Ouija order Lover - Chapter 1: Jaxel

Story by Wpython on SoFurry

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#1 of Ouija Order Lover

I'll leave this here to collect feedback for a couple of days while I write the next episode, comments and critique are both welcome and highly encouraged! I appreciate feedback, because helps me to write better stories, Thanks for reading

Ouija-Order Lover

Chapter 1: Jaxel

By Whitepython

'I am tired of being used and dumped! It's just not fair...' Jaxel repeated in his mind over and over again as he was busy, and naked in his basement.

Jaxel was an average looking shark; even though he portrayed a slim look, he was 24 years of age and 1.78 meters tall, he had dark gray skin all over his body, except for his white chin, his pectorals, his belly and the underside of his tail which ended in a caudal fin, his back had a dorsal fin, his five fingered hands and the four toes on each of his plantigrade feet had some small webbing in between them, something natural in a sea creature such as himself.

The underground structure where the shark was busy consisted of a small room with four concrete walls and a ceiling composed of several wooden planks to support the weight of his house, in one of the walls, there was a small window at the top which allowed the moon light to crawl inside, but not by much, around the walls there were several cables and metal pipes attached to all kind of devices that facilitated all the modern commodities and luxuries of the 21st century to the rest of the building.

Jaxel was also blessed with a successful career, and he also enjoyed a great health, but this wasn't enough, Jaxel lacked a deep, meaningful romantic connection with others.

Jaxel tried dating boys over and over again, however it was always the same result: broken relationships and broken hearts, but no more, this time is going to be different, for his mistake, according to the shark, was to look for love just in this realm.

When he told his friends and neighbors about this mystical item left by his last lover, a Ouija board, they labeled him as crazy right away: some of them told him that such thing was a dangerous item and had to be destroyed at once, the majority mocked him for being so naïve.

Jaxel thought of himself as smart and capable, after several sessions with the board, he understood that a demon was the solution he needed in order to fill that emptiness in his heart.


That was the name spelled to him through the eye of the planchette when he first contacted this demon -Odranelarus has promised him love- the kind of love his heart yearned for, along with that, the demon promised passionate and wild sex, the wildest sex that the shark could have ever dreamt of, on top of that as a huge bonus; the demon also pledged revenge in his name towards his ex-lovers, for they have hurt Jaxel so much, all five of them must pay, it was the perfect solution.

All of this came in exchange of a small favor, to perform a ritual to help the demon ascend into this world, and Jaxel focused right away in a complex mission to find specialized items.

It all started with a book that the demon Odranelarus requested for the shark to obtain, which explained the ritual in detail to perform, along with the required items which were now ready for the rite of ascension: from innocent things as color candles and onyx goblets, all the way to robbing graves to provide for specific bones along with potions he had to prepare himself, following instructions that he would never confess to anybody.

His bare gray and white colored body was painted with green symbols, demonic runes that were a vital part of this invocation ceremony; his exposed and adorned body was busy placing trinkets in a scrupulous manner over an old wooden table in the middle of the basement, which was being setup in the form of an altar:

The organization over the makeshift tabernacle consisted of a seven point star drawn inside a circle, painted with green color delineated over the wooden surface, it was the same oil that adorned Jaxel's skin, each point of the star had a candle of different color, which were the only source of light available in the basement, aside from the dim light coming from the small window.

In the center of the star there was an empty wooden bowl, and outside the star, there were four goblets containing some liquids, the goblets were placed left, right, up and down, aligned with the four cardinal points.

To the left edge of the altar there was a skull who once belonged to a canine, and on the right edge of the altar there was a pair of femurs along with other type of bones.

Jaxel could savor the moment as he visualized it in his mind, the moment where he would be reunited with Odranelarus, he was joyous that he won't be needing the Ouija board anymore, the distance between him and his demon would be eliminated forever.

The shark only had one opportunity to perform this ritual, the moon and the time of the year were perfect, and they won't be this perfect again for a long time, failure would shatter Jaxel's soul in sorrow.

Jaxel stood right before the unholy table and started to utter the words in the book, he held the open book with one hand by the spine, careful to pronounce the words he practiced so much in rehearsals, then, he picked up one of the goblets to drop the contents inside the wooden container in the altar, placing the empty goblet where it was, before repeating the process, pronouncing another string of words and picking up another goblet with the next liquid that was poured into the bowl in the center of the altar, allowing the liquids to mix, the further he progressed, the hotter the room felt, the presence of something started to fill the room.

