Kirren's New Life: Chapter Four: Reality's Collapse

Story by Zerink on SoFurry

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#4 of Kirren's New Life

Here is the fourth chapter: I've worked on it for quite a while, but not so long as I should. I've temporarily increased the time of production unintentionally upon going insane due to certain circumstances, but the fifth, and last, chapter will be written, nevertheless. You should be eighteen or older to read this, blah, blah, blah. This is to entertain, nothing less.

Chapter Four: Reality's Collapse

Part A: Change of Heart

Kirren woke with a start, trying to sit up, but giving up in his efforts as he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. He laid back, breathing heavily from the small amount of strain. With each breath, it felt as if fire were being inhaled instead of oxygen. His legs burned, his arms were numb, and he felt like he had been dipped in a vat of acid. He groaned painfully, but also gave up that approach. He decided it would be best if he just kept still.

The muscles under his grey fur burned and screamed in pain, but he tried to ignore them with no small amount of difficulty. A person walked around his bed, apparently checking on his condition from time to time. She saw him, lying awake, and rushed out, whispering something about having to tell the others.

The wolf laid there, trying to recollect his thoughts. At least that did not pain him as much as putting forth any other exertion, and he was glad of it. He remembered the times of sitting at home, listening to the beep of the answering machine and the low hum of the air conditioner that tried its hardest to please. He remembered the lights and the bed, he remembered the food and he remembered the clothes, and he remembered his friends and his school. He recalled it all in his mind, trying to figure out why, if there was a god, that He would let this happen. He could not figure it out.

He stared up at the white ceiling, pondering, lost in thought. He remembered the trip he took in the back of the truck from the school to the training facility, which he only spent less than a day in. He had not been trained, and he remembered the person who had bluffed the wolf's way through into a semi-decent life. 'Jake' was the person's name, and he cared to remember it for the time being.

He felt his chest with his paw, ignoring the sharp pain in his arms. He could not feel the crystal that he remembered from the short visit there, nor the necklace. He then remembered that it had been taken, or at least that was what he had guessed. He remembered the familiar face of an otter and a dragon, and he could faintly remember the names: Alex and Leo. He could remember one other, but he could not get an image or a name, but rather a profound sense of loss.

He tried to remember, but it finally began to pain him. He gave up, feeling a small depression from losing someone that he could not remember. Instead, he tried to recollect his memories from before then, and he thought of the training facility. He recalled the large rooms, bare and white. He could smell the smell of burnt hair, fur and flesh. He could hear the cries and cheers of the people, and the disappointed murmurs that echoed in the large stadium-like area when those did not comply with their demise. He could still hear the ringing of the screams of one of his friends that did comply, that did concede, and that did compromise.

He heard laughing, and he felt the familiar feeling of being near his friends. He recalled an image, and he saw a ferret, smiling, laughing. He smiled at the image, but in a moment, he changed quickly to an image of the same ferret on a stretcher, a cloth over him, being carried away. His heart sank, and he quickly dismissed the visual, and continued on, recollecting other memories.

His head began to hurt, but this time, he persisted. He recalled being in this very same room, with the same white sheets, made of linen, and the same white ceiling. He recalled the events of what he thought were last night. He could not really tell the date in this place, and he looked over at the machines around him. To his surprise, there were none. At the thought of not gaining any nourishment, he felt a quite a bit hungry and thirsty. He licked his lips, and he also felt he needed to use the restroom. Instead, he tried to remember what had happened.

He recalled Dave's mother, crying, and in that moment, he felt as if he had done the right thing. He saw Jennifer's face, and heard her voice, telling him what needed to be done. He saw the hermit, trying to rape Dave, and he recalled moving up, and being able to stab the hermit in the back. The action itself confused him as he remembered not being able to hurt any human, and his encounter with Derek. He let out a sigh of exasperation from the effort of trying to make any sense of it.

He knew why his body ached, and he recalled it in his mind with vivid sensation. He ran, or had ran, as fast as he could, carrying a dead weight on his back that was not quite dead at all. He breathed heavily as he remembered what had happened, and he continued staring at the ceiling, until he heard a few people walk inside of the medical ward.

He looked at them weakly, giving a small smile. He greeted them softly, as much as he could with what little energy he had without worsening his condition.

There were four that walked inside. The nurse walked in, and a familiar doctor walked in as well. A woman had accompanied them, and Kirren recognized her as Dave's mother, while the other woman that walked in was easily recognizable as Jennifer.

Dave's mother, Maureen, opened her mouth to speak, but decided against it. She looked much more different than when she was crying, with make-up and perfume of those that were rich. He saw a noticeable difference, but he knew it was the same person. He looked at the doctor, and the nurse, and they looked at Maureen.

With a gesture, they walked out, leaving Maureen, Jennifer and Kirren behind. Jennifer looked at the wolf, and she gave a soft sigh, and for the second time, she smiled at him. She walked up beside him and took his paw and said, "'Thanks' is all I can give you in return right now, but I assure you: you'll be called up later for a reward. I must say though, we've hospitalized you twice already, and that should be reward enough in certain circumstances, but I suppose this is a different circumstance."

She squeezed his paw softly and said, "You've at least earned my trust, and since I'm the one watching over you, that is something you should be very grateful for. Call me Jen from now on, okay? You don't need to call me ma'am anymore. Anyway, I'll call you over later, but right now I've got a few things to do." She let go of his paw and walked away, speaking a few words to Maureen before leaving.

Maureen walked over and sat next to him in a chair provided. She did not take his paw, but rather said, "Thank you so very much-" she glanced at his tag "-Kirren. Jennifer told me what happened: how she sent you to get Dave. She must really have trusted you to send you to do something that you could have easily escaped with. And yet, you returned. I suppose you really are loyal, and I can see why Dave likes you so much.

"I'll make sure everything here is to your liking until you are well and out of this ward. But if you don't mind, would you please tell me what happened that night?" she asked.

Kirren nodded slowly. "Okay and thank you. Well... I woke up in one of these rooms, and my head still hurts from whatever injury I got a little before I woke. The doctor saw me, and I guess he got you and your husband, and Jennifer. I was told what happened, and you left with your husband, but Jennifer stayed behind. She asked me to find Dave, and she gave me some time to think about it. I thought about it, and I agreed. She had already come up with plans to get me out, and I was out before I knew it. I headed west, which was where Dave had been last spotted heading, and I tried to pick up his scent.

"It was fairly easy to find out what direction he took, and he had apparently headed deep into the forest. I followed until I saw a patch where he had most likely fallen and gotten dragged over by some hermit in the forest. I followed the trial until I saw a little camp. There was Dave, and a man sitting next to him, or standing, I can't remember.

"I remember hiding there, behind a tree, and heard that the man was going to have sex with Dave, or rape him, pretty much. I didn't know what I could do, so I walked out, got a knife from the hermit's pants, and stabbed him in the back, but it didn't do any good: he wasn't hurt by it. He grabbed the knife while I grabbed Dave and ran off, toward here, and kept running.

"I think he was catching up with us, but all I could focus on was running. My whole body is sore from it. At last, we reached your fields, and I fell. The hermit tripped on me, and when he got up, he was shot. That is the last thing I remember." The wolf sighed softly, feeling a familiar, painful pulse in his head.

Maureen looked at Kirren intently. She thought for a moment, and said, "You stabbed him?"

Kirren nodded. "Yeah, but like I said: it didn't do any good. I hit a bone, rather than any vital areas I was trying to aim for. I think you know why it wasn't able to really harm him."

Maureen nodded. "Well, Kirren, I am very grateful that you saved my son. Will doesn't want to come see you, telling everyone that you're just a furry and that it'd be best if you died. You are just a furry though, but you deserve to live for what you did. If there's anything you need, just tell the doctor, okay? We pay him a lot of money to work, not just sit there, so don't feel too bad about it. Dave will be here in a moment, and I have no doubt he'll definitely be happy to hear that you're awake."

The wolf nodded. "Thank you, Mrs. Jainston. I really am grateful for you hospitality."

Maureen looked at him, speaking softly, as if to herself. "You really do have attributes of a human."

Maureen left and shortly after, a doctor walked in. The tag on his shirt said "Joseph". Kirren smiled and said, "Hello there, Dr. Joseph. Fancy being in your ward again, huh?"

