Shifting Consequences--Chapter 1: Magic Happens

Story by zmeydros on SoFurry

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#1 of Shifting Consequences

A high school student becomes able to transform into a dragon and affect some of his fellow students in a way that leads to a pleasurable encounter.

Shifting Consequences--Chapter 1: Magic Happens

By: Zmeydros AKA Lucien Quinn

zmeydros (Twitter), Malfedrosti (Mal Twitter),

Note: I use pronouns that reflect the gender the character believes (Him/her/hir)self to be. Furthermore, if another character is involved, he/shi/she will refer to the character using pronouns that reflect how they view the character.

The Chef's Surprise Zack is eating tastes like a mad scientist's attempt to make shepherds' pie. The mashed potatoes are lumpy, the hamburger tastes old, and the corn is not completely cooked. This meal is putting him in a bad mood.

Zack looks over at Anton, who actually appears to be enjoying his meal. "How can you eat this with a smile on your face?"

"Because I'm not a gourmet like you and I wasn't thinking about the foodâ€"I was thinking about Misha." Anton takes another bite.

"She has a boyfriend." Zack sets his fork down. He has eaten enough to survive until dinner.

Anton grins. "They broke up last night and I went over to her house to cheer her up. She cried on my shoulder for a half-hour. I am taking her shopping tomorrow."

An image of Misha naked flashes through Zack's mind. He taps his fingers on the table to distract himself. "Looks like all those times you proofread Misha's English papers are paying off."

"She is a pretty good writer; it wasn't thatâ€"" Anton is interrupted by a loud female voice.

"Zack, you are dead to me!"

Zack almost jumps out of his chair. He didn't notice Bella walking up to the table. "What did I do this time?"

"You slept with my best friend. And then you just dumped her." Bella's accusing finger is shaking. Her blonde hair is in a bun that has three chopsticks in it.

Zack looks at the palm of his right hand as he remembers fucking Shelly. Her breasts felt so good in his hands. "Yes I did." When Zack looks up he sees that Bella's face is flushed in anger. Until now she has always been happy with him. He was a great boyfriend to Shelly right up until the time he had sex with her.

"You sick bastard. Why did you break up with her after just fucking her once?" Bella's finger has been withdrawn and her arms are crossed.

Anger wells up in Zack. "None of your business."

"Either tell me or I'm going to do something to you that will ensure you become the animal I know you are. You think it is fun to use sex to control people. How would you feel if you had no control for a change?" Bella takes the chopsticks out of her hair and lets it fall to her shoulders.

With her hair down Bella is actually quite attractive. Zack looks at her fine-featured face and then into her anger-filled eyes. The reason for his breaking up with Shelly surfaces. After they had sex Shelly told him that she wanted to run away with him. He dumped Shelly because he was afraid of running away from his family and all his friends. Maybe he could work it out with her, but it still was none of Bella's business. "This is between me and Shelly. Please don't get involved. And what is with your weird threat?"

"I am involved and now you will pay the price for crossing my best friend." Bella starts to build something with the chopsticks.

The chopsticks are fusing together in Bella's hands to make a long ornate stick. Zack feels a tinge of fear in the back of his mind. Once the last chopstick is fused to the end Bella starts to wave it in intricate patterns and faintly glowing strands of light start to weave together in front of Bella's wand. Zack tries to sit up, but Bella holds up her free hand and suddenly he can't move. He is stuck somewhere between sitting and standing up. His eyes are fixed on Bella.

Other people in the lunchroom are fleeing as the web of glowing colors and shapes forms in front of Bella. Zack is terrified and experiencing beauty. Bella's casting is the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. Hope wells up in Zack when he sees Anton suddenly dash at Bella. Anton falls to the floor paralyzed. The shapes and colors in front of Bella start moving.

Bella starts to chant. "Zeta om tella cors bel nok toursk icel mei toursk vencha allsHIEL!"

The beauty in front of Bella flies into Zack and knocks him onto the floor. He feels his body quiver as he lies helpless on the ugly yellowish-brown cafeteria tiles. He can see Bella's look of accomplishment out of the corner of his eye. How can she be happy about downing a completely helpless opponent? Determination wells up within him. As he tries to regain control over his body he hears an extremely loud voice.

