Tank - Part 2 - Good/Bad Deed

Story by Komatose on SoFurry

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#3 of Tank

Disclaimer: This is a fictional, adult-orientated furry story and is not appropriate for readers under the age of 18. If you do not like M/M, furry, or any kind of sex, do not read this. I do not own the rights for brand names used in the story, but the characters, town names, and story titles belong to me and me only.

Thanks for choosing to read my story! Please enjoy it. If you have any comments, feel free to post them or e-mail me at [email protected]

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Tank - Good/Bad Deed

By Komatose © 2009

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"How about fifty?"

The otter in front of him just shook his head, arms crossed with his tail swinging in an irritated manner behind him.

"Listen, I don't do that kind of stuff...I..."

The rhino let out a snort from his nostrils and placed a wide hand on his locker door.

"How about a hundred?"

The otter let out an annoyed groan and picked up his duffle bag.

"My answer is no, if you need sex so damn bad, go find a real whore, because I am not."

The otter pushed past the rhino in his way and left the locker room. The rhinoceros just squinted at him and sat down on the bench that lined the row of lockers in the gym's locker room.

"Damn, you think it wouldn't be that hard to find someone to fuck around with..."

Colton was what you would call your average college jock, big, dumb, and bi-sexual. He was a junior at the University the city was famous for, Vanderhall University, majoring in something he was actually good at, sports. He was on the football team, wrestling team, and the hockey team, but his only downside was his lack of intellect, and to an extent, common sense. He had been extremely horny the past few days, and jacking off was not cutting it for him. Sure, he could call up one of his buddies and have some fun, but he wanted to try something new, he wanted to score someone he barely knew, and he really did not want to pick up a dirty whore from the street corner.

The gym was full of big studs, and Colton could barely stay flaccid in the locker room with all the meat walking around him. He tried his luck with a few of the guys, a friendly slap on the ass, pressing up against them, peeking in the showers, but he mostly came across an angry straight guy that was the least bit interested in a big meat head like him.

He stood back up from the bench and gave his sore back a stretch, Colton stood at about six-and-a-half feet tall, his body had a bulky yet solid look to it, he was growing a bit of a gut from all of the partying he had been doing. He reached up to his chin and gave the tuft of brown facial fur a stroke as he ran his thick fingers over it, pondering to himself about what he was going to do for the night, which seemed like it was going to be another very boring night indeed.

Until, of course, he walked into the locker room...

Colton had seen him before, he was not sure how old he was, but damn he was a huge guy, a perfect specimen of what a meat head should look like, hell, the guy was thicker than he was, and a hell of a lot stronger, and the big difference was that he stood a foot shorter.

He swear he overheard something the other day, about how some husky that just joined the gym cancelled his membership and it had something to do with that huge pitbull...more ideas swirled around in his testosterone-driven mind as his grey lips slowly curled into a smile.

Tank did not know much about the rhino, not even his name or anything about his background, but he knew that pretty much any guy that approached him was after one thing...

The massive pit opened up his locker as he had done any normal day and pulled out his duffle bag and pulled the zipper back, only to stop as out of the corner of his eye he saw the rhino approach him. He merely went about his business, treating the invader of his space as if he were invisible, not even acknowledging his presence as he started to lift the sweat-stained tank top that clung very tightly to his body.

Colton simply placed his hand on the row of lockers and leaned into them, looking down at Tank with as big of a smile as he could make.

"Hey there."

Tank sighed a bit under his breath, what an amazing introduction that was, well, better than some others.


That's all he felt like he needed to say.

"Damn, you are huge, you must be a professional! Never really got to know you, my name is Colton, nice to meet you, big guy."

He reached out to Tank with his hand that was not propping him against the lockers, Tank just looked down at it, thinking he was going to grope him or something, but just shook it back.

"I go by Tank."

Tank could feel this guy molesting him with his eyes, he knew where this would end up. Colton wondered what he should say next...was this guy even into other guys? Curious? How old was he...damn it, he was already feeling himself get hard just by watching his guy take his tank top off!

"So, Tank, what you got planned after your work out today?"

Yep, there it was, that's all Tank needed to know to find out what this guy was really after.

"Not much, probably just go home and sit around..."

Colton grinned again, maybe this would lead to something.

"Boring day ahead? No school this weekend...do you think you might want to hang out and..."

He leaned in even closer to Tank, invading his personal space, Tank inhaled the air and could smell his deodorant and pungent sweat.

"...get to know each other better?"

