A new world, lost past and loved ones, and hunting for someone to love in an hostile world

Story by Conehalo on SoFurry

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#2 of A new life and hope

He woke up, tried to get up but soon fell back down. He tried again and reached halfway up on unsteady legs stumbling before again hitting the ground. Third time he succeeded. Peter clutched at his head, he was having an head-ace.

Trying to remember where he was and why he looked around then seeing nothing he could recognize, snow-covered ground as long as the eye could see and when his vision became clearer he saw mountains in all of the horizon around most of them so high that still thick those was, the rest of the way covered by clouds. It was very dead, not a single house nor anything else representing civilization. Not a single tree around only snow and endless of snow. The head-ace was suddenly blowing and screaming in agony he was, his legs almost bending themselves down under him "what is this?" he thought "Where am I?! Am I dreaming?" all the while squeezing his head himself trying to dampen the pain. Suddenly the vision blurred, slowly changing into something else and suddenly he wasn‘t there anymore.

"Fall back! Go to Narne on mark countdown ten seconds" the speaker sounded in the cockpit of the transport-vessel Peter was in. The pilot who sat in front of him announced to all of the crew including himself and three other marines "Ok, hold on guys, countdown 5...4...3...2...1... Mark!" At that last word the pilot then pulled the lever of the throttle to the max and the ship was beginning to accelerate quickly to reach faster than light-speed, and everyone held themselves on.

Through the armored glass in front Peter could to the left see ships flash in light their engines igniting additional gas, to then pass them and to disappear ahead like an rain hundreds of ships doing the same thing. But to the right the sight was drawn by flashes of lights as from the last battle cruiser, exploding and just before it disappeared behind them as for the vessel passing it Peter could see chains of flashes of explosions like an red-yellow vein from the middle, reaching to the sides tearing the ship apart. He could then there see in shock ships, those trapped pilots who was unable to steer away them being in the acceleration process one by one crash right into the huge wreckage. Peter could feel himself being pulled backwards and he was fighting the pain in the legs, his knees bending over so hard that he feared they would snap, and he wasn‘t the only one. One of the two other marines was in the total opposite, that heavy trooper was screaming by the excitement, Peter had always been seeing those as insane but then it was no more alike as for those who seek excitement when buying a very fast sports-car. Peter was tugged suddenly hard to the left.

He searched for something specific. An important detail he before hadn't bother about but as he was instead staring at then, small metallic shards was laying everywhere, and most of them being half buried in the deep snow. On weak legs but with strong determination he staggered forward to one of these, seemingly a little bigger than the others. When he reached the object he lowered his height and hunched down to pick it up. When he turned it around he recognized the letters there. It said "IED-Industries" and when he tried to remember he screamed by the pain from his unwillingly co-operable brain until he dug out "I...Impe...Imperial...Earth...Defence" he dropped then the object in shock. Peter rushed as fast as he could through the knee deep snow, climbing a little steep. On the top he stopped abruptly and with wide eyes he just stared over the valley.

"What happened...?" asked one of the marines weakly, his name was Niklas.

"Don't know... We are of course." the pilot whose name was Johannes started to press frenetically on the control-panel "power is gone, I can't get it back... trying with reserve" In a lever hanging from the roof he now like crazy pulled with his so thin arm-muscles attempting to generate some power manually.

"Let me try!" and then Niklas became the one pulling.

After about twenty tries even now keep on going while continuing pulling with all his might.

"Get it it's fruitless! It should have started by now" Niklas just kept on pulling anyway again and again not caring, even if Johannes was the sole expert, and to in this situation to be the only advanced trained mechanic.

"Yeah stop it, it‘s annoying" Peter agreed.

"Having better suggestions perhaps?!" Niklas seemed to take it more personal, in that for him they doubted on his muscle-strength which was by the way the greatest of them all.

"Why are we of course? Something wrong with the ship? Or pilot?" with that last word the last marine, named Sakarias glanced suspiciosly at Johannes. Niklas stopped his work also to angrily stare at the pilot, him always taking Sakarias side on things.

