Breeding a Future - Chapter 4

Story by Chris Silverhoof on SoFurry

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#10 of Loving a unicorn

This is the fourth chapter of Breeding a Future, the second of the two books in a story I commissioned from the wonderful AmethystMare, one of my best friends. She's an extremely talented author and I couldn't have been more pleased with the story she has written me.

Do note that I commissioned this story while I was still using another, more temporary account on FurAffinity named EricAquasia. This is however my main account and the one I do plan to use.

Loving a Unicorn

Breeding a Future

Written by Arian Mabe

Christian was, to say the very least, nervous. Celeste chose a quiet glade set apart from the village for his comfort and some sense of privacy for the breeding orgy - it couldn't be referred to as anything else, not in his mind. There wouldn't be much privacy, however, with every mare not currently being bred watching the show and waiting their turn to be mounted, winking and pleading and teasing as Celeste promised they would. He shuffled back and forth, unable to even appreciate the warmth of dappled sunlight on his coat and the breeze tickling his mane. Every muscle tensed as he waited and waited and waited. Although it had only been a few minutes, if that, it felt like forever.

Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Christian and I'm here to be your stud for the evening. Shall we get started?

He shuddered. No! How was he supposed to greet the mares when they arrived? Certainly not like that! What would he say? What would he do? Well - he snorted - what he would do was already decided. Celeste stood by his side with a cotton bag draped over her withers. Within resided the potions and herbs he would need to carry out his task, although he wasn't sure how breeding several mares could be considered such. Thinking of it as an honour was more apt by far.

And nerve wracking. Heart wrenchingly nerve wracking.

"Celeste?" He asked, not for the first time. "How much longer? Are they not going to come? Are you sure this is okay with you? You want me to do this?"

The mare rolled her eyes and pawed the grass, digging up clods of dirt.

"It is far more than merely 'okay' with me, Christian. You have asked me this several times. Please do not ask me again." Red sparks tingled at the tip of her horn. "For the answer will still be the same no matter how many times you ask. Do you not wish to carry out the mating session?"

"No! It's not that, not that at all," he backtracked hastily. "It's just not normal for humans to take several mates or have sex with anyone else if they are already with someone. We're monogamous. It's...really weird for me to think of. Even if...I want to do it."

Those last words came with difficulty but he forced them out anyway. Celeste nickered and looked away, the cogs in her brain clearly working as she tried to understand. Christian smiled and hid his amusement behind the careful tilt of his head. She was so cute when she was trying to work out something new.

"Is that like when unicorns have a life partner?"

"Something like that, only most in a relationship never ever have sex with anyone else."

She thrust her muzzle into his face, questions brimming over and spilling from her lips.

"But you are so many! However can that be that you are so great in number yet with such great restraints placed upon your mating practices?"

Celeste shook herself bodily, dislodging a fly.

"I guess we 'breed' a bit more easily than unicorns," Christian admitted. "But I want to do all I can to help, my love, truly, I do."

"I am glad of that, Christian." She touched her nose to his. "For your mares are approaching."

He gulped and stood stock still as the group of mares entered the clearing. He counted seven in total.

The mares lined up with shared glances, tails hiked and muzzles smirking as they presented themselves. Although none could compare to Celeste's splendour, they wore splendid jewellery and harnesses and Christian was struck by the thought that they had dressed up especially for him. It was almost as if he was going on a date with all of them at once. One even dressed in a cotton harness adorned with bells - wherever she got those, he would never know - that tinkled musically when she walked or tossed her dished head. Christian wondered how much noise they'd make when he mounted her.

Celeste, however, had chosen a simply jaw-dropping ensemble for the event and was clad in an intricate net of diamonds that ran the full length of her body. No expense had been spared for the occasion and, after learning a woman's love of diamonds from Christian's stories of the human world, Celeste had demanded that they be imported. Their goods to trade must have served them well as the ensemble had thusly appeared, exactly as she had envisioned it, if her prancing squeals were anything to go by.

