Spying on A Macro

Story by chapdav on SoFurry

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Jonathan, a 25 year old human, was watching the creature as it prepared its lunch. The creature in question was an enormous white male rabbit. He could tell the gender from the lack of clothing the creature was sporting, leaving the gigantic sheath in plain view for anyone to see.

Jonathan stared in rapt amazement at the embodiment of masculine beauty. Presently the creature was fixing a sandwich. From what he could see it was a BLT minus the bacon. The rabbit piled the bread high with lettuce and tomato. After stopping for a moment he began to look around at the surrounding trees, including the one in which Jonathan was hiding.

Jonathan's heart skipped a beat, "Did he see me?" He said still watching the cretin turn his gaze from left to right scanning the trees before grabbing a handful, uprooting them and placing them on top of the lettuce and tomato. He reached in Jonathan's direction and pulled up a handful, the one Jonathan was in included.

He held onto the tree for dear life as it was stacked with many others inside the rabbits meal. He could hear as other trees were pulled out by the roots and added to the sandwich. Then silence as the monster added his other components and put the second piece of bread on the whole mess.

Jonathan began to struggle when it sank in just what was happening. He began to contemplate escape but knew it wouldn't be of any use, with the amount of obstacles in his way he stood no chance of getting away from the massive rabbit.

As he lay thinking over his situation, Jonathan heard a massive sound of crunching and tearing. The rabbit had taken his first bite. The sound was horrific, sounding as though every tree had cracked at once. "And that," Jonathan mused, "is probably exactly what had happened.

Where Jonathan was he was going to be in one of the final bites the rabbit took. He was not comforted by that fact, it was only delaying the inevitable. As the moments wore on and the sounds of crunching and crashing drew ever closer, Jonathan sank deeper and deeper into a sort of depression and stark hopelessness.

He knew he would never survive; he could not escape as escape was an insurmountable idea at this point. His only hope was that the rabbit would notice him and save him. But at the rate he was eating the rabbit would notice nothing until his ravenous appetite was sated.

While Jonathan pondered his situation the loudest crouching could be heard and light could be seen through the tree branches in front of him. This new view gave him a front row seat to the spectacle unfolding in front of him.

With the mouthful of sandwich, the rabbit could not fit it all into his massive maw and pieces of trees could be seen protruding from between the blunt teeth. Jonathan stared in morbid fascination as the rabbit chewed up the mouthful and began to swallow. A large lump could be seen moving down the throat in conjunction with a loud GULP!!!

When the massive maw opened again nothing could be seen of the previous occupants of its depths but a few stray pieces trapped between the gigantic teeth, which he was fast approaching. There was time for a short squeak of protest before the rest of the sandwich was forced into the rabbit's mouth.

The interior of the cavern was much as Jonathan suspected; dark, wet and completely inescapable. The last he knew because of the pop that could be heard as the rabbit removed his fingers. For a moment there was silence, then the amplified sounds he had heard before surrounded him. He began to move to try and avoid the grinding motion of the teeth. Knowing the only way he had for survival, he began throwing himself toward the throat in the hopes of at least prolonging his fate for a few more minutes.

It was slow going at first, the sheer size few the creature in which he was residing making the trip far longer than he would have liked. It seemed the rabbit had the same thing in mind, as Jonathan drew close the tongue flipped up and began to move the entire mess to toward the throat.

As the mess hit him, he went limp, he and it then began to slide down the throat toward an uncertain future. The trip was quick, begin driven by the mouthful of food and the continuous swallowing of the rabbit.

As the second sphincter opens and deposited him into the stomach, he noticed that the rabbit's digestive system was already in full swing. He realized this as he landed in a pool of digestive juices. He scrambled out of the way as the rest of the meal landed where he had just been.

The juices began to gurgle around the mess making short work of it. Jonathan watched in morbid fascination as it sank lower and lower into the boiling soup. It was only then that Jonathan realized that he wasn't dissolving. He was baffled as to why he was staying intact while the rest of the mess dissolved into nothingness.

As the soup began to drain into the hole in the stomach Jonathan dove and slipped in. The smell was horrible but he knew it was the only way to survive the trip. The trek though the rabbit was hard on him, being squeezed and smashed through the intestines.

He couldn't imagine the amount of luck he had experienced, that he had survived until now. He was about to scream for joy as he was shot out of the intestines into a pool of fowl smelling liquid. It was warm and churned as the creature moved.

Jonathan was unsure of where he was now but he knew he had to be getting close to to the end of his travels. It did not dawn on him until the liquid began to drain into a long tunnel. He was in the rabbits bladder and heading for that massive sheath and its passenger which he had been eyeing earlier. As he sped through the tunnel, he began to think of how to survive the impossible fall to the ground.

As he shot from the end he smacked into the tree where the rabbit had been leaving his mark. Jonathan grabbed at it and slowly slid down, covered in the rabbits urine, vowing to never spy on a macro again.

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