Taming a Wild Femme

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#9 of Old Stories NOT being Continued

NOTE: This story is a RP done between myself and one of my RP partners from F-list. Avo...

NOTE: This story is a RP done between myself and one of my RP partners from F-list. Avon and Nova copyright to him, RaineCloude copyright to me. There may be other stories with these characters. Posted with permission from my RP partner. (Per his request, I am taking his name off the entries)

Avon and Nova were riding through the dessert in their hunting SUV, the two large white and black tigers clad in black clothes, Avon wearing a large duster hunter coat, black pants and heavy boots, with no shirt while Nova was wearing a black leather vest, and black pants, no shoes or anything else except a hunting knife. "So, it is said that there are a few wilds out there?" Avon asked Nova as his brother nodded. "Yes. They are few. Both males and females," he said as he drove and reached the jungle.

A wild female watched as the SUV entered the jungle, and scrambled up into the trees, following them carefully from above, not giving away her presence by so much as the trembling of a leaf. Seeing them heading away from her home, she veered off, and jumped down to the jungle floor, running towards her home, a flash of her white spotted coat catching the eye of one of the males, though she ran fast, but it gave them a direction to go in after her.

"We should stop right here and set up a camp, brother," Avon said as Nova nodded. "Did you see something?" the black tiger asked. "Yes. Well, I don't know. Maybe it was my imagination. Maybe the inhabitants of this jungle are as the tales said. As feral and fast as before," Avon said as The SUV stopped. "Want to go hunt?" Nova asked. "Maybe we should unpack first. Then we should go hunting," Avon said as the black tiger nodded again. "Well, let's go." The two brothers worked to set up a camp in he middle of the jungle.

The cloud leopard femme kept moving towards her favorite spot, a waterfall that she would clean herself under. She found some scrubing sand and grabbed a handful and after reaching the waterfall, slipped under the water and started washing herself, starting with her chest and working down her legs and arms before moving to her hair.

Avon and Nova finished the camp. "Well, before we really hunt, let's check for anything that could be traps or passageways to our prey," Avon said. "Well, alright. You always like a tactician. I wanted to go out and hunt down our prey," Nova said, "Calm, my brother, or else our prey could use her home against us. You know, we better recognize and grow familiar to the whole land," Avon said as the two tigers dressed in camouflage clothing. "You. go right and I'll take the left to the water falls," Avon said as he walked toward the water fall. Nova nodded and headed to the mountains.

The femme turned her face up to the waterfall, her back towards anything that might be coming towards her as she soaked up the cool water, loving the way it sluiced down her body, her fur laying flat against her skin.

Avon reached the water fall by the side without being noticed as he noticed, by the scent, something very special. Avon swiftly hid behind large bushes and saw the lovely leopard. She was gorgeous, like a goddess. His eyes couldn't believe what he was watching. He pulled out his camera and took pictures to show Nova, his length becoming hard due to the body of that beautiful fur. "My my... You weren't only a myth," Avon said to himself.

The femme turned, not catching sight of the male hiding in the bushes, bringing the scrubbing sand to her head fur and washed it thoroughly, then arched her back as she rinsed her fur, unknowingly giving the male a better view of her than just her backside and rump.

Avon's muzzle watered, but he knew that if he did something, it could be dangerous. "I better take this to my brother. Then, we will come for you," Avon said as he swiftly, but silently, ran to the camp, turning on his walkie talkie. "Brother, I found her and there are no traps in the jungle. It seems she lives out here alone," he said as Nova replied, "Yeah, I know. Nothing out here either. Let's meet up and plan the way we take her." The communication stopped as Avon waited inside the tent.

The femme finished washing, then dove into the lake that the waterfall emptied into, swimming for a while. The adage that cats hated water really only applied to feral housecats, not wild anthro cloud leopards or other large cat anthros. Finally she swam out to a rock in the middle of the lake and laid out on her back, letting her fur soak up the sun. She knew her fur would get wet again when she swam back to the edge of the lake, but until then she was going to lay in the sun for a bit.

Nova reached the tent and walked in, spotting his brother who was looking at the pictures. "There she is," Avon said showing them to Nova. "She is amazing," Nova said. "We should get her now. It seemed that she was working out or meditating or something," Avon said as Nova nodded. "That's what I'm talking about, bro," he said holding their hunting rifles, loaded with tranquilizer darts, and net. "We should get her here or maybe at some nice place," Avon said as Nova grabbed ropes and shackles. After a bit, the two left the tent without shoes and walked to the water fall, reaching it and saw the leopard laying on the rock.