The ritual proceeded through several moments -Jaxel was so close now to fulfill his goal- he held the last goblet, some strange energy invaded the sea creature as the last goblet was poured down and the shark finished with the last invocation, the last round of phrase left his lips, he placed the empty goblet down and closed the book, after that, he squeezed the book with both hands and he waited for a moment.

But nothing happened...

His first reaction was to become worried, what if he had done something wrong and he ruined the whole ritual? What if his worst fear has come true?

Time kept on going, and nothing was happening, the shark dropped his shoulders as he kept his eyes on the altar, his hands and feet became cold as he gripped the book harder, his throat closed and his belly tightened, what if all the time and effort he invested in arranging the preparations for this ritual had been in vain?

His worries escalated to a whole new level when the candles expired, even if they weren't consumed, leaving the shark lost in the darkness of the under structure.

He stood there for a moment more, still in denial, even if nothing happened, Jaxel couldn't believe that there was no result, he was about to cry in frustration when he felt something touching his spine in the shadows that surrounded him.

Jaxel dropped the book in shock, a loud thud filled the silent basement as the book landed in between the shark's gray plantigrade feet, but also a yelp that escaped his lips, the sensation was unnerving.

After that, silence reigned again, but just for a second or two, as some strange sounds coming from the makeshift tabernacle filled the dark room, unnatural sounds of the wooden surface being scratched and shaken around, the sound was like if the table was caught in a violent earthquake, even if he couldn't see a thing, his gut instincts told him that he was not alone anymore.

In an instant, all the candles reignited by themselves, light returning to the basement to display the outcome of the demonic invocation, Jaxel jumped backwards in shock, for his intuition was correct, he was not alone anymore

The shark invoked Odranelarus with astounding success, sitting on the altar was quite a seductive demon, which made Jaxel's heart skip a beat, but not by the sudden surprise, but by the gorgeous lover he ordered himself from hell, all the items that were previously on the altar, now were floating, hovering around the demon like a small sun who held the items in its gravitational field.

Odranelarus was a 2 meter tall demon dog at first glance, with thick black fur along the top of his head, behind his neck and along his back which looked like hair, while the rest of his fur displayed a soft gray shade.

He also displayed pointy ears, they were a bit too long to be wolf ears, and also he had a rough and broad muzzle, almost like a reptilian gargoyle, to Jaxel, he looked like a half gargoyle, half hellhound hybrid.

Odranelarus had green eyes, which glowed with demonic energy as he looked at Jaxel, their natural green light illuminating his surroundings just a little, as they fixed on the shark, they portrayed a predatory tint, but Jaxel could sense that the demon had a lustful intention set on him.

Around the demon's neck, there was a dark chain which looked like a collar, it also looked like it was made of dark, demonic energy.

Underneath his collar, was a strong and broad ribcage, adorned with strong pectorals that exposed dark nipples, and under them, six abdominals arrayed themselves with pride, like the masterpiece of a great sculptor.

That masculine chest was also accompanied by strong arms, which ended in five fingered hands with red crimson claw tips, and some dark chains around his wrists which acted like wrist bands with the same appearance the chain around his neck had.

Around his waist he had more of that dark chain, which held some sort of loincloth in place, doing a poor job on hiding his large bulge and toned buttocks, under this cloth stretched a large pair of legs with strong calves, which ended in broad plantigrade canine feet with four plump toes and crimson red toe claws along with thick ankles, ankles decorated with more of that chain, from his waist a long tail also spawned, which wasn't very fluffy, it was too long for a canine, it looked almost like a tendril doing a poor job disguising itself as a tail.

It was hard to tell how old a demon was by looks, but for Jaxel, this Hound gargoyle looked as if he were in his early 30s.

Those two green circles fixed themselves on the slim, exposed shark, Jaxel was lost in his thoughts.

Maybe he wasn't really expecting the ritual to work with such ease, or maybe he had a bit of a doubt that this could actually happen, or maybe, is he dreaming? Is this real? Jaxel was lost in admiring the demon while his mind searched for a rational explanation, until the figure rose to his thick and strong feet, and started to walk towards the mortal, the floating items returned gently to the table to their original position as the demonic Hound approached his invoker.

"Jaxel, Jaxel, my Jaxel... you have done very well... you have kept your part of the deal, now it's time to fulfill mine... "

A strong voice could be heard, the voice was thick, even though, it had a soft seductive vibe, Jaxel had replaced his frustration with an overwhelming sensation of happiness, a wide grin was drawn on his muzzle as his deep black eyes were focused on the hunk in loincloth; the shark felt his body invaded with that warm and tingling sensation of satisfaction one gets after achieving something important, after all, he has achieved a great success.