Joseph blinked for a moment. "Not as fancy as you'd think. I'll let you in on what has been happening since you came back. The forest on the west side is being combed for any figures that may seem dangerous in any way, such as that hermit you found.

"As of right now, work in the fields and the mines and even in the forest has ceased. Even breeding has ceased, so Mr. Jainston is not too happy. He loses money with each day of being idle, and it is, in a way, your fault. However, there will be a... new shipment of furries coming in soon. It's a new batch, you'll see. Hell, you might even recognize some of them." The doctor laughed softly.

"Anyway, with a few more days of rest, you should be fine and up and running. Earlier if you take the medicine we'll give you. You've already been in bed for three days now. It's Tuesday, and you've been in this place for a whole week. So how do you like your stay so far?" He added the last part as a joke, but Kirren did not laugh. He continued, "Beside that, there is basically no work to do. Feel free to stay here as long as you want, and I am obligated to ask: Is there anything you need?"

Kirren smiled for a moment, but hid it quickly. "Well, if you don't mind, I'm fairly hungry, and fairly thirsty, and I need to find a restroom, but I'm sure I can manage to take care of the latter. Do you think you can take care of the first two, Doctor?"

The doctor frowned. "Yes, sir, I think I can. I'll also come back with some medicine that will make sure your muscles heal up properly and quickly. I'll explain why a little later. You know where the restroom is; you've been there before. I'll be back with some food and water in a moment. Any preferences?"

The wolf shook his head. He slowly got up, his body burning in response. He made his way toward the restroom while the doctor walked away quietly, closing the door behind him. Kirren only took a few minutes to complete what he wanted to complete, and with the task accomplished, he painfully made his way back to his bed.

As he sat laid down, the door opened and the doctor walked back in. He had a cart that he pulled behind him, and on it was several items, and among those items were food, a glass of ice water, and a hypodermic needle and syringe. It contained a small amount of a dark liquid that the wolf could not identify, and there were two pills next to it.

The doctor set the cart next to Kirren and gave him the food and water first. He said, "As soon as you're done eating, take these two pills. Then I'll have to give you a shot, of which will help your muscles relax and heal. The pills are just aspirin, and it should help with the pain, so don't worry about that."

Kirren nodded and ate the food quickly, ravenously. He devoured each piece of bread and meat that was given to him, and drank large gulps of water to get it down his throat. He gasped for air every now and then, but continued eating quickly until the food was gone. He was still a bit hungry, but he was satiated for the time being. He took another gulp of the water, and reached for the pills.

He drank down the pills, but he knew it was not an instantaneous process that the painkillers would take effect. He waited and looked at the doctor, who looked back with an odd expression on his face. He took the hypodermic needle and tapped at it, trying to get the air out of it, pressing softly and letting the dark liquid drip out slowly and slightly. He looked at Kirren and said, "This is a curarine. It is a paralyzing agent, or basically, a muscle relaxant. It's usually used in surgery, but it should suffice in this circumstance. It's a derivative from curare, which is a poison that acts as a heavy paralyzing agent. This has been diluted so that it will give you no harmful effects, other than you won't be able to move for a while." The doctor took the wolf's arm and injected the fluid.

Kirren felt the curarine burning its way up his arm, and then throughout his whole body. He could no longer move, but he could breathe softly enough. He felt as if he was barely alive, and very, very weak. He watched as the doctor wheeled in a cart, a tower stand, in any case, with a sac of clear liquid in a large feeding tube. He checked to see if the tube was working, and then wheeled it over, next to Kirren. "This is just a sedative, so you can sleep through the medicine's effects. It's fairly weak, but it will work. You'll wake tomorrow, do not worry about that. Dave will see you then." The doctor put the needle in the wolf's arm. "Good night for now."

Unable to move or argue, Kirren accepted the sedative. He felt tired when the needle began to inject the fluid into his arm. His eyes drooped, and soon enough, he could no longer stay awake. He drifted off into a dreamless sleep.


The sun shined brightly through the blinds although a curtain was pulled over the window. Kirren opened his eyes slowly, moving his arms, testing them in an odd fashion. He could move, and the pain had subsided almost completely. He felt grateful for the medicine, but then again, he knew it could just be the aspirin. He saw that the tranquilizing fluid was gone, and when he looked around, after sitting up, he saw Dave, sitting in a chair, staring at him oddly.

Finally, the expression in Dave's face changed from an oddity to delight and relief. He ran over and hugged Kirren tightly, or as tightly as he could, with tears that streamed down his face and soaked into Kirren's fur. The wolf smiled, though he still felt just a little sore now that he had pressure against his muscles. He said, "You're safe."

Dave nodded. He wiped his nose on the sleeve of his shirt and said, "Yeah. And you're okay."

The wolf smiled once again. "Then we succeeded, didn't we? We're back home now, and you're safe again."

Dave nodded again. "Are you still tired?"

Kirren looked at Dave quizzically, trying to determine the motives of the question. "Quite a bit; the sedative still has a little effect. I might need a few more hours of sleep. What time is it?"

Dave looked up at the clock. "It's about eleven in the morning."

Kirren yawned. "Well, let me take a little nap, and then we can go and play a little. I'm feeling very tired right now.... Until then, try to have fun and go play, and don't wait for me. I don't know if I'll be awake at all today."

Dave nodded. He smiled and hugged Kirren again, petting his soft fur with a light touch that only a child could do. He said, "Okay."

Kirren watched the child walk away in a way that seemed almost as if nothing had happened at all. The wolf shrugged, guessing that that would most likely be the best way for things to turn out, rather than have the events stick in his mind from... what was it? The night before three days ago. Did that make it four days ago? Kirren could not think; the drugs still had a hold on his mind.

He could not really sleep, but he felt so very tired. He stared at the ceiling for a moment, wondering if sleep would come quickly or not when he closed his eyes, but he knew it would not. He would have to ask for the sedative again. He wondered how to call them over, but decided that it would take too much energy to do so.

He laid there, wondering, thinking. He tried to remember what day it was, and he could only guess it was a Wednesday. He had been here a week and a day. He figured it was not as bad as it could have been, but he had heard that one before. He tried not to think about it, and sat up, deciding against the sleep, and finally noticed a piece of paper on the table next to him.

Upon grabbing it, he noticed it was sealed. He opened it up with a flick of his paw, cutting with one of his nails. The letter fell open quickly enough, and Kirren saw only a small message. The handwriting was not recognizable, but he figured that it was from Jennifer as he read it:

"Come over to the fields when you wake up, hopefully before Thursday. If you don't see me, just ask someone for me and they'll point you in the right direction."

Kirren folded up the paper and wondered where to put it. He figured the only article of clothing he had at this time was his collar, in which case, he tucked it in his collar so that it would not be lost. He began to walk outside, seeing no opposition to his advance and retreat, which only furthered his resolve.

It did not take him long to find the back door that Jennifer had shown him before. There was no one there, so he figured it was fine to go outside, so he did. When he opened the door, the light from the exterior shone brightly through, blinding and disorienting him for a moment.

When his eyes adjusted, he walked forward, toward the nearest person that he could see. He could not make out who the person was, but he figured that they would show him where Jennifer was if they were not Jennifer. It was only until he got closer that his heart sank

The person spotted him, and began to walk toward him. Kirren stared at the ground, and when he heard the person's gruff voice, he said, "Hello, sir."

The person laughed. "Ha! So you remembered to call me "sir". I guess I missed that chance to punish you in some way. Well...." Derek looked at the collar around Kirren's neck. "Oh? What's this?" He grabbed Kirren's collar.

Kirren said, "It's something the master told me to wear, sir. And the letter is from Jennifer, sir; I'm supposed to find here somewhere around here, or ask someone where she is."

Derek frowned. "Hmph. Well, if that's the case, Jennifer is near the slave shack. Now I wonder why Dave would give something like this to you.... Well, I'll think about letting you wander around aimlessly without a toll, and until later I'll tell you what I think about it. Now go; get your sorry ass away from me!"

Kirren was shoved roughly toward the slave shack. He figured that it was better than getting punched and kicked, being shoved. The way was short, and he did manage to see another person near the slave huts when he did look up. HE guessed it was Jennifer.