Bella looks surprised when the extremely loud voice says, "You are not worthy to cast a spell so great. You will pay with your life for this transgression." A shimmering transparent hand reaches out of a crack in reality and Bella screams as she is pulled out of existence.

Zack's paralysis ends, but the strange feelings in his body continue. He feels his face burn and then he sees his nose get pushed out as scales grow on it. Pain in his jaws is followed by pleasure that almost makes up for the pain. He feels something push at the base of his spine and then a numb tingling sensation on his tailbone. Pain shoots through him as he hears his pants rip. Then a flood of pleasure hits him as his new tail thrashes behind him. The pain moves to his head as he feels something push out of his skull. Do I have horns? A feeling of ecstasy coming from his crotch interrupts his thoughts. The changes down there have no pain associated with them. He unbuckles his pants to investigate the source of his rapture.

He looks down at his penis and feels fear rush through him as he sees it go through an array of changes. For a moment it looks like a dog penis, then a horse penis, then some he doesn't recognize. After those changes his penis and balls gets smaller until they are gone. Then a vagina starts to form and he feels pressure on his chest. The buttons on his shirt start popping off as his breasts grow to D-cup size. He touches one of his scaled breasts. It feels firm and young. Then his breasts recede. He moans as pleasure returns to his crotch. His balls return and a sheath forms above them. Carefully he lifts his ball sack to see if he still has a vagina. It is gone.

The pleasure that is coursing through his body starts to fade. His entire muzzle burns as the scales on it disappear and it shortens. Then the burning moves to his tailâ€"he watches it get smaller and smaller until it is gone. When he looks at his hands and arms he no longer sees scales on them. He is human again. Was all of that for nothing? Is that it? Zack hopes so.

Does he still have a sheath? Upon inspection Zack finds that he does indeed have a sheath. One that looks a bit big for his size, and his balls are twice as big as they were before the change. What the hell is going on? For a while he was an anthropomorphic dragon. Anthropomorphic animals are from dreams and old folklore. They are not realâ€"has this ever happened to anyone else? Well, right now he is human again for the most part except for his crotch, which would get someone's attention if they saw it.

His body feels great, like he just finished working out. He looks at his chest. Since when did he have a perfect six pack? After two years of going to the gym twice a week he was never able to get a six pack. His arms and legs are buff, but not bodybuilder buff. Like a swimmer's body: enough muscle to be useful, but not so much that it is hard to move. The cafeteria floor is pretty hard. He moves his legs to make sure he is not suffering any ill effects from his transformation. Good, no problems.

He stands up and looks at his shirt. It is ruined. Half of the buttons are missing. He shakes his head and then picks up his pants. His tail completely demolished the back of his pants and his boxers when it came out. His shoes look like they have been mauled by a dog. Did his feet change too? He was probably too distracted by the other changes to notice. Should he go to the nurse's office? First he needs to get some clothes on. His gym clothes would work.

The cafeteria is still empty. Zack doubts anyone would want to come back after what happened. Some people are probably having psychological crises, but Zack isn't; he just wants to get on with his day. If something supernatural did indeed happen, what is he going to do about it? There is nothing he can do right now other than make sure he is clothed.

Covering his privates with his demolished pants, Zack runs down the hall to the locker room. Normally Zack wouldn't care that his high school has a convenient floor layout that puts the locker rooms and gym area down the hall from the cafeteria, but today he is very grateful. The speed at which Zack is running is faster than he has ever run... Faster than he has ever seen anyone at his school run. He stops at the locker room door.

The locker room is empty and Zack wastes no time getting to his locker. He picks up his gym clothes and smells them. They are only slightly odorous. Zack frowns. He has no replacement for his boxers and he will just have to wear his well-ventilated gym shorts without anything under themâ€"something he has never done.

After putting on his gym clothes he takes his stuff out of his now useless jeans and puts it into the pockets on his gym shorts. He closes his locker and then tosses his destroyed clothing into the trash can. The clock in the locker room says that he is very late for class, but he doesn't care. He has no shoes and he needs to go to the office or he will probably get sent there. Not wearing shoes is against the rules. Should he stop at the nurse's office? No, what can she possibly do for him? Having her examine his penis would be very awkward and she most likely would have no idea about what has happened to him.

