a while?"

My mom, a black Flamedramon, looked at my dad, an extremely fit Exveemon for his age. He nodded.

"Sure," he said. "We're just going out for dinner. We should be back in a few hours."

"Are you staying for the night, Brandon?" my mom asked him.

I was about to explain about his aunt picking him up, but Brandon started first.

"Uh, maybe. I'd just have to ask my aunt. If that's alright with you?" he asked me, and for some reason I thought I heard a trace of nervousness in his voice.

"Well, yeah." I said, it now being my turn to feel nervous. Will I be able to control myself? I wondered. I just knew sleeping in the same room with him was going to be torture. I felt a twitch in my boxers at the thought of it.

"Ok, well have fun you two," my mom said as she lead my dad to the car. I grinned slightly at what she would think of my idea of 'fun' with Brandon. Then I remembered.

"Oh it's Friday isn't it?" I called out. Now I knew where they were going. "You guys have fun too." I laughed a bit.

"There's pizza in the fridge if you get hungry," my dad called back with a grin as they got in the truck.

We walked in and Brandon asked, "So is it ok if I use your phone?"

"Yeah," I pointed to the table next to the TV. "It's right there."

"Thanks." He picked up the phone and started dialing. As he waited for his aunt to pick up he nodded toward the XBOX 360 below the DVD player. "You have any good games for it?"

I walked over and opened the drawer to the left. "Just these."

He peeked in. "Aw, you have the new Call of Duty? My XBOX broke a while ago so I'm sort of having withdrawals."

I laughed. "Yeah I'll set it up," I said and turned on the TV and XBOX.

Then his aunt answered and he stepped into the adjoining room. The loading screen for Live gameplay came up as he returned with another grin.

"She said it was ok," he explained as he put the phone back in its cradle.

I returned the smile. "Sweet."

The next few hours we traded off riddling holes in other players from around the world. I had always thought that I was the best among my friends, with a 1.80 Kill to Death ratio. But after a few games of watching Brandon, I knew he was just as good, if not better. When I plugged my iPod in (since I like to kill to music) it started a whole conversation about music. While I had bands more rock like Skillet, Shinedown and Hollywood Undead, he was more into alternative such as Fall Out Boy, OneRepublic and Boys Like Girls.

Somewhere in between the games and reheated pizza my parents came home.

"How'd it go?" I asked over my shoulder as I sniped a guy from across the map.

My mom chuckled. "Perfectly. The main course was amazing."

My dad just grumbled, "You got to eat more than I did..."

After a quick goodnight they both went upstairs. Brandon nudged me.

"What was that all about?" he questioned.

"Oh," I shook my head. "They just have dinner with their bosses sometime and Mom has a bigger appetite than Dad." Brandon nodded in understanding but my insides felt terrible. I hate lying to him.

Following a quick session of killing nazi zombies I saw him yawn. I grinned as he glanced at me looking embarrassed. "Yeah, I'm getting a little tired too. I'll probably pass out if we go much longer."

He laughed, looking relieved. We turned off the XBOX and stumbled upstairs to the third floor, my floor. When we got into my room I watched him look around. His gaze traced across the computer, the drum set shoved in the corner, and my bag of taekwondo gear near the closet. Then when his eyes fell on my bed he said, "Dibs on far side."

I gulped. He actually did intend to sleep in the same bed. My member did another little number in my pants. I debated telling him we had a guest bedroom (or three) but I knew this was what I wanted all year. I glanced down again when he turned.

"Alright. I just gotta go brush my teeth and stuff." Great. Back to mumbling.

My stomach roiled while I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I considered jerking off a load real quick to make the night a little easier to deal with, but with my bathroom directly joining my room he would definitely hear me. I grimaced as I made my way back to my room.

He was already under the comforter when I stepped in, on his side facing the wall. I was tip-toeing in, just in case he was already asleep, when an unfamiliar shadow at the foot of the bed caught my eye. I leaned closer and saw his hoodie and shirt crumpled on the floor. Awesome. That will make it much easier I thought dryly.

I crawled under the covers next to him, glad I had one of those beds that don't transfer movement. As the comforter lifted I saw his bare, toned back. Most of it was obscured by his wings, but I let my gaze drift down to his lower back where his jeans cruelly covered his tight ass. I could feel my cock growing against my thigh as I allowed my imagination have a little fun.

Eventually I realized I was doing exactly what I feared I would. I spent most of the school year fantasizing about Brandon, and now with him laying next to me, there was no way my yearning would let me fall to sleep easily.

After at least 20 minutes of torturous silence I knew I couldn't hold out much longer. I thought of all the physical contact between us was only him tapping or touching my shoulder. Now that he was pretty much guaranteed to be asleep, it was time to even the score.

I turned on my side and lifted the covers again to reveal his back. What little moonlight that came through the window made Brandon's white wings blaze with an almost mystical light.

With the back of two fingers I lightly stroked one wing. I waited to make sure I hadn't woken him then did it again, a little harder. Each feather was heavenly soft though I could feel the powerful muscle underneath.