The mares nickered and pivoted, showing off for him and prancing on the spot as his sheath swelled in response. He ducked his head shyly and felt his upper lip curl back from his blunt teeth as he sifted through their scents. Aroused mare overpowered them all, as intoxicating as the darkest of liquor. Nickering, he stretched out his head, bobbing it anxiously, as Celeste nudged his shoulder, sides trembling with suppressed laughter.

"Do not worry yourself, Christian," she said warmly, supporting him as he needed to be in the moment. "They all desire you. You should enjoy yourself as you will with the mares. No bad will come of this, I promise you."

As if in agreement, one of the mares spun on the spot and backed up towards him, tail flagged and marehood clenching, pulling up in that telltale wink that he had come to know oh so well. He groaned and leaned forward, watching as moisture pulsed at the entrance to her passage, only contained by her playful winking that gave him a glimpse into her pink and grey marehood but no more. Tossing his head, Christian stamped, sheath growing tight around a swelling shaft.

"Shall we begin, Christian?" The palomino, Nandag, raised her tail and presented him with her hindquarters, marehood winking flirtatiously. "We have been waiting for you for so long. You would not keep a lady waiting, would you?"

Christian jumped, skin shivering.

"What, just like that?" He looked from left to right but no exit route was forthcoming. "Shouldn't I,"

Nandag tilted her head and set her horn aglow. Christian felt rather than saw her magic wrap around him from head to hoof and drag him insistently forward, hooves scraping through the grass as he struggled. Kicking out, the stallion neighed for help but Celeste was too busy laughing, legs shaking so hard that she could barely keep her balance.

The palomino mare forced his muzzle up to her winking pussy where he was helpless to watch her cunny pull up and release a stream of juices. Her arousal drooled to the grass, extending in a long string until the point it broke and dropped gelatinously, tossing more of her hormones into the air. Christian's nostrils flared and he thrust his nose up under her tail, tongue swiping the length of her teardrop shaped sex. It was the first he had tasted besides Celeste and the mixture of honey and tangy arousal - could mares alter their 'taste'? - made him moan. Plumper than Celeste's it pushed up to his tongue and lips, enticing him in, and the stallion huffed warm around over her slit as Nandag flipped her tail up over his head. He lapped eagerly, ears relaxing, and grunted as he tongued the mare's clit, lavishing attention on the swelling nub until she snorted and stamped.

"It is no task for a colt to breed a mare," she whispered, breath coming more raggedly as her sides heaved. "What are you, Christian? Are you a colt or are you a stallion?"

He snorted and shook himself.

"I am a gentleman. And a stallion," he added as an afterthought, her humour bringing a smile back to his lips. "And I plan to show you exactly how I bring the two together."

His horn glowed. Although he did not quite trust his magic yet - let alone claim to control it - he had to try. Celeste would surely assist if it went wrong, after all. He closed his eyes, concentrating. Something slipped into place within him and he focused harder than he ever had managed to during his magic lessons, focusing on Nandag's gently swaying udders. He wrapped his magic around the gorgeous, mottled grey and pink teats and tugged them down, bidding them to change as a blue glow encased them. He massaged them through his magic, teasing them gently as if he was cupping them between his hands, squeezing the teats between his fingers and rolling them softly. Snorting, Nandag shifted and he flicked his tongue over her clit to calm her as he worked.

Slowly, Nandag's udders separated, a second pair forming with perfect, dark teats beside the first. She huffed as they grew, tingling with sensation as Christian's sides darkened with sweat, pouring every ounce of energy into the transformation. He moulded them with what little skill he had and filled them out, making them grow larger and fuller than they would be naturally - if four udders could ever be considered natural. They swelled under his influence until Christian gasped and broke, releasing them from his magical hold and letting them drop gracefully beneath Nandag's barrel, which shivered wonderfully. He ducked his head to observe his work and nickered in delight at the four glorious udders beneath the mare's belly, the softest of greys with the teats pointing down, near enough begging for attention.