When he got close, the person walked up and said, "Hello. Is Derek giving you a hard time?"

Kirren shook his head. "Not as much as before, Jen. Now, what did you want me to come over here for?"

Jennifer had a clipboard, and spying the note in the wolf's collar, she smiled. She grabbed the note and put it on the clipboard while flipping to a page. She handed it to him, and he looked at it oddly.

First order:

Subjects modeled after:

Canis lupus (Timber Wolf) 3

Lutra canadensis (River Otter) 1

Mustela nigripes (Ferret) 1

Panthera leo (Lion) 3

Panthera tigris (Tiger) 4

Panthera pardus (Black Panther) 4

Procyon lotor (Raccoon) 2

Kirren looked up from the list. Jennifer looked back at him and said, "That's the first batch that's supposed to come in tomorrow. You are to choose one when you see them tomorrow, and we are supposed to make sure they're all here. This is a new kind of batch; completely submissive. They will follow any order unless it comes into a contradiction with their own genes. You'll see."

Kirren blinked, thinking of what it could mean. He thought of the implications, and for the moment, he was stunned by them. He hesitated, and then to confirm what he thought, he asked, "Why do I have to choose one?"

Jennifer looked at him. "Well, it's fairly obvious, or at least it should be. You're going to have a personal servant, basically, or a personal slave, whatever you want to think of it as. No other furry in the world that I know of has such a right, but we've decided this will be our reward to you."

The wolf shook his head. "But I don't want to make anyone my slave! It's bad enough as it is...."

Jennifer sighed. She shook her head and said, "You'll have to understand: they're a new batch. They were made about a couple days ago, and they're in current production. They're test tube subjects, not born in a womb. They have no minds of their own, but I suppose they do retain memories that they've had before. That was something they could not get rid of, but it should not matter. Besides, I think it's a kindness to make a furry a slave to a furry, rather than to a human that hates them. Just think about it, okay? Sometimes it's better to sacrifice a little to gain more, and in this case, you might have to sacrifice a little morality for the well-being of another furry."

Kirren could not speak. He did not want to be put in this kind of situation, and he wondered how they could ever have thought that it would be a reward, to have a slave of his own, of his own kind. When he thought about it more, he hardened his resolved to decline, but with what Jennifer said, it gave him some doubt to his own decision.

Jennifer smiled and said, "Other than that, since there's nothing to do, you can roam around a while. Be sure to wake up before the sun gets up: most likely the shipment will be here before dawn. Meet me here, and if you wish, you can even sleep here instead of heading back to the ward. I'll make sure someone gives you some food if you like. I'll be heading off soon to go do some more paperwork for our shipment, but you can contact me through anyone else. In any case, I'll see you tomorrow, or later tonight, if you wish. It's up to you."

Kirren nodded and looked at the shack next to them. He smelled the familiar scent of sweat, musk and blood. He sighed and opened the door, aware that Jennifer was watching him, and let the bell jingle softly. He walked in, ignoring the creak of the wood, sure that the shack would stand. He noticed a few furries staring at him as he walked in, but he cast it off.

He sat on the side, and a familiar dragon walked up to him, greeting him with a slight "hello". Kirren returned it, leaning against the side of the shack, yawning softly. He looked over at the dragon.

The dragon smiled and said, "So where've you been all this time? I thought you'd died or something."

Kirren shook his head. "No, I've just been... sleeping, for a very long time. A few days ago, I had to go find Dave, so I've had a rough time. How about you? How've things been over here in my absence?"

The dragon shrugged. "Nothing has changed except that a few days ago work stopped. We've been trying to entertain ourselves, of course with a lot of sex and sleep, but not everyone has that luxury. At least not the former. But you say you had to find Dave?"

Kirren nodded. "He ran away, and I had to go find him. Some hermit had found him before I had and was going to rape him, but I managed to grab him and run. I passed out when we got back here, and I've been asleep for three days. They've decided to reward me, but I don't think I want the reward."

The wolf leaned against the dragon and sighed. Leo smiled and said, "Well, what's the reward?"

Kirren spoke softly so only they could hear, "They wanted to give me a slave from a new shipment that they're getting. I really want to refuse it."

Leo frowned. "Then why don't you? But, that might not always be the best way."

Kirren shrugged. "I'm thinking about it. But what Jennifer said makes sense: it'd be better to have a furry as a slave to a furry than a slave to a human that hates them. Not her exact words, but I think it's what she meant."

The dragon thought for a moment before speaking. "She's right, you know? I'm sure you'd treat a slave much better than a human would, since you're one yourself. Maybe this is a step forward for us; we might be able to rise up and gain independence with you as an example. It's happened for humans before, so why not us?"

Kirren shook his head. "I don't think that's what would happen. Besides, they said these are test tube subjects, not like us. They don't really have a free will, or at least that's what I gathered from what she said." He sighed again and closed his eyes. "I don't know, Leo. It's a tough decision."

Leo began to pet Kirren's back. "Well, I think it'd be better to accept. It'd be better for you, for the furry, and for everyone else. Besides, you don't know what will happen if you don't accept. Maybe there will be some sort of consequence."

The wolf frowned. "Maybe. We'll see when tomorrow comes. I've got to wake early, and I'm feeling quite a bit tired."

The dragon smiled. "Well, then you should go to sleep. It's the best thing for you. I can only hope things get better."

Kirren nodded. "We can only hope." He opened his eyes for a moment. He inspected the shack slowly, seeing not too many furries in here, but more than usual. Usually, everyone would be working, but now he could see about twenty other furs scattered about. A few of them cast of a strong scent that Kirren could pick up easily, identifying it as lust and musk at the same time. He could tell that a few of them were in the current process of yiff.

He sighed and closed his eyes again, feeling fatigue wash over him. He felt sleep coming closer and closer, sooner and sooner, and he knew he could not stay awake for much longer. His mind began to drift, but there were no dreams he could see when sleep finally did arrive.


Upon waking up, he looked around. Leo was nowhere to be found, but he guessed that he had gone off somewhere else by himself. Kirren stood up and walked out of the shack, listening for the little bell that sounded. He no longer felt tired, but a bit energetic from the four days of rest he had.

By the darkness and absence of light, he guessed it was either early morning or late night. He could not hear anyone in the vicinity other than the furries inside of the shack. He wondered if he had woken up too early, or even too late, and he knew both of those instances were very possible. He sat against the side of the shack, hearing the sickening groan of the wood it was made of.

He only waited for about five minutes until he spotted a figure moving toward him. It was too dark to tell who it was, but they seemed to be walking at a leisurely pace. There did not seem to be any rush, so Kirren let loose a soft sigh. When the person came into the range of his sight, he saw that it was indeed Jennifer.

She waved at him, and he continued sitting against the shack in reply. "I hope you weren't waiting too long," she said with a smile.

The wolf shook his head. "Not at all. I woke up a few minutes ago. So when are these people supposed to get here?"

Jennifer pressed something around her wrist and a watch's screen illuminated. She stared at it for a moment, adjusting her eyes to the small, yet bright light on her wrist before saying, "Any time now."

Kirren stood up and walked to the side of the shack and stared at the road. There was no car or truck, but he heard the screech of brakes somewhere in the distance. He felt the wind blow strongly against him and he shivered in response as his fur held little resilience. He put his arms around himself, trying to keep his body heat from escaping.

A truck appeared from a hidden road off to the side. Kirren watched it drive up, lights illuminating the path and the trees, until finally it faced them, blinding both the wolf and Jennifer. He shielded his eyes, as did Jennifer, and the lights turned off. A burly sort of person walked outside of the truck, closing the door with a small thud.

Jennifer walked up and shook the person's hand. He smiled an odd, toothy grin and said, "Here's your shipment, Miss. You'll see they're all here."

Jennifer took a proffered set of keys and said, "And the money has been transferred. You can check if you like, and we'll stand here until you confirm that the transaction is complete." As she spoke, the man looked behind her and spied Kirren.

"Hey, is he going to help out or what?" He pointed at the wolf. Jennifer looked at where he was pointing and then looked back, shaking her head. She held a PDA, showing the screen with the transfer. The man took it, checking different little items, and finally gave it back. "Everything's clear. Shipment is in the back, you can check on them if you like."

