Pact Chapter 3: Elemental Essences

Story by Gilian on SoFurry

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#8 of Pact

Hey guys! Sorry for the long time in between post here. Been busy and of course being the noob I am with sex scenes, it took me a lot longer to crank this chapter than usual. But with that said I do want to give a shout out to my beta readers (I need more, so if your interested DM me) and my editor Mr. Ottertons! He's always there to bail me out of a bind lol.

Also introduction to a new character! His name is Vodak and he's my buddy :xxzerkkandragonxxicon: character so enjoy cause you'll see him often!

But without further ado, here is the next part of Pact! Enjoy!Also Comments Are Always Welcome And Appreciated. Especially Those That Help Me Grow!

P.S. If anyone can help me with spacing on my uploads through a PM that would be helpful. Every time I copy and pace my things it just mess everything up.

Pact Chapter 3 Elemental Essences


Mortimer chuckled as he watched Noah stumble out of his chair to head upstairs. "Are you not going to follow after him to make sure he'll make it?" A sweet voice chuckled in the dragon's ear.

"Nah. He'll be fine. Shame he left his mead down here," Mortimer said back to Mira, who slipped him a menu.

"Most likely for the best. No need for him to throw up all over the place."

Oh, but that would be funny. Then again, almost everything Noah did was greatly amusing to Mortimer. Noah truly believed he knew about how the world worked. However, he was still just a pup who was staring at the sky with no idea how vast it truly was. Not that Mortimer found that to be a bad trait; in fact it was refreshing.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I'll take it up to him later on." He said with a smirk before looking back at Mira.

Mira had a look on her face that said she wasn't going to clean up the vomit if he did when she said, "Your choice. I'll make sure you have a mop that'll go up there with you."

Mortimer laughed and downed his own flagon. "Fair enough. Though do you mind if I get one more flagon of mead? The roasted chicken sounds good as well."

She cocked her brow and crossed her arms. "Should that be one or two chickens?" "Make it one. I'll take the ham for myself."

That made her smile. Taking the menu from Mortimer, she poured him another round of mead before walking into the back. "So did you like what you saw?" The dragon asked without looking back.

A light sigh came up from behind Mortimer as he saw, from the corner of his eye, a bull taking the seat right by his side. "You got a good pair of eyes, wolf. I didn't think you noticed us."

Mortimer smiled coldly before he took a gulp of his mead. "Well, when you have someone who can't even sneak around town speaking to the so-called 'Gory Skulls' before we walked upstairs, it kinda makes it easy."

"Well, Kevin isn't much of a scout, that much is for sure." The bull sounded quite cocky, which brought a smirk onto Mortimer's face as he could tell that he wasn't about to cause any trouble this time. "I got to say, although I'm a semi regular around these parts, even I don't attract so much attention. Not many people have the gall to walk around the town in a loincloth like some savage. Also yes, I was around to see you in it."

"Oh? I hope you enjoyed the view then." Mortimer placed his mead next to Noah's before finally turning around. Now that he was facing the bull, he had to admit why the bovine would grab some attention. The bull was almost as tall as Mortimer was, but more broad in his chest and shoulders. Unlike most beastmen of the same race, this bull had two shades to his fur coating, a light tan and a dark brown. Though what really caught Mortimer's eye was the pattern in the fur, which was something a normal bull wouldn't have.

Then there was the horns. Instead of being pointed up, this male had his ebony horns curved down and around his ears, pointing out past his face. It gave a nice contrast to his fur and even more so brought out those aquamarine-colored eyes.

The bull shrugged. "The view was interesting, definitely worth a laugh. Though, I found your partner in crime to be more entertaining, acting like a bashful girl about to lose her cherry."

The corner of Mortimer's lips perked up, showing off his teeth. "So tell me, what is so important that a big strong bull has to provoke a fight at such a nice establishment?"

The gold septum piercing in the bull's nose shifted as he huffed. "Well first, allow me to introduce myself. The name is Vodak, a mercenary. Now that that's out of the way, let me get to the point." Vodak paused for a moment to motion for Mira to bring him a pint of whisky before facing Mortimer again. "I've been keeping an eye out for another member to join our mercenary group for a mission. Someone that can take more than a punch or can use their head. It was either the Skulls or you, and you're still here, so I'm sure you can figure the rest out."