"I didn‘t do anything wrong! How the fuck can it be my fault you assholes!?" Angered of the accusations Johannes turned around, sharing his glare between the two. A dangerous silence came up and Peter saw himself to be the one to break it. "Quit that guys!". Each of his arms stretched to each of the two sides.

"You can‘t blame Johannes! It can be anything!" he turned to the pilot " I‘m not the expert... but that hit before, I almost flew of my chair! You‘ve told me that little about hy..." Johannes cut him off by realization "Hell yeah! That's it!" he turned and like a teacher announced "you all should know of that any force affecting an ship in hyperspace can change the outcome destination fatally! That's what auto-drive is for. Now what you probably don't know is that this computor only works as soon as the ship has reached faster than light speed, and I felt that hit also and it's an possibility that it could have been in the acceleration process! Damn we must have been hit by wreckage or something..." Immediately thereafter Johannes went back in the cockpit, to that door leading to maintenance area, firstly having slight of a problem to get that open with that that the power was gone, but Peter helped. Then he disappeared to the room beyond, and without Peter having the slightest idea of what he could be in assistance in he soon followed after, for him being his best friend.

There, after a long track the ship had crashed and by that all around over the whole valley wreckage was scattered around indicating alike the track an hard one. He screamed in despair out of himself, understanding it all and made the way down the hill towards the ruined ship, making through the knee-deep snow avoiding all to big wreckage parts, and tripping sometimes by buried ones. It was hard to breath in that cold air but his mind being occupied only by the target ahead he then didn't care about anything else. When he had reached the door he didn't even take time to catch his breath before he ripped aside all of the barrage that was in the way of the opening.

"You idiot! How can we change course? Without engines?!" Peter just went past the de-angered Johannes to gaze through the armored window in the front of the ship. Nearly all of the vision was covered by an much close planet even so close that you could see the surface, white ground to the north and a trail of green slightly downwards making an perfect circle around the planet in what could be the ecvator. He not caring of Niklas and Johannes heated discussion, but called Sakarias to come hither "Do you recognize this planet?" His friend answered then a little insecure "The continents seems familiar, like that I have seen those before but it is hard to tell you know..." They stood there staring for a second, before the ship suddenly shook itself. The gravitational force of that planet was now affecting them and fast in a ship without functioning engines and a backup system that by unknown reason didn't want to work. There was no way to prevent the future crash.

What he saw made Peter stagger away and just vomit, for the walls, floor and ceiling was covered with blood, and body-parts from his childhood-friends no longer were where those should be attached. He fell down on his knees and cried, cried over the loss, and until he soon got up in realization "Johannes wasn't in there".

With teary eyes he saw over the area, suddenly to glimpse something to the right, and that something what didn't look like wreckage as it was to the half then buried in the snow. "Johannes! Johannes!?" he called while running towards it.

With legs and stomach he lay there covered by snow, arms and face on the surface and the last mentioned very white from the snow. Despite that inside of him he knew that he was dead he put his fingers on his neck to try to feel an heartbeat in the hope that he could be wrong. After just staring for a while not really understanding it, he fell down and cried loudly on top of him. He had lost all of his child-hood friends.

Peter thought he had heard Johannes voice. His eyes unsurely watching up cried eyed and with tears that trailed down his cheeks to see... He didn't believe his own eyes! There Johannes sat on the snow to the left. "Can you kindly get off of me?" Peter complied immediately, shocked not believing his eyes before "Johannes" kept on "thanks, you are kind of heavy you know?" Peter could only stammer "B... But you...?"

"Yes, I'm dead but I still well then deserve some respect?" teasingly angrily his "friend" responded "I'm just in your head you know". Not completely understanding it, he sat himself beside his imaginary freak. "What happened anyway?" Peter asked.

