Chapter 2: Recollection

Story by Buck TCOTW on SoFurry

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#2 of The Chronicles of Ferine: Path to Leadership

Chapter 2: Recollection

In the previous chapter, Ruby and her older brother, Elijah, are being separated from the rest of their brothers because of the death of their mother caused by a hunting group called the infamous White Knights of Flownai.

Note that wolf years are 7 for every 1 human year.

As Ruby was being taken away, she started to cry and whine frantically, wriggling and shivering in her anger. Ruby's father had no hope but to let her go, or else he would have crushed her tiny bones. As the freed Ruby and Elijah tried to run back to the litter, just for one last goodbye, just for one last cuddle, they were caught and grabbled by their father, apprehended again, this time by their tales.

"Come little ones, we have to leave, don't try to resist." Their father said softly to them.

Elijah offered the most complications, while Ruby had given up. Then, as if they had a chance to escape, Elijah gave a signal to Ruby. A last chance thing. Elijah, with a long tail forced his father's mouth open by putting his head where his tail was, flipping in the process. Their father ceased clamping down immediately, allowing them Ruby chance to escape but not Elijah. It started to rain, or they just noticed it because their fur coats were very wet. Ruby started to run back to the little nest above the den to get one last look at her siblings. Her father would have chased after her, but was cooed back by Elijah's whining. As Ruby approached the nest she was attacked and barraged by growls and unhappy whines from some of the pups, obviously disliking her and her brother for being the ones to escape.

Still she persisted to get into the nest; only 2 of the wolves helped her up out of the 5 left there and gave her what she wanted, a cuddle ... a shield from the thunder and rain water above. At this time Ruby noticed that she was the only female of everyone around her, out of the whole batch. Wet and whimpering, Ruby decided start moving back to her father. As she was moving she took a 60 second look back at her siblings, just to get a picture of the people she would never see again. Ruby registered each of them in her memory.

OK, the first one, to the far left, born in semi-human form, very skinny and more of the most ostracized wolf of the pack. He had pitched black fur where it showed and vampire eyes that could kill a bear in one look. The one that was second from the left was the one who helped me up and cuddled me the most. He was about 35 now how he looked, had a silky yet milky white fur and a big wolf frame. He had a look on his face, a determined 'I will do whatever it takes' look on his face. Unlike everyone else, he wasn't whining or crying like everyone else but just smiling at me. The exact opposite look of the ones to the right, the last three, even the one that helped me up. They shot evil looks at me.

Ruby felt hurt, she could tell they would rather been taken off instead of her, they would have loved to be with their father instead of her. They would do anything; especially kill Ruby, if they had the chance. They all had brownish black fur that seemed to shine in the rain that.... weirdly didn't seem to be hitting the nest above their den at all. They were triplets except the one to the far right, who had a birth defect with his left ear, half of it was missing.

"Great I am liked by everybody" she sighed.

Before she knew it, Ruby had been picked up by her father, Elijah's tail between his teeth. He jarred Ruby from her position by her tail as well, both of them putting up no protest. Their father tried to pick up a third wolf but of no use, he was too exhausted. Plus he had to gets these pups he already had out of the rain and cold, into safety. He wasn't worried about the other wolves; they were protected from the rain by the weak shield protecting the nest. Elijah let out a big sneeze.


Ruby is now about 69 (almost 10 years old in human years), still very young. It has been 68 years since her mother was killed back in that primitive forest. Ruby's father, Setherous, and Ruby's 36 year older brother Elijah are out gathering food for tonight's dinner. Meanwhile, Ruby, too inexperienced and young to be able to hunt, is still in the den sleeping in one of the dorsal chambers, seeable and reachable from the hunting path that leads to their place. Every day when Elijah and her father are gone for long periods of time, she always sits and recaps on events or things that happened in her life. She hates doing this, but it is either that or going even crazier from boredom. She begins to think...

At 7, she and Elijah were attacked by vampires, who had just bitten clean through Elijah's left leg and right arm, while Ruby's father was taking a kill of the mother bat in dragon form. Elijah gave out a series of emotional yelps alerting both of us to his location. Just as the bats were about to go in for the kill, they were incinerated by a giant flame. Ruby couldn't pinpoint its location of origin, but she just knew it was from her father, he was in the form of a dragon. The flame was gold on the inside, a reddish gold, on the outside of that was a blue, very dark blue, and on the outside of that was a black. She recognized this as advanced dragon's flame, Ruby slightly squeaked at the thought. Well at least the survived that one.