Mortimer nodded as the chill in his eyes started to vanish. "In other words, you want me and my pup to join your group of merry journeyman?"

That got a chuckle out of Vodak as he grabbed up the pint from Mira and sipped it. "I don't think journeymen find companions by punching them in the face, but I suppose that works."

Now it was Mortimer's turn to laugh. "I suppose not. I guess I can't be too mad at you. Not when you were on the move to protect my pup when you saw that fool draw his sword. By the way, the name is Mortimer." He held out his paw.

With a firm grasp, Vodak shook Mortimer's paw. A light tinge of energy coursed up around his fingers that caught his attention. From the corner of Mortimer's eyes he noticed several rings on Vodak's paw that had an array of different symbols on them and he couldn't help but give a mental nod in approval."Trust me, if I had another way to test you I would have. However, I wasn't going to let anyone get killed." There was a seriousness in Vodak's voice which further put Mortimer at ease. "But I think you would definitely benefit from this little job."

"If it's so little, why do you need my help?" Mortimer asked.

"Okay, you got me. There are jobs that would be a pain for me to do alone, but I do know that you need money. When you walk into an armor shop and only come out with nothing but a pair of pants, you either are too nice to hurt the shop owner's feelings or you're poor."

Mortimer smacked his lips. There was no use denying Vodak when he was painfully right.

"By the gods, what are you plotting this time, Vodak?" Mira asked.

Mortimer cocked his head at the playful look she gave him. Oh, the old boys weren't lying when they said she was a little demoness in disguise. She had a smile that could pull out any secret from a man's lips just as well as any succubus he had met. "Mira. Don't be that way. I'm just trying to enjoy a good time with my friend here." Vodak said.

"Vodak, you know you know damn well you suck at lying." She said.

The bull smiled widely, but didn't deny it. Seeing that Vodak wasn't going to give into her, Mira's lips puckered slightly before taking Vodak's half empty mug. "Well I'll let you boys do what you need to do then."

"Wait, where are you going with my cup?" Vodak asked.

A devious glint danced in Mira's eyes. "When you pay for your tab, we'll talk about you having another pint."

"Now, Mira, that's not fair. I'm just doing business is all." Vodak said, a hint of an attractive northern drawl appearing in his voice.

"I'm doing business too. When you pay up, we'll talk. Till then, you boys behave." She snickered and walked away.

Watching her go, Vodak cursed under his breath. "Sorry about that. Mira loves to tease me any time I don't give into her."

"I can tell. It looks like two siblings bickering with one another." Mortimer said.

"You can say that. But back on track. Are you in?" Vodak asked.

There was a twitch in Mortimer's tail at what Vodak said, but he shook his head. "I already have my paws too full with being a guardian to play mercenary. So I'm going to have to decline. However, you can get the ignoramus that left to help you out with whatever mission you have."

Vodak paw grabbed hold of Mortimer's wrist, stopping him right as he got out of his chair. "Wait. Look, we got off on a bad start. I know this. So how about we sit here, and just talk it out? Nothing wrong with talking, is there?"

A smile crept up on Mortimer's lips and he leaned down till he was dangerously close to the bull's snout. "There is a saying that I learned from a well versed lass, and it's that 'the pen is mightier than the sword'. So sorry, I'm not interested." He tapped Vodak's paw.

There was a look of reluctance and determination in those golden eyes, but Vodak eventually let go. "Mira, I'm heading back to the room. When the food is done is it possible to have it brought to us?"

"Yes! Don't worry about it!" she called from the back.

Good woman! He chuckled to himself before leaning down and grabbing up Noah's cane and and the pint of mead. "A pleasure talking to you, brother." Mortimer didn't bother to take a second look to see the expression that Vodak had, nor did he care. The bull wasn't a bad person, yet there was still a scent that lingered on Vodak that he was happy to live without. The scent of blood.

It was rare to find someone like Vodak who could have such an honest gaze but have such a strong scent of death. However, it was even more reason for Mortimer to decline his offer. A man whose body reeked with the scent of war wasn't someone he wanted Noah around just yet.

Mortimer scratched at his chin and stopped at the top of the stairs. It really had been a long time since he had actually been around mortals. The sounds of singing and dancing, of those who couldn't hold their alcohol (or their food) took him to a better place. If he could choose, he would prefer this over the thousands of years trapped in a lake with nowhere to go, nor any hopes of ever leaving.

