Trials of the Barbarian

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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In a world of high fantasy, a brave barbarian finds herself pitted against the most dark and seductive of foes. <3

This story was written for Nicoya! It contains sexual acts involving consenting adults, magical creatures, and all manner of fantasy! :3

Trials of the Barbarian

Cayes hefted her battleaxe over her right shoulder, kicked one last clump of dirt over her already doused and softly smoking campfire, and stomped over to the woodland trail beside which she had spent the night. The barbarian's sharp eyes peered keenly in each direction. A slight breeze whipped along the trail from the direction she'd come, and with it the scent of faint rose. The turtle shivered. All those vines, all those thorns. She looked down at her attire, leather skirt scratched and even torn through to her cream skinned legs at points, the guards upon her wrists similarly worn. It hadn't been an easy road to get here, and it sure as hell wasn't going to be any easier going onward. But she had to persist. She had to fight on. Her quest, and the price of defeat if she failed, depended on it.

Turning her head towards the unexplored road ahead, Cayes span upon her heels and began to walk. It wasn't a long way to the edge of the forest from here, the dazzling sunlight she could see in the distance indicating an end to the green glow cast by the tunnel-like canopy overhead, but beyond that who knew how many days or weeks of trekking lay ahead of her. How long she would have to spend dragging herself through boggy swamps, arid desert, or toxic, barren scrub-land laden with the bodies and remains of fallen adventurers just like herself.

It was thoughts such as those, planning and preparing herself for every conceivable possibility, that occupied the turtle as she began the day's hike. So much so she entirely failed to notice that she was being watched from the bushes either side of the trail. Watched by wide eyes with almost glowing whites and a lilac, purplish pink hue to their irises. Eyes that vanished each time she glanced absently towards them, and reappeared as soon as she looked away again. Eyes that seemed almost giddy at the sight of the powerful female figure strolling towards her destiny or doom. Eyes that bulged with delight as they regarded her sharp, dual bladed metal axe, the shortsword held to her belt with an emerald studded pommel, her hefty shield toned the same shades as her scaled midsection, and of course her flowing traveller's cape, within which was held a delectable and powerful figure.

The voyeuristic eyes watched, observing every movement and seeking to consume every little bit of detail they could about the barbarian approaching their land. Their master's kingdom. And through those eyes, the master himself watched too.

It took only an hour for Cayes to reach the forest edge, and as she stepped out into the land beyond, her eyes were now the ones to widen in surprise at what she saw. At first, she didn't believe it. Drawing a small phial from her pack and un-stoppering it, the barbarian held one of her gloved palms out and poured the clear liquid into its cupped surface. She held it out in the open air, and waited. She wasn't one to trust in magic, and would never seek to employ spells of her own. But these potions she had received from an earlier adventure had come in useful several times in detecting the presence of others' magic. And right now, given what she was supposedly seeing all around her, Cayes couldn't help but feel that she was being tricked. That all she was witnessing, all that she was now able to see, was one vast magical illusion.

But... no. At least, not according to the potion. The magical liquid remained clear and inert within her palm, unchanged in hue as it would have if it detected the presence of active magical energy being cast in the area. What she was seeing all around her was not fake. At least, not fake by any magical means. And thus as she stepped towards the edge of the trail, towards the dry stone wall with a grassy bank on its near side and a whole meadow of lush green grass on the other, Cayes had reason to wonder if maybe she had been misled somewhere earlier on the road. Pouring the content of her palm out onto the trail, watching it drip to the floor colourless and still without reaction to the slightest trace of magic, she sighed softly.

This was supposed to be the kingdom of The Binding Terror. The Dark Embrace. The King of Vines himself. It was supposed to be a place where base instinct ruled. Where lust and carnal greed consumed all that was good and pure, and no civilised creature who entered ever returned as anything more than a crazed, sex mad animal.

And yet, it looked to Cayes like the most idyllic, fertile farmland she had ever seen. In the distance a few cottages could be seen, plumes of pale smoke drifting up from their chimneys to an almost cloudless blue sky. White spots of sheep grazed in distant fields, while close by others glittered with golden corn or rustled with an ocean of rich, tall grass. Small stone walls like the one she was standing by now separated the fields, though many bore wooden gates that stood at least partly open, as if encouraging anyone who entered them to pass freely. And all of this peaceful, beautiful landscape was lit up by the most dazzling and warming morning sun.

The barbarian didn't want to trust this place. She didn't want to believe that it was as calm and friendly as it seemed. But, she could see no reason not to. And thus despite her lingering concerns, a fond smile crossed Cayes face as she flicked back her fiery ginger hair and turned her beak upward, letting the sun warm her features with a relaxed, grateful murmur.