Again he starts running at his incredible pace and when he pushes the locker room door open it flies open and comes off of its hinges. Zack stops and shakes his head. This is too surreal. He looks at cracks in the wood where he pushed on the door. I did that? The sound of someone running down the hall interrupts his moment of disbelief. When he looks at the person he frowns. A hall monitor. Zack feels a slight headache coming on.

This hall monitor is a short guy with 80's style glasses and long frizzy hair. "Why are you not in class and what did you do to that door?"

"I can't explaâ€"Ouch!" The headache is getting much worse; Zack rubs his temples.

"Are you ok?" The hall monitor's look of concern is almost patronizing.

"I am not sure." The headache is not as bad now, but Zack's hand feels itchy. It has some green scales on it.

The hall monitor looks at Zack's hand. "That looks bad. Let's go to the nurse's office." He starts walking down the hall.

Zack just nods and follows the hall monitor. By the time he gets to the nurse's office his hand is almost back to normal. The office is all white and there is a bed in the corner. What a dismal roomâ€"there aren't even any motivational posters on the wall. A stunning Hispanic female is sitting behind the all-white nurse's desk. She has a tight yellow blouse on that shows off her above-average breasts. Her dark eyes stare into Zack's as she stands up.

The hall monitor walks over to the woman. "Marta, where is the nurse?"

"She took a late lunch. I am covering for her." Marta looks at the hall monitor for a moment before she looks at Zack again. She has seen Zack around, but there is something about him today that she finds very sexy.

"Well, I have to go make my rounds. Take care of this student and then have him report to the principal's office. I'm leaving a note with the principal." The hall monitor doesn't even wait for Marta to respond before he walks out the door.

"So what brings you here, sexy?" Marta walks over to Zack.

Sexy? That is a bit forward. Zack can see lust in Marta's eyes. "Um, my name is Zack and it is really hard to explain. My body changed after lunch. See these scales on my hand?" He feels another headache coming on.

The green scales on Zack's hand are very pretty. Marta takes his hand and brings it up in front of her face. The feeling of his hand makes her crotch feel warm. Something is in the air, she takes a deep sniffâ€"she feels extremely horny. She takes one of his fingers into her mouth. Her clitoris twitches when she sucks on his finger. This is intense. She releases his hand. "I think I should close the door to give you some privacy."

The feeling of having his finger sucked on is very erotic. His headache starts to clear and soon lust is all that he feels. The scales on his hand are spreading, but he doesn't care. He licks his lips as he looks at Marta's dark gray miniskirt. He wants to show her the other place on his body that changed. "Marta, I think you should also see what happened to my genitals. They changed too."

After closing the door Marta walks over and kisses Zack on the cheek. Then she pulls down Zack's gym shorts. Kinky, he isn't wearing anything under them. She has never seen a guy with a sheath before. His balls are big too. The head of his penis is sticking out and there is pre on it. Marta smiles to herself and then she licks the pre off of the end. Zack's moan is almost as enticing as the taste. It tastes so salty and so sweet. Now she is even more horny. She pulls off her blouse, takes off her bra, and then she starts to suckle on the tip of Zack's penis.

This is exactly what Zack needs. He can feel his penis emerging from his sheath. The sensation is very pleasing. The burning on his face and tailbone returns. Marta's treatment of his now fully erect shaft drowns out the pain he is feeling. The yellow scales on his torso and the insides of his legs remind him of the ones on the underside of a snake. His fingernails are more like claws. The pleasure from his changes hits him and he shoots more pre into Marta's mouth.

Something about her mouth feels different; her tongue is rougher and her teeth are sharper... When he looks down at her he gasps. Her mouth is pushing out into a feline snout and her ears are moving up while they turn into feline ears. He would be upset by these changes, but he is having such a good time. Marta's feline tongue feels so good as it works his penis. Zack uses his tail to poke at Marta's crotch and she growls in pleasure. She looks like a mix between a human and a tiger. Her fur is beginning to come out. The stripes look very good on her.