The femme decided that she had gotten enough sun and rose from the rock, standing on the highest point on the rock before diving into the water and swimming back over to the waterfall, emerging from the lake directly into the water coming down from the waterfall, letting it sluice over her as she rose up to her hindpaws. Once more, she lifted her face towards the water, her body facing them though she was not paying attention to the males.

Avon aims the rifle to the lovely leopard and then shoots at the left butt cheek of the lovely leopard body, the tranquilizer taking effect quickly, as Nova prepared the net to catch her.

The leopard lets out s soft yowl as the tranquilizer dart hits her and she stumbles, falling towards the lake.

Avon swiftly ran to her and he uses the net that Nova prepared, catching the lovely leopard girl like a fish. "Hehe the catch of the day!" Nova said cheering at his brother, while Avon was dragging RaineCloude's body from the lake

The femme offered no resistance to the two males, the tranquilizer having knocked her out cold.

Avon and Nova picked up the lovely leopard as they headed to a nice spot, deep in the jungle. It seemed that it was the home of RaineCloude. "Here?" Nova asked as Avon nodded. "Perfect place. Let me go get some wood," he said as he started to chop wooden logs.

The area was in fact her home, but only what appeared outside her actual home. If the males had carried her into what appeared to be bramble and dense wood, they would have come across her real home, and the "luxuries" she had acquired or made over the years.

"Wow, bro. Check this out. She has some nice things in her,. but ah screw this. We are not here for this. We are here for this," Nova said as he squeezed RaineCloude's breasts through the net as Avon finished. "Yep. Screw luxuries. Wwe have hit the jackpot," Avon said, picking up the girl and undoing the knots on the net.

RaineCloude whimpered as Nova squeezed her breast, though she remained out cold while they released the knots from the net.

Avon and Nova tie up the lovely leopard girl, tying her wrists and ankles to the wooden logs that were stuck to the ground, leaving the leopard in a very sexy position and leaving the option for a third male to place on top of the whole structure, even they know nobody would show up.

RaineCloude murred as she moved, trying to wake up from the tranquilizer. But she wasn't able to move much since she was tied to the wooden frame they had built.

"Just look at her, brother. She is such a piece," Nova said as Avon nodded. "And she will be ours, from now on," the white tiger said as both of them positioned themselves in a way that their lengths could shove any minute in the leopard's tight holes.

RaineCloude woke up, finding that she cannot move, her wrists and ankles bound. She struggled against the ropes binding her to the frame, only looking up at the males to growl at them before trying again to free herself, her tail unable to move as well, since they had also tied her tail down.

"Don't growl at us. You will enjoy it," Avon said as Nova gently caressed the leopard's clitoris, his paw pressing against it, while Avon's paw reached the leopard's slit, fingering it. "Of course, we will warm you up first," Avon said as he leaned forward and started to suck on the leopard's breasts while Nova squeezed them.

RaineCloude fought as much as she could, not wanting this. She had grown up out in the wild, and had no clue what they were doing to her, but she just wanted to be left in peace. A soft whimper slipped from her when she felt their hands between her legs and Avon's muzzle sucked on her breast. Their actions made her feel funny inside, and she growled at them again.

"Now, now. Don't growl or else there won't be any meal tonight," Avon said, hinting that they will take RaineCloude as their pet. His large and slim fingers gently reached the girl's insides, swiftly searching for and finding the leopard's g spot, while Nova pinches, twisted and pulled gently at RaineCloude's clitoris. "Come on. Swell, little one. You are enjoying it," he said as Avon kept suckling the girl's breasts and nibbles the nipples of RaineCloude. "They are getting hard. She is enjoying it," Avon said, purring.

RaineCloude couldn't stop from mewling as Avon found her g spot and Nova played with her clit, making it swell. Her back arched as Avon sucked on her nipples, making them hard with her need. She growled again, but this time, the growl is more sensual than threatening.

Nova and Avon smirked as they heard RaineCloude's growl. "Mmhh. She really loves it," Avon said as he slipped his fingers out of the leopard's slit and brushed his hard sheath against it while Nova rubbed his sheath against the leopard girl's tight rump. "Let's see how she likes this," Nova said as he squeezed the girl's breasts, letting Avon suck on the nipples and nibble the soft fur around them.