Setting down her axe, her sword, even removing her shield from where it was strapped to her back, the turtle sat down on the edge of the low wall that separated the grassy trail-edge from the meadow beyond. She may only have started her day's trek an hour ago, but there was a big difference between making camp for the night to get the sleep she needed to ensure a productive pace the following day, and actually having reason to stop and relax. Ahead she could see the trail snaking off towards the horizon, still surrounded by peaceful meadowland as far as the eye could see. If that was what awaited her, with no obstacles in the way, she could make double the progress she'd expected. Or she could make slightly less than double, and take half an hour to just enjoy the nice weather and the fresh, warm air.

"Thank you."

The barbarian didn't know to whom she was speaking. One of the gods of this world perhaps? Herself, for permitting her this little break? Maybe no-one at all. Maybe she just wanted to hear the sound of a voice, even her own, after so long spent travelling in solitude. She sighed softly. She was alone by choice, not wishing to involve anyone else on this quest. Not wanting to risk any lives but her own by entering these lands from which no-one returned unchanged almost beyond recognition. But it was impossible to deny that she was lonely. Walking alone. Fighting alone. Sleeping alone. Eating alone. And of course, alone during her occasional, stolen moments of longing and solitary intimacy.

But this... it somehow made things a little more bearable. To have warm sun upon her face. To hear songbirds, to see clear blue sky. To be resting in a land that seemed not just quaint and peaceful, but actively welcoming of any creatures that crossed its borders.

Cayes felt her cheeks reddening, and she let slip a tender moan from her beak as the turtle barbarian felt one of her hands drifting across the smooth flesh of her exposed left knee between skirt and boot. It rose up, not stopping when it reached the fur-lined trim of her leather skirt; not even slipping beneath the firm material, just pushing it upward and exposing more and more of her cream-skinned thigh. Was she really this needy? Really this desperate for a moment of genuine relaxation, that she was going to spend her first minutes of peace and quiet for over a week masturbating under the open sky and the morning sun?


She moaned aloud as she traced the tips of her fingers, her gloves open ended for easier and more natural gripping of her weaponry, over her inner thigh. It felt more and more like the answer was going to be yes. She hadn't felt this strong an urge to pleasure herself since... well, since before she'd begun this adventure. Cayes was a warrior. A barbarian. She had instinctive and sexual urges, sure, but she wasn't a slave to them. She didn't just drop everything while she teased and pleased herself. Except, today that seemed to be exactly what she did. Exactly what she was doing right now.

"S-so... so good. Oh... gods..."

Cayes' head tilted back as her fingers traced beyond the curve of her thigh and hopped over to the smooth flesh of her pubic mound. She could feel the pleading, urgent throbbing of her clitoris even before she touched it. It was like her body was filling in the space between her fingers and her sensitive intimate flesh. Like she was already lost in a world of pleasure without even needing to touch herself. Like it was magical.

A strangled cry of pleasure, frustration and shock escaped Cayes all at once as her fingertips barely brushed at the swollen nub of her clit before they were dragged away again, the barbarian's whole body tensing up and her hands moving to push herself away from the wall upon which she was resting as what she'd thought set alarm bells ringing loud and clear inside her mind.

Like magic.

It was like magic.

Glancing sharply down to the edge of the trail, to the spots where she had let the magic-indicating liquid fall after its supposed wasted use, the barbarian grunted in simultaneous dismay and righteous triumph. The ground where the magical fluid had fallen was glowing with a rosy pink hue. The colour that indicated enchantment magic; the type used to charm, to coerce someone's will, or alter their mind in some way.

No sooner had that fact dawned upon Cayes, making her realise that there was a very good reason for her sudden and unexplained arousal, she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. Rising up over the wall was a tendril. A thin, gelatinous tentacle of some pinkish-purple and jelly like substance. Another followed, then another, and another on Cayes' other side. She pulled hurriedly away from the wall, just in time before another pair of tentacles flopped over the stonework right where she had been resting. Rather than rising up into a combat stance though, Cayes stumbled as she lurched forward. Her legs were trembling, and though she was aware of the reasoning behind it her mind and her body were still infected by the thrall of lust that had been cast upon her.

By the time she turned on the spot and realised that her weapons and shield were still leaning against the wall, the creatures to which those tendrils belonged were wobbling and slurping their way up over the three or four foot stone barrier. They were thick, hefty blobs of the same gelatinous compound that comprised their tendrils, but rather than being featureless or possessing sharp, intimidating fangs, Cayes was caught rather off guard by how frankly adorable they appeared. They squeaked and chittered like squirrels, and seemed to wobble up and down with apparent delight as they balanced upon the top of the wall, waving their tendrils at the barbarian in almost affectionate greeting.

Three pairs of wide eyes with lilac irises peered gleefully at the turtle as she stood there, shivering and trying not to let her still intense arousal prevent her from missing anything further as she prepared to engage these creatures in unarmed combat. She raised her fists, and opened her beak to attempt to intimidate them with a furious battlecry. Instead though, a desperate whimper was all that escaped her, and her cheeks flushed crimson as she felt a trickle of liquid arousal run down the inside of one of her legs.

