The Tentacles of Altec Cave

Story by Dragon_White on SoFurry

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-For you, Harpsichord! Hope you like. ;D-

A human male stared intently at a cork board, reading the different advertisements and requests for bounty hunters. That's what he was, actually. Jake and his team of Digimon, cleverly reduced into data and stored in his Digivice, had been hunting rogue Digimon and trainers for years on end, and they were very good at it. They hadn't failed once, and that's why they were prestigious and strong. Jake had eight Digimon, each stronger than the one before it. He had only once gone up to the fifth Digimon, most criminals either dying or surrendering at the third or fourth. He scanned the bulletin, finding one that seemed somewhat worthy of his talents. "Mystery Creature in Altec Cave! Please kill for me! Ten thousand dollar reward! Beware! It's extremely strong!" Jake muttered to himself, snorting and ripping the advertisement off the bulletin board. Hard? No problem. He tossed his Digivice up in the air, catching as it came back down. "Well, let's go, guys. Can't be that hard, and ten thousand dollars will buy some pretty nice food." He said, laughing. Altec Cave was rather close to Lansing, the town they were staying at. Jake peered in a mirror before continuing to walk, fixing his black hair and adjusting his thin glasses. His hair flopped down over his ears and eyes, a small, pointed nose and thin mouth making him look rather threatening. He was a tan person, wearing cargo jeans and a tight muscle shirt. Combat boots finished of f the image, not really making him seem like a friendly person. In reality, he wasn't. He treated his Digimon cruelly and trained them harshly, saying it was for their own good. The Digimon doubted. Jake stopped by the general store in the town, purchasing some goods and Data Bits that may heal or help out his Digimon. Soon after, he set off walking on the dirt road towards Frontier Cave. He hummed to himself happily as he walked, thinking of all the things he could do with the money. Perhaps he could find a Trainer girl who might be willing to do some things for money. He was sure there were some. He smiled darkly, continuing to walk. He absentmindedly thought of what Frontier Cave would look like this time of year. Normally, the cave was layered with thick ice, the result of its position next to the perpetually wind-smashed Cancer Valley. Around summer, however, the cave usually thawed and revealed the floor to be nothing but water. The dark pool circled the center, making a sort of island in the middle of the cave. The depth was unknown, and some old folks speculated that it went all the way to the center of the world. From the black water, it looked like it. He shrugged to himself, dismissing the fantasies of the old coots. He reached his location soon enough, cracking his knuckles and walking into the narrow opening. He continued trekking through the long hallway that lead into the main section of the cave. It there broke into many separate hallways and tunnels leading around. When he entered the small room, he was surprised at what he found. A bright red thing extended from one corner of the lagoon-like area. It was thin and cylindrical, and ended in a blunt, fleshy tip. He raised an eyebrow, wondering what the hell it was. He didn't know, but he did know he had to kill it. He rose his Digivice, pressing a button. A stream of data slid out, forming the shape of Bullmon, a simple brown bull with armor on. His first Digimon, Bullmon was certainly not very strong. It normally took down everything, though, and he pointed at the red thing. "Kill it." He ordered, and Bullmon grunted, bolting forwards and crossing the rock bridge to the island in the middle. It lashed out with its tail, the cracking sound of a whip echoing through the cave. The thing snapped in half, the top falling into the water and small spurts of blood coming from the severed stump. It slid back underneath the water, and Jake scoffed. "That was the worst fight ever. I mean, really. How pateti-" He was cut off with a shriek by Bullmon. Another red thing had risen from the water, and had just finished through with a swing at Bullmon. It had connected hard, sending the animal sprawling. "Kill it!" He ordered, and the tentacle twitched, a wickedly curved blade coming out of the end. It began to rotate slowly, then quickly. It lashed at Bullmon, severing it's head. Jake's eyes widened, the Digimon falling to the floor. It hooked the blade into the spine of the creature, launching it and slamming it into the wall. The body broke into Data, getting absorbed into the thing. Jake growled in anger, letting out his second Digimon. Now that he knew what happened, he could win. "Lekismon! Go take that thing DOWN!" He roared, the bunny-like Digimon, patterned in lavender and white leaping forwards. It quickly dodged a fatal thrust from the tentacle. It launched a vicious kick at its stem, the kick making the thing twitch but not break it. The blade lashed at Lekismon, the bunny lightly parrying the blade. It slashed across his arms and he yelped. Nevertheless, the grabbed the head of the tentacle, right below the blade. He jumped back, the stem getting stretched and rubbed against the rock island. He continued pulling, until the head ripped off the tentacle. Nevertheless, the head still propelled itself forwards, jumping out of Lekismon's paws and burying itself in its stomach. It ripped the bunny open, coming out its mouth and promptly falling to the floor, now not having enough energy to move. It died there, Lekismon also falling and the Data, instead of returning to the Trainer, went to the tentacle. The severed one regrew it's blade. Deciding enough was enough, he deployed Flamedramon. The blue dragon, clad in fiery patterns, leapt forwards, slashing the tentacle in half with its claws. Before another head could grow back, it seared the end with a savage kick. It slid back, all seemingly quiet at the time. Seemingly in retaliation, three more tentacles rose, growing blades. Jake would not lose. He let loose Greymon, an orange and black dinosaur-looking Digimon, and Garurumon, a wolf-like creature with spines. "Go aid him! Protect each other's back!" He ordered, the two Digimon rushing to Flamedramon's aid. Garurumon parried a strike, slashing a tentacle. It seemed that when they killed one, another took its place. Nothing worked-the endless tide kept coming. Greymon groaned, getting stabbed through with a tentacle and dragged into the water. The weakened defenses let Flamedramon get stabbed in the back, the data heading to the tentacles. Even more rose, a tide of fifteen or more tentacles waving about angrily. Maybe this was tougher than Jake planned. He growled in anger, releasing Growlmon and Weregarurumon. Growlmon's red scales glinted angrily as he ran forwards, slashing through four tentacles with a slash of his claws. His tail whacked another away, Weregarurumon dropkicking two tentacles and severing them. Garurumon fell, as well, to the endless tide of tentacles. The two Digimon, the dragon and the were-wolf life creature, stood back-to-back and fought. True to their owner, Growlmon fought to his end as a thicker tentacle rose, impaling him through his blocking arm and going through his throat. Weregarurumon whimpered, killing the larger tentacle with two swipes of his claws. Deciding enough was enough, Jake deployed his ace in the hole. Exveemon rushed forwards, impaling five tentacles on his nose horn and ripping them from their bases. His tail slamming another four into the wall and killing them. He swung around, slashing at the tentacles. The tide ended soon enough, the two blood-stained Digimon standing victorious. They turned around, heading back to Jake. Jake suddenly realized what happened.