I continued for a while, loving the feel of the velvet rows of feathers on my skin. I traced a finger along the border of one feather and, when I reached the end of it, did the same to the feather beneath that one until I had worked my way to the wing tip. I even leaned in and breathed deep the scent of my crush a few times, for the first time being able to enjoy it without the nervousness of confrontation.

Finally I laid back down, giving the moonlit wings one last stroke. Just as I retracted my hand, thinking that this along with the late hour might finally allow me to sleep, I heard his voice.

"Why did you stop?"

I sat up horrified as Brandon shifted and turned his head to look at me with a small smile.

"I-I'm sorry," I stammered. "I though you were asleep!"

"Don't be," he said and sat up. I instinctively pushed myself back against the wooden headboard. "And I could never get to sleep with you lying beside me."

"...What?" My mind was stunned, unable to comprehend the words for some reason.

He glanced back at me with surprise, then blushed and faced forward again, sitting with his hands in his lap.

"Nathan," I shivered as he said my name again. "I've been in love with you since the first day of school."

He paused, but when I didn't say anything he continued, "I thought I was more obvious; for the first month I couldn't take my eyes off of you. I'm surprised you didn't note-" He was cut off when I wrapped my arms around to his front and hugged him, his wings tight against my chest.

He was rigid for a moment then relaxed and looked back at me smiling. The moon illuminated the depths of his eyes like a silver-lined, twilit sky. Staring into them I lost myself for a moment. I buried my face into the back of his toned shoulders between the wings.

"Please..." my voice broke and trembled. "Please...don't let this be a cruel joke... I-I don't think I would be able to handle it." What if he was joking and I had misinterpreted it? What if he rejected me when I had just managed to become his friend?

My eyes went wide when I felt his hands pull on my grasp. Terrified that I had guessed right and my worst nightmare was in progress I released the hug.

Brandon scooted forward a couple of feet and lay back down with his head in my lap. Then he reached up with both hands and pulled my face toward his. I could see him grinning through the slight film of tears that blurred my vision.

"Nathan...I'm yours. Forever."

With that months and months of pent up emotions flowed freely as our lips met.

Nearly paralyzing as it was, it was far better than any of the countless daydreams I had entertained over the school year. At first I was completely entranced at how soft and gentle his lips felt against my own. Then I jerked slightly when his tongue crept into my mouth. With a moan I consented and let my own explore around his.

I don't know how long we wrestled tongues between each other, but after some point the shock had worn off enough for me to realize that I couldn't be happier right now. My family wouldn't like this in the least, but I didn't care. I was in an incredibly passionate kiss with the only guy I had ever crushed on, let alone fallen in love for. But when I opened my eyes and saw the bulge pulsing under his jeans I grinned into the kiss. Ok, I thought I could be a little happier.

With my left hand I grabbed a handful of Brandon's blond hair and pushed him further into the kiss. I let the other investigate the bare torso I had so longed to see. His build was slight but every muscle was cut perfectly into his frame. Brandon's breath quickened as my hand traced the ridges and groves of his well formed six pack. Only after I had touched and memorized every muscle did I let my hand traverse over his stomach and rub the bulge.

Apparently it was too much because he broke the kiss and moaned into my collar bone as he arched his back and thrust lightly into my palm.

"Hmm...a little sensitive aren't we?" I whispered as Brandon reached over his head and grabbed the hem of my shirt. When I helped and pulled it off he grinned and ground the back of his head into the hard on I was sporting.

"I could say the same thing," he giggled as I clenched my eyes shut from the raw pleasure. He sat up and scooted back to the place he had been in when I had hugged him. Twisting his neck to kiss me again, I felt his hands start to unzip my jeans. Following his lead I reached around to his front and undid his own. We both sat up on our knees to pull each other's pants down. I shivered, not because of the cold, but in delight when I saw his ass. It did not disappoint my expectations.

But there was something else I was equally eager to see. Apparently Brandon must have had the same idea because he peeked over his shoulder at my exposed member. It was immensely satisfying to see his eyes widen then stare in hunger at my 8 inch shaft finally free of its confines. I couldn't wait any longer though, so I pulled him toward me, squeaking slightly when his back pressed against my sensitive tip. But when I glanced over his shoulder I must have mirrored Brandon's previous reaction as I saw his cock. It was slightly shorter than mine, maybe 7 inches but also a little wider. As expected it was white like most of his body and like mine. I gazed in desire when the moon glinted off of the pre that coated the head of it.

Brandon turned and kissed me roughly in the neck then whispered passionately into it, "Flamey like?"

"Ohhhh yeah...Flamey most definitely like," I said and reached around him to grasp the length. At the touch Brandon arched his back slightly again and a small bead of pre sprouted from the tip. Grinning I grabbed it at the head, rubbing around to make sure I had a nice layer of precum in my palm while the Windragon moaned into my neck. Once I had enough homemade lubricant I slowly worked my hand down his shaft, slicking the whole length. When I reached the base, I slowly stroked up resulting in another few beads of pre.