How peculiar... Christian grinned. Maybe transformation magic would, after all, end up being his forte. He rolled his head, pleased with the result, and thrust his nose beneath Nandag's belly to lip her teats and suck one into his mouth. He played it across his tongue, admiring the smooth, hairless texture and pressed his tongue into the tiny indent at the tip where milk would be released for a hungry foal. He noticed there that the front two udders had become mottled pink and grey instead of the pure grey he had originally observed, suiting her perfectly. The stallion's chest pushed out cockily. He'd done magic! And it hadn't gone terribly wrong!

The mare snorted and groaned as his lips and tongue worked over her udders, pulling at them until she could bear no more, tongue wickedly dipping to the base of each teat. Watching, Celeste nickered her encouragement with her tail hiked.

"Quell your games and breed me!" Nandag grunted, tail pushed off to the side. "You are not holding up your side of the 'deal', stallion."

Grinning, Christian withdrew his head from beneath her stomach, sparing one last lick for her aching teats. She almost regretted the loss of sensation but it was quickly replaced by the weight of the stallion upon her back. Christian grunted and thrust wildly, cock bobbing and slapping his belly. He hadn't even realised that he was hard, so intently had he focused on transforming her body. Nevertheless, Christian persevered and groaned as the tip of his cock caught in her winking pussy.

It dragged him in, muscles clenching to claim her hot length of stallion meat. Christian groaned and obliged her - oh, it was so easy to oblige her. Gripping her with his forelegs, he nipped at the base of her mane where it broke over her withers and thrust with the full strength of his body, pushing in past the medial ring. The fat length forced its way in slickly, the mare's arousal making it a simple task to spread her wide. She sucked him in, squeezing and rippling her sex around his length until the stallion drove in to the hilt. Nickering, Nandag braced herself and rocked back, grinding her rump into his thrusts as he panted and tried to keep up.

There was no escape from a mare in need. And they could be exceptionally demanding too.

Udders swinging, Nandag threw her head back and cried out. Celeste watched him intently and he held her gaze, lips parted as he thrust and thrust and thrust, each one pushing him closer to climax. There was little need to hold back when he had a whole stud of mares waiting for him - waiting for him to breed them. It seemed silly now that he had been so cautious of offending Celeste as the unicorn mare turned and showed off her drooling marehood. She lifted her tail and released a stream of urine, which splashed on to the grass, signalling her open readiness to mate. Her marehood winked, a near constant pulse that made him thrust harder, nostrils flared as raw sensation crashed upon him from all sides.

She kept her tail high as he grunted, top lip lifting to take in her scent, potent in the air between them. Celeste smirked, horn glowing as she teased and fondled her own multiple udders with magic, driving him to greater heights of visual pleasure. She pulled her teats as far down as possible with her magic, plumping them out and massaging them with a gentle force that drew a moan from her lips.

I'm next, she seemed to silently say. And he would oblige her in a heartbeat, anything for his mare, his one and only.

Perhaps to consider her his one and only was a strange thought to have when he was balls deep in another unicorn yet it had never rung truer. He nipped Nandag's withers as he grew closer, squeezing in every last inch he could and scooting his hooves closer to put more power into his thrusts. The mare's breathing grew laboured and she whinnied as he thrust her over the edge, her whole body shuddering in a climax that had stars exploding behind lowered eyelids.

She swayed and gasped as his thrusts sped up, the stallion driving on and on and on until he joined her in orgasm with a squeal that was not all that masculine but conveyed his playful victory all the same. He trembled and ground in deep, balls tightening up between his hind legs as he spilled his seed, hopefully to sire a foal in her belly. It was difficult to keep track of the greater purpose with such a sexy mare - there was simply no other word that could be used - under him.

He dismounted reluctantly, cock drooping and softening as Nandag shot him a look, eyes refocusing. Her legs splayed and she brought her head down with a sigh that rippled wearily through her whole body.

"Well..." She paused, catching her breath with flared nostrils. "I cannot say I was expecting something of that nature."