Sadly, I've never been blessed with the option to choose. A sad smile crossed his lips before sipping at Noah's mead. The peace and quiet, like all things, would end eventually, and so too would Noah's innocence. It had been eight years since Evaline's passing, and it showed in her boy. Although Evaline made sure to leave behind tomes to teach him, there was only so much a book could do.

It was truly a shame that she died so young. That husky lass had to have been one of the brightest mortals Mortimer had ever run into. She was smart enough to pick up on the protection seals around his lake that so many others couldn't see, and strong enough to even summon him out from his den. The image of that day played through his mind of when he felt a strong pull of water magic yanking on his tail still brought a smile to his lips.

Never in his entire existence had he seen anyone with such gall as Evaline, and he could see her in Noah so much. He had an attitude that was completely the opposite from his mother's calm and collective nature, and he was definitely more greedy than she was too. However, those were some of the charms about the husky that Mortimer was starting to like.

Still. I have to get started on his training before anything happens. The more prepared he is, the better he'll be able to protect himself. His eyes narrowed as he crept down the hallway. Now that he wasn't in the lake it was only a matter of time before they found him, and that would be a bigger pain than he could handle now. The power he once had was no more, and even now he would still struggle if he had to face an average elemental or a low-class demon. If he couldn't break Noah then refine him into something better... A cold chill settled in his stomach as frost crept on the windowsill he passed by. That's something I can't let happen. Yet I can't rush it either. Slow and steady. That's what you said, Evaline. I hope you're right.

The temperature of the hallway went back to normal as he opened up the door. "Ello love, I'm back!"

"Ugh! Would you not?!" Noah said, then groaned from under the pillows as a figure wiggled around up under the covers.

Mortimer's smirk widened as he could feel through their pact just how sluggish Noah was feeling. "Aw, poor thing. Who told you to drink without eating? Such an amateur." He chuckled and kicked the door shut behind him.

A middle finger emerged from the under the cover. "Shut up. Why didn't you bring up any food?"

"It's being made. It'll just take some time." Taking a seat on the bed, Mortimer placed the cane against the bed before saying, "So why are you curled up in bed instead of using your spiritual energy to clear your mind and body of the alcohol?"

"I'm trying...I just can't focus all too well..."

Mortimer rolled his eyes. "I really do have my paws full."

Popping his head out from under the covers, Noah's nose wrinkled up at the dragor his head fur was a ruffled up mess and his eyes dull and lazy due to the alcohol. Mortimer could not help but smell the sweetness of mead on the husky's breath, nor could ignore how Noah's lips pursed up at him. "You wouldn't if you would just explain about this so-called training versus just telling me to do it..."

Mortimer licked his lips and placed the flagon of mead between Noah's legs. The husky winced at the sight of the mead and Mortimer swore that no male should ever be so adorable. Closing his eyes, Mortimer quelled his hunger and desires before shaking his head. "It's much more fun to watch you pout when I don't explain though."


Mortimer laughed as he opened up the connection between Noah and him that was forged with their pact. For a moment Noah's eyes widened, but then grew soft at the sudden loss of grogginess, the tired feeling being pulled from him and placed in Mortimer. "Very well. Tell me Noah. What is the difference between a shaman and a druid?"

"A shaman has the power to work with either wind and water or earth and fire. They also specialize with either wards or magical seals. Druids have the ability to work with every element and also both wards and seals. Add that to the ability to have a spiritual ocean versus a spiritual lake, and it gives them near-infinite amount of magical energy."

"I see, I see. Well, congratulations for having the most basic understanding between the two types!" Mortimer held up his arm to block the pillow thrown at him. "What, it is."

"Okay, then tell me, what's truly the difference between a druid and a shaman?" Noah asked.

"Simply put, the biggest difference is not how many elements a druid can use that a shaman can not, but their compatibility with those elements." Mortimer said. "Tell me, have you heard of those legends of druids whipping up thunderstorms to wipe out a city or creating small earthquakes to swallow their enemies?"

"Of course, why?"

Smiling, Mortimer's tail swayed against Noah's legs. "Those aren't just legends, but actual facts. At most, a shaman who has reached an enlightened stage to have a spiritual sea could coax the weather to change, cause the forest to be at their beck and call, and easily control a lake that spans twenty to fifty miles to do what they want. However, a druid doesn't even need a quarter of their spiritual ocean to do any of this."