"I tried to get the engines back online but it was stone dead. Must have been splatter that had cut some circuits or something" Johannes calmly responded not seeing his friend in the eyes seemingly in shame. That answer wasn't enough for Peter "but why am I alive!? No-one could have survived that crash!" Peter talked angrily his right hand sweeping against the area taking in the ship-wreck and all the shards around. Now Johannes turned his head his eyes locked on Peter with a smile on his lips. "Ah that!" he shouted happily "You know that a second before the crash? When you just awaited yourselves for it? The power came back and I saw you leaning on an evacuation pod I just pressed the button it opened and send you safely down" he triumphed. Peter just kept on staring at him which made his mood darkened "there was no time to get in one myself and it is even a miracle that it worked on you!". Peter just kept on staring not understanding how he was supposed to be grateful for the situation. All his friends he ever had...dead, stuck...on a cold empty planet and with no clue about where he be in the universe.

His mind made up an solution. His right hand going towards his gun on his belt.

"Don't even think about it!" called Johannes in anger knowing what he was about to do. Peter with even more tears trailing down his cheeks just as angry responded with a voice that didn't hold "Why not! There is nothing left in life! I don't want to be alone!" his hand gripped he gun and it was unsafed while he at the same time pressed it in the back of his mouth. He shut his eyes preparing himself for the killing shot, the easy painless way out but was hindered by Johannes cursed undead voice "if you do it we all have died in vain! I saved your life and this is how you thank me?! Think of the mission! Be a man and go the hard way and be the guy I have always known who priority duty over his own feelings! Don't let us down!"

Peter held the gun in his mouth with his finger on the trigger tensed all the time. Until he with a moan let it go and let it fell to the ground. He knew how right his friend was, and slowly he rose to his feet.

"What should I do?"

"Right, firstly you have to find a way out of here, you will just have to go around searching for there is a chance that there is an old colony here, and I know that that chance is not big but It's better than doing nothing like killing yourself". Peter nodded in agreement, at start he needed equipment. He started to wander towards the wreckage "Wait!" he stopped "It's cold out here and I'm the only one wearing an TG-suit (thermal generator). You should put that on yourself". Peter just turned around and stared at the body on the ground shocked of what his friend just had suggested. "But come on! You can't make me do that!" his friend answered "take it of me and wear it! I certainly don't need it anymore!". With a whimper Peter took on the dishonored work of stripping his best friend to the skin which during Johannes added jokingly "don't get any ideas now", at that Peter's mood rose slightly and the thought made him chuckle while he took of Johannes pants, him in only underwear laying in the snow while he started to dress himself of because these clothing needed to be under his own armor. When he was done he tapped some on his arm-computer and the suit flashed like blood veins all over the body three times in orange indicating that the suit was initialized and working. Almost immediately it felt warmer the suit by energy from the arm-computer's second battery heating his body everywhere except the face where it didn't cover. "That's right... suits you perfect... now go and get other supplies like food and ammo and surely some extra batteries" called Johannes while Peter advanced towards the ship. When there he picked up what was as for two flash grenades, two flare grenades, two cluster grenades and lastly two EMP grenades (those last only worked against vehicles and electronics but it seemed un called for leaving two empty holds in his belt for he never knew if he may come and need them). Ten megs of ammo to his MEMG-91 machine gun that was on his back and had been all the time and about six megs for his pistol all clips he had fasting on his legs, arms and stomach. twenty conserves with high concentrated food (mixing with water one of those can sustain one person for one whole day). But before he left he caught sight off some kind of fur clothing, grey and with a moan of an "why not" he took that one also and dressed it on himself covering his armor and would in these snowy enviroments at least give him some camouflage. Before he went out he got the thought about checking his dead friends bodies but rejected that immediately in that he probably wouldn't succeed in that without throwing up again.

Little away from the ship he stopped a thought striking him, he picked up a flare-grenade which he then squeezed in his hand "a waste when I probably will be needing it...but they deserve nothing less" he turned around to throw it at the wreckage with intention of giving his friends the most honorably funeral he could do, before a familiar voice called, stopping him "wait! I'm freezing out here! I will get a cold...you know how I am". That made tears again rain, but he understood it just as well and it actually made him chuckle a little over the thought that his best friend was indeed incredibly let frozen. Always when it was a little cold as young he would wear the most amazingly warm outfit, and later on when joining the military he even got his own specially adapted TG-suit (the one he himself was wearing now) as he was easily frozen, and he would never have been let in in the army if they haven't been able to oversee that problem as him being very talented in mechanics.

