[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [EN-012]

Story by Shane on SoFurry

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#13 of Old Story2

My story about Humans fight against Lupains< Back- First - Next >

story (c)

Shakiria (c)Amand4

Translation correction ©


Thumbnail ©Sidonie

Special thanks to arkoninu for correction and translation


Critic under each fiction part, (positive and negative) would help me much.Request

All fan arts are welcome ^^


If you like the story, i would be happy when you share it with your friendsCharactere

Akira2020 A.D - Akira Reference 2020 A.D. - Akira vs Kayla [1/3] 2020 A.D. - Akira vs Kayla [2/3] 2020 A.D. - Akira vs Kayla [2/3] 2020 A.D. - Shane and Akira City watching2020 A.D. - Akira sitting2020 A.D. - Akira in Armor 2020 A.D - Akira and Shane [Adult]2020 A.D. - Akira and Ari 2020 A.D. - Akira in fight 2020 A.D. - Akira Lupain Slayer

Shane2020 A.D. - Shane and Akira City watching2020 A.D. - Shane Reference 2020 A.D. - Shane in Human Clother 2020 A.D. - Shane in Human Clother - Hide 2020 A.D. - Akira and Shane [Adult]

Ari2020 A.D. - Ari in Armor New Version 2020 A.D. - Ari Rerference 2020 A.D. - Ari in Armor 2020 A.D. - Akira and Ari

Kayla2020 A.D. - Akira vs Kayla [1/3] 2020 A.D. - Akira vs Kayla [2/3] 2020 A.D. - Akira vs Kayla [2/3] 2020 A.D. - Kayla 2020 A.D. - Kayla in Armor2020 A.D. -Kayla in Armor 2020 A.D. - Kayla Ref

Youtube 2020 A.D. ~ Circle of Lupain 2020 A.D. Circle of Lupain Crowdfunding for a Comic Book

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Akira's heartbeat quickened and he snorted again, Blaidd opened the door.

'I wonder if half the population of the ship is waiting in this courtroom for me?' Thought Akira, but instead of a full courtroom he saw a temporarily constructed courtroom.

This consisted mostly of cargo crates, there were no chairs or other furniture.

"Here sit on this box," Blaidd said.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, on this ship there is no courtroom. We had to improvise."

Akira stared forward, in front of him sat three Lupains, one of them was brown, the other white and the last black.

They wore very unusual brown clothes with traditional symbols.

Besides the supreme council about 20 soldiers were in the cargo hold.

"Are there no civilians here?" Asked Akira.

"No, this is only the supreme council and soldiers who protect it."

"Because of me?"

"Yes because of you."

"What are their names?" Asked Akira.

"I can only give an approximate translation in human language."

"Is OK."

"The Brown's Anonaran, the white and the black Faol Amaguq."

The supreme council began to speak to Akira.

"What do you say?"

"They talk about the charge, you are accused of the involvement in the death and disappearance of more than 300 Lupains."

"I ask them how they know that it was you," Blaidd said.

"Agreed," Akira said.

Then one of the soldiers ran forward and began to speak.

"What does he say?"

"He recognizes you again, he says, you have killed his unit with a sword. He survived seriously injured and would recognize your smell and your appearance anywhere again."

Faol leaned forward and stared at Akira, he spoke to him.

"What does he say?"

"He asks whether the accusations are correct."

"Tell him I killed 150 Lupains, but it wasn't my decision. The humans gave me the commands, they controlled me. Just like the other Lupains from the program."

"He wants to know how humans have controlled you."

"Tell them, the humans have deleted all our memories and gave us wrong ones. Then they have trained us either for experiments or to fight. With propaganda they have told us that we are survivors of a race that is indigenous to this planet. The Lupains however, were only invaders and we would have to fight them to take back the earth. "

Blaidd translated, while Faol and Amaguq listening pretty excited Anonaran began to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Asked Akira.

Anonaran spoke to Blaidd.

"He thinks you're being silly. People don't have the opportunities and technologies."

"Tell him I don't know how people have come to such technologies, maybe they had help."

Blaidd translated and Anonaran laughed again. Now some of the soldiers began to laugh too.

Anonaran rose and shouted at Akira, then he laughed again.

"What does he say?"

"He asks why we don't shoot you right now. He says without proof your words are a waste of time."

"What a bastard. Tell him in my belt is a USB stick from Dr. Carol Witta. I don't know what's on it, but it might be a good proof."

After Blaidd had translated, Faol leaned forward and spoke.

"What does he say Blaidd?"

"He asks if you or anyone else in the prison are responsible for the death of a female doctor named Carol Witta ."

"No, I am not."

"He wants to know who killed the woman."

"She was killed by another Lupain. His name is Sev."

"Okay I translated for you."

"The supreme council asks how his Lupain name was? And if you have evidence?"