His efforts were about to be rewarded, the only just lit basement revealed before him the gargoyle hell dog standing almost naked, less than a meter away from him, the shark had such a strong and good looking figure before him, but most important, all for himself.

The sea creature couldn't help himself, his most basic instincts pushed him forth, Jaxel wrapped his arms around the demon and pressed his smooth, vulnerable self against the strong demonic furred body.

The shark's chest and legs could feel the warm demonic body, his fur felt so soft, and a strong muscled body underneath, his body in contact with that warm sensation, in a moment, the arms of the demon wrapped around Jaxel with care.

The shark could feel those strong pectorals against his face, the demon had a soft, nice, and masculine musk coming from him, which reminded the shark of all the times he had been in the embrace of other males before, the sensations and the scent made him feel caressed by a powerful man.

Jaxel couldn't help it, his maleness reacted to the seductive presence of the demon, his meat getting in contact with the demon's loincloth.

"You are going to love me forever, won't you?" the shark asked, longing to be seduced further by the gargoyle hellhound, trying to take the attention off of his erection


"You are going to make me feel like nobody ever has," Jaxel said, almost in a desperate tone

The demon lifted his hands to stroke behind Jaxel's head, caressing the shorter creature, feeling up his smooth skin with his thick padded palms

"We are going to be together forever Jaxel -forever-"

"Yes... forever... unlike any of my other lovers, unlike any other mortal can."

As the demon's hands stroked his head and back fin, Jaxel could feel something strange stroking his bare belly, along with the tip of his shark penis, which made him shudder in pleasure, it felt like some sort of slimy tail caressing his sensitive areas, the shark looked down after breaking the embrace, just enough to notice something that shocked him: Some sort of pink tentacle slid from under the demon's loin clothed crotch, but it had a glans at the tip, it was, like a tentacle, and, like a penis.

"It is a demonic cock Jaxel... this is the thing that is going to make you feel like no mortal is ever going to make you feel, this is the thing you desire so very much... and you are going to suck it, all of it... and then, it is going right under your little tail."

Jaxel felt himself drawn to the demon, he wanted to submit right there and now, but, he also wanted to have some sort of control, he can't just submit to a demonic entity just summoned a couple of moments ago...

Or could he?

"It has waited for you Jaxel, for so long -just for you-"

The lust demon spoke, with a commanding tone, the shark didn't know what to say about it, after looking at it for a moment, he realized what the demon said was true, that tentacle cock looked so good, Jaxel felt ready for it.

"If you want to be my lover, I am going to have to train you, you will learn how to please a lust demon such as me."

The gargoyle-Hound placed his right hand under the shark's chin and raised his muzzle to look at him, those green glowing eyes aligning into Jaxel's mind.

"You are going to be so perfect for me Jaxel, because I am perfect for you..."

Jaxel once again struggled, should he really go along with the demon? He read in the book that if the invocator doesn't get the demon under control, the demon could take control and that could end in a great disaster, the book repeated the warning several times, warning the invoker that keeping the demon under control was more important than even executing the ritual successfully.

But that soothing warm aura felt so good around him, the strong dominant presence was overwhelming, this raw masculine energy dominated him, the warmth invited him to submit, those words repeated in the shark's mind, the demon was perfect for him...

But the instructions in the book were clear, keep the demon contained and under your control -or else-

The shark tried to say something, but without an opportunity to react, his muzzle was filled with the demon's tongue, in a blink of an eye, the demon locked his muzzle against the sea creature's muzzle, Jaxel tried to resist, putting his hands over the gargoyle Hound's strong chest, but the demon's warm body, his strong presence, his commanding personality, and those eyes, yes, those deep green eyes were everything he needed now, he was lost in the sensations caused by the dominant demon that he didn't noticed that the tongue was also a tentacle, filling his maw and exploring it, running wild, filling his maw and playing against his own tongue.

This felt so good to the shark, his heart began to beat faster, his cock leaked pre seed, the shark's hands pressed the unholy creature closer against him, Jaxel embraced Odranelarus.

He couldn't believe how close he felt to the demon, it was better than what he expected, none of his former lovers ever made him feel like this, his strong body against his slim one, his powerful, commanding presence, his dominant personality, that smooth warmth that was taking over his Slim and smaller body, all that dominance was creeping into his mind, and those green eyes made sure Jaxel's mind was open and suggestive, Jaxel wanted this demon, Odranelarus had to become his lover.