RainCloude looked at Avon, watching him as he was teasing her by sucking at her nipples as Nova squeezed her breasts. She could feel their sheaths rubbing against her, making her whine softly, wanting something.

"Love, we promise to make you feel like you never felt before," Avon said, purring at the girl. "Just look into my eyes, relax and enjoy the pleasure you feel. Don't hold back anything," he said as his brother's length and his pulled out of their sheaths, a very soft but strong scent could be smelled, making an uninvited guest wake up from his slumber.

RaineCloude looked into Avon's eyes, whining softly, needing.... wanting... The scent of the males was intoxicating to her, and her hips started shifting, wordlessly begging for more. She mewled at them again, her tone almost submissive.

"That's it. You will be our lovely pet. You will live with us and we will play with you like this each time and everyday," Avon said as a slender but same muscle toned leopard appeared. Nova growled at the sight. "Brother, who's that idiot?" Avon turns back still holding RaineCloude's body as he prodded his sheath against the leopard's slit. "Dunno," he said, holding his dart gun with a hand. The tribal leopard walked to them in a feral pose, sniffing at the slit and tail hole of the leopard femme.

RaineCloude whimpered as she looked at Nova, keeping her gaze averted from the tribal leopard that was now sniffing at her. He was another wild anthro, but more feral in attitude and action than she was. She may not want what was about to happen to her, but she would rather have the two tigers that had been making her feel good to a more feral leopard. She felt Avon's shaft prodding at her entrance and whined again.

Avon kept an eye on the leopard male as he kept his gun aimed at him. "It's alright. He seems he wants to join our little party," Nova said as Avon pulled down his gun. "Okay. Look, dude, come here," Avon said as he shoved up his length in the femme leopard's slit and picked up the male leopard with no problems to the base for the third player, making the sheath of the newcomer move against RaineCloude's mouth, while Nova shoved up his length in RaineCloude's tight tail hole.

RaineCloude yowled out in pain as the two tigers took her virginities, the leopard male getting the perfect opportunity to take her muzzle, if he wanted to. RaineCloude's eyes closed as her body squirmed trying to get rid of the invading objects inside her. She didn't like the pain.

"Calm down, love. It's normal to feel a bit of pain the first time. Later it will become more pleasant," Avon said as Nova snuggled his head against RaineCloude's head, nibbling her left ear while Avon kissed the leopard's muzzle and then nibbled at her right ear. The male leopard swiftly pushed his hard length in the female leopard's muzzle, purring at the warmth surrounding his cock.

RaineCloude opened her eyes as Avon kissed her, then gagged as the male leopard pushed his full length into her muzzle, more than she could handle. She didn't want to break contact with the two tigers as they nibbled at her sensitive ears, but the leopard male was too deep in her muzzle for comfort, and she shook her head, trying to get a little bit of room in her muzzle.

Avon punched the leopard in the face. "Not to deep, you stupid feral!" Avon said, growling at the male as the male flinched and pulled out a bit of his member to let RaineCloude breath and be comfortable. "Yeah, stupid feral!" Nova said and growled, but then the two brothers keep petting and rubbing their paws across RaineCloude's body , enjoying the way it felt while the feral slowed down his pace.

RaineCloude purred at the tigers, her eyes closing again as their paws ran over her body, making her feel good again as the leopard male kept his strokes short enough to still get him off, but not make her gag again. But she wasn't sucking on him or encouraging him for more.

The male leopard kept moving himself in and out of the female leopard as the two tigers were moving their hips up into hers, purring and mewling to the lovely female leopard, while the male leopard was growling in pleasure.

RaineCloude felt something strange inside her building as the tigers kept moving into her pussy and tailhole, and unwittingly started sucking on the leopard as he took her muzzle. She started purring at the males, her body fully waking to the pleasure they were giving her.

"Yes. Feel this? This is pleasure," Avon said as he caressed RaineCloude's stomach, his paws petting it slowly while Nova's paws caressed RaineCloude's back, the male leopard murred and squirmed in pleasure too. The three males were about to burst.

RaineCloude mewled in confusion as the tension in her built, making her squirm against the two tigers, her body wanting something and she had no idea what was happening to her.

"Don't worry. We will finish after you finish, deary," Nova said nibbling at RaineCloude's neck while Avon's paws squeezed the large and perfect breasts of the lovely leopard. Their members revealed soft barbs that massaged the insides of the leopard's tight holes. The male leopard was about to cum as he kept thrusting into the femme leopard‘s muzzle, drops of precum dripping down at RaineCloude's throat.