"I don't know his name, but he is one of the other Lupains from this exchange program."

"The council asks why you believe that the doctor can help you?"

"Because she is not a doctor, she's a scientist, she worked in the laboratory and helped us to escape. In the run she was shot by Sev."

"What did the scientist do in the lab?"

"I don't know exactly, she has studied us often and took blood samples."

After Blaidd had translated, Anonaran laughed.

"He says it is certainly a very well-rehearsed story. He wants evidence and who actually killed this fat man, Chester Brown, on the junkyard?"

'Shane killed Chester. I don't want to draw him into this', Akira thought.

"I killed Chester, he attacked one of my friends and tried to kill us with a Lupain weapon. When this failed, he knocked down my friend, he almost killed him. I stopped him by killing him."

Faol intervened and spoke to Akira.

"He wants to know if you've done a massacre with your sword in a human city."

Akira snorted "Yes, I did. The gang has threatened my friend and almost killed him."

Amaguq interrupted the conversation and spoke to Akira.

"He says that the dead humans don't interest him. He just wants to know where the USB stick is."

"Tell him it's in my belt."

Amaguq straightened up and spoke to a soldier.

"What did he ask?"

"He wants to know if the soldiers have found such a USB stick in your equipment."


"He said no."

"No, it must have been inside there. I know it."

'Damn it, where is the USB flash drive, I know Shane has thrown it to me and I had put it away. Have I lost it?' Thought Akira.

While Akira thought despairingly, Amaguq spoke to Blaidd.

"The supreme council asks if you have any evidence. Otherwise, they will announce their verdict."

Akira thought desperately, and cried: "Ari!"

"Ari? What's that?" Asked Blaidd.

"It's a Lupain, I know from him somewhere. He was trapped in the military base. He can help me!"

"You mean this Lupain? The one who came with you, the light brown?"

"Yes, exactly him."

Anonaran yelled after Blaidd talked about Ari.

"Anonaran asks if you actually want to take Ari as evidence?"

"Yes, why not?"

Anonaran laughed again and spoke with Blaidd.

"He wants to know if you attacked the transporter, so he finds it laughable to take Ari as witnesses."

"Yes, I attacked the transporter. It was my mission given to me by the humans. I was seriously injured by a man and ran away into the city, there Shane took care of me. Then I wanted to find Ari. However, humans have brought the transporter to the junkyard."

After Blaidd had translated, Anonaran suddenly stopped laughing.

"When we had escaped from the military base, we were found by your son, or?" Asked Akira.

"Yes, that's right," answered Blaidd.

"Before he had captured me and the others, we were attacked by humans who were the soldiers from the military base."

"True, my son mentioned that. He said they were likely criminals. He couldn't see a military affiliation. If I translate it we need my son and this Ari, which means we can delay the judgement."

Anonaran bared his teeth and shouted, Faol and Amaguq tried to calm him down.

"He yells, that's a very good rehearsed story, but everything is lied. He wants to condemn you now."

"What's the matter with him?"

"I don't know, he has never been like that."

Faol spoke to the soldiers.

"What did he ask?"

"He wants to know if Ari is approachable."


"No, he was locked away on Anonaran's command."

Subsequently, the supreme council argued, Anonaran became more aggressive.

Faol and Amaguq completed the negotiation and moved on with their soldiers.

"I need you again handcuffed, then I'll take you back to the prison wing."

"All right. Can you ensure that my friend gets his clothes back? They mean very much to him. He got them from the killed woman."

"I'll bring him the clothes. I promise."

Akira stretched his hands forward, but then he was dragged away by Anonaran's soldiers.

"What are you doing? Don't touch me!" cried Akira.

"Akira will now die," said Anonaran in human language.

"You speak this language?" Asked Blaidd surprised.

"Get him out of here, I just want Akira" Anonaran spoke.

"That's not right, the judgement wasn't spoken!" Shouted Blaidd.

While Blaidd was taken away by Anonaran's soldiers, the remaining soldiers dragged Akira henceforth.

[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [DE-011]

Akira kam zu sich, er öffnete langsam seine Augen und blickte sich um. Er lag auf einem Bett mit weißer Decke. 'Muss wohl zum Sanitätsbereich gehören', dachte Akira. Im Raum gab es keine Fenster, keine großartige Beleuchtung und keine Dekoration,...

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[WIP]2047 A.D. Heavens Fall[EN-011]

Akira woke up, he slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He was lying on a bed with a white blanket. 'Must be part of the medical field," thought Akira. In the room there were no windows, no great lighting and no decoration, only one door was...

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[WIP] 2047 A.D. Heavens Fall [EN-010]

While Shane still protected Akira, blood ran down his snout. The blood came from a large laceration that Shane had received from the headbutt. "Prisoner, away from the Commander or we'll shoot!" "Shall we shoot, Commander?" "No wait, I'm talking to...

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