He waded through the snow towards the body, picking him up together with the armor that he had removed earlier and carried him to the ship, and when inside he laid him carefully down among his other friends again holding his breath and trying as often as he could to look up in the ceiling to avoid the horrifying sight.

Again he stood outside about twenty meters away from the ship turned to it, holding the grenade in his right hand, and now a little unsure of if what he was about to do was right. His dead friend, created by his own mind, stood there and waited in the opening, to soon be joined on either side by Sakarias and Niklas to stand there with each one with an arm over Johannes shoulders. Johannes looked at them each one at a turn before he smiled and then they all together stood there as the three childhood-friends as they were and every and each one with anxious looks directed at Peter.

In a flash so strong Peter had to shield his eyes with his right arm the wreckage was effectively set in flames by him the thrown grenade. He stood there for a while and watched. Then he turned and started to walk away, to south he had decided in the hope that it probably was warmer there. His past in an inferno of flames behind him.

He wandered there, in the snowy landscape as it was wherever he looked, and long ahead where his sight ended mountains rose high so high that they reached over the clouds. This place was empty as for all of the hours he walked he saw neither trees or other types of vegetation, nothing green anywhere sticking out of the snow, no animals, and the only positive about it all was then the snow itself which indicated water which could possibly mean that he was just on the wrong place at the wrong time it could be some sort of winter.

He wandered so long to south, inclining hills and smaller steeps that was in the way when those wasn't so great that he was forced to walk around, and as for all the while the sun descended from it's peek so it soon was in the set in the horizon. Despite all that had happened that day, all he had left behind he felt just for a moment a little amused. He was the first human on this planet that in his judge made it his own. In that boredom he was in he shouted and could clearly hear an echo but against it all he didn't hear an answer, as for his hope he was to so he didn't have to travel alone.

Soon night came and it began to be very dark. He searching for a good spot to sleep on a little unease and unsure when he knew he had to sleep on the snow. It couldn't just be healthy, he thought. He tried anyways in the night with his night-vision goggles which was something every soldier bore and specially him being a trooper to with it keep on looking. But searching and searching in hours in what he believed, his watch totally unreliably in the set of time, driving himself off designated course miles to the west but still not seeing anything he liked he decided to go to sleep anyways despite the cold that had been worse in the night as for his suit having to automatic set itself on stronger effect he unsure then laid himself down. The snow was soft and he and sinking deep it all then became just as comfortably as the best bed, and which made him just want to lay there, until he realized "damn, the battery surely won't last forever" he instead then curled himself into a ball so that the suit could adjust and lower the effect to a lesser warmth. He lay there staring at the stars in the sky, wondering if one of those could be the sun of his home-world or any other habited planet he fascinated by the thought "what if someone are looking at that star, like me... what if that one could know about my existence". He lay there, continuing to gaze, until he realized that he was far from tired and never would be able to sleep, or not without aid anyway... "no! What happens if there are monsters here! I won't be able to wake up before this one has devoured me" .

An inner voice then answered him "if something even rips you apart you would neither feel anything, and care far less, and there are surely no animals as dead as it is here" that made up his mind, and he took an injection of sedatives from his first aid kit, the most sleepy type and after a couple of deep breaths set it on his own leg and soon then in comfort fell asleep.

He was awoken in the night, by a snow-storm that was in full going, and the only thing Peter did about that was to hug himself even more tightly while layer and layer of snow was set on his sleeping body.

"Am I dreaming?" he didn't see because everything was black. He tried to move, it lighted up inside him that he only was buried alive as he felt his arms out in the air which then he by them dug up the rest of his body he then was blinded by the light of the sun that was so strong for as he had been just before in total blackness.

