The Bet and the Changing Room

Story by Kaydin on SoFurry

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#3 of Raver's World

Thank you all for showing interest in me and my friend's series. Sadly the person behind Brent's character has decided he doesn't want to continue in the fandom but has given me permission to continue the story. I did my best to impersonate his character, my apologies if I got anything wrong. With that being said have a good read and don't get that keyboard too sticky!

PLEASE rate and comment, especially if you have suggestions.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?" Jake yelled at DJ.

"Why making me breakfast of course! You know my stove is broken." DJ said with a stupid grin on his face and a cheek full of scrabbled eggs and bacon. He then started eyeing the naked couple. "Shower sex eh? Hot." His grin then changed more fiendish. DJ, just like Jake had all tan fur except DJ's hair was a dark blue. He was also a bit more broad and more masculine.

"I- Well- You- uh....-" Jake started to sputter.

"Yes indeedy DJ,' Brent quickly interrupted as he walked out behind Jake and towards DJ, 'Was really steamy." Brent leaned over the table and looked at DJ in the eyes and gave a wink. His fluffy tail swishing back in forth purposely giving Jake full view of his rear.

"You're pretty insatiable aren't you Brent? DJ grinned.

"I can be if I know what I want." Brent said as he pulled up a chair next to DJ and stared at him with dreamy eyes slowly moving his head closer to the otter.

DJ gulped down his food hard, his eyes rapidly switching between Jake and Brent. Jake walked over and sat across the table from the two eyeing his father, arms folded almost pouting.

"Well, ehem-' DJ cleared his throat and continuing their lips only mere inches apart, 'what is it exactly you want?"

Brent quickly grabbed DJ's plate piled high with food, got up and walked around the table. "Food of course!" Brent said as he sat down on Jake's lap. He leaned back and turned his head to look at Jake giving him a lick on his short muzzle, "Love you Jake."

"Hey, what? Wait!" DJ protested arms reached out towards the raccoon or the food; DJ didn't even know.

"Hmm? What? Do you know how many calories you burn during sex?" Brent rhetorically asked as he passed the fork to Jake with cheeks full of food.

DJ said nothing in reply just slammed his head on the table and groaned.

"Hey dad,' Jake said as he started shoveling in the eggs and bacon, 'think you could make more food?"

A muffled, "" is all the two heard as DJ still had his face on the table causing both Brent and Jake to giggle.

Suddenly there was a few hard knocks on the door. "Come in Mark." Jake, instantly knowing that knock, yelled with a mouth full of food. Brent quickly looked at Jake, wide eyed, and as the door opened Jake quickly realized both of them were naked.

"Hey boss, what did you-' Mark said as he opened the door but suddenly stopped as the words caught in his mouth at the sight of Jake and his friend. The green dragon stood their shocked taking up the whole door way being almost six and a half feet tall and almost 400 pounds of muscle. His eyes danced between the three, noticing two of them were naked as did his pants as they instantly started to tent.

"Problem there Mark?" DJ finally said breaking the awkward silence while noticing Mark's pants starting to tent.

"" Mark said having a hard time pulling his eyes away from the two naked furs in the room. Both of which were staring right back at the dragon. "Just need you to come and do stuff..." Mark said finally able to tear his eyes away from the couple and look at DJ.

"Stuff?" DJ looked at him with an annoyance. "How very descriptive of you..." He continued as he got up and headed towards the door. He expected the dragon to move but when he got up to him he didn't. Instead the dragon was, again, staring at the two naked furs. DJ reached out and lightly grabbed the dragon's tent.

Mark quickly jumped, startled, by the feeling. He looked at DJ who was already looking at him with a cat like grin and the two walked away closing the door behind them.

"Well that was..." Brent started but seemed at a loss for words

"The most awkward ten seconds of your life?" Jake continued.

"Well, I wouldn't say the most, but yeah something like that."

Jake laughed and soon Brent followed suite.


Several dirty dishes later and multiple conversations about their likes and dislikes, Breakfast was over.

"Man I'm stuffed." Brent said rubbing his furry belly.

"Whew, me too." Jake said leaning back in his chair. He then looked at clock on the stove, "14:00,' he said in a small yawn, 'I guess we better get dressed."

"Probably is a good idea except you ruined my shirt last night remember?"

"Oh yeah,' Jake said with a stupid smile on his face, 'I guess I'll loan you one of mine and we'll go shopping right now."

"I guess that would work, you were a size too small shirts any ways so should fit me perfectly."

Jake gave a small chuckle as he got up and stretched, "What can I say, I like the clingyness to them." Jake walked back into the room with the pool and the air mattress floating on top.

"Why do you have an air mattress in your pool any ways?" Brent asked curiously

"You mean my bed?"

"What do you mean your bed?"

"Well, I'm an otter, I like the water so that's where I sleep."

"Don't you ever fall off?"

"Not really, it's a queen size, so even you could fit on there." Jake said smiling.

"Oh joy...." Brent sarcastically muttered.