When Ruby was 22, Elijah was taught how to catch and eat his food properly, to protect himself and his sister, physically and magically.

Since the wolven/ were- wolf species becomes of age at certain times, like the males, who become of age around 72 years of age, as for females, they come of age at around 33. So at 35, Ruby's father had taught her about males and sex. It was like; about 2 days after Ruby was taught how to bathe herself, she did a pretty horrible job, especially around specific regions. Ruby's father saw her mistakes and sometimes corrected them, sometimes let her continue. It was way easier to clean yourself in wolf form.

"No Ruby, not like that. You use your tongue on the insides between the toes and fingers, then go to the paws" he chuckled. He demonstrated it for Ruby, Ruby did the same thing as him, he praised her for doing well, she felt good.

"Now the face, it is almost impossible to clean the face alone without running water." He explained. "I will clean it for you" he smiled.

He worked his way from the top of her head to around her eyes, his tongue not missing a spot. Then he went to around her ears, it tickled Ruby so much she gave a laughing yelp, the one she was trying to hold back, then her father stopped.

"Did I do something wrong?" Ruby asked, quite confused.

"No, it is just you remind me so much of your mother, such a beautiful face.... Yep just like your mother."

Ruby looked down.

"I... I'm sorry I-" Ruby began to say until her father gabbed her snout, gently, in a playful way, and said,

"Nothing to be sorry about, not at all (he smiled at this). You should be glad you take so much after your mother! Her beauty, her powers, her intelligence." Her father had said very softly.

Ruby smiled and blushed, feeling an itch down below her stomach she reached quickly, involuntarily to scratch it. Ruby realized what she was doing too late, but her father noticed right away, not even looking down or frowning but smiling even more then before. Ruby quickly snatched her hand away.

"Its ok, its just you didn't clean it properly" he chuckled, still smiling at her.

Ruby tried again to clean her nether region properly but failed. Ruby's father sighed.

"Ruby, do you know what sex is?" he said seriously.

"Uhh..." Ruby replied.

"Well it is the coming together of a male and a female to have pups. Just like me and your mom had you and your brothers."

Ruby nodded.

"It happens when a penis, belonging to the male, goes into the vagina, which belongs to the female. The penis is sometimes called the cock or the dick, and the opening of the vagina is sometimes called the slit. When a male and female want to have sex they stick the penis inside of the vagina until they both have an orgasm."

She nodded again.

"Now, what you have down there is a vagina. It is composed of the clitoris, or clit for shot, the little thing sticking out of the top of the vagina, and then there is the slit itself, where the penis goes. When a male and female mate it is referred to here as 'yiff' or sex, both mean the same thing. Until you have real sex, you will have a barrier in your vagina called the vaginal barrier which signifies that you are still a virgin. If this is broken, it means you are not a virgin anymore, you should only have the barrier broken with your true love."

"But... what does it all mean?" she asked.

He motioned for Ruby to lie back.

"I will show you how it fells to yiff if you promise me one thing; never to yiff unless you are sure are you ready to bare a family of your own."

"You mean you are going to have sex with me?"

"Of course not, I will show you how it feels without actually doing it, so no, we won't be having 'sex' sex." He explained to her more clearly."

Ruby lay back and motioned that she was ready.

Ruby felt really weird as her father's tongue caressed and then her slit. His tongue was longer then she though, she could feel it, inching its way up and up through her body. She felt pleasure like she had never felt before, and could feel something pooling inside of her. She could feel when her father reached her barrier, because he stopped and commanded his tongue to wiggle around, which made the pleasure more exhilarating. He kept going until she could deny the pool of force inside of her no more. She released just after her father stopped licking her. He licked up the white mess from the bathing spot.

"That was called an orgasm, what happens at the end of sex, what I was talking about before, it allows for the creation of pups of your own."

Just released from the choke hold ecstasy had on her, she yelped a "wow..."

Finally, at 49 Ruby was taught about her mother and the unknown roots of the Ferine Pack along with its elite magic defensive abilities. One defensive move she particularly liked was the "Akuni We-Wichains" defense. She liked it so much because it was the closest defensive spell to an attack of all defense spells. Ruby practiced it on a tree, some rabbits but her father was always there to destroy the chains when she was done. She remembered the incantation, "Ferine defense five, cast shadows to bind my enemy ... AKUNI WE-WICHAINS!!"

"I tested it on Elijah too!" she chuckled aloud.

He was shooting weak offensive attacks at her; she had enough and said the incantation.