Jennifer nodded. She gestured for Kirren to follow, and the wolf complied. They made their way to the back of the truck, and they spotted a padlock keeping the doors from opening, but it was an unnecessary precaution. She took the key and unlocked it, grabbing both handles and heaving the doors open, letting them swing widely outward. She gestured for whatever shapes were in there to come out, even though there was no lighting, and none of the furries could be seen.

As they stepped out one by one, Kirren began to count them. There were three wolves, two of them male, one female; two raccoons, both male; a male ferret; a male otter; a lion and two lionesses; a male tiger and three female tigers; three male panthers and a female one. He figured the abundance of male... orders was mainly because of their natural strength. He told Jennifer the statistics and she checked them off on a notepad. When he looked back at the shipment, they had all lined up, and while his eyes traveled along the line, it stopped on the ferret.

The ferret seemed oddly familiar in the dim lighting, but he was unsure. He guessed that it was his eyes playing tricks on him, but when he walked up to the ferret, he was becoming surer and surer. His eyes widened for a moment, and he had to step back. Jennifer spoke softly, and his attention was slightly averted.

"I think one of these was one that we've had before. I think the otter is it, and I think it's the first one we killed, but that was quite a while ago. What was his name...? I think it was Jareth, or something like that." She shuffled through the papers and finally got to the otter. "Yeah, that's him. I believe his boyfriend was killed not long ago. Oh well, that'll make things easier, since he won't be so distracted."

Kirren did not know the otter, but he felt as if he did. His mind thought back to the memories of Alex, and he was sure that this was his mate. He shook his head roughly in wonderment of the horrible circumstance that put them there. When he looked up, Jennifer was looking at him oddly. He explained softly, "I knew Alex fairly well, or as well as I could have for the first few days I was here. Only thing he wanted was to be with his mate... and it's funny, you know? His mate is here now, and he's not...."

He gave a choked laugh. Jennifer patted his shoulder softly. "You should have said something. But the past is the past. I'm sure that he'll just be remade and we'll buy him then, okay? There are so many options available; we just need to choose one. However, it's best to not think of it right now, okay?"

Kirren nodded and went back to the ferret. The ferret stared at him idly in the moonlight, but the light from the moon was hardly enough to really prove or disprove Kirren's suspicions. He looked up at the moon, seeing that it was just a tiny sliver, and sighed. He walked closer and sniffed at the ferret, and at that moment, he was sure. It was the same scent, and all Kirren could do was stand there, stunned for the time being.

Jennifer looked at Kirren and asked, "Is something wrong?"

Kirren stuttered a small whisper, "K-Kael? Is that you...?" The ferret stared at him idly, as if he had not heard. Jennifer walked up, giving him a concerned look.

"Did you know this ferret?" she asked. Kirren looked at Jennifer and gulped, hesitating.

"Do... do they really retain their memories?" he asked. "If they do...."

Jennifer shrugged. "Some do, some don't. Maybe is the best answer I can give you, and it's not that great of an answer."

Kirren spoke up a bit, staring at the ferret, who continued staring back. "Kael?" The ferret looked at him oddly for a moment, but returned to staring idly, but Kirren knew that the ferret recognized his own name.

Jennifer flipped through the pages of the notepad. "Kael...?" She finally reached the page where the ferret's information was written and she said, "Yeah, that's his name. Kael Tenril. I guess you really do know him. Well, regardless, it's time to choose one."

Kirren could not believe it, but he knew he had to put aside his memories for the time being, and choose one. He knew instantly who he would choose, and with no hesitation, he said, "It's definitely Kael I choose."

Jennifer shrugged. She turned to all the furries and said, "From now on, you are to take orders from any humans here, in current residence, or in current employment. You will also take orders from him." She pointed at Kirren. "He may be a furry, but you will treat him with respect. His name is Kirren; remember it well. I know the light isn't that great right now, but remember how he looks, remember his voice, and remember his name. If you need to, remember how he smells, or anything else, but just remember him and make sure you do not mix him up with anyone else. Now go to the slave shack and go to sleep: there is no work for a while, but there will be."

She turned to Kirren and said, "You'd better get some sleep as well. I'm sure Dave will want to play or something tomorrow, so it's most likely that you'll have to entertain him. Good... morning, but sleep well nevertheless."

Kirren nodded. She turned to the ferret and said, "You, Kael. You are under ownership of Kirren. Follow him; tend to his needs; and whatever else that he wishes." She patted Kirren on the back and closed the truck's back doors. She locked them with the padlock and gave the keys back to the driver, who just gave the odd, toothy grin as he saw before, and the driver began to back up, and drove off. Jennifer walked back toward the large building in the middle, and Kirren was left standing there. The rest of the furries had gone to the shack, except for Kael, who stood there, waiting.

"We'd better get to the shack then...." Kirren walked over to the shack, followed closely by the ferret, and opened the door. He gestured for the ferret to walk in first, and the ferret obliged. When the wolf stepped inside, the warmth of the combined heat of the furries washed over him like a large, warm wave. He looked around for a place to rest and found a spot in one of the corners. The other furries were sleeping softly, unsoundly, and ignorant of the new shipment. Kirren sighed and sat against the wall, gesturing for the ferret to do the same.

When they were both sitting down, Kirren turned to Kael and said, "Kael... do you remember me?" The ferret nodded, and for a moment, the wolf was lost for words. He finally managed, after a moment of thought, "Please speak your mind. It's a request, but of course, you know... with the normal limits of a casual conversation."

Kael nodded and looked over at the wolf. His eyes flashed for a moment, and he said, "I thought I'd never see you again, Kirren. I tried to warn you that morning, but you... you didn't know... you couldn't hide, and you couldn't run away...."

Kirren inhaled sharply. He felt a familiar sinking feeling in his chest, and for a moment, he could not speak. He kept opening his mouth to say something in response, but thought for a moment instead. He looked at the ferret finally and said, "Maybe it'd be better if we spoke about this later. Let's get some rest, okay?" The ferret nodded.

Kirren closed his eyes and leaned against the wood. He felt something warm fall against him, and he put his arm around the object, knowing full well that it was a friend that he had lost not so long ago.

Part B: Betrayal

The sun cast its rays through the missing portion of the roof. Kirren slowly opened his eyes, feeling a bit tired from the excessive amount of sleep he had been having. He looked at the ferret lying on him and smiled, patting his friend softly.

With slow, meager motions, the ferret stirred, and woke. His eyes slowly opened, his breathing quickened, and his pulse quickened. He looked at the wolf he was lying on with a dull expression, almost as if he were bored. He seemed to be expectant, waiting for something to happen.

Kirren patted the ferret softly. He said, in an awkward way, but with a smile, "Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

The ferret shrugged. The wolf frowned for a moment, wondering what else to say as a start. His friend had seemed less lively than before, but Kirren guessed that people had done something to him to make it so. He hesitated for a moment, and then looked at the ferret intently. From what he could see, the ferret was the same as before, except with the dull expression on his face. It was the same blue eyes on the same face with the same light brown hair disheveled in the same way. He was no shorter and no taller, he did not seem any heavier, and everything was as developed or underdeveloped as it was and as it should have been. By all looks, Kael had simply appeared from before things had started happening.

Kirren wondered for a moment why, and he decided to ask. "Kael.... You're exactly as I remember you, but I thought everyone was supposed to be a test tube subject. Is it... are they that good at it now? What's happened?"

Kael looked at the wolf and gave an odd smile that almost frightened Kirren. He began to speak as if in a stupor, his voice drawling, monotonous in different areas, yet rising and falling in pitch in unnecessary ways. "Yes and no.... This is the same body as it ever was, but I... I had died, you see. Death is a cold place, Kirren, it's so cold. I can't begin to explain it, and time slows to a standstill, but you know... I'm here now, aren't I? I was gone, and now I'm back...." He began to laugh softly, the dull expression gone, but rather replaced by a maniacal smile and a still semi-bored presence in his eyes. They seemed clouded, yet they stared at Kirren ever so brightly.

"He shot me, you saw the places where the bullets went, didn't you? I still have the scars right here." He moved some patches of fur so that stitching and shaving was apparent instead of hidden. He pointed them out and said, "It didn't hurt, you know? People are always telling others that it hurts.... Well, maybe it does, but I couldn't feel a thing after he stabbed me that morning. I think my body went into shock."

