
Story by Unicow on SoFurry

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#4 of A Reversal of Roles

One waddle through the hallways later, the young teacher was back in her classroom, the hidden pacifier curled tightly in the fingers of her right hand, the sensation of the rubber nipple encircled by the hard plastic embarrassing by it's simple infantilistic presence. No less forgiving was the presence of her diaper, unrelentingly thick within the locked confines of the plastic pants and tinging each action that required the use of her legs with a babyish waddle and a shy crinkling.

The catgirl forced herself to focus as she settled back down into her chair behind her desk, pushing out of her mind the way that the diaper forced her legs apart. Thankfully, the bulk of her desk protected her lower quarters from the eyes of the class.

At this point, she was starting to get a little panicky. The day had only just begun, and the poor teacher had two more classes, one right after the other, before she would have fulfilled her obligations on the campus. The thought of spending the rest her day teaching her classes in the clothes that Burdette had put her in mortified her, but there simply wasn't any time for her to do anything else -- already the beginnings of her current class was beginning to trickle into the room. Realizing that she was still clutching the pacifier that she had been suckling on only a few moments ago in her hand, she tugged open a desk drawer and quickly dropped it in.

In the end, Kerrigan was simply left without an option -- the rest of the class entered the room shortly after and very soon the door was closed and the students looking to her, still seated behind the desk, with expectant expressions on their faces. Biting her lip and swallowing her nervousness as best she could, Kerrigan stood and began to teach the class.

Things started out very well. Those students observant to such things noted that Ms. Kischuyo seemed particularly loath to stray away from the board or move around the class and gesture with as much vigor as she normally did, but not a one had their suspicions raised that anything truly was out of the ordinary.

For herself, Kerrigan found her trepidation gradually lessening as the class proceeded. She was still able to teach her lesson without any apparent difficulty while still escaping the embarrassing prospect of being discovered and, as the class was starting to wind down, she found herself quite calm compared to the nervous and fretting woman that she had been at the start of the class.

This is why when the incident happened when it did, the teacher found herself that much more mortified.

As Kerrigan was summing up the lesson in review, she started to flip around the white board's marker in her fingers. This was nothing out of the ordinary -- she did this often. Neither was it unusual when it slipped out of her fingers. These things happen sometimes.

What happened next was pure reflex.. Kerrigan turned around where she stood, her back facing the class and then bent at her middle, reaching down to pick up the marker that she had dropped.

Immediately, Kerrigan was aware of an oppressive silence, the kind of complete lack of noise that takes place in a classroom when not only have the students stopped carrying on the hushed conversations in the back of the room, but have stopped moving entirely. It dawned on her then what she had just done, and that by bending over she had caused her already ill-fitting skirt to ride up over the seat of her crinkly undergarments, exposing the thick disposable diaper seat to the classroom, topped off by her curling tail.

Immediately, Kerrigan straightened back up, marker clutched tightly in her fingers. For the moment, all was silent as the teacher dared to meet the eyes of her students, who were either staring right back at her or, even worse, glancing among themselves with knowing looks, the glimmer of smirks already starting to appear upon their faces. They had all, down to a one, had been given a look at the babyish diaper that was even now slightly forcing her legs apart, reminding her of it's presence.

The teacher opened her mouth and stammered, not even having words to say but out done out of reflex to dispel that horrible silence that had been created. Summoning every last vestige of self-control, Kerrigan stammered, "You h-have your homework. Class dismissed."

The poor teacher didn't dare meet the eyes of her students as they began to move out of the classroom; instead, she waddled back over to her desk and settled down into into the chair, staring with wide eyes at papers spread out across her desk.

They had seen her diaper! Kerrigan felt as if a line had been crossed -- she had never imagined that her relationship with Burdette would ever spill over into real and actual embarrassment, and even now, she could feel creeping humiliating starting to transition into bubbling anger against the young woman that had done this to her. To be an adult and be humiliated so!

Breathing heavily, Kerrigan decided right then and there that she would call the whole thing off. She only had one more class that she needed to suffer through before she would be able to leave and head back to Burdette's apartment to confront her, and she received a thrill of pleasure in imagining how she would tell off the younger would-be dominant.

The ringing of the school bell brought Kerrigan back to reality. She did still have one more class, after all, and already students were beginning to file into the classroom. As the students began to seat themselves, the young teacher noticed, with slight alarm, another twinging from her bladder. 'Already?' she squealed with mild indignation in her head.