Tank though to himself, you know, for as intrusive as this guy was, he was actually kind of hot, and Tank knew one thing for certain, he was not going to bottom for this guy, no way, no how, and if he was attempted into that position, he would easily be able to turn the table.

He turned his head to the rhino, and forced a grin onto his muzzle to get the guy interested.

"That sounds kind of fun, could we go to your place?"

Colton felt a rush of success run through his body, he did it! He was going to score hardcore tonight, all he had to do was pick this stud up and take him to his apartment for some quality time, he might not even need to pay him if he was lucky! Colton also forgot how to answer a simply question.

"Uuuh...oh! Yeah, sure! I can take you to my place, we could have fun, so, you want to come over right now?"

Tank knew he had to go home first, he had to drop off his duffle bag with the dirty clothes, it was laundry night and his mom would have to take them to the Laundromat since the dryer broke last week.

"Sure, but I have to go to my place first. I'll be waiting for you here at the gym around seven, sound good?"

Colton didn't care, as long as he got this guy to his place, his voice sure was not that deep for being so big, must be because he was so short, whatever.

After a short walk, Tank was back home at his house.

"Mom? You home?"

His mother peeked her head from around the corner in the hallway, smiled, and brought forth a laundry basket.

"There you are, Rory, I am guessing you had a good time at the gym, may I have your soiled linens?"

She giggled and sat the basket on the floor, he took the dirty clothes from his duffle bag and tossed them in. He slowly looked his mom in the eyes.

"Do you know if the dryer will be fixed soon?"

She looked down and shook her head, her floppy, uncropped ears bobbing with her.

"I called a repairman, he said it might cost anywhere from fifty to one hundred dollars, looks like we will be using the Laundromat until I can save up for that."

Tank sighed, it seemed all the bad things happened to his mom, and he would not dare tell her all the things he had been doing, she did not need to know that and need any more possible stress.

"Don't worry, ma, we can get it fixed, at least it ain't trashed or anything."

She nodded and picked up the basket, grabbing her purse on the sofa and putting on her shoes at the door.

"I wont be too long, I hope, there are some leftovers in the fridge if you are hungry, just watch Marshall for me, alright? Love you! Be back soon!"

And like that, she was out the door and gone to the Laundromat to wash their laundry. Marshall came into the living room, putting his arms behind his back and grinning.

"Hey big bro, did you beat up anyone today?"

Tank just smirked.

"Why would I need to do that?"

Marshall jumped a bit.

"Because you are bigger than anyone else! No one give you crap!"

Marshall, like his brother, was short in height, but he did not have the same kind of body, he was pretty averagely built for a young teen like him, taking after his mother's body type, but having a set of big, bright curious eyes. Tank just chuckled.

"Nah, no one messes with me. Oh, I am heading to a friends house to...help him move some furniture."

Marshall jumped again, his tail immediately wagging.

"I bet you could lift a whole fridge with one arm, can I come and help?"

Tank just shook his head.

"Nah, you need to stay home and help mom when she gets back, just tell her I'll be back sometime tonight, ok?"

Marshall just nodded and plopped onto the sofa.

"Alright, I'll watch TV then, see you later, big brother!"

Tank started walking back to the gym, his little brother was so adorable, he wondered what he would look like all buff and muscled out like he was, that would be quite interesting.

He made it to the building and leaned against the side, he had no cell phone or watch, so he had no idea what time it was, he figured it would be close to seven. Just then, a green truck pulled up to the curb, and sure enough, that rhino was in the driver's seat.

"Ey, buddy! Ready to bounce?"

Tank just nodded and got into the passenger's side, sitting in this seat brought so many memories of different cars he had been in.

The sun was getting ready to set, turning the sky a dark orange as they cruised down the street, judging by the direction they were going, Tank could tell they were going near the campus of the University, he figured Colton went there, he did not really look that old anyway.

"So, what are you majoring in, don't think I've seen you on campus."

Colson asked out of the blue to make conversation with the guy he would hopefully be fucking that night.

"I don't, I am in high school."

Colton was shocked to hear that, was he a true meat head and really stupid, or just deceiving?

"Really? How old are you, bud?"

Tank shook his head a bit, why didn't this guy figure this out before he got this far...whatever.

"I'm nineteen."

Colton gasped a bit as he looked over to him.

"And you are that big? Fuck! You gotta be a prodigy or somethin'."

Tank had heard that word so many times, and still was not sure what it meant, probably was on the lines of "God" or "Freak of nature."

"Yeah, I guess I am a freak or something, you know?"