RaineCloude purred at the feel of the barbs rubbing her walls as the tigers kept moving inside her, making her body nearly vibrate from the tension built up inside her. She was so close to something, and she could taste the male leopard's pre slipping into her muzzle and sliding into her throat. The taste was unlike anything she had ever tasted before, and she wasn't sure if it was good or not.

Avon and Nova held RaineCloude's neck with their jaws as they growled and finally they came into the leopard's tight holes, a warm fluid that spilled inside her, as the male leopard came in RaineCloude's mouth, the three of them purring in satisfaction.

The feel of Avon and Nova gripping her neck in their jaws made her cum, her yowl cut off by the cock in her muzzle. Her release hit her just a split moment before the males started cumming inside her, filling her with their seed.

Avon and Nova purred and snuggled against the leopard girl as the male leopard fell to the ground almost asleep due to the great pleasure he felt. "Ttime to scurry outta here, bro," Nova said as Avon shot a tranquilizer dart into the male leopard. "Yeah. Let's take this sweetie home," Avon said, untying RaineCloude from the wooden frame.

RaineCloude wrapped her arms around Avon as he freed her from the frame, her muscles still weak from the tranquilizer and then being tied to the frame. She looked at them both, wanting to express herself by words more than just sounds. Thinking hard, she said her first word to the males, "Bath?"

"I will bathe you. Nova here will take your possessions to our truck," Avon said as he took the lovely female leopard to the large water fall. Meanwhile, Nova placed the male leopard into the house of RaineCloude as he took all her beloved goods and possessions to the SUV.

RaineCloude purred as Avon carried her, nuzzling into his neck gently. As they reached the waterfall, she tried to push from him to get into the water to swim, but found that she was not as strong as he was as he held her carefully. She nipped his ear playfully, whining softly.

"Don't worry, baby. We have to do that because if we'd asked you, you would have run away or killed us," Avon said as he washed, with a soft sponge, the body and fur of RaineCloude, using soap and shampoo that softened the lovely leopard's fur.

She purred as he washed her, sniffing at her arm after he used the shampoo and soap on her. She sneezed softly, unused to the scent. Thinking, she murred softly, "RaineCloude not baby."

"Oh, but now you are my baby," Avon said as he smiled. "You may be a large lovely leopard, but from now on, you will be more than a pet to me and my brother," Avon said as he cleansed RaineCloude's fur and body from the thickness of their seed that dripped from her, but the scent of their possession of her remained.

RaineCloude purred as the sponge kept stroking over her, cleaning her fur. She could feel a bit of strength coming back to her, and she licked at him before pushing off into the lake, swimming for fun again, but she kept looking over to him as she thought about what had happened. She loved being free, but the pleasure the two tiger males had given her was something she had never felt before. It was not the same pleasure as she felt at being free, and soon she swam back over to him, emerging from the water to walk to his side and licking his neck. "RaineCloude YOUR baby. RaineCloude brother baby. RaineCloude no baby."

"Alright. You will be my little sister," Avon said as he didn't mind ages between the lovely leopard girl and him as he heard Nova through the walkie talkie. "Are you ready to go with us, sis?" Avon asked as he pet the soaked and lovely leopard.

RaineCloude looked at the lake and waterfall one last time, then slipped her paw into Avon's. "I go. Be you baby. Be brother baby too. Not be anyone else baby." She licked his muzzle then nuzzled against him before they left the lake.

"We will be back. I promise you, we will return every third day, every week on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays," Avon said as he knew that RaineCloude was a wild anthro. He picked her up and walked to the SUV and placed her on the back seat with him, as Nova smiled and drove them home.


_NOTE: This story is a RP done between myself and one of my RP partners from F-list. Katan copyright to him, Mistie copyright to me. There may be other stories with these characters. Posted with permission from my RP partner. **(Per his request, I...

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Avon's New Pet

_NOTE: This story is a RP done between myself and one of my RP partners from F-list. Avon copyright to him, Autumn copyright to me. There may be other stories with these characters. Posted with permission from my RP partner. **(Per his request, I...

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First Meeting

_NOTE: This story is a RP done between myself and one of my RP partners from F-list. Avon and Zen copyright to him, Jaclyn copyright to me. There will be other stories with these characters, going from when Jaclyn is a cub until she gets older. Posted...

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