In return, one of the three purple jelly creatures opened its own mouth; a smiling pink 'o', and seemed to inflate to almost double its size as it inhaled, before exhaling a visible cloud of pale lavender hued powder. It dissipated quickly through the air, but even as Cayes sought to cover her mouth with her cape she knew that the damage had already most likely been done. No doubt this was the source of her feelings. Whatever magical properties these creatures had, they had probably been breathing on her from behind the wall for several minutes before she began to feel their effect. The question that remained however was how they had known to wait until after she'd tested for the presence of magic. Had it just been bad luck on her part? Were they far more intelligent than they appeared? Or was there some higher power at work here; controlling them, and bidding them to do to her what perhaps had led to the stories of so many people returning from these lands in a state of sex obsessed madness.

Whatever the power's source, Cayes knew that she was in serious trouble because of it. She tried to aim a kick at the nearest slime ball as it wobbled towards her, its pointed, almost cat-like ears twitching as it waved its tentacles and smiled that same goofy, adorable smile as the other two. Instead of making contact with it with one of her heavy leather boots though, Cayes totally mis-timed the kick and stumbled forward as her leg flailed wildly up into the air with no impact to slow it down. She landed with her legs far apart, one resting right beside the creature she'd tried to kick, and barely managed to remain upright as its tendrils reached out for her and began to lace themselves through the fabric binding along the sides of her leather skirt. It was immensely strong for a creature that barely came up to her knee, and when it tugged at the thick lace bindings it took all the turtle's strength to resist being dragged down to her knees by it.


With her mind clouded by lust and frustration at her own lack of ability to either foresee this trap or deal with it thus far, Cayes could only think of one way to escape from the lilac blob currently tugging itself closer and closer to her by its wiggling tentacles. She grabbed the sides of her thick leather belt, slipped her thumbs under the clips that secured it to her skirt, and tugged them loose. A bashful cry escaped the barbarian as she watched the slime-ball's eyes widen, her skirt suddenly being dragged down around her ankles. She leapt free from the fallen garment, and by some miracle managed not to tangle or trip herself upon it.

Hurriedly she ran for the wall, or rather for the weapons that rested against it. Of course, there wasn't just the one blob to contend with. The one playing with her skirt might have been currently occupied, but there was still the one resting on the wall itself, and the other which stood between her and the weapons she needed to defeat them. Using all her agility and strength, Cayes focused on making sure that this time she didn't screw up. This time she wouldn't make a fool out of herself. She planted one foot firmly to the ground once more, swept the other forward for yet another kick, and...


The turtle barbarian let loose a cry of dismay as the gelatinous ooze before her swept one of its tentacles forward in a smooth arc and wrapped itself around the leg swinging towards it. It tugged sharply, and before Cayes could even let out a second cry she was being dragged to the grassy ground by the side of the trail, flat on her back with one leg flailing in the air as the other was used to pull her along. Through her haze of fear and lust, all Cayes could see was the three oozes encircling her, their tentacles waving eagerly in the air as she shuffled and struggled to escape. She felt the cool stone of the wall against her back, and cried out helplessly as she waited for those tendrils to come whipping down against her, dripping with lilac juices that were certain to poison, drain or at the very least inflict even more pain upon her.

It wasn't supposed to end like this. Defeated, slain beside a meadow by a trio of oozes. She was supposed to be a hero. The saviour of this whole land. Closing her eyes, Cayes tried to make peace with herself and the gods of this world. But it was almost impossible, when all she could think about even now was how desperately she wanted to be fucked, rather than killed.


"Ohh... o-oh... gods..."

Cayes' eyes sprang open again, in shock not at how badly it hurt as the three monsters began to attack her, but at how it didn't hurt at all. Their tendrils began to wrap around her, but didn't squeeze tight enough to break bone, and didn't drip acid or poison across her smooth, trembling flesh. Her beak opened in a gasp for air, and the ooze mounting the wall behind her slipped one of its tentacles into her mouth. Instinctively she bit down around it, finding it squishy, malleable, but not acrid or disgusting as she had expected. A desperate gurgle escaped her as before she could try to spit it out again the tentacle seemed to stiffen, and then spray some sort of thick, viscious fluid down her throat. She couldn't help but swallow as it triggered the reflex that commanded her to either do so or risk choking, but again there was no pain. No agony of drinking some chemical meant to kill or incapacitate. Indeed, it tasted shockingly pleasant. Like berries, sweet and tart all at once.