Colton wondered if this guy was till a virgin, nah, what kind of virgin would be so eager to come with him, speaking of which, his apartment row was just down the street as they arrived.

Colton led Tank into the complex, using the stairs as they went to the second floor and the rhino let the pit into his habitation, Tank kicked off his shoes, his socked paws sliding along the hardwood floors of the living room, Colton flipped a switch and all the lights came on in the room and the mini-kitchen that was attached, it looked pretty nice, kinda small, but nice.

"Nice place you got here, you do sports?"

Tank asked as he looked around at all of the football and other sport memorabilia decorating the white walls of the room, along with the big screen television and Xbox 360, he had always wondered what it would be like to have nice things like that.

"Yeah! I play varsity at the college, I am a linebacker on the team, heh, pretty damn good, too."

Tank saw pictures of Colton's team on the wall, he was number eighty-one, was not the biggest player, but was up there. Tank wished he could have joined the football team, at least for one season, but the uniform rentals and other costs were just too much for his mother.

"That's cool, so, what did you want me over here for?"

Tank sat down on the brown leather sofa that faced the television, leather furniture, something he had only seen at furniture stores, never at home. Colton moved over to the kitchenette and looked in the fridge.

"Heh, just to get to know each other, have some real fun, you know?"

He gave the pit a wink as he reached for a couple of beers, he knew that Tank was underage, but he did not care, it's not like anyone would find out. He moved over to the sofa and plopped down onto it, the leather squeaking under his weight as he handed the beverage to Tank.


Tank just stared at it, he had been offered many different drinks from the guys he had visited, and hated them all.

"No, thanks, I'm not really thirsty."

Colton just shrugged and sat the brew on the end table and popped the cap off of his bottle and took a deep swig, letting out a sigh of relief after the drink.

"Too bad, it's good stuff, not the cheap shit."

He let out a belch and drank the rest of his bottle as he flipped on the television, Tank just watched, he was getting very bored...He decided to cut to the point.

"Listen, dude, I know what you have me here for, so lets get to it, I gotta get home."

Colton just smiled, his thick, grey lips curling up into a grin and his white, ivory horn glinting from the track lighting of the room. He placed a hand on Tank's knee and squeezed it.

"If you know already...How does a hundred sound?"

Tank tilted his head a bit and his brow furrowed. He was going to pay him for sex? They other guys usually just had their fill and never spoke to him again, for free, that is. He guessed if there was money involved, it would be worth it.


Score! This was easier than he has expected, he guessed he just needed to find the right guy to ask. Damn, he could feel himself already getting hard in anticipation! God...where to start...Maybe he should start by taking off his...

Before he could finish his though, Tank was on top of him, his strong paws holding him on each side of his face and his muzzle pressed into the wide lips of the Rhino, wasting no time to force his tongue inside as Colton fell over on the sofa, the strong dog pinning him down. Colton did his best to kiss back, but Tank's tongue was strong as his forced his in any direction it wanted his to go, his saliva dripping down into the other mouth, Tanks paws had a hold of Colton's hands and had them pinned to either side of the big rhino.

Colton figured out one thing now, this guy was clearly quite dominate...and...well, he did not really like to bottom, he wanted to be the top...but...crap! He should have figured that out earlier!

Tank just tilted his head to the side and forced his tongue deeper into the rhino's mouth, almost touching the back of his throat as he roughly started to grind his crotch into Colton's, his big chest started to heave and his heart pounded quicker.

Colton, on the other paw, was feeling a bit a panic, what was this guy into? Was he rough but gentle, or just all out raw? Damn it, Colton! That is why you talk before you fuck! Nice job thinking with your cock again.

Tank lifted up to gasp for a breath of air.


Colton jus licked over his lips, even though he was in a semi-state of panic, he was now rock hard, and damn it, he did not want to back out of it, this guy was huge, not every day you get a chance like this.

Colton sat up and tilted his head over to the door behind the sofa on the far wall near the kitchenette, and before he knew it, Tank stood from the couch, slid his arms under his knees and back, and lifted him into the air. Colton weighed well over three hundred pounds, and to be lifted so easily...not only did it turn him on, but it made him a bit more panicky in the process.

Tank kicked open the door and made his way into Colton's bedroom, the room was messy, dirty jockstraps and other clothes on the floor, more sports memorabilia all over the walls, his computer flashing nude images of random men and women for screensaver sitting on a desk in the corner, yep, typical college jock's room. Tank just dropped Colton onto his bed, the king sized mattress squeaked as the large body was tossed up on it, but it screamed when Tank pounced the owner of the bed.

