Aurelia's Pleasure

Story by chapdav on SoFurry

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Aurelia looked around hirself at the sprawling metropolis. shi had telaported hire only moments before and the bugs living hire had already begun to scurry away. A cruel smile came to the dragoness's face, as shi thought of what shi had planned for the city.

At first shi simply stood looking around at all of hir potential toys, torn between the many ideas that ran through hir mischievous mind. After a few moments shi decided what shi wanted and that cruel smile grew even wader as shi prepared hirself.

hir massive paw rose into the air and cast a deadly shadow on those it passed over. When that dreadful shadow passed, may people fell to the ground in relief, staring up at the goddess that had come to them. shi was a huge creature standing at over seven hundred feet tall, hir scales the color of pure silver and hir ice blue eyes flashing with delight at the them.

As Aurelia moved hir paw toward the crowded intersection shi had seen the people began their attempts to flee hir. A bellowing chuckle escaped hir throat, shi had chosen that particular place because the lack of escape. They had clogged it so utterly that none could move.

A resounding CRUNCH!!! could be heard as hir paw came down, flattening tinny percent of the people in the intersection. The feel of power brought hir member to full attention. As shi reached hir full length hir massive penis began dripping a stream of pre which was no less devastating than hir foot steps. The huge drops crushid anything they touched, and caused untold destruction.

"seeing as how you have aroused me, I think you should now service me," shi said as shi let out a window shattering laugh that could be heard for miles, "as you will come to learn I hate a tease."

The words themselves did not cause quite as much emotion in the crowd as the fact that t beast could speak speak. The words did not register to the people until the dragoness leaned down to pick up a bus between hir thumb and first finger. shi raised it to hir muzzle and examined it. The drive could see the gleam in hir eye turn cruel as shi smiled and said, "You will do very nicely."

The people on the bus were not quite sure what the dragoness was thinking but they were all sure of the fact that they wouldn't would not like it. The bus lowered past hir massive breasts, more than few of the passengers noticing hir erect nipples, down past hir toned stomach and to hir gigantic silver cock.

The hole flared in front of them and the passengers all hit the seats in front of them as the bus was shoved forward and lodged into the hole with which they were faced. A thick smell of musk suddenly permeated the vehicle and caused the passengers to gag on the smell.

Aurelia groaned and shivered in pleasure as the bus was pushid into hirself, shi removed hir hand and watched as the craft was sucked down into hir massive member. An outline was clearly visible as it made its final run into hir churning testicles.

shi felt a sudden surge in pleasure as the bus landed in hir sack whire it would be turned into dragon seed for later use. shi began to scan franticly, shi needed release and needed it soon now.

shi wanted something that would satisfy both of hir needs, and finally found what shi wanted in the form of a train. With glee shi ran to it destroying many buildings in hir way. hir massive paws crushing and crunching through the downtown area and killing hundreds in the name of pleasure.

As shi reached the track shi saw the train disappearing into tunnel. Reaching for it shi managed to snag the last car and began to slowly remove it. The train made a screeching sound as its forward motion was ceased and it began to move in reverse.

The conductor poured all power into the engines but to no avail, they continued to go in reverse. As shi pulled it all the way from the tunnel, Aurelia looked at hir prize ans and smiled again, "I can't wait to try you out," shi said with a husky quality to hir voice.

Aurelia began to remove the track from hir way so shi could do what shi wanted with no interruptions. Sitting down shi spread hir legs apart and moved the engine car, which was still running, up to hir massively engorged clit. shi began to message hirself with it the rumbling causing waves of pleasure to wash over hir. Groaning in pleasure shi began to move the train faster which in turn caused he more pleasure.

Before shi reached hir orgasm shi stopped and smiled down at the train as shi began to move it downward. Parting hir lips with hir othir hand shi slid the train inside. Letting hirself close over it shi watching in total bliss as hir vagina began to pull the train in of its own accord. It moved fairly quickly, pulling it into hir with eh engine still rumbling.

Standing again shi ran to the tunnel shi inserted hirself to the hilt. With both pleasures fueling hir shi knew hir orgasm would not be far. hir tail wagged behind hir faster and faster as shi came closer to hir ultimate release.

As shi began to thrust into the tunnel shi began to grunt, letting those nearby what was about to happen. Most began to run but some realized that it was too late to escape, and as shi screamed hir orgasm, they knew also that shi would not leave until shi had finishid hir fun and that nothing they had could ever stop hir.

The mountain shook with he orgasm and shi filled it with hir cream. Pulling out shi also realized the train was no longer moving. shi removed the broken remains of it and threw it to the side content in the fact that thire were plenty more toys to take its place.