With a muffled moan, the barbarian struggled weakly in the three monsters' embrace as she felt yet more of that liquid being squeezed out of the gelatinous creature behind her and poured down her throat. Each time she swallowed, the feeling of terror surging through her captive body faded, and was replaced by even more intense lust. Her left arm at some point had begun to reach upward, to stretch out over the ooze behind her to try and grab at her shortsword where it was propped up against the wall close by. But as the feeling of longing grew, and as she felt the other two ooze's tendrils beginning to spread her legs apart, fondling her bare thighs and caressing her smooth skin, she felt her fingertips moving elsewhere. To stroke the surface of the jelly-like creature sitting on the wall, almost thanking it as it continued to feed her and replace her fear with excitement, and her frustration with feverish longing.

"Mmhh... nhh-nhaahhhh!"

The tentacle which thus far had been buried within the barbarian's mouth began to withdraw just as Cayes felt herself beginning to hungrily suckle upon it. She cried out in dismay, but also delirious joy as it pulled free, spraying one last string of thick, lilac, berry-tasting goo across her face. Yet more tendrils had since sprouted from the creature resting upon the wall, and Cayes' moans of longing as her beak begged for the return of that delicious tasting treat were soon replaced by frantic cries of fully fledged pleasure as she felt the ooze's touches growing more firm and increasingly intimate in nature. She cried out over and over as one tendril flitted teasingly back and forth across the swollen nub of her clitoris, its very tip barely brushing the sensitive spot and leaving it glistening and wet with yet more brightly hued, sticky liquid. She could feel herself being consumed by her desire. Being swallowed up by the intensity of her lust. Her head told her to keep fighting. To resist and struggle to the very end. But her heart, and her body, told her to just give in. She had lost, and the best she could hope for now that her defeat would be at the hands... or tentacles, of a foe intent on killing her through ecstasy, rather than agony.

"Please. P-please, yes. More!"

Cayes shrieked happily as one of the tendrils finally took the plunge and began to work its way inside her dripping, aching pussy. She looked down through hazy eyes, and saw a giddy, almost unbearably pleasure-stricken expression upon the 'face' of the ooze whose tentacle was now working its way into her pussy. It looked so happy. So eager not just to get inside her, but almost like it wanted to actively make her feel good too. The more and the louder she cried out, the brighter the purple ooze seemed to glow from deep within. It was almost like it was blushing.

"Deeper. H-harder. Oh gods. Don't stop. Yes. Just l-like that. Aahhh..."

The more tentacle that slipped into her, the less Cayes cared that these creatures were dominating and having their way with her by magical means. The less she cared that they were perhaps not even sentient beings in their own right. And the more she cared for pleasure alone. The tendril within her seemed to get thicker as it pushed deeper, and though it wasn't being pulled in and out by the ooze to which it was attached, it pulsated and sent waves of motion rolling along its length to stimulate and firmly caress the turtle's inner depths.

The other two oozes meanwhile, the one resting upon the wall that had fed Cayes full of its fluids orally and the one that had been responsible for removing her skirt, were now attempting to rid the barbarian of the rest of her clothes. She moaned happily, and actually let slip a soft giggle as she felt her leather chest-piece being removed from over her sturdy shell corset, her shoulder-guard coming off with it and falling like a lopsided hat onto the top of the ooze making love to her. The giggling soon turned to even louder moaning though as the oozes seemed to respond to her positive vocalisation, wriggling and bouncing even more urgently around her as they redoubled their efforts to pleasure and strip the adventurer free of every last bit of her gear.

"Yes! Ohh... ohhhhh gods I... I'm... aahh... y-you're making me... m-making... oohh.... oohhhhh _gods, yes _!"

A rosy glow seemed to spread across all three of the oozes as Cayes began to struggle and thrash in their tentacle-enforced bondage not in any attempt to escape, but in the throes of helpless pleasure as she began to cum. With the tentacle buried inside the barbarian's pussy pulsating and rubbing itself with what had to be purposeful force against her g-spot, the turtle was unable to hold back in the slightest as she shrieked in ecstasy. A hot gush of her own clear juices poured out over the tentacle fucking her, and she wailed with bashful glee as in response the two oozes before her pulled her legs even wider and more lewdly apart, like they wanted to get a good look at the quivering and squeezing muscles responsible for pushing out those pleasure-ridden fluids.

It was only when she stopped cumming of course that Cayes noticed that nothing had changed. The oozes were still all over her, fondling and caressing her body as they pulled off her gloves and boots, wiggling tiny and ticklish tendrils against the soles of her feet and through the gaps between her twitching, helplessly curling toes. Just because she'd climaxed didn't mean that they were done with her, and as the turtle realised this, she also came to the realisation that she was actively glad of that fact. Her heart craved more. Her body needed more stimulation, more pleasure, more orgasms if it was to feel even remotely capable of acting in any coherent and coordinated fashion. Even her mind was now consumed by the idea of more. Gone were thoughts of escape. Gone were her desires to slay these oozes. Others had tried, clearly. Others had been assailed in this manner, and escaped, only to end up driven mad by the lust with which they had been infected and unable to satisfy.