When freed he stood up. "Breakfast" became the only thought occupying his mind. Reaching to an conserve of food on his armor underneath his fur clothing to with small doses of that powder-form food he mixed it with water the one third of the can as for then he got enough energy to begin the day. Afterwards seeing that he had to refill his can of water anew. He could try lit a fire and melt snow, but he lacked fuel to the fire even that he had a lighter. The solution was when he again had wandered around an hour or two he saw a spring of water, or what he believed it was by it looked like a vein in the lowered ground. After digging a little in the snow he saw... yes ice, just like he had thought. Firstly he tried methodically with the but of his rifle to smash an hole, carefully in the beginning but when it seemed that his efforts hadn't the slightest of effect, he in the end in rage smacked it with all off his worth until suddenly he hit not straight which made the but slide and him fall in the fail of the support. "Fuck this!" now he was really mad. Peter unsafe the machine gun and with an "TaTaTaTa..." he shot the ice, and amazingly enough no cracks appeared, just small holes he then in a small circle shot big enough for an arm and a bottle to get through he was then able to refill his supply of marvelously icy water so cold that he had to take small sips when devouring it, well worth the effort he then continued his travel to south on solid ground. Happy of how he had succeeded he was in a good mood even just as well as that rose he began to sing some songs that he loved.

"Hold the line! Love isn't always on timememe...! No no no... hold the line... e...e!" his voice in such an high pitch in what the world would have believed was the worst cover of Toto's classic. Suddenly he stopped, realizing that he saw only clouds on the way ahead. Some steps more and he discovered that he when singing hadn't noticed that he had elevated a lot. He was standing on a cliff and below there was an deep abyss. He watched a while and could at least estimate that there was at least forty meters to the dark-blue ground below and then that indicating an iced lake. He then looked upwards and forwards his sight going over the ice to then finally se the main ground on the other side, the distance being hard to tell and in the horizon see that great mountain he had all the time sínce his arrival guided himself by together with the compass. After seriously considering changing course he in his great mood thought "eh what a hell... think about the adventure" then he added after some thinking "anyhow... if I go back the chance remains that I can be going in circles... that settles it" with careful aim he shot his grappling hook (standard equipment for every marine) right at the ground beneath him it burying deep in the rock. Peter saw down the steep again and swallowed. It wasn't that he was afraid of heights for he had been even higher in his past life as a soldier, but being that there was so much that could go wrong... "what if the grappling hook isn't enough deep..." again he tugged the rope to it a couple of times... "What then if I can't get a grip..." on stomach he lay an saw below the edge, and could clearly see that there was plenty of that... "but what if it is a wrong direction to travel? I mean there's hardly not any civilization among that mountain" his right hand sweeping against and taking it in but then deep inside he knew that this was the best option it may contain valuably minerals or if those who habited this planet wanted to live as hidden as they possible could, and that settled the matter for him.

The way down went at first slow but got faster when he started to get the hang of it, while he had certainly used the grappling hook in this manner, but then before never when being alone and he at the time didn't think too much about it. About halfway down strong winds made him loose his grip on the wall so he was flung at many directions and with grunts of pain as for him being several times slammed against that wall he all the while being unsure if he hadn't broken some ribs, he could the last part continue with much less effort and no problems. On the ground after trying several times to keep his balance on the slippery ice just where he stood he then pressed a button on the arm-computer and far up he could see the rope and hook slinger down like a snake until it was back at it's holder at the arm. The ice became less slippery as he traveled away from the cliff until then he could without any problems continue, some points on the way testing the strength of the ice that all which seemingly had no limits. It was an amazing feeling, walking there on that empty terrain until he again and again of shifting discussions of boredom in his mind reached the sour spot that everything would be more better and fantastic, if only if he had someone to share this with, and this someone being Johannes he settled all the time sadly.

In hours he kept on, at the moment being in an more sour mood and sad attitude of the whole, something inside tried then to cheer him up "but you, be happy at least to be alive" he turned away his head all cheerful words missing its target "why me?" he walked on then depressingly adding "Johannes deserved it more! For..." his voice faded away, he didn't know why it shouldn't be himself, continued where his travel on the huge (as it looked like) lake with the shore far away in the horizon.