Marta feels her panties getting tighter and tighter, but she doesn't want to take Zack's penis out of her mouth. It has these wonderful bumps that tickle the inside of her mouth. Her skin itches, but she doesn't mind because she feels so much pleasure coursing through her as each change takes place. She feels a furry breast with one paw. It is a bit bigger than she remembers it being. Then she feels something rip a hole in her panties. Her tail moves back and forth as she thrusts her mouth upon Zack's penis. She looks at one of her arms in between thrusts. The tiger-striped fur on her arm looks beautiful. Tigers are her favorite animal and now she is part tiger. This is wonderfulâ€"she can't wait to see what she looks like in a mirror.

The pleasure coming from Zack's penis intensifies and he starts to thrust into Marta's mouth. He can feel an orgasm approaching. Zack is panting and moaning in ecstasy. Marta seems to sense how close he is and increases the pace as she uses her tongue more. This sends Zack over the edge. He tries to stifle his cries of passion and only slightly succeeds. Ropes of his thick cum are pumped into Marta's mouth.

The taste of Zack's cum is almost addictive. Marta drinks it greedily. Then she releases Zack's penis and stands up. She takes off her bra, skirt and panties. Then she kisses Zack deeply. His draconic tongue enters her mouth and plays with her tongue. This is the best kiss she has ever had.

Marta's rough tongue feels very neat against Zack's long tongue and her whiskers tickle his snout in a delightful way. The feeling of her cold feline nose as it rubs on his snout is very stimulating. When she starts to purr into the kiss Zack grabs her head with his hands. He has never enjoyed a kiss this much.

After breaking the kiss, Marta starts walking over the the bed and takes a moment to look at herself in the mirror. She is stunning in this form. Her green eyes and orange fur look great together. Her front has pristine white fur and her wavy shoulder-length black hair looks good against the striped orange of her head fur. Time to test this body out. Marta walks over to the bed and lies on her back with her legs dangling over the end. This bed is the perfect height for what she has in mind. "Zack, I want to feel your penis inside me. It felt really good in my mouth and it looks like you can go again."

There is no question in Zack's mind about what he is going to do next. Words are beyond him. He wants to cum inside of this beautiful tigress. What is so special about his penis that has Marta all excited? He looks down at his nine-inch penis. It looks like a cross between a human penis and a feline penis. Those little bumps look like they would feel really good. His attention switches to Marta, whose tiger-striped body is practically quivering with need. Her ample breasts look so touchable. Zack walks over to the bed and positions himself between Marta's legs.

For some inexplicable reason Zack gets the feeling that he should take this slow even though he can barely wait to get inside Marta. He puts his hand on one of her breasts and licks the other with his long tongue. She moans as he takes the nipple into his mouth and suckles at it softly. Then he does the same to the other breast. As he kisses Marta passionately he presses the head of his penis against her wet pussy. He thumbs one of her nipples with one hand as he grabs her other breastâ€"it feels so good in his hand. Her fur is so soft and smooth. When Marta starts to moan loudly he pushes the first couple inches of himself into her.

Marta tries to contain her gasp of pleasure. As Zack's cock enters her she feels pleasure shooting up her spine. When he is halfway in she hooks her legs around him and pulls him all the way into her. She claws at the covers in ecstasy. The little bumps on his penis are amazing. It feels as though his penis was made for her. It is touching all the right places. She looks into his eyes and smiles.

Looking down at Marta's smiling face, Zack feels joy well up in him. She wants this just as much as he does. He leans back up, grabs her legs and starts to thrust into her. His transformed body feels so good and natural right nowâ€"the cries of passion from Marta are beautiful. Each thrust causes him to moan and when he hilts himself within her he feels her cunt clamp down on him as if it doesn't want him to pull out. He is taking this slow even though he feels so lustful that he wants to fuck her hard. Somehow he can sense that Marta wants to savor each thrust. He closes his eyes and focuses on the sensations he is feeling. Each wet smack of his balls against her, each wave of passion he feels when he hilts himself within her, the way her fur feels against his scales, and the feeling of her tail as it undulates against his legs.

A tear falls down Marta's cheek. This dragon is not just fucking her, he is making love. His movements are tender and full of life. The flashes of pleasure she is feeling are getting stronger. She feels Zack increase the pace.

Just outside the door to the nurse's office, John likes what he is hearing. He has followed a faint irresistible scent down the hallway to this door and he is about to see who the moans he is hearing are coming from. He puts his hand on the handle. Please don't be locked. The handle turns with no resistance and John opens the door slowly.