If Cayes was to survive this, if indeed survival was even an option, she had to take all she could get. She had to let these oozes give her everything they had, and more. And if it wasn't... at least there were far, far worse ways to die, than death by orgasm.

"Again. A-ahh... again! Yes. Yes, d-do it. Make me... aahhhhhh..."

She writhed violently against her lovers' bonds as a second orgasm overwhelmed her less than a couple of minutes after the first. Her hips rocked forward as she gushed with yet more feminine cum, as though begging the ooze fucking her to work faster, to press deeper, to spread her wider and make her cum harder. Her fingers clutched and stroked at the tendrils worming around her arms, squeezing and rubbing at them as if they like the one in her muzzle might start to stiffen and squirt. Cayes' frantic screams and moans, worthy of her barbarian title, overwhelmed and outmatched the cooing and chittering of the oozes as they glowed and wriggled in delight at their captive's response, and together the somewhat odd foursome continued to thrash and squirm happily beside the lush green meadow, beneath the bright blue sky, and the warming morning sun.

The sun continued to blaze with radiant, comforting warmth as Cayes shrieked in pleasure again. And again. It shone overhead at noon as she felt a second tendril beginning to flick and tease at her clit alongside the ongoing rapture of the tentacle within her, and screamed in mindless, overwhelmed euphoria. It shone in the afternoon sky, occasionally blocked by a few fluffy white clouds as a breeze picked up, tossing Cayes' hair as she was held aloft in mid-air by the oozes' tendrils, a host of mingled, thin tentacles from all three of them now independently fucking her stretched and still dripping pussy while yet more from each of the gelatinous trio stuffed her beak full. It hung on the far horizon as the turtle straddled one of the oozes, wailing and moaning for minutes at a time as it violently vibrated beneath and within her while the others caressed and teased her trembling, tired but still deliriously needy figure.

It was only when moonlight shone down over the meadowland that the barbarian's cries ceased to ring out, and the night-birds flying overhead were able to look down from on high and see a limp figure being carried along the trail by two swollen, large and sluggishly moving oozes, while a third followed close behind, dragging a net-like weave of its tentacles containing all of Cayes' gear.

Where they were going of course, only the oozes themselves knew. And even then, they didn't really know. All they knew was that their master was calling. That they had done a good job, but now they had a new task. To return home, and bring the finally satisfied, peacefully snoring barbarian along with them. Perhaps the woman who could be their Queen. Not just a warrior who could help rule and defend their master's kingdom, but a lover who would not fear the one known by so many as the Binding Terror.


When Cayes awoke, her first reaction was to moan softly. She wasn't still in pleasure, but that had been her last memory before falling unconscious. Rapture. Bliss. Orgasm; one of many since she'd lost count at some point in the late part of the morning. Its absence felt strange, as did the absent desire for more. The turtle's cheeks flushed as she realised what had happened. That she had been enchanted, and had allowed those enchantments to enthral her completely.

And yet... she wasn't angry. Wasn't ashamed. She had chosen not to fight. Chosen to embrace the pleasure, and welcome it into her body early on. And now, as a result of that choice, she was alive. She had survived it, just as she had survived countless other traumas and conflicts in the past. The fact this one had been sexual rather than violent? Well, she'd sure as hell rather wake up feeling satisfied as she now did, and red faced at the memory of countless intense and wonderful orgasms, than with broken bones and aching bruises all over her to remind her of what had taken place.

Pulling herself a little more upright where she was seated, only after those thoughts had run through her head did Cayes' eyes flutter open, giving any indication to anyone watching that she was awake. The first thing she saw was the table in front of her. A long, marble hewn structure with a polished surface and sides, and laden with an array of cream cakes, sponges and other sweet delicacies. At each end, one before her, one before the chair at the far side, there was an individual tea service. A pot, steam issuing from its spout, a cup and saucer, a sugar bowl, a small jug of cream, and a couple of silver teaspoons.

There was a figure present too. Half clothed in shadow, but silhouetted against the backdrop of whatever grand, candlelit hall in which this table was situated. He was sitting at the chair on the far side of the table, and he was smiling as he peered at Cayes with piercing violet eyes.

"Please, have a drink. You must be quite... dehydrated, after your exertion yesterday."

Before the turtle could react, tentacles of a more solid and almost vine-like nature erupted from the darkness all around her. One lifted the teacup before her off the saucer, while another poured the tea. Another grabbed a teaspoon and scooped up a spoonful of sugar from the bowl, while yet another lifted the milk jug towards the cup.

"Milk? Sugar? My recommendation would be neither, but one must always provide for guests' needs before one's own."