"Wait, what?! That's a load of ghoul dung." Noah's ears dropped.

"Brat, are you calling me a liar?"

"Wouldn't surprise me if you were" Noah said.

Mortimer opened his mouth, then closed it, which obviously amused Noah to some degree. "Well I'm not lying. Druids are in the same sense as close to the elements as an immortal mystic is. For example: I was able to control a mass quantity of the lake with my powers not even being a fraction of what they use to be. The reason for this is the fact of my extremely strong affinity to the water."

There was a twitch in Noah's brow as he looked up to Mortimer. "A fraction of what your power used to be?"

"Heh, a story for another place and time. Right now, focus." Mortimer grabbed up the mead and tapped between his legs; his eyes never leaving Noah's. "Come on over here and sit."

"You've gotta be kidding me right?"

The dragon smirked but didn't say anything, which caused a wave of annoyance to surge over from Noah into him from the pact. A minute passed before Noah grudgingly got out from under the covers and sat down between Mortimer's legs. "What do we have to do now?" Noah asked.

"Well what I would like to do, you won't let me..."


He chuckled and wrapped his arms around the husky's waist, and surprisingly, Noah didn't resist. From the corner of his eye, Mortimer caught the lazy look in Noah's gaze and the strong smell of alcohol on his breath. If mead tasted good from a flagon, then Mortimer was sure that it would taste heavenly off of Noah's tongue. The simple thought sent a bolt of desire and need straight to his cock, and thankfully Noah wasn't sitting so that his ass pressed against Mortimer's crotch.

"I know. I know." He said and place the mead on Noah's lap. "Place your finger in it."

"What?" Noah ears perked and

"You asked me to train you, so I am. Put your finger in it." Noah's ears flickered but he did as Mortimer had asked. "Good. Now close your eyes and tell me what you feel."

"Mortimer, this is stupid."

"Teacher is teaching. Pup is learning." Mortimer said, which earned him a low grumble, but Noah closed his eyes. With a nod, Mortimer closed his eyes as well. "Good. Now bridge the connection with the elemental energy within the mead."

Noah didn't say a word, there was no need to. They both could feel the elemental energy from the water trail up Noah's fingers and drift inside of him. The husky flinched and swayed a bit before his voice echoed through Mortimer's mind. The hell?

You're a lightweight, that's what. Mortimer laughed as he felt liquid heat surging through his body in the same manner it did with Noah. Whenever the water elemental energy passed through Noah, it left the same soothing warmth that only booze could achieve.

Pulling his finger out of the mead, Noah shuddered. "What the hell did you make me do?"

"Teaching you a lesson." Mortimer chuckled. "You should have noticed that your spiritual ocean is just an ocean bed with a few meager puddles all over the place. So to fill it, you must first absorb elemental energy and refine it into spiritual energy. However, as you just experienced, if you try to absorb energy from just any old thing, you'll find yourself handicapped."

Wrinkling his nose, Noah glared at Mortimer. "Couldn't you have just told me?"

"You learn more from experiencing than you do from being told," Mortimer said. "I'm not Evaline. I won't spoon feed you information, but I'll definitely have you learn first hand."

"So I have to be cautious of what kind of energy I'm absorbing then... Got it."

Shaking his head, Mortimer tapped Noah on the nose, which made the husky reel back. "Actually, it's more complicated than that." When Noah tilted his head at Mortimer, the dragon continued on. "Unlike mages or witches, shamans and druids must gather the primal force of nature itself to grow further. Because of this, you rarely find a shaman who has a spiritual sea. The only way a shaman can expand their spiritual lake into a spiritual sea is by absorbing rich energy from their respective elements. It's actually the true reason for what you call your pilgrimage.

"Sadly, nothing is ever as easy as it sounds. Finding an area with such potent energy is hard on it's own, but there will definitely be others who will stake claim to that area and won't be up for sharing. Hell, the Fae are a good example." Mortimer's snout scrunched up. "Greedy, political little bastards. They love to toy and mess with people by forcing them into deals that are never what they seem. They tend to always clutter around ancient forests where they'll thrive off of the Essences of the forest and earth. If you find a good spot where the earth's energy is pure, there are sure to be some of them not too far away..."

Noah cocked his eyebrow. "You definitely seem to have a great dislike for the Fae."