After two days, with the same routine then as he had on the morning, except when it didn't snow by some unknown reason, the only reason that worried him was the fact that he slept on the ice of a lake that for all he knew could be a hundred meter deep. He could see the other side, and then round cliffs only some kilometers away "I took one today, taken... 4 all together and then there is 16 left..." he counted his food supply "water seems to be no problems but if I have to survive a longer time I need to start hunting. But what? I haven't seen an single creature since I arrived!?..." he was short of ideas until he suddenly slipped on an slipperier part of ice and fell on his hands but it being too slippery here those directly went apart and he hit his face hard. He tried to get up and slowly succeeding he cursed loudly when he saw blood on his right hand that then covered his nose. "fucking! Hell! Satan! Sh...!" the floor shook suddenly so hard that he fell on his back.

In front of him huge blocks of ice was thrown in the air in an fountain, and he saw something risen from the surface. Peter just stared while getting back up on his legs at what looked like a huge snake, about 6 meters in diameter and as tall as a two-store house and then still it's top reaching higher. It stopped growing, the creature's head was very similar to a snake's except that it had long pikes all over it on the back of it, and with fur and spikes also covering all over the rest of the body except the stomach where silver scales in which he stared that that also seemed to be underneath the fur over the rest of it's body as parts sparkled sometimes in silver by the sun that was on the set in the east. As enchanted by two huge oval predatory eyes, and silvery eyelids that flashed in silver when those went down. "Grmmnn!" raged the snake and Peter woke up, took his machinegun from the back as but of the rifle was pressed at the right shoulder as he started with an short "tatata" was heard accompany to the sounds of hit. The monster swung it's head backwards and Peter stood fast over of what it ever would do before the head was swung in an arch similar to an sledgehammer through the sky towards him. "Gah!" he managed as he threw himself to the side and with just with a little escaped. The snake smashed through the ice, an strong ripple in the ice around made Peter airborne. But then quickly rolling up on his feet as the trained soldier as he were he then very fast turned around the pipe of rifle ready to destroy just to then realize that the monster was nowhere in sight, seemingly to have disappeared back down in the water.

Peter stood still, prepared.

A crash made him turn himself to the right and there in a fountain the monster again arose. He didn't hold back this time

"Tatatatatatatata" in several seconds this sounded accompanied by the again sounds of hits of flesh again. He aimed mostly at the head but when that seemed to haven't the slightest of effects he aimed lower at the belly on several areas in short controlled bursts then until he with a scream having to again escape as the creature swung again and crashed. "New tactic!" he thought while he searched for where it would turn up next his hand gripping a cluster grenade he then lowered his weapon, he intended to throw on the creature's head then with a chance that it was powerful and wide enough hit unknown weak spots that could kill it or do at least some damage. The sound was heard to the left and again the monster rose to the sky and when reached it's peak and the muzzle of it pointed upwards he threw the grenade. When it hit it exploded loudly the monster screamed in anger as it wailed accompany to the sickening sound of many hits. "´Now you're going down...!" Peter assumed but being dead wrong as for the monster soon had recovered seemingly not greatly enough harmed, again ready to fight and then more angrier and murderous than before. Again it swung it's head. Peter who had then decided to flee the fight, evaded again the attack, but then this time not with much as he knew that he couldn't keep it up it taking to much of his muscles he started to run for all his worth to the mainland on the other side, the shore. "God I'm going to die!..." in panic his mind shouted as he fled the field, a scraping noise was heard behind and when he during his running sighted back he saw with fear the snake being on the surface chasing after him, and then fast. Only some meters away to the shore he suddenly felt an poke in the back and he barely managed to evade with just some the massive jaws to engulf him, then it crashed through the ice ahead of him, and Peter thinking that he had escaped so close to the shore as he was. Before the pikes on the snake's spine pulled he himself down, in the freezing cold water. The pressure that had pulled him in in the first place left him and in panic he sighted in all directions, and down but then never seeing the monster as for the water being so very dark the hole that he had gone through being the only source of light. Something far back sparkled from previous emergence holes and in absolute panic Peter swum under the surface to what he was sure land were, he smacked against the rock hard losing his breath. Ice above, and the way to his rescue even here covered by an thick layer of it. He punched at it not then seeming to even budge, before he took desperate measures and with his machinegun reloading a new full clip before he fired, but then not towards the snake but to his roof of ice. The hole he accomplished was just big enough for his underarm, through there seeing the rock against the surface of the ice and as he knew that he was living on lent time he quickly aimed and shot his grappling hook through and there on the outside grapple that rocky wall. Shortly thereafter a crash as for he himself was fled through, becoming airborne to then land at last on the mainland. His shoulders was in so great pain that he screamed out loud and rolled on the ground them forcing an exit from his previous prison and he was at least thankful for his shoulder-plates on his armor so they weren't at least broken, he thought.

