A Royal Bond: Chapter III

Story by Lover Anomymous on SoFurry

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The third chapter in A Royal Bond. Sorry about the lack of cover, my resources are limited currently and I plan to upload it later somehow. Shout out to Vergennes https://vergennes.sofurry.com/ for his help with the pacing and editing, it was big help and appreciate the support he's given me, as well as the friendship he's blessed me with.

Riga leaned his upper body from the Leigh wool mattress with one arm, the other effeminately draping a lavish cover across his lap, "Brother, is that you?"

The man in the doorway came forward and with a single flick of his hand lit the lanterns in the room, in the lit bedchamber a gruff, white haired cat stood in the front of the bed, his steely eyes taking in the scene.

"Iricai!" Riga shouted excitedly, getting up and embracing him fully. After the hug the white cat's eyes caught Sijin laying half awake, staring, and incredibly confused. Riga turned to him beaming, "Sijin, this is my brother Iricai."

Sijin continued to stare until he came to his senses, he smiled, "You're quite the surprise Iricai, I'm Sijin." The rugged cat went slim eyed and a hint of red colored his cheeks, "Honored to make your acquaintance Sijin. May I ask your title Sir..." He said trailing off until the dragon interjected,


Iricai's eyes widened, "Bluscale..." He turned to Riga, "You both don't happen to be lovers do you!?" They both nodded and a look of disbelief and excitement spread across his face,

"Someone finally..." Riga looked concerned, "Is something the matter?" Iricai suddenly spun giddily in Riga's direction and launched at him hugging him tightly,

"Someone...you! Finally did it!" Riga looked up at him with his face bent in puzzled interest, "Did what?" Iricai kept smiling and shook his brother's arms giddily, "You've just bonded the two kingdoms together after thousands and thousands of years!" Riga dawned an expression of awe and turned to Sijin, who was even more confused than before,

"Come again?" The dragon said unsure in tone. Iricai turned to Sijin with a goofy smile, "Elant was the greatest romance kingdom in the land until twenty five thousand years ago, and you two have just sealed the pact needed to breathe life into it again! The two kingdoms, Iroth and Dekkin, made one into the Legendary romance kingdom of Elont..." Sijin let out an awkward, nervous giggle and Iricai continued, "...which very beacon of unity, peace, and love that once bloomed across the entire land like Eveland's garden itself, and will do so once again! After these long, unfortunate eons!" He shouted, ending with unconstrained passion and flowery gestures.

Riga leaped towards Sijin and hugged him tightly, laying a soft, passionate kiss on his muzzle. He leaned back and sighed contently,"We must tell everyone! They must know as soon as possible!" Sijin nodded,

"Indeed we shall, let us act quickly!" Sijin threw off his covers and stood as Riga dressed with haste, and in seconds they were gone with Iricai behind them.

As they spread the word, the palace became even more lively and warm than usual, countless future preparations were made as people were celebrating with glowing disposition. It hadn't ceased until nightfall, and everyone who was partaking were now in deep slumber, awaiting the coming morning. Sijin and Riga sat in the main hall restless, much too occupied with each other to sleep. After a small silence Riga looked at Sijin and spoke.

"Sijin, how do feel? About our..." Riga stopped abruptly and turned red, Sijin looked over with concerned expression,

"Our marriage?"

Riga buried his head and nodded, discomforted until he heard Sijin respond, "I think it's wonderful!" He said happily, causing Riga to dart his eyes over at Sijin and blush furiously,

"R...really?!" Sijin looked at him and smiled, "I would never be against the idea, nor the chance to be with you for the rest of my years! I love you more than life itself!" Riga smiled back, tears welling in his eyes as he leaned into Sijin's muzzle, nuzzled his scales and spoke softly,

"I love you...as well. You are my everything, and when I am within your scorching arms I never want you to let go."

Sijin leaned forward, and laid a gentle, deep heated kiss on Riga's muzzle, the feline's tears of joy coming down his blushed, furred cheeks as small whines of bliss left him uncontrollably.

Sijin's hands traveled down and gripped onto Riga's hips, slowly easing him down onto the cushioned surface, their kiss lustful and amorous.

He inched a scaly hand up Riga's thigh with the claw of his index finger and pressing ever so softly to his skin, barely marking his sensitive inner thigh up to his knee joint.

"Anh...mmh..." Riga moaned, Sijin extending his long, salivated tongue upon the feline's reeling, sweated upper body, bathing his neck in his nectar and slathering it up his cheeks.

The dragon's hands spread Riga's legs apart to expose their erect, pre-ing member's covering each other in slicked warmth, closing his eyes, he eased his spilling taste around their drooling, stiff cocks and down Riga's soft, full balls and inner taint.

"Hnhaa! Mmmh!" The cat whined, feeling Sijin's heavy, burning breath on his genitals and stomach as spits of fire singed his sensitive exterior.

The dragon undid his wet, throbbing cock from his dripping grasp and pushed the tip down the buoyant folds of Riga's silk-like balls to his pink, un-quenched tail hole, inching inside to the head and pulling out in slow, rhythmic motions as sticky saliva and pre squelched and spat around Riga's hole. Lustfully, Sijin's tongue slithered from Riga's twitching member and the cat's lover moaned in pleasure as he took in the flavor, his hips pushing back and forth as he pre-ed into Riga's hole in a teasing motion till his cock stopped head deep inside.