Colton felt his shirt get yanked from his body, luckily he tilted his head in time so that his horn would not catch the fabric and tear another shirt, next he got to watch Tank remove the tight tank top that barely covered his torso, damn, this kid was ripped! He had washboard abs and killer pecs, something Colton used to have, but his abs faded a bit with his love of beer, slowly turning into a gut.

Tank assaulted Colton's face again, kissing roughly and moaning as he forced his tongue onto the rhino's mouth, growling a bit as he ground his tented shorts into the stiff crotch of his dumbfounded bedmate.

Colton tried to go along with the kid, he placed his large hands on Tank's back, his back muscles were so solid, his short fur was so soft, letting his hands easily slide up and down as their lips smacked hungrily together. He tested how far he could go and let his hands slide down onto Tank's perfect, firm ass and give the cheeks a tight squeeze, this made the muscledog growl deeply, his cropped ears splayed as he roughly presses his body into Colton, his thick arms going behind him, grabbing the rhino's wrists, and pinning them above his head as he assaulted his mouth, his tongue licking every inch of the inside of his snout. Colton tried to move his arms, Tank had a very good grip on them, he could barely move them, this guy was seriously strong.

Tank had had enough kissing, his hormones were raging and he wanted more, he pulled away from the rhino, releasing his hands and letting him sit up a bit to catch his breath, he quickly reached for is pants to unto them.

"Damn, you are seriously strong, dude, got such a sexy fuckin' bod and...Holy shit!!"

Colton's eyes almost burst from his head as he saw Tank's dick release itself from it's tight confines, the ten-inch throbbing member already drooling pre onto Colton's jean shorts, the head a light shade of red compared to the pink of the rest of the shaft, thick veins coursing its girth, large dangling orbs hanging below, full of seed that needed to be released.

"You like my cock, big guy? It likes you a lot...let's see what yours looks like..."

His paws grabbed for Colton's pants and almost ripped them off, the zipper hastily being yanked down as the shorts were pulled down, showing off Colton's white jockstrap, his cock tenting the elastic fabric and making a wet spot where the tip was. Tank grabbed the elastic band and pulled it back, letting the grey cock flop out onto the back of his paw. Colton was big, but not as big as Tank, his cock was a thick nine inches long, his powerful musk entering Tank's nostrils and making him salivate as he licked his lips, the rhino just smiled and reached for his cock to stroke it for Tank.

"You like mine, too? I think it wants to be su...wh...whoa!"

Tank wasted no time in pressing his large frame onto Colton again, his throbbing erection lined up with the other as he started to buck his hips, grunting loudly and drooling as he frotted his cock against the other. Tank made sure to grab Colton's wrists again in case he tried any ass grabbing again as he pinned him to the bed, roughly grinding his cock and balls into the other set, the rhino's face was flushed red as he stared to gasp for air and moan softly, this roughness was really starting to turn him on as pre oozed from the tip of his grey cock and slicked up the two poles rubbing together like sticks trying to start a fire.

Colton's hips started to buck into Tank's grinding, his head tilted to the side as he gasped for air, beads of sweat forming at his brow, his chest and arms flexing greatly as he struggled against the grasp of the stronger beast. Tank paused for a moment and let him go just for a moment to pull his pants off and toss them onto the floor, as well as yank off Colton's shorts and jockstrap, leaving them both naked as he re-assumed the position of pinning the rhino's arms to the bed and thrusting his hips into him.

Tank's chest heaved heavily, his eyes filled with carnal lust as he looked down at the rhino he was getting paid to have sex with, he wanted to just flip him over and fuck his ass right now, but he also figured that the big guy wanted to be the one fucking him, too bad he didn't know that Tank was not keen on letting anyone enter him. Colton knew that he was going to get fucked and he figured he should accept this fate, this guy was really getting into it and maybe it would be some good stuff, with a big sigh, he finally submitted to Tank, his arms stopping their resistance.

Tank felt the arms stop opposing him and leaned in, his face inches from Colton's grey lips.

"I'm going to fuck you real good, big guy, and you are going to fuckin' LOVE it..."

Colton took a deep gulp, huffing a hot breath of air from his chest as he gave in to the heavily muscled canine. He just hoped this guy would let him cum as well, a release is what he was after the most.

Tank released the rhino's arms and they came to the pit of his knees, wrapping under them and lifting his legs into the air and then sliding to his ankles and holding them in place as he looked down to see Colton's dark grey pucker hiding under his heavy grey balls, he licked his lips, a large drop of pre oozed out of his cock in anticipation and dripped down to the bed sheets.