The ground shook itself and an crash behind him made him bite through the pain and stagger up on his feet as him trying to enhance the distance from his hunter.

He stopped after several steps, looking behind to see the monster remaining in the lake, above the surface in it's full length and with murderous eyes staring silently at him. "Ha! Can't get me now huh!" he triumphed. The monster climbed over the shore-wall slowly and with much great effort starting then to advance on him "want to bet?" his inner voice spoke doubting and he begun with ignored pain in his shoulders to run.

After this event his daily routines went back to normal as he climbed leftwards of the mountain. Breakfast, travel, dinner, travel, snack and lastly sleep in 3 more days until he reached the other side there he on an higher plane where he could stand and sight the new area ahead. To his sadness he saw no signs of civilization there in a land of frozen rivers, empty fields and trees as for forests which spirited him up but with no surprise he later figured out every single one of those to be long dead. Not a single animal sighted and he was starting to give up hope "I have at least thirteen conserves left... until slow and painful death". With an whimper he by no reasons to continued his hopeless journey.

After wading through the snow in one of the fields he had seen before along a small and frozen trail of a spring he stopped abruptly. Believing an instance that he had heard something out of the picture he tensed listened. Again it sounded and that similar to an howl of a wolf. With hope reborn he took his rifle from the back to then silently and fast advance towards the origin of the sound. All the while hunched to make him as invisibly as possible.

A while later he gave up as for chasing many kilometers without seeing or hearing an hint of a being. He stopped there and leaned against a tree on the edge of the fields he had just passed through and ate dinner as for his conserves that would end soon enough. When he was done he refilled his canteen.


It made him drop the canteen and to with his rifle ready to kill search where he thought he had heard the sound. Again it sounded, then straight ahead, he reattached his canteen with the spilt water to his belt before as he silently hunted towards his an potential prey. Roars and other noises was heard and then not always seemingly from the same creature as he still continued but then just a little more unsure and tensed. The sound was much nearer and up on a hill with an lonely tree he climbed and there with his gaze directed to the valley ahead he saw a sight.

Down there he saw some wolf-like creature but weirdly enough this one was fighting on just it's hind legs against two big lizard beings... with wings! Even if the odds seemed uneven between the "lizards" against the "wolf" it looked like this lone one had the upper hand as it very quickly evaded every attack as they both one by one tried to deliver to again and again beat them down in turn the other one keeping up the fight. The lizard with red scales got an kick on it's legs which made him loose stand. Then with an roar the other one rushed, blue colored in an attempt to dive with open fangs with long teeth against the opponent's throat. Fast and agile like a cat in an skimmer of white swaying long fur the wolf slipped away, the lizard only biting air it quickly got up and turned itself around, preparing for an new attack from the wolf. The canine-being was so fast that Peter only after seeing the spurting blood from the lizard's throat in shock understood of what had just happened. With an cut-off throat the lizard staggered backwards, the other one being on it's four feet and roaring in rage it attacked then more fierce and angrier than before the wolf turning it's attention to this one quickly itself attacked back, and that all the while the blue lizard taking it's last steps backwards to then in an fountain of blood fall and then remain laying, dead. Now with more uneven odds the remaining one didn't stand a chance and it didn't take long before razor-sharp claws had cut through the scales like nothing again and again until the last of the two fell down dead next to the other one. The wolf just stood there, still tensed and with speeded breath and with an as for what Peter could swear looked like a grin on it's muzzle as for until it then hunched, to turn the last of it's kills, the red one over on the back to then with it's paws just feel at the prey. "God..." Peter was scared and uneasy "he's dangerous..." at first he survival senses got the grip of him and to make him want to just turn away and flee the field so not to be having anything to do with this terrible and dangerous beast. Until something in the corner of his eye made him direct his gaze to caught sight of an another being, and that one similar as for the other ones that the wolf just recently had killed. Just standing there to stare at the canine. Peter had no clue what was about with it, it being so dangerously close to the one that had killed two of it's same specie and not even trying to run away.