"Turn around!" He yelled, the two Digimon turning around too late. A huge tentacle slit Weregarurumon in half, Another thicker one grabbing Exveemon by his leg and rising him in the air. The thicker tentacle began to spin like a drill, and Exveemon closed his eyes, waiting for the end. Jake had abandoned his Digimon, leaving the cave. But...nothing happened. The spinning drill stopped, Exveemon opening his eyes. He was still hanging upside down, but as he looked around, the blades retracted from the blades. Even the one holding his leg let him go, the dragon falling to the ground. His blue scales and wings were dingy with blood and dirt, and as he looked to the entrance, it sealed over with a thick web of tentacles. He wondered what was happening. A ghostly voice floated up from the water.

"Look at big and strong..."

Exveemon snarled in response, looking around for the source of the voice. Indeed, Exveemon was big and strong. Big in a certain place, that was for sure.

"We'll spare you....only because we'll get our way..."

Exveemon began to panic, looking towards the doorway.

"Jake! Where'd you go?" He asked in his deep voice. "You left me?" He asked angrily, looking around. "I can't believe you!" He said quietly, closing his eyes in anger. He quickly dodged a tentacle rocketing towards him, the thing wrapping around his leg nonetheless. It lifted him up yet again, this tentacle a different color. It was a fleshy pinkish blue color, bulging with muscle. More came up, grabbing his arms and legs. It held him in the air stiffly, and Exveemon stared in panic as a green tentacle rose above his stomach, sliding around and dripping slime on him. It slid down his waist, the end splitting and a fleshy appendage protruding out the end. It caressed his sheath and he involuntarily groaned. It felt like ten tongues licking him at the same time. He involuntarily became hard, a thick cock rising from his sheath. The tentacle began sucking on him slowly, Exveemon groaning and throwing his head back. The tentacles rose him in the air, Exveemon's legs pulled up to his chest a little bit. It continued sucking on him, another tentacle coming and beginning to do the same to his heavy, large testicles. He groaned louder, his cry echoing through the cave.

Another tentacle rose, snaking up Exveemon's chest and forcing itself into Exveemon's mouth, the thick thing doing down his throat really far. He choked and gagged, rising a paw to try and get it out. The tentacles forced him away, pulling his arms back. A tentacle slid around his face, leaving a trail of slime. He gagged on the tentacle again, the fleshy thing sliding out then back into his mouth. He choked, wanting it out. His eyes slowly closed, his tongue tasting the thing and liking it. He panted and continued to choke, the fleshy thing taking up almost all of his breathing space. Some more tentacles rose, thinner than the rest, and sucked and tweaked on his nipples, making him shudder in ecstasy. He groaned, firing a shot of precum. The tentacle swallowed it without caring, suddenly a thicker tentacle rising. It was ridged and lumpy, extreme curvature and lumps on the tentacle all ending with a flat, broad end. It pressed itself against Exveemon's ass, forcing itself into the tight hole. He groaned, choking on the tentacle he was sucking yet again. It pushed itself deep inside him, making him cry out around the thing in his mouth. Another rose, penetrating him along with the first. He cried out, wet sounds coming from his hole as they fucked him mercilessly. Despite it all, he felt himself cum in ecstasy. His paw rose to the tentacle in his mouth, holding it as he actively sucked on the thing, pain turning to pleasure as it fired milky, white cum all over his face. It pulled out of him, leaving him breathing for air. The two in his ass also came, filling him up and spurting out his ass. He groaned, the tentacles retreating and letting him to the ground. He panted, covered in the cum from the tentacles. His stomach ached from eating so much of it, and he felt pregnant. Some tentacles rose from the water, covering him like a blanket. They wrapped around him, pulling him to around the water. It held him to a wall, a yellow tentacle rising and spraying something in his face. He quickly fell asleep.

The only thing he remembered before he fell asleep was the feeling of love.