The sound of a door opening sends a cold chill down Marta's spine, but the chill is quickly overcome by the warmth of Zack's penis. Let the interloper watch. He or she will see that Marta has a prize fuck. She can worry about indecency after she cums.

John quickly closes the door. This can't be happening. For years John has daydreamed about finding real furries going at it, even though he knows full well that there is no such thing as a real furry. How did he miss the fact that a dragon and a tigress were at his high school? The clothes on the floor look exactly like the clothes that Marta was wearing earlier today. Is that tigress really Marta? "Marta? What the hell is going on? Since when could you turn into a tiger babe?" An uncontrollable urge to fuck surfaces in John. He starts to get undressed.

Zack doesn't care about the man who just entered the room, he just wants to cum inside of Marta. He leans down and kisses the stripes on Marta's stomach, then he kisses her breasts before he kisses her lips.

The man that entered the room is familiar. Marta tries to think in between Zack's thrusts. It is John. She can worry about this later. Warmth is building at the base of her spine.

Something stirs in Zack. His chest burns slightly and he can see his breasts forming, then he feels a burning behind his balls. Is his vagina coming back while he still has a penis and balls? The pleasure from his changes hits him and he starts thrusting faster. His pace is still not that fast, but it feels really good.

A feeling of complete disbelief hits John as he watches the dragon turn into a herm. His erection is so hard that it is throbbing with need. Herms are awesome, and now he can fuck one of them while shi fucks one of the hottest teacher's aides in the school, who has somehow become a tiger babe. John dashes into position behind Zack. He is about to do something he never dreamed possible.

Suddenly Zack feels a penis enter his well-lubricated vagina and a wave of pleasure hits him. The penis starts thrusting in time with his thrusts. Feeling sensations from both his cock and his cunt is simply wonderful. He looks down at his breasts and watches them sway with each thrust. This is turning him on even more. The penis inside him is changing.

The pleasure Marta is feeling clogs her mind, but she does notice that Zack now has breasts. They are larger than hers. She watches them sway each time Zack thrusts into her; it is hypnotic. So that is why men stare at her breasts during sex.

Having sex with a herm is so hot. John can feel himself changing. His penis is getting longer and a knot is forming. The pleasure he is getting from the amazingly tight vagina he is thrusting into is masking the burning sensation from his changes. His arms are starting to grow fur and his fingernails are turning into claws. This is crazy; he doesn't have any idea why it's happening, but it's awesome. As his ears move up and his face forms into a muzzle he can feel a tail sprouting from his tailbone. So this is what it feels like to be a werewolf. Now that his changes have finished he can concentrate on giving this herm the fuck of hir life. John grabs the herm in front of him and starts to thrust hard. Hir scales are so smooth. He reaches up and grabs hir breasts. They feel pert even though they are big. The moans he is getting from hir as he fondles them egg him on.

A flurry of pleasure is hitting Zack. He doesn't know how much longer he can hold on to his seed. Each time the knotted penis thrusts into him his vagina clenches around it as pleasure erupts within him. Having his breasts fondled is truly a great experience. Marta's vagina is starting to undulate in ways that he finds almost unbearably pleasurable.

"I amâ€"oohâ€"getting close... Giveâ€"aaahâ€"it to me harder." Marta feels Zack hold her legs more firmly and then she growls in passion when her wish is granted. The balance within her tips and a powerful explosion of pleasure causes her to shake as she growls and moans in passion.

Zack smiles as he sees Marta writhe in pleasure. The muscles in her vagina are going wild. A hot spike of pleasure hits Zack and he cries out. The canine penis inside of him starts to fuck him harder and suddenly he feels two distinct overwhelming waves of pleasure wash over him. He starts to fill Marta with his thick cum as his vagina clamps down on the penis within him. He starts to shake with pleasure when the canine behind him bites his neck, buries his knot inside his quivering vagina and delivers his seed.

John can't hold back any longer. He thrusts into the dragon as hard as he can and shoves his knot into hir, then he bites hir. He howls in pleasure as his seed is pumped into hir. This orgasm is causing him to see stars... He is tied to his mate.

For a time Marta just lies there feeling Zack's warmth within her and enjoying the feeling of her changed body. Now that she is sexually satisfied her mind is able to reflect on the consequences of what has happened. Will she go back to being human? If she doesn't, what will happen to her? This feels so good. She has always liked tigers, but she never thought she would become part tiger. This situation is just too weird for her to get her head around. Zack's penis is retreating.