Cayes took the cup from the tentacle holding it before her, which relinquished its hold as soon as she was gripping it firmly enough. She shook her head, and took a sip. It was unlikely to be poisoned, given that she could easily have been killed while she was unconscious. Besides, she didn't want to offend her host. Particularly not if he was who he currently seemed to be. Tea and tentacles. This certainly looked like the man she had come here to defeat. The supposed tyrant who was infecting this land with a plague of lust, and returning mindless, sex crazed zombies back to any neighbouring lands who tried to enter for any reason.

Exhaling softly as she pulled the cup back from her beak, watching a small puff of steamy condensation escape her mouth, the turtle couldn't help but shiver in delight. For a moment she thought she'd been infected with yet more lust enhancing chemicals. But no. It was just... that tea was incredible.

"Good, isn't it? I have the leaves grown specially in the southernmost lands of this region."

Cayes nodded at her host's comments, taking another sip from the cup, and smiling gratefully when the tentacle holding the teapot re-filled it for her.

"V-very good. Back home, the tea is all so... bitter. Not to my taste at all, unless you add lots of sugar and cream."

She was about to take another sip, and make a joke about wondering if it was still tea if there was more cream than water, when she remembered where she was. Who she was almost certainly talking with. Why she was here in this land.

"Three people from my village... good people, left six months ago on a merchant expedition. Do you know what they were looking for?"

From the far side of the table, the shadowy figure chuckled softly.


Cayes nodded.

"One of them returned just over a month ago. He walked into town naked, and with his cock in his hand. By the time anyone gathered up the courage to ask what the hell he was doing, and what had happened to him and the others, he'd cum half a dozen times. He told us he didn't remember where it had happened, or how... but that a power unlike anything they'd known had overcome them on the road. That they had been reduced to little more than savage, rutting beasts. That his companions had begun mating before his very eyes, begging him to join them, and that he had barely gotten away before he was compelled to do so. From that moment, he hadn't rested. Hadn't gotten a single moment of true relief from his urges. He wakes up twenty, thirty times a night in the midst of an orgasm that he did nothing to provoke. He can only retain his sanity by masturbating, or otherwise stimulating himself. He was barely able to show me his route on a map, without staining it with his seed three times over."

The turtle rose from her seat, very suddenly aware of movement in the darkness all around. Writhing, wriggling movement. A thousand thick, violet hued tentacles resting in the gloom, writhing like snakes locked in one vast, passionate and unending orgy. She drew a breath, and though she remained standing calmed herself and avoided any further sudden movements.

"You did this. You did this to my parents' friend. To my godfather, and his companions. Do you deny it?"

The shadowy figure's smile did not fade. Indeed it grew ever more toothy white with glee as he responded softly and tenderly to Cayes' accusation.

"I do not deny that I shared my desire with them. But I deny all responsibility for your godfather's actions after he left my kingdom. If he stayed, as your friends did, I would have cared for him and given him all he asked for. This is true of all those who leave, and are branded perverts or magically diseased by those beyond my borders. If they stayed, like yourself, they could find satisfaction and peace. But it is only those who leave, who reject my gift, who suffer for their choice."

Shaking her head, the barbarian looked down at herself. At her body, still stark naked. She glanced up again, frowning deeply.

"Your desire? Your gift? The people beyond your borders know you by many names. But no-one knows who you are. What you want. All they know... all I know, is that people who enter your kingdom either leave changed forever, or never leave at all. Can you tell me that?"

Still smiling, still wide and bright-eyed, the shadowy figure giggled.

"Do you need to know my name so you can carve it onto the shaft of your battleaxe, Barbarian? Is that it? Know my motivation so you can go back to your village and have the local bard compose an epic tale of daring do?"

Cayes giggled back, and shuffled bashfully from foot to foot. She glanced down nervously at the ground, and slowly began to move one hand across her smooth, scale-clad stomach, towards the curve where her thighs met. Soon her hand was there, and only then did she look back up, moaning breathlessly as she traced two fingers delicately along the outermost edges of her pussy-lips, before bringing them together and ever so softly squeezing her clitoris.

"A-ahh... actually, I wanted to know... because it's polite to know the name of the man you intend to bed. And because if I understand why you did what you did... it'll make it easier for me to understand you, like a good wife... a good Queen, should."

All around the room, writhing and flailing tentacles froze as the figure controlling them opened his mouth to respond, then closed it again, dumbstruck. His eyes narrowed, and even through the gloom, Cayes could see his cheeks reddening.


The turtle removed her hand from between her legs, bringing it to her beak and brushing it back and forth under her nose.

"Ohh... I... I can still smell their tentacles. That rich, b-berry smell. Did you create them? Or just control them? S-so masterful. I... I admit, I came here intending to do you harm in order to free my townspeople, were they still alive. But, hearing you speak so eloquently? Seeing the power you wield, and the luxury in which you live... I don't want to fight you, King of Vines. I want... I w-want to... to share in more of the same ecstasy you shared with me so selflessly yesterday."

