A Royal Bond: Chapter II

The dragon landed with ease onto the smooth, gray stone below. Riga, asleep, awoke from his slumber and sat up wide eyed, "Ah, we've arrived!" In front of them was a grand palace of massive proportion, bathed in gold and reinforced with several layers...

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A Royal Bond

The Knight's heavy clad footsteps clattered on the cracked stone bridge, the handle of his blade held at the ready. He stopped at the center of the bridge, eyes locked on the goal ahead of him. The Grand Iron Castle loomed with darkness, splendorous...

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A Royal Bond: Chapter III

Riga leaned his upper body from the Leigh wool mattress with one arm, the other effeminately draping a lavish cover across his lap, "Brother, is that you?" The man in the doorway came forward and with a single flick of his hand lit the lanterns in the...

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