In a roar of rage in an very higher pitch indicating younger age of this one the little one suddenly rushed for the wolf, but to just with an hard attack becoming airborne and in an crash so loud that even Peter in sympathy looked away it being smacked on a tree to, and then laying on the snow seemingly immobilized. Peter shook his head of what an horrific creature there was "he should have escaped when he had the chance" he mentioned the little defenseless one on the ground, then seeing how the wolf advanced towards it's new prey, Peter got an idea, and he crouched silently down and behind the hill. Sneaking quickly to an position behind the canine he then steadied himself, all the while reaching closer behind to made an more sure killing. Five meters away and still not known about for the wolf he took the chance. "TaTaTa" the rifle sounded he only fired an short controlled burst as for just three shots. Unbelievingly enough the wolf managed to turn itself around to face him and then in panic Peter fired the remainder of his meg. The wolf danced good being hit by all those bullets but even then not succeeding to kill the monster he quickly dropped his machinegun to as fast as lightning drew his pistol in desperation and fire madly, but luckily the monster fell to the ground and remained there laying and it was only after he had aimed unsure on the corpse for a while he dared to turn his attention to the other being in his presence.

The little lizard was laying there staring at him, and that was when he realized that it's fate lay in his hands. He had from the beginning intended to kill this one also despite that he knew that he really had no reason for it the canine would provide him with as much food as he could possibly carry. But it was not by that reason that he lowered his pistol. He slowly made his way for it and all the while on his guard if it could just have some ace on it's sleeve until he was just an meter away from this little one. Still the lizard hadn't move which made him brave enough to hunch down before it to take an closer look. Blue-red eyes sparkling in an perfect mixture looked back at him. He didn't want to kill this one laying there so defenseless, he instead got an desire to save it, and let it fill him up as the company that he lost those several days ago. The lizard growled at him, sounding alike a dog to then close it's eyes and be silent. Peter quickly with his hand felt it's throat for an heartbeat and found that, but then faint alike the faint hot breath he could barely feel. He took out his portable x-ray device from his first-aid kid and with each of the two plates on either side of the body he scanned that lizard. "Broken bones, internal bleedings damn I'm not letting you die so easily..." and with all of his medical skills he tried the whole night in an secluded operation tent he had in his med-kit to restore and save this little one. The need of company wanting to be sated.

Hiya! Conehalo here!

I know it have been a while since my last story was writed but i have been very busy in other things like working on my driver's license (insanely expensive and hard here) and other things. But the thing is that i never expected this story, the second part of the prologue as i think of it was going to be so long! I just wanted to shortly give the man a reason to be there and it took 10 pages on the computor and surely the double on the hand writing which i allways begin with. But now it's finally finished! :) and i know that there is surely some bugs in it like wrong grammar or anything else but i don't think i can improve this anymore :(

Please comment! And rate! so i can learn from it and please give me some feedback to keep this up!

Improvements can by suggestions come up later on so please again comment :)

Innocence lost

A new life and hope part one "Wait here boy" the big red dragon said. With that he and his wife who had blue scales left the cave and the last that was heard from them was when they took branches from trees and the sound of when they used them was...

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Conehalo Ho! The story's background is very alike my other stories I have written before but not translated and shared (how translation was the hardest part) and why this was submitted before was that I just felt like it and that I corrected the...

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