She craned her head to look at her udders, which remained as four even through mating, and whinnied, bouncing on her hooves. Christian hoped she was pleased with them but didn't have time to ask as a second mare, darting ahead of the others as they moved in as one herd, slid to a neat halt before his nose, haunches tucked neatly beneath her.

The unicorn flicked her black mane carefully out of her eyes with a sliver of green magic and smiled warmly, her eyes matching the colour of the magic she had chosen to use. Her coat was jet black but spotted all over with white ovals, as brilliant as a starry night. Although her mane and tail were thinner than those belonging to most of the unicorns Christian had seen, they were groomed to a silky sheen and entwined with wildflowers. She wore no jewellery but her natural adornments and, as his jaw fell slack, she cast a web of magic about her body, letting it dance and shimmer as if she was wearing an ever changing harness of the finest, rarest gemstones in every shade imaginable under the sun. The appaloosa unicorn tossed her head proudly. She could wear whatever finery she desired as long as she had her magic at her disposal.

"Christian, such a pleasure to finally meet you." The mare dropped a kiss on his cheek, breath warm and thick eyelashes fluttering. "I am Innis. Shall we begin? I have watched you for so long, even within the castle walls. You have a certain...allure about you."

Her eyes held a glimmer of mischief as she turned to present her hindquarters, tail lifted invitingly.

"You and Celeste make the most delightful grunts when you are mating."

Christian huffed and eyed her, though there was a smile behind his mock-stern look. The mare arched her neck and thrust her rump back towards him, marehood winking. The grey folds twitched, plumper than Celeste's and with a larger clitoris that he ached to tease with the tip of his tongue.

"Another watcher? I thought we had gathered quite a crowd already but you're one more for the list of voyeurs, Innis." He snorted softly as he pushed his muzzle beneath her tail and swiped his tongue over her sweetly winking marehood, grey folds pulling up. "Let me just recover, okay? I'll take care of you in the meantime, if my sweet mare has no objections."

"I do object, Christian."

Celeste barrelled him backwards, shoving her head into his chest. He nickered as Innis' marehood pulled away from him, though she still winked and released a stream of her juices as he was 'bullied' back. Innis winked cruelly as he was dragged away, a very familiar unicorn's horn smacking into his cheek hard enough to make his ears slip down from the flash of pain. Celeste's eyes were steely.

"You are here to mate," she chastised him, pulling a vial from her cotton bag. "This is the reason we have brought so many potions with us - so that you do not need to rest between mating each mare. Time is of the essence and I am confident they will welcome your attentions on another date, perhaps one at a time."

Celeste giggled, a tickle of humour returning quickly to her tone.

"Although I am sure we are all vying for your attentions today."

Celeste grinned and Christian's ears pricked of their own accord, swivelling to catch the murmurs amongst the mares. He chanced that they were excited and his cock almost hardened again at the thought, yet remained obstinately soft, hanging beneath the barrel of his body in an arc that curved gently downward. Celeste shook the vial in front of his muzzle and bopped him playfully on the nose.

"Head back, stud."

Something in his chest fluttered and he tilted his nose up as she held the vial high to pour it into his waiting mouth. Gulping down every drop, Christian wrinkled his nose and moved as if to nuzzle beneath Innis' tail once again. Surely it would take a moment for the potion to kick in and he could spend a little time lapping her cunny and perhaps even her udders?

Yet the effect was instantaneous and Christian's eyes shot wide, tipping back on to his hind hooves. His cock swelled, growing and growing - beyond its normal size. His front hooves dropped to the ground and he rolled his head as he struggled to comprehend what was happening. His skin tingled as if encased in a viscous, ever-changing substance - like those weird, refreshing hand gels from the supermarket - and he nickered, voice taking on a deeper tone. His cock throbbed and spurted a globule of pre cum to splatter between his forelegs. Just what was the potion? Celeste nosed his cheek, smirking.

"Celeste..." He rocked from side to side. "What is this? It feels... Why am I bigger? How long will this last?"