Once again, he chuckled softly to himself. He closed his eyes and paused for a moment, letting a couple tears fall down from his eyes. He caught them in his paw, and it began to shake a little at first, but more violently when it came closer to his face. He took a sniff and said, "Ah, I still remember how they smell. That's what stays with you, you know? They told me. Smells stay with us longer than anything else. And I still remember the taste... it's ever so salty. They were there that morning, did you see them? I can still see them."

Kirren remained silent, a bit confused as to what the ferret was saying, and a little frightened at the change of expression. He gave the ferret a puzzled look, and the ferret continued speaking in the same dazed voice. "They brought me back from the dead a little after I died. It was painful, you know? The adrenaline they used... the needle went straight into my heart, through my ribs.... It wasn't the puncture that hurt, no, but rather when they pulled it out, it took so long to stop bleeding. My heart began beating even faster, and my blood pressure got lower. My blood oxygen was low. That's what they told me, or at least not told me, but rather I heard it. I can still hear it.

"It's funny, you know? I was dying after they brought me back, from... what was it they said? It was some fancy word. I think it was 'exsanguination'. I think it was blood loss. They used another word: 'tachycardia'. And then another, but it was the last word: 'vasospasm'. My hands and feet were beginning to feel so cold when they said it; and my ears too. But it stopped there, and I began to recover.

"And then, you know, I went to a training facility. The first batch; the first shipment to everywhere... they're not test tube subjects. We're all the furries that were killed. The ones that could not be recovered... they're the ones that are going to be recreated in test tubes. After the whole ordeal, though, we're supposed to be obedient. We're the ones that aren't obedient, you know? We're the ones that add life to our society, but that has now been put to an end. They had me on an operating table before that. The sharp instruments... I can still see them. I still dream of them, Kirren. I couldn't feel when they began to cut on my forehead, or even above my ears. Right... here." He pointed to a large circular area on his head where a large stitching was apparent. "It was a lobotomy. They took bits and pieces out, and played around with others. It made my body do strange things that I couldn't even control. It felt so... so strange.

"I got to glance at the notes when I was allowed to sit up. My head felt lighter, and I saw the words dancing in front of me; something about controlling the cerebral cortex and cerebellum. There's so many c's there.... Heh."

The ferret shivered involuntarily. He blinked and restarted his activity of staring at Kirren. His expression changed, and the wolf could swear that Kael had a look of desperation in his eyes. It faded fairly quickly, however. He continued speaking, "We can't do things of our own free will. It's been removed from our brains, and there are bits and pieces that have been added that control different actions we can do. You know, it's not that it's in our genes... no, not at all. That's what they tell us, but it's not true. We all have something in our heads that controls our actions: it's our brains. They're controlling it with something they implant from birth."

Kirren's eyes widened. "Are you sure? Where'd you find this out?"

The ferret sighed, closing his eyes and shaking his head slowly. "I didn't find it out after I died, but rather I remembered. I had been reading some of those banned books that they had, you know? The medical ones? It was the day before everything started going for the worse. I tried so hard, you see, to warn everyone I knew, but no one believed me. I... I tried calling you that morning. I wish you had picked up...."

The wolf blinked, shocked. A low ringing resounded in his mind, and a phone materialized itself in his head. He looked and stared, watching the light staying still and there was no message. He shook his head, disbelieving. He stared at the ferret, but he could see the truth in Kael's eyes.

Kael began to cry softly, and the look of desperation came into his eyes again. He leaned forward and hugged Kirren, crying into the wolf's chest, sobbing, letting his words flow out, tripping over one another. "I tried to call you! Why? Why didn't you pick up? If you had only picked up.... I didn't want to leave a message, because maybe it wasn't going to happen that day. You'd be in serious trouble if they found out you knew.... But it did happen, didn't it? But you still should have picked up! I... I can't forgive myself for not warning you earlier."

Kirren hugged the ferret, tears of his own falling from his eyes. He said, "It's okay, Kael. I'm okay right now. You can see that, can't you?"

The wolf could still feel the tears welling up in his fur. He heard the muffled sobs still flowing freely out. "It's not okay! You wouldn't be in this whole mess if I had warned you.... That's why I tried to say something that morning. I was afraid though, if I said too much, you'd have to be killed too, so I only tried to say a little. Remember that day? I remember. Please say you remember! I... I cried after I saw you...."

The wolf patted the ferret, holding him closely. "Of course I remember," he said in a cooing voice. "But that's done; it's in the past."

Kael shook his head, sniffing when he could, making audibly wet noises from his nose. He continued to cry, sobbing heavily. "I cried, Kirren... I cried so much. It wasn't just then, you know? I cried before then, that morning when you didn't pick up. I cried when he shot me.... It wasn't the pain. No, not the pain; I couldn't feel anything but sadness. Sadness and regret. I failed you, Kirren: I couldn't warn you."

The wolf tried to comfort him, but he continued speaking, "I wanted to say it, and so many times I had so many chances, but I never said it. It was only until then when I knew it was too late and I could never tell you, not after that...."

Kirren picked him up by the shoulders, but not completely. He looked at the ferret's face intently, instantly seeing a face full of sorrow, wet with tears and scrunched up by his sobbing. A line of saliva had fallen down with the choked sobs that came from him. "Even if you had told me, things would still have ended up like this. We couldn't escape it; it's just how things would have been. It's okay that you didn't tell me; I'm still alive and I'm doing fine, or as fine as being a slave gets."

At this, Kael only sobbed more. He continued his crying, murmuring different whispers, all saying the same thing: "I still couldn't tell you... we had so many chances... so many times... but I couldn't say it... I couldn't... couldn't... say it... I'm so sorry... things can't change... I... I'm so sorry...." He continued reiterating the same message, speaking in different patterns, still not saying anything new.

Kirren held him by the shoulders and shook him roughly. The ferret's attention was immediately gained from the action, but he could tell that the ferret was just going to continue crying. "Well... then tell me now, okay? Then you can't say you never told me, but either way, it was going to happen."

Kael sobbed loudly. "I... I couldn't say it earlier... things could have been so much different...." He continued sobbing for half a minute before he calmed a little bit down and he choked on his own words. "I... I love you... for so long...."

The wolf inhaled sharply in surprise. "You... what...?" The ferret just sobbed even more so and went back to burying his head in the wolf's chest.

Through the different muffled sobs, Kirren could hear the ferret speaking. "For so long! I couldn't say it.... Things could have been different... and when I was dying, I knew I couldn't tell you because I'd be dead...."

Kirren hesitated, trying to absorb the information and comfort the ferret in his arms at the same time. He found it was a difficult process to undertake, and he sat there for a minute, running the words through his mind, categorizing them, identifying them, and finally, listening to them. He knew the ferret was not lying, but how could he believe him. It was just absurd, then information, but now... now he had revealed something that Kirren had not even expected.

The wolf picked up Kael and drew him closer. "Stop crying, it's said now, okay? You've said it, and I'm still here to hear it. There's no reason to cry anymore, okay?" The ferret continued sobbing uncontrollably. The wolf picked him up again by his shoulders and moved forward, drawing his muzzle close to Kael's face before kissing him on the lips softly, yet keeping it there for a moment.

When the wolf drew away, Kael stared at him, stunned, astonished, shocked in disbelief. He hesitated, his eyes darting around, thoughts swirling in his head in a giant eddy, consuming all of his emotions other than confusion and surprise. He looked at the wolf's eyes, and with a tear soaked face, he smiled. He said, "I love you. I love you Kirren! You're right! I can still say it!" Tears began to fall down his face once again, but he smiled as they did.

Kirren held the ferret closely, who gladly stopped crying. He watched all of the other furs, some of them having taken an interest in the two of them. Many of them had woken by now, some from the crying, and some from just the morning. A few were still sleeping soundly on the floor, resting as much as they could without work.

One furry finally approached Kirren and Kael after a few minutes. Kirren recognized the otter furry that he had seen earlier that morning, and for a moment, he did not know what to say. The otter seemed a bit distracted by various things, but he eventually made his way to the wolf, muttering softly to himself incoherent messages that made little sense to even the otter by the look of his face.