Cayes began to walk around the side of the table, towards the King. The closer she got, the more clearly she could see him. A slender frame. Long, flowing silvery white hair around a rather feminine, pretty face. And from the centre of the feline figure's back, just above the back of his chair, the base of a hundred thousand tiny tendrils that spread out, getting larger and thicker, to fill this grand chamber from floor to ceiling along its length. Most notable of all though, even more so than his otherworldly, vine-like tentacles, was the feline's crotch. A glowing metal band was wrapped around the base of his erection, and as Cayes got closer and closer, she could see that his member was twitching and drooling liberal volumes of pre-cum.

"T-that is why you brought me here, right? To make me your Queen? To find someone to rule over this land of lust with you? A-and... maybe even, set you free?"

The turtle stepped close to the one who she had heard referred to as The Dark Embrace. As she straddled him where he was sitting at the end of the table though, and wrapped her arms tenderly around his neck, the only thing dark about him was the deep red glow upon his pale purple furred cheeks.

"How long has it been since you were imprisoned? Since you were last able to cum? How long has the power been building inside you... granting you abilities beyond mortal imagination, but denying you even a moment of satisfaction?"

She whispered in the feline's ear, and moaned softly as she shuffled forward upon his lap, grinding her crotch against his rigid, swollen erection.

"How long have you been waiting for a lover... man or woman, to set you free? To grant you release, and take away the burden of your power?"

Closing her eyes, Cayes bit down on her tongue purposefully to hold back a cry of pleasure. She had to retain the illusion of control. She had to be in charge here, one hundred percent, as she wrapped her arms around the King of Vines, and began to sink down on his magically inhibited erection.


The turtle giggled warmly.

"Shh... you don't know my name."

Nicoya whimpered louder in his lover's ear.

"Cayes. M-mistress. Out of character. P-please..."


Sitting at the dining room table, shuddering and whimpering as his mistress abandoned all pretense of the game and began to ride him slowly but tenderly, Nicoya peered over the turtle's shoulder at the encounter plan he had pulled up on his laptop's screen. He couldn't reach the dungeon master's guide from here, nor his dice, but he was fairly sure that Cayes was breaking about a dozen basic rules with her actions.

"I-if you... if you want to try and roll a bluff check, to convince me... I mean, t-to convince the King that you have been seduced by his power..."

Cayes peered into her lover's eyes. She leaned forward, and kissed him fondly upon the lips.

"Do I need to roll for that? Really? You're telling me... if I was a naked, horny barbarian lass, and you were your Kingly self, that you wouldn't be seduced immediately?"

Nico groaned desperately as the turtle's pussy slid down around his rampant erection. Soon she settled around his base, resting against his lap, and the tight cock ring secured around the lowermost portion of his swollen, desperately needy cock.

"No. O-oh god, you know I can't resist you. But, i-in D&D, you have to roll. You c-can't just... I mean... you can't... ohh god. Cayes. Please..."

She licked her lips. She kissed Nico again, and again as she began to ride him, lifting herself up from his cock and sliding back down again as his hips began to grind instinctively up at hers.

"You see? You're begging. And it's only been a day since you last came. How long has it been for him? How long in your story, since the King of Vines last had an orgasm, Nico?"

The feline mewled softly in desperate longing, and shuddered as he answered.

"O-one hundred and ten years... approximately..."

Grinning from ear to ear, Cayes ran her hands down the front of her lover's lean chest. She caressed his soft fur and the rigid nipples beneath it, before moving lower to stroke and almost tickle at his flanks. She felt him stiffen and whimper at the ticklish intensity of the sensation, and his cock strained urgently inside her.

"So, one hundred and ten times three hundred and sixty five. That means he's... mmmmhhh... just over forty thousand times hornier than you are right now. Still think I need to roll?"

Nico's eyes bulged as Cayes began to rise up from his lap more purposefully, as though she was about to stop riding him. He whimpered loudly, grabbed at her hips and pushed her down all before he could stop himself, all before he realised what he was doing to his mistress. He may have been dungeon master right now, but that didn't mean he wasn't still Cayes' normally obedient pet.

"Oohh... n-no. No, please, Cayes. You don't need to roll. He... t-the King... he feels you about to stop as he hesitates, wondering if you can possibly be genuine. He's so desperate though, so needy, he doesn't care. He grabs you, a-and pulls you back down onto his cock. He confesses everything. That he made the deal to give up something dear to him in exchange for ultimate magical power... b-but that of all the things the demon he dealt with could take, his orgasm was the one thing he never expected, and now most desperately craved. He says if you can make him cum... if y-you can give him his orgasm, he'll surrender this entire kingdom and all its treasures to you. With his power gone, it'll only be a matter of time before someone takes it. A-and he'd rather it be you, than anyone else. Someone truly worthy of... o-ohh... of being his Queen."