Draconic lips meet hers as Zack pulls out of her. Marta can feel the combination of his and her juices leaking out of her. When the kiss ends Marta immediately sits up and starts to clean Zack's penis as it slowly goes back into its sheath. Her afterglow has left her with a warm satisfied feeling.

It is nice to have such a thoughtful sex partner. Zack smiles down at Marta. "That feelsss good. When you are done I'll clean you up." He is not used to talking in this form. His long tongue is hampering his efforts.

Being tied is the best afterglow John has ever experienced. He is physically connected to his mate. Werewolves have it madeâ€"he doesn't even know the name of the person he is tied to. Something about that fact is kinky. He has never let himself get into a situation like this before. This is fun. How long is he going to be stuck like this?

Now that Marta is done cleaning Zack up, she is lying back on the bed offering her cunt for cleaning. Zack moves carefully. He has never had a canine penis lodged in him before. As he moves his head closer to Marta's crotch he takes a deep sniff. His own scent and hers dance through his head as he starts to lap up the remains of their lovemaking. She tastes a bit like fresh grapes with salt on them, and his cum tastes vaguely like limeade. Marta squirms as he cleans her.

Once he has taken care of her, an unanswered question gets his attention. What does the owner of the canine penis look like? Zack turns his head to look behind him and is pleasantly surprised by the attractiveness of the human-wolf hybrid. His eyes are light blue and his ears are raised in curiosity.

The herm's face is gorgeous. John smiles to himselfâ€"dragons are awesome. Hir reddish-brown eyes are full of joy and the two black horns on hir scaly head are glistening in the fluorescent light. John is speechless for a moment. "Since I am stuck inside you I think I should know your name. My name is John." Talking with a wolf snout feels a bit clumsy.

Marta sits up and looks at the wolf behind Zack. That is John? He looks beautiful. She moves over to see why he is still right behind Zack. She can barely believe what she sees. Since when did Zack have a vagina? This is very strange, but it is also kind of cool, especially because it looks like Zack and John are tied like dogs. Then she takes a long look at Zack's breasts before she moves closer to them and starts to fondle them. They are really fun to play with. She licks a nipple with her feline tongue.

"Ooohâ€"my name is Zack, but somehow I don't think that name fitss me when I am in thiss form. I'll have to think of a new name... Thankss for giving me my bessst orgasm ever." Zack's draconic tongue is still a bit clumsy at human speech.

Laughter hits John when he hears Zack's difficulty with the ‘s' sound. His laughter is shaking his knot within Zack, which feels both weird and kinky.

Both Marta and Zack start laughing.

This is the greatest sexual experience of Zack's life. He has pleased two lovers. As his laughter subsides he looks into Marta's eyes and then John's eyes. "You two were great. I don't know what has happened to us, but I enjoyed the resssult quite a bit. I wonder if these forms are permanent."

John hugs Zack. "I love this form, but I can't help thinking of how different my life would be if I stayed like this. I'm not sure you are the reason I changed, but thanks for everything. You fulfilled two of my deepest desires and your cunt was just perfect."

"I feel the same way. You made love to me the exact way I fantasized it. My previous boyfriend always liked it rough and I have been longing to have a tender fuck for quite a while..." Marta feels an itching sensation on her skin and looks at her arm. "Look, my fur is getting shorter and my muzzle feels like it is changing." She is relieved. She was hoping that the animal inside her was not here to stayâ€"ending up in a lab somewhere is not her idea of fun.

Zack and John watch Marta change back into human form. She is very good-looking as a human. Then John feels that his knot is getting smaller. He was wondering if he was going to have to lie on the bed with Zack for a half-hour or something. Eventually he pulls himself out of Zack and is surprised by the popping sound it makes. His sperm spills onto the floor. He decides to clean his lover and laps at hir cunt with his canine tongue. The musky mixture of tastes and smells is very pleasing.