The otter spoke up hesitantly, as if fighting in his own mind whether or not to say anything. "Could I... could I have permission to speak, sir?"

Kirren paused in surprise at the request. He said, "Uh... go ahead. You don't have to ask me permission to speak...."

The otter nodded. "I heard earlier that... that you knew Alex?"

Kirren nodded. The otter seemed to flinch, but he continued, "What happened while I was gone, if you don't mind me asking, sir?"

The wolf took a deep breath, and let it out after a moment. He said softly, "He... wanted to be with you, I know it. He was forced to breed shortly after I came here... but he refused. I think you can guess what happened then...."

The otter flinched again. He held back a sob, and he said, "Y-yeah. I know what happens then. Thank... thank you, sir. I really appreciate you letting me know what happened."

Kirren frowned. "Please don't call me sir: it's unfitting."

The otter nodded and stuttered, "O-okay. I won't do that anymore...."

Kirren watched sadly as the otter walked away, twitching, fidgeting and focusing his attention on different things as he went. The otter finally got to the place where he originally had been sitting, and as he watched, Kirren's heart sank. He recognized it as the place where Alex had usually sat and slept. He watched the otter sit down in a position as if he were next to Alex, and he held his knees with his arms, and began to cry softly into his legs. Although Kirren could not hear it, he could see the small jerks and small but sharp intakes of breaths.

He bit a trembling lip and looked at Kael. By all appearances, Kael had sunken back into the dull, monotonous and expressionless state. Kirren stood up, and he noticed the ferret stood up as well. He walked outside, followed closely by Kael, but to him, it seemed as if the ferret was moving in a zombie-like state, unaware of his movements at all.

Kirren shielded his eyes against the bright sunlight that poured over them. He walked toward the fields, but no one was in sight. He wondered where everyone was. He could not hear anyone's footsteps other than his own and the ferret's, and the wind was unyielding while it blew against him and in his ears, causing a roar. He looked around, and slowly, he heard faint footsteps make their way toward him.

When he felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned around. He saw a person, a man by the look of it, with dirty-blonde hair and green eyes. He looked young enough to be in his later stages of teenage years, but Kirren knew that it was misleading at times. He said in voice that encouraged the belief that he was under twenty, "You, come with me."

Kirren shrugged and thought that he was probably going to take him over to Dave, which was most likely the case. He knew he would have to entertain Dave that day, and it was only a matter of time until he was called to go do so. He sighed and followed the person, still being followed by the ferret.

They made their way to a semi-large building that looked as if it was not being used. He walked in, led by the person and found one of the wolves that had been shipped there earlier that morning. He stood there, eyes half-opened, staring at the ground, seemingly not paying attention. Kirren walked forward, wondering why he was here. The door closed behind them, blocking the rays of the sun. He looked around, expecting to see Dave somewhere.

It was that moment when he felt a firm grasp around his arms. He was immediately thrown against the wall, and very quickly, his arms were bound to metal loops on the wall by a rope. He struggled to move forward, but his feet were tied as well, and in that moment, he wondered how the person did it so quickly. He then noticed that the wolf had helped the person fairly efficiently.

The person said, "Sit down." The order was directed at the ferret, who complied without argument. When Kirren tried to speak, his mouth was bound shut by some sort of cloth, tied around his muzzle. He could only make muffled sounds, but they could not produce the words he needed to say. He stared at the person quizzically.

The person smiled and said, "Isn't it great what they've done to these furries? They obey every command without trying to say anything against it! And oh how efficient they are! I think it's the best thing they've ever done."

Kirren made muffled noises in protest, but he could not speak because of the cloth. He tried to struggle, but the ropes were bound too tightly. The person began to speak once again. "I received a letter earlier this morning. It's from Master Dave. He told me to tell you that you are no longer his pet as he has taken a liking to one of the other wolves that came in earlier. They are, you see, so much more obedient and they are better at the games that he has, whereas you need to be taught to do things. All he needs to do is say a word and they obey."

Kirren inhaled sharply through his nose, which only made it audible. He stared intently at the person, who spoke again. "My name is Jason, by the way." When the wolf heard the name, a picture of his friend from school popped into his head, but he knew it was not the same person. He stared, and more and more, he was convinced that it was definitely a different person. They looked different, sounded different, and acted differently. Kirren discarded the thought from his mind.

Jason smiled and said, "That is all fine and dandy, and it fairs well regardless." He walked forward and stood in front of Kirren. "I've always been fascinated by you furries, especially how you have sex. It's really interesting how you even give it a different name when it's only sex. Regardless from that, I am still interested in it, because you see: it is a very interesting subject."

He walked forward and placed his hand on the wolf's sheath. He stroked the fur softly, hearing a small moan come from the wolf's muzzle. He stopped moving his hand and continued, "It has been the object of my thoughts, the subject, indeed, the highlight of my mind. And I love the word you had made for it: yiff. It is such a nice sounding word. Working here was a dream of mine when I first found out about it. Back then, the whole concept was just an object of even my fantasies. Oh how I longed to be in this position!"

He pressed his hand against the wolf's sheath once again, just a little rougher, and stroked it broadly. Kirren could not help but begin to whimper and moan from the feeling, bucking his hips slightly. Jason smiled. "Good, that's the enthusiasm I wanted." He pulled the sheath down, exposing the hardening cock, slowly growing from the sensations.

Jason stepped back and took his shirt off. His torso was not really toned or built like any kind of athlete, but rather it was very slim and skinny. He took his pants and his boxers off as well, showing his fairly skinny legs, as well as his cock, which had already hardened from the situation. He smiled and said, "Even though my cock is about seven inches long, it does not even compare to most furries, especially horses. I suppose that's just how it is, seeing as it is the same way in nature."

He walked back forward and bent down onto his knees. He moved his head forward and began to lick at Kirren's balls, hanging idly under his sheath. He growled slightly, and Jason smiled. "I heard that canines do that...." He began to suck on each testicle, while stroking his own cock, half paying attention to it. He moved his head away and pulled out a hair, flicking it off into the air. He sighed and said, "An unfortunate result of having fur, but with the good comes the bad, right?"

He smiled and moved upward, sucking on the still growing cock protruding from the sheath. Kirren murred softly, unsure of whether or not he should enjoy the situation. He looked upward, staring at the fluorescent lighting before having to stop himself from bucking into Jason's mouth. He grunted softly, feeling a burning as he shot a few strings of pre-cum forward.

Jason moved his head back, deliberately getting the liquid on his face. He smirked and said, "Now that was what I was looking for." He stepped back and ordered the other wolf to place himself between Kirren and Jason. He spoke again, "It did not take me long to find the papers on this guy after he was put in my care. The first thing other than his name and species and gender I found out was that he was gay. I know it does not make a difference, but oh it does! Even if he were straight, sure, he would have to do as I ordered him to, but when they're gay... they put much more effort in doing something they want to do." He spoke to the wolf between them. "Nick, get on your paws and knees and begin sucking on the wolf over there."

The wolf nodded and complied by getting on his paws and knees, giving a bored look. He then moved forward, crawling, until he was close enough to Kirren's cock. He then his muzzle forward and began to suck on the cock softly, at first, but with increasing passion. He closed his eyes and moved his tongue across the length when he could, causing the wolf in front of him to moan loudly through the cloth.

Jason smiled, watching, still stroking himself. He said, "I had Nick cleaned earlier with a proper enema, of course, so things would not get messy, as I'm pretty sure it could." He grabbed a small bottle of a lubricant and stroked it across his cock, moaning softly to himself as the feel. He got on his knees behind Nick and positioned himself, saying, "When he was first here, he was fairly loose anyhow. There's no need to loosen him up prior to any activity."

He pushed forward, his cock sinking inside of the wolf slowly. He moaned loudly, commenting, "It's always so great, that first feeling you get: the warmth... the pressure. It also helps when you do this...." He reached his hand down and stroked softly at Nick's sheath, waiting until his cock came out before stroking at that as well.

Kirren was hardly paying attention, closing his eyes, forgetting that he was bound. He wanted so badly to start humping the wolf's head, burying his cock into the wolf's throat and cumming down it. He stimulated himself with the thought for the moment, until he felt a small vibration of a murr or a moan from the wolf below him.