The turtle smiled, moaning happily as Nico began to fuck her as she rode him, the pleasure growing even more intense and delicious for her, and ever more frustratingly but pointlessly potent for him too no doubt.

"I ask the King... how do I make him cum? How do I set him free?"

Nicoya wailed in savage desperation. Wasn't it obvious? He saw his lover grinning at him knowingly, and cried out louder still in urgent, pleading desire. It was obvious, but she still wanted him to explain it to her. To make him wait just a little longer.

"You take off his ring. Willingly, n-not by coercion or magical persuasion. All you have to do, i-is take off his cock ring... and ride him till he cums."

Cayes grinned.

"Do I need to roll for it?"

The cat mewled, out of his mind with pleasure and the need to cum.

"N-no. No... so long as you meet the requirements, so long as you're doing so under your own free will, you can take it off with ease. Please. Please. I... h-he... he begs you. He begs you to take it, off... to let him... a-ahhhhh... please, Cayes."

The chair upon which the two lovers were embracing creaked as the turtle began to ride her lover harder than ever, and he humped and bucked at her with even greater vigour. The sound of their nether regions coming together was hot and loud with slick slurping as Cayes felt her juices flowing freely, and they were joined by intense, near-constant rivulets of Nicoya's pre-cum.

"Oh Nico. Y-you're so... so hard. Fuck. Fuck. So hot. I... I tell the King... I'll set him free. I'll give him his orgasm, a-and..."

Her voice trailed off, and a mischievous twinkle appeared in Cayes' eyes. Nicoya saw it, and whimpered in frantic, pleading horror.

"Mistress?! Please! You've w-won... you won the game. Now please, j-just let me cum..."

Cayes moaned loudly, turned on not just by the hot, rigid cock pumping at her innermost depths, but also by the desperation and longing on her lover's beautiful face. She closed her eyes for a moment, and pictured her barbarian self facing the King of Vines. When her eyes sprang open once more, they were blazing with savage fire.

"I'll set you loose, King of Vines, but not yet. Before I do, you're going to do some jobs for me. You're going to listen to my commands... and do exactly as I tell you, because if you don't? If you try to harm me, or tempt me into freeing you, it won't be my free will any more, and I'll be useless."

The turtle rode Nico hard and fast, bouncing hungrily upon his cock, driving him wild and keeping him trapped at the very edge of ecstasy as the tight cock-ring he was wearing held back the flood of pleasure threatening and begging to be allowed to engulf him. Cayes herself hung on the edge of ecstasy, and shrieked her commands to Nicoya as she held herself back, relishing the savage need which was all her lover knew right now.

"Tell me I am more than your Queen. I am your Wild Empress! True ruler of this kingdom!"

Nicoya opened his muzzle, but all that came out was a gurgling, pleading howl of ecstasy and demanding desire. Cayes moaned back at him, and kept going as the pleasure built and built inside her, threatening to let itself loose at any moment.

"Tell me you are my devoted servant, a-and... aahhh... oh... Oh Nico. T-tell me that you're mine."

A piercing, strangled cry of anguished bliss was all Nicoya could produce, but it was close enough. Cayes echoed his cry with a shrill shriek of her own, and flung herself down hard upon his erection once more as her pussy erupted into orgasmic convulsions. Her legs kicked out and up into the air, toes curling as she doused her lover's crotch with her ejaculate. The chair creaked louder still as she shuddered and quaked around the lithe feline, and he groaned in desperate but joyous euphoria at the sight, the sounds, the whole experience of his mistress cumming violently all around him... even if no matter how hard she milked his throbbing cock, it wasn't quite enough to push him over the edge.

"Ooh... oh... t-that's... ahh... fuck... that was good."

In the wake of her orgasm, Cayes cuddled up against her lover, smooching affectionately at his neck as she murmured to him through gasps for air.

"Your best session yet, Nico. Y-you're... ohh... you're the hottest Dungeon Master there is."

The turtle giggled as she felt her lover trembling, and his rigid cock still straining and dripping deep inside her pussy. She sighed happily at the feeling of him still filling her, in no rush to pull off him as they embraced and shuddered against each other.

"I just hope tomorrow, you manage to figure out a way for the King of Vines to get what he wants. To stop the Wild Empress from taking over his kingdom, and using him to start undoing all the damage he's caused beyond it."

Leaning back slightly, far enough just so that she and Nico could look each other in the eyes, Cayes smirked. She could see from the look on her lover's face that he already knew what was coming. Nevertheless, he still whimpered loudly when she nodded and murmured teasingly to him once more.

"Because... Nico? Until the King of Vines cums? Until he gets out of his magic ring? You don't get out of yours."

By Jeeves

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