The feeling of John's tongue is very welcome on Zack's sopping cunt. Little arcs of pleasure shoot up his spine each time John's tongue touches his clit. His afterglow is even stronger now. Zack wraps his tail around John's arm and pulls him closer. John laughs and then pushes the tip of his nose into Zack, who moans softly and then releases John's arm. When John finishes cleaning him Zack turns around and kisses John. He can taste the tangy mixture of his and John's fluids as he plays with John's tongue. When he breaks the kiss he sees John become distracted by Marta's naked body. Zack smirks to himself and quickly gets in position to suckle John's retreating cock.

"Whoa, I thought about you naked before, but I never imagined you looked thatâ€"aaaaahhâ€"gorgeous." John's mouth is hanging open. Watching Marta transform is really cool. Zack's tongue feels really good on his cock.

John's cock is clean nowâ€"Zack turns his attention to Marta, whose fur is almost completely gone. Her ears are no longer cat-like and her hands look mostly like human hands. She still has a cute feline nose though. "I have to agree. You are gorgeousss." Zack picks up Marta's clothes and holds them out for her to grab. "You can fit back into your clothess now."

"Thank you both for the kind compliment. I am going to get dressed now, so take one last look." Marta feels so sexy and free. In the mirror she can see that she has no feline attributes. It is for the better, but she misses her tiger stripes. She turns to give her audience a once-over. After grabbing her clothes from Zack's scaly hands she starts to put them on. She smiles at Zack and notices that his/hir? breasts are shrinking.

A familiar burning sensation has returned to Zack's body. The scales on his hands are slowly disappearing. He concentrates on the sensation of his transformation. It feels less painful this time. He watches his tail shrink and frowns. He is just getting used to having a tail, can't he keep it?

Logical thought has returned to Marta. She grabs some paper towels from the bathroom and wipes up the floor. Then she starts to remake the bed. She is going to take the dirty sheets home with her. She is a teacher's assistant, after all, and if someone found out she has had sex with a student she would be in big trouble no matter what the circumstances were. Next time she has sex with Zack she will have to do it somewhere less conspicuous. She wants to have sex with Zack again? Being part tiger was more enjoyable than she would have ever imagined. She never would have gone out of her way to become part tiger, even though she has thought about it from time to time and her favorite online avatar is a tigress. Now that she knows how it feels, she wants to do it again no matter how weird it is. Zack's breasts are smaller than they were a moment ago.

John can feel a slight itching on his skin. His fur is disappearing slowlyâ€"when will he get to be a wolf again? It was fun while it lasted. He looks at Zack, who is almost completely human now. That is weird to think about. He just fucked a guy who transformed into a herm dragon. Does that make him gay? Who cares. It was the best sex he has ever had. "So Zack, do you know how I can become a wolf again?"

"Nope, I'm not even sure about what causes me to transform. Let's exchange cell numbers so that we can keep in touch." Zack reaches into his pants and gets his cell phone.

After Marta and John are ready with their cellphones they all exchange numbers.

"Good, let's keep in touch. We may need each other's help, we are freaks after all." Marta puts her cellphone away. She feels a bit nervous about the fact that she can transform into a tiger. This is so far outside any experience she has ever had.

As John puts away his cellphone and he notices something odd. "Zack, your penis hasn't changed back to normal and your ears are slightly pointed."

Putting on clothes is Zack's top priority. John has reminded him that if someone were to walk in the room right now they would be surprised by his sheath. He puts on his gym shorts while he answers John's question. "I didn't know my ears were a bit pointy, but my penis has been like this ever since Bella cast a spell on me. I have no idea what spell it was and I had never seen magic before. I'm still getting over the fact that a hand reached out and took her away when she was done casting the spell."

"No way. I figured that some biotechnological experiment was the reason for our transformations." Marta shakes her head.

"Cool. I always wondered if there was any truth in all those stories about the supernatural. I heard that something crazy happened in the lunchroom today. Were you the guy that got paralyzed?" John starts putting on his clothes.

"Yeah, I was that guy." Zack is dressed now. "I need to go to the office."

"I think the police are looking for you. Someone called 911 about the incident in the cafeteria." John puts on his shirt.

Zack sighs. "I will let them find me. I didn't do anything wrong."

Marta hugs Zack from behind. "You most certainly did not. I feel better than I have felt in years. Try to stay out of trouble until we meet again." She releases him.

"I'll try." Zack walks toward the door.

John clasps Zack on the shoulder. "Good luck."