Jason had begun to grab the wolf's tail and begun to use it as leverage for his thrusts. He had done this earlier, but he knew he was still getting close. He wondered why it was so quick now that he was with a furry, but he guessed it was just because it was different. He decided not to voice this opinion and instead he began to hump the wolf with increased vigor and enthusiasm. It was only until he took a small look around the room that he remembered that the ferret was just sitting there. He smiled, formulating a plan in his head.

He asked, "That ferret, he's yours, right? I mean, I heard you owned a furry, and I heard it was a ferret, but we have quite a few ferrets around here." He heard a muffled answer, so he interrupted and said, "Shake your head no, or nod your head yes." There was a nod. He smiled and moved Nick back a bit and whispered something to Nick, and then called the ferret over.

He said to Kirren, "Okay, you're going to fuck the ferret. I understand that you know him, don't you? Should that be easier? Or would you rather have him fuck you? Oh, wait, I'm sorry, I mean "yiff" you. Or him. Either way, you know what I mean." There was a whine as a response, and Jason shrugged.

He pointed at the ferret and said, "You. I suppose you're going to get yiffed. I think you know what to do. And Nick..." he said as an aside to the wolf. "You're going to suck on his cock instead of the wolf's. It wasn't the original plan, but I think it should work. I'll just stay still, and I'll need you to hump my hand, okay?"

The wolf nodded dully. Kael moved over, giving Kirren a look with an odd gleam in his eye, and stood facing away from Kirren. He moved his paw back and managed to grab the wolf's cock after a small moment of groping, and he placed it against his tailhole. He was already getting hard from the thought of it, and as soon as he was almost completely erected, he felt a slimy, warm sensation around his cock. He moaned loudly and pushed back, feeling his friend's cock enter him slowly, however feeling a little pain as his innards were stretched.

Jason was grunting in time to the humps that Nick was doing. With each hump into his hand, Nick moved forward slightly, making his cock come a little out, and then was pushed back in when Nick did the reverse motion. It was like fucking him, and he knew it was just as well.

Jason looked forward, watching the ferret get yiffed and sucked at the same time only a few feet in front of him. He used the thought to further stimulate his mind as he gripped the length in his hand, squeezing it every so often while it slid quite easily in his palm. He moaned softly between grunting from the small tightening around his cock that occurred with every other thrust forward.

Kirren wanted to pant heavily, but the cloth around his muzzle prevented him from doing so. He breathed heavily through his nose, instead, taking as much air in as he could. He had forgotten that the other wolf and the person were there; his mind focused on the ferret in front of him, impaled with his cock. The ferret had been moving by himself, moving his hips back and forth, giving the illusive feeling that the wolf was fucking him instead of him moving.

Now the wolf began to hump him to the best of his abilities regarding being tied up, and for the moment, he wanted to put his arms around the ferret and hug him while he pumped his cock in and out of him. He tried to move his arms, but the sound of rope being strained was all he heard from above. It somehow gave an odd, erotic feeling, but he was not one to complain. He could not even complain if he had wanted to. He figured he would go with the flow, and as it happened, he felt the ferret's paws grab his hips tightly, putting an effort to help his cock go deeper in.

Jason closed his eyes, heaving out a moan that intermingled with a sigh, creating just one groan of satisfaction. He knew it would not be long now, not at all. He focused his mind on the pressure surrounding his cock, and he forgot about the world around him. He could only feel the fire inside of him, building up, ready, or almost ready, to release and consume him. He welcomed it, waiting, anticipating, bracing himself for the force that he knew was going to come.

And in an instant, he felt the fire rush from his chest and spread throughout his body, focusing mainly on his groin. He moaned loudly between breaths that he could not help but move through his lungs in the quickened state as they were. He gripped tightly on the cock in his hand while beginning to hump as hard as he could in the wolf in front of him, spurting each shot of the white, sticky fluid from his own cock deep inside of the wolf. He heard a small noise from the wolf, but he did not pay attention to it. Instead, he gripped the cock in his hand fairly hard, continuing to hump the wolf in his orgasm.

Only after a minute he decided to stop. He sat there on his knees, still feeling the wolf humping his hand as he had told him to do. He slipped his cock out slowly; feeling a bit sensitive after the event was over. He saw a few drops of cum dripping out of the hole that his cock had been embedded in. He smiled in content and whispered something to the wolf. He moved down, laid on his back, and scooted forward, spreading the wolf's legs as he did so. He stared at the dripping member above him, the red a shocking contrast with the dark fur above. The knot was just beginning to form, making a small node near the base of the member. He looked at it with interest, and his eyes traveled up the length until he noticed the large amount of pre gathered near the tip. A drop fell down and splattered on his cheek. He took a sharp inhale of breath and held it for a moment, stimulating his mind with what he could before he moved his face toward the large, pulsing member. He smelled the strong musky scent, even strong for him. He wondered how it would smell if he had the sense of smell that they did, how much stronger it was to them. He placed his tongue against it, licking it as he traveled up its length, tasting the sweet taste of the lubricant he used, mixed with the salty taste of the pre that had went into his palm as the wolf humped his hand. He continued upward, pressing his tongue against the sleek and soft cock until he reached the tip of it, tasting the warm, salty pre that had collected there. He placed a hand around the knot and drew his mouth over the head of the cock, beginning to rub and squeeze the base, sucking slowly on the tip.

For a moment, Kirren was lost in his own mind. He opened his eyes, renewing his sense of his position and stared at the ferret in front of him, drawing in his scent with each breath through his nose. He glanced forward and noticed that the human, Jason, was nowhere to be seen. He moved a little sideways and saw Jason lying on the ground, sucking on the other wolf's cock. He sniffed the air and smelled the faint scent of cum nearby, and he knew where it was. He went back to focusing on the ferret who had been riding his member for the past few moments. He felt small grips on it every now and then in time to the small moans he heard from the ferret. He moved his muzzle forward, drawing closer to the ferret's ears, nibbling them softly. It was then that he noticed, through shots of pleasure, small, wet popping noises from below. He could only assume that his knot was growing already, but Kael made no motion or action to stop them from going in and out. He seemed to be enjoying this all the more.

Only in a minute he could take it no longer. He clenched his teeth, held his breath, and shut his eyes. He could feel the fire building in his chest, amplified with each second, further heightened with each grip around his knot as it passed in and out of the ferret. He knew the ferret could feel it as well, since he tried even harder to push and pull the wolf's hips away from him, quicker and quicker until the eminent release finally arrived. Kirren breathed roughly through his nose, his breath quickening, his heart racing, his arms straining against the ropes that held them close to the wall.

He twitched his tail for a moment, feeling the blood immediately rush to his cock, feeling the pulsation with each beat until finally the warmth was too much and the fire spread throughout his whole body, engulfing him as a whole in the euphoric sensation as the cum shot through his cock and into his friend. He buried his muzzle into Kael's shoulder, his mind fogged in fervor, one of pleasure. He could feel the individual rushes through his cock, lasting for what seemed like forever, but when it ended, he wished it would have lasted longer.

Kael smiled softly, his mind focused on trying to loosen himself up while the knot had been popping in and out of him, but now that it was in him and no longer moving, he decided to focus on the wolf in front of him, although he had intoxicated his mind with the feeling of being tied with the wolf behind him. It was a thought he had ran through his mind quite a few times before and it was a position he had often fantasized about. Now that he was in that position, he did not know what to do. Every form and trace of the lobotomy that he had from before was immediately gone; the images of his memories flooded his mind, his fantasized took shape and he could will anything in his head. He moved his arms forward, putting them behind the other wolf's head and began to hump into the wolf's muzzle with a renewed vigor.

It was only a moment later did he notice the small whines and whimpers coming from the wolf below. He looked down and saw that his eyes were closed, screwed shut in some sort of odd concentration, as if his mind were in battle with itself. Kael glanced over at the human that had taken the wolf's cock in his mouth and sucked on it as if it were his life duty to do so. The knot, by all appearances, was fully formed, and Kael knew what was going to happen in only a matter of seconds.