Jake walked up to a double door closet and opened both doors revealing several different racks. One for shirts, some casual, some party-isk, and a few dressy. Another rack had just shorts and pants. A small rack in the middle had a few hats and ties hung and underneath it all was several draws contains socks, underwear, and other miscellaneous things that couldn't really be hung up. "Free choice on what you want really. If you like it you can keep it." Jake said as he started to open the drawers to get socks and underwear.


Jake walked out into the main living room, Brent following him closely. "So, off to the mall?" Jake simply asked.

"Sure." Brent replied with a smile

"Well, alrighty then." Jake replied as he grabbed a small ring of keys off a hook next to the door. He quickly turned around and leaned in and kissed Brent holding his face with one of his hands.

Brent was glancing out at the city through the windows then turned back around to be surprised at Jake only an inch away from his muzzle leaning in for a kiss. He giggled as their lips made contact. After a few moments Jake broke the kiss, "What was that for?"

"I dunno, just felt like it's been to long." Jake said with a stupid dreamy grin on his face. He then turned and held the thick wooden door open, "Shall we?"

Brent walked through followed by Jake.

As they both walked through the hallway they both started hearing a rhythmic beat through the walls.

"You guys play techno this early in the day?" Brent asked Jake quizzically.

"Uhh, no. I don't know what that is, its not a song I've ever heard before. In fact we are closed today for a slight remodeling. Maybe my dad put some music on for the workers." Jake replied as he walked.

Finally they came to the door that would take them into the club. Jake opened it and took a step in as did Brent. The place looked completely different during the day, almost like a warehouse with no ceiling and all. The few walls they had weren't permanent and just bolted to the framework of the ceiling which made remodeling extremely easy.

The rhythmic banging against the wall was much more apparent now. Jack and Brent walked through the large building going from room to room. When they both heard other feint sounds.

"Is that..." Brent started then both Jake and Brent finished at the same time, "Moaning?"

As they went through the next room splattered in paint of all different collars they both could easily hear a growling sound along with a simple moan seemingly of pleasure. Both Jake and Brent turned the corner they both saw it. Mark was bend over a stage furiously masturbating while DJ pumped his otterhood in and out of the green dragons ass.

Jake looked over at Brent whose eyes seemed locked at the dragon's extremely long and thick member.

Jake leaned over and whispered in Brent's ear, "I told you he is large. I think my dad said last time he measured it was a good eighteen inches and he didn't say how thick but you can tell by just looking at him he is."

Brent said nothing in return just stared with his mouth open at the juicy dragon meat.

Jake groaned and grabbed Brent by the collar and started forcing him away.

"Hey wait stop!" Brent growled. Before Brent knew it he was outside and Jake was locking the door to the club behind them. "What's that matter with you, are you jealous or something?"

"Jealous? No. Why would I be jealous of Mark, nobody can really take his length." Jake said as he walked around the building to a closed garage.

"I bet I could!"

"Oh really? And what do I get if you lose?

"Well if I win you have to suck my dick, DJ's and Marks and swallow every last drop of seed until everybody is dry." Brent said with a grin.

Jake cursed himself for telling Brent he absolutely loathed sucking dick while the two talked about random things at breakfast. Jake was already nervous about the bet since he never liked sucking dick let alone three and not to mention that big dragon must cum buckets of cum by the time he is dry. He especially didn't like the taste of cum, was to salty for him.

"Yeah well, if you lose you have to get up on my stage and dance to a song naked!"

"Ha! Is that all? That'll be cake." Brent said trying to control his nervous voice.

"No, and if anybody throws a tip of $500 or more at you you'll have to get on your hands and knees and suck them off right then and there on stage! Also, there will be a sign out saying such."

"Doesn't even matter. I wont lose. And if you are pushing me that far then I'm going to say when I win and you lose. You suck off Mark after he has waited at least a week since his last ejaculation. Just to make sure he is his fullest for you." Brent said with a fiendish grin.

"It's a deal then?"

"Deal!" Brent tried to shout but his voice ended up cracking from the nervousness.

Jake grinned, "Well alrighty then." And with that, the otter turned around and unlocked the garage and waited for it to rise. As the door rose it slowly let the light in revealing a 1969 Chevy Camero in perfect condition.

Jake and Brent walked in to the garage when it finally opened. Brent leaned over and looked into the windows, "Nice ride."

"You a car fan?" Jake asked from off in the distance.

"No, not really I just know a nice car when I see it."

"Think fast!" Jake shouted

Brent quickly looked over to a black helmet being thrown at him. The Raccoon quickly dodged the helmet causing it to hit the ground with a crack and tumbled across the garage till it hit the wall with a loud crack. "Oh, sorry!" Brent quickly ran over, bent down and picked up the helmet revealing several deep scratches. "Jake I'm so sorry I scratched your helmet!"

Jake walked over and inspected the damage, "It's ok, it's not your fault." The otter said with a smile. Jake then quickly pushed the helmet down on Brent's head till it sunk in properly.

"Why do I need a helmet for a car?"

Jake laughed, "We aren't taking my dad's Camero. We are taking that!" Jake pointed over to a blue Kawasaki Ninja in the corner of the garage. Jake walked over putting his helmet on and mounted the bike. He quickly started it and rolled over to Brent. "Hop on."