Kerrigan took no chances this time -- the entirety of the lesson was delivered from her seat at the desk this time, with no room for accidental showing offs of any sort. Even then, Kerrigan still thought that she noticed a few whispered glances passing between students, along with a number of curious and incredulous looks and, in a single instance, a giggle not entirely smothered by a hand quickly placed over the mouth.

Even recalling the incident was enough to send a fresh blush to the woman's cheeks, but nevertheless she managed to make her way through the lesson. Annoyingly enough, the pressure from her bladder began to grow from a quiet concern to a more immediate and insistent one, even verging on outright uncomfortable, but the momentum from her prior determination pushed her through and, soon enough, class had ended. Fixing a smile on her face, she wrapped up the lesson and dismissed the students.

Kerrigan was pleased that she wasn't going to have to wait a moment longer -- at this point, she was starting to feel like she was going to burst, and she was looking forward to getting back into her car so that she could relieve some of her pressure, so to speak, and then drive back over to Burdette's apartment and give her a piece of her mind. With a flourish, she gathered her things together and stood back up, waddling to her door and steeling herself for what would, hopefully, be a quick jaunt out to the parking lot.

It was not.

Kerrigan hadn't even completed a full ten steps before a sudden and insistent twinging from her bladder told her that another accident was coming soon, the teacher's wishes be damned. She panicked, suddenly -- the idea of wetting her diaper where she stood, out in the hallway in front of everyone was too humiliating to contemplate and, if noticed, would only add to the mounting embarrassment that was to be hers when the rumor from her second class started to spread. She desperately looked around, at this point simply trying to find a place to duck into where she wouldn't be noticed when the inevitable accident happened.

Salvation arose in the form of the teacher's lounge, only a quick waddle away. Kerrigan managed to make it inside and shut the door before finally losing what last vestige of control that she had left. With a quiet whimper at the sheer feeling of relief, she pressed herself against the wall and shut her eyes, squirming slightly as she felt the hot urine puddle inside her babyish undergarments, the hungry padding soaking up the remnants of the bottle that the young teacher had been fed earlier that morning.

It felt so good! The simple relieved of pressure came as such a welcome relief that Kerrigan couldn't help a pleased sigh from escaping her lips as she emptied every last bit into diaper before finishing, panting slightly, and then straightening back up and opening her eyes.

It was then that the young woman realized that she was not alone in the teacher's lounge.

Sitting at the small table set up on the floor across from her was, Kerrigan recognized, one of the school's nurses; she was a good decade older than Kerrigan, a hyena, a head bigger than Kerrigan and one of those women who seem to radiate matriarchal authority as they age.

The amused expression on the woman's face told Kerrigan everything that she needed to know. The nurse -- Kerrigan's memory filled in 'Verity' a half-second later -- knew exactly what had happened, and Kerrigan knew that she knew and, what's more, Verity knew that Kerrigan knew that she knew.

Still squeezing her supplies tightly to her chest, Kerrigan relaxed slightly and, nevertheless, made an effort to pretend that this older woman did not just see her flood her diapers. "V-verity," she acknowledged, inclining her head. "It's pleasant to see you again."

Nurse Verity was grinning. "Kerrigan, it's good to see you. I'm glad that I ran into you, actually."

"Oh?" wondered Kerrigan, doing her very best to sound nonchalant and not doing very well.

"Oh, yes," agreed Verity cheerfully. "There was a rumor going around school that you weren't feeling very well. Is everything alright?" she went on to query, knowing full well that everything was not.

Kerrigan's heart sank, even as she felt a fresh blush blossom across her cheeks. Had the rumour really spread so far? She resisted the urge to groan, mustering up all her self-composure before biting her lip and shaking her head.

"R-really? I can't imagine why you would of heard that. Everything is perfectly alright," said the young teacher.

It was Verity's turn to wonder, "Oh?" She considered Kerrigan's answer before giving her shoulders a slight shrug. "I guess that I heard wrong.," she innocently concluded, pushing her chair back from the table and standing up. She gave Kerrigan a polite smile, then began moving towards the exit that Kerrigan was still leaning against.

That's it? Kerrigan felt a momentary surge of relief that that was to be it, fancying possibly that maybe her dignity wasn't completely irreparable.