"I got in a bet with one. I lost. We'll leave it at that." Mortimer grumbled. "But, back on topic. Our goal is to find pure potent areas where the elemental energy is the strongest."

"Wait, I thought you said it's only necessary for shamans to absorb potent energy to build their lake. So why should I, if I already have an ocean?"

Mortimer snorted and smiled. "Good question. Tell me, as someone who is close to the earth: when you absorb its energy, how do you feel?"

Noah's nose twitched but he looked up as his eyes lost focus. The elemental energy around them started to grow more abundant as it found its way towards the husky. A grin appeared on the dragon's face as he noticed the effect of the alcohol slowly starting to disappear. Good, he remembered not to meditate to draw in the elemental energy. Mortimer had to stop Noah quite a few times when he tried to meditate to absorb and refine the energy around him. Now, as a Druid, he needed to get used to absorbing energy on the move. That, and Mortimer wanted to see the reaction of the husky's face when he finally let the pup meditate.

After a few minutes, Noah finally nodded and looked back at Mortimer. "Well...I feel an overwhelming warmth of love and...comfort at times... safe. Why do you ask?"

"Because, to work with the elements you must have an understanding of what they are, what they stand for, and how it relates to you as a whole. For example: you mention you feel warmth of love and comfort. Why is that? Why don't you feel strong like an ox, or like you're invulnerable?" Noah's ears perked up curiously, but he didn't say anything, allowing Mortimer to continue. "The answer is simple: it's what you connect more with when it comes to the earth. It'll determine how you will work with it in the future.

Another good example is: if me and your mother had fought, I would have come out on top. Why is that?"

"Well you're stronger, for one." Noah said.

"Actually, you're wrong. At the time when I met your mother, she technically rivaled me in strength, if not just barely weaker than me." Mortimer grinned at how quickly Noah's head snapped back. "The reason I would win is because I have a greater understanding of the essences of water. Thanks to that, I am able to connect and work with the water in ways that your mother could only have dreamed of."

"However, the reason I can do this is because of two things. One, I'm older than your mother. Two, I ran into good luck when it came to both high-quality elemental energy and elemental essences."

"Wait, why did you separate those?" Noah asked. "They're both one and the same, so there's no need to split them, right?"

Mortimer laughed. "Oh, how wrong you are. If you were to look at elemental energy as a whole, then you'd see that there are six kinds."

"Six?" Noah tilted his head.

"That's right. Let's look at it like this." Mortimer held up three fingers up. "In the spectrum of elemental energy there are low-quality forces, like alcohol which can be considered poisonous and will damage your magical foundation. If that happens, then your progression as a spell caster will be dramatically hampered, to the point that you might as well give up and become an average mortal.

Mortimer put down one of his fingers. "But medium- and high-quality energy will help solidify your foundation, increasing your potential and even allowing you to work with powerful spells with less energy needed."

"Then of course there's Essences." Mortimer's voice dropped slightly as he leaned up against Noah's back. He could feel the muscles in the husky tense up and hear his breathing falter. The dragon's eyes slanted as he curled his arm around the canine's waist before holding up three more fingers by Noah's thigh. "They hey are categorized as Sprite, Avatar, Deity."

Noah's tail twitched between Mortimer's legs before his body relaxed against. "What's the difference between them?"

"Good question. Elemental Essences are where the elemental energy has grown so potent and strong that the energy becomes a life form of its own. In a sense, it's similar to an elemental. Though, unlike those mindless brutes, Elemental Essences are the embodiment of the forest, river, mountain, volcanoes, and the like. The older they are, the more potent the power they emit, and the higher the quality of elemental energy in their domain."

"A sprite is the youngest form an Essence take, being only as big as one's palm. An avatar is an extremely powerful version, the size of a human. Then there is a Deity, who can be as large as a mountain or as long as a river. If anyone was able to find an Essence and have it accept them, then their potential would be limitless. However, that's far easier said than done."

Noah's brow furrowed, as if he was slowly piecing together what Mortimer had said. "I'm not sure how much I believe the tall-as-a-mountain bullcrap, but simply put, the more pure the elemental energy is, the easier it will be for me to gain enlightenment from it?"

"Well, that, and if you fill your spiritual ocean with energy from an Essence, you'll gain more benefits than you'll ever imagine," Mortimer answered and nodded.

"I take it you're not going to tell me about these so-called benefits?" Noah asked.

