A Little Goes a Long Way

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#14 of Kinktober 2016

Being with a lover much larger than you can be a problem, or it can be a lot of fun. It really just depends on how creative you are. :3

This story contains M/F sex between consenting adults, and is day #14's entry for Kinktober. Today's kink is Size Difference, and comes to you thanks to xlTangolx! :3

A Little Goes a Long Way

"Mmmh... ahh... yes... yes..."

When Tango woke up, the first thing he heard were Erna's gasps of insistent pleasure, and the first thing he saw was a tiny, silvery-grey scaled body bucking and squirming upon the bridge of his muzzle. The tiny female dragon was riding his face, humping the little white horn that emerged upward from the tip of the male's snout. With each time she flung her body down upon it, she gave a single breathy cry of pleasure, and a fresh trickle of her arousal ran down off the base of Tango's horn and down the length of his scaled maw. It was this moisture, this wetness streaming off his snout and down his cheeks where he had until recently been lying peacefully upon his back, that had roused the male. Not his familiar's moans. Not the sensation of her writhing upon his face, but the wetness against his own scales, and of course the scent. That sweet, rich, intoxicating nectar.

Erna gave a shrill cry as without a word Tango reached up, delicately pinched her winged arms together behind her back, and lifted the needy little morsel off his face. She kicked her legs, she thrashed, and her eyes glowed threateningly as she instinctively glared and growled down at the much larger male. Her anger only lasted a split-second though, and as soon as Erna realised what had happened and who was restraining her, her growling changed to a soft, pleading whimper.

"I... Tango, please... I... I need you..."

The larger dragon set her down upon his chest, peering calmly but curiously into his familiar's wide and rather uncharacteristically nervous eyes.

"I woke up earlier, f-feeling... feeling so strange. I had to... h-had to cum. So, I did. I... I touched myself. And, then I did it again. A-and again..."

Even now, from the way he could feel her legs and the clawed tips of her winged fingers twitching and kneading futilely against his scales, the look on her face and the tone of her voice, Tango could tell Erna was desperate to be pleasured. It was probably all she could do not to start grinding her body against his, whether or not there was any source of actual stimulation present like his horn.

"Erna. You've been through this before. You're in heat. You know I understand that. And you know that if you ask, I'll give you all that you need to get through it. Come on now. Just magic yourself bigger, roll on over... and I'll help."

Already, even as he spoke, Tango was peeling the sheets off his body and revealing his bare scaled form in its entirety. He could feel himself already aroused, pleasure-drunk from the scent of the female's arousal that he had been inhaling for goodness only knew how long while he was asleep. He waited for the dragoness to follow his lead. To grow herself into a larger and more manageable form, and to roll over so that he could take control of her urges before they got any more wild and silly. But she didn't. Instead she just kept on staring pleadingly up into his face, shivering and eventually shaking her head in apparent horror.

"I c-can't. I tried earlier. I thought I could... y-y'know, start, before you woke up. I crawled under the covers, I teased you until you were getting hard, a-and then... I tried to grow. But, I couldn't. I can't. Please, Tango. I... I need to cum again, but I can't grow, a-and that means I can't have you fuck me. What am I supposed to do? My heat, if I don't... if I can't be bred, it'll last for days. I can't feel this way for days. I have to cum. I have to find something to fit inside me, to make me cum. I'm sorry, Tango... p-please, just let me..."

She began to crawl up his chest, now definitely dragging her own torso and the needy lips of her pussy along his painfully smooth scales as she moved back towards the still glistening tip of the male's horn. Before she could even begin to unfurl her wings to lift herself up to his muzzle once again though, Tango growled tenderly and shook his head.

"I'm not letting you fuck my horn, Erna..."

A pleading wail escaped the little dragoness, but Tango just carried on, not finished what he had to say quite yet.

"...if you're stuck that way, and you need to cum, I'll help you as best I can. Now, do as I say this time... hop up onto the pillows here, and roll over."

Pulling himself upright, Tango patted the pillow from which his head had just risen as Erna slid back down his torso with yet another shrill whimper. She scampered over to it and immediately flopped down on her back, too desperate now to even consider trying anything other than what the male dragon was asking. Tango grinned. He had considered teasing her a little, making her wait considering that she had already somewhat teased him by apparently pleasuring him and humping his face while he slept. But, lying there squirming with her legs spread and her pussy's inner flesh so glistening and obviously needy, it was hard to consider how he could tease her without essentially teasing himself just as much.

Thus, he didn't.

He rolled back over onto his hands and knees and leaned forward, head looming over the pillow and his writhing familiar upon it. He opened his muzzle, extended his long, slick tongue, and flicked it across the opening of Erna's needy pussy.


She gave a brief, joyous cry, then another as he licked her again, and again.

"T-Tango! Oohhhhyes..."

It was when he stopped licking however, and pressed the tip of his tongue into the tight confines of her pussy that she gave a giddy, gurgling wail. Her wings reached forward, wrapping tenderly around his face as though she could possibly have held him there if he tried to withdraw. She needn't have worried though, because Tango had no intention of stopping. It may not have been his original plan on how he was going to spend the upcoming day, and possibly the one that followed. But truthfully, Erna had helped him out when his urges had gotten the best of him on more than one occasion in the past, and he was glad of a chance to be able to return the favour.

Besides... it wasn't like eating out the grey dragon's pussy was a chore. Indeed, even though it was more necessity than desire driving him to please her in this particular way, it was still something of a treat.

"Deeper. Oooohhh, yes... yes, Tango..."

Erna moaned giddily as the male's tongue wiggled within her, writhing and bucking up against his every motion. With her wings now covering his face though, and more importantly, his eyes, she was able to drop the look of frantic desperation. Sure, her moans were genuine. Her cries, and the juices gushing from her pussy were all real. But... the need? Well, in truth, it was more of a want.

Grinning to herself as she gave a shrieking roar of ecstasy, hot juices gushing out around the male's tongue which kept on going at her without even thinking of stopping for a rest, Erna wondered just how long she could keep this up. If Tango would realise that she wasn't actually in heat, or that even if she was, there was no way such a physical problem could interfere with her magic. Or maybe... maybe it would be her own body that would give her away, when in an hour, maybe two, she became so sore from overstimulation and repeated, back to back orgasms that she would have no choice but to give the game away.

Either way, lying in the shadow of the comparably vast dragon as he ate out her tiny pussy both delicately and with increasingly shameless passion now that her juices were flowing hotter and faster than ever, she fully intended to find out.

"More. Mmmmmhhh... more, Tango! Ah, yes... yessssss..."

Of course, Erna had a plan for when Tango's big old brain decided to start working, and inevitably her ruse was discovered. If Tango was angry with her... well, by the time that eventuality arose he'd hopefully be so worked up from feasting on her intoxicating juices, the promise of a tiny body wriggling and licking at his vast cock would be more than enough to ensure his forgiveness. And until then...

"Please. Ooohh please, yes... I'm... a-ahh! Tango. Don't stop! You're making me... ohhh god!"

By Jeeves

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