These thoughts flew out of her mind when she felt Nurse Verity cup the seat of her diaper, her other hand on the door handle. She could feel the older woman squeeze the padding in assessment, the movement pushing the soaked padding against her intimate parts, making the younger teacher shiver with surprise.

"Not quite in need of a change, yet," concluded the nurse aloud, sending a mortified blush of red to Kerrigan's cheeks. "You come and find me if the need arises though, alright love?"

At the dumbstruck look on Kerrigan's face, Verity concluded, explaining with a thin smile that, "You're not the first person on this campus that I've had to change, and I doubt that you'll be the last. You know where my office is."

With that, and one more affectionate squeeze to Kerrigan's diaper seat, Nurse Verity opened the door and exited the teacher's lounge.

Kerrigan was simply agape, overwhelmed by all that had happened to her in the last two days! It was as if her life was turning into some badly written fetishtic pornography story!

Again, that same bubbling anger that she had felt towards Burdette began to rise up inside of her! She had never agreed to go this far and it was time to march right back to her apartment and tell her how things were going to be! The embers of rebellion burning in her breast, Kerrigan gathered her materials back to her chest and, steeling herself, opened the exit to the teacher's lounge and began making her way -- waddling that much more pronounced by the gentle sag the diaper had just recently adopted-- back to her car.

Thankfully, the journey was more or less uneventful and Kerrigan was soon in her car. A quick turn of the ignition and she was soon on the road, following the path back that would lead her back to Burdette and, hopefully, her liberation from the babyish garment hungrily hugging to her hips.

The trip passed quickly -- it wasn't long at all before the young teacher pulled up to the apartment's parking lot and, parking her car, toddled her way to Burdette's door. Steeling herself, she smoothed down her skirt and began to knock ferociously on the door.

The young woman was not very long in waiting -- soon enough, the door was answered by, sure enough, Burdette, who gave her teacher a sleepy smile.

"Good day at work?"

Kerrigan was not going to have any of this. Arms crossed and body in sloped in a defiant posture to let Burdette know who really was boss here, the teacher remarked, "Ms. Gordon, you will let me in, please. We need to have a talk."

Burdette just responded with a sleepy giggle, though, sure enough, she took Kerrigan by the arm and lead her into the apartment. The two women followed the same path that they had taken the night prior and, very soon, Kerrigan was settling her amply padded rump into couch.

Arms still crossed, the teacher haughtily recited the speech that she had been building in her mind since that first embarrassing moment in class earlier, when she had inadvertently given the entire classroom a peek at the disposable snugly anchored around her waist. She told her about the horrible embarrassment. She told her about desperately trying to hold it in and then her subsequent wetting of herself, right in front of Nurse Verity. Cheeks reddening slightly, she told her of the straightforward nurse's rewards, and the embarrassment that quickly followed.

By the time that she had finished her little speech, Kerrigan was panting slightly from the effort. Slightly satisfied by this outpouring, she looked at Burdette expectantly. "Well?"

Burdette paused, thoughtfully tapping her chin in consideration.

"I think giving Nurse Verity a key would help," decided the feline eventually, going on to explain, "I can't be around to look after you all the time at school, after all."

Kerrigan's mouth hung open! Hadn't Burdette listened to her? Surely she couldn't be expected to continue with this humiliating charade! The teacher opened her mouth quickly to protest, but found it suddenly filled by the rubber nipple of the pacifier that Burdette had only just pushed in.

"You're my kitten," simply said Burdette, stroking a hand across Kerrigan's arm soothingly. "We both know it. You shouldn't try to fight it."

And Kerrigan knew, deep down, underneath all the layers of resistance, that this was true, and this was what she really wanted. Her whole body wavered slightly in indecision before, in a small but declarative movement, she nodded her head and, with a brief suckle of her pacifier, leaned against Burdette.

And that, more or less, was that.


CHAPTER 3 The next few moments were a whirlwind of frantic activity for the poor school teacher. Almost immediately after searching around for something appropriate to put on, she found the same outfit that Burdette had been wearing the day...

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For a few long seconds, Kerrigan was completely stunned; she stared at the humiliating picture of herself on the top of the desk before quickly glancing up to look at Burdette's grinning triumphant face for a split-second before looking back down...

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Nestled in a small room illuminated by the gentle glow of a computer screen and not much else, Burdette Gordon clicked through web page after web page, clearly in search of something. Looking through a string of profiles, her attention was eventually...

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