Mortimer just smiled and said nothing more, which made the husky shake his head. "Whatever, I'm done. Wake me up when--" Noah pushed on Mortimer's legs to help himself get up, causing the flagon of mead on his lap to go tumbling across the ground and his thighs. "Fuck!" Noah cursed as the smell of alcohol quickly filled the room. "My pants are soaked and smell like mead."

"Well that's a delicious and mouth-watering smell. You should be happy your crotch smells like that," Mortimer laughed. His pants hadn't escaped the spill, but thankfully it had only got his pants leg.

"Shut up, Mortimer. Why can't you be serious for even a single second?" A mischevious grin appeared on Mortimer's muzzle as he got up off the bed. There was a flicker of confusion on Noah's face as he felt the heat of Mortimer's body against his back. "Mortimer, what are you doing?"

"Being serious." The dragon's claws hooked around the waistline of the husky's pants. "Like you said to be."

"Wa--" Noah's yelp was way too pleasing to Mortimer's ears as he tugged the dog's pants and underwear down to his ankles, leaving his bottom half naked. "Mortimer!"

"What? You can't keep wearing them. So I'm helping. Now sit down and stop acting like a woman who still has her cherry intact." It only took a light tap from Mortimer to send Noah stumbling onto the bed. Getting on his knees, Mortimer's nose flared as he tugged the pants off from those squirming legs. Honey mixed with musk, now that was a strange and tasty mixture that caught the attention of his nose... and his cock.

"Damn it Mortimer, I could have done this by myself," Noah said, his voice starting out hot but slurring to a stop when he caught sight of the dragon's bulge as he turned around. Mortimer's ears perked at the gulp, and his eyes twinkled when he noticed Noah shift his gaze back to Mortimer's eyes. "Why did you have to put the mead between my legs?"

"Not my fault you forgot. Besides, you're not the only one that got wet." Mortimer said.

Noah opened his mouth, then closed it when he saw Mortimer's fingers undo his own button. Mortimer was no canine, but he was still proud of his sense of smell, and didn't miss the shift in Noah's scent. A low rumble surged from the dragon's throat, which caught the dog's attention. One look was all it took before the husky had obviously sensed the hunger within Mortimer. "Mortimer..." Noah leaned back on his elbows, looking up at Mortimer standing over the top of him.

A flicker of hesitation lingered in the husky's voice, which was all it took to make Mortimer stop. He could smell the mead on the boy's breath, the musk, and even the lust that came from the husky. "What's wrong pup, still scared of little ol' me?" Mortimer said, his voice playful but not completely hiding the desire he felt.

"No! I just...why is it that you always have to have sex on your mind?"

Huffing, Mortimer planted both of his paws by Noah's side. He could see the way the husky shuddered, and how his nose flared, taking in the dragon's scent. "You tell me. When you're stuck at the bottom of a lake for countless eons with nothing to do but to hide, what would you want to do after becoming free?" The dragon tilted his head at the baffled look that Noah gave him.

Booze, sex, and freedom were a few things that Mortimer thought he'd never get to experience again. That was, until he formed this pact with this particular young husky. Leaning down, his lips were only a whisker length apart, and his bulge pressed firmly against Noah's swollen sheath. "If you want me to stop, all you have to do is tell me to," he said, slowly.

Mortimer could feel the way the bed trembled when Noah's arms started to quiver, and he heard the shift in the husky's heartbeat at the light touch of the dragon's breath against his lips. Conflict struggled in those hazel eyes of Noah's, which sent a jolt of desire straight to his cock.

Nothing amused Mortimer more than watching the way Noah struggled with himself, but he didn't push the husky any further. All he needed was a word, a single action, to give him the permission he needed. He couldn't, wouldn't act without it, and they both knew it. The hint of pain and rage that constantly pricked into Mortimer's chest was a constant reminder of his past. Restricted, used, commanded to do what he did not desire, only to be punished in the end.

So no matter how much desired to bury himself deep inside of the husky, mark him, claim him, he wouldn't. He'd be damned if he forced Noah into doing anything he didn't want to.

Finally, a shift in Noah's eyes caught the dragon's attention. "Mortimer, I can't stand you..." Noah said, swallowing heavily.