A vibration came from the mouth of the wolf as a groan, intermingled with a moan and a stifled howl emitted, blocked mostly in part with the cock that had been in his mouth for quite a while. He had suspended his job sucking on the member for the moment, focusing on the rush of fluids coming from his own into the mouth of Jason, who was lying underneath. For only a moment, there did not seem to be any action whatsoever, but Kael knew that the wolf was doing his best not to clamp down on his cock, and the ferret was very grateful for that. In only a matter of seconds, even though each second seemed like a myriad of time, an anomaly to the regular flow of sense.

It was then that Jason had moved away, wiping his mouth with his arm, tasting the bitter-salty fluid, enjoying ever moment that it was in his mouth and down his throat. He put on his clothes slowly and said, "Finish the ferret up, Nick; you've been a good wolf." He patted the wolf softly on the back and retreated, watching with interest at the series of events that had unfolded, glad that he was part of them, no matter what it had taken to make them fall in order.

The wolf went on his knees, drawing himself closer to the ferret, moving a paw to cup the balls in the furred sac that hung a little below of the actual object of desire. He took the cock deep into his muzzle, moving it down his throat, savoring every moment that it was in his mouth, moving his other paw to rub ferret's hips and legs. The slick flesh that moved across his tongue pulsed with every beat of the heart, hard and insistent, tauntingly dripping pre from its tip, allowing the pre to slide off and onto his tongue. He immediately tasted the sweet-salty, clear liquid on his tongue, making the cock even slicker than it already was. He murred in content at his own situation, wondering how he could have gotten there, but then as an image flooded his mind he quickly drew the thought aside. He went back to focusing on sucking the ferret's member.

Kirren growled softly in Kael's ear, licking at it periodically, soft enough to know that he was trying to passionate. He nibbled at it after a moment, enjoying the soft squeezes on his own cock while the ferret was getting closer and closer to his climax. He knew it would be soon, judging on the frequent squeezing and the teasing of his tail twitching, wrapped around the wolf's leg. He heard the ferret's breathing become rasp, almost as if he were gasping for air. In a sudden grip around his cock, he heard the ferret give a high pitched moan, almost mixed with a whine. He gripped hard on the member inside of him, and Kirren could hardly take the added pressure, feeling the blood rush through the ferret's body, feeling the fluids rush through the prostate that had settled next to his member. He drew closer and licked the ferret's face, caught up with the ferret in an empathetic moment.

The wolf in front of the ferret had cum dripping out of his mouth as the ferret had exploded in his mouth. He swallowed what he could, although trying to keep as much of it in his muzzle, keeping the taste and scent in his mouth as long as he could. He continued sucking on the length of the member, sucking in the cum as if it were a nectar, tasting the strong, sweet-salty-bitter taste, almost too much for him, making his mind convert toward an ardor.

And just as quickly as it came, it was over. The ferret breathed heavily, panting, trying to cool himself off from the experience. His mind was overwhelmed by the sensations, and he wanted so badly to happen again as soon as possible. He turned his head and licked Kirren on the muzzle where the cloth did not cover it. He leaned back into Kirren, closing his eyes, in wonderment of the predicament. The other wolf had moved away and waited, watching Jason.

Kirren's cock slipped out of the ferret, quickly subsiding. He sighed as much as he could, with his muzzle unable to open quite as well as it should have been able to. A knock on the door quickly averted his gaze, and Jason quickly said, "Stay right there." He went up to the door, unlocked it, and opened it slightly. There was a voice that Kirren could not pick up, and Jason walked outside, taking a quick glance inside the room.

Kirren looked at Kael and quickly whispered the best he could, "Get this cloth off my mouth." Kael blinked at him for a moment, trying to comprehend what he had said, but after a small few seconds, he took the cloth off of his mouth.

Kael said, "Okay, now what did you say?"

The wolf smiled, snorting, laughing to himself silently, and replied, "I said to get the cloth off of my mouth."

The ferret looked at the cloth in his paws, and then back at Kirren. He repeated the transition of his gaze a few times before shrugged. Kirren smiled and said, "Okay, quickly, untie me." He nodded over to the other wolf and said, "You too, okay? You untie me as well; I need all the help I can get."

With the help of the wolf and ferret, Kirren was freed in less than a minute. He walked over and grabbed a chair, barricading the door, making sure that it was locked as well as unable to open. He looked at the wolf, and could not help but keep his mind flowing with questions. His first was asked, almost blurted out, "Was what Jason said true?"

The wolf looked at him quizzically. "Which part, sir?"

Kirren sighed. "Drop the 'sir' stuff, okay? I mean... the stuff about Dave. Did he... really get a letter from Dave?"

The wolf shook his head. "No, he did not. However, Dave has been playing around with the other male wolf quite a bit since this morning. I'm sure you're still his pet, if that means anything."

Kirren nodded. "It does. But why would he say something like that...? I wonder...."

Nick gulped and said, "Also, someone once told me, there is truth in every lie. Maybe there's some truth in what he said. I do not know."

Kirren shook his head. "It does not matter. Okay, Nick, was it? Go over in the corner and face it. Cover your ears and try to draw everything else from your mind. Stare right at the wall, focus on it, do whatever you can to ignore everything around you. Do not take any orders; instead, ignore them until someone other than Jason tells you an order, okay? This is a direct order from me. And Kael, stand in the middle of the room. Do not answer anything from Jason when he gets in."

Kael nodded and the other wolf headed into the corner. Kirren walked over behind where the door could go and removed the chair. He unlocked the door and waited. He could hear voices beyond the door. One was Jason's while the other seemed familiar. He thought it was Jennifer's since it seemed feminine. He could make out a few words:

"Where... Kirren? I've... everywhere."

"I don't.... Maybe working some...?"

"Dave wants... but he's... it'll.... If we... we might need... stop... kill himself...."

"I'm sure... Dave wouldn't... even though he did try... away."

Kirren tried to figure out what they were speaking about. He heard the other person walk away, and Jason walked back in, opening the door. He immediately noticed that Kirren was not bound up and stared at the ferret. He asked, almost beginning to become panicked, "Where is he?"

There was no response from Kael. He turned around, and was immediately knocked down. Before he knew what was happening, he was being dragged over to the wall, a gag immediately put on his mouth, and he was tied up in the same ropes that the wolf had been in not too long ago. He stared wide-eyed at the wolf, wondering what was going on. The gag was loosely tied, however, and it fell.

"What're you doing...?"

Kirren furrowed his brows. "Just as you did to me, you'll be tied up. Come on, Kael, we're leaving."

Jason shook his head. "No! You don't know what's going on! There's been a mistake!"

Kirren shrugged. "You're right. Your mistake was you kept me here against my will. Now it's time to leave." Kirren walked over to the door, opened it, and left, followed closely by Kael.

When he stepped outside, there was the smell of blood in the air. A cloud was obscuring the sun, giving an odd, twilight feel to the place. He saw a few bodies on the ground, all furries, bullet wounds visible from different angles. They all stared in different directions, eyes glazed over, dead as dead could be. Kirren looked around, shocked, dismayed, and in a state of distain, his mind in a stupor. He could not move, paralyzed by what he saw. In the distance, gunshots were heard, and there were figures walking around, falling about, blood spraying from different areas of their bodies. Kirren looked around once again and shuddered involuntarily. He quickly grabbed the ferret by the wrist and ran behind the building, hiding, standing against the wall. He rested, his heart racing, his mind in a state of puzzlement and confusion. He sat there, and in that time, his whole world had just gone and collapsed.

To be continued...


Finally with the state of elation

And when one has gained it all

It will just make a foundation

For the eventual fall


"Truth in ties is at a cost

Where all the ties will sever....


Kirren's New Life: Chapter 3: Masters Pet

---Warning! Read this part first: ---Author's Note: Sorry for the delay, but I've been a bit unable to post anything up for quite a while. I've divided up the first part into three sections, in which each could be read by itself. They all take place...

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Kirren's New Life: Chapter 2: New Life

---Warning! Read this first: ---Sorry about the delay. Here is the second chapter, and I'm sorry there is no yiff. I'll be sure to put it in chapter three. ---WARNING: If you are under the age of 18, you should not read this material! (Though I...

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Kirren's New Life - Chapter One: Reality Shift

This is going to be the first series I'm going to write. Not sure if I'll ever make a sequel, but it's an idea. This will go to chapter five and end. The two lines to a poem at the very end in quotation marks are part of a longer poem, which will end...

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