Riga was without composure, sweating and moaning, his cock twitching and pre-ing profusely onto his stomach. The dragon leaned his body over him and his pressed his scaly chest against Riga's small enticing frame, kissing him and causing him to squirm and whine with short, breathless moans, his member slowing further inside until reaching the base of it's contouring shaft.

Soon it reached base and he thrust into him, feverishly pulsing and pre-ing deep within Riga's tail hole, pushing and pulling the folds of his insides with his heated penetration. Riga uttered exasperated cries and clung with desperate passion to Sijin's flexing, muscle toned body, every push filling his rear with his lover's powerful, thick length.

The speed of his cock climbed and the feline instinctively began filling his mouth with Sijin's tongue, the salivation spilling around their mouths, the flavors of their cocks pungent and erotic.

Sijin broke away from the kiss and slipped his teeth around Riga's shoulder, biting gently down and just barely breaking skin, oozing crimson down his furred chest and making the pleasured cat lose all control and reel as the aroma of warm blood and sweat seeped from their bodies in intertwined, moistened arousal, as scaly, pre soaked full balls slapped against Riga's tail base and spat it's glistened pre with the quickening of the Sijin's hung, pounding cock.

The dragon lifted his chest and caressed his tight hold around Riga's thighs, pushing them up and arching the feline's lower back as he rode his member up Riga's rear and slid inside his pre gushing hole, fucking him hard and fast, tossing his small body to and fro on the dampened cushion.

The feline trembled ceaselessly and shuttered in the breaths between his whines of pleasure and was almost about to orgasm as the pre streamed down in his mouth and covered his face. He could feel Sijin's cock inside him, it's veins pulsing and shaft twitching violently as it shoved in wetly, swinging the cat's hard, erect member and tight balls, copious pre flinging it's warmth on his chest, running down the sides of his face and through the fur on his upper thighs.

Sijin roared and submerged his damp cock fully inside Riga's ass and unleashed his orgasm, the cat screaming as his own load began coating his throat and chest, dragon cock relieving itself into his rectum and endlessly pumping in semen until his hole was filled, spewing out wildly onto his rear and splashing across his balls, flinging and covering his inner thighs, oozing countless trails along the curvature of his back and dripping off of the underneath of his thighs and the backs of his shoulders, the submissive feline cumming until his semen had pooled out of his mouth and spilled over his own sperm sticked chest.

Breathing hardily, Sijin pulled out his throbbing member and unloaded his semen onto Riga's ass and up across his legs and feet. With a gentle grip Sijin took hold of Riga's head and pulled it forward, the dragon's load thickening on the side of his face until he put his cock in his mouth, working it back and forth slowly as his veiny, swollen cock thumped out sperm till it was overflowing out of the cat's mouth, the dragon's lover swallowing and spitting out gargled moans whilst hot semen sputtered around his muzzle and shot up his face, weighing down his fur as it dripped and steamed down his greedy body.

Sijin removed his dick from the cat's taste and leaned his neck back, stretching his arm behind his back and masturbating Riga's cock as the thick strands of boiling cum drained out of his pulsating, massive dragon meat, bathing Riga's body and open, panting mouth with cum, the cat still in wanting of his lover's flavorful, plenty seed and indulging in it each and every swallow. Riga's erection throbbing in his hands and came up the dragon's back and on his rear in hot orgasm. Letting go it fell leaking and flaccid onto Riga's stomach.

The dragon came until he could no longer, gasping in pleasure and rubbing his spent, limp cock over Riga's features and body. The cat sighed, flushed and content, delicately licking the cum off of Sijins's member.

"Your consummation was enticing, to say the very least." Riga said with one eye closed underneath the dragon's member. Sijin looked down and raised an eyebrow, "Which one?" He said grinning. Riga spurted out some semen as he chuckled slightly, "All of them." He raised himself up and pressed his body against Sijin's with his hands caressing his toned, scaly chest, " But this one will bind us together for all of our lives. And I shall never forget it for my remaining days in this world." He leaned in and pecked his muzzle, "My remaining days, that I will spend only with you."

Sijin held him close and moved into his kiss, stopping dead when he heard a noise and turning. Standing on the stairwell was Einroch, beaming and wearing a dumbfounded expression, Riga sputtered out another burst of semen in shock, "F...Father!" Without warning, the spry, middle aged cat raised up his hands and began to clap furiously whilst spin like a loose top, giggling until he came to a stop and threw up his arms, "Bravo!" Sijin chuckled and turned to Riga, "My love, there is a place I must show you." Riga went wide eyed, "...Where...exactly?"

Sijin and Riga both said their goodbyes to palace inhabitants and were to be off soon. Riga, dressed in his ceremonial armor, embraced Einroch before walking to the palace entrance, where Sijin stood in waiting.

"Calming, isn't it?" Sijin said softly looking at Riga, who met his eyes and responded, "The night breeze, yes, very much I think." Riga closed his eyes and his face became serene, "I often find myself among these winds, their gentle cold eases my mind." A comfortable silence passed and Riga spoke again, "So where is it you wish to wed?" Sijin looked at Riga with his face sincere and peaceful. "My homeland, Dekkin..." He gazed off into the night sky and continued, "...in the center of the two kingdoms in Sadle. That, is where we shall wed."

Riga hopped forward and pecked his cheek, "Than, we shall go."