The pit let go of one of Colton's ankles and grabbed his own cock, aiming it downwards, straight on target for the reluctant pucker.

"Umm...I don't really bottom much, so could you, like, you know...go eas....FUCK!!!!"

Tank was not paying attention, the swollen tip of his cock was slammed roughly into the rhino's passage, spreading the ring of muscle wide as the pre did its role of the natural lube, letting the rest of his cock slide in reluctant anus, Colton letting out a loud holler in pain as he was not expecting to be stretched so violently.

"FUCK!! Fuck, fuck, FUCK! That hurts! Oooh GOD!!!"

Tank's ears were deaf to his displeasure as he grabbed his ankles again and held the rhinos' strong legs down as he started to pull out and roughly slam back into him, his entire body lurching back from the force.

Colton wanted to punch him to make him stop, but something made it feel really good, it was when Tank's cock jabbed into his prostate that sent tingles and shivers up his spine, making his grey cock jump and flex in unison. Tank growled loudly, the rhino was so tight and felt so damn good on his cock as it throbbed and pulsed, the clenched exit making his dick spurt pre like a leaking faucet and help lubricate his unrelenting thrusting.

Unable to control his drooling, spittle started to drip from Tank's lips and run down his chin as his pelvis hammered into the rhino, the heavy balls making loud slapping noises, mixed with the grunting and cursing of Colton as the bed's headboard violently smacked into the wall of the room, some of the pictures loosing balance and tilting and objects on the adjacent shelf tipping over.

Colton's pits were drenched with sweat, his musk clouding the room and mixing with the pit's in a match of which scent was more powerful, the bed sheets crumpling under the two as it squealed in agony from over six hundred pounds of muscle copulating on top of it. Colton's arms flew out to the sides of the mattress and spanned it, his hands clamping to the sides as he braced himself even better, the pain was slowly dissipating and leaving him with a great pleasure, his thick chest and shoulders rippled and flexed as his body shuddered in pleasure from his prostate getting assaulted by the fat ten-incher lodged deep inside of is rectum.

Tank's jack hammering slowed to slow, heavy thrusts, each time his hips moved forward, the rhino was jolted, his entire body moving back and the bed smacking the wall and a loud grunt coming from his grey lips.

"Oh God...Mmmph...Never thought this would...Uuugh...Feel good, fuck me harder, big guy! Yeah!"

Tank's tongue flopped out as he panted heavily, deep growls and grunts uttering from his chest as it heaved heavily, inhaling the musky air, this guy was so tight, it felt so damn good around his sensitive cock, he could feel the anal wall throb around his shaft and the pressure pushing around him was just perfect, he didn't give a shit if this guy did not like getting fucked, he was having a good time.

By now, Colton was actually starting to enjoy it, his cock was still rock-hard and preing all over his stomach as he tried to grind his big, grey, muscled ass into the thrusting hips of the pit bull, wanting more and more as his grunts turned into loud moans of pleasure.

Tank's knot was starting to swell, the growing bulb made its way in and out of Colton's pucker as it grew, the sensation of the sensitive tissue being squeezed by the tight ring of muscle each time it passed made him grunt loudly, Colton, on the other paw, hollered when his pucker got stretched, not used to something that big going in and out of his ass.

Tears started to form in Colton's eyes, this was too much, the last guy to get into his ass was not a canine and so he was not used to the knot, and this one, which would eventually swell to the size of a grapefruit, would not be kind to him. Tank, luckily, gave him mercy stopped slamming it inside, it got to big to push in and just smacked into the pucker, and he knew he did not want to tie with this guy.

Tank reached down and grabbed just behind his fully grown knot, putting himself in a false tie, he could feel his balls tense up under him as his thrusts were now slow and uneven, his mind fogged over with a sense of sexual pleasure as his orgasm was just starting to begin.

Colton was actually feeling good too after the stretching, his prostate was milked perfectly by the cock inside of him and it would only be a matter of time before...

"Oh FUCK...*huff huff* I'm gonna fuckin' cum! Oh shit! Nnngh...Raaaa!!"

Colton's cock let loose a geyser of white gold, splattering all over his gut as his dick throbbed, his dense musk filling the air and his vision starting to blur as his orgasm was in full swing, his tongue hanging to the side, his chest heaving and gasping for air as his muscles started to relax and his grip on the mattress relaxed.

