Why Pikachu refused to evolve?

Story by Renamon_Lovers on SoFurry

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After Pikachu evolved, this cartoon's rating dropped by 80% because Raichu is not cute at all.

_ English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Characters © their respective owners, I don't own these characters. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^_^ _

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Why Pikachu refused to evolve?

** "Pikachu, Iron Tail!"**

** Suddenly a bright light engulfed Rena and she was protected by unseen shield. Pikachu's was bounced back and fell to the floor.**

** "It is too late to stop my evolution!" Rika said with some pride.**

** "Pikachu, Double + Thunderbolt + Rush!"**

** Pikachu used his last strength to create another clone. Soon, two Pikachu rushed towards Rena while emitting Thunderbolt. However, they still failed to break the shield. After Rena evolved, she punched Pikachu with full strength, sending him into the sky. The audience looked at each other in amazement.**

** "The winner is Double R!" the referee shouted.**

** "RENA! RENA!" Rena shouted as she showed Ash two thumbs down.**

** Three minutes later, Pikachu fell back to the ground.**

** Ash facepalmed, this was his fifth defeat for this week.**

Rika's smile broadened and his eyes twinkled humorously.

** "Your Pika can defeat my Pokemon once he evolved. I suggest you let him evolve ASAP, or else you can't beat any evolved Pokemon."**

** One week later.**

** "Brothers and sisters, this is Ash's 6th battle and his Pika still not evolved yet, is he going to suffer another defeat?" the DJ shouted.**

** "Shut up! Go go Pikachu!" Ash thundered.**

** The cheers erupted like an auditory volcano. It was all quiet one second and then deafening the next, rising to a crescendo and then falling to a trickle before the same nervous tension commands silence once more.**

** "Pikachu, Iron Tail!" Ash exclaimed.**

** "Cheap tricks won't work!" Kari said, chuckling.**

** Gato was on Pikachu in a flash. Gato Punched Pikachu's handsome face with several head-on blows to the nose and jaw, finally punched him hard in the stomach. Pikachu went down to his knees, dazed. **

** The face of Ash clouded. "Thunderbolt! Pikachu, please evolve! I don't want to lose again," he said in an awed voice.**

** "You need 10 seconds to release Thunderbolt, Gato, interrupt him!"**

** Gato spread her legs and showed Pikachu her pudenda, immediately Pikachu frozen for a few seconds.**

** "Gato, finish him!"**

** Gato did not waste the opportunity. Bracing her feet apart and holding both paws together she brought them up in a violent heaving motion that caught Pikachu under the chin with such force that he did a back dive, his head striking hard ground.**

** Kari laughed. "You'll never defeat me with guts only."**

** "You cheated!"**

** This was followed by a short silence.**

** "Pikachu is unable to battle, the winner is Gato and Kari!" the referee declared. "By the way, this is Ash's 6th defeat for this month, and he is defeated by girls!"**

** Someday I am going to kill this referee! Ash thought.**

** The audience applauded frantically.**

** "See? My friend was right. Your Pika can't defeat any evolved Pokemon," Kari teased.**


** Ash was greatly disturbed. His small, sensitive face was darkened with emotion and disappointment.**

** "Why my other Pokemon can evolve but Pikachu can't?"**

** Suddenly a man walked into the training room. "Because he needs a Thunder Stone," he explained.**

** His very person and appearance were such as to strike the attention of the most casual observer. In height he was rather over six feet, and so excessively lean that he seemed to be considerably taller.**

** Ash lifted up his head. "I evolved 10 Pokemon without using any items, why Pikachu needs an item?" he asked. "By the way, who are you?"**

** The visitor gave a whimsical smile.**

"You can call me Toe, I am the Director of this cartoon. Pikachu is our trademark and so he can't evolve so easily."

** Ash fidgeted in his chair.**

"Mr Toe, please tell me where can I find the Thunder Stone, I need to win at least one tournament."

** Toe passed a Thunder Stone to Ash. "Don't sell it, I'll take it back after one month."**


** Jessie sniffed sardonically. "OMG! Look at Ash! His Pika has evolved!"**

** "It's NOT cute at all, we don't need it anymore," James** said, querulously.

** "Raichu is ugly and bulky," Meowth said, gruffly.**

** "Now the annoying Team Rocket stopped disturbing me and I won three tournaments already!"** Ash's giggle softened the room, as if his gentle sound could make the lamplight more golden and the fires burn warmer.

** "Rai! Rai!"**

** Ash looked at Raichu with great interest.**

** "Huh? You want to turn back to Pikachu? But why?"**

** Toe entered the training room again. "Because he is lazy to walk and he wants to sit on your shoulder forever."**

** Raichu nodded. "Rai! Rai!"**

** Toe sat down on a sofa. "After Pika evolved, this cartoon's rating dropped by 80% because Raichu is not cute at all."**

** Ash was lost in thought.**

** "No wonder the Team Rocket also stopped bothering me!"**

Toe raised his pipe with a languid smile.

** "In fact, they got laid off."**

** Ash stared in amazement. "By Jove! Why?"**

** "Their main purpose was to capture Pika. Since they don't need to capture Raichu, they had nothing else to do anymore," Toe said with some pomposity.**

** "Are you saying...it's my fault?" Ash said sullenly.**

** "Indeed is your fault. After Pika evolved, the Team Rocket didn't show up anymore. For your information, most of the audience loved the annoying Team Rocket. We received many complaining letters, the audience wants to see Team Rocket and Pika again," Toe remarked calmly.**

** "I see. So, you are going to turn Raichu back to Pika and let me continue to lose the tournaments," Ash said with an expression of annoyance.**

** Toe grinned mischievously. "Don't worry, you'll lose all normal tournaments but you can defeat all Gym Leaders. I'll also allow your Pika to defeat all evolved Pokemon from the Gym Leaders. Finally, you'll remain as twelve years old and bachelor forever."**

** Ash pricked up his ears.**

** "Pika!" Pikachu shouted. A deep curve on his lips made the world stop around him. Now he did not need to walk anymore because he could sit on Ash's shoulder again.**


** One week later.**

** "Mom! The Team Rocket and Pikachu are back!"**

** Eve smiled and nodded with a charming coquettish intimacy. "OMG! Pikachu became so skinny!"**

** Adam thought a little and then burst out laughing. "If he continued to grow fat, he won't be able to sit on Ash's shoulder anymore."**

** Luckily nobody asked why Pikachu could defeat all evolved Pokemon from Gym Leaders but he could not win any tournaments.**

The end.

The Caning Room

_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **The Caning Room** ** I was sitting at the waiting room. Cold sweat glistened on my furrowed brow....

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_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ _ **Inspired by SMWolf's artwork, thank you.** _ **Late Night Punishment** ** A camel man scowled, with...

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