Smiling, Mortimer leaned on his elbows and adjusted his groin to press right between the cleft of the husky's cheeks. He angled his muzzle to the side and licked against Noah's lips, watching him trembl. "Which makes it all the more fun," He replied, and pressed their lips together. Unlike their first time, there was no reluctance or hesitation in Noah when Mortimer went to kiss him. The husky tilted his muzzle up to make it so that they could mesh their lips together easily.

Intoxicating. It was the only word that Mortimer could think of as he could taste the hint of honey from the mead on the husky's tongue. He was right in his assumption that it would be tastier from Noah's lips than from any flagon.

A low growl escaped Mortimer's muzzle as his talons dug into the bed when Noah ground his hips back against the dragon's bulge. A shudder washed over Mortimer's body as he pulled away from the kiss.

"Fuck, when I called you a lightweight I didn't think you would throw caution to the wind so quickly," Mortimer said through panting breaths as he leaned down and bit lightly at the husky's chin.

Naturally, Noah's head perked up and his tail wagged up against the dragon's stomach. His ears went back, but the fire in his eyes, the same fire he saw when Noah was dealing with those Mercs, held an unyielding drive. "Is that such a bad thing?" The husky tilted his head to look the dragon right in the eyes.

Mortimer felt his blood boil at the provocative gaze that lingered on him. "Hell no." He said with a growl. "I just wish you were like this more often." He bit the bottom of Noah's lip.

A low whimper escaped the husky's throat as he opened his muzzle up, and worked his tongue around Mortimer's once more. They didn't need to be completely unclothed for Mortimer to feel the raging heat that erupted from Noah's body as his chest pressed against the husky's back . There was no denying the hint of fiery energy that coursed across the dragon's scales at the feel of those nails digging into his mane, or that fluffy tail beating against his legs.

Normally the energy from fire and heat conflicts with Mortimer. But it didn't seem to matter what type of elemental energy it was, as long as it came from Noah, it could meld well with his water and ice element, and felt down right amazing.

When Mortimer broke the kiss to lift off Noah's tunic, black and white fur laid out in front of Mortimer. Compared to Mortimer, Noah was more compact. He may have looked weak and scrappy with his clothes on, but once they were gone it was clear how wide and defined his shoulders were. Even with such a thick coat of fur, it was still evident that the years of living in the countryside did not go to waste.

Smiling, Mortimer leaned down and pressed his snout against Noah's ears and breathed lightly against the tips, making the pup shudder and grind into him. "Mmm compared to city lads, you country boys seem to be more equipped." Mortimer gave a throaty growl as he slip his paw underneath Noah's chest. It was damp to the touch from the mead, but compared to their first time when his fur was soaked from the lake water, it felt as soft as snow.

Mortimer's fingers trailed down Noah's stomach, forcing him to push up on his elbows, allowing the dragon to gloss over his dogmeat. "In more ways than one." The dragon smirked as he felt how quick Noah's cock bounced up at the lightest touch.

"Fuck you Mortimer," Noah cursed half-heartedly before his eyes squeezed shut and a light whimper escaped his muzzle. The corners of the dragon's lips only perked more, showing off his fangs as his thumb pad pressed and circled around the crown of the husky's shaft.

"Mmm maybe one day." Mortimer said before nipping at Noah's spine. The pup's back arched and a light gasp escaped his mouth, which only caused the ache in Mortimer's cock to grow painful. "Now that was a nice reaction..." Mortimer nipped again, and again, trailing down the canine's spine. The way Noah's shaft throbbed in his palm, and how he whimpered and tried to press his ass back into Mortimer's bulge as he pulled away, just turned the dragon on even more than before.

There were too many sides to this husky that he had not yet gotten to see, and the more he saw, the more he wanted. Placing an open-mouthed kiss right above the base of that fluffy white and black tail, Mortimer relished the scent of the husky's sweat and musk that came from his taint. A low rumble came from his stomach and a grin crept on Mortimer's lips. "Come on, pup. Lift up those hips some."

"Mmph...what?" Noah asked, then his toes curled up and his back arched. "Aaah..." He moaned as Mortimer's fingers squeezed right at the base of his length where his knot was slowly starting to form. "Okay, okay."

Mortimer nose flared as he watched Noah bring his knees up under him, his chest to the bed and his tail hiked up to show off that light pink pucker. Licking his lips, Mortimer leaned over and brushed his snout against the husky's entrance, growling low with contentment at the way the hole constricted and relaxed at the light touch. "I might have to tell Mira to skip out on the meal, because I might be full here soon..." He brushed his tongue against Noah's hole.