Celeste nuzzled his neck, pushing his ruffled mane off the crest to the other side.

"Long enough to sire a herd of foals. And there are more vials, Christian, as many as are needed. Have no fear, for I am here to support you."

With that, Christian barely whipped around in time, cock bouncing, to mount the waiting Innis. The mare squealed and lifted a hind hoof in surprised protest as he landed heavily on her back but her annoyance was quelled when his cock sank home. Christian drove deep, spreading her wide around his fatter length, and Innis stamped, threatening to buck. He grunted, balls slapping the curve of flesh arcing between her muscular hind legs, and drove in with wild abandon, the potion forcing him to lose himself in the moment. He bred her like the strong mare she was, driving in with confidence that she would be able to take him. Innis, shaking pleasurably, had no choice but to hold firm against his thrusts and let the stud breed her.

As Innis cried out for more, he neighed and ejaculated, cock sending out thick, creamy spurts of cum. He felt them travelling up his length and, through the haze of orgasm, wondered how on earth it was possible to be so productive and still standing. In any normal state, he should have collapsed out of sheer exhaustion. Yet with the potion, he felt no such tiredness. Instead, as he slipped backwards off Innis and cheekily shoved his nose into her winking, messy marehood. Oh, she was so delicious - too delicious to resist! He lapped up the creampie with relish and tongued her clit as the mixture of their sexual juices splattered his nose, pushed out with every needy wink. Her pussy pulled up repeatedly, squeezing around an imaginary cock, but Celeste had barely nudged his flank to chivvy him along when the mare squealed out her climax.

Christian only pulled away when she came down from her shuddering high, a cockier grin gracing his lips. Well, he never would be one to leave a mare needy, would he? Celeste shook her head.

"My turn, stallion."

Instead of presenting him with her rump, Celeste's forelegs buckled and she dropped to the grass, rolling on to her back. Although the position was more difficult to maintain, Christian appreciated the view of her trembling udders as he gently lowered himself on top of her, nudging his knees into the crook between her forelegs and her chest to keep himself in place.

Celeste nickered and her winking cunny squeezed out a thick dollop of arousal that trailed over her soft lips, followed by a thicker stream that kept going and going, only saying one thing: mount me! Christian nipped playfully at her neck. He rocked forward, cock sliding against the inside of her leg, and the mare squealed. Aim did not come so easily but Christian smirked, calling on his magic once more.

As he finally sank in, the head of his cock flaring, he poured his magic into Celeste's udders, making the gorgeous, pink mounds swell. Slowly, horn aching, he added an additional pair, pulling the teats up and out with more confidence after practicing with Nandag. The soft, fleshy udders squashed down slightly under the weight of gravity and he ached to take her teats between her lips, suckling each until Celeste squirmed and climaxed from that stimulation alone. He'd have that treat again - soon!

Slamming in, Christian snorted, a fierce half-grin tugging at his lips. Celeste groaned. Transformation magic was indeed a wonderful thing. With every thrust, her udders bounced and rocked, the light tension tugging her to greater heights of pleasure. Huffing, the mare rolled her head back and grunted with each and every one of her stallion's thrusts, letting him take her as he pleased. Her marehood squeezed around him as her udders rocked and she nickered, clit pulsing. It would not be long for her.

Enjoying his mare with her extra additions, Christian powered into her with the full force of a stallion in need, hooves scraping as he used his hindquarters to buck into Celeste. He could not drive in as powerfully as he wished to but it was more than enough to send the need in his loins rising quickly, whereas the mare beneath him twisted and squealed, enduring his thrusts as each and every one drove her towards an explosive orgasm. The angle, for her was perfect, and her head rolled back against the turf as she was bred, nostrils flared and eyes half-closed in sheer, unadulterated need.