Half way through her chanting her shadow had grown bigger, as if the sun was moving from north to east to west to north to south and everywhere. When she finished the incantation, when she said "AKUNI WE-WICHAINS!!" part, gleaming silver pointy chains with pointed tips on the top, about 5 sets of 3, shot out swiftly from Ruby's shadow and grabbed Elijah quite fiercely. He yelped out in pain, "AHHHRG! REVERSE IT! REVERSE IT PLEASE!"

There was only one problem, how do you reverse it? She thought.

Elijah let out an ear shredding yell of pain, which summoned the surrounding animals to watch what was going on. Ruby clenched her fists in frustration, which tightened the chains quite a bit, causing Elijah to utter a cry of mercy so powerful it seemed to make the animals scatter away, the wind blow fiercely, and the leaves rip from the trees. It seemed as if it were controlled by my emotions, she thought. Plan B, nice and cheerful....

So she tried being nice and cheerful and happy.

"Not...the... t-t-time.... for this... Ru- AHH!" He was cut off by the chains groping around his body again, more fiercely then ever.

She was getting kind of angry, she was helping him, was trying to get him out of what HE started! Then, suddenly remembering the emotional aspect of her power, she quickly withdrew her anger.

"Sorry!" she blurted out.

OK, she thought, let's try the 'happy' thing.

Ruby stretches and yawns, blinks twice and lies back.

"Today is such a beautiful day, prey running around, sun shining, and water flowing..."she cooed the chains into submission.

The chains, to her amazement, actually loosened a whole lot; Elijah was feeling way better, still squeezing but maybe as much as a rubber band around your neck.

She stood up a little to face her brother, both of them in semi-human form. She smiled at him, her shot her a weird look.

"I love ya brother" she said, giving her biggest smile of all time. She could feel her face turning red with embarrassment, even through the fur.

The chains just fell to the ground like their life support had been killed. Ruby looked at Elijah's body, pretty scratched and bruised, still really muscular for his age and.... sexy? Where did that word come from???!!! She killed the idea of incest that instant. Shortly after they walked home (the chains still dragging behind the shadow) she was confronted by her father and learned the words "nix" destroyed the spell effect of anything ruby created when touching said creation.

Ruby was taught a little offensive magic, but little weak spells. The only other thing she was taught is defensive spells backwards is offensive spells. The only offensive she was officially taught was the ameba- amenorrhea attack, thx to Elijah. Ruby was never taught offense by their father, so when he was away, Elijah would teach her (or try to) some offense. But nowadays, ever since Elijah has become more sexually mature he was not allowed to be alone that much with Ruby.

When she turned 56, she finally learned why she was called Ruby, instead of Rubetha [Chapter 1].

As usual with these memory trips they overwhelmed her, just like last time. This time, at least she wasn't vomiting but just a headache. She understood nothing of the mental magic she had... Memories, just memories, why do they have to kill me...?

"Dumb ass magic stuff" she muttered under her breath.

The air seemed to respond to her with a gentle rattling. She tried to think again, but it happened again. The pain, the loss, the suffering..... the pleasure, all just too much...

She blacked out.

When she awoke she was still alone in a puddle of vomit on the floor. With the fresh taste of puke in her mouth and a killer headache, she inched to the bathing spot to clean herself. She looked around and saw that things everywhere were broken, food on the floor, bones and prized scattered and tossed in every direction. Some of the fur on her face was matted together from vomiting and then sleeping in it.

Soon enough she could think in complete sentences again.

Why do I keep doing this, keep... thinking like this? Last time wasn't this rough; it seems to get worse and worse every time! Wait! Where are Elijah and dad? She tried to think back to what they told her but the headache thing prevented her from scanning her near memories. She sat down in the pile of grass and hay that was their bathing place, where they would clean themselves traditionally.

"Well at least I can bathe alone" she chuckled aloud. Suddenly she felt a searing pain go straight through her hind quarters.

- To Be Continued in Chapter Three: The Ferine Strain -

Chapter 3: The Ferine Strain

**Chapter 3: The Ferine Strain** ** ** ** ** In the previous chapter, Ruby was being attacked by a group of hunters right outside her den, her father and brother aren't there yet. Standing right there was a...

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Chapter One: Law Of The Gun and Fang

Chapter One: Law Of The Gun and Fang "Mature longings nomadic sleep Chafing at customs' chain; Again from its brumal sleep Wakens the ferine pack strain." - Some parts taken from "The Call of the Wild", by Jack London. Her name is Rubetha...

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