Watching the rhino orgasm was just enough for Tank, his falls let loose his pent-up load , flooding into the anal cavity of the rhino, painting his insides white, a loud, guttural moan coming from his muzzle with each thick rope that ejected from his throbbing dick. Tank did not stop thrusting, but he did slow down, he gave his knot a tight squeeze as he pushed his cum further into the rhino, some of it already starting to drip out of the grey pucker and drip onto the sheets from the sheer volume.

Colton's head was in the clouds, this was a very intense orgasm, he had never been this roughly fucked before, and damn, he actually liked it! When he felt Tank pull his cock out of him, he just wanted him to stay a little longer. His blurry eyes saw Tank grab his bed sheets as the big dog wiped his dripping, cum covered cock and thighs off.

"You...Damn...that was good...Never knew getting...fucked would be so...awesome."

Tank was not as winded or fatigued as this guy, but yeah, it was a good fuck, the nice tight pucker from this horny jock was damn good, even if he did have to do all of the work, oh well, he was still able to walk.

He grabbed for his clothes and pulled up his shorts around his waist, zipping them up, his half-hard cock making an outline in the camo-patterned cloth.

"You have the money?"

Colton nodded his head and pointed at his dresser, Tank walked over to the wooden cupboard and slipped his tank top on as he grabbed for the hundred dollar bill just sitting there. He snatched it up and stuffed it into his pocket, making his way to the living room to get his shoes on. Colton sat up a bit, shrugged, and laid back down in his messy bed and just delighted in his afterglow, a smile coming to his grey lips as he rubbed over his cum-covered gut.

"Damn, gotta hit him up again some time..."

Tank walked home, it was really dark, but who would want to try to mug a guy as big as him. He felt over the bill in his pocket, it was almost burning his fingers.

"So...I guess I am a whore now..."

His lips curled into a frown as he gritted his teeth, why did he keep doing this time after time, sure, the sex was amazing, getting to loose a pent-up load always felt so damn good, but after that, it just didn't feel worth it some times.

He had no idea what time it was, he didn't see a clock before he left the campus, just some girls who stared at him seductively, he still had no cell phone or watch, guess he would find out when he got there. Tank eventually made it to the gym, it was closed, so that meant it was past nine, it could be ten, eleven, who knows.

As he neared the house, he saw the porch light on and his mom's car in the garage-less driveway, he hoped she would not be angry or anything. The door was unlocked, so he just pushed it open, his eye's met his mother's as she was watching television and reading the latest issue of her favorite home-making magazine.

"Rory! There you are."

She stood from the sofa and gave her son a hug.

"I was getting a bit worried! Marshall said you had gone out with friends, glad you made it back just before midnight, don't want you to be out after curfew."

Tank saw a clock, it was eleven fifty-five, just in time.

"Yeah, sorry, ma. Didn't mean to make you worry...Umm..."

He fumbled with the money in his pocket, what was he going to do with it...he blinked once and figured out what to do.

"I actually helped build part of a porch for a friend of mine from school, David, his parents gave me this..."

He pulled the hundred dollar bill from his pocket, his mother's eyes opened wide.

"My goodness, Rory, how generous of them! You are such a good helper, heh, you got all those muscles, good to see you put them to use."

He looked down and to the side.

"Yeah, I am going to help more tomorrow, but it got dark, and they just paid me tonight since I did a good job they said, and well..."

He handed the money over to his mother.

"I want you to fix the dryer so you don't have to use the Laundromat anymore."

Trisha was shocked, not sure what to say, her son giving her all of this money he just made so selflessly. She just threw her arms around him and embraced him as well as her short arms could.

"Thank you, Rory, I love you so much, my little boy."

She have him a kiss on the cheek and he smiled a bit, he was just glad she would never know the truth about the money, it was for the best she did not know.

She took a step back and covered her muzzle.

"Whew! I can tell you worked hard, you smell ripe, baby boy, you should take a shower, don't want to be stinky in your freshly-cleaned bed sheets, now."

Tank nodded and headed off to the bathroom, he felt guilty about giving the sex money to his mom, but at the same time, it felt good to get rid of it and help her at least.

Trisha took her seat on the sofa again and picked up her magazine, it was so nice that she could have the dryer fixed, but something made her think, when she smelled her son, she could have sworn she detected a hint of musk and...semen on him...nah, he was just working hard and got sweaty, yeah, that was it.

As Tank stripped himself of the messy clothes in the bathroom, he wondered if he would see Colton again, maybe he would ask for his services again...but did he really want to be known as a whore? He wished he could say no.

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