"I... I want to be together with you... -I need you-"

Jaxel said to the Hellhound-Gargoyle hybrid once the mind numbing kiss was over, the invoked entity pulled his muzzle back, the demon's long tongue licking his own chops before returning inside the demon's maw, a wide grin was plastered on the gargoyle-hellhound's muzzle, eyes focused on Jaxel, his demonic hands moving to rest on Jaxel's shoulders before speaking.

"My slave; submit to me Jaxel, for it is the only way we can love each other for eternity, surrender yourself to me my love, in mind, in soul and in body, "

"Y..your slave?"

The charm of the moment expired as soon as it was created, Jaxel wasn't very sure now, but, that dominant presence, was commanding him to become a slave, how could he resist? Jaxel's mind, which was completely overtaken by lust, told him to go forth

"I will keep you with me forever... my part of the deal will be fulfilled, but the only way for us to be -you must become my slave; you are my slave now- Jaxel, you are slave to master Ouran."

The shark tried to think of a reason to decline, but the demon held the sharks triangular like muzzle in his right hand and dug his glowing green eyes into the shark's dark ones, in a matter of seconds, he couldn't think of a reason to decline his enslavement.

Any attempt to resist was useless, Odranelarus held him in his enslaving power, the sea creature lost into those green eyes, green that filled his mind.

"My slave, forever belonging to me, you will be turned into my slave right here in this altar, you are already prepared to become mine Jaxel, my slave... that's what you want to be, that's what you are, what's what you have always been, that's what those runes in your body indicates, you have been a slave to master Odran since the very first moment we spoke through the Ouija board, you have always done my will, now it's time to surrender yourself to me."

The shark was losing all resistance by now, his mind overpowered, the phrase 'Master Odran' had a nice chime, it sounded right, so very right, he wanted a lover, and one for eternity, and being enslaved sounds so good, sounds like the sure fire way to get a lover.

"There is no reason why you wouldn't accept me as a lover, and as your master, I am everything you want, you can't think of any reason, you can't think of anything, you can't think at all slave, the only you can think about is my demonic dick... that's all."

As soon as the demon's hands released his chin, Jaxel looked down at the demonic dick, those hands returned to the shark's shoulders and pushed him down on his knees with almost no resistance, Jaxel parted his lips, Odran wasted no time, he slid his demonic tentacle inside the maw of his about-to-be-enslaved lover.

Jaxel couldn't believe how great this demonic dick was, the tentacle was smooth, even smoother that the demon's tongue, it had a somewhat salty flavor, and it felt so warm against his maw, it played in his maw as it wrestled against his tongue, it attempted to fill Jaxel's maw.

The demon gargoyle-dog hybrid stroked the sharks head, encouraging him to take more of that meat, which he did without thinking, after a moment, a liquid was filling his maw, it was thick, but had more of that rewarding salty flavor, it was an impossible task for Jaxel to resist, he sucked around it and drank that liquid, the sea creature loving every second of that meat playing in his maw.

Odranelarus humped against the shark's face, the loincloth still in place, the item was pushed aside just enough to reveal the erected tentacle dick, but Jaxel was completely lost in the thrusting motions of the demonic hips against his face to care about that.

Several moments went by, the two lovers linked together by the oral affection, but Jaxel's play was interrupted after a couple of moments, when the unholy Hound pulled out, a loud slurp coming from the shark's maw as the tentacle cock was removed, leaving a thin line of pre semen hanging from the shark's lips.

"It's time my love, come lay down on the altar and become my lover for eternity."

Jaxel licked his lips clean as he could see himself servicing this demon every day for the rest of his days, he could see himself as a slave to this wonderful hellhound gargoyle without regrets, even if his mind warned him that something was off, the rest of his body, specially his now oozing member urged him to follow, his slim feet moved along the basement, and with his cock erected and throbbing as the demon had absolute control over him now, Jaxel was nothing now but a mindless follower that made his way towards his enslavement.

Once Jaxel was next to the makeshift altar, the gargoyle hound pushed everything away with his telekinetic powers, only a quick glance was enough to make the four goblets roll on the floor after being propelled into all directions, along with the almost consumed candles whose fire extinguished in the telekinetic thrust, submitting the place into an almost absolute darkness.

The shark was lowered over the altar in the almost pitch obscurity, his back resting on the table, the weight made the wooden furniture creak before staying silent, The Gargoyle Hound got near the sharks feet and started to stroke them, thick padded palms feeling up those smooth feet, preparing his newest acquisition

"Ready to become my slave? My lover? My property? Ready to be with me forever?"