Brandon murred, "Mmm...your hand is so hot." He started thrusting lightly so I sped up my pace, all the while enjoying the meat of my lover in my hand. Soon I was working the entire length at a fast pace and I could tell he was getting close to his limit. What I didn't expect was him grabbing my hand with his own.

When I looked at him in astonishment he breathed over his shoulder, "I...I want you to take me."

I was stunned for a moment. "Are you sure?"

He nodded and lifted his tail against my chest to reinforce his resolve. I looked down at his butt and saw his tailhole, now puckering slightly, and stared in hunger.

I leaned forward and kissed his neck. "Ok. Hold on."

I licked the tip of one of my pre-covered fingers then murred. It was slightly salty but tasted wonderful. I chuckled softly to myself: Brandon now officially appealed to each of the five senses.

I grabbed my own member with the already well lubricated hand. My own supply mixed with his and soon it was plenty slick. I sat back down with my legs under him while he still was on his knees. Brandon peeked back and I nodded. He slowly lowered himself and when he was close enough I positioned my cock right under his entrance.

He stopped a bit when the two made contact then slowly lowered again. I groaned loudly as his tight tailhole expanded over my head. I was in pure bliss as I sunk into him about an inch. Then he stopped with a low yelp and instantly I sat up and asked, "You ok? We don't have to do this," even though my body strongly wanted to thrust all the way into him.

He grunted again and even though I couldn't see his face I could imagine the grimace.

"Yeah, just give me a second. You're sort of big," he said with a tepid chuckle. I leaned forward and hugged him again, loving the softness of his feathers against my bare chest.

"Take your time, hon. Don't do anything to hurt yourself," I spoke into his shoulder. That was honest enough; I never wanted any harm to come to my lover.

After about a minute of giving Brandon time to expand, he gradually sunk into my lap again. The soft, tight, warm pressure surrounding my cock left me in another state of ecstasy as he eventually bottomed out, his tail's base against my stomach and my balls cradling his own.

We both just sat there for a moment, breathing heavy and getting used to the new feelings we were experiencing. Then he lift up almost to the point of my head, then sat back down heavily making both of us gasp in pleasure. He lifted again, but this time when he lowered he kept going, building a slow but steadily increasing rhythm. Not wanting to hurt him I denied my body the desire to push into him myself. Each time he bottomed out our testicles smacked together giving me an idea. I reached around him yet again, took his member in hand, and resumed where I left off. He increased his pace and soon both of us where groaning softly sensual delight.

Now no longer afraid of hurting him due to the force he was using himself I began to drive into him each time he lowered himself, grinding slightly. I could feel the fluttery feeling in my lower stomach growing and I knew I was close to blowing. By the way Brandon's cock jumped in my hand every time I went balls deep I knew he was probably the same.

Some part of me that wasn't taken over in rapture wanted to make a game of it and see if I could get him to cum first. Reaching over with my left hand I started to roll his balls around in it. With a muffled yell, Brandon's member jumped in my hand and sent hot streams of cum flying. But I only noticed a miniscule amount of it as his insides tightened and convulsed around my own length. In surprise and ecstasy, with one final driving force I shot my seed into his bowels. I continued to ride out the orgasm with thrusting but the load was too much for his ass to handle. Some of it leaked out of the sides and eventually onto my stomach where it went to hot to warm to cool in seconds.

Enjoying the afterglow of our own orgasms, both of us sat there panting for a while. Then Brandon lifted leisurely, eliciting a last moan from me, still loving the tightness and heat.

When I was all the way out he turned around and laid on top of me, pulling me into another adoring kiss. It wasn't as hurried as last time but it had just as much fervor. It was perfect for the moment. He broke off after a moment.

"That was..." he paused hunting for the right word, "incredible. Nathan I don't think I could love anyone as much as much as I love you."

"Believe me, I feel the same," I whispered into his ear. With that he laid his head down on my shoulder and in moments sleep took us both.

I woke up to a cold breeze on my right side. Darkness still enveloped the room when I opened my eyes. Almost instantly I felt Brandon's absence from my side. I panicked for a few terrifying moments looking around the bed. Had it really been some cruel dream? Did he sneak out to go home?! But then another cool gust brought me back to the present and I looked toward the window.

It was open and the Windragon was sitting on the sill staring out at the night sky. Over time the moon had moved across the sky and had gone from illuminating the bed to the middle of the room.

Heart calming down, I rose from my bed and crossed the room to him. Still naked he sat with both of his legs hanging out the window. The gentle wind played with his hair and feathers. From behind him I put my hand on his left shoulder and rested my head on the other.

He turned his head and gave me a peck on the cheek. "I hope you don't mind that I opened it. The room was boiling...and I love the wind," he said quietly, as if not to disturb the night quiet that surrounded the house and neighboring trees.

I kissed his cheek in turn.

"Not at all; I love the wind too," I replied. He turned slightly in surprise.

"Really? But aren't you fire-type?"

I nodded. "Yeah. But wind makes fire grow doesn't it?"