"But I- It- We-" Brent studdered with a loss of words."

"Brent I love you. Trust me."

Brent gave a heavy sigh, "You're lucky you're cute." The raccoon slowly mounted the bike as if it would bite him at any minute. After his tail finally hit the seat he wrapped his arms around Jake's waist and hugged him tightly.

"Ohf." Jake gasped as two arms nearly squeezed the air out of him, "Comfy?"

Brent thought a moment and realized that he was actually comfortable. "Yes." He managed to squeak out.

"Good." Jake simply said and gave the bike a little gas and the two left as the door slowly closed behind them.


Some time later after walking through several stores and purchasing a few nicknaks here and there like towels, hygiene products, several platform games, maybe a dirty toy or two and of course pool toys.

"Sure that's enough cloths to try on?" Jake asked as they walked to the dressing room.

"Yes! Babe stop asking already,' Brent said with a giggle, ' you only ripped one of my shirts I only was going to get one. I don't need a whole new wardrobe." The raccoon opened the door to the changing room as Jake spoke.

"Alright,' Jake said with a smile, 'just trying to take care of you."

"I can take care of myself Jake I don't need you!" Brent quickly snapped back and shut the door.

Silence was all that was heard for what seemed like forever, Jake had a million thoughts running through his head of what he did wrong and how he could fix it all the while his heart sank. After a moment Jake began to walk away to clear his head.

Brent leaned against the door in silence until he heard a pair of footsteps slowly walk away. He angrily started to undress. With each article of clothing he shed he threw on the little bench in the room and felt more and more disgusted at himself for snapping like that when suddenly the door opened.

Jake quickly walked back almost teary eyed, opened Brent's door and quickly shut it behind him. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. They both stood there in silence not really looking at each other. Jake then looked up as he opened his mouth to speak just then Brent lurched forward and kissed Jake passionately.

The raccoon broke the kiss as he pulled back "I'm sorry." Brent whispered.

"Me too." Jake whispered back. The two then began to kiss passionately again. Their tongues swirled around in each other as their hands caressed each other. Jake quickly started undressing as he unbuckled his belt.

Brent started unbuttoning Jake's shirt as the continued their kiss. Within moments they were both naked. Brent bent over and leaned his chest against the wall doing his best to spread his ass for his love.

Jake watched Brent lean against the wall chest first and reveal his sweet little pucker to him. Jake aimed his already erect cock. He teased Brent with it and he rubbed his cock up and down the raccoon's love hole. After he heard Brent give a quiet pleasurable moan he placed his tip at the entrance to Brent's body.

Brent felt the otter's manhood poke at his puck and reached back to spread his cheeks even wider. Slowly he arced his back more sliding his chest down the wall causing his ass to push back and around Jake's awaiting dick. His ass slowly started to open as the otter's cock was being pushed in.

Jake slowly started to apply more pressure and pushed his hips forward. He could feel the raccoon's warmth as his cock penetrated deep and deeper into Brent. Slowly he pushed until he hilted in his love.

Brent gave another quiet moan as Jake hilted in him. He released his hold on his ass cheeks and braced himself better against the wall. Soon Jake began to pick up speed and soon after Jake was pounding into him.

Jake rammed his cock into the wanted raccoon as fast as he could doing his best not to make any smacking noising and give away what they were doing. He panted heavily and he slid in and out of the raccoon as did Brent. After a few moments Jake pulled out and sat down on the small bench as he whispered, "Come 'ere you."

Brent quickly stood up on the bench and straddled the otter. He slowly squatted down until he could feel the otter's cock at his entrance. The raccoon quickly squatted the rest of the way and began ridding Jake in the cowboy position.

Jake reached up and started stroking Brent's erect cock as he rode him as fast as he could. They both did their best to keep the noise down but every now and again they would let out a fairly loud moan.

Soon Brent started to pant erratically and very heavily as Jake continued to masturbate him. Suddenly he couldn't take it anymore. His body tingled and he clenched his ass as he started to empty balls as he came. Spurt after spurt of raccoon seed began to mat down Jake's fur as Brent moaned as quietly as he could.

Jake felt Brent's ass began to clench his cock and the feeling was just too overwhelming for him. Jake grabbed the raccoon's ass and forced Brent down onto himself. Instinctively Jake shoved his cock as far as it would go as he started to fill the raccoon's gut with his otter seed as he came.

Brent leaned forward and laid on Jake, the warmth of his cum and the afterglow between them as they both heavily panted.

"I love you." Jake said.

"I love you too." Brent replied.

The Shower Scene

This is a story me(playing Jake) and a friend(playing Brent) did over Windows Live Messenger, it's not perfect but a fun read. If you all like it we may continue..... This, at least for me, is my first furry/yiff story so be genital and please comment....

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The beginning

This is a story me(playing Jake) and a friend(playing Brent) did over Windows Live Messenger, it's not perfect but a fun read. If you all like it we may continue..... This, at least for me, is my first furry/yiff story so be genital and please comment....

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