Celeste climaxed quickly, squirting around his cock, and whinnied, the sound cutting off as she threw her head back, throat elongated and quivering. Christian nipped it lovingly, shuddering through his own climax as he emptied his balls, cock twitching and throbbing as if it suddenly had a life of its own. But it didn't seem like anything was going to slow his rampant string of breeding as Celeste, although tired, snatched another vial from her bag - too quickly for him to protest. She pushed it into the corner of his mouth and upended it with a twinkle in her eye, forcing the mixture down his throat. His softening cock jumped back to full mast and Christian groaned, ears flicking as he pulled out with a wet slurp of sexual juices, a messy creampie trickling over her lips as she winked and pushed out more of their mixed fluids, a creamy combination.

Christian dipped his head, taking advantage of the tired mare, and nuzzled Celeste's udders, marvelling at their softness. They jiggled gently as he lipped them and Celeste nickered, shivering as he drew her teats between his lips and suckled them in deep. Swirling his tongue around each in turn, he pushed into the giving flesh, finding each and every sensitive spot they had to reveal. It was knowledge to be used at a later date and soon Celeste was panting and groaning beneath him, sweat matting her coat like a filly driven to incoherency by her first breeding. Christian flicked his tongue over the tips of her teats, ears flicking to better enjoy her groans. But he could not please only his sweetheart, oh no.

While Celeste was spent, at least for the moment, he had three other mares lined up waiting for his attention. Madisyn, Marsaili, Alina and Aisling presented themselves side by side, tails flagged in the breeze. Christian froze, cock bobbing, as Celeste nickered, encouraging him on. But who to choose?

Well, they would all have to be bred one at a time, of course!

Bounding towards the speckled fleabitten grey Marsaili, Christian leapt heavily on to her back, hooves scrabbling in the dirt. She was bare of any jewellery and grunted softly as she took his weight, though made no complaint other than to spread her hooves apart to support him better for the mating that was to come. The mare rocked back into his thrusts, taking every inch as Christian let go of any inhibitions remaining, balls slapping as he thrust and thrust until his legs shook and another vial was suddenly between his lips, bidding him to drink and continue, always continue.

He took each mare in turn, admiring and manipulating their bodies with magic as he willed. It was especially pleasing, after he had mated several times and was finally taking Alina with the aid of Celeste's potions, to force magic into his shaft, making it grow. Alina snapped and stamped as his cock grew larger within her, words that he would never have thought fitting for a unicorn spilling dirtily from her lips. Snatching her mane up between his teeth, he hammered into her pussy, spreading her tightness, and filled her with every drop he could from his magically replenishing balls. He knew with an innate sense of smugness that Alina for certain would be sore come morning. He'd leave his mark within the squirting, moaning mare her like he would leave his foal.

Christian stood in a circle of mares, senses overcome with the scent of well bred unicorns, marehoods pointed towards him and winking, tugging up and down in that traditional, needy fashion. It was impossible to focus on any one for all were so beautiful to him. He spun on the spot, nostrils flared and pupils dilated. He had bred all of them, surely he had. But who was next? There had to be another mare in need of mating, there simply had to be. Christian looked desperately to Celeste and chuffed softly, wantonly. Celeste turned her rump to him and winked, marehood twitching and pulsing, a mess of semen and unicorn arousal. Yet she did not call him to mount her. Christian snorted and pawed the ground. He couldn't be done yet!

Breeding a Future - Chapter 5

**Loving a Unicorn** **Breeding a Future** **Chapter Five** _Written by Arian Mabe_ One filly remained. The youngest of the group - and one that Christian suspected had never before mated - hung back, her ears flicking uncertainly. Celeste...

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Breeding a Future - Chapter 3

Loving a Unicorn Chapter Three Breeding a Future Written by Arian Mabe "Christian? Why are you frightened?" The stallion's tail flicked as they walked through the gently curving hallways of their home - the castle on the edge of the unicorn...

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Breeding a Future - Chapter 2

Loving a Unicorn Breeding a Future Chapter Two Written by Arian Mabe Christian swallowed hard and looked straight ahead at the 'teacher', trying to ignore the stares and nickers of the younger fillies around him. Although the most curious of the...

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