A sharp yelp escaped the husky's mouth as he pressed back into the dragon's tongue. "Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck!" Noah's cheeks tightened around the dragon's muzzle, and his body shuddered so violently that Mortimer swore that if he wasn't stroking the head of his pups cock, he would have thought the husky had came on the spot from that one lick.

Didn't think you would be into this. Guess you're more of a naughty pup than I thought. Mortimer said mentally to Noah. What he got back was a wave of annoyance mixed with pleasure, and need for him to lick, kiss, and work the needy husky's pucker around his lips. That alone was enough to cause Mortimer's already strained cock to twitch and leak pre.

Taking his paw off the husky's cock, he spread apart both cheeks and ran his tongue across the fleshy entrance. A tang of hot musk and sweat lingered on the dragon's long yet thick serpentine tongue, that fanned the flames of hunger inside the dragon's stomach. He reached his arm around Noah's waist, pulling the canine back towards his muzzle, and grasped his palm around the husky's knot.

Noah's body grew taut and a guttural moan escaped his muzzle. His hips bucked up into Moritmer's pre covered palm and then back into the expecting tongue. His tail wagged and his pucker tensed up against Mortimer's lips. The dragon didn't need to look at Noah's face to tell he was in absolute bliss. Waves of desire and pleasure washed through him from Noah with each nip he placed on the boy's rump, or when he punctured that tight hole with his tongue.

Every time he felt Noah squeeze around his tongue or grind up against his muzzle, he found himself humping into the air. At this point, he would have preferred to have the damn loincloth over the restraint of these pants. Pulling his muzzle back from that fuzzy rump, he quickly undid his pants, letting his ridge-covered shaft take a breath of air for the first time since they entered the bar. The chill of the room brushed against his cock, causing it to pulse with excitement.

Standing up behind Noah, Mortimer took his cock into his paw and pressed the tip against the tense spit-covered hole. "Relax, Noah," Mortimer said with a soft growl.

Noah's body shuddered, but then relaxed some, allowing the dragon's head to press slightly inside of him. "By the gods, why do you have to be so big..." Noah groaned and wiggled his hips back.

Mortimer's nose flared as he stroked his shaft and pulled the tip out, watching a trail of pre dripping from the husky's entrance to the head of his cock. "That, or you need more mead in your system."

A soft knock rapped against the door, followed by a most amused voice. "When you boys are done, your food is waiting out here for you," Mira said, giggling as her footsteps receded from the door.

For a moment, neither one of them said a word, as they both had gone from looking at one another to the door. " is done." Mortimer huffed before running his thumb down the throbbing vein of Noah's cock.

Shuddering, Noah punched at Mortimer's chest. "I'm not going to be able to look at Mira." His nose scrunched up.

"Trust me, I'm sure this isn't her first time walking in on someone's intimate time." Mortimer smirked.

With a heavy sigh. "Still doesn't mean I wanted to be one of them."

"You know, you're cute when you play innocent."

"Mortimer, you're sleeping on the floor tonight."

"Wait, what?" Mortimer's eyes widened before Noah shoved him onto the cold hard floor. "Hey!"

"Good night. We'll continue our training tomorrow." Noah wiggled his way to the dry side of the bed without saying anything further.

For a moment, Mortimer sat there on the floor, before a spark flashed across his eyes. "Evaline, you really did give me a good gem to play with."

Pact Chapter 4: Training In The Woods

Noah "You just couldn't resist, could you?" Noah's ears were flat against his head as he glared at Mortimer. "You know, you don't have to act like I murdered your family," Mortimer said. Noah's ear flicked as he stopped himself from snapping...

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Pact Chapter 2: Bar Fight Part 3

Tapping on their shoulder, Mortimer said. "It looks like both of you are in the wrong seats, drinking someone else's Mead." One of the men, who wore a green cloak, narrowed his eyes then smiled. Noah cringed at the cockly gleam in green cloaks...

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Pact Chapter 2: Bar Fight Part 2

"Well, this does seem like a nice place to stay." Mortimer said with a nod of approval. Noah, on the other hand, wasn't sure rather to laugh or cry. Compared to Mr. Toto's shop, which was definitely on its last legs, the Moonless Inn was like a...

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