The shark responded with a quick nod, his penis leaked pre against his belly, the gargoyle canine wasted no time, the sound of chains falling down on the floor filled the dark room, for a moment, the sea creature wondered what caused it, but when he felt a warm sheath pressing under his tail as Odranelarus wrapped the sharks legs around his waist, Jaxel knew what happened, that loincloth was discarded, allowing the tentacle-dick to align itself with the sharks tail hole, the demon placed his hands on the sharks hips and wasted no time to go inside.

Jaxel released a soft sound of pleasure from the back of his throat as he felt his hole invaded by the first thrust, but his rear managed to take that slippery tentacle just fine, Jaxel felt his insides being filled by Odran's maleness, and the demon began to thrust in and out, working with care to build the pleasure for his lover, the deeper the tentacle went, the thicker it felt inside Jaxel's body.

The sea creature curled his toes and fingers, the demon kept on getting his thickening penis inside him, and the wooden table creaked even louder as the demon increased the strength of his thrusts, Master Odran was without a shadow of doubt a skilled artist in the art of pleasure, he was better than anything Jaxel has ever felt before, the demon had him hanging from the thread of pleasure as he dominated every fiber of his being.

"Do you accept me as your master, as the owner of your body, your mind and your soul?"

The demon asked, but sounded more like a direct command, a command that the shark accepted with a submissive nod, followed by a loud scream of pleasure, which mixed with the increasing squealing sounds of the wooden piece of furniture which supported the increasing intensity of the demon's thrusts, Jaxel discovered that the tentacle dick was endowed with a fat knot at the already thick base, -which slipped perfectly into Jaxel's body- pressing his prostate.

"Just cum my slave, and as soon as you cum, your mind, your soul and your body will be mine for eternity, seal your fate with your own orgasm..."

Jaxel felt a last thread of resistance to emerge from the back of his mind, eternity was a long period of time to be enslaved, but how could he resist such a dominant lover? He silenced that last voice of internal resistance when he accepted that Master Odran was his lover, a lover brought from the greatest corner of hell where the most skilled demons in the art of love who could enslave mortals to pleasure for eternity were spawned.

The hybrid demon got a nice grip around the shark's meat and gave it a firm stroke, helping the sea creature to reach the threshold of pleasure, to reach that enslaving orgasm, after a nice push against his prostate along with a smooth round of strokes, the shark released a sharp hiss, his whole body tensed as the strongest orgasm he has ever felt in his life sparked to life, it started from the base of his spine and rushed all the way up to his head, numbing him as he was lost in the sea of pleasure, the demon dragged him into a state of wonderful bliss.

The shark made a huge mess all over his chest and belly, along with the hand that stroked his meat at the same time, that invading knot flared up inside him, tying both master and slave together, his insides were filled with line after line of that warm, unholy seed, the thick liquid filing him up his belly with a warmth sensation, giving him that sensation of completeness...

Complete obedience and submission to the demon.

The energy of pleasure released by the mortal served as a fuel for the demon, empowering him with a fresh source of lustful energy, Odranelarus' eyes glowed in a deeper green color for a moment as he absorbed the orgasmic energy released by his now slave and lover while he licked his hand clean from the semen of his shark slave.

This was the first of many times that the demon was to collect strong sexual energies from mortals to increase his own powers, mortals needed to be guided and dominated to never ending pleasure, and lust demon such as him needed to guide and dominate mortals to mind shattering orgasms.

As Jaxel was trying to regain his stamina after the pounding, the demon wasted no time, and from thin air he produced a collar, which looked like a chain, the same kind of chain the demon used as accessory, with his tentacle cock still knotted under the shark's tail, master Odran set the collar around Jaxel's neck.

Jaxel could feel the warm collar set just right around his neck, and the warm sensation he felt near the demon was also within the collar, and within him too, in his mind, the warmth was stronger around his groin, keeping him horny and needy for the canine gargoyle.

Minutes went by, the demon held the shark close, enjoying his newest acquisition, and celebrating his escape from hell with the ritualistic enslavement of his invoker, as the minutes went by, the knot softened enough for Odranelarus to pull out, some of the dark seed leaked out of Jaxel's hole, the demonic hound gargoyle picked up the shark in his arms and carried him upstairs.

Jaxel knew that his Ouija order demon lover was taking him away for more sessions of lustful love, and to fulfill the promise made to him, now the next part was to bring all of his former lovers down to their knees.

Ouija order Lover - Chapter 2: Ignardo

**Ouija-Order Demon** **Chapter 2: Ignardo** **By Whitepython** Ignardo the Doberman pinscher waved goodbye to his fellow employees, rushing to the back door of the bar he worked at, he pulled out his cellphone from the front pocket of his gym bag,...

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